Minutes-PC 2001/11/19~
- ~ _.,P.~ .. , . ,, s: _..,. ,._ ~~
Council Chambers, City Hall
200 South Anaheim Boulevard, Anaheim, California
STAFF PRESENT: ~~~ ,r~ ~ ~~ ~~
Selma Mann, Assistant ~ity Att~rn~~r"
Annika Santalahti, Zorn=g~~c~min~stra'.
Greg Hastings, Zonin D~ivision Mana
Greg McCafferty, Pn ~ip~l Plann.er ~
David Gottlieb, Rede~el pment and~F
Senior Services Mar~a~er `~
~ ~~ ~~ ~~~
AGENDA POSTING~ ~A,,Ecampl~ete co~
Friday, November 1~, 20(3'1,~r~side~~h
the outside display kii~sk. ~ ~
CALL TO ORDER ~~~; , E~~;~
~: ~
omm. Develop.
9:30 a.m. on
nbers, and also in
For record keeping purposes, if you wish to make a statement regarding any item on the agenda, please
complete a speaker card and submit it to the secretary.
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Commissioner Vanderbilt
H:\DOCS\CLERICAUMINUTESWC111901.DOC lannin COfTlI111SSlOtI anaheim.net
NOVEMBER 19, 2001
This is an opportunity for members of the public to speak on any item under the jurisdiction of the
Anaheim City Planning Commission or public comments on agenda items with the exception of public
hearing items.
Item 1-A through 1-I on the Consent Calendar will be acted on by one roll call vote. There will be no
separate discussion of these items prior to the time of the voting on the motion unless members of the
Planning Commission, staff or the public request the item to be discussed and/or removed from the
Consent Calendar for separate action.
Commissioner Koos offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner Bristol and MOTION CARRIED
(Commissioner Vanderbilt abstained from Item 1-I), for approval of Consent Calendar Items
1-A through 1-I as recommended by staff (with a correction noted to the Planning Commission Minutes of
November 5, 2001). Consent Calendar Items (1-D, 1-F, 1-G, 1-H) were removed from the Consent
Calendar for separate discussion.
CUP 2001-04461) - REQUEST FOR TERMINATION: Gaines B.
Stanley, 1590 West Ball Road, Anaheim, CA 92802, requests
termination of Conditional Use Permit Nos. 2754 and 3377 (to permit a
residential trailer in conjunction with an existing church). Property is
located at 1590 West Ball Road.
(Vote: 7-0)
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NOVEMBER 19, 2001
Fiilis Racquet Club, Attn: Russell Miller, 415 South Anaheim Hilis
Road, CA 92807, requests to expand the existing Tennis Club to add
additional courts (for total of 10 tennis courts). Property is located at
415 South Anaheim Hills Road - Anaheim Hills Racquet Club.
ACTION: Commissioner Koos offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner
Bristol and MOTION CARRIED, that the Anaheim City Planning Commission
does hereby determine that the previously-approved negative declaration is
adequate to serve as the required environmental documentation for subject
Commissioner Koos offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner Bristol and
MOTION CARRIED, that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby
determine that the proposed exhibits for Conditional Use Permit No. 2466
(Tracking No. CUP 2001-04458) are in substantial conformance to demolish
two (2) tennis courts and construct four (4) courts for a total of nine (9) tennis
courts (previously approved for 11 courts) for the existing tennis facility located
at 415 South Anaheim Hills Road - Anaheim Hills Racquet Club based on the
following stipulations:
\ J
(i) That plans be modified to show three (3), 24-inch box
Eucalyptus trees planted adjacent to Anaheim Hills Road near
the location of the proposed tennis courts in order to fill the gap
between existing trees.
(ii) That plans be modified to provide six (6) additional parking
spaces (39 existing) for a total of 45 spaces.
Determined to be in
substantial conformance with
approved exhibits
(Vote: 7-0)
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NOVEMBER 19, 2001
SIGN PLANS: West Coast Islamic Society, Attn: Abdel J. Hamdan,
708 North Valley Street, Suite T, Anaheim, CA 92801, requests review
and approval of final sign plans for a previously approved mosque.
Property is located at 1717 South Brookhurst Street.
ACTION: Commissioner Koos offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner
Bristol and MOTION CARRIED, that the Anaheim City Planning Commission
does hereby determine that the previously-approved negative declaration is
adequate to serve as the required environmental documentation for subject
Commissioner Koos offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner Bristol and
MOTION CARRIED that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby
approve the Final Sign Plans for Conditional Use Permit No. 2000-04289
(Tracking No CUP 2001-04481) for a previously-approved mosque located at
1717 South Brookhurst Street based on the following:
(i) That the proposed monument sign conforms to current Code for
signs located in the CL Zone.
(ii) That the proposed monument sign, which has been reviewed by
the City Traffic and Transportation Manager, conforms to City
Engineering Standards for lines-of-sight.
(iii) That the final sign plan, which includes information for the removal
of the existing pole sign, is in conformance with Condition No. 16
of Resolution No. PC2001-21.
Approved Final Sign Plans
(Vote: 7-0)
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NOVEMBER 19, 2001
( ) A roved
b) CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 3974 (TRACKING NO. CUP 2001- Determined to be in
04482) - REQUEST FOR DETERMINATION OF SUBSTANTIAL substantial conformance with
CONFORMANCE: Farano and Kieviet Lawyers, Attn: Jeffrey L. approved exhibits pertaining
Farano, 2300 East Katella Avenue, Suite 2, Anaheim, CA 92806, to landscaping and signage.
requests determination of substantial conformance pertaining to
landscaping and signage for a previously approved self-storage (Vote: 7-0)
facility. Property is located at 7777 South Santa Ana Canyon Road.
ACTION: Commissioner Bristol offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner
Boydstun and MOTION CARRIED, that the Anaheim City Planning
Commission does hereby determine that the previously-approved negative
declaration is adequate to serve as the required environmental documentation
for subject request.
Commissioner Bristol offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner Bostwick
and MOTION CARRIED, that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does
hereby determine that the proposed removal of clinging vines and additional
signage for Conditional Use Permit No. 3974 (Tracking No. CUP 2001-04482)
is in substantial conformance with previously-approved exhibits for the self-
storage facility located at 7777 East Santa Ana Canyon Road - Madison
Square's Self Storage with the stipulation indicated at the meeting, "that the
window signs be turned off when the business is closed". SR8119KB.DOC
Chairperson Arnold introduced Item 1-D as a request for determination of substan tial conformance
regarding landscaping and signage of the self-storage facility on 7777 East Santa Ana Canyon Road.
Greg McCafferty informed Item 1-D was a previously approved conditional use permit for a self-storage
facility at 7770 Santa Ana Canyon Road essentially regarding two conditions; Condition No. 17 requiring
landscaping and clinging vines adjacent to the building wall facing the freeway. The second condition
restricted the number of wall signs permitted. The p~titioner asks Commission to find the request in
substantial conformance with the previous approval and staff recommends Commission not find it in
substantial conformance and require it set for future public hearing.
ApplicanYs Statement:
Jeff Farano, 2300 E. Katella Avenue #235, Anaheim, CA 92806, of Farano and Kieviet, speaking on
behalf of the applicants asked for clarification on two issues; clinging vines and signs. He stated the
clinging vines were first planted and later removed by maintenance because it created a rodent problem.
They would like to at least have a project to keep the whole area around the building clean of foliage and
other matters that would allow them to control the rodent problem. He stated they are finding two
problems with the clinging vines; since it is not a block wall but a stucco wall the clinging vines attachment
pulled the stucco off the wall. He feels while that can be resolved by some other tacking method a
second problem is formed; rodents hide in these areas and climb the walls, therefore it becomes more of
a control issue. He states the condition requires clinging vines in order to control graffiti problems but it is
not as direct as it states in that they have not had a graffiti problem in the area. There have been some
along the freeway but they have been able to secure their property by fencing it in. He states if they
• acquire a graffiti problem they will take care of it immediately, as they are required to do. Mr. Kieviet
points out that there are several buildings along the 91freeway that do not have clinging vines as a
condition and he feels the requirement to put clinging vines on all buildings throughout the City is a
problem. The CUP gives the applicant the opportunity not to have clinging vines if they are able to
provide some opportunity to prevent graffiti.
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NOVEMBER 19, 2001
• The second issue is in regard to signs. He states the have fluorescent tube si ns, o en si ns and tube
Y 9 p 9
signs that say boxes on them that take up less than 20% of the window. He explained the signs were put
up after a building inspection, which required them to have a plug above each window by building code in
order to display signs. He notes the ordinance states that signs approved by the CUP are permitted.
There is no reference anywhere in the ordinance that refers to open and closed signs, yet throughout the
City there are 95% to plus fluorescent opened and closed signs. So it is contradictory for the City to tell
#hem that they cannot have opened and closed signs. The other sign, which they have been asked to
take down, is a fluorescent tube sign that says boxes on it and this is lighted only during business hours.
The ordinance permits a sign in the window (a nameplate sign) which identifies the nature of the
business. The CUP did not specifically prohibit that and therefore under the ordinance, unless it
specifically prevents it from being up, it is permitted under the code. Mr. Kieviet states neither one should
require an amendment of the CUP. It would cost $1500 plus to amend the CUP and start it through
public process when it is clear what they are doing is permissible. They hesitate to go through public
process over an open-close sign and a fluorescent tube sign.
Commissioner Boydstun stated that the building has an architectural design and is a nice looking building
and vines growing on the building will ruin the stucco. The applicants have planted trees all along the
property and when the state's part of the property is landscaped it will look very attractive. The property
is fenced and maintained and when the trees fill out the building will be blocked even more.
Commissioner Bristol concurred with Commissioner Boydstun and stated the City has received a lot of
compliments on the building. He assures the City's intent is to also forego another public hearing. The
applicant reported it has lighting and there has only been one opportunity for graffiti and that is when they
~ were building it. He does not feel the intent of the clinging vines is necessary to prevent graffiti as
Condition No. 17 states.
Commissioner Bostwick asked if there has been any graffiti on the structure, because he travels it
everyday and has never witnessed any.
Greg Hastings, Zoning Division Manager replied that staff is not aware that there has been a graffiti
problem recently. There was graffiti originally on the building but it has been removed and as far as they
know it has not been reapplied.
Commissioner Boydstun stated that it is a tight fit between the fence and the building and therefore would
provide easy capture.
Commissioner Bostwick stated that the lighting helps and he is okay with the signage as long as it does
not exceed the allowable 20%. He feels neon looks better than painted signs because the painted signs
get old and ugly very quickly.
Commissioner Boydstun stated that the box signs are not on at night and therefore cannot be seen from
the street, and really the people that notice them are the ones that drive into the facility.
Chairperson Arnold stated that the applicant has identified the underlining intent behind the language and
CUP and also the particular features of the project within the scope of the intent.
Commissioner Vanderbilt concurred, with regard to the clinging vines; the points made were excellent and
appropriate. He stated in regard to signage a neon sign after hours tends to stick out fairly more
significant than other signage along the Santa Ana Canyon thoroughfare. For the most part, the signs are
either lit from a flood light that is mounted in front of it or there is some other less intent light use. The
• applicant states that the signage is similar to others that occur in that area and he does not know if that is
necessarily true, so he asked if one of the Commissioners could set an example for him.
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NOVEMBER 19, 2001
~ Commissioner Bostwick pointed out the foliowing: the shopping center at Fairmont Boulevard
and Santa Ana Canyon Road, the Chinese Food Restaurant, the Fitness Center, the Travel
Agency has an open sign, etc. He stated throughout the entire center there are open signs.
Page 7
NOVEMBER 19, 2001
VARIANCE NO. 4380 (TRACKING NO. VAR 2001-044721-
Road, Lake Forest, CA 92630, requests a retroactive extension of time
to comply with the conditions of approval for a previously-approved 48
lot residential detached subdivision. Property is located at 4000 East
Riverdale Avenue.
ACTION: Commissioner Koos offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner
Bristol and MOTION CARRIED, that the Anaheim City Planning Commission
does hereby determine that the previously-approved negative declaration is
adequate to serve as the required environmental documentation for subject
Commissioner Koos offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner Bristol and
MOTION CARRIED, that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby
approve the request for a one-year retroactive extension of time to comply with
the conditions of approval (to expire on February 15, 2002) for a previously-
approved detached residential subdivision based on the following stipulations:
{i) That the proposed plan remains in conformance with the proposed
zoning and existing General Plan land use designation for this
property. Further, there have been no Code amendments that would
~ cause the approval to be considered inconsistent with the Zoning
Code, nor has the petitioner submitted plans that would render the
project inconsistent with the existing Zoning Code.
(ii) That this is the first request for a time extension, and Code permits a
maximum of two requests for extension of time to comply with
conditions of approval.
(iii) That the property has been maintained in a safe, clean and
aesthetically pleasing manner with no outstanding code violations
affecting this property.
(iv) That there is no information or changed circumstances which
contradict the facts necessary to support one or more of the required
findings for approval of Reclassification No. 99-00-09 and Variance
No. 4380.
Approved retroactive
extension of time for one year
(to expire on
February 15, 2002)
(Vote: 7-O)
Page 8
NOVEMBER 19, 2001
~ F. a) CEQA CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION SECTION 15061 (b)(3) Continued to
b) GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 2001-00399 AND December 3, 2001
Redevelopment Agency, Attn: Lisa Stipkovich, 201 South Anaheim
Boulevard, #1003, Anaheim, CA 92805, City-initiated (Community
Development Department) request to consider initiation of a General
Plan amendment from the General Commercial and Medium Density
Residential land use designations to the Low-Medium Density
Residential land use designation and a reclassificafion from the CL
(Commercial, Limited) Zone to the RM-3000 (Residential, Multiple-
Family) Zone. Property is located at 2330-2340 West Lincoln Avenue.
OPPOSITION: A representative of WAND (West Anaheim
Neighborhood Council) spoke in opposition to the
subject request.
ACTION; Commissioner Koos offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner
Bostwick and MOTION CARRIED to continue the subject request to the
December 3, 2001 Planning Commission meeting in order to explore whether
additional properties should be included in the proposal, to address
neighborhood representative concerns pertaining to the land use actions, and SR2100DS.DOC
to give the Commission another opportunity to visit the site.
• Chairperson Arnold introduced Item 1-F as initiation of general plan amendment a nd reclassification
proceedings for 2330 to 2340 West Lincoln Avenue.
Greg McCafferty, Principai Planner, informed that Item 1-F is a City-initiated request from the Community
Development Department to consider initiation of a general plan amendment from the general commercial
and medium density residential land use designations to the low-medium density residential land use
designation and a reclassification from the CL (Commercial, Limited) Zone to the RM-3000 (Residential,
Multiple-Family) Zone. Staff recommends Commission initiate the two proceedings.
Chairperson Arno(d cfarified that this does not approve anything in particular it just starts the process of
considering the requests in motion.
Mr. McCafferty concurred and stafed there woufd be a notice of public hearing that would come before
Commission in the future.
Applicant's Statement:
David Gottlieb, Community Development Department, stated the action item is to initiate proceedings for
reclassification for property that is zoned by the Redevelopment Agency. This is one half of the site that
was commonly referred to as the old Home Depot site on Lincoln Avenue. The new one is on Brookhurst
Street. The site that the agency owns was the parking lot of the former Home Depot site. The City has
acquired the site and intends to redevelop it with homeownership opportunifies. The homeownership
opportunities are consistent with the West Anaheim Vision Plan and also in accordance with the City's
housing element that has been forwarded off to the state of California that identifies the property as the
significant potential site for residential development. In response to Commissioner Bostwick's question in
the afternoon session, he circulated among the Commissioners information regarding Community
• Development's investigation as to the yield of residential units and how they could be laid out,
Chairperson Arnold clarified that after Commission reviewed the plans it would be made available to the
Page 9
NOVEMBER 19, 2001
~ Mr. Gottlieb explained that the plan depicts very conceptual in nature and the have not decided u on
Y p
any specific layout. They anticipate that the majority of the use will be detached single-family homes and
perhaps there could be a component of attached homeownership townhome type units along Lincoln
Avenue and different types of configurations so as to provide a buffer from Lincoln Avenue.
Chairperson Arnold wished to clarify that the layouts before Commission were four different possibilities.
Mr. Gottlieb concurred that they are four different alternatives to see what they could get on that site and
what the site would yield. They wanted to stay anywhere between 10 to 13 dwelling units to the acre.
The plans presented depicts less than 11 dwelling units to the acre; they range from 9.6 to 10.6 dwelling
units an acre which is well within the dwelling units identified for West Anaheim.
Judith Anne Gollette, 649 South Roanne Street, Anaheim, CA, representing WAND's Land Use and
Business Development Committee, stated they oppose down zoning to the 3000 multi-family. They have
been working with the City of Anaheim on the vision in West Anaheim and they were told that they would
be working together on deveiopment of a site. They have not seen the plans presently presented to
Commission. WAND has asked to meet with Redevelopment on a continuing basis and thafi meeting
seems to be put aside or get mixed up in the week. She feels if Community Development is at the point
to decrease zoning to 3000, with waivers they will down zone even more. She suggests if it is necessary
to change to single-family housing, then zone at 7200 or 5000. WAND has been informed there would be
a combination of housing and not a significant amount of townhomes as currently reported.
~ Commissioner Bostwick asked what the development was across Lincoln Avenue down at the old bowling
alley site.
Mr. Hastings responded that they were RM-3000, detached condominiums, one of the first homes the
City did and it is probably one of the higher density they have seen because it was one of the first;
probably about 12 units per acre.
Commissioner Boydstun asked if there was a consideration for RM-5000.
Mr. Gottlieb responded no, they have always wanted to go with the RM-3000. He explains one of the
things to keep in mind is that the plan is conceptual in nature and they are staying well within the
densities as worked with WAND and all the other West Anaheim groups during the two-year long
visioning process which identify densities in the amount of 90 to 93 dwelling units to the acre. Although
there may be a townhome component to the development they will be ownership units. There would not
be any type for rent units in the project.
Commissioner Boydstun stated that it looked like most of them were going to be detached.
Mr. Gottlieb responded that they probably would be but once again they really had not done too much
work on that. They identified the site for residential and their main focus up until this point has been to
acquire the site to try to acquire the adjoining sites which has not proven to be a fruitful enterprise. He
feels now that they are going forward with the rezoning of the general plan amendment process and they
also have a short list of residentia( deveiopers they will start more closely focusing on the layout of the
units; the type, the mixture, the economics of the site and things on that order.
Commissioner Bristol noted that from a landbased standpoint, indications are that this is going to be for
• affordable housing.
Mr. Gottlieb responded that a percentage of it might be for affordable. The site itself was purchased with
money from the Redevelopment Agency, which indicates that a component of it would be affordable. He
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NOVEMBER 19, 2001
~ explains affordable can be anywhere from the very low-income classification all the way up to the
moderate-income level classification or any combination of that on the site. He states at this point and
time they have not calculated how many of the units would be affordable and at what income level.
Commissioner Bristol retorted very few of them could be low or even moderate based on the selling price
of any units today.
Mr. Gottlieb responded that on anyone project 15% of the units that are produced has to be deemed
affordable and if they were listed at the moderate income level, sales price on those could be anywhere
between $245,000 to $260,000, which is probably within the range of a smaller single-family home or
perhaps a townhome type unit. He explains that when Community Development uses the term
affordable, they are only talking about a percentage of the development. Affordable by stafe law means
anywhere from the very low up to moderate-income level and not any of them would have to necessarify
be on the proposed site because they could do that within the redevelopment project area.
Chairperson Arnold asked if there was any possibiliry that the densities could go up if the general plan
amendment and reclassification were to actually go through as proposed.
Mr. Gottlieb responded that it would go no higher than 13 dwelling units an acre.
Commissioner Vanderbilt stated that decisions are often easier when there are citizens buying into them
and just based on the commentary he wonders if there is any intent to work more closefy with community
groups as far as the four proposals are concerned.
Mr. Gottlieb responded that he was somewhat taken aback by the comment that Community
Development has not worked with the community. He explained that they had over 1%2 year long process
~ with the West Anaheim Vision process of which Ms. Goffette and Ms. Waflace were present as members
of WAND. He attends the WAND Land Use meetings every monfh at Denny's Restaurant on Beach
Boulevard, and also every WAND meeting and Community Devefopment recently held weekly meetings
with Ms. Wallace recently attended by Ms. Gollette which have been switched to monthly meetings to
better accommodate time schedules. He feels they have done an excellent job in terms of outreach to
the community and concede they could certainly try to do more but have done a very good job in the past.
Commissioner Koos responded to Commissioner Vanderbiit's concerns and stated he was on the
committee about a year ago and walked away feeiing very positive about the level of bond they had at the
time. It did end about a year ago so maybe something has gotten lost within a year. He recalled
specifically as they wound down the meetings trying to get away from focusing so much on the number of
units an acre because when it comes down to it, it has to do with design. He illustrated South Irvine and
their recent development of Oak Creek, which has huge densities, and is selling for $400,000 up. He
states it is just the nafure of the market right now. He recalls many discussions on how people do not
necessarily want the massive yards and the amenities of the 1960's per se; it is a different world right
now. The proposed site is boulevard residential and he feels it is a housing prototype that he can support
across the City. He would like to see the City look at the whole corridor so not to appear as spot zoning
or spot general pfanning. During his time on the committee he appreciated the process they went through
and thought they would come back with more comprehensive general plan amendments and rezonings
than a parcel at a time. He understands there are difficulties regarding the furniture store and missed
opportunities but from a pure planning perspective he would like to carry the vision through and maybe
change the general plan on some property even if they do not have any short term business relationships
with the owners.
Mr. Gottlieb stated Commissioner Koos' comments are well founded and Community Development has
started working with the Planning Department in the general plan amendment process to change those
properties in accordance with the West Anaheim vision, which was approved by both the Planning
• Commission and City Council. The task is probably second only to the City's overall general plan
amendment process and it takes into consideration hundreds and hundreds of parcels. Community
Deve(opment has been working with Planning Staff specifically David See, Greg Hastings and Greg
McCafferty on the process and in regards to specific zonings, as the properties become acquired by the
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NOVEMBER 19, 2001
• agency and they know better how to develop those properties, they wiil come in with the rezoning but has
started along the process to do the general plan amendment process specifically for West Anaheim so
that they would not have to wait until one gets done for the City and the overall general plan amendment
Mr. McCafferty suggested one alternative to be considered is the possibility of modifying the
reclassification request to say RM3000 or less than 10 zone in order for this lease to begin the process of
bringing other alternatives back fo Commission.
Chairperson Arnold stated many of the issues that have come up would come up again. He explained
that Commission was not actually making any decisions about the general plan or the reclassification but
just starting the process. So the critical question is what sort of guidance should Commission give
Community Development in terms of what to bring back as far as options.
Commissioner Koos concurs with Mr. McCafferty's suggestion but would also like staff to explore
expanding the scope for the sake of good planning and following through with division planning and not
leaving it just as parcel. He states whether or not there is a project already in the pipeline is irrelevant in
terms of carrying the vision through and feels he would really want to support a motion that would
encourage more than just a parcel.
Commissioner Bristol stated that specifically the commercial directly to the west has the remnant southern
piece on the map.
Mr. Gottlieb stated that the parcel to the west does not include even the smaller parcel on the shaded
~ Commissioner Bristol stated that he agrees but his question is on the CL on the Conditional Use Permit
No. 1999, and what is currently on the site.
Mr. Gottlieb responded that it is part of the overall shopping center.
Commissioner Bristol asked if the southern remnant piece was being used. If not, that piece would abut
between the proposed property and Land Lane.
Mr. Gottlieb responded that he could not visualize it right now but does not think it would be availab(e to fit
in with their project.
Commissioner 8ristol stated that would be a logical choice to probably include within the project
otherwise it would not be of any use if they cannot think what it is right now.
Commissioner 8oydstun clarified that it is the back of Ralphs Grocery where unloading takes place.
Trucks have to go to the back because there is no where to unload from the front.
Commissioner Bristol stated if loading is occurring in close proximity of the residential area then it creates
a noisy atmosphere for the neighborhood.
Mr. Gottlieb responded that he did not know off hand.
Commissioner Bristol attested they are fitting this in between two uses they are not sure about.
Commissioner Bostwick affirmed that the larger parcel of the two together made a better project, would
obviously give them more room and would be a better process. He is ambivalent in initiating the general
plan amendment because obviously it has to come back for public hearing but asks at the same time is
~ the City ahead of itself in putting together the proper properties to make this a workable situation.
Commissioner Bristol stated that they are trying to take care of the state of California and they might not
be taking care of the City of Anaheim by trying to force the properties.
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NOVEMBER 19, 2001
• Commissioner Koos su ested that is wh ma be Commission should car throu h with a more
99 Y Y rY 9
comprehensive general plan rezoning process rather than just one parcel.
Commissioner Bostwick stated that it is in their general plan review not to work on each little parcel as it
comes up. It cannot be done to the property next door (Daniel's) because there is litigation on the
property and they would only be increasing the City's liability.
Chairperson Arnold asked about the timing of it because Commission is in the process of the general plan
update in which there is going to be a whole variety of land use options looked at and explored in a more
comprehensive way. He asked if this project is part of the urgency to get ahead of the general plan
update to show progress on housing development.
Mr. Gottiieb responded that is one of the main points, yes. It was actually Community Development's
intention to proceed with the general plan amendment process for the properties in West Anaheim that
were the subject of the West Anaheim vision separate and distinct from the City's overall general plan
process. Community Development started the process almost two years prior to the City initiating the
overall general plan process. The way the schedule has been laid out for the City's general plan
amendment process would push them so far out in the realm that it would preclude the devefopment of
the parcels in a way in which the community would wanf to see changes occurring in the community.
Community Development woufd not want to have the site vacant for the next two to three years while the
City's general plan process is carried out. One of the other considerations in the reclassification and the
general plan amendment of this site itself is that this site has been identified in the City's housing element
as a housing development opportunity site and the City has a responsibility to develop housing within the
City of Anaheim. He states it would be great if they were able to do all of Lincoln Avenue as identified in
the vision plan all at once. Unfortunately, the City of Anaheim is a built out city with many different
• parcels under many different ownerships. It has always been Community Deve(opment's intention to
wherever an opportunity presents itself to acquire property to provide for the developments as in line with
the plans that have been approved.
Chairperson Arnold wished to clarify if he was saying part of the result of the City being built out and both
the actual needs of the citizens as well as the demands of the state with respect to housing means that
Commission may need to take a more incremental approach at times than a more comprehensive
Mr. Gottlieb responded that Community Development looks at it more from a city perspective as opposed
to a statewide responsibility, but it does provide a significant housing opportunity site for future residents
of the City of Anaheim.
Commissioner Boydstun stated she would be more comfortable if Commission added as suggested,
(RM3000 or less intensive zone) so that they are more open to what Community Development brings to
Commissioner Eastman asked if WAND would be supportive of the discussed plans. She would like to
see people representing that part of West Anaheim supportive since they were in on the front end of the
Judith Anne Gollette responded that the project at Knott Street and Ball Road was under the original
zoning of RM5000 or 7200 and then it was waived down to a sing(e-family home on a condominium size
lot after the development was presented to Commission with design plans. If the developer is allowed
RM3000 she feeis they would then come push every button possible. Ms. Gollette feels a larger plan
would be beneficial to West Anaheim affording the community choices instead of a boxed in opportunity.
She concurs with Commissioner Koos' insight on the Irvine $400,000 smaller lot design projects and feels
• they can be produced on a smaller sized lot if the amenities for the community are there but West
Anaheim does not have the amenities. West Anaheim does not have a park and almost all of the
grammar schools are year around. The state of California presented the results of year around schooling
to the state board and discovered that they were the worst results of any schooling out there. Traditional
Page 13
NOVEMBER 19, 2001
~ schooling is the most beneficial and West Anaheim is getting targeted and impacted to year around. The
City is subjecting West Anaheim children to a poor education.
The City needs to provide sports programs. The Boys and Girls Club is impacted they are bringing
people in from all over the piace, not just West Anaheim resident children. Central Anaheim recently
received Ross Washington and they are enlarging La Palma. West Anaheim does not have any of that
but the City is still putting in more housing. She states WAND only asks that West Anaheim meet with the
vision and the City approve the vision going forward by taking some of the strip malls that are difapidated
and blighted and change it. Look at a balance of what this design should be not just what the state has to
put in to meet its quota. Ms. Gollette states they live there and are long time residents, they have lived a
quota too and they want amenities, safety and beautification to the neighborhood. They ask not to be
boxed in so that they have to come in with more waivers and variances and then get the bottom of the
barrel just because that is whaYs good. West Anaheim has had three senior complexes; The Presidential
Track, The Old Home Depof, and on Brookhurst between Orange and Broadway, The Site 2000 Area,
and all are affordable housing sites.
She states affordable is not bad but asks where is the private developer, where is the balance to West
Anaheim, why is it just West Anaheim getting the highly impacted areas or "we need to meet the quota"?
She affirms fhey want what is good for the whole neighborhood, what is good for everybody else and
asks when the City does 5 per acre out in Maag Ranch or Anaheim Hills, and then do 10 or 13 max in
West Anaheim, where is the balance? She asks that they be given a chance to enjoy their community
Chairperson Arnold clarified with Selma Mann, Assistant City Attorney, that this is not a public hearing
item it is simply to initiate the process. He asked if Commission were to incorporate other parcels into a
general plan amendment and reclassification proceeding would they need to continue and readvertise
• this particular item, because the agenda only refers to the proposed parcel.
Ms. Mann responded that this is an advertised item, it just needs to be agendized. If there were additional
parcels that were going to be included there would be a new report and recommendation item that would
bring in the additional parcels. That would give the Planning Commission an opportunity to initiafe with
regard to those as well.
Chairperson Arnold wished to clarify that it would have to be continued and reagendized.
Ms. Mann clarified that it would not need to all be done in one hearing. Commission coufd act upon the
proposed item and then if there were additional parcels that became available that would harmonize with
the proposed item, that could come in as well and the staff report would address the item already initiated
with regard to adjacent parcels.
Commissioner Bristol stated that he would fike to spend more time to take a iook at West Anaheim and
see what is out there.
Page 14
NOVEMBER 19, 2009
Redevelopment Agency, Attn: Lisa Stipkovich, 201 South Anaheim
Boulevard, #1003, Anaheim, CA 92805, City-initiated (Community
Development Department) request to consider initiation of a General
Plan amendment from the General Commercial land use designation
to the Low-Medium Density Residential land use designation and a
reclassification from the RS-7200 (Residential, Single-Family) and CL
(Commercial, Limited) Zones to the RM-3000 (Residential, Multiple-
Family) Zone. Property is located at 3119-3169 West Lincoln Avenue.
OPPOSITION: A representative of WAND (West Anaheim
Neighborhood Council) spoke in opposition to the
subject request.
ACTION: Commissioner Koos offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner
Bristol and MOTION CARRIED, that the Anaheim City Planning Commission
does hereby concur with staff that the proposed project falls within the
definition of CEQA Exemption Section 15061(b)(3), as defined in the California
Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines and is, therefore, exempt from
the requirements to prepare additional environmental documentation.
Concurred with staff
Approved Initiation for GPA
Approved Initiation for
Reclassification proceedings
(Vote: 7-0)
~ Commissioner Koos offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner Bostwick
Commissioner Koos offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner Bostwick
and MOTION CARR(ED, that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does
hereby approve Initiation of Reclassification proceedings for 3169 West
Lincoln Avenue property from the CL Zone to the RM-3000 Zone, and the
twelve (12) properties at 3119 to 3165 West Lincoln Avenue from the RS-7200
Zone to the RM-3000 Zone.
and MOTION CARRIED, that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does
hereby approve Initiation of General Plan Amendment proceedings to
redesignate the subject properties from the Generaf Commercial land use
designation to the Low-Medium Density Residential land use designation.
Chairperson Arnold introduced Item 1-G as a general plan amendment and reclassification proceeding
initiation process for 3919 to 39 69 West Lincoln Avenue.
Greg McCafferty, Principal Planner, informed Item 1-G is also a City-initiated (Community Development
Department) request to consider initiation of a general plan amendment from the general commercial land
use designation to the low-medium density residential land use designation and a reclassification from the
RS-7200 (Residential, Single-Family) and CL (Commercial, Limited) Zones to RM-3000 (Residential,
Multiple-Family) Zone.
Applicant's Statement:
• David Gottlieb, Community Development Department, stated this is a number of parcels that the agency
has acquired commonly known as the Lincoln frontage of the presidenYs track out in West Anaheim. This
strip of land that is composed of about 13 to 15 single-family lots and some commercial lots identified for
Page 15
NOVEMBER 19, 2009
~ residentiai development. They will have boulevard residential, attached single-family townhome type
development with sizeable setbacks.
Judith Ann Golette representing WAND echoed same sentiments that was said earlier. Added three-
fourths of residents west of Beach Boulevard are multi-family attached units and impacts need to be
Commissioner Arnold asked if detached homes by themselves are not her concern.
Judith Ann Golette said definitely, design is the key to the whole thing.
Commissioner Koos asked if the homes on Broadway are an acceptable design.
Judith Ann Golette said design is nice, but traffic considerations should have been taken into
Commissioner Koos stated if that is the product type that WAND finds acceptable and has appropriate
zoning, what is the disconnect.
Judith Ann Golette stated the disconnect is that they are putting the cart before the horse, putting zoning
in before they have a project. Why put limitations on a project that hasn't been developed.
Commissioner Koos explained that the City is reviewing the whole Zoning Code and there will be
changes that will create a situation where there won't have to be as many variances to accomplish good
~ Judith Ann Golette stated they were promised that there would be no more apartmenfs in West Anaheim.
Attached homes are acceptable as long as they have amenities in the design so that there are sidewalks,
playgrounds and facilities.
Commissioner Arnofd stafed there are conceptual alternatives that need to be made available to the
Commissioner 8osfinrick stated this area is very blighted and it is time for it to go so he doesn't have a
problem with it.
Commissioner Koos offered motion to determine that this action is exempt under CEQA Guidelines.
19 -19-01
Page 16
NOVEMBER 19, 2001
CONVERSIONS: City of Anaheim, 200 South Anaheim Boulevard,
Anaheim, CA 92805, City-initiated (Motel Task Force), request for a
code amendment pertaining to motel conversions. City-wide.
COMMENTS: A representative of WAND (West Anaheim Neighborhood
Council) spoke with concerns; and a person spoke with
comments pertaining to the subject request.
ACTiON: Commissioner Bostwick offered a motion, seconded by
Commissioner Eastman and MOTION CARRIED to continue the subject
request for six (6) weeks in order to provide staff an opportunity to meet with
area school districts and neighborhood representatives; and, to make changes
to the draft ordinance as appropriate.
Continued to
January 14, 2002
(Vote: 7-0)
Commissioner Arnold stated 1 H is a proposal for a Zoning Code amendment 2001-00012 regarding motel
Greg Hastings stated City Manager's office established a task force in February of 2000 to examine
issues with transitional living and gave a history of this issue. Today's ordinance creates a new chapter
for conversion of motel complexes to long-term residential uses by conditional use permifs. Staff reports
~ gives a list of requirements needed under the ordinance. Pointed out that under this proposed ordinance
there is a list of findings that could be utilized for variances or waivers from these provisions, which are
different than those outlined in current Zoning Code for other waivers or variances for other portions of
the Zoning Code.
Commissioner Arnold asked if there was anything on the open space.
Greg Hastings said there is nothing in the ordinance that pertains to recreation area or open space. It
would be up to the Commission, through the conditiona! use permit process, to make the determination,
or alternatively, they could refer it back to underlying requirements for apartments and have that
component be a requirement of this chapter.
Gary Frazier, Acacia Housing Adviser, consultant and real estate development partner to Anaheim
supportive housing for senior adults. Feels that because the proposal is so close to existing development
standards, that no project will be built without a significant number of waivers. Another consideration is
parking. There is an opportunity to look at historical parking requirements that projects have been
approved under and have waivers. Providing flexibility in the ordinance for increased affordability in
exchange for increased density and decreased parking might be something to consider. They feel there
is an opportunity to look at something less than current standards for new market rate rental housing, and
through the conditional use permit process, you would always be assured that it would be first class
maintenance and operation, just not first class layout.
Esther Wallace, Chairman of WAND. Their concern is stability. There are no playgrounds or parkspace
and no room in schools. Requested a continuance on this ordinance because schools should have time
to comment on this ordinance. There are 40 hotels in West Anaheim, 2200 rooms, how easy would it be
fo converf them to apartments versus tearing them down and building single family homes.
~ Greg Hastings clarified that the intent of this is for a conversion to family apartments or senior apartments
not SRO's. Some of the motels would have quite a few waivers because some of them are so far away
from what we would expect a typica! residential long-term project to be like. The intent today is to get
Page 17
NOVEMBER 19, 2001
~ comments back from Planning Commission so that staff can bring back a clean copy to Council. It will be
brought back as a report and recommendation item after fhe Commission makes its comments.
Selma Mann stated a continuance would be appropriate to make changes that need to be made.
Commissioner Arnold liked the approach about code waiver findings that give more flexibility to
accomplish the intent of what the waiver process is designed for. Feels Section 040 where the language
results in significantly improved design, it is an ambiguous phrase and it is not clear what it is improved
over. Also asked how much detail they will get into with waivers as far as specific details of architecture
and design. Suggested recommending language that does not result in a design of lesser quality than the
design that would be required in the absence of the variance. Allow the waiver as long as it doesn't result
in a lesser quality design.
Brad Hobson, Community Development. Explained the handouts. Clarified that Section 040 identifies
room and household sizes and is for the purpose of calculating the affordable rents to determine whether
or not one of these projects meets the affordable guidelines. It has nothing to do with determining how
much a family could afford to pay it simply identifies the affordable rents for the purposes of determining if
it is an affordable project. Advised all children and adults are counted in household sizes. Report
indicates $829 is affordable and that includes utilities. If tenant pays for the utilities, utility allowance
would be deducted from the $829.
Commissioner Bostwick stated the code says it includes utilities, it should be mute in case some project
sub-meter utilities.
Brad Hobson stated it allows for both methods of collecting rent.
~ Commissioner Bristol asked if any motel on the West Side is paying this kind of rent, it seems like they
are paying $120-130 per week.
Brad Hobson said that on a per square foot basis, some hotels far exceed any rents being charged in
apartments in the City of Anaheim.
Commissioner Bristol said if they encourage long-term stay, open space must be provided.
Commissioner Arnold clarified that Commissioner Bristol was suggesting language that would not be
subject to the waiver section.
Commissioner Bristol stated that there is the potential that the density will be more than what they are
really seeing as there has to be something for the quality of life if they are going to make these findings,
open space is needed.
Commissioner Koos asked if any new senior housing was approved in the last few years without air
conditioning or ceiling fans. He would like to see ceiling fans eliminated.
Greg Hastings stated most complexes have air conditioning and fans could be eliminated.
Commissioner Koos said this needs to be circulated to the school districts before Commission votes on it.
Commissioner Arnold pointed out that he understands the concern about the stability of housing in
Anaheim and is critical. This process that allows the conversion of motels will improve the stability and
housing situation.
Commissioner Koos asked Brad Hobson to explain the economics of converting the hotels versus tearing
• it down and rebuilding. He agrees with Esther Wallace, the visioning process goal was to see them go
away, not convert.
Page 18
NOVEMBER 19, 2001
~ Brad Hobson stated this ordinance provides an alternative for the reuse of the motels. It would be
consistent with the West Anaheim Vision Plan, converting mid-block commercial and retail uses to
residential. IYs not likely that there will be a rush to convert the motels, it is very expensive and certain
motel developments may lend themselves to a conversion easier than others. Until someone comes
forward with a specific piece of property to propose a conversion, it is difficult to tell how the numbers will
fall out. Preliminary work shows it is unlikely that someone will do it without a subsidy.
Page 19
NOVEMBER 19, 2001
Receiving and approving the Minutes from the Planning Commission
Meeting of November 5, 2001. (MOTION)
ACTION: Commissioner Koos offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner
Bristol and MOTION CARRIED, that the Anaheim City Planning Commission
does hereby receive and approve the minutes for the Planning Commission
meeting of November 5, 2001, with a correction to page 22, 2"d paragraph:
At the meeting, it was noted that the following verbiage may have been
incorrectly typed:
"Hector Jose Castellanos stated that they have been in business for 15 years
a tota) of 25 in Anaheim and they are in fufl agreement with the staff report."
Following the meeting, it was found to be correctly typed as the above was
stated as such.
Approved, with a
correction to be made
(Vote: 6-0, Commissioner
Vanderbilt abstained)
Page 20
NOVEMBER 19, 2001
OWNER: Living Stream, A California Non-Profit Corporation,
2431 West La Palma Avenue, Anaheim, CA 92801
AGENT: John Pester, 2431 West La Palma Avenue, Anaheim,
CA 92801
LOCATION: 2411 - 2461 West La Palma Avenue and 1212 North
Hubbell Wav. Property is approximately 40.4 acres
located at the northwest corner of La Palma Avenue
and Gilbert Street, and at the northern terminuses of
Hubbell Way and Electric Way (Living Stream Ministry
and former Hubbell Site).
To permit a teleconferencing center and private conference/training
center with waiver of minimum number of parking spaces.
Continued from the June 4, July 16 August 27, September 10, September
24, October 22 and November 5, 2001 Planning Commission meetings.
ACTION: Commissioner Boydstun offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner Bristol and
MOTION CARRIED to continue the subject request to the December 3, 2001 Planning
Commission meeting as requested by the petitioner in order to provide additional time to
prepare the traffic management plan and provide staff with time to review the plan.
VOTE: 7-0
DISCUSSION TIME: This item was not discussed.
Page 21
NOVEMBER 19, 2001
3b. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 2001-04404 Granted for 5 years
OWNER: Synod of Southern California, 1501 Wilshire Boulevard,
Los Angeles, CA 90017-2205
AGENT: The Consulting Group, Attn: Paul Kim, 18500 Von
Karman Avenue, Suite 850, Irvine, CA 92612
LOCATION: 2580 West Orange Avenue. Property is
approximately 2.6 acres located at the southeast corner
of Orange and Magnolia Avenues (St. Pauls
Presbyterian Church).
To permit a telecommunications antenna and accessory ground-mounted
Continued from the August 13, September 10, September 24, October 8,
October 22 and November 5, 2001 Planning Commission meetings.
Commissioner Koos abstained from this item because of a perceived conflict of interest due to his
~ relationship with telecommunications industry.
Chairman Vanderbilt stated although he missed the meeting on November 5th, he reviewed the minutes
and was in attendance of the August 13th meeting where substantial discussion had taken place, so he
will participate in this item.
Commissioner Arnold stated item 3 is a request for Conditional Use Permit No. 2001-04404 to permit
telecommunications antenna and accessory ground mounted equipment at St. Paul's Presbyterian
Church, 2580 West Orange Avenue.
Greg Hastings stated staff continues to recommend denia! of this project because of the out of scale
nature that such type of antenna structure would present to the neighborhood.
Paul Kim, the consulting group representing Cingular Wireless, 18500 Von Karman Avenue, Irvine,
California. He disagrees with staff's recommendation. Went over the merits of the project so that
Commission could see a way to approve the project. He explained the technical side of the particular
area. He discussed placement and scale of the structure and feels it would add an architectural element,
character and foca! point to the community. Sprint is also willing to improve the overall area with an
attractive landscape plan and he elaborated on the plan. Church also wants to make it a better physical
impact to the community. He submitted a preliminary design of what the church would like to do with the
revenue they generate from this project. There is no official proposal or guarantee that the church will
rebuild, it depends on financial stability.
Reverend Bill Haliday, St. Paul's Presbyterian Church asked Commission to approve the project. Either
they build a tower and begin to develop the financial structure to proceed with the sanctuary or the
termites win. They have to rebuild and they need the financial impetus that this tower will give them to
begin the campaign. They have already started working on a concept for the new church.
~ Laurel Van Heiss has been with the church for 40 years. Asked for approval of the project. The tower
would attract attention to the church and bring in more followers.
Page 22
NOVEMBER 19, 2001
i Judith Anne Gollette WAND representative said they aren't asking for denial, nor can they support it.
Church has been good for the neighborhood but area is blighted. The City uses the property for various
reasons, using large equipment which has ruined their sprinkler system. The church community consists
of only 79 people who have been going there for 40 years, but many do not live in the neighborhood. It is
unclear how many real active members are in the church. How can 79 people have the money to build a
new church? If Sprint puts a 50-foot structure on that corner, it will be an eyesore. WAND has no
recommendation because Sprint did not give them the full design of the park-like setting or of the
installation of the tower and they are not sure that the church will be able to put the funds together to build
a new church. So even though the area is blighted, they are not sure that putting a 50-foot tower there
would be a plus.
Mr. Haliday is not sure where WAND got their information. Their official membership is only around 80
people, but they have many people who attend on a regular basis who are not official members. The
majority of Presbyterian churches in the nation are less than 300 people and they all thrive quite wefl.
They will be building on that corner and they will not go away. The City has occasionally driven multi-ton
trucks across the property and has ruined the sprinklers, and repairs that are done are less than
adequate, so it has been difficult to keep the corner well watered. Their sign is subject to vandalism, no
matter what they put out there, it gets ruined. The tower would be a solution to the vandalism problem
and Sprint would help with maintenance.
Mr. Kim stated landscaping they do would be permanent, and they could negotiate the height of the tower
rather than get it denied.
Commissioner Bristol asked why he can negotiate now. All along he has been saying the tower has to be
a certain height, now he says it can be negotiated.
~ Mr. Kim said they want to stick with the 50 feet and if they lower the height, they will compromise their
signal. It will be posed to the Engineers that they won't have an ideal site, but at least they will have
some coverage. Sprint may take the denial because it may be an issue of principle.
Gommissioner Bristol said Sprint is not being fair to them. They have been putting the neighborhood,
staff and Commission through this for months, now they want to negotiate. It is just like in the tower in
Santa Ana Canyon which came back shorter. What do they have here, 35 or 40 feet? What is the lowest
it can be to work?
Mr. Kim said he has been trying to push Sprint for 45 feet because he knows the City would look more
favorabiy on it. Sprint feeis they can't work with anything less than 45 feet. He would like to achieve the
most ideal coverage objective, but reality is that Sprint will take a hit in their coverage objectives. It is not
an issue where they could have been at 45 feet all along, they just don't want to be denied solely on the
Commissioner Arnold asked if they had a plan pertaining to the landscaping and parklike surroundings
that they talked about.
Mr. Kim said this item has been continued in the public hearing process and they have meet with the
homeowners association and have gone back to them with revised conceptual plans on the tower along
with additional landscaping. This particular landscape plan came up at the last homeowners meeting a
week ago, so they have been working on a plan since then. Sprint has asked them not to come up with
anything concrete. They do not have an actual sketch, but have a plan with cost estimate, just not actual
Commissioner Arnold clarified that Sprint does not want them to bring anything concrete to Commission
unless they have to.
~ Mr. Kim said they have not had enough time to deal with the landscape issue, they have something
Page 23
NOVEMBER 19, 2001
~ Commissioner Arnold said Commission has been attentive to landscaping and City Council has been
even more so. Seems like it would be an important factor in helping them mitigate some of the impacts
that this tower has in the interim before the church is built. It would be critical to have the landscape plan
incorporated into conditions of approval.
Mr. Kim said they do not want to continue this item again, therefore Sprint is willing to take a condition of
approval that says they will work with staff on final landscape plan that will be approved by staff prior to
issuance of any building permits.
Commissioner Bosfinrick offered motion to approve CEQA Negative Declaration, seconded by
Commissioner Boydstun, vote taken, motion carried. Offered resolution approving conditional use permit
2001-0404 with changes to the following: condition 2, that the bell tower shall be limited to 45 feet and
that condition 13 be added saying a final landscape plan that includes all of the trees and planting
material as specified by the applicant will be returned for a R&R for approval. Landscape plan will be
returned to the Planning Commission within 45 days.
Commissioner Boydstun stated a condition should be put in stating that if at the end of 5 years, if the
church is not under construction that the tower be taken down.
Commissioner Bristol said the church is not the issue, it is whether or not the tower is out of place. It will
look nice, but the height.
Commissioner Bostwick said they are taking down the telephone poles, but are putting up palm trees that
are just as tall. Given the example on Sunkist, it looks really nice and it didn't detract from the
neighborhood. In this particular case, the landscaping and improvement on the corner will definitely
create a much better atmosphere for the neighborhood and hopefully it will stimulate the church growth.
• Commissioner Arnold thinks the tower looks good and hopes the staff will ensure that it matches closely
with what has been proposed. Doesn't think that every structure that is taller than what is in the
surrounding neighborhood is necessarily a bad thing.
A representative of WAND (West Anaheim Neighborhood Council) spoke with concerns and
suggestions; and two people representing the subject church spoke in favor to the subject
ACTION: Approved CEQA Negative Declaration
Granted Conditional Use Permit No. 2001-04404 for 5 years, subject to the conditions of
approval as stated in the staff report dated November 19, 2001 with the following
Modified Condition No. 2 to read as follows:
2. That a maximum of three (3) panel type antennas may be located within the proposed
bell tower with the accessory ground-mounted equipment enclosed in the base of the
tower. The total height of the bell tower shall be limited to 45 feet. Said information
~ shall be specifically shown on plans submitted for building permits. No additional
antennas or equipment cabinets shall be permitted without the approval of the
Planning Commission.
Page 24
NOVEMBER 19, 2001
S Added a new condition of approval:
That within 45 days from the date of this approvaf, a final landscape plan inciuding all
trees and planting material as specified by the applicant shall be reviewed and approved
by the Commission as a Reports & Recommendations item.
VOTE: 6-0 (Commissioner Koos abstained)
Selma Mann, Assistant City Attorney, presented the 22-day appeal rights,
DISCUSS(ON TtME: 35 minutes (3:15-3:50)
A 15-minute break was taken from 3:50-4:05 p.m.
Page 25
NOVEMBER 19, 2001
OWNER: Leedy Ying Trustee, 12550 Whittier Boulevard,
Whittier, CA 90602
AGENT: GPA Architects, Inc., 1240 North Jefferson # J,
Anaheim, CA 92807
LOCATION: 101 East Ball Road. Property is approximately 3.4
acres located at the northeast corner of Ball Road and
Anaheim Boulevard.*
To establish a six-unit commercial retail center with waiver of minimum
number of parking spaces.
*Origina(fy advertised as a three-unit commercial retail center.
Continued from the August 27, September 24, October 22 and November
5, 2001 Planning Commission meetings.
Continued to
December 17, 2001
ACTION: Commissioner Boydstun offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner Eastman and
MOTION CARRIED to continue the subject request to the December 17, 2001 Planning
Commission meeting in order to allow the property owner additional time to meet with
Community Development staff regarding the potential sale ~f the subject property.
VOTE: 7-0
DISCUSSION TIME: This item was not discussed.
Page 26
NOVEMBER 19, 2001
(TRACKING NO. CUP 2001-04436)
OWNER: Taylor Bus Service, Inc., P. O. Box 1062, West
Sacramento, CA 95691
AGENT: Daniel Boulange, 917 East Gene Autry Way, Anaheim,
CA 92805
LOCATION: 917 East Gene Autrv Wav. Property is approximately
4.3 acres located at the southeasterly corner of Lewis
Street and Anaheim Way.
Request to reinstate this permit by the modification or deletion of a
condition of approva! pertaining to a time limitation {originally approved on
July 17, 1984, to expire on September 1, 2001) to retain an existing bus
storage terminal.
Continued from the September 24 and October 22, 2001 Planning
Commission meetings.
ACTION: Commissioner Boydstun offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner Bristoi and
MOTION CARRIED, fhat the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby accept
petitioner's request for withdrawal of Conditional Use Permit No. 3148 (Tracking No.
CUP 2001-04436), as it is necessary since it will take approximately 8 to 12 weeks to
comply with the conditions of approval pertaining to the existing unpermitted modular
office buildings. Following, the petitioner will then request reinstatement of the subject
conditional use permit. Zoning and Building Division staff will coordinate with the
petitioner to help complete the plancheck and permitting procedures for these modular
structures as quickly as possible.
VOTE: 7-0
DISCUSSION TIME: This item was not discussed.
Page 27
NOVEMBER 19, 2001
Continued to
(TRACKING NO. CUP 2001-04446)
OWNER: Corky Robert Smith Trust, P. O. Box 5440, Los
Angeles, CA 90054
AGENT: Excel Auto Body, Attn: Jon Thompson, 554 South
Atchison Street, Anaheim, CA 92805
LOCATION: 2223 East Katelfa Avenue, Unit C. Property is
approximately 5.48 acres located north and west of the
northwesterly corner of Katella Avenue and Howell
Request to permit an automotive center with three independent
automotive businesses, including an automotive sales dealership with
accessory auto finance services, and an automotive repair facility with a
modular office building.
Continued from the Planning Commission meeting of October 8, 2001.
ACTtON: Commissioner Boydstun offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner Koos and MOTION
CARRIED to continue the subject request to the December 3, 2001 Planning Commission
meeting since the petitioner was out of town and unable to attend today's meeting.
VOTE: 7-0
DISCUSSION TIME: This item was not discussed.
Page 28
NOVEMBER 19, 2001
PLAN NO. 004 Mitigation Monitoring Plan
No, 404
lb. GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 393 Recommended adoption of
(TRACKING NO. GPA 2001-00393) Exhibit A° pertaining to
~and Use Elementtext
NO. 92-1 (INCLUDING AMENDMENTS TO THE LAND USE PLAN, Recommended adoption of
Amendment No. 5, including
(TRACKING NO. SPN 2001-00012)
(TRACKING NO. MIS 2001-00027)
7e. AMENDMENT TO CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 4078 Approved Amendment to
(TRACKING NO. CUP 2001-04356) CUP 4078, including
corrections and revisions
Approved Waiver
AGREEMENT NO. 99-1 development proposal
(TRACKING NO. DAG 2001-00003) meets the required
showings and applicable
• development criteria to enter
into the First Amended and
Restated Development
tTEMS 7b, 7c, 7d, and 7g with Items 7b, 7c, 7d and 7g
OWNERS: Price Enterprises, Inc., c/o Excel Legacy Corporation,
Attention: William J. Stone, 16955 Via Del Campo,
Suite 240, San Diego, CA 92127
Zaby Motor Lodge, Attn: Angelo Zaby and Thomas
Zaby, 444 West Katella Avenue, Anaheim, CA 92801
Francis A. Ursini, Joanne T. Christian, 1803
Hummingbird Drive, Costa Mesa, CA 92627
Pyrovest Corporation, Attention: Jeff Kok, President,
1101 East Garvey Avenue, Suite 208, Monterey Park,
CA 91755
City of Anaheim, Attn: Elisa Stipkovich, Community
Development Director, 201 South Anaheim Boulevard,
Anaheim, CA 92805
~ AGENT: Anaheim Center for Entertainment, LLC, Attn: Robert
H. Shelton, 11 Keats Court, Coto de Caza, CA 92679
Page 29
NOVEMBER 19, 2001
~ LOCATION: 400 West Disney Way, 1737 South Clementine
Street, 1785 South Clementine Street, 1700 South
Harbor Boulevard, 301 West Katella Avenue, and
401-409 West Katella Avenue. The irregularly-shaped
project area, which is located in The Anaheim
ResortT"', consists of approximately 29.1 acres located
between Harbor Boulevard and Clementine Street, and
Disney Way and Kate!!a Avenue. It has approximate
frontages of 1,500 feet on the south side of Disney Way
between Harbor Boulevard and Clementine Street,
1,185 feet on the west side of Clementine Street
between Disney Way and Katella Avenue (excluding
Fire Station No. 3 at 1713-1717 South Clementine
Street), 728 feet on the north side of Katella Avenue
between Clementine Street and a point 771 feet west of
the centerline of Clementine Street, and 585 feet on the
east side of Harbor Boulevard between Disney Way
and a point 615 feet south of the centerline of Disney
Request for approval of an amendment to the Pointe Anaheim Lifestyle
Retail and Entertainment Complex to permit the following: 634,700 gross
square feet of retail/dining/entertainment uses, which includes a 94,000
square foot aquarium; up to four hotels comprising a maximum of 1,662
hotel rooms/suites (of which up to 200 units may be vacation ownership
resort units) with approximately 322,071 gross square feet of re(ated
~ accessory uses of which up to 178,120 gross square feet on top of the
parking structure may be used for a hotel conference center (the hotel
rooms/suites and accessory uses would encompass a maximum of
1,370,711 gross square feet); and a 1,949,800 gross square foot parking
structure with up to 4,800 striped parking spaces (the minimum number of
striped parking spaces would be 3,752) and 15 bus spaces with a 10,200
square foot bus terminal/facility for airport transport and to/from
sightseeing venues. The development of Pointe Anaheim, as proposed to
be modified, would take place in up to five phases.
Addendum to the Initial Study and Mitigated Negative
Declaration/Mitigation Monitoring Plan No. 004: Request for approval
of the Addendum to the Mitigated Negative Declaration/Mitigation
Monitoring Plan No. 004, which addresses the proposed modifications to
the Pointe Anaheim project, including development in up to five phases.
General Plan Amendment No. 393: Request to amend the Land Use
Element to reflect the description of the Pointe Anaheim project as it is
proposed to be modified.
Amendment No. 5 to the Disneyland Resort Specific Plan No. 92-1:
Request to amend the Pointe Anaheim Overiay to describe the Pointe
Anaheim project as it is proposed to be modified, as an integrated, mixed
use development. The Specific Plan Amendment includes text and exhibit
changes throughout the document to reflect the proposed modifications to
the Pointe Anaheim project including, but not limited to, the following:
• • Amendment to the Land Use Plan to modify the project description
including development in up to five phases.
• Amendment to the Design Plan to modify the conceptual plans
depicting the layout of the Pointe Anaheim project, to add a
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NOVEMBER 19, 2001
~ Phasing Diagram, to modify the requirements for interior setback
landscaping adjoining The Anaheim Resort Specific Plan No. 92-2
zoning and for landscaping along the perimeter of parking facilities,
and to permit a median break on Disney Way for vehicle access to
and from Pointe Anaheim.
• Amendment to the Zoning and Development Standards to add
vacation ownership resort units, aquariums, on-site and off-site
directional signs, and murals as conditionally permitted uses.
Amendment No. 3 to The Anaheim Resort Public Realm Landscape
Program: Request to modify the landscape concept plans for Disney
Way (former Freedman Way) to permit a signalized median break on
Disney Way between Harbor Boulevard and Clementine Street to provide
vehicle ingress and egress to the Pointe Anaheim project.
Amendment to Conditional Use Permit No. 4078: Request to amend
Conditional Use Permit No. 4078 to modify the land uses and maximum
square footages of the Pointe Anaheim Lifestyle Retail and Entertainment
Complex including development in up to five phases, to modify the waiver
of minimum number of parking spaces, and to amend the conditions of
approval to reflect the project modifications.
First Amended and Restated Development Agreement No. 99-1
between the City of Anaheim and Excel Pointe Anaheim, LLC:
Request for consideration of the First Amended and Restated
Development Agreement No. 99-1 vesting certain project entitlements
and addressing implementation of the Pointe Anaheim project, as
proposed to be modified, including development in up to five phases. The
Planning Commission's role is to look at the land use aspects of the
Agreement, specifically whether to make a recommendation to the City
Council that the eligibility criteria has been met and whether the findings
in Section 2.3 of Exhibit A of Resolution No. 82R-565 can be made.
NO. PC2001-160
NO. 92-9 RESOLUTION NO. PC2001-161
NO. 99-1 RESOLUTION NO. PC2001-164 SR8157AS.DOC
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NOVEMBER 19, 2001
The following is a detailed summary of discussion for Item No. 7.
Introduction by Staff:
Annika Santalahti, Zoning Administrator, Planning Department. The corrections that have been
distributed relate to transposed numbers, cross-referencing conditions, missing paragraph number,
missing portion of a sentence and similar minor changes. Also, I have some revisions to several of the
conditions of approval for Condition Use Permit No. 4078 which I need to give to the Planning
Commission. Copies of these are also available for members of the public who are interested. The
applicant requested these revisions but the revisions have been modified to staff's satisfaction. FinaNy, I
have also distributed the following, copies are also available to the public: a letter dated November 16,
2001, from John P. Erskine of Nossaman, Guthner, Knox & Elliott, Attorneys, representing the applicant;
a letter dated November 19, 2001, from Cynthia M. Wilcott of Palmieri, Tyler, Wiener, Wilhelm and
Waldron, Attorneys, representing Pyrovest, the owners of the Anaheim Plaza Hotel property at the
southeast corner of Disney way and Harbor Boulevard requesting that the public hearing be continued
and an E-mail received today during lunch from Cynthia M. Wilcott and Joel P. Q. of Palmieri, Tyler,
Wiener, Wilhelm and Waldron, Attorneys.
Annika Santalahti stated the item before you today is the modified Pointe Anaheim project, on a site
consisting of about 29 acres in the Anaheim Resort area and located befinreen Harbor Boulevard and
Clementine Street, and Disney Way and Katella Avenue.
• If Commission considers the proposal favorably, there are a number of actions which will be taken to
reflect the proposed modifications.
Before commenting on the developmenf proposal, however, I want to note that:
I have distributed the following to the Commission and the applicant (and have copies available
here for interested persons):
A colored illustrative exhibit of the project.
Minor corrections to:
-The staff report.
-Attachment B(which is Amendment 5 to the Disneyland Resort Specific Plan),
-Attachment D(which is the recommended conditions for CUP 4078),
-Attachment F(which is the Modified Mitigation Monitoring Program No. 004),
and which correction should include deleting reference to a traffic signal at the
project entry on Clementine St.
These corrections relate to a transposed number, cross-referencing conditions, a missing
paragraph number, missing portion of a sentence, etc.
2. Also, I have some revisions to several of the conditions of approval for Conditional Use Permit
No. 4078 (forwarded to Planning Commission). Copies are also available for interested persons.
The applicant requested these revisions, but the revisions have been modified to staff's
3. And, finaily, t have aiso distributed the following (again copies available for interested persons):
~ Letter dated November 16, 2001 from John P. Erskine of Nossaman, Guthner, Knox and
Elliott, an attorney representing the applicant;
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NOVEMBER 19, 2009
• Letter dated November 16, 2001 from Cynthia M. Wolcott of Palmieri, Tyler, Wiener,
Wilhelm and Waldron, an attorney representing Pyrovest the owners of the Anaheim
Plaza hotel property at the southeast corner of Disney Way and Harbor Bivd., requesting
that this hearing be continued; and
An e-mail received during lunch today from Cynthia M. Wolcott and Joel P. Kew of
Palmieri, Tyler, Wiener, Wilhelm and Waldron, attorneys.
The actions associated with this proposal consist of:
(A) Addendum to the Pointe Anaheim Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation
Monitoring Plan No. 004, as proposed to be modified,
which address the proposed modifications to the Pointe Anaheim project, including development
in up to five phases.
(B) General Plan Amendment No. 393 amends the Land Use Element to reflect the description of the
Pointe Anaheim project, as modified.
(C) Amendment No. 5 to the Disneyland Resort Specific Plan No. 92-1 is to amend the Pointe
Anaheim Overfay to describe the Pointe Anaheim project, as modified; to make text and exhibit
changes throughout the Specific Plan document to reflect the proposed modifications; to modify
the requirement for interior setback landscaping adjoining The Anaheim Resort Specific Plan No.
92-2 zoning; to add "vacation ownership resort units," "aquariums," "on-site directiona! signs" and
"murals" as conditionally permitted uses in the Pointe Anaheim Overlay; and to amend to certain
conditions of approval accordingly.
~ (D) Amendment No. 3 to The Anaheim Resort Public Realm Landscape Program would permit a
signalized median break on Disney Way between Harbor Boulevard and Clementine Street to
provide vehicle ingress and egress to and from the Pointe Anaheim project.
{E) Amendment to Conditional Use Permit No. 4078 to describe the land uses and maximum square
footages of the modified Pointe Anaheim project, to modify the previously approved waiver of
minimum number of parking spaces, to permit development in up to five phases, and to amend
the conditions of approval accordingly.
The waiver of minimum number of parking spaces is also proposed to be amended to reflect the
project modifications. Specifically, 6,581 spaces are required for the combined total of proposed
uses; and up to 4,800 spaces in the parking structure are proposed with the minimum number
being 3,752 spaces.
(F) First Amended and Restated Development Agreement No. 99-1 to vest certain project
entitlements and address implementation of the Pointe Anaheim project, as modified, including
deveiopment in up to five phases. The Planning Commission's role is to look at the land use
aspects of the proposed Development Agreement, specifically whether the eligibility criteria has
been met and whether the appropriate findings can be made.
The applicant indicates that the overall proposed increase in project square footage is due to orienting the
project less toward evening entertainment uses (which tend to have a greater traffic impact) in favor of
adding more f~ote( rooms and accessory uses (which tend to produce less traffic but require greater
square footage area), and increasing the parking garage to accommodate speed ramps for quicker
In summary, the project modifications include the following:
t • The number of hotel rooms increases by 612, from 1,050 to 1,662 rooms.
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NOVEMBER 19, 2001
. • The hotel square footage including accessory uses primarily for hotel guests (restaurants/lounges,
banquet/meeting room space, retail space and health club) increases by 406,971 square feet ~
• The retail/dining/entertainment and other commercial uses (such as specialty retail, dining, nightclub,
games/video arcade, museum, etc.) decrease by 15,300 square feet (from 650,000 to 634,700
square feet).
• The bus terminal/facility decreases by 11,400 square feet (from 21,600 to 10,200 square feet).
• The parking structure square footage increases by 349,800 square feet (from 1,600,000 to 1,949,800
square feet).
Other modifications to the development proposal include that:
• Up to 200 of the hotel rooms may be developed as vacation ownership resort units;
• The originally approved live theater complex with 4,600 seats has been deleted; and
• A new commercial attraction, an aquarium, is proposed.
The specific changes are shown on Table 1 in the staff report.
Staff recommends that based on the evidence presented and depending on the information received
during the public hearing, that Planning Commission take the actions recommended on pages 14 through
20 of the staff report, including the corrections and revisions that I disfributed today, to approve this
• project based on the findings addressed in the staff report.
Staff will be happy to respond to any questions that you may have. In addition to Planning staff, Traffic
Engineering and Community Development staff are also present.
Applicant's Statement:
John P. Erskine, ESQ, of Nossaman, Guthner, Knox & Elliott, Attorneys, 18101 Von Karman, Suite #
1800, Irvine, CA, serving as coordinator, introduced the speakers on the team. He stated they were
avaifable for questions on any legal issues and would like to reserve some time after the other public
comments to answer any questions that might come up during the hearing.
Robert Shelton is the Manager of Predevelopment Activities for Pointe Anaheim.
David Rose, a partner in the Pointe Anaheim project, told me to describe him as the progenitor of
the Pointe Anaheim concept, but that is too big of a word so how about mid-wife, that might be a
little bit better in the birth process.
Bill Stone, senior vice president of Price Legacy and executive in charge of building the Pointe
Anaheim project. The Price Legacy Group is a merger of Excel Legacy and Price Enterprises and
Price Enterprises is the soul price of the Price Club fame based in San Diego. They certainly
have the ~nancial wherewithal to finance and build this project.
Bill Engle, of Kalus and Architects, Seattle, Washington, and Bill Reed, Wimberly Allison Tongue
and Goo, are the retail architects. Together they have created some of the mosf notewor~hy hotei
architects actually in the world and they will be providing the hotel architectural for Pointe
Anaheim. Additionally, they have a report on the aquarium architectural and its status.
~ Joan Kelly, and Jennifer Marks, of Bonterra Consulting, Environmental Planning Consultants, are
present to answer questions and comment on some of the sequel issues raised.
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NOVEMBER 19, 2001
~ Vigan Dividian, of Myer Mahat, is the traffic consultant.
Mr. Erskine stated their firm has been involved in lots of urban retail and large projects around the state of
California but has never seen this type of large land assemblage in a very difficult expensive area in the
formation of a redevelopment project area. This is a very ambitious and unprecedented undertaking
attributed to primarily Excel's perseverance, patience and deep pockets. A lot of time has been spent
with Economic Development staff and Planning staff and there has been some frustration over the
amount of time that the Commissioners had to involve themselves in the development of the project, but
we have been at this for three years. So lots and lots of time has been spent behind the scenes working
with the Planning Commission staff. A letter has been submitted to Commission dated November 16th in
response to the first October 31 st from Mr. Joel Q. of Palmieri, 7yler, Wiener, Wilhelm and Waldron,
Attorneys relative to the P~rrovest litigation and some of the issues that were raised in that letter. Also a
letter dated November 19t from the same firm has been submitted and there are some of the same
issues that were raised in the October 31 St letter.
Robert Shelton, 11 Keats Court, Coto De Caza, CA, 92679, Excel Pointe Anaheim, LLC, stated the last
time he attended a Planning Commission meeting Commissioner Bristol was the Chairman and there
were about 400 people in the audience. Some were wearing buttons that said, "Preserve the Vision" and
others wore buttons that said "Fulfil the Vision". For the benefit of the Commissioners not present 2%2
years ago we were mutually trying to either preserve or fulfil the vision.
7his project dates back 6 years in terms of planning, activities, assembling the property and working with
members of Planning Commission staff and others who have been on the Planning Commission and in
City Council to work on the entitlements for the project. The original project was entitled at 650,000
square feet of retail commercial, dining, entertainment facilities and 1050 hotel rooms in either two or
three hotel towers on approximately 29.1 acres.
~ Table 1 on page 5 of the staff report illustrates comparisons between the original project as approved with
the changes and the current project as proposed. There are four essential elements that the original plan
proposed to fulfill and the modified plan is consistent with. {1)The assemblage of multiple parcels without
the benefit of the Redevelopment Agency to assemble those through a private acquisition process.
(2) To replace nonconforming uses, predominantly industrial and aging hotels, with a conforming use that
would be consistent with the direction of the resort. This dates back to Disney's and the City staff's work
in terms of flushing out the Anaheim Resort as being a destination that is known nationwide both inside
the berm and outside. (3) To create an integrated project that contained a mix of uses for which there
was an identified market need. (4) For the uses to be presented with very high quality architectural and
with a presence to the street that was consistent with the landscaping and the signage ordinances that
were applicable to the rest of the resort district. The objectives have been to implement that plan. There
are a couple of primary differences between the project as originally approved and as proposed today.
In summary those have been to try to overcome some impediments to development and some concerns
about the original project as proposed. One of those was raised in the tra~c generation issues and it was
an issue surrounding the live theater and 4,600 seats. So in the original project as proposed there was an
origina! project of a 4,600-seat theater with 85,000 square feet and that has changed to a 94,000 square
foot commercial use. That is presently being envisioned as an aquarium. The square footage has gone
up by 9,000 square feet, a relatively small change, but the dramatic change is the reduction of 4,600
seats of theater. The concern with traffic was that there would be an exiting peak arrival and departure
concern as al! three theaters potentially exited their patrons, a coincident with a 10:00 p.m. departure
from Disneyland down the same thoroughfares that Pointe Anaheim's traffic would exit onto. There were
also some concerns with the commercial liability of that proposal and the market liability of it. For all of
those reasons we have decided to eliminate the theater proposal by dramatically reducing the traffic
impacts and opening up capacity and to replace it with a use that does not have peaking characteristics,
being the aquarium.
~ Secondly, each of the uses had a Bourbon Street or entertainment quality. That has been dropped. We
have looked at the market area and we have looked at the terrific job that Disney has done at downtown
Disney, we are trying to do a project that is compatible with the uses in the area and focus on the needs
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NOVEMBER 19, 2009
• of the area. Enfertainment uses are high traffic generators so we have reduced dining by 50,000 square
feet or approximately 2,000 seats; we have reduced entertainment uses by 30,000 square feet or roughly
1200 seats; and across the board we have moved from orientation towards entertainment and sort of a
city-walk like project to retail at 54,000 square feet. In that regard we have increased retail.
Third, since we have dramatically reduced the traffic impacts we have also taken a piece out of the
economic equation. We have replaced that with additional hotel rooms which, notwithstanding, the current
climate and the world climate post September 11th, will ultimately be needed in this area when the market
Fourth, we have provided an access entry at the front door of the project, meaning instead of putting the
predominant access entry on Clementine which is sort of a side street, we have put the main access
throat to the project on Disney Way. So as a mid-block turn along Disney Way we have proposed a curb
cut that would allow traffic to turn into the project at that point, roughly mid-point between Clementine
Street and Harbor Boulevard.
Fifth, in fairness, a little denigrating in the comment but one of the major concerns raised was do David
Rose and Robert Shelton and the people associated with them as the developer have the financial
wherewithal to build the project and make it real. Previously all of our land was controlled under options
or through negotiations. Behind the scenes there were some questions about whether we coufd convert
those options to reality. Today, with approximately $50,000,000 worth of hard cash, approximately 20
acres of that land has been converted from the option characteristic to ownership characteristic. So in
large measure what we are looking af is a project which has been before Commission before not
withstanding the large amount of community concern which prompted careful consideration of each of the
environmental issues.
~ It was approved by the Commission previously on a 7-0 vote and subsequently was brought to the City
William (Bill) J. Stone, 17140 Bernardo Center Drive # 300, San Diego, CA, Executive Senior Vice
President of Development for Price Legacy. Price Legacy of which Excel Legacy was the predecessor is
a public real estate investment trust with properties worth well in excess of $1,000,000,000. The majority
worth of the company is in the net worth of the company itself. Price Legacy has assets in 16 states,
Canada and Bermuda and primarily all of its developments are retail oriented; they do own hotels and
some destination resorts but they are primarily retail. They have a lot of experience in this type of
prototype and opened two very similar centers this year, one about a week ago in Newport, Kentucky
which is Newport on the levy. It has a lot of similar tenants to Pointe Anaheim. Also they opened shops at
the Old Mill District in Bend Oregon of which the first phase is very similar to the first phase Pointe
Anaheim. Excel Legacy was involved in this project almost from the initiation. Price Legacy was involved
as the equity investor in the project but two years ago took a very hard look at the project and wanted to
turn the dream into reality.
Council where it was approved on a 5-0 vote. We are proud of what we have done in the planning
process, the predevelopment stage and the land assemblage stage. At this point we want to move
forward with fhe project and provide for phasing which would allow us to deal with both the absence of
controlling all of the land (there is one parcel which we do not control) and move forward with the rest of
the property. There is presently a piece of litigation concerning the equitable rights that we have to that
that last parcel.
We looked at the challenges that were involved in the project at that time, what it would take to change
things to make it fit the reality of the business climate. We have since been challenged with a few other
things, not the least of which was the terrorist attack on the September 11, 2001, and we are still willing to
move forward. We have in access of a$50,000,000 investment in the project through (and acquisition
and soft-cost. We are almost willing to make a"kind investmenY' immediately to get things going. For
those of you that are in business you can undersfand our urgency and like i said I did not think that it
~ would take us two years to get where we are. Our daily carry on this project right now is in access of
$10,000 per day. So time is money in this situation.
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NOVEMBER 19, 2001
~ We hoped we could come to both the Council and the Commission and get things completed before the
end of the year. We budgeted this project for next year and the thing we always hated is that when things
get delayed budgets change and money gets reallocated. We also don't want to jeopardize any of our
potential financing for the project.
When we got involved with the project, we looked at what the project was and immediately being beset
with certain problems we looked at redesigning it into a type of phasing project where we could get things
built and get them started. The other thing we looked at regarding possible competition between Disney
and Pointe Anaheim, is what we could add and not what we could compete with. The type of project we
are planning on building will be very compatible with downtown Disney. !t will have some tenants that are
similar but tenants that will be a little different. The restaurants will be a lot different. We are going to
have family oriented restaurants but also nice dinner houses to attract both the local business people and
the local restaurants for dinner, and also attract all the convention visitors who may want to have a quiet
business dinner or a quiet romantic evening for locals. We will also have restaurants that will be great for
children that are coming to the area that are leisure tourists.
We also looked at the type of product mix that is offered and not offered in the City and right now there is
a tremendous leakage of tax dollars that is going outside the city limits to go shopping. When somebody
comes to town, whether it be on a business trip or a leisure trip and have forgotten a shirt or pair of pants,
they now have to drive outside of town, and the other cities are more than happy to have them spend
their money there. So we are going to provide those types of tenants in Pointe Anaheim; tenants like
Gap, Banana Republic, and Ann Taylor where you can get more of your soft-goods in the project. We
took the architectural which was more of a Citywalk type of architectural and soften it up to be more of a
comfortable familiar place to be, a kind of place somebody wants to wander around on a Saturday night.
Bill Reed, 2042 South Capella Ct., Costa Mesa, CA, of WATG, stated the company has been in operation
~ for about 55 years. WATG specializes in hotels but also work in casinos, retail and entertainment. Bill
Engle's firm (ikewise does all of those things but happens to specialize in retail and entertainment, so their
skills overlap. In the last couple of years they have formed an alliance between their two firms to work
together to go after large projects; mixed use projects such as this where they can provide strength on
strength in terms of expertise in one area as well as another. There is really no second tier level of
expertise within their companies working together.
Bill Engle, 6656 Muirlands Dr., La Jolla, CA, stated the difference you will see in the solutions presented
is that they are integrated. It is not one architect and then another architect, it is the two working together
as one team.
Bill Reed went through various components of the project and explained in depth the overall project and
plans as follows:
We thought what we would do is start off with an overview of the project maybe using one of the area
perspectives to begin with and then we Gan go into some of the plans in sections and in as much detail as
you'd like. The view we are looking at here of the overall project is along Katella Avenue and Clementine
Street. So we are looking at the southeast corner of the project towards the northwest. In the distance
you can see Disneyland California Adventure in this location and Disneyland itself here. The project is
bordered on the north by Disneyway and by Harbor Boulevard to the west. As we are looking along the
project here you can see one of the major corners of the project here on Katella Avenue and Clementine
Street. We have a hotel located here, which is termed here the "Toy Hotel". In the original scheme this
hotel was in this location and we had the music theaters along this street here up to the firestation which
you can see in this location. So one of the changes that you will notice right away is that the music center
or the theaters as we call them are gone in this area and the hotel is moved from this location to this
location. This has actually helped to make the plan a little simpler in that our parking is located along the
interior of the project, connecting Harbor Boulevard to Katella in this location. Along Clementine Street
. there is a second and a third hotel, I think in the original scheme this hotel did not exist. And this hotel
being added we saw an opportunity to create more site potential for another product in this location and
we are illustrating that here in this project and we will show in the plan as well. Convention Center we
show located on the roof of the parking, utilizing the roof here, and then in the distance here as part of the
11-9 9-01
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NOVEMBER 19, 2001
• final phase of the project, these are some of the 200 timeshare units which are proposed for approval in
this location and that will be part of this facility here which is located on the corner of Harbor Boulevard
and Disneyway.
This viewpoint just shows it a little more clearly from the opposite viewpoint it is a little higher angle here.
Again we are looking along Disneyway towards the freeway, and this will be Harbor Boulevard here in this
location and you can see the final phase of the project as proposed in this location here with another
major pedestrian access from this corner connecting to fhe park area. Again, the hotel I originally, first
mentioned here, the second hotel and third hotel, this being the new addition to the plan. Let's look at the
overall site plan and we can talk a little bit and maybe try and explain sort of the major means of ingress
and egress. This isn't a hotel, this is a lower level plan really a pedestrian level connecting the two
corners and the hotel towers get lost a bit in this but I will point to where they are. This is again the corner
of Katella, this is that first hotel we talked about the second, third and fourth and you start to get an idea
of the footprints that represent the room modules that we are showing here. It is actually a roof plan with
the exception of the conference facility here and the vacation ownership in this location.
The main points of access to the hotels are off the streets off Clementine Street here for these two hotels,
off the corner here of Disneyway and Clementine for this hotel, and again off Disneyway for this hotel.
From these locations you can enter into the parking off the grade without going back onto the street as
well as for the overall project, the parking entrances are from Katella Avenue in this location to the south,
Disneyway to the north and eventually in the latter phase of the project off of Harbor Boulevard. The
strategy with the parking which again is under this location here is to bring in the first two phases, in the
first several phases to bring people off the south off of Katella Avenue and off Disneyway. So we have
two mid-block entrances for the parking, one off Katella Avenue and one off Disneyway.
The strategy in the parking is to allow peopie to come in and enter from either direction. We know that
~ some people are familiar with the property will come in from the freeways either off Katella Avenue or
Disneyway and also there will be local traffic coming from other directions as well.
The strategy for exiting the project is recognizing really the busy nature of Harbor Boulevard is to keep
people off that as much as possible and direct people to the freeways using the northern exit to
Disneyway out of the parking from this location then it is right hand turn and you get off the freeways very
easily. We will direct people away from Katella Avenue for that same reason. We do not want people
coming out seeking the freeways, coming out to Katella Avenue and having to make a right hand turn,
finding themselves on Harbor Boulevard and having to go around the block so that is the strategy for the
major entrances and egresses.
The third entrance here off of Clementine Street to the south of the fire station would be the service
entrance, buses and so forth, so we will keep again the public, the guest separated from the service by
bringing service here off Clementine Street and we have a one-way circulation route that will take them
ouf to the north and again if it is service trucks, vehicles, buses and so forth, they will be using that street
to get in and out of, so timing and deliveries and so forth as well would be early morning hours off peak
hours that sort of thing for the hotels for the retail and so forth. I think what I wanted to do now is maybe
give this over to 8ill Engle a little bit to go into more detail about the retail/entertainment experience.
Chairperson Arno(d asked while you are pointing out the circulation, could you also identify signage that
will direct people with respect to the circulation?
Mr. Reed responded yes, we have entered into some studies regarding that and in fact discussions with
the City as well. I think the major entrance, we do not really have the drawings extended out far enough
to see but off of Disneyway here as you are coming up off the freeway, what we are looking at is a
program for signage which would help get people in the right lanes, in the correct lanes, and it is even
more as you know that there is planning in the future for a parking structure to the north here of
• Disneyway and as a result it is even more imperative that we create the right experience here so we have
done some initial studies which would help direct people into the correct lanes, getting them into the
turning lanes and in here and fhose signs obviously don't start right at this point, they start as you get off
the freeway directing you straight ahead, left lane and that sort of thing to bring you in. So there would be
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NOVEMBER 19, 2001
• signage at this location, this location, and again here, help ensure there is no confusion. We don't really
have exhibits at this point; we are not that far along to show you specifics about that but I would say that
we are thinking along those lines.
Commissioner Bostwick asked if he were to go northbound on Clementine and turn into the hotel and
anticipated parking could he get from there into the parking structure.
Mr. Reed responded yes, Exhibit 2 is a ground floor plan and it shows the port kosher or turnaround for
the two hotels including lobbies. There is a drive that goes straight into the parking and it is all ground
level parking. There is valet parking as well and there is entrance accessibility to parking and also on the
north. We provided a way in without going back onto the street.
Mr. Engle used Exhibit 4 to explain the matter in which fhe retail environment serves as the thread of
continuity that knits the various complex components of the resort project together. Emphasizing first that
we are endeavoring to compliment the improvements the City of Anaheim is making with the Anaheim
Resort streetscape and landscape improvements. It will be more garden oriented and a restful, peaceful
environment with places to relax but also various activities and interest occurring to appeal to the visitors
and the local community as well. The archifectural vernacufar is composed of stucco and some stone
accent trellises and lots of landscaping and various water elements to knit it all together. Referring to
Exhibit 4, starting down at the intersection of Katella Avenue and Clementine Street, we would be
transitioning through a very gradually sloped plain of that really contains an experience of restaurants and
shops. There are a number of activity and decision making notes along the way that direct people to the
hotels and restaurants and various other activities throughout the project. The reason it slopes up is, well
it does create kind of an interesting terrain, however, we are accommodating the parking or actually bus
servicing the loading docks, various other back of house hotel uses, etc., subgrade so that it is all hidden
from the view of people arriving and using the project. So we want to emphasize the pedestrian
~ connectivity and attractiveness of Pointe Anaheim. So as we are continuing through and I will just take
you through a roufe that starts down here at the corner of Clementine Street and Katella Avenue and
routes through and back to Harbor Boulevard and Disneyway. As we are moving through, I mentioned
that the plain continues in an elevation and then it terminates basically, it doesn't terminate but it is
focused on a center court area really that acts more as the Central Plaza that contains restaurants with AI
Fresca outdoor dining, shops ringing at end, the combination for various entertainment venues, and you
can see the hotels obviously that Bill is describing as they are located around this site as well. The
entrance then from Katella Avenue would continue through and we have another entrance opportunity
along Disneyway. So there is Vistas that are opened from the interior portion of the site, extending
beyond this site as well. So from the exterior looking in you have visual opportunities or visual
expressions of the interior likewise from the interior you have Vistas looking out and then it would
continue around and pass this fourth hotel, shops, dining experiences and on to Harbor Boulevard and
then in proximity to the California Adventure. The interior environment is not just a quiet garden resort
environment but the transitions between levels is designed fo be very graceful and rather than an abrupt
two-story elevation change we have designed terraces almost like our version of the Spanish steps that
transitions gracefully through the restaurants and some of the pool-deck water feature areas to a second
level of more restaurants and the entrance to an aquarium. That describes on micro basis the overall
configuration but added that we really feel that this environment, the overall project will be a tremendous
asset not only to the City but to the community members as well and a very attractive destination for
visitors travelling to the City of Anaheim.
Mr. Reed stated we have various other levels also as well as a board with some elevations which we
would be happy to show you but I think one of the issues we raised just a moment ago when we started
discussing the project being raised is the aspecf of phasing and how we are going to get the project built.
When we began working on it several years ago, it was all intended to be built at once and of course the
difficulty in that is coming up with not $50,000,000 but coming up with $100,000,000 or a$150,000,000 in
equity and the hurdle that that represents so I think strategically we have got a much better plan the
~ developer sees the opportunity here to move ahead and the challenge we have been faced with on how
to do it in a cohesive way so that each phase of the project is whole on to itself and yet as the project
completes as the next phase is completed the project continues to grow, becomes richer and more
interesting. This really represents a couple of options to how the phasing may go and I am just going to
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~ go through them briefly and then Bill Stone, we have some other illustration that will show what the likely
phase 1 might be and we can kind of tie this picture in with that picture and sort of see how the end goal
can be achieved and what maybe phase 1 would be.
When looking at this 1 St phase it is described showing some parking, some retail, and entertainment and
the 1St phase hotel; this is area A-1 on Exhibit No. 1. The balance of the site would be used for surtace
parking to help ensure that we have enough parking in phase 1 so we would not build all the parking at
once. Moving to area B then, we complete additional parking with a second hotel and aquarium and
additional retail. So our site density goes up, our parking requirements go up with the addition of the
hotel, retail and aquarium.
The next phase in this scenario here between C-1, C-2 is the addition of a conference center here a
larger hotel here on the corner of approximately 500 keys, 500 rooms, and the finishing of this retail court
that Bi(I Engle just described a minute ago here. So this really completes the development for the
currently owned parcels here in three phases.
The last phase of the project then would be on the vagabond end site here would be the fourth hotel,
additional retail parking and timeshare. As an alternative of that a more aggressive development might
take phase one and expand it to include the aquarium, additional parking and additional retail, really
taking rather than approximately half, taking more like two-thirds of the property owned today.
The second phase of that would include the second hotel as it is done here but as in area B-1 again the
retail parking in that is already built in phase 1 and then the final build out as we go through it would be
the conference center with the large hotel, the finishing of the court yard, and eventually the vagabond
end site, the development of that. So that, I guess in a nutshell, I know it is, maybe it confuses me at
times, I welcome any questions. It is all based on market demand. Bill will explain if the demand is
~ greater for hotels which it is not at the moment, of course the hotels go forward and the phasing, any one
of these components might go forward at any time.
Chairperson Arnold directed to press forward with the rest of the presentation and then come back to
Mr. Stone stated we talked about the phasing and we're, initially when I became involved in this or when
we decided to take over the active development and be the physical developer of the property we were
prepared to go ahead with the project as a whole. The problem we had to face at that time, I mean it is no
secret, we were stopped from doing that because we did not own all of the property, did not look like we
were going to own all fhe property at the beginning. So that is one of the reasons we looked at phasing.
Everybody knows what the economic conditions are today and prior to September 11th we had a signed
letter of intent with the hotel developer to co-venture three of the four hotels in the project. After
September 11'h that developer was unable to go ahead because they had a large number of hotels in the
Orlando area which was hit the hardest. So post September 11, we looked at what is the potential for the
first phase and what we are required to do per the documentation is a 120,000 feet.
Scheme 1 is what we are required to do and what we have agreed to do. In reality though, where we are
going today is really Scheme 2. Bill Reed about two weeks ago, spent time in London, England,
negotiating with an aquarium developer out of London now for sometime now. They have just opened at
the Bluewater aquarium in Chester, England, in the project that we own in Newport we have an aquarium
in there about the same size, same design, which was one of the other aquarium developer was
competing for the location in this project has been very successful and we did a lot of market analysis.
Currently we are on track to try and do the concept and open the first phase with Scheme 2 which is
about 230,000 square feet of retail. We are very aggressively pursuing other hotels right now. That is
probably the toughest market, today when you look at the occupancies that are there but we actualfy
~ have about three chains that we are actively negotiating with right now. So as soon as physically and
economically possible, we will add the hotel to the first phase. So that is alternative three there. So that
is reality of what we are talking about doing right away.
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~ We would like to move through this project and build it as quickly and economically as possible. One of
the things we did after September 11th because immediately we knew we had problems with the hotels,
the hotel people talked to us, we went out there and called all the retailers we were dealing with because
we wanted to find out are you still in business, do you still want to go ahead, and we got a tremendous
response from the retailers for this location. They want to be in Anaheim. So the retail interest is there.
We are in the midst now of finishing up a number of leases that we have been negotiating and we will
have the signed leases here fairly quickly and have a number of tenants that are ready to go ahead and
move forward on phase 1 and we feel very confident we have enough to feel the entire 230,000 feet
initially. At this time I will turn things back to John and we also have our traffic engineer here too if there
are any fra~c questions.
John Erskine stated he would answer any questions that the Commission may have and we will close
with that for the moment.
Chairperson Arnold directed it might be useful to go ahead with the other comments and at the time of
rebuttal then entertain questions.
Cynthia Wolcott, 2603 Main St., Suite 1300, Irvine, CA, I am with the law firm of Palmieri, Tyler, Wiener,
Wilhelm and Waldron, Attorneys and we represent Pyrovest Corporation the owner of the nine acres of
property at the corner of Harbor Boulevard and Disneyway which is currently the site of the Anaheim
Plaza Hotel. pyrovest property comprises almost one-third of the acreage of the proposed new Pointe
Anaheim project. We had asked for a continuance to review the lengthy staff report which we did not
receive until mid-afternoon on Friday. We expect a reasonable amount of time to review and comment on
the staff report before any action is taken by the Planning Commission.
The letter presented to the City at today's hearing describes Pyrovest opposition to the new project and
• the applicant's failure to conduct to proper environmental review. So today at this public hearing I will just
address a couple of issues. One has to do with the zoning overlays, our firm has been involved in the
planning of the commercial recreational area of the City of Anaheim over the past 10 years so we are
painfully familiar with the Disneyland Resorts specific plan, the Anaheim Resorts specific plan, the hotel
circles specific plan and now the Pointe Anaheim Overlay, so we know about the CR Overlay, District A
and the Pointe Anaheim Overlay.
The new Pointe Anaheim project allows development under the Pointe Anaheim Overlay to be developed
in phases with the Pyrovest property as the last phase and the site for parking which is required by prior
phases of the Pointe Anaheim project. The construction of the Pointe Anaheim project up to the
doorsteps of the Pyrovest property is tantamount to condemning the Pyrovest property for parking.
Pyrovest will not be held hostage by the Pointe Anaheim Overlay. We will actively oppose this new
project, including the filing of litigation if necessary.
I just received a copy of this letter from John Erskine to Annita Santalahti and much to my dismay he
basically states that for the applicant's failure to acquire the Pyrovest property this project would be
completed and opened for business and that no amendments would be necessary. This is a
preposterous statement. Robert Shelton just gave you at least 10 reasons why the project needs to be
changed and nine of them are not related to the current ownership of the Pyrovest property. I will not
address the current litigation by the applicant against Pyrovest in this pubfic forum. It will be played out in
a courtroom and Pyrovest will prevail.
Ed Chuchla, 888 W. Ball Road, Anaheim, CA, Vice President of Walt Disney Imagineering, (neither in
favor or opposition, comments only) thanked staff for the tremendous line of work gone into preparing the
information. Obviously a project like this requires a lot of review. We have a couple of points that we
would like to address and questions about important issues in the project, the first one is parking. The
proposal includes reduced levels of parking and staff has proposed a condition to ensure that every
~ phase of development and ongoing operations would have the ability to prove adequate parking provided
for the project. We think that is an appropriate condition. Under this condition it appears that staff can
require the applicant to develop additional spaces and up to a maximum of 4,800 spaces and that is the
number prior to the reduction. He asks, on a phase by phase basis specifically what can staff do tv
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• require that each phase meets the needs, so for example, would each phase be subject to the maximum
parking requirement? Secondly, since future phases of the parking and the convention spaces and the
vacation ownership units are constructed atop the new parking structure, for example, levels 1 thru 3 get
built and levels 4 thru 6 gets built and then on top of that the convention center or vacation units, how
would ongoing parking operations be managed and what will that impact be to the overall project?
Regarding signage, the concern is tied to the potential language proposed to the exemption section in the
Pointe Anaheim Project Overlay only. The proposed change would allow signage to be permitted in
conformance with existing regulations or under unspecified waivers or variances. We are just not clear
what this feature is providing for the project and would suggest that all Anaheim Resort Development be
subject to the same sort of regulation with regard to signage. City staff and everybody has worked really
hard to ensure that compliance with the signage program is there and we are kind of curious as to what
this little phrase does and what door it might open. Condition No. 81 requires some clarification. This is
again, a recent change to the conditions. The installation of the ultimate public right-of-way on the north
side of Katella Avenue from Clementine Street to Pointe Anaheim's first project driveway is tied to the
submittal of the final site plan application for Area A. I think we understand Area A is the first to be
developed so this makes sense that this action would be tied to the first area that is developed. Here is
our question, if development begins in an area other than Area A, for example Area D, for whatever
reason would this condition still be tied to that first phase of development, so at the end of the day less
concerned about is it A, B, C or D buf is it the first phase of development?
Lastly, a revision to Condition No. 68c has been inserted that there is some flexibility in terms of the
schedule of performance and naturally it is tied to market conditions. Everybody is subject to the ups and
downs of the market; the financial market, etc. We understand why that change has been made but there
is a phrase in the second to the last line that through redesign and land use revision so that the project
can be changed, and again our question is, if substance changes like modifications to conditions, zoning
~ regulations, or proposed uses are required we would hope that an opportunity for a public hearing before
the Planning Commission would be required to air these issues and review them.
Applicant's Response:
Joan Kelly, 19142 Stingray Lane, Environmental Consultant of Bonterra Consulting, offered responses to
both the comments made by Disney and the letter that was submitted by Palmieri, Tyler, Wiener, Wilhelm
and Waldron, Attorneys. Regarding Disney's parking up to 4,800 parking spaces, although that has been
added as a condition there was a mitigation measure in the addendum that required the same thing. We
have just added that condition in. In each phase there is an assessment that is required by staff to
ascertain parking onsite is adequate, not only covering the existing uses but forecasting what the next
development phase is going to be, ensuring that if for some reason the parking has been tight that it is
compensated with the next level of development.
I am going to defer on the vacation ownership and have the applicants address that themselves. On
Condition No. 81, which is the condition on Katella Avenue, the applicanYs intent is to develop Area A
first. If for some reason development occurred somewhere else, I don't think they would have any
problem tying it to first development, but the intent is that the first phase is Area A. If there is a
suggestion to change the condition that it is Area A or first phase developed, that is agreeable by the
On 68c regarding the flexibility on performance through redesign and land use revisions, the intent was
that these would be minor revisions. It is understood that should modifications occur in the projects as
has just occurred, that the applicant would be before the Planning Commission again as they are now. !f
the revisions are such that it is found to be consistent with the overall plan but is a minor change, I think
we would leave it up to staff to determine if it was in the clearance of the plan or whether it needed to be
brought back to Planning Commission.
~ Regarding comments from the Palmieri, Tyler, Wiener, Wilhelm and Waldron, Attorneys letter that was
submitted just before the Planning Commission started this afternoon, there were many comments made
in the letter in reference to the current litigation. As Ms. Wolcott said, I am certainly not in a position to
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• comment on that litigation and don't feel it is appropriate for me to at this time or at anytime. There were
comments referring that this project is being forced onto the Pyrovest property. it is important that
everyone understand this is an overlay and Ms. Wolcott did say that she understands the various
overlays, the existing entitlements stay in place. This would not happen unless the applicant was to
develop by first acquiring title to that land and so everything that is currently allowed on that site now
stays as is, this is just one more option on top of that. In many places throughout the letter there is a
quotation saying that EIR No. 311 as well as the original mitigated negative declaration stated, "Further
environmental review would be required if there were any changes to the project, both when the original
Disneyland Resort was envisioned", meaning environmental review would be required if anything other
than what was anticipated be proposed or if there was ever any changes to the projecf. The context was
that environmental review has not been done and I would like to argue that point and say that the original
mitigated negative declaration was substantial environmental documentation on this project and the
addendum that is being entered into the record tonight documents that there are no substantial
environmental changes that result from the project modifications.
The letter states that the MND specifically excluded any environmental analysis of the midblock turn on
Disneyway. This is nof accurate. On page 4-21 of the draft EIR this was analyzed in detail and it is
stated that it would better serve traffic approaching the project on the Santa Ana freeway via Disneyway
off ramp. The approved project did not include the Disneyway midblock turn, but the environmental
documentation did analyze it and that is in the record and the addendum builds on that. It is again
analyzed in detail in the traffic analysis that was part of the addendum. 7here were many references in
the letter to significant unmitigated impacts but I could not find what those significant unmitigated impacts
are other than there are some and so I am at a loss at how to respond to that. It states that the addendum
introduces new uses, aquarium, nightclubs and vacation timeshare that were not identified with the
original project. It is true that the aquarium and the timeshare were not specifically allowed with the earlier
projects, the nightcfubs were in fact, I think there was a reference to it earlier, I believe it was referred to
• as Anaheim alley at that time.
Although an aquarium was not included as part of the project as a specific land use, from an
environmental standpoint I think it is very important to understand that we are looking at the impacts from
a use as opposed to what that use is. Museums are allowed, I think the impacts from an aquarium are
very much like a museum. For all of the changes as well as the project overall, we looked at traffic, air
quality, noise and public services to make sure not one of those issues addressed in the first document
increased in with this revised project. Thus making sure there would be no need for a revised EIR or
mitigated negative declaration. In regard to the timeshare, although there is an ownership differential the
timeshare in effect operates like a hotel so therefore the impacts are similar enough.
The letter also stated that the MND specifically postponed environmental review of discretionary
approvals. Page 3-6 of the originally approved document states that this is the primary environmental
document for the project, covering all project discretionary actions. So I think that clearly was a
misstatement. The letter states that the applicant's addendum fails to analyze the significant unmet
impacts resulting from the construction of the significantly smaller new project. I have to say I don't think I
have ever heard someone protesting a significantly smaller project before. This was in reference to the
development being proposed on the Pyrovest site and all I can say is that the project environmentally has
been reviewed for impacts and they have been determined to be the same or less than.
7he letter also states that the project description is not proper due to it not being finite, accurate or stable.
The project has a lot of options. It has phases and it has flexibility, but I do see that it is finite. It has a
maximum number of square feet defined by each use. It is accurate in that this is the maximum allowed it
is defined by phase and all the alternatives are also defined by phase. Regarding the statement that the
project description is not a project at all, it is definitely a project. I feel that this is the type of project that
Sequel envisions looking at the entire project over the long term and addressing those impacts that could
happen as a result of market changes that need to be built into a project like this.
i There was a statement that the document must incorporate mitigation measures developed in the
program EIR (which is the original Disneyland Resort EIR) into the subsequent actions stating that this
was not done and that project design features which were part of the original Disney project were
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• eliminated in this project. 7hat is true, some of them were eliminated, some of them were included, but
some of them were completely irrelevant that reflected Disney's project very specifically. We worked very
closely with staff and went over mitigation by mitigation to make sure that all of the ones that applied to
this project were incorporated and any additional mitigation measures that were needed were also
There was a statement that the phasing was not addressed, I think you know that we have addressed
phasing, we have looked at it very specifically, we have incorporated mitigation measures by phase when
that is appropriate to make sure that the impacts are mitigated as the project moves forward. Issues 9
and 10 in the Palmieri, Tyler, Wiener, Wilhelm and Waldron, Attorneys letter were primarily by the
Nossaman letter that was submitted to you this morning so I will pass on those at this point. There was a
statement on land use that 3 out of 4 mitigation measures for the land use section have been eliminated.
That is true, these were not deemed appropriate as mitigation measures. These are now conditions of
approvai because they related to timing and commitments by the applicant and were not related to
environmental impacts. That is Condition 51, 51a, b and c. The letter continuously reference the new
project, I would just like to make this statement that this is not a new projecf it is a modified project. The
majority of the project has been kept intact. It is the same location, has the same fill and modified mix
uses but overall the same ones.
John Erskine stated just in conclusion and then Bill Stone would like to make one quick comment on the
parking and phasing issue that Disney raised just for the record. I would like to address a couple of
points and one is, it is my understanding of the process that each phase will be back before this
Commission for site plan review. So you have additional control through that process which I am sure you
are very familiar with.
Secondly, with reference to our letter in response to the Palmieri, Tyler, Wiener, Wilhelm and Waldron,
~ Attorneys letter on behalf of Pyrovest, to highlight the last paragraph on page 4 of our letter (Nossaman)
in which we say it is precisely because of Pyrovest's prior actions which improperly thwarted Pointe
Anaheim's effort to move from equitable ownership to legal ownership of the Pyrovest parcel also known
as the Vagabond End Anaheim Plaza Hotel that Excel has filed the above referenced litigation (which we
refer to in the letter) against Pyrovest and Orange County Superior Court and requested and amendment
of the project entitlements and development agreement to provide the flexibility of sequential phasing of
project components pending the outcome of such litigation. That is not to say that there are not other
reasons besides Pyrovest efforts to thwart our consummation of that transaction. There are other
subsequent reasons for the phasing, and I think Bill described them very candidly to you. We have had a
very increasingly bad market, I think all of you were nodding during his presentation, we have all read in
the business section of all the papers that the hotel market has been going in the tank for about a year
and then we had September 9 9 occur, which if it was not in the tank put it there after those tragic events.
So we have been very candid about those other reasons and it is not solely Pyrovest that has caused us
to go to a project that is complete on the 20 acres, I hope that clarifies that.
Bill Stone, stated I just wanted to address a couple of the statements made about parking and there was
one misstatement made about the parking; the fact that we needed the Pyrovest property to meet the
parking requirements. Actually if you look at the way the parking is located we actually overparked the 20
acres to make up for the difference of the additional GLA and the next 10 acres. So actually we don't
need that, there would not be enough parking on that property the way it is designed right now to support
afl the GLA on that property without using the parking on the other 20 acres. The other question had to do
with the phasing and the way we are going to handle the parking and the construction of the parking and
the timeshares. The way the project is going to practically be built is number 1, we wiil over build parking
beyond what we are going to need for each phase to mitigate that and the second thing is we are not
going to build it in phases going vertically but in phases going horizontally. With the timeshares, we can`t
build that unti! the very last phase, until all the parking is done, because otherwise there is no place to put
the timeshares, there is no pad there. We are very cognizant of that because of the fact that we will be
• bringing other retailers and hotels on later. We don't want to have a case where we have a hotel built and
all of a sudden have to start building parking because that would really impact our project dramatically.
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~ John Erskine stated Robert just wanted me to remind you of fhe efforts that have been made to try and
bring along the rest of the community to support this project. The absence of any community opposition
or business community opposition of this project is self-evident by the lack of any other opposing
testimony other than the one interest well represented. We will continue to work with our good friends and
neighbors at Disney on their issues as we move forward and we hope we can get Commission's support
for the project this evening.
Chairperson Arnold asked Annika for further revisions or responses.
Annika stated she has two things basically and one is Mr. Chuchla commented on the concern that the
parking as each phase was constructed would be adequate for each phase cumulative as you go
through. On page 15 of attachment D, which are the revised conditions to the conditional use permit,
there were two basic conditions to Condition No. 66 that has to do with parking in conformance with the
parking study that was performed. The new Condition B requires that in connection with the development
final plan application for each development phase, a parking analysis shall be submitted to the City Traffic
and Transportation Manager for review and approval showing that the proposed number of spaces will be
adequate for the phase. Further because parking of Pointe Anaheim is being shared between multiple
land uses the analysis shall include information regarding the number of parking spaces and the land
uses and building areas in the previously approved phases. So as it moves along, for instance, it starts
out good on the first phase and then there is a bid of a problem that would be coming up for potential
discussion on the next phase and that study would have to be satisfactory to the City Traffic Engineering
staff prior to consideration of that phase's final plans by the Planning Commission. On page 3 which
concerns Condition No. 68. There was some text added by the petitioner to that condition, subparagraph
C, and in looking at that again I think it is probably inappropriate that all of that be included. So I would
like to delete on the sixth line down which starts out "project finance in acquisition of land for the proposed
uses" and then make it a oeriod and delete all of the followina terminoloav and text because thev must
• meet the requirements of the zoning of the Disney Resorts specific plan. Any modification will have to
conform to the appropriate standards not fo any outside impacts or adverse conditions.
Chairperson Arnold stated before I close the Public Hearing I will take questions from the Commissioners,
the applicant or any speakers, or staff.
Commissioner Sostwick recalled Disney asked for comments about the signage and waivers for signage,
which no one responded to.
Annika Santalahti, Planning Zoning Administrator, stated that the intent was not to give this overlay as
proposed any additional opportunities that anybody else might have because, in fact, anybody in the City
can always request a variance or waiver from a code section, so that doesn't do anything new, and to that
point Mr. Chuchla is correct it is permitted otherwise. She agrees with Disney on this point.
Chairperson Arnold wished to clarify that staff's recommendation is to delete the handwritten addition on
page 7-9.
Ms. Santalahti concurred.
Commissioner Koos asked giving the statements made about market conditions which caused phasing to
occur, how does the architectural accommodate for potential? He states between the phases it is most
likely going to be a seamless project eventually but should market conditions dictate they have to stop at
a phase, he asks, would each phase be designed in such a way that the project looks complete if that
occurs (if phase one is it for instance)?
Bill Reed responded that is a concern and they certainly do not want to have the backdoor to this project
where one phase leads anticipation to the next phase. He assures they will have documentation that will
• illustrate what each side in total is of each project. And in the early phases the north side of the property
will become the front door, which eventually a phase wil! be added onto. He assures they will work to
ensure that does not appear to be anything other than the front door to the project. There will not be any
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• entry statements, etc., and there will be an investment on the elevations and developing the master so
that it looks like a completed project at each phase.
Ms. Santalahti stated that under Condition No. 45, page 9 of 19 attachment D concerns submittal of the
final site plan application. Subparagraph H states "additionaliy where a development phase adjoins a
future development phase as yet undeveloped under the Pointe Anaheim Overlay a colored rendering
shall be provided to illustrate the building elevation's facing that future phase". That was intended to
make it real clear that all 360° of any development phase will always be presented to the Planning
Commissioner Bostwick inquired during the initial phase barring there isn't the hotel or the aquarium and
the retail shopping restaurant protorype, how would it be transformed from a flat surtace upward and yet
have surface parking rather than the parking structure?
Mr. Reed responded that the surface parking to the north side would have a separate entrance by an
elevator and an escalator to the upper level, which would be approximately 14 feet above natural grade.
On the south side it would be possible to walk from the corner up the gentle ascent which would be at 1
and 20 slopes or less not requiring handrails for handicap access. The termination of the gradual ascent
would access vertically directiy from the parking structure via elevator or stair escalator. This plan is not
left to an afterthought it is a major entrance from the north side.
Chairperson Arnold wished to clarify with Selma Mann, Assistant City Attorney, that given the nature of all
the requested actions Planning Commission is not the agency for purposes of Sequel but City Council is
the agency because they will make the decision on the number of issues.
Ms. Mann stated that Planning Commission is the agency for purposes of Sequel with regard to any
~ action that it takes that would be final. Planning Commission goes ahead takes this action and in effect
appeals its on action to the City Council. She feels it is appropriate for Pfanning Commission to make the
environmental determination but the environmental determination will ultimately be made by the City
Council when it reconsiders the entire project.
Chairperson Arnold concluded that there would be more than adequate opportunity for further study,
comments and input before a final determination is made on the project as a whole.
Commissioner Bostwick stated obviously it speaks to the time and to the current attitude and economic
conditions that we are experiencing and he always believed that it needed to be phased and was amazed
when it was proposed as a single project initially. He still stands firm for a turn in off of Disneyway and is
pleased to see the agreement of others.
Commissioner Bristol stated it is a great idea and he appreciates the fact that plans are still going forward
in spite of current events over the last two and a half years, especially September 11, 2001.
Commissioner Koos commended the developer for such a comprehensive presentation and doing a
thorough job in explaining the project. He is excited the project is going forward.
PUBLIC COMMENTS: 2 persons spoke with comments/questions pertaining to the subject request.
OPPOSITION: 1 person spoke in opposition to the subject request.
• ACTION: Determined that the Addendum to the Pointe Anaheim Initia! Study and Mitigated
Negative Declaration dated October 29, 2001, including the Modified Mitigation
Monitoring Plan No. 004 as corrected, is adequate to serve as the required
environmental documentation for the proposed project actions, based on a finding by the
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NOVEMBER 19, 2001
~ Planning Commission that the Addendum and the Modified Mitigation Monitoring Plan No.
004 as shown in Attachment F to the Staff Report dated November 19, 2001 including
certain corrections made during the public hearing, reflect the independent judgment of
the lead agency; that it has considered the Addendum and the Modified Mitigation
Monitoring Plan No. 004, together with any comments and responses received during the
public hearing process; and further finding on the basis of the Addendum that there is no
substantial evidence, with the imposition of the mitigation measures identified in Modified
Mitigation Monitoring Program No. 004, that the project will have a significant effect on the
environment; and that the corrections to Attachment F(the Modified Mitigation Monitoring
Plan No. 004) consist of the following:
Corrected the Location description on Page 1 to read:
"Location: East of Harbor Boulevard, South of Disney Way, West of
Clementine Street and North of Katella Avenue within District
A/Pointe Anaheim Overfay and Portion of Parking District (East
Parking Area)/C-R Overlay and Pointe Anaheim Overlay of The
Disneyland Resort Specific Plan"
Corrected the second Measure on Page 3 to read:
"A phasing plan shall be submitted for review and approval to the City Engineer
demonstrating how the following improvements, as approved by the City
Engineer, will be constructed by the property owner/developer:
- Clementine Street/Pointe Anaheim driveway intersection; and
- Clementine Street between Disney Way and Katella Avenue (including the
~ median)."
Recommended City Council adoption of General Plan Amendment No. 393
(Tracking No. GPA 2001-00393) to adopt "Exhibit A" as shown on Page 10-1/Insert J,
and Pages 10-7 and 10-8/Insert A) of Attachment B to the Staff Report dated
November 19, 2001 to amend the Land Use Element of the City of Anaheim General Plan
by incorporating text to describe the land uses and densities of the Pointe Anaheim
projecUPointe Anaheim Overlay, as proposed to be modified, into subsections 10.1
"lntroduction" and 10.2 "Land Use ElemenY' of Section 10.0 "General Plan AmendmenY' of
The Disneyland Resort Specific Pfan, and based upon the findings as stated in the Staff
Recommended City Council adoption of Amendment No. 5 to The Disneyland
Resort Specific Plan No. 92-1 (including the Land Use Plan, Public Facilities Plan,
Design Plan, Zoning and Development Standards, and the Conditions of Approval)
as shown in Attachment B to the Staff Report dated November 19, 2001 including certain
corrections and revisions made during the public hearing, as follows:
Proposed text on Page 7-9 of Attachment B was not added to subsubsection of Section 18.78.040 "Methods and Procedures for Specific
Plan Implementation."
Corrected Page 7-42/Insert I of Attachment B to read:
"(3) For the Pointe Anaheim Overlay, on-site directional signage
may be included as part of the overall Coordinated Sign Program if
considered and approved as a part of the Final Site Plan or as
• amended."
Amended The Disneyland Resort Specific Plan Conditions of Approval in
Attachment B, as follows:
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NOVEMBER 19, 2001
~ Corrected the first page, first paragraph under "Introduction," to read:
The conditions of approval for development in the Theme Park, Hotel,
Parking and Future Expansion Districts, District A and the C-R Overfay
include all mitigation measures and project design features included as
part of Modified Mitigation Monitoring Program No. 0067 (as modified
October 8, 1996) (as required by Section 21081.6 of the Public Resources
Code). The conditions of approval for development in the Pointe Anaheim*
Overlay include all the mitigation measures including project design
features included as part of Modified Mitigation Monitoring Plan No. 004
(as modified )(as required by Section 21081.6 of the Public
Resources Code). For purposes of these conditions of approval, the
following terms are used:"
Corrected Condition No. 76, first paragraph, to read:
"76. That Final Site Plans required pursuant to Condition of Approval No.
29 shall be supplemented with the following
plans/materials/information which shall be submitted as part of the
Final Site Plan application for each development phase (as shown
on Exhibit No. 1, titled "Phasing Diagram" and dated November 19,
2001). All plans shall be fully-dimensioned and drawn to scale:'
Revised Condition No. 81 to read:
~ "81. That prior to submittal of the Final Site Plan application for the Initial
Phase of Development or for Area A(as shown on Exhibit No. 1,
titled "Phasing Diagram" and dated November 19, 2001), whichever
occurs first, the property owner/developer shall submit a street
improvement plan to the Public Works Director for the installation of
the ultimate public right-of-way improvements on the north side of
Katella Avenue from Clementine Street to the first Pointe Anaheim
project driveway west of Clementine Street to improve vehicular
access to the project. The property owner/developer shall be
responsible for all costs associated with the preparation and
processing of the street improvement plan and all costs associated
with the construction of the improvements to the satisfaction of the
Public Works Director. These improvements shall be completed
prior to issuance of the first final building and zoning inspection, or
prior to commencement of activities/uses pursuant to Section of the Anaheim Municipal Code, whichever occurs
Corrected Condition No. 82.b to read:
"82.b That prior to submittal of the Final Site Plan applications for Area C
and Area D(as shown on Exhibit No. 1, titled "Phasing Diagram" and
dated November 19, 2001), the property owner/developer shall
redesign the site plan adjacent to the Disney Way improvements
addressed in Condition No. 82.a to maintain the minimum building
setbacks adjacent to Disney Way."
• Added new Condition No. 97 to read:
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NOVEMBER 19, 2001
~ "97. That approval of Amendment No. 5 to The Disneyland Resort
Specific Plan No. 92-1 is contingent upon the approval and adoption
of General Plan Amendment No. 2001-393:`
Recommended City Council adoption of Amendment No. 3 to The Anaheim Resort
Public Realm Landscape Program as shown in Attachment C to the Staff Report dated
November 19, 2001, to modify the landscape concept plans for Disney Way shown on the
drawing labeled "Landscape Concept Diagram for Anaheim Resort Public Realm" on page
9 of The Anaheim Resort Public Realm Landscape Program) to reflect a mid-block median
opening between Harbor Boulevard and Clementine Street to provide for turns into and
out of the Pointe Anaheim site inasmuch as Disney Way is proposed to be a main entry
point to the Pointe Anaheim project.
Approved Amendment to Conditional Use Permit No. 4078 to permit development
of the Pointe Anaheim Lifestyle Retail and Entertainment Complex, as proposed to
be modified including development in up to 5 phases, based on the findings as stated
in the Staff Report dated November 19, 2001, and subject to the recommended
conditions of approval identified in Attachment D of the Staff Report, including certain
corrections and revisions made during the public hearing and the submittal of 4 new
exhibits illustrating development alternates for the Initial Phase, as follows:
Revised Condition No. 50 to read:
"50. That prior to submittal of the Final Site Plan application for the Initial
Phase of Development or Area A(as shown on Exhibit No. 1, titled
"Phasing Diagram" and dated November 19, 2001), whichever occurs
~ first, the property owner/developer shall submit a street improvement plan
to the Public Works Director for the installation of the ultimate public right-
of-way improvements on the north side of Katella Avenue from
Clementine Street to the first Pointe Anaheim project driveway west of
Clementine Street to improve vehicular access to the project. The
property owner/developer shall be responsible for all costs associated
with the preparation and processing of the street improvement plan and
all costs associated with the construction of the improvements to the
satisfaction of the Public Works Director. These improvements shall be
completed prior ta issuance of the first final building and zoning
inspection, or prior to commencement of activities/uses pursuant to
Section of the Anaheim Municipal Code, whichever occurs
(SP Condition No. 81)"
Added new Condition Nos. 51.b and 51,c, to read:
"51.b That prior to submittal of the Final Site Plan application for Area D(as
shown on Exhibit No. 1, titled "Phasing Diagram" and dated November 19,
2001), the property owner/developer shall submit street improvement plans
to the Public Works Director for construction of a right-turn iane on the
south side of Disney Way from Harbor Boulevard to the mid-block project
entrance. The property owner/developer shall be responsible for all costs
associated with the preparation and processing of the street improvements
plan and all costs associated with the construction of the improvements to
the satisfacfion of the Public Works Director. These improvements shal! be
completed prior to the issuance of the first final building and zoning
. inspection, or prior to commencement of activities/uses pursuant to Section of the Anaheim Municipal Code, whichever comes first.
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NOVEMBER 19, 2009
~ 51.c That prior to submittal of the Final Site Plan application for Area C(as
shown on Exhibit No. 1, titled "Phasing Diagram" and dated November 19,
2001), the property owner developer shall demonstrate, to the satisfaction
of the Public Works Director, the feasibility of constructing dual left turn
lanes in Disney Way between the mid-block project entrance and
Clementine Street; and that prior to submittal of the Final Site Plan
application for Area D(as shown on Exhibit No. 1, titled "Phasing Diagram"
and dated November 19, 2001), the property owner/developer shall
construct, to the satisfaction of the Public Works Director, the dual left turn
lanes. The property owner/developer shali be responsible for all costs
associated with the preparation and processing of the street improvements
plan and all costs associated with the construction of fhe improvements to
the satisfaction of the Public Works Director. Working in cooperation with
the City of Anaheim and property owner on the north side of Disney Way,
these improvements shall be completed prior to the issuance of the first
final building and zoning inspection, or prior to commencement of
activities/uses pursuant to Section of the Anaheim Municipal
Code, whichever comes first."
Corrected Condition No. 54 to read:
54. That in connection with submittal of the Final Site Plan application for each
development phase, the property owner/developer shall provide
information regarding the ownership and/or long term lease status of each
of the underlying parcels, including any airspace or vertical subdivision, of
the 29.1 acre Pointe Anaheim project (i.e., whether the parcels are owned,
• leased, under negotiation, etc.).
(SP Condifion No. 84)
Revised Condition No. 66, paragraph C, to read:
66. "C. That following completion of the Pointe Anaheim project and on-
going during project operation, the property owner/developer shall
submit an annual parking demand study to the City Traffic and
Transportation Manager for review and approval, to assess the
adequacy of parking for the Pointe Anaheim project. The study shall
be paid for by the property owner/developer and shall be prepared to
the satisfaction of the City Traffic and Transportation Manager. The
study shall evaluate the peak parking utilization for the entire project
to determine whether the available parking is adequate or whether
additiona! parking is needed. If the study indicates that parking is
deficient, then additional parking spaces, up to a project total of
4,800 spaces, shall be provided in accordance with the
recommendations of the evaluation and in conformance with The
Disneyland Resort Specific Plan. The parking demand study shall
be prepared annually unless otherwise required by the City Traffic
and Transportation Manager."
Revised Condition No. 67 to read:
"67. That subject property shall be developed in substantial conformance with plans
and specifications submitted to the City of Anaheim by the petitioner and which
plans are on file with the Planning Department marked Exhibit Nos. 1 through 9
• (dated November 19, 2001), as follows:
Exhibit No. 1 "Phasing Diagram"
Exhibit No. 2 "Overall Plan - Level 1- Street Level"
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NOVEMBER 19, 2001
~ Exhibit No. 3 "Overall Plan - Level 2"
Exhibit No. 4 "Overall Plan - Level 3"
Exhibit No. 5 "Overall Plan - Conference Center and Hotel Towers"
Exhibit No. 6 "East Elevation - Clementine Street
and South Elevation - Katella Avenue"
Exhibit No. 7 "West Elevation - Harbor Boulevard
and North Elevation - Disney Way"
Exhibit No. 8 "North Elevation - Phase 1"
Exhibit No. 9 "Section A- Thru Grand Hotel/Retail/Parking and
Section B- Thru Toy Hotel/Retail/Parking"
The Pointe Anaheim project will be developed in accordance with the quality,
design and architectural integrity as shown on the illustrative exhibits. The
referenced exhibits are conceptual and development options included in the
project are not all depicted on the exhibits.
Additionally, in accordance with subsection of the
Anaheim Municipal Code, the view corridors shall be shown on the Final Site
Plans for those development phases which have view corridors, as shown on
Exhibit 5.8.3.f.5 "Interior Signage and Icon/Themed Signage Element Plan" of
The Disneyland Resort Specific Plan No. 92-1 document; and that the widths
of those view corridors shall not exceed the corridor widths shown on said
Exhibit 5.8.3.f.5. The Pointe Anaheim project shall be developed in
accordance with the quality, design and architectural integrity as shown on the
illustrative Exhibit Nos. 10 through 12 (dated November 19, 2001), which
exhibits are on file with the Planning Department.
• The following four exhibits (dated November 19, 2001) illustrate and
summarize development alternates for the Initial Phase:
Exhibit No. 13 "Initial Phase ALT-I"
Exhibit No. 14 "Initial Phase ALT-II"
Exhibit No. 15 "Initial Phase ALT-III"
Exhibit No. 16 "East Elevation (Initial Phase ALT-III)
and North Elevation (Initial Phase ALT-III)"
Revised Condition No. 68 to read:
"68. That the Pointe Anaheim project shall be developed in up to five (5)
development phases, as shown on Exhibit No. 1, titled "Phasing Diagram"
and dated November 19, 2001, as follows:
A. The property owner/developer shall obtain approval of the Final Site
Plans, obtain the appropriate building and other permits, and
commence construction of the Initial Phase within a period of three
(3) years from the date of this resolution.
B. The property owner/developer shall complete the construction of and
open the improvements comprising the Initial Phase within a period
of two (2) years after commencement of construction of the Initial
Phase. "Opening" of the improvements shall be defined as the
opening of at least seventy five percent (75%) of the total square
footage of the uses within the underlying phase.
~ C. Following the Initial Phase, the property owner/developer shall use
reasonable commercial efforts to commence construction of
subsequent development phases within approximately two (2) years,
11-9 9-01
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NOVEMBER 19, 2001
~ but in no event later than four (4) years, following the opening of the
previous phase, provided the timing of each subsequent phase will
depend primarily on market demand at the time, the availability of
project financing, and acquisition of land for the proposed uses.
D. The property owner/developer shall complete the construction and
open the improvements comprising each subsequent development
phase within a period of two (2) years after the building permits for
said phase were issued; provided, however, that the final
development phase shall commence construction within a period of
ten (10) years from the date of this resolution.
Extensions for further time to comply with these conditions may be granted
in accordance with Section 18.03.090 of the Anaheim Municipal Code:'
Approved Waiver of Code Requirement pertaining to the minimum number of
parking spaces based on the information contained in the parking analysis in the Pointe
Anaheim Transportation Study (Revised), dated March 12, 2001 and prepared by Meyer,
Mohaddes Associates, Inc., which supports the findings as stated in the Staff Report dated
November 19, 2001.
Determined that the Pointe Anaheim project, as proposed to be modified including
development in up to 5 phases, meets the required showings and applicable
development criteria to enter into the First Amended and Restated Development
Agreement No. 99-1 as set forth in paragraphs (26} and (27) of the Staff Report dated
November 19, 2001; and based upon the analysis set forth therein.
• Recommended City Council consideration of the Amendment to Conditional Use
Permit No. 4078 with waiver of minimum number of parking spaces concurrently
with their mandatory consideration of General Plan Amendment No. 2001-00393,
Amendment No. 5 to The Disneyland Resort Specific Plan No. 92-1, Amendment
No. 3 to The Anaheim Resort Public Realm Landscape Program, and the First
Amended and Restated Development Agreement No. 99-1.
VOTE: 7-0
Selma Mann, Assistant City Attorney, stated this item would be set for a public hearing before the City
DISCUSSION TIME: 1 hour and 41 minutes (4:05-5:46)
A 5-minute break was taken from 5:46-5:51 p.m.
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NOVEMBER 19, 2001
(TRACKING NO. CUP 2001-04457)
OWNER: Gock Woey Jung, 433 South Vicki Lane, Anaheim, CA
AGENT: De Hua Tr, 12201 Brookhurst Street, Garden Grove,
CA 92640
LOCATION: 420-504 South Brookhurst Street. Property is
approximately 1.5 acres with a frontage of 205 feet on
the east side of Brookhurst Street located 492 feet
north of the centerline of Orange Avenue - Seafood
Place Restaurant.
Request for reinstatement of this permit by the modification or deletion of
a condition of approval pertaining to a time limitation (approved on
November 6, 2000 to expire November 6, 2001) to retain a banquet hall
with service but no sales of alcoholic beverages for on-premises
Continued to
January 28, 2002
ACTION: Commissioner Boydstun offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner Bostwick and
MOTION CARRIED to continue the subject request to the January 28, 2002 Planning
Commission meeting in order for the petitioner to comply with all conditions of approval.
VOTE: 7-0
DISCUSSION TIME: This item was not discussed.
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NOVEMBER 19, 2001
(TRACKING NO. CUP 2001-04462)
OWNER: Yassini Marteza, P. O. Box 2110, Ventura, CA 93002
AGENT: Dan Van Rosen, 700 North Brookhurst, Anaheim, CA
LOCATtON: 600 - 626 North Brookhurst Street. Property is
approximately 4.8 acres located at the southeast corner
of Brookhurst Street and Gramercy Avenue.
Request for an amendment to a condition of approval to permit the sales
of propane in conjunction with a previously-approved gasoline service
Continued to
December 3, 2001
ACTiON: Commissioner Boydstun offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner Bristol and
MOTION CARRIED to continue the subject request to the December 3, 2001 Planning
Commission meeting in order to allow additional time for the petitioner to submit revised
plans for review by the Planning Department staff.
VOTE: 7-0
DISCUSSION TIME: This item was not discussed.
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NOVEMBER 19, 2001
OWNER: Marcia J. Nishino, 1780 North Winlock Street, Orange,
CA 92865
AGENT: Diamond Pacific Homes, Attn: John Tharp, 5400 South
Ohio Street, Yorba Linda, CA 92886
LOCATION: 195 and 201 South Peralta Hills Drive. Property is
approximately 2.31 acres with a frontage of 90 feet on
the south side of Peralta Hills Drive located
approximately 1,569 feet south of the centerline of
Santa Ana Canyon Road.
Request for approval of a specimen tree removal permit to remove 22
specimen trees.
Chairperson Arnold introduced Item No. 10 as a request for Specimen Tree Removal Permit No.
200100003 at 195 and 201 S. Peralta Hills Drive.
Greg Hastings, Zoning Division Manager, informed 13 of the 22 trees have already been removed and
there are 9 left that the applicant is wishing to have removed in order to construct two new homes. Staff
recommends approval (the code requires a 2 to 1 replacement with 15 gallon trees) with 4 to 1
~ replacement with 24-inch box trees (which have been the standard practice of the Planning Commission).
Staff recommends approval based on plans submitted showing necessity of tree removals.
John Tharp, owner of Diamond Specific Homes, a custom home builder, located at 5542 E. LaPalma
Avenue, Anaheim, CA, 92807, admitted the trees were unintentionally removed when the property was
purchased. They were unfamiliar with the City ordinance at the time. They took photographs when they
presented the project to their investors and have photographic evidence prior to touching the land that 6
trees reported on the 1998 parcel lot line adjustment were not on the property when purchased. Staff has
been made aware of the photographic evidence. They submitted a new design showing the 88 trees at
the ratio as if all 22 trees were removed and illustrated the area of the missing 6 trees (two in the right-of-
way, two close to the property line and two where one of the existing homes are). They ask consideration
for those trees. Also at the ratio of 4 to 1 they feel the property is not large enough to sustain that many
trees as there are at least 15 existing trees that will not be moved and with the additional 88 it totals over
100 trees on a 2 acre parcel, which are also specimen. There would not be room for children to play on
the grass if 88 trees were put on the property. So they ask for a reduction in the ratio, 3 to 1 or something
that is more comfortable for the property.
Greg Cruzan, 189 S. Paralta Hills Drive, stated he has been a neighbor to the property for 15 years and
the land was abandoned about 20 years ago. It was previously an orchard and over that time it collected
a big group of pepper trees that are totally unmanaged. The trees grew up right next to each other in big
clumps on very close centers. He feels the quantity of specimen trees greatly overstate the aesthetic
value to the neighborhood. As residents next door, they were very glad to have a contractor plan to
develop the area.
Chairperson Arnold acknowledged Angie and Robert Gould's presence at the beginning of the meeting
and indicated their favor of the project if the 4 to 1 mitigation were complied with.
~ William (Bill) Grun, 211 Peralta Hills Drive, Anaheim, CA, stated he borders the entire eastern edge of the
property and has two concerns: one is the visual quality of the property, particularly on the northeastern
segment because access to his property is up the driveway that runs down. He concurs with the previous
speaker's comments that specimen trees have been unmaintained at least for the last 10 years that he
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NOVEMBER 19, 2001
has lived there. He feels the proposal is going to be an improvement to the area. The second issue is
timing. The soil is constantly bare, it is a rather steep hill and the rainy season is fast approaching. There
has been a grading plan approved but things are upheld because of the current issue and he is concern
that the remedial grading plan will not move forward before the rainy season. His pool sits on a steep hill
right above the proposed area and he is concerned that it might not remain in his yard.
Scott E. McDaniel, 8148 E. Timberland Avenue, Orange, CA 92869, a representative of the two investors
who contributed $900,000 1~~2 years ago to get the two houses built, reports they are very anxious to see
the project move forward.
Commissioner Boydstun stated the offer the applicant made of 3 to 1 ratio is more than enough. She
banter "it would be nice to have a little yard when you have a house and with that many trees you would
have a foresf'.
Commissioner Bosfinrick feels the 2 to 1 ratio is adequate with the amount of existing trees and foliage in
the neighborhood and by the time the trees mature it will be well forested.
Chairperson Arnold noted that staff was responding to the issues and concerns raised by the Maag
Ranch development but that is a substantially different type of property; much more visible and less
heavily forested.
Commissioner Bristol asked if there would be 15 trees remaining on the property that aren't being cut.
John Tharp responded yes, there are 15 on the flat area and there is a large dense area at the bottom of
the slope with an undetermined amount of trees.
Commissioner Bristol wished to clarify that the 15 trees remaining would be at least 24-inch boxes or
FAVOR: 3 people spoke in favor of the subject request; and a person submitted a"speaker card"
indicating in favor of the subject request provided removed trees were replaced at a 4:1
ACTION: Approved CEQA Negative Declaration
Approved Specimen Tree Removal Permit No. 2001-00003 (to remove 22 specimen trees)
subject to the conditions of approval as stated in the staff report dated November 19, 2001
with the following modification:
Modified Condition No. 1 to read as follows:
That a final Specimen Tree Removal Plan shall be submitted to the Zoning Division
and Urban Forestry Division for review and approval showing the on-site replacement
of twenty-two (22) specimen trees authorized for removal and the replacement at a
minimum 2:1 ratio for a total of forty-four (44) trees. All replacement trees shall be
minimum 24-inch box sized specimen trees. Said trees shall be properly maintained
and any replacement tree planted on-site shall be replaced in a timely manner in the
event that it is removed, damaged, diseased and/or dead.
VOTE: 7-0
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NOVEMBER 19, 2001
Selma Mann, Assistant City Attorney, presented the 22-day appeal rights.
DISCUSSION TIME: 14 minutes (5:51-6:05)
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NOVEMBER 19, 2001
OWNER: Jillbridge Corp., 2141 Glendale Galleria #107,
Glendale, CA 91210
AGENT: Lee, Lee & Pao. LLC, Attn: Gei-Jon Pao, 1407 North
Batavia #201, Orange, CA 92867
LOCATION: 851 South Harbor Boulevard. Property is
approximately 1.6 acres with a frontage of 338 feet on
the west side of Harbor Boulevard located 340 feet
south of the centerline of South Street.
Request to permit a self-serve laundromat.
Continued to
December 3, 2001
ACTION: Commissioner Boydstun offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner Eastman and
MOTION CARRIED to continue the subject request to the December 3, 2001 Planning
Commission meeting in order to allow the property owner time to meet with an engineer
regarding a sewer study required by the Public Works Department.
VOTE: 7-0
DISCUSSION TIME: This item was not discussed.
Page 58
NOVEMBER 19, 2001
12c. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 2001-04460 Granted
OWNER: CMC-Nine, P. O. Box 81290, Chicago, IL 60681
Ming-Cheug Chang, 27520 Hawthorne Boulevard,
Suite 215, Rolling Hilis Estates, CA 90274
AGENT: Cornerstone Bible Church, Attn: John Crandall, 6501
East Serrano Avenue, Anaheim, CA 92807
LOCATION: 6501 East Serrano Avenue. Property is
approximately 3.0 acres located at the northeast corner
of Serrano Avenue and Nohl Ranch Road (Cornerstone
Bible Church).
Request to.establish a church within an existing commercial center with
waiver of a) minimum number of parking spaces and b) maximum number
of waff signs.
~ Chairperson Arnold introduced Item No. 12 as a request for Conditional Use Perm it and waiver of code
requirements for the Cornerstone Bible Church at 6501 E. Serrano Avenue.
Greg Hastings, Zoning Division Manager, informed there are two waivers involved, one of them has to do
with minimum number of parking spaces and the City Traffic Engineer has reviewed and approved a
parking demand study. The other is a waiver for the maximum number of wall signs, one being permitted
and two being proposed. It is staff's understanding that there is currently one sign on the building and
they want to add an additional one in addition to some religious icons, which are not considered
advertising devices for purposes of our code. Staff received a letter of correspondence via fax, which
Planning Commissioners dated November 19, 2001, from Nathaniel Behurra who voiced concerns about
the parking situation.
ApplicanYs Statement:
John Crandall, 6501 E. Serrano Avenue, Anaheim, CA, stated they understand staff's concern and the
viewpoint that it is a point of destination and not normally a place that people would respond in a
spontaneous way. They have been in existence for about 6 years and have been meeting at various
hotels, etc., displaying a sign out front. In fact, they have had people spontaneously drop in as a result of
signs. Regarding the current sign in use, they understand from staff it was permitted and they have had
people stop in during the week as a result of seeing the sign to their office. Therefore, they offer that it
would be helpful to them to have a sign on the Nohl Ranch site. Also recognizing Serrano Avenue is
going to be connected into the Orange portion of Serrano Avenue, it is conceivable that people would
travel up Nohl Ranch, turn right on Serrano Avenue going to the south side without ever going on Serrano
Avenue. While they may have a cross as a religious icon designating it as a Chrisfian piace to worship,
people would not necessarily know what denomination it is. So they ask Commission's consideration with
regard to the second sign.
Commissioner Boydstun asked how large would the sign be on the south side of the building.
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NOVEMBER 19, 2001
~ Mr. Crandall res onded it would be identical in size to the si n that is currentl on the Serrano Avenue
P 9 Y
Chairperson Arnold stated that churches use the idea of destination-oriented sites rather than passerby
stop sites. He states it is something that is changing, it may have been true at one time but today there
are an increasing number of people who do just happen to see a sign and stop by. Certainly in light of
the various events in the last couple of months there is plenty of evidence of people stopping by various
religious facilities. Staff recommends the limitation for more neighborhood-oriented areas. However, the
proposed sign is relatively small, it is going to be in major crossways, and the fact that Serrano Avenue is
going to be connected diminishes the neighborhood oriented nature of the limitation.
Commissioner Vanderbilt asked Mr. Crandall, in regards to staffing, if he intended to be there throughout
the week as well as on weekends because Monday through Friday operational hours were approximately
40 hours a week and it stated there would be two employees which pastor and one administrative
Mr. Crandall acknowledged he is the pastor and whether he would be there literally 40 hours or away at
times is inconclusive, he would be in and out. However there is really not a high traffic issue during the
day or during the week. So in terms of parking or people present would not create a high traffic issue.
Commissioner Boydstun stated that the times their staff would be there the pre-school would be closed
and there would not be any traffic.
Commissioner Vanderbilt clarified that his issue has to do with signage and the probability of people
dropping by.
~ Mr. Crandall responded that his assistant would be there and there would always be somebody onsite
during the hours of operation.
Commissioner Boydstun feels there is nothing wrong with the sign. The sign is not that large and is a
good directional point particularly with Serrano Avenue opening it is a necessity.
Commissioner Sostwick states the property has specific differences, it is a corner property with access to
major streets which gives it something different than just an on-the-street strip mall effect.
Commissioner Boydstun explained that without the sign on the other corner, people coming up Serrano
Avenue would not see it until they had passed it by.
OPPOSITION: A letter of opposition was submitted at the meeting.
ACTION: Approved CEQA Negative Declaration
Approved Waiver of Code Requirements, as follows:
Approved waiver (a) pertaining to minimum number of parking spaces based upon the
recommendation for approval by the City Traffic and Transportation Manager and based
on the findings as stated in the staff report dated November 19, 2001. (Vote: 7-0)
Approved waiver (b) pertaining to maximum number of wall signs based on the
• Commission's determination that additional identification visible to Serrano Avenue was
needed. (Vote: 5-2, Commissioners Koos and Vanderbilt voted no)
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NOVEMBER 19, 2001
~ Granted Conditional Use Permit No. 2001-04460 subject to the conditions of approval as
stated in the staff report dated November 19, 2001.
VOTE: 7-0
Selma Mann, Assistant City Attorney, presented the 22-day appeal rights.
DISCUSSION TIME: 9 minutes (6:06-6:15)
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NOVEMBER 19, 2001
13b. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 4097 Approved reinstatement
(TRACKING NO. CUP 2001-04463) for 1 year
(to expire on
December 31, 2002)
OWNER: Joel Saltzburg, 18022 Medley Drive, Encino, CA 91316
AGENT: C& M Automotive, Attn: Charles A. Perez, 420 South
State College Boulevard, Anaheim, CA 92806
LOCATION: 420 South State College Boulevard. Property is
approximately 0.4 acre located at the northeast corner
of Westport Drive and State College Boulevard (C & M
Request for reinstatement of this permit by the modification or deletion of
a condition of approval pertaining to a time limitation (approved on March
23, 1999 to expire on December 31, 2001) to retain an automotive repair
Chairperson Arnold introduced Item No. 13 as a Conditional Use Permit for C& M Automotive and auto
~ repair facility at 420 S. State College Boulevard, Anaheim, CA.
Applicant's Statement:
John Perez, the owner of C& M Automotive stated he attended a Planning Commission Meeting three
years prior and has complied with all rules and regulations set forth by Planning & Zoning and City
Council, and therefore request an extension on Conditional Use Permit No. 4097.
Chairperson Arnold stated that there was no one else present to comment on the Item and noted that
staff recommends approval.
Commissioner Boydstun did not feel there was any reason to limit the CUP to 3 years and asked Mr.
Perez if he planned on being in business for the next 5 years.
Mr. Perez responded his intention is to be in business for 1 additional year.
Commissioner Bristol asked if the property was up for sale.
Mr. Perez responded yes.
Commissioner Boydstun suggested the CUP be tied to the applicant so that when Mr. Perez terminates
the business the CUP would also terminate. She explained because it is a corner that is for sale and the
City would not want to have somebody come in that is a problem.
Commissioner Bristol stated he was by there yesterday about 5:00 p.m. and he saw about 8 or 9 vehicles
outside and a tow truck delivered a motorhome. He asked Mr. Perez if he worked on the motorhome this
~ Mr. Perez responded no, the motorhome could not be driven and a tow truck delivered it for repair to the
water pump. He informed that it was a bigger job than he liked to tackle and could not repair it
immediately. The motorhome was left at his site because damages rendered it immobile.
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NOVEMBER 19, 2001
~ Commissioner Bristol asked if it was common for him to store numerous vehicles of similar circumstances
that he could not service immediately.
Mr. Perez responded no, Code Enforcement inspects his lot faithfully every month and all vehicles are
lined up and well organized, and his lot is well landscaped and clean.
Commissioner Bristol asked if he kept cars on the lot overnight.
Mr. Perez responded yes, he tries to park as many cars inside as possible but there are always a few
cars outside.
• • ~ ~- • ~ • • ~ ~
ACTION: Commissioner Bristol offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner Boydstun and
MOTION CARRIED that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby determine
that the previously-approved Negative Declaration is adequate to serve as the required
environmental documentation for subject request.
Approved reinstatement of Conditional Use Permit No. 4097 (Tracking No. CUP 2001-
04463) for one year. Amended Resolution No. 99R-61 in its entirety and replaced with a
new resolution which includes the following conditions of approval (Condition No. 1 was
modified in today's meeting):
~ 1. That this permit shall expire one (1) year from the date of the prior approval
(December 31, 2001) on December 31, 2002.
2. That a six (6) foot high masonry block wall shall be maintained along the east
property line. Minimum five (5) gallon sized clinging vines shall be maintained
on five (5) foot centers adjacent to said wall to eliminate graffiti opportunities.
Said vines shall be properly irrigated and maintained.
3. That the property shall be permanently maintained in an orderly fashion by
providing regular landscape maintenance, removal of trash or debris, and
removal of graffiti within finrenty-four (24) hours from time of occurrence.
4. That a minimum of six (6), twenty-four (24) inch box, trees shall be maintained
in the landscaping planter areas along and immediately adjacent to State
College Boulevard and Westport Drive.
5. That all landscaped planters along the east, south and west property lines shall
be maintained in compliance with City standards.
6. That public telephones shall be permitted and maintained either within the
building or within fifteen (15) feet of the entry to the building.
7. That no vending machines shall be permitted.
8. That window signage shall not be permitted
~ 9. That no propane tanks shall be permitted.
10. That no banners or other advertising shall be displayed and that no special
event permits shall be issued for this automotive repair business.
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NOVEMBER 19, 2001
~ 11. That signage far subje~t faciiity shalf be limited to that shown on the exhibits
submitted by the petitioner. Any additional signage shall be subject to approval
by the Planning Commission as a Reports and Recommendations item.
12. That plans shall be maintained as approved by the City Traffic and
Transportation Manager showing conformance with the current version of
Engineering Standard Plan Nos. 436 and 602 pertaining to parking standards
and driveway locations. Subject property shall thereupon be developed and
maintained in conformance with said plans.
13. That no required parking area shall be fenced or otherwise enclosed for
outdoor storage uses.
14. That trash storage areas shall be provided and maintained in a location
acceptable to the Public Works Department, Streets and Sanitation Division
and in accordance with approved plans on file with said Department. Said
storage areas shall be designed, located and screened so as not to be readily
identifiable from adjacent streets or highways. The walls of the storage areas
shall be protected from graffiti opportunities by the use of plant materials such
as minimum 1-gallon size clinging vines planted on maximum 3-foot centers or
tall shrubbery.
15. That a plan sheet for solid waste storage and collection and a plan for recycling
shall be maintained with the Public Works Department, Streets and Sanitation
~ 16. That an on-site trash truck turn-around area shall be maintained per
Engineering Standard Detail No. 610 and maintained to the satisfaction of the
Public Works Department, Streets and Sanitation Division.
17. That no outdoor storage shall be permitted for this property.
18. That outdoor storage of, display of, or work on vehicles or vehicle parts or
materials shall not be permitted.
19. That lighting for this facility shall be designed and positioned in a manner so as
not to unreasonably illuminate or cause glare onto adjacent or nearby streets
and/or properties.
20. That no freestanding sign shall be permitted.
21. That subject property shall be maintained substantially in accordance with
plans and specifications submitted to the City of Anaheim by the petitioner and
which plans are on file with the Planning Department marked Exhibit Nos. 1, 2
and 3, and as conditioned herein.
22. That the subject facility shall be subject to quarterly inspection by the Code
Enforcement Division. The cost of such inspection shall be borne by the
operator of the facility.
23. That approval of this application constitutes approval of the proposed request
only to the extent that it complies with the Anaheim Municipal Zoning Code and
~ any other applicable City, State and Federal regulations. Approval does not
include any action or findings as to compliance or approval of the request
regarding any other applicable ordinance, regulation or requirement.
Page 64
NOVEMBER 19, 2001
~ VOTE: 7-0
Selma Mann, Assistant City Attorney, presented the 22-day appeal rights.
DISCUSSION TIME: 8 minutes (6:16-6:24)
Page 65
NOVEMBER 19, 2001
f 1
\ J
Chairman Arnold stated at the meeting of November 5, 2001 that the appointment of a
representafive to the AUHSD Facilities Task Force was continued to November 99, 2001.
Unfortunately, it was not on today's agenda and he requested fhat it fhen be agendized to
January 94, 2002.
Respectfully submitted:
~ r ~" L--
Pat Chandler,
Senior Secretary
Received and approved by the Planning Commission on , 2001.
Page 66