AHA-1998-005RESOLUTION NO. AHA98-5 RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM HOUSING AUTHORITY AUTHORIZING THE SUBMISSION OF AN APPLICATION FOR AN EMERGENCY HOUSING AND ASSISTANCE PROGRAM GRANT WHEREAS, the State of California, Department of Housing and Community Development, Division of Community Affairs ("HCD"), issued a Notice of Funding Availability ("NOFA") for grants (each, an "EHAP Grant") under Round #EHAP-VI of the Emergency Housing and Assistance Program (the "EHAP"); and WHEREAS, the Anaheim Housing Authority is a local government agency which is eligible to apply for and receive an EHAP grant; and WHEREAS, the Anaheim Housing Authority desires to apply for and receive an EHAP grant. NOW, THEREFORE, THE ANAHEIM HOUSING AUTHORITY DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Authorization to Apply for EHAP Grant. The Anaheim Housing Authority hereby authorizes its Executive Director, or her designee, to apply for an EHAP Grant in an amount not more than the maximum amount permitted by the NOFA, and in accordance with the program statute, regulations, and Local Emergency Shelter Strategy. Section 2. Use of EHAP Funds. If the grant application authorized by this resolution is approved, the Anaheim Housing Authority hereby agrees to use the EHAP funds for eligible activities in the manner presented in the application as approved by the Department and in accordance with the program statute (Health and Safety Code Section 50800 - 50806.5) and Regulations (Title 25, Division 1, Chapter 7, Subchapter 12, Section 7950 through 7976 of the California Code of Regulations), and the Standard Agreement. Section 3. Execution of Standard Agreement. If the grant application authorized by this Resolution is approved, the Executive Director of the Authority, or her designee, shall submit the Standard Agreement for the EHAP Grant to the Anaheim Housing Authority for its approval.