Minutes-PC 2000/10/09(.
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MORNING SESSION: Chairperson Koos called the Morning Session to order at
11:00 a.m. in the Council Chamber.
11:00 A.M. • Staff update to Commission of various City
developments and issues (as requested by Planning
• Preliminary Plan Review
PUBLIC HEARING: Chairperson Koos called the Public Hearing to order at 1:30
p.m. in the Council Chamber and welcomed those in
1:30 P.M. • Public Hearing Testimony
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: The Pledge Allegiance was led by Commissioner Bristol.
COMMISSIONERS P.RESENT: Arnold, Bristol, Boydstun, Koos, Napoles, Vanderbilt
Carol Flynn
Greg Hastings
Greg McCafferty
Don Yourstone
Alfred Yalda
Melanie Adams
Margarita Solorio
Ossie Edmundson
Deputy City Attorney
Zoning Division Manager
Senior Planner
Senior Code Enforcement Officer
Principal Transportation Planner
Associate Engineer
Planning Commission Secretary
Senior Secretary
AGENDA POSTING: A complete copy of the Planning Commission Agenda was posted at
2:00 p.m. on Wednesday, October 4, 2000, inside the display case located in the foyer of the
Council Chambers, and also in the outside display kiosk.
PUBLISHED: Anaheim Bulletin Newspaper on Thursday, September 14, 2000.
planningcommission C«~anaheim.net
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ACTION: Commissioner Boydstun offered a motion, seconded by
Commissioner Arnold and MOTION CARRIED (Commissioner Bostwick
absent), that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby approve the
minutes for the Planning Commission meeting of September 25, 2000.
(Vote: 6-0,
Bostwick absent)
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OCTOBER 9, 2000
04258 : Polygon Development, Attn: Bentley Kerr, 200 East Baker
Street, #100, Costa Mesa, CA 92626, requests a retroactive extension (To expire 2-17-2001)
of time to comply with conditions of approval for a previously-approved
982,000 square foot commercial mixed-use center consisting of a
290,000 square foot, 10-story office building; two, 180,000 square foot (Vote: 6-0,
(each), 6-story office buildings; a 160,000 square foot, 4-story office Commissioner
building; a 5,000 square foot day care facility; a 7,000 square foot Bostwick absent)
restaurant building; a 200-room, 160,000 square foot hotel; a 3-level
parking structure; and a 4-level parking structure with waiver of
minimum landscaped setback adjacent to the interior property lines.
This petition was originally approved on August 17, 1998 and expired
on February 17, 2000. Property is located at 1500 South Douglass
Road (proposed Arena Corporate Centre).
ACTION: Commissioner Bristol offered a motion, seconded by
Commissioner Boydstun and MOTION CARRIED (Commissioner
Bostwick absent), that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does
hereby determine that the previously-certified Environmental Impact
Report No. 322 serve as the appropriate environmental documentation
for this request
Commissioner Bristol offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner
Arnold and MOTION CARRIED (Commissioner Bostwick absent), that
the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby approve the
request for an eighteen (18) month retroactive extension of time to
expire on February 17, 2001, based on the following:
(i) That the proposed plan remains in conformance with the current
zoning code and General Plan land use designation, and that
there have been no code amendments that would cause the
original approval to be inconsistent with the zoning code.
(ii) That the property is adequately maintained, with no code
violations, and further that there is no additional information or
circumstances that would contradict the findings made at the time
of the original approval.
(iii) That this is the first extension of time for this permit and the
extension does not exceed the 18 month time limitation approved
in the original resolution. SR2038DS.DOC
Greg McCafferty, Senior Planner, introduced this item stating this is a request for a retroactive
extension of time to comply with conditions of approval for Conditional Use Permit No. 4034, for
property located at 1500 South Douglass Road (proposed Arena Corporate Centre).
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OCTOBER 9, 2000
OWNER: The Roman Catholic Bishop of Orange, 5800 East
Santa Ana Canyon Road, Anaheim, CA 92807
AGENT: Andrade Architects, Attn: Stan Andrade, 24502 Del
Prado Suite D-1, Dana Point, CA 92629
LOCATION: 5800 East Santa Ana Canvon Road. Property is 6.0
acres located at the southwest corner of Santa Ana
Canyon Road and Solomon Drive- (San Antonio
Catholic Church).
To permit and construct a two-story religious education building in
conjunction with an existing church with waiver of (a) required parking lot
landscaping and (b) permitted roof-mounted equipment.
(CUP TRACKING NO. 2000-04251)
Concurred w/staff
Approved, in part
Approved, in part
Continued from the Commission meeting of September 25, 2000.
Greg McCafferty, Senior Planner, introduced this item stating this is a request for a Conditional Use
Permit No. 3042, to construct a two-story religious education building in conjunction with an existing
church with waivers. Waiver (a) regarding parking lot landscaping has been deleted subsequent to the
advertisement and Waiver (b) still remains.
Commissioner Napoles stated for the record that he was a member of the San Antonio Catholic Church
and would be abstaining from this item.
Chairperson Koos asked Father Seamus whether he would like this item trailed until their architect arrives
and he responded that he would. This item was then trailed and heard after Item No. 3.
Applicant's Statement:
Stan Andrade, architect, explained that this is a new religious education building approximately 10,000
square feet. It will be used to support some existing programs that they have on-site already in an
overcrowded situation. They had a concern about item 25, sub-item 1, page 6 of the staff report,
pertaining to trash storage areas. They determined that they have an ample trash enclosure location
existing on the site and were hoping to work with the Sanitation Division to see if that would be
acceptable without having to add more.
Public Testimony:
Stefanie Perry, stated she is representing a group called the Concerned Citizens of the Canyon. They
are a group based in Anaheim Hills. They help residents understand issues of land use. They have been
(, contacted by several neighbors of this proposed project who have stated that they are not against the
project, but have not had an opportunity to review the plans. They would like to request a continuance of
this matter so that the church can meet with the residents and give them the opportunity to review the
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OCTOBER 9, 2000
plans. They asked Father Seamus whether he could meet with the residents to give them the opportunity
', to see the plans, but he indicated they would have to get the plans from the City. They were very
frustrated because they were denied the opportunity to speak with church representatives. They are not
against the church building on their own property, but would like the residents to have the opportunity to
review the plans.
Commissioner Koos asked Ms. Perry when they contacted the church.
Stefanie Perry responded that they contacted the church on September 25'" and were not provided the
plans so they drove to the Planning Department and spoke with Mr. Dave See and he showed them the
Roy Brown, stated he lives on Calle Diaz and he also contacted the Concerned Citizens of the Canyon
and asked if they could perhaps intervene for the neighbors and establish some open lines of
communication with the parish. They were unsuccessful. The neighbors in the area, particularly on Calle
Diaz, have not had the best relationship with the parish, mainly over concerns of a parish festival, which is
held yearly. They have had the police out a number of times to try to get the parish to come into
compliance with the Code. They do not have any animosity against the parish, they would simply like
their peace and quiet in their neighborhood and their neighbors to comply with Code.
There was a prior Conditional Use Permit No. 3042 regarding the construction of the parish center. They
raised the issue of overcrowding in terms of parking on the streets and also the church parking lot had
turned into an amateur "drag strip". It was a member of Commissioner that came up with a good
suggestion which was to gate the parking lot while the church is not being used and ensure that there is
no simultaneous activity in the church sanctuary while it is being done in the parish center. That was
agreed upon but it never came to pass. He mentioned this because he wanted to lay down the
groundwork for a difficult relationship that they have had over a number of years with this parish.
'. He was concerned about a document that he received from Kevin Bass and the fact that the proposed
usage is very vague. Religious education centers as they are operated in the Orange County
Archdiocese carry on a variety of activities. One of which is bringing in a large number of children from
elementary school and high school onto the property during non-public school hours (early evening to
mid-evening and Saturdays). There will be a substantial amount of children on that property. He felt that
this would be a whole set of issues that would need to be taken into consideration.
Item 12 of the staff report. This is a piece of property that is surrounded on three sides by residential
homes and was concerned about a two-story building with windows that will be facing directly to the
windows of the residences in the neighborhood.
Item 15 of the staff report addresses the letter of operation. He is concerned about the hours of operation
listed; there is a difference between hours of operation and hours of use.
He feels that an Environmental Impact Report should be required in this instance. The exemption listed
in the staff report where an EIR is not necessary refers to the fact that it is the exception based upon the
existing facilities. When the law states existing facilities assumes the same use, but in this case this is a
different use. There is a very different type of activity that is going to take place in this building as
compared to the parish center and the church sanctuary. He is concerned that they will be having an
increase in traffic, congestion and increased noise in their neighborhood which is what an EIR is designed
to evaluate.
The purpose of parking waivers is not to place an undue burden to another party. There are times when
there are justifications for waiver of parking because of the particular unique business being conducted,
buf in this case the parking spaces are down Santa Ana Canyon Road. People are going to tend not to
. park that far away and instead park in the residential areas that are surrounding this property.
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OCTOBER 9, 2000
He is concerned that there needs to be a definition in writing of which building is which and what they are
', going to be used for.
They are not against the proposed use. As long as it is consistent with the activities of the church and do
it in a way that does not burden the neighborhood. He is unclear why it is necessary that they construct a
two-story building when it would be very easy to use the area in front of the church in between the
existing parish center. Instead they are talking about constructing a two-story building that is going to
look directly in the windows of neighbors. He felt that is not what P(anning and Zoning is for. The entire
purpose of this is to try to find some compatibility between neighbors. He suggested a continuance for
the purpose of trying to open some communication and understanding so they can discuss with their
neighbors their design and what they are proposing. He asked that Commission request the parish meet
with the neighbors.
Pete Tsachpinis, stated that he lives on the corner of Calle Diaz and Cicero Rd. He contacted the church
and spoke with Father Seamus and was told he needed to come down to the City, which he did and
reviewed the plans. Nis concern is that the architect (Stan Andrade) indicated that it would relieve
overcrowding. He hoped they could revise their plans. It is already very congested on Sundays and he
did not feel that a few more spaces would help. He also asked that this item be continued so the church
can meet with the neighbors to discuss this proposal.
ApplicanYs Rebuttal:
Father Seamus, stated he is the pastor of San Antonio Catholic Church. The only person he recalled
speaking with is Mr. Tsachpinis. When he called him that day he indicated that he went to the City and
his questions had been answered. He did not recall speaking with Ms. Perry and has only spoken with a
reporter from a local newspaper and to Mr. Tsachpinis. He apologized for any lack of communication that
has occurred. He is more that willing to speak with anyone. For the last 20 years he has had a
~, conversation with Mr. Brown each year about his concerns with the parish festival, but on this specific
proposal Mr. Brown has not requested to meet with him.
Chairperson Koos asked Father Seamus if he is requesting that they continue this item so they can meet
with the neighbors or prefers Commission to go through the proceedings today.
Father Seamus preferred that the proceedings move forward today.
Stan Andrade requested that they come to some resolution today and not continue the matter. There are
time issues within the parish that they are trying to fulfill.
Commissioner Boydstun stated if they continue this and meet with their neighbors so that something is
worked out agreeable to everyone then they can approve it and they are not running as much a chance of
going through another hearing with the City Council.
Stan Andrade acknowledged that he understood that and asked again that Commission review this
project and make a decision today.
Stan Andrade stated this building would be used for religious education from 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Their
current facility is not adequate in size to accommodate the religious education. They are not asking for a
parking waiver it was actually a landscape waiver, but later dropped. The only waiver they are asking for
is for the roof-mounted equipment. They reviewed other alternative sites on their property, but they did
not work and this seemed to be the best location.
Commissioner Bristol asked about the elevations on the west side.
Stan Andrade responded they could easily remove those windows on that west side facing the neighbors.
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OCTOBER 9, 2000
Chairperson Koos stated in the morning session they discussed parking and institutional development
', standards for churches that have a fellowship hall. The current code requires that they have to require
parking for the total square footage and have waivers. They are actually looking at the issue of the
staggered usage. He asked staff when Commission will be discussing this topic at their morning
Greg McCafferty replied it would be in the near future. This proposal does not require a parking waiver
the way the parking code is written. If this is an accessory, such as Sunday school or school activity to
the church, then the Code does not require additional parking for the building.
Chairperson Koos stated he has been to the annual festival and it seems that where the carnival, rides,
booths were located is where the parking is proposed. He wondered whether the festival would continue
on an annual basis and if so then is the footprint of this new building and parking going to cause more
people to be parking on the street.
Stan Andrade replied that they meet with the festival committee for the parish. That is the area allotted
that is going to become a parking lot which is now a grass area which will continue to be where the rides
and booths are. They are going to install underground utilities to service that in the future and the result
would be no impact to the festival.
Chairperson Koos stated even though it is separate from the land use entitlements and what goes on the
property, there is other City permitting that goes on with that. It is such an impact that it seems that it
goes to the whole use of the property. He wondered whether it would be prudent to address that as part
of the land use of the property.
Stan Andrade stated he knows that a number of parishes he works with it is a separate permit process
that they go through each year. The feeling of most of the parishes that he works with is that they feet it
', is a community event as an enhancement and see it as positive to the community.
Alfred Yalda, Principal Transportation Planner, stated that there is a Greek Orthodox Church on Dale
Avenue (Saint John the Baptist) that has similar events every year. They receive a parking permit and
have an agreement with nearby parking facilities and shuttle people to the event. He thought this might
be a good idea for the church to consider. He agreed with Chairperson Koos that they do impact the
area every year and people park all over the residential neighborhoods.
Father Seamus stated that the festival committee is aware of the loss of property and plan reducing the
size of the festival from this point on due to this additional building. They offer the neighbors
complimentary access to every activity and dinners on the grounds that weekend.
Commissioner Boydstun indicated that the applicant might take into consideration Mr. Yalda's suggestion
of the shuttle service.
Chairperson Koos asked the City Attorney if if would be appropriate to link the festival to this entitlement.
The applicant has indicated that they are going to reduce the size of the festival but this proposal is taking
up space from the festival. If they reduce the carnival rides, etc. then the revenue will also be reduced
and asked if there is any way to demonstrate that there is a connection between this proposed building
and the festival.
Carol Flynn, Deputy City Attorney, did not see a legal nexus between this permit and the festival.
However, keep in mind that there is a separate permitting process with issues such as parking can be
addressed at that time. In terms of what is before Commission currently she did not feel it would be
Mr. Brown stated this is an incredible burden on the neighborhood. He has had 10 outhouses backed up
(, against his fence 50 feet from his kitchen. He has had idling diesel trucks all night long parked in back of
his home. He also has individuals who follow the carnival circuit living in his neighborhood during that
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OCTOBER 9, 2000
time who bath in the sprinklers behind his home. When he called this year to speak with someone from
', the parish his phone calls were never returned.
Chairperson Koos stated that he has a problem continuing this item on the basis that the church did not
engage the public. There is a public notification process and asked if the City received any letters of
Mr. Brown stated that when he spoke with Mr. Kevin Bass, the planner, regarding this issue he
specifically indicated that what the Commission likes is that they like to see communication between the
applicant and the neighbors.
Chairperson Koos clarified that they are not discounting their presence in the least, but they are 3 people
and the public notification was a 300-foot radius in every direction. This item was originally scheduled 2
weeks ago.
Mr. Brown stated that they knew ahead of time that the meeting was going to be continued. The meeting
is the middle of a business day and he had to close down in order to come today.
Greg McCafferty confirmed that there were that there were no letters of opposition on file, but he does
know that the planner, Mr. Bass, had been in discussion with some of the surrounding residents.
Commissioner Vanderbilt stated there is an existing parish center and existing religious education
building. It appears that there is a need that is already being accomplished through the existing buildings.
He wondered how do other parishes handle this problem that are more landlocked. Are they anticipating
an increase in the number of participants or are they already at capacity?
Father Seamus explained that the number of students has increased slightly, but not significantly. At the
', present time they are turning two of their classrooms into adult meeting rooms and using the new building
for those classrooms. They currently do not have offices for the staff and are getting them offices in the
new building.
Commissioner Vanderbilt asked if there had been any thought in the past in addressing the parking issue
such as turning the existing grass area into parking spaces.
Father Seamus responded they have been waiting for several years to turn the existing grass area into
parking and have been pianning this building for the last 3 to 4 years and waiting to do it all at one time.
Now they are talking about replacing the grass with parking.
Commissioner Arnold asked the staff to explain for the record the CEQA Categorical Exemption, Class 1
and why it applies since it is not detailed in the staff report.
Greg McCafferty expfained the CEQA Categorical Exemption, Class 1 has to do with expansion and
modifications to existing facilities, but they could also use other exemptions since the exemption itself
does not require formal public notification. There is also a"Class 3" which is new small structures and
there is also a"Class 14" that has to do with additions to schools and if this is being used for religious
education it could be used as well.
Commissioner Arnold stated this clearly falls in these Categorical Exemptions because there is good
precedent for that historically. He agreed with Chairperson Koos that it is not appropriate for the
Commission to try to force applicants into a pre-hearing meeting with local neighbors, although he was
somewhat surprised that the church is not looking to do this. One of the clear benefits would be to hear
the concerns of the neighbors which the applicant could then consider modifying such as the window
orientation. Some of the impacts on the local neighborhood of religious institutions is simply the price we
pay in this society for religious freedom. There needs to be some recognition that religious institutes
', provide a lot of good in society. The concern of the orientation of the windows is appropriate for
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OCTOBER 9, 2000
Commission to evaluate because they do have impacts to the neighbors. He is not in favor of continuing
', this item merely to force a meeting, which the applicant does not seem to be interested in having.
Chairperson Koos stated the proposal at-hand is simple and goes back to the issues they are discussing
on these institutional/religious uses. Much of it is hours of operation based and in this situation there is a
Monday through Friday facility with additional parking, which will help the weekend situation. The
proposed building wilt not be used on weekends. It will actually help the parking situation on the weekend
because the applicant is adding "true" parking on-site. It is an overall improvement for the existing
Commissioner Vanderbilt stated that the neighbors present are not necessarily opposed to the project,
but asked for clarification of the project, and based on that then they would be able to form opposition or
support depending on what type of information they gather. He has visited the site and has seen the
existing parking and traffic conditions that the neighbors discussed. Commission must make a
determination that this conditional use permit will not impose an undue burden upon the streets and
improve the traffic situation in this area. He is having difficulty trying to determine that because he feels
that the public's input is very relevant. Yet the issue is still somewhat unclear because this
communication has not occurred. He would prefer a continuance, which does not appear will happen.
• ~ ~ ~ - • ~ • • ~ ~
OPPOSITION: 3 people spoke with concerns.
ACTION: Concurred with staff that the proposed project falls within the definition of Categorical
Exemptions, Class 1, as defined in the State EIR Guidelines and is, therefore,
categorically exempt from the requirements to prepare an EIR.
'. Approved, in part, Waiver of Code Requirement as follows:
Denied waiver (a) pertaining to required parking lot landscaping on the basis that it
was deleted following public notification; and, approved waiver (b) pertaining to
permitted roof-mounted equipment.
VOTE ON WAIVERS: 4-1 (Commissioner Vanderbilt voted no, Commissioner
Napoles declared a conflict of interest and Commissioner Bostwick was absent)
Approved modification of Conditional Use Permit No. 3042 (CUP Tracking No. 2000-
04251) (to construct a two-story religious education building with waiver of permitted
roof-mounted in conjunction with an existing church). Amended Resolution Nos.
PC88-202, PC88-279 and PC92-63, in their entirety, and replaced them with a new
resolution which includes the following conditions of approval:
That trash storage areas shall be provided and maintained in a location
acceptable to the Public Works Department, Streets and Sanitation Division
and in accordance with approved plans on file with said Department. Said
storage areas shall be designed, located and screened so as not to be readily
identifiable from adjacent streets or highways. The walls of the storage areas
shall be protected from graffiti opportunities by the use of plant materials such
as minimum 1-gallon size clinging vines planted on maximum 3-foot centers or
tall shrubbery.
2. That any roof-mounted equipment shall be subject to Anaheim Municipal Code
Section pertaining to the "SC" Scenic Corridor Overlay Zone.
Such information showing complete screening of the roof-mounted equipment
(, shall be specifically shown on the plans submitted for building permits.
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OCTOBER 9, 2000
3. That all existing air conditioning facilities and other roof and ground mounted
', equipment shall continue to be properly shielded from view and the sound
buffered from adjacent residential properties.
4. That existing and proposed lighting fixtures in any proposed parking area
located adjacent to any residential property shall be decorative and shall be
down-lighted with a maximum height of twelve (12) feet. Said lighting fixtures
shall be directed away from adjacent residential property lines to protect the
residential integrity of the area. Any new lighting fixtures shall be specifically
shown on plans submitted for building permits.
5. That the proposal shall comply with all signing requirements of the RS-A-
43,000(SC) Zone unless a variance allowing sign waivers is approved by the
Planning Commission.
6. That driveway gates or any other device discouraging vehicles from speeding
through the parking lot during hours the church is not in operation shall be
installed and maintained as reviewed and approved by the City Traffic Engineer.
7. That the existing parish center and the proposed religious education building
shall not be used concurrently with the main sanctuary.
8. That since this project has landscaping area exceeding 2,500 square feet, a
separate irrigation meter shall be installed and comply with City Ordinance No.
5349 and Chapter 10.19 of Anaheim Municipal Code. Said information shall be
specifically shown on plans submitted for building permits.
'. 9. That plans shall be submitted to the City Traffic and Transportation Manager
for his review and approval showing conformance with the current version of
Engineering Standard Plan Nos. 436, 601 and 602 pertaining to parking
standards and driveway locations. Subject property shail thereupon be
developed and maintained in conformance with said plans.
10. That all new driveways shall be reconstructed to accommodate ten (10) foot
radius curb returns in conformance with Engineering Department Standard No.
137. Said information shall be specifically shown on plans submitted for
building permits.
11. That 3-foot high address numbers shall be displayed on the roof in a
contrasting color to the roof material. The numbers shall not be visible from the
view of the street or adjacent properties. Said information shall be specifically
shown on plans submitted for building permits.
12. That any tree planted on-site shall be replaced in a timely manner in the event
that it is removed, damaged, diseased and/or dead.
13. That the legal property owner shall provide the City of Anaheim with a public
utility easement for electrical facilities (primary and transformer). Said
easement shall be submitted to the City of Anaheim prior to connection of
electrical service.
14. That church activities within the existing parish center and the proposed
religious education building shall end before 10 p.m., except on special church
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15. That the property shall be permanently maintained in an orderly fashion by
providing regular landscape maintenance, removal of trash or debris, and
removal of graffiti within twenty-four (24) hours from time of occurrence.
16. That a landscape and irrigation plan for the new landscaping showing minimum
24-inch box sized trees shall be submitted to the Zoning Division for review and
approval. Any decision made by the Zoning Division regarding said plan may
be appealed to the Planning Commission and/or City Council.
17. That there shall be no windows on the west elevation. Revised elevations
eliminating said windows shall be submitted to the Zoning Division of the
Planning Department for review and approval by the Planning Commission as
a Reports and Recommendations item.
18. That subject property shall be developed substantially in accordance with plans
and specifications submitted to the City of Anaheim by the petitioner and which
plans are on file with the Planning Department marked Revision No. 1 of
Exhibit No. 1(CUP No. 3042) and Exhibit Nos. 5, 6, 7 and 8, and as
conditioned herein.
19. That prior to issuance of a building permit, or within a period of one (1) year
from the date of this resolution, whichever occurs first, Condition Nos. 2, 4, 6,
8, 9, 10, 11, 13 and 16, above-mentioned, shall be complied with. Extensions
for further time to complete said conditions may be granted in accordance with
Section 18.03.090 of the Anaheim Municipal Code.
20. That prior to final building and zoning inspections, whichever occurs first,
Condition No. 18, above-mentioned, shall be complied with.
21. That approval of this application constitutes approval of the proposed request
only to the extent that it complies with the Anaheim Municipal Zoning Code and
any other applicable City, State and Federal regulations. Approval does not
include any action or findings as to compliance or approval of the request
regarding any other applicable ordinance, regulation or requirement.
VOTE ON CUP: 4-1 (Commissioner Vanderbift voted no, Commissioner Napoles declared a conflict of
interest and Commissioner Bostwick was absent)
Carol Flynn, Deputy City Attorney, presented the 22-day appeal rights.
DISCUSSION TIME: 55 minutes (2:01-2:56)
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Approved, in part
Granted, in part
OWNER: State of California (Caltrans), Attn: Daniel J. Hing,
3347 Michelson Drive, Suite 100, Irvine, CA 92612
AGENT: Hardin Honda, Attn: Dennis Hardin, 1381 Auto Center
Drive, Anaheim, CA 92806
LOCATION: Auto Center Drive/Caltrans riqht-of wav. Property is
0.11 acre and is a portion of the SR-57 (Orange)
Freeway right-of-way located at the southeast corner of
Ball Road and the SR-57 northbound off-ramp and
north of the Anaheim Auto Center.
To construct an employee parking lot for an existing automobile
dealership with waiver of (a) permitted encroachment into required yards
and (b) parking lot landscaping.
Continued from the Commission meeting of September 25, 2000.
Greg McCafferty, Senior Planner, introduced this item stating this is a request which involves a portion of
~, the Caltrans right-of-way along the 57 Freeway. It is a request to construct an employee parking lot for
an existing automobile dealership with waiver (a) permitted encroachment into required yards and waiver
(b) parking lot landscaping.
Applicant's Statement:
Dennis Hardin, 489 Westridge Circle, Anaheim, stated he and father are owners of Hardin Honda, Hardin
Pontiac, Buick, GMC. Their business has more than doubled in the last two years. This has put a lot of
pressure on the use of property for their dealership and that is the reason they have moved forward in
securing this Caltrans land as additional space for their employees to park. W ithin the last two months
they also moved their General Motors operation to the Anaheim Auto Center next to the Honda dealer.
They now have Buick, Pontiac and GMC next to the Honda dealer.
The land there is approximately half has much as they had at the Anaheim Boulevard site and they
anticipate doing twice as much business with the new store location. There is going to be additional
pressure there for space and land utilization.
Due to the lack of lack of space he is concerned about the City's requirement for landscaping on this
Caltrans property. He can understand under normal conditions the need for having proper landscaping,
but felt that a review of this particular situation will show that this is a unique situation. It is unique
because there is landscape all around that property from Caltrans. To the west of the property there are
34 Eucalyptus trees that average about 30 to 40 feet high, planted by Caltrans not counting Oleander
bushes and other groundcover landscaping around that off-ramp on the 57 Freeway. The actual off-ramp
itself is elevated approximately 20 feet above the parking lot that they are proposing. The only thing that
motorist can see exiting the 57 Freeway would be the tops of their cars.
', They have also agreed to install a wrought iron fence around the property and plant Bougainvilleas that
will eventually totally cover the wrought iron fence. He submitted photos to Commission that showed the
degree of landscaping. Due to their need for space and existing landscaping around that property, he
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OCTOBER 9, 2000
requested a waiver on that property regarding the landscaping. He feels this is a hardship to give up
', those parking spaces to landscaping when there is already so much landscaping in the area and the
property is barely visible to the motorist driving off the freeway.
Commissioner Boydstun suggested Mr. Hardin install a couple of trees along the Caltrans side as a
buffer, which could be added as a condition of approval. The Eucalyptus trees along there are tall trees
that can be seen through.
Dennis Hardin responded they would be happy to do that but it is Caltrans land and they are very
particular about their land and how it is used and could not speak for them. He indicated that Caltrans is
going to be using that space between their parking lot and the sloped part of the off-ramp as access for
their maintenance vehicles.
Commissioner Vanderbilt stated Mr. Hardin mentioned the trees not only provide screening of the cars,
but there are other reasons why trees are intended for parking lots such as provide shade. He did not
think that the Eucalyptus trees on the perimeter may provide shade for this intended parking lot even
though they are in the area. There may be some benefits to his employees because they may tend to
park close to those planters because they do find that it protects their cars and keeps them cool.
Dennis Hardin stated he sees his point of view. He personally does not prefer parking under trees
because they can leave sap all over his cars.
Commissioner Bristol addressed the issue of the interior trees in the parking lot. He agreed with
Commissioner Boydstun's suggestion of adding a cluster of trees in that one area off of the ramp to the
right would be helpful. At the morning session it was suggested that they could contact Caltrans to see if
', they would be in agreement.
Dennis Hardin stated that he did not have a problem with that, but his only hesitation is dealing with
Caltrans because they are sometimes difficult to deal with.
Melanie Adams, Associate Engineer, explained that the applicant would be responsible for initiating that
conversation with Caltrans but the Public Works Department could facilitate coordinating that effort once
Mr. Hardin has made the initial contact. They would not necessarily know what that time frame would be
because Caltrans tends to move on their own time. The applicant would be responsible for processing
applications and any payments associated with that.
Greg McCafferty suggested a compromise where the applicant would provide treewells or diamonds
instead so they would not lose parking spaces. This would mean the applicant would then not need to
deal with Caltrans and would comply with the Code by providing trees on-site.
Chairperson Koos suggested continuing of this matter because he does not feel comfortable with a
condition that would be difficult to enforce if it had an uncertain stipulation because it does not really
address the Code concerns. He does not feel comfortable pointing to other property as mitigation for
what the applicant would have to do by Code. There would be no guarantee that those trees would
continue to exist.
Commissioner Bristol stated according to their site plan there is an area that is open and if they could
plant some trees that would eliminate that line-of-sight from the Caltrans off-ramp then that would suffice
the concern.
Dennis Hardin stated that his engineer just advised him that Caltrans will use this area for their access for
~, maintenance along the 57 Freeway in the future. He would not like to build their hopes on the fact that
they are going to get approval from Caltrans for additional trees when it does not appear that is going to
be very likely since Caltrans is going to need to get their trucks back in that area.
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OCTOBER 9, 2000
', Commissioner Boydstun states since there is going to be a water line for the Bougainvilleas, asked the
applicant if they could install a few diamonds with trees in that area on his side of the fence to block the
view and comply with Code.
Dennis Hardin stated he is willing to do whatever the City requests.
ACTION: Approved the Negative Declaration
Approved, in part, the Waiver of Code Requirement, as follows:
Approved waiver (a) pertaining to permitted encroachments into required yards; and,
approved, in part, waiver (b) pertaining to required parking lot landscaping requiring
4 broadheaded trees planted in diamond-shaped tree wells along the western
boundary line of the parking lot where the fence faces the freeway off-ramp.
Granted Conditional Use Permit No. 2000-04250 with the following change to the
conditions of approval:
Modified Condition No. 8 to read as follows:
8. That a minimum 2-foot wide landscaped and irrigated planter strip shall be
installed adjacent to the proposed wrought-iron fence and shall be planted with
', shrubs and clinging vines on 3-foot centers that will grow together and screen
the parking area within two (2) years. That four (4) 24-inch box broadheaded
trees shall be planted, irrigated and maintained in diamond-shaped tree wells
along the western boundary line of the parking area.
VOTE: 6-0 (Commissioner Bostwick absent)
Carol Flynn, Deputy City Attorney, presented the 22-day appeal rights.
DISCUSSION TIME: 18 minutes (1:42-2:00)
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OCTOBER 9, 2000
4b. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 4035 Denied reinstatement
(CUP TRACKING NO. 2000-04264)
OWNER: Alex Bahrami, 24895 Stonegate Lane, Laguna Niguel,
CA 92677
AGENT: Bob Mickelson, 121 West Rose Avenue, Orange, CA
LOCATION: 329-331 North State Colleae Boulevard. Property is
0.37 acre located on the west side of State College
Boulevard, 150 feet south of the centerline of Redwood
Avenue (Kris Kars).
To consider reinstatement of this permit which currently contains a time
limitation (originally approved on August 18, 1999, to expire on August 18,
2000) to retain an existing automobile sales lot with a maximum of five (5)
display vehicles.
Greg McCafferty, Senior Planner, introduced this item stating this is a request for reinstatement of
Conditional Use Permit No. 4035 for property located at 329-331 North State College Boulevard (Kris
Applicant's Statement:
Alex Bahrami, 329-331 North State College Boulevard, Anaheim, stated that he is present requesting a
reinstatement for Conditional Use Permit No. 4035, for a period of 3 years.
Commissioner Bristol asked Mr. Bahrami if he was the owner of the building or owner of Kris Kars.
Alex Bahrami stated he is the owner of the building and also works with the operator of the business.
Commissioner Bristol stated that he originally voted against this because he felt this was not an
appropriate land use for this business. According to Code Enforcement they have gone beyond the 5-
vehicle limit. Yesterday he personally observed 8 vehicles stored there.
Alex Bahrami explained they are a finance company. They have not received any complaints or have
never had a parking problem. He submitted photos to Commission taken in an afternoon during their
busiest time. They still have 6 to 8 parking spaces available for customers. In August when Code
Enforcement came for an inspection there were extra vehicles. He explained to the Code Enforcement
officer that those cars are not display cars. They have 5 display cars at all times. The other 17 extra
parking spaces is for customer and employee parking. Some of cars belong to customers, which have
been sold but have not been picked up. They have also removed the gate. There is no longer a gate
which makes it look better.
Commissioner Bristol asked if they work on consignment.
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OCTOBER 9, 2000
Alex Bahrami explained when other car lots have a customer that they cannot finance they fax the
', paperwork to Kris Kars and send that customer over. Many times when they sell a car it does not even
come to their location.
Commissioner Bristol stated that they still have cars on their lot, which exceed 5 vehicles on the lot.
Alex Bahrami stated that they are not display vehicles. Of the 12 inspections by Code Enforcement the
last instance where there were 3 cars exceeding the limit, those 3 cars did not belong to Kris Kars, but
belonged to the carpet business.
Commissioner Bristol stated that Mr. Bahrami is stating that they have never exceeded 5 vehicles in that
parking lot.
Alex Bahrami explained they never exceeded the 5 display vehicles, but there have been 13 cars
overnight, 5 of which are the display cars and the others 8 vehicles belong to the customers of Kris Kars
since they cannot release the cars to them until they submit the completed paperwork. There are also
instances when there are vehicles that are sold that need repairs done.
Commissioner Bristol stated that they are storing vehicles at night, which he is not allowed to do. He
cannot have more than 5 vehicles tied to his business.
Alex Bahrami said he spoke with the carpet company informing them that they cannot have cars stored
there. He indicated that they have done a lot to improve the property. They have not had any complaints
from neighbors. He originally requested a 3-year reinstatement but staff is recommending a 1-year
reinstatement, which is acceptable to him.
Commissioner Vanderbilt stated he passes at various times by this site and has seen additional vehicles
', being stored outside which is not permitted by the CUP and is not consistent with what was approved.
Alex Bahrami stated the problem of storage of vehicles overnight is a recent problem during the August
inspection by a Code Enforcement Officer.
Commissioner Vanderbilt stated that it has actually been a problem for the last 12 months. He has driven
by his property frequently and has seen cars that are being stored. The problem was raised then and a
year later the problem continues.
Alex Bahrami stated that the CUP stated 5 displayed cars but they never stated that the customers could
not park their vehicles, but if it is a new condition then it can be added.
Commissioner Vanderbilt explained that it is an ordinance issue and not a CUP issue that vehicles cannot
be stored overnight.
Alex Bahrami stated that he was not aware of that.
Commissioner Vanderbilt asked why the chainlink fence was removed.
Alex Bahrami stated that they have not had a problem with theft at night. The financing part of their
business is the reasoning for the cars parked there because there are various steps required before they
can release the cars, but many times the car is removed from the premises to another location.
Commissioner Boydstun asked what is the average time that cars are parked there.
Alex Bahrami approximately two days for cars waiting to be repaired, and cars waiting for completion of
', the financing can take up to one week.
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OCTOBER 9, 2000
Commissioner Arnold stated that this is a situation in which someone is seeking reinstatement of a permit
', based on a situation where they are violating the Code. They are parking as many as 13 cars overnight in
violation of the Code. Unless this situation is remedied then he cannot vote for the reinstatement of this
Chairperson Koos stated the fact that they have to "police" the applicant is evidence enough that he is not
complying with what Commission asked him to do a year ago.
Don Yourstone, Senior Code Enforcement Officer, responded to Chairperson Koos question by indicating
that the applicant does not know when Code Enforcement is coming to do an inspection.
Commissioner Arnold stated there are two Commissioners that have seen more than 5 cars parked
overnight and the applicant has indicated that it is their practice.
Commissioner Boydstun felt that the lot is too crowded. She passes by there frequently and has
observed on several occasions more cars than is permitted. This is a business which needs more space
and suggested giving the applicant a 6-month permit to allow the applicant time to locate another site.
Commissioner Arnold stated that when they have people seeking reinstatements of CUPs where they are
clearly in violation, then by granting additional time prolongs the situation. He felt to deny it would put
more pressure on the applicant to move faster.
ACTION: Determined that the previously-approved negative declaration is adequate to serve
', as the required environmental documentation for subject request.
Denied reinstatement of Conditional Use Permit No. 4035 (CUP Tracking No. 2000-
04264) on the basis that the permit is not being exercised in conformance with all the
conditions and stipulations originally approved by the City Council.
VOTE: 5-1 (Commissioner Boydstun voted no and Commissioner Bostwick was absent)
Carol Flynn, Deputy City Attorney, presented the 22-day appeal rights.
DISCUSSION TlME: 21 minutes (2:57-3:18)
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OCTOBER 9, 2000
OWNER: Robert A. Little and Mary Ellen Mahan, 1590 West
Flippen Way, Anaheim, CA 92802
AGENT: Wendy Calhoun, 23120 Lyons Avenue #462, Santa
Clarita, CA 91321
LOCATION: 1590 West Fliqpen Wav. Property is 0.33 acre located
on the south side of Flippen Way, 269 feet west of the
centerline of Flippen Drive.
To permit a granny unit in conjunction with an existing single-family
residence with waiver of minimum rear yard setback (waiver deleted).
Greg McCafferty, Senior Planner, introduced this item stating this is Conditional Use Permit No. 2000-
04295 for property located at 1590 Flippen Way. They are requesting a granny unit in conjunction with a
existing single-family residence. The waiver proposed has since been deleted.
ApplicanYs Statement:
Susan Amroyan, 23120 Lyons Avenue, Unit 462, Santa Clarita, stated they are representing the owners
and the request for a granny unit on the lot. This unit is for the mother of one of the owners, Mary Ellen
Mahan. She is requesting that they put a granny unit on the lot because here mother is elderly and needs
care. The granny unit will be 994 square feet. They are abiding with all the requirements of the setbacks
and are providing parking. The mother owns one car but does not drive very much. She has been in the
neighborhood for over 40 years. It is a matter of relocating closer to her daughter as she does require
some care. They provided photos showing that one side of this property is a flood control channel, which
would not be affected. The other side is a neighbor separated by a block wall. The elevation does not
exceed 11 feet and will not be above the level of the existing home.
Public Testimony:
James Murphy, 1887 South Eileen Drive, Anaheim, CA 92802, stated he has some questions and
possible concerns about the project. He referred to the exhibit showing the housing in the area. His
property is the 3`d lot north on Eileen Drive and he has been asked to speak also on behalf of the two lots
(north) adjacent to the subject property. The area has access only by Bayless Drive off of Katella
Avenue. It is a series of short streets. The area is very close to the Resort Area. There is projected to be
13,000 new employees there. Low cost housing is going to be an extreme premium in the area. They
have no problem with the people currently living there now and their intention, but their concern is for the
In comparison with other CUPs that were applied for this type of dwelling (see page 3 of the staff report),
none are anywhere near this size of this proposed unit. He questions whether an elderly person would
need three bedrooms and two baths because it lends itself more to a regular dwelling unit. He asked
what is enforceable, by the City, to ensure that these conditions are met.
There has seen a small addition made to the front driveway. He is not certain if that would qualify for the
additional parking space required.
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OCTOBER 9, 2000
', The property adjacent to the north at 1899 South Eileen Drive, which is the property of Sherry and Mike
Adams, outlined their concerns in the form of questions, which he submitted to Commission. Their major
concern is the visibility of this proposal and what it will look like. He asked about the covenants attached
to the property.
Commissioner Arnold answered his question about the covenants by explaining that legally they do go
with the property as a whole and do not just apply to the applicant.
Frank Hazelton, 1881 South Eileen Drive, Anaheim, CA 92802, stated he lives directly north of Mr.
Murphy and about the fourth house north of subject property. He has lived there for thirteen years. This
neighborhood is approximately 65 homes in a middle class, single-family neighborhood, one way in/out,
adjacent to Stoddard School and the park.
This neighborhood has withstood some external impacts and through all of this the neighborhood has
persevered. He is not so sure that this neighborhood can accommodate the "multiple-family component"
being proposed.
He also does not wish to be an obstructionist to their newest neighbor and their intent to accommodate
their elderly mother. At the same time he wants the neighborhood to remain the way it is. He felt
increasing density and additional people can provide a significant impact to a neighborhood.
The government code offers an option on how to accommodate a second unit or granny housing. It
allows for not only a separate detached unit up to 1,200 square feet, but it also allows attached units,
basically a room addition that could have a separate entry up to one-third the size of the floor area of the
house. He felt this is a very good solution to this problem. He would rather have it as an attached portion
of the same main house and not a modular home that is placed separately of almost 1,000 square feet in
', the back corner of their lot. He does not feel that the Commission is obligated to approve this because it
is not allowed by right.
He suggested in order to accommodate both the applicant desires and the neighborhood's desires to
remain as a single-family neighborhood is to allow them to attach to their existing primary dwelling unit.
ApplicanYs Rebuttal:
Susan Amroyan stated that they are going to provide additional landscaping. One side of the building is
the flood channel and they have heard no opposition from the neighbors behind subject property. They
have also spoken with some neighbors and they do not feel that it would adversely impact them at all.
The (elderly mother) has lived in that community for over 40 years so for her to move onto the property is
not adversely impacting the community. They have provided 1 parking space which is what was required.
Regarding the 3 bedrooms, they are going to use one of the bedrooms as a den. One of the rooms will
be available for her daughter or caregiver to use.
Commissioner Boydstun asked if this is the mother of the couple that live in the house.
Susan Amroyan replied she is the mother of the Ms. Mahan who has lived in the this house.
Commissioner Boydstun stated she has never seen a 3-bedroom 2-bath granny unit. She felt this is more
of a house.
Susan Amroyan stated she understands that it is 994 square foot granny unit which is a little larger but it
', is less than half the size of the existing house that is on there.
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OCTOBER 9, 2000
Commissioner Boydstun emphasized that she felt this is not a granny unit. The way this is laid out as a 3
', bedroom, 2 baths is a manufactured home that a family or someone could live in. From her personal
experience caring for an elderly member of the family she knows first-hand what the needs are of seniors.
Commissioner Bristol asked how Ms. Amroyan is involved with this proposal.
Susan Amroyan exptained that they are representing the owners of the property. They also work with the
manufactured home company.
Commissioner Arnold wondered what is going to happen 10 or 20 years from now if the mother is no
longer living there or the applicants. There is going to be essentially a 1,000 square foot, 3 bedroom
home on this property, in addition to the primary home. Asked if this might operate as if it were a duplex.
Susan Amroyan stated that they are recording a covenant stating that it is a family member that is going
to be staying at that unit. This is for the family member that needs care. They have not discussed how
long the elderly person or family will be living there. They can change that down to 2 bedrooms and a
Commissioner Arnold stated in order to qualify this provision of the California Code it has to be someone
who is 62 years of age or and older. Is she indicating that this is not going to be a situation where it get
leased out to someone older buy the primary house and then have an adult child move in with their
family. He mentioned this to show that it may end up being very difficult to ensure with something this
size that it is not used for more long-term regular residence.
Susan Amroyan stated the couple that is currently at the main home plan to be living there for sometime.
In the future if the elderly person is no longer there that they have someone else live in that house. The
covenant states that it has to be an elderly person, a family member that is 62 years or older to live there.
', They do want to change the 3`d bedroom to a den. It is 994 square feet now because it is the size of the
manufactured home that was chosen to have on the site.
Greg McCafferty advised that the State Code does provide flexibility for the local agency to establish both
minimum and maximum sizes for the units, but it has to be at least the allowance for an efficiency unit to
be constructed and compliance with local development standards but it does not define what an
"efficiency" unit is.
Commissioner Arnold asked staff if they feel that there might be an enforcement problem with this type of
unit. 1s part of the assumptions of what a granny unit is tied to the way it is constructed/configured on the
lot, etc. Perhaps it is easier to assume that it will be used only as a granny unit if it tends to be a small
room above a garage or an addition to the house.
Greg McCafferty stated that normally for a single-family home it requires a 2-car garage plus 2 spaces in
tandem to that garage. Obviously, if it were being viewed as a stand-alone unit would be much more
Commissioner BristoV stated that Commissioner Arnold and Commissioner Boydstun brought up valid
concerns. He also agreed that he does not see this as a granny unit, but it is more of a house. He would
either deny it because he cannot determine it is a granny unit or continue it because currently he does not
know what a granny unit is exactly, but he did not feel this proposal is it.
Commissioner Boydstun stated this is not a granny unit and therefore felt she could not vote for this.
Greg McCafferty stated that in listening to Commission's concerns it appears that staff needs to provide
Commission with more information with how the State Code complies in this particular instance. This
', would also give the petitioner the opportunity to go back and rethink whether they really need a 3-
bedroom unit.
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OCTOBER 9, 2000
Commissioner Bristol offered a motion for a continuance to November 20, 2000, seconded by
(. Commissioner Arnold, vote taken and motion carried.
• • ~ ~- • ~ • • ~ •
OPPOSITION: 2 people spoke with concerns.
1 letter was received expressing concerns on the proposed project.
ACTION: Continued subject request to the November 20, 2000 Planning Commission meeting
in order for staff to provide additional information to the Planning Commission
pertaining to project compliance with the State Code and to give the petitioner the
opportunity to reconsider the size of the unit.
VOTE: 6-0 (Commissioner Bostwick absent)
DISCUSSION TIME: 32 minutes (3:19-3:51)
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OCTOBER 9, 2000
Granted for 3 years
OWNER: The Realty Associates, Fund IV L.P., Attn: James O. (To expire 10-9-2003)
Buckingham, 4100 Newport Place, Newport Beach, CA
AGENT: TA Associates Realty, Attn: James O. Buckingham,
4100 Newport Place Suite 830, Newport Beach, CA
LOCATION: 2121 West Crescent Avenue. Unit B. Property is 3.4
acres located at the northeast corner of Crescent
Avenue and Valley Street.
To permit a church with waiver of minimum number of parking spaces.
Greg McCafferty, Senior Planner, introduced this item stating this is a request to permit a church within an
existing industrial complex with waiver of minimum number of parking spaces.
ApplicanYs Statement:
Vincent Salazar, 2121 West Crescent Avenue, stated they submitted the additional information requested
for approval of this CUP, which was submitted as a traffic summary for the parking.
Commissioner Bristol asked if they are already in operation and if they were in agreement with the
conditions of approval.
Vincent Salazar replied they read the conditions and they are providing plenty of parking. They were over
by 6 spaces according to the Code. All their operations generally occur during off-peak hours. Asked
about the condition requiring the address to be above the bui{ding.
Commissioner Bristol explained to Mr. Salazar that the condition is standard with a conditional use permit.
It simply makes it much easier for the Police Department to identify their building from up above.
• • ~ ~ ' • ~ • • ~ •
ACTION: Approved Negative Declaration
Approved Waiver of Code Requirement
Granted Conditional Use Permit No. 2000-04262 for 3 years (to expire October 9,
2003) subject to the conditions of approval listed in the staff report.
VOTE: 6-0 (Commissioner Bostwick absent)
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OCTOBER 9, 2000
Carol Flynn, Deputy City Attorney, presented the 22-day appeal rights.
(. DISCUSSION TIME: 3 minutes (3:52-3:55)
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OCTOBER 9, 2000
Continued to
OWNER: Living Stream, Attn: John Pester, 2431 West La Palma
Avenue, Anaheim, CA 92804
LOCATION: 2441 West La Palma Avenue. Property is 27.9 acres
located at the northwest corner of La Palma Avenue
and Gilbert Street (Living Stream Ministry).
To permit a teleconferencing center and private conference/training
center with waiver of minimum number of parking spaces.
Greg McCafferty, Senior Planner, introduced this item stating this is a request to permit a teleconferencing
center and private conference/training center with waiver of minimum number of required parking spaces.
ApplicanYs Statement:
John Pester, 513 South Valley, Anaheim, stated he is present on behalf of Living Stream Ministry, the
owner of Anaheim Palms Corporate Center at 2411 through 2461 West La Palma Avenue. They have
been worked with City staff over the past 6 months in order to develop Anaheim Palms into a center of
', economic generation related to their strategic focation along with their fiber optic network with many of the
nations principle telecommunications providers. It is their hope that this development will serve not only
the broader needs to their community but the specific needs of Living Stream Ministry whose corporate
headquarters are located at Anaheim Palms. They are requesting a CUP to permit a teleconferencing
center and private conference-training center. The details of their proposed operation are outlined in their
letter of operation attached to the staff report. Their request for a waiver of the minimum number of
parking spaces is supported by the traffic and parking study prepared by Katz, Okitsu & Associates which
was provided earlier to Commission.
He reviewed the staff report and the conditions of approval and they are all acceptable to them. Although
there are two matters of consideration, Condition Nos. 27 and 28, they are not opposed to any of the
stipulations in the conditions but realize that the timing of several of these items are beyond their power to
control. Specifically, items 1, 2, 3 and 12 of Condition No. 27. It is their hope to be able to hold a private
conference in this facility in late December of this year. They feel they cannot meet those conditions in
that short of a time frame. Tenant improvements to this building are minor and can be completed in time
for their late December conference. They are more than willing to submit plans for the completion of these
items prior to this time and if there was a request for bonding or security then they would put that forward
also to ensure that those items would be completed. Condition No. 24 stipulates that this permit shall
expire 2 years from the date of this resolution on October 9, 2002.
As their letter of operation indicates that they anticipate the completion of the construction of a permanent
teleconferencing facility in January 2003, the expiration date as it now stands would eliminate their ability
to hold a conference in December 2002. They ask that they be granted an extension to January 9, 2003.
', Commissioner Bristol discussed that the difference between the private versus public meetings on the site.
The private being potentially 4,000 people coming on the site between off-peak hours and 1,500 coming
peak hours during the week to the site. Mr. Miller came up with a figure in their study regarding the 4,000
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OCTOBER 9, 2000
of 3 persons per vehicle t~ip per automobile using 60% of 4,000. On the traffic study on page 30 on Ball
(. Road and came up with 1.81 per person on the study.
Rock Miller, traffic engineer consultant with Katz, Okitsu & Associates, responded that was correct. They
assumed 1.81 for events that would be held during business hours. They assume 3 for special events that
would be held after hours that would act somewhat like a special event generator.
Commissioner Bristol asked on the 21 days a year are they convinced that 3.0 will come in cars.
Rock Miller responded that was correct or the parking forecasting that they have made for the occupancy
of that building would be in proportion to the buses they forecast to arrive as well as the occupancy of the
Commissioner Bristol asked Mr. Miller to explain how they came up with that because he tried to find out
how they can gather all that information from the Ball site.
Rock Miller stated that they did not gather any information on the vehicle occupancy for large special
events from the Ball site. The only information they obtained from the Ball site was to run a similar but
smaller teleconferencing facility at the Ball site that generates traffic into and out of the facility before and
after events. They measured the occupancy of those vehicles to determine whether people arrived for
those events at one, two or three to a car. They found four of those events which would occur between
8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. normal business hours that the occupancies of those events was approximately
1.83 (less than 2) but higher that the 1.1 that would be measured if the employee reporting to their own
work site prior to work. They did that because it is typical to assume a rate of 3 per car when dealing with
theatres, churches, assembly areas, and types of uses that have very large parking lot and usage. That
rate seemed very appropriate for the use for this facility on the basis that the types of large events that
they hold they bring in people from out of town and stay overnight in nearby hotels/motels and would be
', very logical to assume that they would carpool or use the bus transportation provided to arrive at the site.
They would not have assumed that for public use of the facility.
Commissioner Bristol stated assuming they gather 1500 as a maximum amount, the hours of operation are
8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. which puts them at peak hours. He is trying to determine how they came up with
these totals, the AM and PM peak hours of the traffic study for the public as approximately 68 trips.
Rock Miller responded probably because that is the hour that staff arrived during the peak hour whereas
the events would not start until the facility had actually opened.
Commissioner Bristol asked how they came up with the numbers on page 13 of the traffic study regarding
trip generation for the proposed project on Ball Road that they are applying to the public event.
Rock Miller explained that the numbers are not connected with each other. The number on Table 5(page
13) of the traffic study is the traffic that arrives at the site generally before 8:00 a.m. in the morning. It is
the employees associated with the teleconferencing facility, the people that get the facility ready. The
public use of the facility would not occur promptly at 8:00 a.m. because the facility is open at 8:00 a.m.
They would arrive at the facility, get it ready to hold an event and then the people who actually attend the
facility do not arrive during the AM peak hour. That would be a number larger than 63, a number closer to
the parking that they forecast for the site, but would not occur during the morning peak of the street
because the hours of the use of the facility do not allow it to be used before 8:00 a.m.
Commissioner Bristol asked what would be between 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. if there were 1500 people
Rock Miller replied the people would arrive at a rate of about 1.8 per car, if it was a fully used facility, which
', would be 700 to 800.
Commissioner Bristol asked if that is noted in the study.
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OCTOBER 9, 2000
(. Rock Miiler indicated they have the parking requirement for those people in the study. They did not do a
traffic analysis during the peak hour that the facility arrives because the peak hour of the street was
deemed to be of greater concern to the City staff.
Commissioner Bristol stated that he noticed a sign on the outside of the building that appears there will be
doing some web-hosting.
John Pester referred to the site plan and indicated that there is a section of the building that is the
northeast corner of building that they are proposing for the teleconferencing center that is indicated as
"telecom lease pending". That is the site that will have the co-location. It is actually more machinery than
Commissioner Bristol asked if they apply another traffic count instead of 3 per vehicle and used the 1.1 to
the private convention their parking would be increased by 400 to 500. A concern was the impact to the
residents to south of La Palma, especially the fact that they are off peak hours. One of the conditions was
buses leaving by 10:30 p.m. Regarding the relocation of buses from the area to the front of the northern
part of the property La Palma (staging area where buses would end up) to the rear area. He thought that
would be the best area where it does not impact the residents and also to go off of Woodland, potentially
for the buses.
Rock Miller stated they had identified any area that they felt would be appropriate for bus parking based
upon the proposed location of the facility and the proportion of people that would use it. They would be
happy to refine the bus access routes to the facility if it is deemed that there is a better place on the site for
bus parking and bus access. There are some physical turning constraints that may exist today for bringing
the buses in on Woodland, however, there are probably issues of slight adjustments of landscaped areas
adjacent to building or planters. It is a matter of laying a"turn template" for a bus vehicle on the plan and
', determine whether any of the landscape interferes with it. That type of information was shown on the
parking area that was proposed. They can certainly find an alternate location on the site for bus parking if
that is Commission's desire.
Commissioner Bristol stated that staff questioned how much width they had between parked cars. On the
other hand, this would be the best location for those buses to come down on because there are no
residents impacted.
John Pester stated they are in agreement. They identified the Vocation adjacent to the proposed
teleconference center based upon conversations they had with members of the Traffic and Engineering
Division based on their recommendation. They see that there is a way to bring buses in off of Woodland
and park them in the back of the area to minimize the impacts and even to make it easier for those buses
to maneuver.
Commissioner Vanderbilt indicated when he drove the site on Friday; it appeared that there were some
improvements down to the west side of the college that eliminated a number of parking spaces. It
appeared there was possibly a utility structure and more construction going on against the west side of the
building. He wondered if the parking study was based on this plan and those improvements have been
done it appears that the calculations might be off.
Rock Milier stated that the parking plan is based upon the number of parking spaces that exist or would be
provided when the facility is completed. It is largely the same as the existing parking plan, but there are
some slight changes. He thought a portion of the remote corners of this site was temporarily loaned to the
contractor for the ongoing freeway construction which is nearly completed and that may have caused
some short term disruptions.
' Commissioner Vanderbilt stated he was referring to something that looked permanent and he saw trailers
, on the north side of the site and some areas that are screened off. If these plans submitted are the ones
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OCTOBER 9, 2000
being used to come up with the calculations for parking use and do not accurately reflect the possible
(, future layout then that is a concern.
Rock Miller stated the parking supply that they assume to exist is a combination of what they count out
there in areas that are clearly shown consistent with the site plan plus what would be provided there in the
areas that were temporarily out of use due to outside activities. The parking supply that they indicated
would exist there is the parking supply that they are reasonably sure will exist when this becomes the
combination of uses that occur on the site.
Greg McCafferty confirmed that Commissioner Vanderbilt was correct. If the plan before Commission and
the plan they are going to adopt as an exhibit is different from what is showing physically at the site
currently then they need the correct plan. If the applicant is stating that this is the correct plan and those
are the parking spaces that are striped and what they based their parking calculations on then that is fine.
However, if it is different out in the field then they need to be consistent.
Commissioner Vanderbilt stated that in front of the College building they have some spaces that are
indicated as "handicapped". When he counted them those spaces they were extra large to accommodate
a van and did not reflect on this plan because at some point someone decided to restripe them (in blue)
so they could accommodate a van and take up two up 1%2 to 2 spaces. He hoped that they provide
updated plans.
Greg McCafferty suggested that Mr. Pester clarify whether this plan that reflects existing conditions and if
not then perhaps they might consider a continuance of this item not only to address that issue but also the
bus template on the plan.
Commissioner Vanderbilt stated if the bus template shows even without these parking spaces and those
new structures in place then that would be satisfy this process.
'. Alfred Yalda, Principal Transportation Planner, stated that simply the design of the traffic signal itself for
that turning movement he estimated would be longer than December. It would take at least 2 months for
the plan check review and then the process of changing the signal is going to be rather hectic because
there is a 6-month waiting list on some of the parts that are produced.
Rock Miller stated that is why the applicant requested some alternate arrangement for the improvements.
They would like to run an event this coming December, during the Christmas holidays, and it would not be
possible to accomplish the physical improvements that are indicated in the staff report by that time,
especially the traffic signal issue. There is about a 6-month wait on most traffic signal parts. Therefore,
they asked for consideration with a relief on that through bonding to get the improvement done afterwards.
It just cannot be done in time for the event they are hoping to hold this December.
Commissioner Bristol was also in agreement to continue this item. Asked if Commission wanted any
activity regarding La Palma. Buses coming westbound on La Palma going right on Magnolia going through
the property and going to the back area, essentially staying off of La Palma, or is it permissible to have
buses on La Palma before 6:00 p.m. but after 6:00 p.m. they would stay off of La Palma and go off of
A{fred Ya1da advised that the applicant speak with the Police Department because he was not certain even
if this was approved and conditioning whether the police could handle the traffic control because they may
not have adequate personnel with the amount of work there is already in the City at other facilities.
Rock Miller stated that there is a traffic signal out there. The requirement was to left-turn phasing to it.
Actually, the left-turn phasing would be most conducive to traffic that arrived at Magnolia, turn left on La
Palma and left into the site. If they redo the access pattern so that all bus activity arrives on Magnolia,
possibly even reduce the need for that, lt has been their presumption all along that the Police Department
', would want to do event traffic control here and would be able to provide for it. He could only presume they
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OCTOBER 9, 2000
would have expressed some reservation had they felt they would be unable to provide that level of service.
(. He hoped that the application was routed to the Police Department routinely.
Alfred Yalda stated that generally it is routed to the Police Department, but it does not go directly to the
traffic control section, therefore, he suggested that the applicant contact the Police Department and speak
with the actual section that handles the work in the field.
Rock Miller stated that they actually have a sizeable surplus of parking forecast. They are assuming use
of these buildings simultaneous with their major events. The destiny of the property seems to be that more
and more of it is getting directly into Living Stream's own uses. When they are assuming 300 parking
spaces that may be needed for other tenants after hours, which may not be true, as soon as those tenants
Commissioner Bristol suggested a continuance to allow time to discuss the things they talked about
regarding internal circulation, Woodland and La Palma not impacting the residents and on Condition No.
22 on page 11, he suggested to extending the hours of operation to 11:00 p.m.
Melanie Adams, Associate Engineer, stated concerning Condition No. 12 with the sidewalks, she felt that
the applicant could construct that before their opening in December. All they would need to do is have
their civil engineer prepare plans, which she indicated she could review with them at a meeting. She
thought that it would take 1 to 2 weeks to install the sidewalk.
John Pesta requested a two-week continuance because he felt most of the issues of concern could be
addressed very quickly.
Greg McCafferty agreed that a two-week continuance would be acceptable as long as the plans are
received on Wednesday or Thursday of this week. Based on Commissions concerns they would need to
', do a template along Woodland Drive to exit, modify the site plan so it reflects the existing parking that is
out there and meet with the Police Department to work out off-site traffic management until the traffic
signal is constructed.
Alfred Yalda suggested that the applicant reflect that in their traffic study, which could be submitted up to 5
days before the hearing date.
Commissioner Bristol offered a continuance to October 23, 2000, seconded by Commissioner Arnold, vote
taken and motion carried.
• • ~ ~- • ~ • • ~ •
ACTION: Continued subject request to the October 23, 2000 Planning Commission meeting in
order for the applicant to revise the site plan to show the existing parking layout at the
west property line and to determine the feasibility of bus access to Electric Way and
Woodland Drive, and to meet with Police Department staff to work out off-site traffic
management until the traffic signal at La Palma and Gilbert is upgraded.
VOTE: 6-0 (Commissioner Bostwick absent)
DISCUSSION TIME: 30 minutes (3:56-4:26)
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OCTOBER 9, 2000
MONDAY, OCTOBER 23, 2000 AT 11:00 A.M.
RespectfuAy submitted:
~..r~..~.~ ~^
Received and approved by the Planning Commission on ~°-~ 3~ ~~
Ossie Edmundson
Senior Secretary
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