Minutes-PC 2000/07/31I•
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AOUNDED ~ay1 ~
MORNING SESSION: Chairperson Pro-Tempore Vanderbilt called the Morning
Session to order 11:00 a.m. in the Council Chamber.
11:00 A.M. • Presentation on the Preliminary Brookhurst Corridor Action
• Staff update to Commission of various City
developments and issues (as requested by Planning
• Preliminary Plan Review
Assistant City Attorney
Deputy Planning Director
Zoning Division Manager
Senior Planner
Senior Code Enforcement Officer
Principal Transportation Planner
Associate Civil Engineer
Planning Commission Secretary
Senior Secretary
The Pledge Allegiance was led by Commissioner Boydstun.
Arnold, Boydstun, Brisfiol, Napoles, Vanderbilt
Bostwick, Koos
Selma Mann
Mary McCloskey
Greg Hastings
Greg McCafferty
Don Yourstone
Alfred Yalda
Melanie Adams
Margarita Solorio
Ossie Edmundson
AGENDA POSTING: A complete copy of the Planning Commission Agenda was posted at
10:30 a.m. on Wednesday, July 26, 2000, inside the display case located in the foyer of the
Council Chambers, and also in the outside display kiosk.
PUBLISHED: Anaheim Bulletin Newspaper on Thursday, July 6, 2000.
planninqcommission(c~anaheim. net
1:30 P.M
Chairperson Pro-Tempore Vanderbilt called the Public
Hearing to order at 1:30 p.m. in the Council Chamber and
welcomed those in attendance.
• Public Hearing Testimony
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JULY 31, 2000
Project Planner: vn
2000-04249) - REQUEST FOR TERMINATION: Vicorp
Restaurants, Attn: Joseph Trungale, 400 West 48th Avenue, (Vote: 5-0,
Denver, CO 80216, request for termination of Conditional Use Commissioners
Permit No. 1011. Property is located at 2110 South Harbor Bostwick and Koos
Boulevard. absent)
Greg McCafferty, Senior Planner, introduced this item stating it is a request for a termination. Staff
is recommending that Conditional Use Permit No. 1011 be terminated.
ACTION: Commissioner Bristol offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner
Napoles and MOTION CARRIED (Commissioners Arnold and Boydstun
abstained and Commissioners Bostwick and Koos absent), that the Anaheim
City Planning Commission does hereby approve the minutes for the Planning
Commission meeting of July 17, 2000.
(Vote: 3-0,
Arnold and Boydstun
abstained and
Bostwick and Koos
2000-04238): Dennis McCullough, 17875 Von Karman, Suite 301,
Irvine, CA 92614, requests review and approval of final building
elevation, fandscape and sign plans for a previously-approved
commercial retail center. Property is located at 600-626 North
Brookhurst Street.
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JULY 31, 2000
C. (a) CEQA EXEMPTIONSECTION 15061(b)(3) Approved
RESORT SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 92-1: Walt Disney City Council adoption
Imagineering, Attn: Doug Moreland, 1401 Flower Street, P.O. of Adjustment No. 3 to
Box 25020, Glendale, CA 91221-5020, Specific Plan Adjustment The Disneyiand Resort
No. 3 to The Disneyland Resort Specific Plan No. 92-1 to modify Specific Plan No. 92-1
the Zoning and Development Standards to permit animal
storage facilities as a permitted accessory use for a parking (Vote: 5-0,
facility in the Parking District and to permit a theme park Commissioners
gateway element to encroach into the Theme Park District Bostwick and Koos
setback area adjacent to Katella Avenue (Chapter 18.78 of the absent)
Anaheim Municipal Code).
ACTION: Commissioner Boydstun offered a motion, seconded by
Commissioner Bristol and MOTION CARRIED (Commissioners Bostwick
and Koos absent), that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does
hereby concur with staff that the proposed Specific Plan Adjustment falls
within the definition of Categorical Exemptions, Class 15061(b)(3), as
defined in the State EIR Guidelines and is, therefore, categorically
exempt from the requirements to prepare an EIR.
Commissioner Boydstun offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner
Bristol and MOTION CARRIED (Commissioners Bostwick and Koos
absent), that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby
recommend to the City Council the adoption of Adjustment No. 3 to The
Disneyland Resort Specific Plan No. 92-1 Zoning and Development
Standards to permit an animal storage facility as a permitted accessory
use for a parking facility in the Parking District and to permit a theme
park gateway element to encroach into the Theme Park District setback
area adjacent to Katella Avenue, and direct the City Attorney's Office to
prepare an Ordinance incorporating the proposed Code Adjustments for
City Council consideration.
Linda Johnson, Senior Planner, introduced this item by stating it is a request for a specific plan
adjustment to consider modifications to the Disneyland Resort Specific Plan No. 92-1 Zoning and
Development Standards to permit animal storage facilities as a permitted accessory use in a
parking facility in the Parking District and to permit a theme park gateway element to encroach into
the Theme Park District setback area adjacent to Katella Avenue.
The request pertaining to the animal storage facility is outlined in the staff report. The specific plan
currently permits animal storage facilities to be located in the Theme Park District and the existing
facility is located at the main gate entry area. The proposed code adjustment would allow the
facilities to be provided as a permitted accessory use in the west parking structure, which is
currently completing construction. The code would allow it to be provided in a fully enclosed air-
conditioned unit on the ground floor of the structure with an outdoor exercise area that could be
used by one animal at a time. The exercise area would be surrounded by a sound attenuation wall
so that there would be no noise to the surrounding properties. If this code adjustment is adopted
the code would also provide for an animal storage facility to be constructed in the future parking
facility in the east parking area as well.
The second part of the adjustment pertains to a proposed gateway element. The Specific Plan
currently does not permit theme park gateway elements to encroach into the minimum 11-foot wide
setback area adjacent to Katella Avenue. The Walt Disney Imagineering Company is requesting to
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JULY 31, 2000
install a gateway element at the pedestrian entrance along Katella Avenue in order to further clarify
+~ and identify the entry for pedestrians along Katella and for visitors to the Anaheim Convention
Staff is supportive of this amendment in as much as it is not feasible to locate the gateway element
outside of the setback area and it would be a great benefit to the properties and visitors along
Katella Avenue. Staff recommends approval of the Specific Plan Adjustment. Staff recommends
that the Commission, by motion, find that the adjustment is Categorically Exempt under CEQA
Section 15061(b)(3). Staff also recommends that Commission, by motion, recommend to the
Council the adoption of Adjustment No. 3 to the Disneyland Resort Specific Plan. That Commission
direct the City Attorney's office to prepare an ordinance incorporating the proposed code
adjustments for City Council consideration.
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JULY 31, 2000
(CUP TRACKING NO. 2000-04236)
Approved reinstatement
for 1 year
OWNER: Leonard and Cyndie Chaidez, 10081 Highcliffe, Santa ~I (To expire 7-31-2001)
Ana, CA 92705
LOCATION: 507 South L.emon Street. Property is 0.56 acre
located at the southwest corner of Santa Ana Street
and Lemon Street (Chaidez Tree Service).
To consider reinstatement of this permit which currently contains a time
limitation (originally approved on August 10, 1999, to expire August 10,
2000) to retain a tree service contractor's yard.
Applicant's Statement:
Rick Wentworth, 507 South Lemon Street, Anaheim, stated that they are in agreement with staff s
recommendations. Their only request would be that the permit be extended to 2 or more years since they
have had a good record and have been cooperating.
Commissioner Boydstun asked what their operating hours are.
Rick Wentworth responded from 6:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. even though everyone is required to be there at
6:30 a.m. they do not actual start their operations until 6:45 to 7:00 a.m.
Commissioner Boydstun asked if this is a 6 or 7 day a week operation.
Rick Wentworth responded it is usually a 5 day a week operation but sometimes is 6 days. That has
continually been a concern because they do have trucks entering and exiting through the day. If a truck
comes in to dump its load and to exit then sometimes the gate might be open for 5 to 10 minutes. They
have someone assigned to the yard on a full-time basis, who has a sole responsibility to load the trash
bins as well as to keep the gate closed.
Commissioner Bristol asked if they use two-way radio communication to open the gate since it is a
condition of approval.
Rick Wenfinrorth responded that they do not use it. 7hey did use it but all the trucks had their remote
controls and found it was simply too costly and had problems with the system. For example, when they
came to work Monday morning the gate would be open even though no one had been to work since
Saturday. For some unknown reason it kept opening and closing. Consequently, the phones were
disconnected but they can open and close the gate from the phone system inside the office as well as the
remote by the gate.
Commissioner Bristol stated that he was at the site on Saturday at approximately 11:30 a.m. and the gate
on Lemon Street was wide open. He did not see trucks coming in or going out. The reason it was
brought up was because the gates are required to be closed between 8:01 a.m. until 3:59 p.m. If there
are no trucks going in or out then they should have been closed.
Rick Wenfinrorth explained that he did not work on Saturday so he did not know exactly why the gate was
open or not ctosed immediately at the particular time.
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JULY 31, 2000
Commissioner Bristol asked if Mr. Wenfinrorth had stated that the business was open from 7:00 a.m. to
(. 5:30 p.m.
Rick Wentworth indicate that from 7:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. which is usually when the gates are closed. On
Saturdays the hours are from 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. to 3:45 p.m.
Commissioner Arnold indicated that the applicant had mentioned that there is an employee whose
responsibility is to make sure that the gate is monitored for the truck, etc.
Rick Wenfinrorth explained that they employ two full-time mechanics as well as one-yard person
responsible to watch the trucks come and go and monitor the gate. The truck turnaround time is usually 5
to 10 minutes.
Chairperson Pro-Tempore Vanderbilt asked Code Enforcement to comment on this site.
Don Yourstone, Senior Code Enforcement O~cer, referenced a memo from Code Enforcement dated
July 6, 2000 and indicated that an inspection by Code Enforcement staff was conducted on July 5'h at the
property. They observed that all the conditions were being met and there were no code violations at that
time. They have been working with the owner to try to alleviate some of the past code violations and they
have been very cooperative. He recommended another year for their permit.
Commissioner Arnold suggested modifying Condition No. 10 by giving the applicant an option on the
opening of the gates between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. by either monitoring with a two-way radio
communication system which shall be used or a designated employee shall be responsible for opening
the gates.
Commissioner Bristol also suggested that the hours of operation shall be limited from 6:30 a.m. to 4:30
• p.m. Monday through Saturday, and closed on Sundays.
• • ~ ~- • ~ • • ~ •
ACTION: Determined that the previously-approved Negative Declaration is adequate to serve
as the required environmental documentation for subject request.
Approved reinstatement of Conditional Use Permit No. 2992 (CUP Tracking No. 2000-
04236) for a period of one (1) year. Amended Resolution No. 99R-173, in its entirety,
and replaced it with a new resolution which includes the following conditions of approval:
That the property shall be maintained in compliance with Engineering Standard
No. 137 pertaining to sight distance visibility for monument-type signs and/or
wall and fence locations.
2. That any proposed freestanding sign(s) on subject property shall be reviewed
and approved by the Planning Commission as a Reports and
Recommendations item and shall be a monument-type limited to either:
(a) One (1) sign, a maximum of eight (8) square feet in area and a maximum
of eight (8) feet in height, if located at the corner of Lemon Street and
Santa Ana Street; or
(b) Two (2) signs (one facing Lemon Street and one facing Santa Ana
Street), a maximum of four (4) square feet each in area and not
~ exceeding eight (8) feet in height. In lieu of monument-type signs,
subject sign(s) may be attached to, and parallel with, the proposed
masonry block walls adjacent Lemon Street and Santa Ana Street.
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JULY 31, 2000
~. The sign copy shall be limited to the street address and the business name.
3. That the iegal property owner shall be responsible for the removal of any on-
site graffiti within twenty-four (24) hours after its application.
4. That at least one (1), minimum fifteen (95) gallon-sized, tree for every twenty
(20) linear feet of street frontage shall be maintained along Santa Ana Street
and Lemon Street, with appropriate irrigation facilities.
5. That non-deciduous clinging vines, planted on maximum three (3) foot centers,
and non-deciduous shrubbery, planted on maximum five (5) foot centers, shall
be maintained adjacent to the existing masonry block walls facing Lemon
Street and Santa Ana Street to prevent graffiti opportunities. Said plants sha(I
be maintained with an automatic watering system and kept in healthy condition.
If said landscape materials become diseased, die or otherwise unsightly, they
shall be replaced in a timely manner.
6. That the sorting and transfer of tree trimming debris shall be limited to debris
retrieved in the normal operation of the subject tree trimming service with no
further on-site processing permitted.
7. That subject property shall be developed and maintained substantially in
accordance with plans and specifications submitted to the City of Anaheim by
the petitioner and which plans are on file with the Planning Department marked
Revision No. 1 of Exhibit No. 1, including maintenance of a six {6) foot high
block wall along Lemon Street and Santa Ana Street.
ii 8. That outdoor storage of materials (including tree trimming debris) shall not
exceed the height of the required perimeter fencing.
9. That tree trimming debris shall not be allowed to compost on site.
10. That the hours of operation shall be limited to 6:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday
through Saturday, and closed on Sundays. That solid gates shall be
maintained in the driveways along Lemon Street and Santa Ana Street. Said
gates may remain open in the morning from 7 a.m. to 8 a.m. and in the
afternoon from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. and shall be closed between 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
11. That this Conditional Use Permit shall expire one (1) year from the date of this
resolution on July 31, 2001.
12. That the property shaii be subject to monthly inspections by the Code
Enforcement Division to assure compliance with all code and condition
requirements, the cost of which inspections shall be reimbursed to the City by
the property owner within thirty (30) days following receipt of monthly invoices.
13. That all vehicles pertaining to this business shall be parked on-site in
designated parking spaces and that the public streets and adjacent properties
(including the vacant property immediately south of this facility) shall not be
utilized for any parking or storage related to this business.
14. That approval of this application constitutes approval of the proposed request
only to the extent that it complies with the Anaheim Municipal Zoning Code and
any other applicable City, State and Federal regulations. Approval does not
• include any action or findings as to compliance or approvaf of the request
regarding any other applicable ordinance, regulation or requirement.
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JULY 31, 2000
VOTE: 5-0 (Commissioners Bostwick and Koos absent)
~~ Selma Mann, Assistant City Attorney, presented the 22-day appeal rights.
DISCUSSION TIME: 10 minutes (1:42-1:52)
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JULY 31, 2000
August 28, 2000
OWNER: Anaheim Memorial Hospital Association, 1111 West La
Palma Avenue, Anaheim, CA 92801
AGENT: Taylor and Associates Architects, 2220 North
University Drive, Newport Beach, CA 92660
LOCATION: 1111 West La Palma Avenue. Property is 11 acres
located at the northwest corner of La Palma Avenue
and West Street. (Anaheim Memorial Hospital).
To permit a temporary modular building for urgent care services in
conjunction with an existing hospital.
* Originally advertised as Class 32.
Chairperson Pro-Tempore Vanderbiit stated for the record that correspondence was received via e-mail
from Denise Heimbuecher in opposition to the proposed new structure. A copy was then provided to the
Commissioner Boydstun stated that it appeared that Ms. Heimbuecher thought that they were building a
new building and probably did not realize what they were actualiy proposing, from the way the
correspondence is worded.
Applicant's Statement:
Richard Decarlo, Executive Director of Ambulatory Operations at Anaheim Memorial Hospital, stated that
Anaheim Memorial purchased Martin Luther Hospital in September 1999. They have been on a
consolidation plan to consolidate operations of those two facilities into one operation at Anaheim
Memorial Medical Center at 1111 West La Palma Avenue. They have been working with the Department
of Health Services and a variety of other agencies in consolidating those services over the past nine
months. One of the areas that they are consolidating is the emergency services location. They have
emergency departments located at both campuses.
Their main medical center at 1111 West La Palma is the main emergency department. They also have
an urgent medical services department at the Martin Luther campus. They are looking to consolidate
both of those into one location for convenience of patients and accessibility to services. They have been
under construction for the past three months at the main medical center campus to expand their current
emergency department from 12 beds to 22 beds as the first phase. It is a 4-phase project and expected
to be completed in June 2001. In the interim they are planning on consolidating services to that main
medical center campus and they need additional capacity to serve the patients in the community.
Their proposal is to add a modular unit to their campus immediately adjacent to the emergency
department. It will be used for caring for non-urgent patients. It will have 10 beds in it. They will then
have a total of 17 beds when they are finished with the first phase of construction, which will make it a
total of 27 beds at the main medical center campus.
Commissioner Arnofd asked for clarification about the servicing of non-emergency patients.
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JULY 31, 2000
~~ Richard Decarlo responded that they are referred to as non-emergent patients. All patients that come for
treatment will be screened at the main emergency department. Those patients who are seen by a triage
nurse and determined to have non-emergent complaints, urgent care type problems will be seen out in
the modular unit by an emergency department physician and nurses.
Commissioner Arnold asked how this would relate to the remodeling. If they are remodeling the
emergency department and the non-emergency care then he is not clear what the connection is.
Richard Decarlo explained that when a patient comes to the emergency department they come in for a
variety of reasons. They have seen a migration of patients from the Martin Luther campus over onto their
main emergency department. They were seeing 1,600 to 1,700 patients per month at the main medical
center. It has gone up over 2,000 patients per month. They have seen an increase in the number of
patients being seen, so they need additional capacity to be able to treat those patients during their
construction period while they have limited capacity. In addition to that they will be closing the Martin
Luther campus and consolidating all of those operations onto the main medical center campus.
In total they have about 3,500 patients per month that they see in both departments and they are
consolidating that into one location. That is why they need additional capacity.
Commissioner Arnold stated that Mr. Decarlo testified that they need this not because of the remodel but
because of the consolidation of operations.
Richard Decarlo indicated that it is for both. The primary reason is with the remodeling they have limited
capacity but they are seeing the migration of patienYs increase and therefore need the additional
• Commissioner Arnold did not understand whether they are remodeling their emergency department and
putting non-emergency people in the modular unit. He did not see how that is solving any problems in
their emergency department. It sounds that they have two types of patienf care going on and a
disconnect between the modular unit and the remodel.
Commissioner Bristol agreed with Commissioner Arnold. Most would be familiar with the type of use that
is a separate facility, urgent care. He tried to explain the difference between urgent care and emergency
by indicating that a patient would go to the emergency at Anaheim Memorial at the urgent care, but if a
patient is at emergency then he gets another situation where they may be admitted to the hospital.
Richard Decarlo stated in theory that would be a case, however patients come to the emergency
department with a variety of complaints. They have an influx of patients, limited capacity because they
are under construction, need an additional area where they can continue to service those patients.
Since they purchased the Martin Luther campus they have been running an interfaculty shuttle for those
patients which they triaged as non-emergent. They are offered the opportunity to be seen at the Martin
Luther campus. They are taken by one of their hospital vans and are treated and brought back again and
discharged from the main medical center campus.
Commissioner Arnold stated that Mr. Decarlo indicated that they have urgent care patients using their
emergency room, which is the connection, then they are trying to get them out of the emergency room
because of the remodeling.
Chairperson Pro-Tempore Vanderbilt explained that they will be discussing the location of the building
and that is why they are trying to understand the need for having it so close to the existing emergency
• Commissioner Boydstun stated that she has been at the emergency room many times for various family
members and is mainly concerned with closing of the driveway. She felt closing that driveway would
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JULY 31, 2000
cause people to waik from West Street to get into the emergency room that are driving. They are also
/~ creating a problem there where they have to backup a fire engine truck and turn around.
Richard Decarlo stated that they have spoken with Chief Bowman who came out to their campus and
walked the location along with Denise Mitchell, the Paramedic Coordinator for the City. They have come
up with some alternatives where the fire engines can park. The only vehicle that is required to go in and
turn around and back in is the ambulance itself. The engine can park adjacent to their dialysis unit which
is off of La Patma.
Commissioner Boydstun asked to clarify whether there would be no engines going into that driveway.
Richard Decarlo responded that the City's preference is not to have the engines backing up. So they are
going to be designating parking for the fire engines immediately adjacent to the dialysis unit.
Commissioner Arnold stated that this is a significant expansion of operations. He is not entirely
comfortable approving this on a temporary modular basis. He thought the applicant needs a more
comprehensive approach. It appears they are in process of experiencing substantial increase in demand
and likely to experience more of that.
Richard Decarlo stated that they have plans for an expansion of the emergency department. They are
currently in phase 1 of that plan. Their existing department had 12 beds and they will be up to 22 beds by
the time the 4th phase construction plan is completed on June 2001. They have additionally submitted
another plan to add another 10 beds to that total, adjacent to the emergency department. There will be at
a total of 32 beds from 12 beds. By the end of next year they will have 32 beds combined total in one
Commissioner Arnold asked about adequacy of parking, traffic flow, etc. It appears there is a variety of
. issues associated with this consolidation.
Commissioner Bristol stated when he visited this site on Saturday morning at approximately 11:30 a.m.
he only found two spaces in the entire parking area. He had to park on the far east end. While he was at
the site he questioned whether this was the location from the building. He wondered how anyone is going
to get there that needs help to either their new modular or to the emergency care. He thought the parking
lot is going to be jammed with parking.
Richard Decarlo stated that they realized there are issues there. The two issues identi~ed in that area is
that they have many physicians who are parking in that area and they have a designated physician
parking lot that is behind the hospital that is going to be used by the physicians. They have not enforced
that up until this point and clearly they would need to do that with this proposal.
The second issue is that they do have the dialysis unit which is not a part of the hospital, but it is leased
space and it is a term of the contract that they abide by the parking that is required by the hospital. They
have a large number of their employees and other people parking in that west parking lot immediately
outside the dialysis unit.
They are Planning to enforce both physician parking and dialysis staff parking to get them out of that lot to
clear space adequately for dialysis patients and emergency department patients. Those are the only
patient groups that should be using that parking lot in addition to the MRI building.
Chairperson Pro-Tempore Vanderbilt asked if there were any other locations on the lot that were
considered. lf so, why were they a poor option in comparison to their proposal.
Richard Decarlo responded because of the nature and types of patients that will be seen there and
because they need to keep all of the emergency department patients in one location that patients are
• going to seek at as their entry point. If they were to put it anywhere else in the lot they feel it would create
greater problems for the patient who actually would go to the emergency department, then need to be
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JULY 31, 2000
rerouted over there. If it is immediately adjacent, it is much more accessible to the patients who are
~~ coming in.
Commissioner Boydstun asked whether there was anything on the other side of the hall from their
emergency room in the main building that could be used.
Richard Decarlo responded that they explored that. They have the X-ray department and lab department
immediately across the hall, both of those are departments that are not easily moveable.
Commissioner Boydstun asked about the medical building next to them.
Richard Decarlo responded they recently opened a mammography center, which is running at full
capacity and has physician offices on that first floor. They explored and exhausted every option that they
could prior to going to a trailer solution.
Greg McCafferty, Senior Planner, stated that as of today it is staff s understanding that there is an
increase in the bed count. The parking code for hospitals is tied to the bed count. Therefore, staff s
reasoning behind no increase in waivers is no longer valid if there is that increase. If Commission were to
act on the proposal without an increase in the number of tests then they would still have to understand
with more documentation what is actually occurring in the renovation. Is it going to be purely emergency
space or are they to be introducing urgent care type of care at the hospital and then coming back to
Commission with a recommendation based on that clarification?
Alfred Yalda, Principal Transportation Planner, stated that their office does not generally review their
plans because they are not required to submit them.
Richard Decarlo stated that the bed count is related to license bed capacity. These are not the ficensed
• beds, they are patient treatment areas. Therefore, the bed count does factor in when it comes to parking,
but they are not increasing the license bed capacity of the hospital. !t is remaining at the existing bed
Chairperson Pro-Tempore Vanderbilt felt that it was not so much an issue of parking, but rather parking
that in some circumstances would make it a factor in somebody's health. The parking area to the west of
their complex seems to be a possible alternative to direct people.
Richard Decarlo stated that another possibility would be to restrict who parks at that lot both from a
dialysis employee perspective and from a physician perspective. They can designate those parking
spaces as emergency department parking. They could consider putting in a parking gate that only allows
emergency department patients in where they would get a token from the emergency department to leave
that space. They would be willing to include that as part of their proposal if the parking concern needs to
be addressed. As far as additional parking spaces on their campus, they do not feel that there is
additional parking that is available. It would have to be controlling the existing parking.
Commissioner Boydstun stated that she is more concerned about the "log jam" that is going to be created
when they close that driveway.
Commissioner Bristol wondered how people are going to get in Anaheim Memorial if they designate all of
the parking spaces to urgent care.
Commissioner Arnold stated that he does not know whether a facility can infinitely expand its operations
and avoid dealing with the parking problems by not putting in beds or not expanding the square footage,
but simply packing them in. There is some limit to that. He did not feel he had a complete picture of
exactly what is happening. He also shares the concerns that Commissioner Boydstun and Commissioner
Bristol raised about circulation and where exactly the parking will be. He would like to see more and
• perhaps some limits on what is happening or greater definition. It might simply not be the appropriate site
for that, but they do not have enough information at this time to determine that.
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JULY 31, 2000
Alfred Yalda asked the applicant if they are going to use the westerly driveway (west of the temporary
~~ modular building) that remains open.
Richard Decarlo responded that it would not be accessible other than for fire apparatus.
Alfred Yalda suggested that they move the building westerly as much as possible so that it would open up
more parking and create a new driveway east of that new modular in order to have appropriate circulation
on-site. They would then achieve additional parking spaces and would have a better circulation.
Commissioner Boydstun asked if the building could be moved back all the way to the end of the existing
driveway and install a driveway in that would come in under the portico and to give access one way out.
Richard Decarlo responded that when they met with the Fire Chief they had looked at an alternative to
that which they have not submitted officially yet. Mr. Gressett, architect, could present that alternative
before Commission for their review, if they wished.
The concern of moving the buildings back to the end of that driveway is that there is a fire standpipe that
the Fire Department apparatus needs access too. Therefore, they can not block thaf by putting the
modular unit all the way back. They need to be able to pull in past the bollards and access the standpipe.
They did have an alternative location for a driveway identified.
Eric Gressett, Taylor & Associates Architects, stated that Mr. Yalda's proposal to move the building
further to the west would work except that there are some standpipes that are there so they have to have
moveable bollards and the ability to get a fire truck to feed those standpipes at that location.
Richard Decarlo, Mr. Gressett, City staff and Commission discussed in more depth the applicant's
proposal, possible alternatives and suggestions amongst each other. Following the discussion,
• Chairperson Pro-Tempore Vanderbilt asked staff if they needed the altered plan as evidence for the
Greg McCafferty explained that they are going to work with the applicant on those handwritten notations
and work out something with the applicant that they can agree to bring forward to Commission at a future
public hearing.
Commissioner Bristol suggested that the applicant return with alternatives regarding the entrances and
traffic circulation. He also wanted them to be very specific regarding all the parking for the urgent care
the urgent care, emergency, the MRI and dialysis.
Commissioner Arnold added that the applicant describe in more detail specifics regarding the expansion
of operations so that they have some perimeters.
Greg McCafferty stated the City Attorney pointed out that it is very important to get those operational
details because the parking assumptions upon which the past waivers were approved might have to be
reconsidered if it is changed operationally. Therefore, staff would need to know in detail if they are
introducing urgent care onto this site.
Selma Mann, Assistant City Attorney, requested that at the next public hearing that the environmental
impact analysis be expanded slightly to make to make it clear that the Class 3 refers to Section 15303 of
the guidelines which deals with new construction or conversions of small structures.
Greg McCafferty stated that the environmental recommendation to the Commission might change if the
new information that they receive from the applicant does not warrant the Class Exemption anymore.
Commissioner Arnold wondered whether this item would need to be readvertised.
• Greg McCafferty responded that it falls back to the parking waiver. If Commission can still find that those
original assumptions that the parking waiver is approved under still apply and that will be a function when
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JULY 31, 2000
they meet the applicant to determine if that has changed. If the operational characteristics have changed
i~ where it would require more parking then, yes, it would require a readvertisement to include the waiver of
the additional parking.
Commissioner Bristol offered a motion for a continuance to August 28, 2000, seconded by Commissioner
Boydstun, vote taken and motion carried.
• • ~ ~- • ~ • • ~ •
OPPOSITION: 1 e-mail message was received with concerns.
ACTION: Continued subject request to the August 28, 2000 meeting in order for the applicant
to meet with staff and submit additional information regarding the parking, circulation,
medical services proposed, the number of new beds proposed and for a possible
advertisement of a parking waiver.
VOTE: 5-0 (Commissioners Bostwick and Koos absent)
DISCUSStON TIME: 39 minutes (1:53-2:32)
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JULY 31, 2000
Greg McCafferty, Senior Planner, requested direction from Commission as to whether they would like to
discuss possibly changing the format of the Planning Commission Agenda at a morning work session to
include a consent calendar. Staff is currently exploring that with the City Attorney's office in obtaining the
information in order to bring that forward. It needs to first be agendized so it can be discussed.
Chairperson Pro-Tempore Vanderbilt stated that this is not a matter that needs to be acted on anytime
soon but more of an upgrade to the current process. He thought it would be prudent to postpone the work
shop regarding the consent calendar until they have a better idea of who will be present then at that time
a date can be determined.
MONDAY, AUGUST 14, 2000 AT 11:00 A.M.
Respectfully submitted:
d~.. ~.~J
Ossie Edmundson
Senior Secretary
Received and approved by the Planning Commission on ~~~`~ "'~ ~
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