HA1980/01/0280-1 ANAHEIM HOUSING AUTHORITY January 2, 1980, 1:00 P.M. Council Chamber Anaheim City Hall PRESENT: AUTHORITY MEMBERS: Overholt, Kaywood, Bay, Roth and Seymour ABSENT: AUTHORITY MEMBERS: None PRESENT: CITY MANAGER: William 0. Talley CITY ATTORNEY; William P. Hopkins SECRETARY: Linda D. Roberts EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR: Norman J. Priest HOUSING MANAGER: Lisa Stipkovich Chairman Seymour called the regular meeting of the Anaheim Housing Authority to order at 1:16 P.M. MINUTES: On motion by Mrs. Kaywood, seconded by Mr. Roth, minutes of the Anaheim Housing Authority regular meeting held December 26, 1979, were approved. MOTION CARRIED. FINANCIAL DEMANDS AGAINST THE ANAHEIM HOUSING AUTHORITY in the amount of $282.89, in accordance with the 1979-80 Budget, were approved. 177: BUDGET HUD SECTION 8 MODERATE REHABILITATION UNITS• On report and recommendation by moved that the budget for 114 Units be approved. Mr. Roth the Executive Director, Mrs. Kaywood HUD Section 8 Moderate Rehabilitation seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. 177.123: AGREEMENT FOR BIENNIAL AUDIT FISCAL YEARS 1978 AND 1979 ALEXANDER GRANT AND COMPANY): The Executive Director reported on four proposals received for performance of the Housing Authority's Biennial Audit for the fiscal years 1978 and 1979, recommending approval of an agreement with Alexander Grant and Company. In response to question by Authority Member Roth, Mr. Priest advised that the four proposals received were evaluated from the perspective of cost, experience with housing authorities, and location of the firms for ready availability. The recommended firm, although they did not submit the low quotation for the audit, had experience with a number of housing authorities and, in fact, had conducted the most recent audit of the City's HUD Section 8 funding. Mr. Roth expressed the opinion that the firm which submitted the lowest quotation appeared to be well-qualified and should be allowed the opportunity to perform the audit. 80-2 ANAHEIM HOUSING AUTHORITY, JANUARY 2, 1980, 1:00 P.M. In reply to question by Mr. Seymour, Mr. Priest pointed out that the Federal Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) would review the completed audit and if the Alexander Grant Company were the contractor, they would be dealing with an experienced firm whose work was familiar to them. Mr. Seymour noted that the audit would be done for the Federal government which would be paying for it through the City's use of Federal funding, and although there was a $1,400 difference between the low quotation and the one from the recommended firm, he felt the expertise of the more experienced Grant Company would insure the impeccability of the Housing Authority's audit. Mr. Roth expressed the opinion that new firms were making an attempt to enter the fields of housing, air quality, etc., and that he would be satisfied to contract with the low bidder for the audit. Mr. Seymour offered Resolution No. AHA80-1 for adoption. Refer to Resolution Book. RESOLUTION N0. AHA80-l: A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM HOUSING AUTHORITY APPROVING THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF AN AGREEMENT WITH ALEXANDER GRANT & COMPANY AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO EXECUTE SAID AGREEMENT. ($4,500) Roll call vote: AYES: AUTHORITY MEMBERS: Overholt, Kaywood, Bay and Seymour NOES: AUTHORITY MEMBERS: Roth ABSENT: AUTHORITY MEMBERS: None Chairman Seymour declared Resolution No. AHA80-1 duly passed and adopted. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business to come before the Anaheim Housing Authority, Mrs. Kaywood moved to adjourn. Mr. Bay seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURNED: 1:25 P.M. LINDA D. ROBERTS, SECRETARY