City lin11, ~__~heim~ California - COUNCIL NIl/UTES - Nov_~-~er 24~ 1970, 9:00
The City Council of the City of Anaheim met in Adjourned Resu-
1ar Session.
PRES~.I~T: COUNCIL~I/: Clark, Stephenson, Pebley, Thom and Dutton
PRESENT: CITY NAI~AGER: Keith A. l~rdoch
CITY ATIO~EY: Joseph B. Geisler
CITY CLERIC: Dene H. l/illiams
FINANCE DIREr: Dou$1as I~. Ogden
Hayor Dutton called the meeting to order, and announced that
this Adjourned Resular Heeting was to discuss ways and means to /urther
cut Budget items, in an attempt to avoid producir~ additional sources
of revenue.
BUDGETED CAPITAL OUTLAYS; City 14anager Keith A. l~urdoch called attention to
a revised report by the Finance Director ~herein 1971-72 revenues are es-
timated at over $41,000,000., ~rLth OperatinS Budget requirements of ap-
proximately $3'/,000,000., leaving Just over $4,000,000. for Capital Items.
The Capital Items included in the 1970-71 Budget total $6,23~,000.; those
items considered urgent total $5,295,000., ~hich include requirements by
contractual commitments or existing programs already authorized.
Hr. Y~rdoch advised that there has been considerable response
from the "Let Us Enow" feature in the City Newsletter, most of ~ich
are requesting improved service levels ~nich could not be possible with-
out incurring additional costs.
Referring to the 1970-71 Budget, Hr. l/urdoch advised that this
year ts Budget ~ould allow adequate operation without a tax increase or
new revenue sources; however, there should be provisions made /or Capi-
tal Improvements. He thereupon proceeded to review the major items lis-
ted in the 1970-71 Budget under the Capital Outlay category:
vised these expanses are unavoidable; however, they are substantially
paid by Stadium revenues from baseball and other activities ~hich total
about $1,400,000. O0 per year.
STADIUH- PARKING: Hr. Hurdoch advised the figures shorn for repair of
the parking area is preventive repair, half of the cost of ~ich is sched-
uled for 1970-71, and the other half for 1971-72, vhich cost is shared
by the major tenant and some of the other tenants.
CO1T~10N CENTER: Hr. Nurdoch stated the $200,000.00 listed for meet-
ing room expansion is for conversion of the patio, a project that pres-
ently is undervay.
CONVENTION C~R__ R- PAR~INH: Hr. ~rdoch cited traffic problems in the
Disneyland-Conventton Center-Hotel/Hotel area that occur Vhen major events
are held, a determining factor for scheduling directional sisning for
Convention Center parking. He further explained that the lease payment
shorn for the Schroeder property eventually would be paid out of reve-
nues from the Royal Inn.
He advised there were several additional betterments to the
- Convention Center that should be discussed; hoverer, it was felt these
should be handled on a different type of financing basis, and thus dis-
cussed at a separate ~eetin~.
POLIC~ - HELIPORt: Hr. }tirdoch advised £hat the $2,500.00 shoum for a
Heliport actually vas for a ~hainlink fence to be constructed around the
helicopter landin~ area, ~ehtch vould provide only minimum protection.
He added that it may be possible to combine a needed storage area for
articles being held temporarily for subsequent cases, with an area for
the helicopters; hmeever, plans have not' been completed for such a pro-
Ject at this time.
City Hall, Anaheim, California - COUNCILK~___mYEES - Novem~,~er 24, 1970, 9:00 A.H.
FIRE I~PART~NT; Hr. Nordoch.noted $100,000.00 listed for construction of
Fire Station No. 9, and advised that this item could be delayed without
greatly worsening the present situation, which also would mean deletion of
$132,000.00 budgeted for 1970-71 for personnel to man this station.
In answer t° Councilmen Dutton and Stephenson, ~r. ~urdoch advised
that deletion of this Fire Station vould have no effect on fire insurance
rates since the present rate was set v~thout taking the Station into consi-
deration; construction of the Station could have the effect o£ lowering rates,
but there are other factors that would have to be considered besides construc-
tion of another Station.
PUBLIC I~ - NE~ S~ CORSI~U(~XON: Hr. Hurdoch advised chat the new
street construction indicated would have to be financed out of the General
Fund, and not Cas Tax monies. He reminded the Council that the Orange Free-
way, Douglass Street overcrossing would not be constructed this Fiscal Year,
and that $207,000.00 of the listed $380,000.00 had been transferred to the
Chanttlly Drain Project, since that project would be completed; however, the
remainder should be carried over to the 1971-72 Budget for the overcrossing,
plus an additional $392,000.00 needed to complete the project.
He further advised that the $84,000.00 shown for Hiscellaneous
Streets was Iow, due to the transfer of funds from other street projects.
.U~ILITIES - ELECTRICAL: U~ILXTIES - ~fr. ~urdoch stated he was reluctant to
recomnend any adjustment for the figures listed in the Electrical system,
even though the amount budgeted may not be spent, due to reduction in con-
struction since revenues from the sale of electricity also are down, particu-
larly in the industrial areas. Also, it may be necessary to transfer an ad-
ditional $115,000.00 to the Medallion Pro,rem from construction funds.
He also noted $500,000.00 ltsted for Edison acquisitions, in ac-
cordance with the agreement between the City and Edison Company, and advised
that although this acquisition project could be delayed, he did not feel this
would be advisable, since the electrical distribution system is the City's
best revenue producer.
Hr. ~turdoch expressed the opinion Chat it would be better to borrow
~unds for the tmsmdiate purchase of the entire remaining system, and pay for
the borrowed ~unds, principal and interest, out of revenues received from the
added system; even at 7%or 7-1/2~ it would be to the City's benefit.
In answer to Councilman Thom, Hr. Hurdoch advised that the inter-
est on Government Bonds at this time would run a little under 6%, Revenue
Bonds about 6%, Lease Financtn~
ELECTRICAL - STRUT LICHTII~: Hr. Nurdoch advised that the $~5,000.00 lis-
ted for Street L~hCtng Improvements included only materials, since labor is
included under. Salary and #a~es. He su~sested the budseted figure for this
category should be at least twice the amount listed for this year, and added
that street liBttttng is one subject that has been high on the 'Shot list" of
responses from the "Let Us ~ coupons.
Hr. Hurdoch zuuested the Council reread the Citizens Coomatttee Re-
port on Street IA~htin~..
Hr. l~trdoch expressed the belief that the
a veil at IAnda Vista would not suffice, since
the c~st of d~illin~ a ~11 ~let~ ~ ~e past year h~ been altar
double ~is ~t due to ~ ~ ~ de~ ~n pl~. He ~lain~
that ~rth~ mtu~ ~8 n~ Co ~~ if this pr~om~ ~ll ~ld be
in a ~e a~ata, fi~e if it ~e, ~e ns a ~s.stbtli~ taC other ~lls
re~ ~ta~ ~e $~,~.~ ~ this ~11, ev~ 't'~ lC my not
be u~ ~is ~al
70-664 '
Hall. An~e~n. California - COI~OlI. MII~JTES = Nov~.er 24. 1970, 9:00 A,M.
In answer to Councilman Pebley, Mr. ~Jirdoch advised it was less
expensive to pay the' Orange County Water District Ip? tax, rather than
purchase water from the Netropolitan Water District.
UTILIT!R__s = WA~_.n. ~_~Ns_HISSION AND DISTRIBUTION; Mr. Hurdoch stated the
Budseted figure for Pipe Jobs should be from $230,.000.00 to $600,000.00,
and the $125,000.00 shown in the present Budget is only possible because
there is a backlog of Jobs not yet completed, and those formerly budSet&d
fund8 will be used this year. He added that the voters previously had ap-
proved a $2,000,000.00 Bond Issue and it was possible to use those funds
for these miscellaneous pipe Jobs and wells, although he felt those bonds
should only be used if there is an abnormal situation.
In reply to Councilman Pebley, Mr. Hurdoch advised he believed
it vould be possible to sell some of the Water Bonds to replenish the
General Fund for the money spent for the well built the previous year,
but he did not think it ~ould help the situation at this trine; also, it
was his belief the present critical situation would be over the next two
or three years, and the Bonds should be held for greater needs.
pA_uF.q & RECREAT~0N - HEW ~QLF COURSE: Hr. Hurdoch noted the $300,000.00
listed for golf course improvements is for construction of the second nine
holes of the new golf course. He advised that, since all of the cost of
golf course land acquisition and improvements are to be borne from the
revenues of the golf course, this eliminates some moneys formerly goifl8
into the General Fund at this time. He therefore suggested construction
of the second nine holes of the golf course could and should be financed
on a lobe-term basis so as to not interrupt the 'flew of golf course funds
into the General Fund.
p_AR__~ A~D RECREACTI0~ = CITY PARKS: Hr. Nurdoch advised that although
Schwettzer Park is not yet developed and thus the scheduled bridge and
Walkway'over the £i~ contr'oI'~ch~ei'a~'e~'~n0~'~iUt~I~ n~CessarY at
this time, a commitment has been made to the schools to Provide this im-
provement for convenience and to reduce bussing requirements. The amount
shorn is the Ctty*s share of the estimated cost.
The City lisnaKer also referenced an item for heating, enclosure
and installin~ shower stalls at the Central Yard, and stated this is con-
sidered a necessity to provide a means for maintenance personnel to re-
move irritating insecticides and other chemicals from their persons.
With regard to the item of providing facades for four parlt cod-
trol structures, Hr. Nurdoch advised tha~ Property Fditntenance highly re-
co~u~nds refacing these buildings, since the frame and stucco exterior is
costly to repair vhen danced by vandals.
Hr. Nurdoch suggested the Council review the congested Park ~and
Recreation and Farku~y :Maintenance office8 to Justify the budgeted expense
for expansion this year and next, and also tour the Hanzanita Park area and
La Palms Park grandstand. He r~ui_uded the Council that in Sept~e~ they
decided to budget half of the $100,000.00 scheduled for Nanzanita Park this
year, and the other half in the 1971-72 Budget, and then .use the other
$50,000.00 originally scheduled for this year to pay for building the ten-
nis conr~s on the Nohl Ranch property.
Parks and Recreation Director John Collier explained that the
scheduled expenditure for the La Palms Park grandstand vas to enclose the
area-under the STands,and for storage use.
Mr. Collier distributed a supplementary report on the park de-
velopment budget, and Mr. lltrdoch called attention to the fact that the
report indicates the currently budgeted site improvements at Pioneer Park
could be postponed; hoVeVer, there are other it_~um, such as the City's
$30,000.00 share for development of the "Iztttle Peoplets Park" that are
o~.ttod in the budget, in error.
City Hall, Anaheim, California - COUI~IL MI~T~S - November 24, 1970, 9:00 A.M.
PARKS AND RE(~ION - EXISTII~ ~0I~ CO~RSE: Hr. F~rdoch advised that the
Maintenance Buildtn~ extension, restrooms and golf-cart storage are items
being done in cooperation with the concessionaire and presently are under
PUBLIC WOR~ -SEWER CON$1~IICTION: Hr. F~rdoch advised that sewer improve-
ments are constructed entirely from fees paid by property owners in develop-
lng their land, and thus fees should be set to cover these costs. He advised
it was planned to recoe~end rate changes as costs increase,
PUBLIO W0~ - ~ TAX II~pRoVE~NTS: Hr. Murdoch advised that a recent change
in State Laws allows a greater portion of Gas Tax funds to be used for main-
tenance; however, further study is necessary before any changes in City Policy
are rec~ended.
Hr. Murdoch summarized the Capital Outlays by stating he believed
there is very little flexibility in the items as listed.
SUMMARY OF CAPitAL OUTI~Y P. gQUESTS - 1970-71 FISCAL YEAR: The City Manager reviewed
some of the Capital Outlay requests for Fiscal Year 1970-71:
Hr. Nurdoch stated that discussions with Library Director William
resulted in a suuestton that, rather than reinstate the old Book-
mobile into service, a better approach might be to convert the Montasue house
to be used for library purposes. He reported the estimated costs for initial
opening and annual operation of this library facility on a nine-hour day, five-
day week basis without additional book stops would be approximately $38,000.00.
Hr. ~rdoch reconanended this be considered for the 1971-72 Budget, and thus the
$20,000.00 listed for putting the old Bookmobile back into service this year
could be deleted.
CITy HALLl Hr. Nurdoch stated that there still is a need for additional space
for City activities, either by consolidating existing buildings as much as pos-
sible, or by rentin~ or acquirin~ additional facilities.
He reported that a preliminary study by the Director of Public Works
with the primary goal of brin~in~ together as ~any functions as possible, and
providing additional space required for continued expansion, listed several al-
ternatives, as follows:
a. Relocate Engineerin~ and Development Services Departments in the
Bank of America Building at Lincoln and claudine, either through acquisition
or rental, thereby releasing.their present space for use by Parks and Recrea-
tion Department and the City Attorney's office. Estimated costs have not been
discussed with the owners of the butldin~, since they prefer to sell; however,
owners have requested the City make a proposal to rent if they do not Wish to
purchase the building. Councilman Pebley suggested the present Parks and Rec-
reation buildin~ could be sold if those offices were moved to the City Hall fa-
b. Lease a portion of the Nortrontcs Building, at 500 East Orange-
thorpe Avenue, at 35¢ per square foot, or an annual rental of $181,566.00,
and consolidate City offices therein. This would include parkin~ space, Jani-
torial service, air condittonin~, carpeting, and utilities. Councilman Thom,
notin~ that the voters definitely h~d indicated City Hall should be located
where it now is, stated he would not be in favor of movin~ the offices to the
Nortronics Ruillin~.
c. The new Bank of America Building on South Harbor Boulevard has
offered space for rental a little under 5Oc per square foot, which could go
as low as 47¢ p~r squ~re t~ot, dependin~ an the ~mount of space utilized.
Couucllmm~ Clark ~eted a st~sdy be made on the rent the City presently
pays ~ad the total ~t that c~uld be-realized From the sale of the present
City-O~ facilities, to be eo~pered with the cost of purchasing the downtown
~ank of imerica~ld~.
.Mr. Mardoch reported that nothing has been included in the Budget
for rental of ad~ttiema~'sl~ee,
7O- 646
Hall, Anaheim, ~altfgrnta- COUNCIL NINUT~S- November 24, 1970, 9;00 A.M.
T~IOIIS CO~TS AlTO OUED0~ ~I~T~: ~r. H~rdoch reertuded the Council that
$50,000.00 of the listed $7&,000.00 for this ite~ had been taken from ~an-
zanita Park develol~ent /undo, end advised he felt the re~mtntns $24,000.
could be absorbed fro~ Capital Outlay funds or' the present Budget.
~AC~E ~ CULTU~LL C~IlT~: Hr. ~rdoch stated that, ~r~thout an addi-
tional source of revenue, the $100,000.00 the Council had indicated they
~ould be ~rtllin~ to spen~ to remodel end re/urbish Horace ~ann School
for a Cultural Center ~ould not be available.
In answer to Councilman Pebley, Hr. Hurdoch advised that the
School D~strtct is a~aitins the project to be brought before them so~e
time in January by the Cultural Arts Co~ission before ~akin$ a decision
on the fate of the school bulldtn$.
Councilman Pebley stated that the 3 acres, the land on ~hich
the school buildtns is situated, is ~orth~ore than it would cost to put
the school buildtns in shape for use as a Cultural Center. Hr. Collier
advised that only 1-1/2 acres So ~r~th the Horace ~ann School Building,
since the rest of the land is used for school parking.
¥~U~/C~RS: Hr. ~rdoch stated that this item can be deleted at this time,
since it appears there ~-~11 be no activity in this area this Fiscal Year.
K~NI-BIEE AND ~OTORCYCI~ PAR~; Hr. ~hrdoch asked the Council if they~r~shed
to participate in this project in any way since there are no funds avail-
able to meet the $20,000.00 that had been estimated as the City's share
in this Joint City-County venture.
Councilman Dutton stated that, in vie~ of the fact that there
are 10,000 bikes re~stered in the City of Anaheim, and a recent ordin-
ance prohibits use of the streets 'and properties by mini-bikes, he felt
the City should endeavor to provide some place to ride these bikes.
In ans~eer to Councilman Clark's inquiry about a possible con-
cesstonaire, Hr. F~rdoch advised that the total cost of developing the
park vould be about $150,000.00, and the $20,000.00 indicated is what is
estfloated to be the Ctty's share.
pAR~S ~OUISITION: Hr. ~rdoch stated that the updated analysis of the parks
acquisition pro,tm is contin~ent upon the probability of specific sites
being on the market for development, most of which are located vest of the
Santa Aha River and ~ould be additions to present park sites. He also
stated that Sase Park presently has one ball field that was built ih co-
operation~th the Little League; however, there have been numerous com-
plaints of broken ~ndo~ in the past year, end it vas felt the ball field
should be relocated. He advised that the I~Lttle League Board has been
invest~atin~ the possibility o[ a cooperative venture wherein some of
the vacant land adjacent to Sase Park, runnin~ over to West Street for
access, could be developed as a subdivision for which the Little League
· ~odld undertake re~m~tbtltty in conJunction~r~th developers, end thus
some addttiomal pretty could be acquired to provide en additional ball
field. The $~&,O00.O0 budseted represents the estimated cost for addi-
tional land ~nd does not include any development costs.
Hr. l~rdoch referred to en a~reement ~th the Stent Co, any
to acquire 65 aere~ o~ park property and reported the $200,000.00 do,n-
,pa .y~ot ~ould be required in 1971-72, rather than this year's budget.
VEHiCLE~: Hr. ~rdoch advised that the Public ~orks Department has
indicate~l that it could co~lete this fiscal year on the replacement sche-
dule pro, tided in the ~udSet. He added that it mould not be advisable to
contin~ tld~ l~racticebecause it ~ould result tn necessary increases in
~nlx~er, eqoil~ent ~od services on these vehtcles, and also a lo, er
trade-in value. Re stated this policy cowld not be econo~ically followed
more often than once every /tve years, if that often.
City Hall,.Anahei~ California -.cou~cIL~S - Nov~nher 24, .1970., .9:00 A..H-
STADIUNIJ~qD ~$1~0~: Mr. l~rdoch stated that this item is land included in
the ori$1nal purchase,but under condemnation all this time. An appeal to
the Courtts valuation of $75,000.00 per acre on this property has been filed,
and it is expected that Court actionwtll be completed this year, at which
time the purchase either naist be completed or abandoned, althouih a portion
of this land was involved in the l~atella Underpass, and thus could not be
abandoned. He added that the land used for the Underpass could be paid for
out of Ga~..Taxuo~Les, a~dat thio t~me the Attorneys are determ~uinshow
much of the purchase price of this total acquisition could be paid with Oas
Tax funds.
GOLF ~Ot~ NO. l: ~r. Nurdoch advised that although a sols course facility pays
its o~nway, it does so only year-by-year, if the capital expenditu~es used
for development actually are set up on a lon~-term financin~ basis; however,
construction of the current project is not set up on a lonE-term financin$
at this time. He reco~nended very serious exploration of lonE-term financing
in those areas where it is applicable, indicating one such area is the pro-
posed ney golf course, since such procedure could release funds to the Gen-
eral Fund that would not otherwise be available.
Councilman Dutton stated he would be in favor of this procedure if
would alternate the necessity of producing additional revenue.
sU}I~ARY OF CAPITAL OUTI~¥ REQUESTS, 1971-72: }ir. ~urdoch revieved Capital Outlay
requests for 1971-72 as follows, and stated he did not believe any items on
which bond issue8 failed, other than acquisition of the Edison Company faci-
lities, should be carried in normal Budiet years:
~IJ}RARY S..I'I~ '~': Since Library Site .~m would fit on one of the park areas
on the Nohl Ranch property recently ne$otiated by the Council with the Grant
Corporation, Hr. ~urdoch advised the $66,000..00 listed for that purpose nov
ADDITIONAL pURCHASL~ OFFICE SPACE: Hr. Hurdoch stated that the $20,000.00
indicated for expansion of the Purchasin~ Office facilities is not specific
since it would depend on what is done with some of the other office space,
and this is a part of the space analysis study bein~ ~de by Hr. Piersall.
p.ARKIA~A~QUISITIONAND PA~DEVELO~: Hr. ~rdoch advised that the
figures listed for these categories are sliihtly hi~her than the normal ex-
penditure over the past five years as · safeguard for the possibility of pur-
chasing land more rapidly than can be done from in lieu fees.
Councilman Dutton asked if the amount listed in the 5-year projec-
tion for park land acquisition of $§ to 67 acres nov should be reduced sub-
stantially, in vl~of the recant purchase of Nohl Ranch property.
Hr. Nurdoch replied that 25 acres of that projected park land pur-
chase was included in the NOhl Ranch aireement, and it is possible the es-
timatedprice for that land was hi,her than the final aireement; however,
funds must be provided to co,plate, acquisition asre~ents which would be paid
for by in lieu fees. Re add~l that 'the remainder of the land acquisition is
scheduled for purchase of proq~e~tywast of the Santa And River, althouEh pre-
sent projections hsd not lacladed any additional land at Sase Park.
~OLI~ y~n ~rP~T~ i~ 1.9. __~_~*U u~a~_n~_T~__r~__: ~. ~rd~ stated that,
becme t~ ~t~'~t~ Y~ tt.~t ~tly f~, oec~i~ ts al~s~
~~st~t ~ ~ ~ ~ diffi~lttes ~e visit~o h~e be~ r~
cord~ ~he lic~ ~s of m~cmr c~s, e~c. b add~ ~ha~ s~
st~s ut ~ t~ to ~ ~o, alth~sh at this t~ no definite plans
ha~ ~~e.
CO--CATIOnS: Mr. l~rdoch stated that, although there presently is no spe-
cific re--.ion on the Commmications Network, it could stand improve-
seat, and shOUI~ be-~'tdered;
70- 648
Citw ~all. *-~h_~t~. Calif~nia- COUNCIL NINUTES- New,er 24. 1970. 9:00 A.M.
l~y ~e~~~ FiCl~.l~f .~A~!_f~_: ~. ~rd~h ~sed that ~e site pr~
~o~ ~ ~8 ~l~ i8 ~ of the Wa~er pr~r~y acquired by ~e
City ~ ~8 l~a~ ~Jac~ ~o the presen~ facilities. He requested ~hat
this it~ be ~t~ c~iderati~, since Par~ay ~t~ce ~era~ns
presently are bain8 c~duct~ in ve~ limited facilities.
STERN EEAI~: Nr. N~rdoch stated there is a constant Storm Drain proble~
in those areas where etor~ drains have not been provided, and this
subject of tomy reepo~eee fro~ the "Let Us Know" proKram.
$392,000.00 ,mst be provided for the underpass at Douglass Street.
SE~RS, .T~AFF~C ~Z~IALS/ST~IPINC AND I~W STREETS: Nr. ~turdoch stated that
these categories generally ere t~_ken care of out of the lflnited funds
and were covered in the General Fund discussions.
LEASE ~AY~h'fS: Hr. ~rdoch advised that if the Royal Inn situation does
go ahead this co~ing year there ~11 be a do~n-payment of $100,000.00;
from then on, principal and interest on the Schroeder property purchase
~ould be borne entirely Prom the Royal Inn lease.
Hr. Nardoch reiterated that Convention Center i~rrove~ents should be han-
died on an entirely different type of ftnancinE situation and not Prom
the General Fund.
Nerdoch stated that stretchtn~ this acquisition proira~ out over seven
years would call for about $750,000.00 per year, and he recoeznended the
Council consider other types of lon~-term financing for this pro~ram.
STREET LI~HTII~: Hr. Hurdoch expressed the belief that the Street Light-
in~ pro,ram should be twice as active as it is at present.
EI~CTAIC - PIAK~AND SUBSTATI~EXPANSION: Hr. ~rdoch advised that,
$3,~,~.~ e~ ~, of t~ ~,330,0~.00 indicat~ for Fiscal Years
1971-72 ~d 1972-73 ts for ~ sha~ equi~nt ~d installation. ~tch
~uld ~de l~r ~ costs ~ the ldi.~ ~~ and ~ld h~e to
be nesotiated ~h the c~ since the present a~e~nt e~lres in
July, 1973. ~o~er portl~ of those ~nds pro,des for 220K volt ser-
vice, ~i~ qatn c~ld result in considerable sa~s if the Ct~ took
the re~sibtlity for the capital inves~t. ~. ~rd~h su~8ested
the best ~ys of rate payt~ or ftnanct~ both of ~hese electrical ser-
~ce pr~ sh~ld be studied.
WAT~ SY~ Hr. Nardoch stated that the normal figure for this progr~
~ ~,~.~ per y~; h~r, tnstalltn~ water syst~ in the hill
~d c~ ~ea Is ~e ~etve, ~ thus t~ re~ for the increased
~y: ~. ~ ~~ the ettuati~ by etati~ that ~th~t ~d
~esuee, le~ f~~, ~dtti~al profit-~i~ ~tures, se~re ~er~
tt~ ~te, t~ i~aoeo, or ~ rev~ue e~rcee - all of ~ich ha~
b ~tg'~ ~a~ if tn[la~ion c~inue8, co8~s ~crease. ~d
thus, o! Cb ~ ~f ~he Ci~ receives, a mller portion la ~ail-
~cl~ ~bl~ ~ked i~ ~he City ~8 ~cesf pr~er~y ~ha~
City Hall, AusheLm, Ca~ifor~=La - ¢OUI~IL Krj~S - Hov~her 24, 1~70, 9:00 A,M.
Councllmm Dutton ~reed with Councilman Clark that nobody wants
increased taxes; however, it ess hiS' op~lnton that since seven out of ten
qualified voters failed to vote on the bond issues, there was no way of know-
ing what the voters really wanted ~n the way of capital improvements. He added
that it was his opinion if equl4seent and c~pttal improve~ents are not kept up
at all times the expense of repair end replacement becomes excessive.
Councilmm Clark re~teea_~dhis opinion that the only thin8 that
should be done at tht~ tt~e ~ t~mat back on actual operatiene, and defer
all capital is~rovements until there is additional revenue coming in to the
City since he did not feel the economy warranted any more tax increases.
Council~ Dutton re~t~ the belief that if lens-term financing
or some other method could be utilized to do the things necessary no~, ~r~th-
out costing the City mey or ~in~ additional sources of revenue on the
public, he was in favor of it.
Hr. ~rdoch stated that lon~term financing does cost money; hob-
ever, if the procedure is used for revenue-producing activities, those reve-
nue-producing sources could pay the interest costs much faster than going on
a pay-as-you-go basis. He a~ain expressed the opinion the City would benefit
if the long-term financin~method was used.
Councilman Tho~ advised that discussion with a group of businessmen
had elicited the su~eztion that a special election could be held to deVarmine
a replacement when Council~ Clark takes over his position as a County Super-
visor, and at the same time the electrical bond issue could again be placed
on the ballot. He repeated his belief that the electrical bond issue would
be passed by the voters if it was the only bond issue on the ballot.
City Attorney Joseph Ceisler stated that he believed the en~[nent
domain suit the City has on acquisition of property w~ll be decided this year,
and if so, t~e ~ey for purchase of that property will be needed.
Hr. Nurdoch advised that this ite~has been carried in the budget
for several years at the price dee~d appropriate; however, since there has
been an indication a hi~her valuationwill .be placed on,the property by the
Courts, approximately $200,000.00 additional funds may be needed.
Hr. Nurdoch listed the financial alternatives open to the Council
as: Refuse to do the thin~s previously indicated as desired; provide addi-
tional sources of revenue; increase revenue by way of an admissions tax or
utilities tax; or reconsider lease financing.
In answer to Council~an Stephenson, Hr. Hurdoch agreed lease finan-
cin$ ~ould be for specific major items, and advised that ~his in turn ~uld
release f~ds to all~sol~ ~ead ~th pro~ pre~ously indicated desir-
~le. He cited ~ ~I~, ~t ~ lease fi~c~ for ~he t~ ~Jor
revenue pr~ucers - eI~c~ f~ilities and golf course - ~uld release
for use ~ s~ oth~ ~~ ~~ts the ~lf-~lli~ dollars budgeted
for ~ls year's ~liti~ of ~e ~is~ facilities, ~d $300,000.00 in ~he
Capital I~r~t ~d for d~el~nt o~ the first nine holes of the n~
Eolf course.
James Townsend, Chairman of the Telephone Taxpayers Comn~ttee, ex-
pressed the opinion that'this country is facing a depression and neither the
City Council nor any other ~,rm~ent body should cont-?late expenditures
until the economy stabilizes. He predtcted there would be wage and price
controls in the United States in the next 12 months.
Hr. Townsend stated that, in his opinion, the citizens of Anaheim
would not tolerate a utilities tax.
Hr. Townsend recos~ended the City Newsletter be discontinued, as
one econourymeasure.
Hr'. Townsend opposed the idea of purchasing.any additional Edison
facilities, since the issue had been defeated twice by the voters, in the
last.2-1/2 years.
70- 650
With res~rd to .a now City Hall, Mr. Tmmoeud expressed--the
opinion that the CtttZeU8 Of Anaheim never have boe~ opposed to this, end
would not object to Imtttn~ that project on a pay-as-you-go basis.
In ~nsver to a question by Hr. Townsend, Mr. Murdoch advised
that the present sols course revenues had paid for the entire operation
of the course, land improvement and operation on a pay-as-you-so basis,
Mr. Townsend stated he hsd no more objection to that activity than to the
bed tax,as lo~ aa they did not become a burden Zo the City,'
Mr. Townsend also reconn~nded that /uture salary negotiations
not include top executive o~ficer8, but that those salaries be set by 'the
Council in a oeparet~J tletiou.
In reply to Councilman Pebley, Mr. Townsend advised that the
last poll of the members of his organization indicated they were in favor
of an admissions' tax, especially an extra 2§¢ for Stadiu~ ballgsmes, due
to the fact that the Stadium experiences a loss annually; however, he
stated he personally was opposed to any kind of tax on another person's
Hayor Dutton asked if anyone else wished to address the Council.
A.J. Schutte, 420 North Loara Street, voiced his objection to an
admissions tax, arsuins that such a tax would be unfair ~o IKsneyland,. the
attraction responsible for our tourist success. He also expressed the
opinion that too tony parks could result in the costs being too high to
operate them.
Mrs. Ralph Callas, 1442 West Park, stated her objection.-to a
utilities tax over an admissions tax vas that a utilities tax vould be
taxing necessities, whereas nors visitors than Anaheim residents attended
Disneyland and Stadium activities.
Councilman Stephenson declared he would not be in favor of tm-
posing any tax.
Councilman D~tton stated he vould be interested in exploring
Ions-term ftnancin$ in an attempt to avoid imposins a tax or havins to
cut the budget.
Councilman Clark asked if it would hinder law enforcement if
the C~.m~ntcations Center program remained as is at the present time.
Mr. Nurdoch stated he believed a substantial savins could be
realized by combtntn~ mmry of the City's cou~un~cations activities, such
as Utilities, Police, Fire ~nd Public Norks; however, at thio time the
proper fq~rosch has not been determined, and thus it is not scheduled ~ar~ -
this year' s l~dget.
In mmwer to Councilman Vebley, Mr. Murdoch advised that the
1970-71 Capital Imp~to ~ould total a little under $1,000,000.00 by
reducin~ the amount o£ u~ey allocated for park lends. He also advised
Councilmen Febley that San Francisco is the only municipality thus far th~
has indicated they may t]pose a $0¢ admission charge at their Stadium, for
the specific purpose of t~lFrov~ng or expanding the facility to accomnodete
leplyin~ to Coun~llzmn Dutton, Hr. Hurdoch stated it vould take
t~o or three web to caeplate a specific pro,rem for Ions-term f~nancims;
howver, a prel~ .req~rt could be prepared in a short tine.
Councilmen .Clerk md. Pebley asreed they vould like to have ouch
a preltmimery re/met eu LmS-emru finmncin~ prepared.
tbs.request of the City Xan~er, Counci~
Session, for the purpose Of dtoeugsimS.
~ At the conclusion of Executive Session, and upon return of all Coun-
cilmen to the Council Chambers, with the exception of CoUncilman Pebley,
Councilman Stephanson moved to adjourn. Councilman Clark seconded the mo-
City 'Clerk
City Hall, Anaheim, Cali£ornta- COUNCIL ~S- November 24, 1970, 1:30 P.M.
The City Council of the City of Anaheim met in Regular Session.
COUNCII/~N: Clark, Stephenson, Pebley (entered the meeting, 1:~5
CITY MANtna~:: Ketth A. Nurdoch
CITY ATTORHL~: Joseph B. C, eisler
CITY CLERK: Dens M. Williams
Mayor Dutton called the meeting to order.
INVOCATION: -Reverend Robert Bergeson, of Martin Luther Hospital, gave the
FLAC SALUTE: Councilmen W. J. Thom led the Assembly in the Pledge of
Allegiance to the Flag.
FROCLAMATION: ~he following proclamation was issued by Mayor Dutton and unani-
mously approvdd by the City Council:
"American Field Service Day" - November 27, 1970
~illiamF. Daly accepted the proclamation on behalf of the
Anaheim Chapter of the A~ertcan Field Services, and introduced partici-
patin~ students.
Mayor Dutton welcmeed the students and presented them with a
momento from the City of Anaheim.
RESOLUTIONS OF C0~I~ENDATION: Resolutions coe~nding departing County Supervisors
Alton E. Allen and ~illiamRirstein.for their-service to the County of
Orange were un~nimously adopted by the City.Council.
D~SREYLA~ AI~s. SSADOR: Hrs. Mary Jones of the Dtsneyland Public Relations
Office introduced the ne~ 1970 DlsneylandAmbassador, Marva Dickson, to
the Council.
On behalf of the City Council, Mayor Dutton welcomed Miss Dlckson
and presented her with roses and also an attache case to be used in her
additional capacity as a representative of the City of Anaheim.
}IlNUTES: Minutes of the Anaheim City Council Regular Maettng held November 3,
1970, were approved as corrected'by th~ City Clerk on motion by Councilman
Clark, seconded by Councilman Stephenson. MOTION CARRIED.
~A~ OF ~nlN6- ,,,f~f~.n~S ~ RESOLUTIOHS: Councilman Stephensonmoved to
waive the readin~ in full of all ordinances and resolutions, and that consent
to the waiver of reading is hereby given by all Councilmen, unless after
Clt~ ~.11. Anaheim, Califor~ia - COUNCIL--S ~..November~. 1970. 1:30 P.H.
regi~ of the title, ~ctfic re.est is ~de by a ~il~ [or the
readi~ of ~ch ordinance or resolutton~ ~ci~ ~ seconded..~he
~ti~. ~I~ ~~SLY ~D. -
~RT - F~~ D~ ~~ ~ C~: ~o ~ainst.~e City, in ~he
~ of ~1,~7,889.83, in accordance ~Ch the 1970-71Budge~, verb
RE._.C!~_~81~I,C~,ION.NO. 69-70-6.~,V~R~ NO. 2111 -
~ques~ of ~lcer B. ~tf~,-of ~er, ~ffee & ~a, d~ed~cober 30,
1970, was ~tt~. ~.~tv~ of. the~r~t r~i~ts for Cres-
set ~u~ pursuit to ~solution .~,. 69R-656, t~th~r ~ re~r~ of
the City Engineer rec~ing that the Cresc~t Avenue street i~rov~nt
requir~nt be delete.
RESOLUTIO~N~,"70R'560': councilman Clark offered Resolution No. 70R-560,
deleting Condition No. 2 of Resolution No. 69R-656, as recomnended by the
- Refer to .Resolution-Book.
NO. 69R- 656 IN RF~L~S-IFI~ FROCEEDINGS NO. 69- 70- 6.
Roll Call Vote:
CO~I~ILI~:' Clark, Stephenson, Thom and Dutton.
CO~NCI~:"' None
C~INCIU~z Pebl, ey
The hyor decided .Resolution No. 70R-560 duly passed and
(Councilman Pebley entered the meeting, 1:55 P.M.)
Verbal request of ~ Ballard, ~e~ of ~he proper~y cover~ bY Reclassi-
fication ~ers 68-69-63 and 68-69-22 was su~tted to install speed limit
st~ ~d tr~er~ epe~ b~s tn '~e first alley sou~ of Lincoln Avenue
wes( of ~polia Avers, ~o~eCher ~ch report o~ ~he City Engineer rec~
(1) ~at 15 mile ~r h~r sp~d 1~ si~s be ins~alled a~ the east
and ~s~ ends of ~he alley.
(2) ~a~ tr~r~:A,C, speed'b~s'~ be installed.
(3) ~a~ ~lice ~~ be requested to provide.su~eillance as
fifteen (15) ~le ~r ~r spe~ 1~
~armn~ ~s r~st~ ~o pr~de su~etllance Of the alley as
prac~icable, aS re~~ed, by ~he.~City E~ineer. ~!ON ~D.
caries ~r! pres~ced far City Council in~om~lon and c~stdera~ion:
~Ch~~ scSI'tn ~ ~imtiq st~cture in the ReA ~ne,
l~aC~ ~ ~he ~ side of~S~h S~reet, ~a~ of S~a~e ~lleKe ~ulevard
~d ~r~er de~rl~ ~ 1~ hs~ ~uth S~ree~.
denied said eoodittemal use permit.
_V- ' -' -~/~. : Suborned by CreeceaC southern ~i,Ci, st 'Church co estab-
lish a 4 z _. ~ tz~e-.~ sl~n ~o replace an ~['~in~ free-Otandtns
sl~ on ~A s~asd ~. l~ed on the east side .of Gilbert Street north
of Crescent Avemss, ~ de~crib~d as 622 North ~tlbert Street; with
waiver of ~ ~~ sl~n area.
City Ha~l,. An.~he~, .California - COU~¢~Id~r~FI'ES - Hovember 24. ~970~ 1:30 P,H,
grnted said c~iti~l use '~t s~Ject to condit~s.
CO~I~0~ USE ~T NO. 1207: Su~tted by Hu~es hrkets Inc., to
establish ~ nut--bile se~ce 8Cat~~in 75 feet of a residential zone,
on C-1 zoned property located at the ~the~t corner of Beach Boulevard and
Oranse Avenue.
~e City Pl~nt~ ~ssi~ ~ ~tion grated the request of the
applicant to ~thdrav his ~t'iti~,
exte~i~ of t~ for the c~t~d uae for shovs, entertai~nt, dancing,
on-sale liquor, etc., of ~ ~st~ ~itdt~ located on the north side of
~tella Argue, ~st of ~e ~tel~A~S~ta ~a Freevay ~ercross~S;
property presently zoned R-A.
~e City Plannins C~ssi~, by ~tion, Stated a ~e-year exten-
sion to said conditio~l use pemit.
~!~ USE F~T ~. 1072~: ~tted by T.N. Bristol, ~t for Gre~
ho~d Lines-~est, requesttns a ~ar extension oi tt~ for the continued
use of a b~ldin~ ~ a ~s d~t, l~at~ at the southeast corner of Haster
Street and ~chester Av~; ~r~ ~es~tly zoned R-A.
~e City Pl~nins ~ssi~, by ~tion, Stated a one-year exten-
sion of ti~ to said conditi~al use pe~tt, a~ter ~ich ti~ continuation
of the use ~11 be revi~d.
CO~I~ USE P~T ~, 11~; ~tted by T. Eusene D~l~ren, ~rtin
Luth~ ~spttal, request~ ~ e~st~ of t~ for the conti~ed e~ansion
of the ~isti~ ~rtin Luther ~spital c~lex located on the south side of
R~a ~lve, ~st of Euclid Street; pretty zoned R-3; said e~sion of
ti~ to ~ply ~ly to ~nditi~ ~. 1 of Resolution No. ~69-173, requirins
dedication of ~eya ~tve in c~ection~th the e~si~ of the extstint
~rttn ~ther ~spital c~lex.
~e City Pl~i~ ~ssi~, by~tton, sr~ted an ~ditional
n~nety (90) day ext~elon of tl~ for ~e c~leti~ of conditional dedica-
tion of ~eyi ~ive, required ~der ~nditi~ ~. i of said ~nditional
use pemit.
~e fore~inE acti~s ~re r~i~d by the City Council and no
further acti~ t~en.
T~TI~ ~P. ~ ~- 6~92, ~ISI~. 2: ~vel~er, ~acal Ensineer-
ins C~; ~rty locat~ ~ ~e ~st side of Ninth Street, north of
~se~d Av~e, ~d c~ta~ ~ proceed R-1 lots.
~e City Pla~i~ ~sst~ at their ~etins held Nov~er 16,
1970, c~tinued said t~tatl~ ~p to be heard in conjunction ~th Variance
~. 2219.
~ ~ti~ by ~cil~ Clerk, s~d~ by ~unctl~ ~,
Tentative ~p, ~act ~. 67~2, ~ll~. 2, vas c~tinued to be heard
ia e~Juncti~ ~th Var~ce ~. 221~. ~I~ ~D.
70R-562 ~r
Refer to h~lutim ~.
(J~n ~ ~e Ste~lel~r ~ ~lce Ela~ Steinleitner; J~s ~. and
~lba L. ~bster)
City Hall. Anaheim. California - COt~CIL.~S - November 2%, 1970,1:30
COUIIC~: Clark, Stephenson, Pebley, Thom ~nd Duttbh
C(R~ICII~/~: ~ None
C(RYlC I~': None
The Nayor declared Resolution Nos. 70R-561 'and 70R-562 duly
passed and adopted.
· RESOLUTION ~0. ?0R-563 -S~'fI,E~ O~ ENll~lrf DO~A~: On the reco~endation
of the City Attorney, Councilman Clark offered Resolution No. 70R-563
for adoption.
Refer to Resolution Book.
IN CO~CTION T~rl~. (Le~Ls .Street Underpass, $101,674.00)
AYES: CO~CILNEN: Clark,.-Stephenson, Pebley, Thom and Dutton
The Hayor declared Resolution No. 70R-563 duly passed and
PURCHA~ OF EQUII~T - ~AT~R SERvicE FI~'~II~$;' Administrative Assistant
John Hardin$ reported on tnfor~at bids r~Ceived, for ~he purchase of
2,500 miscellaneous brass fittings for rater services, as follows:
Vendor Bid Total,
Includins Tax
Howard Supply Company, Los Angeles, Calif.- $9,349.20
Parkson, Inc., Santa Fe Sprin~s, Calif. - 10,28~,75
Clov-Bstey, Anaheim, Calif., .... ' 9,509~01
Nartin 3ol!mson, Tustin, Calif.- .......... 9,79~35.
Harden-Susco, Santa Aha, Calif. - ......... 10,617,70
On recomemndation of Mr, Eardtn~, Councilman Clark moved that
the lovbid ~Rmmrd SuppSy.Co~any be.accepted ~nd purchase au~horized
in the ~mount of $9,3~9.20, including tax. Counctlm~n Stephenson seconded
the motion. NOTION CA~IED.
~,~F E~ - U.~.D..CABLE: Administrative Assistant John Hardtn~
reported on informal bids received for the purchase of 40,000 feet of
Primary Cable, 20,000 ~t o{ Service. Cable, and 20,000 feet of Secondary
Cable-as follo~m:
Vendor Bid Total,
Alcan Cable, Fullerton - (40~' Primar~ Cable - - -$11,508.00
.... (20H~.S~rviceC~le .... 4,998.00
(20H' Secondary Cable - - 10,815.00
Cable, Loa Aa~arles -(40~'-Pr~ Cable - - -$12,~8.00
(2OM'. Service Cable .... 5,376.00
(2OM' Secondary Cable - - 12,180.00
City ~all. Anaheim. C~l~forn[a- ~ILNII~T~S - ~ove~ber 24. 1970. 1:30 P.H.
Bid Total, Including Tax
Craybar Electric, Anaheim - (4OH' Primary Cable
(20H' Service Cable
(20H' Secondary Cable
General Electric Supply, Anaheim - (iON' Primary Cable - - -$11,802.00
(20H' Service Cable ....
(20H' Secondary Cable - - -9,870.00
Westinshouse Electric Supply,Anaheim -(iON' Primary Cable- -$11,886.00
(20~' Service Cable - - t,011.O0
(20H' Secondary Cable- 9,975'.00
On recom~ndation of Nr. Harding, Councilman Stephensonmoved that
the low bid of Alcan Cable on 10,000 feet of Primary Cable be accepted and
purchase authorized in the amount of $11,508.00, including tax; and that the
low bids of General Electric Supply for 20,000 feet of Service Cable and
20,000 feet of Secondary Cable be accepted and purchase authorized in the
amount of $13,923.00, including tax. Councilman Clark seconded the motion.
Councilman Peble~y left the Council Chambers, (2:00 P.N.).
PUR~E - BO~E AND CASING: Administrative Assistant John Harding reported on
informal bids received for Bore and Casing, as follows:
Bid Total, Includins Tax
Pioneer Jacking Company, Santa Fe Springs $2,691.67
Bart Pipeline, Inc., Anaheim ........... 2,948.00
On'reco~nendation of Nr. Hardin~, Councilman Stephenson moved that
the bid of Pioneer Jacking Company be accepted and purchase authorized in the
amount of $2,694,67, includin$ tax. Councilman Thom seconded the motion.
PI~tC~SE (~ EOU~ - ~L. ICOPTER CO~I~I~I~S: On reconmendation of Adminis-
trative Assistant John ~ardin~, Councilman Stephenson ~oved the purchase and
installation of c~.-.~,nicattons equipment for the two Police Helicopters, from
Southland Belicopter, be authorized in the amount of $.2,637.50. Councilman
Clark seconded the motion. NOTION CARRIED.
CORIt~SP~BIgI~CE: The following correspondence was ordered received and filed on
motion by Councilman Clark, seconded by Councilman Thom:
a. City of Buena Park - Itesolution No. 4181 - Expressin$ its
displeasure with the manner of adoption of the increase in
compensation for the Board of Supervisors.
ORDIK~C~.NO. 2622; Councilman Thom offered Ordinance NO. 2622 for adoption.
Refer to Ordinance Book.
CO~ ~~.~ ~- (6~-62(6) - R-3)
Roll Call Vote:
Clark, Stephenson, 'Thom and D~tton
The Kayor declared ordinance NO. 2622 duly passed and adopted.
=cm_n_~-~ _~o_. 2~73: Gemaellamm..,~~ offered Ordi~mece No. 2873 for adop-
I~ICI~ CO~ R~~ TO Z~ll~. (70-71-1& - R-A - Ora~athorpe-La
Palm Annexation)
· oll Call Vote:
C, Og~XLltIEB':
Clark, Stephenson, Thom and Dutton
The Hayor declared Ordinance No. 2873 duly passed and adopted.
0~D~ NO. 287&:- Cotmctl~n Clark offered Ordinance No. 2874 for first read-
ll]IZCIIM~L ~ IELA~III~.TO.ZIiIIIM~. (69-70-27 - It-3)
q~DI~ NO, 2875: Councilman Clark offered Ordinance No. 2875 for first
1,aO T~C. (a-1 and a-'2-5,000)
~~. NO. 2876: Councilman StephenSon offered ordinence No. 2876 for first
,~~ ~ ~~ ~-,~. (65- 66- 2~ (14) - ~1)
2877: C~ilB ~ o~fered ~di~nce No. 2877 for firs~ reg-
~C~ ~ ~~ ~ ~. . (7~71-'11 - R-3)
7~5~ - ~*~ :~S~Y: ~unctl~ Clark offered R~sdld"
Refer to Reselution Book.
Unanimously adopted and stsned by alt n~bers of the City Council.
Councll~n Pebley returned to the Council Ch~aber8, (2:05 P.H.).
Re£ar to Illlillegtea Rook.
CounetI~an Stephenson offered
City Ball, Anabe.~m, California- COUNCIL I~_.._.t~rTES.., November .24, 1970, 1:30 P.M.
Roll Call Vote:
AYES: COUNCIl: Clark, Stephenson, Pebley, Thom and Dutton
The Hayor declared Rasolution No. 70R-565 duly passed and adopted.
REsoLuTIo~ NO. ?0R-~66: Councilman Stephenson offered Resolution No. 70R-566 for
Refer to ResolutionBook.
(Body and Fender Leadman)
Roll Call Vote:
AYES: COUNClL~N: Clark, Stephenson, Pebley, Thom md Dutton
The Mayor declared Resolution No. 70R-566 duly passed and adopted.
I~¢!-ASSIF~OA~ION NO. 69-70-51 - PI3~ TREE: The City Attorney submitted a memoran-
dum from Ron Wo11, Parkvay Maintenance Superintendent, dated July 13, 1970,
expressinS concern that it vould be unsafe to cut the roots to the south of
a laree tree for the purpose of sidevalk installation, at 2~9 West Ball Road,
covered under Reclassification No. 69-70-51, and reminded the Council that
they had granted permission to the developer to encroach into the sidevalk
area in order to save the tree, subject to the approval of the Parkway ~atn-
tenants Superintendent.
Mr. Woll advised the Council that subsequent to his memo the devel-
opers had proposed constructin$ a retainer around the tree, and if no major
roots had to be severed durin~ sidevalk installation the 60-foot tree could
be saved. Ho one could euarantee any tree vould be safe. He therefore recom-
mended the tre~ be saved if no major roots are required to be cut durins side-
walk installation, and the developer builds a retainer around the tree.
At the invitation of the Council, James Hollenbeck, 610 East Buffalo,
Santa Ann, o~ner of subject property, addressed the Council.
Mr. Hollenbeck advised that he had had a laree tractor excavate a-
round the north stdeof the tree as vould be done durin$ sidevalk installation,
and found the lareest root cut in this operation was no ~ore than an inch and
a half in dimter. Re also had heavy pressure put on the north side of the.
tree and, althoueh the tree shook, the base remained solid. He. stated he also
had the tree examined by Wesley H~?hrey, of the State Division of Asriculture,
at the University of California at Irv~ne, vho reco~znended the tree be saved.
On motion by Councilman Pebley, seconded by Councilman Clark, the
Council reaffir~ed its pr. evio~s action to alloy the tree to be saved if pos-
sible, and to alloy the sidevalk to be constructed around it, on the condi-
tion the developer build a retainer around the tree as su$sested and recom-
mended by the, Parkway tiatntenance Superintendent. NOTION CARRIED.
Iq, L~__T.~ ~(l~.?&q~__q, ~T~/~_...~I~T.T~~IIA~._jA~R_~; The Ctty Attorney requested
-~ ~-'--- ~ ~ ' es
Ccuaeil t~ll:~[~ret~t:l~of.~;re~ntvith l~orld Associat , Inc., for the pur-
pose o£ tr~imin~ Balicopt&r Pilots for a period of 6 months. ~e. advised that
alth~u~ t~ ~m~nt~m to c~nce trainin~June 1, 1970, actual trainin~
v~ be~~l, .l~?O~ th~$f°~e, .if the t~~et.~ionl~s that the con-
tract ~s to r~ ~ ~ths t~m ~mm 1, 1970, it ~m~ld e~ptre l:~c~ber 1,1970;
i~ the t~t~,l~etation~ms6 months from start of trai~iz~, the contract vould
expire J~nu~ry ~1, 1971, in ~htch case it vould not he n~cessary to extend
the contract.
City Hall. Anaheim. California- COUNCIL MINUTES - November 24, 1970, 1:30 P,..N.
By general Council consent, the term of the aKreement was inter-
preted to run for six months from start of training, (August 1, 1970).
HISS ~ COUNTY PA~ - C0}B~TI0N CENTER; Hayor Dutton submitted a re-
quest from Carey L. Gibbs, Executive Producer of the Hiss Orange County
Pageant, that use of the ~aheim Room at the Convention Center be don-
ated traditionally for the purpose of conducting this Pageant.
The City Clerk advised that a request recently had been received
from the Women's Division of the Anaheim Chamber of Con~aerce for acconmno-
datione at the Convention Center for the Hiss Anaheim Pageant.
At the invitation of Hayor Dutton, Hr. Gibbs addressed the Coun-
Hr. Gibbs advised it was felt that holding the Hiss Orange County
Pageant at the Convention Center ~ould upgrade the activity; however, since
they are a non-profit organization, their budget is limited.
Councilman Dutton expressed the opinion that, since the Conven-
tion Center is a co.-..unity center it ~ould be an appropriate location for
the Pageant.
Administrative Assistant John Harding submitted a report from
the Director of the Stadium-Convention Center, .recon~nending that the Pagt-
ant be required either to pay the normal $1,000.00 fee for use of the Ana-
heim Room, or hold the Pageant in conjunction with a food function, in
~ich case there is no charge for the use of the room.
In reply to discussion on the possibility of the City of Anaheim
co-sponsoring the Hiss Orange County Pageant, and alloying the use of the
Convention Center Anaheim Room free of charge, the City Attorney advised
this procedure probably vould be considered a gift of public funds, since
it would mean the citizens of Anaheim~ould be subsidizing an activity for
a limited number of people. He su~ested that, since it is an Orange County
activity, it vould be mere appropriate if the orange County Board of Super-
visors paid the fee.
In answer to Councilman Pebley, the City Attorney advised that
if Nelodyland Theatre was used the pageant ~ould not require a conditional
use permit, since the facility still is a theatre, and thus available for
such activities.
By general Council consent, Hr. Gibbs was advised the Hiss Orange
County Pageant either must pay the $1,000.00 charge for the use of the
Convention Center facility, or hold a food function in conjunction with
the activity, as the City could not cosponsor the event.
REcEss: Councilmen Clark moved for a 5-minute Recess. Councilman Thom secon-
ded the m etlon. MOTIONCARRIED. (2:35 P.H.)~
AFTER RECESS: Mayor Duttou called the meeting to order, all members of the
City Council being present. (2:45 P.M.).
~O.LF.C~URSE: The City Nanager reported preliminary investigation indi-
cates that, although changing the type .of financing on the golf course
would help for the first two years, it would have an adverse effect be-
yond that; thus a change is not recommended.
EDISON COI~PANYFACILITIES: With regard to acquisition of the remaining
Edison Company facilities within the City; }ir. ~urdoch advised that a
total of $9,000,000.00 was used as the base for this project at an sere-
meted interest rate of 6-1/2%,'or possibly. T~.
City Hall, Anaheim, California - COUNCIL MINUTES - November 24, 1970, 1:30 P.M.
He stated that lease financin~ on this program probably could be
done in three stages - $1,250'000.00 this coming calendar year, as soon as
the bonds could be sold; $3,000,000.00 the follourlng year; and $3,750,000.00
the third year. This then would release sufficient funds for the balance of
Fiscal Year 1970-71 to take care of those capital items the Council has indi-
cated a desire to do during Fiscal Year 1970-71.
Mr. Nurdoch vent on to report that utilizing long-term financing
then would result, in releasing approximately $404,000.00 for Fiscal Year
1971-72, which amount alone would not meet requirements for that period; hob-
ever, by selling approved water bonds, water construction requirements, over
the next tvs years could be met by those revenues and this then would release
sufficient additional funds to total approximately $1,250,000.00, which is a
little less than the minimum requirements indicated for the 1971-72 capital
program, and slightly more than half the $2,000,000.00 that probably could
be realized from a utilities tax~
The third year would begin to show the effects of revenues from
the acquisition, and about $8~2,000.00 could be released for capital improve-
ments. Thereafter, $1,300,000.00 per year could be realized from this source.
Hr. ~urdoch advised that lonE-term financing of Edison Company fa-.
cilities acquisitionwould mean additional revenues equaling about half of
what it is anticipated could be realized from a utilities tax, and about one-
third of what could be realized from an admissions tax.
Councilman Thom stated he disapproved of long-term financing for
the acquisition of the Edison facilities, since the issue has been turned
do~n by the voters in the defeat of the revenue bond issue.
In reply to Councilman Dutton's argument that long-term financing
would enable.acquiring the Edison facilities on a pay-as-you-go basis and
release needed funds for other capital improvements, Councilman Thom advised
he u~uld have to give Chis approach considerably more thought.
In answer to Councilman Clark, }ir. Nurdoch advised that the City's
agreement on acquisition urlth the Edison Company does not require the purchase
of any facilities; however, it does set a time limit on when certain sections
may be purchased. He further stated the only restrictions set down by the
agreement are that acquisition must be made in logical service increments
and must be completed within specific areas urithin minimum time periods before
movin~ into another area. However, the time limit set forth in the agreement
for purchasir~ all sections vi11 have expired by the trine financial arrange-
ments could be finalized so the City would be free to acquire the remaining
Councilman Clark inquired about the status of the bill to tax public
utilities. (S.B.-908).
Hr. Murdoch advised that this bill had been killed in Senate Consult-
tee during the last legislative session although it passed the Assembly. The
bill will be heard again in Interim .Committee and is expected to be back on
the floor this coming Legislative session. In the event this measure is adop-
ted, the tax would amount to about 6% of the $14,000,000.00 gross revenues
the City receives from its electrical utilities operations.
Councilman Clark recoue~nded the revenue bonds issue for the pur-
chase of the Edison facilities should again be placed on an election ballot.
Councilman Thom agreed, stating it was his opinion, and that of
several businessmen, that the only reason the revenue measure failed was be-
cause it was included with the other many General Obligation bonds on the
ADI~IONS. TAX: Councilman Thom sugsested that, since an Admissions Tax had
not been discussed this date, it be reviewed at this time. He added that he
was not in favor of any additional tax; however, in his opinion, an admissions
tax was a voluntary one,~hereas a utilities tax was not.
Couaetlmn Sce~dusou stated he vould be opposed ~o any admis-
sions r~z fot~ in ~he City o£ Au~hein since, ~ his ~int~, ic
~ld h~C ~ ~CiCt~ ~s~c~ ~ ~s ~eles, ~i~ has no such
~; ~, he s~t~ b hit ~e t.~e o~ ~ ~lii~ ~ uCili~ies
~ ~~ely Ih~ld be de~~ aC ~LI
.~Couoct~m St~apbeueou moved t~ere,~,,.be us ~az imposed
Thom seconded ~he mot iou.
CoUncilman lhccon stated he could not vote on such a motion,
he definitely did usc want co rule out anTCh~ chaC could brins
needed funds.
Cmmclls~n .Stephenoon 'a~nded his motion to not impose a uttli-
itel tax duri~q Fiscal Year 1970-71. Councilman Thom seconded the motion.
Gu, Ioll Call Vote, requested by liayor DuCton, the
tion carried by the follouinS vote:
Clark. Stephenson and Thou
Pobley and Dutr~u
AilfX~Z(~S TAX: Councilman Stephenson moved there be no admissions tax
imposed durin~ Fiscal Year 1970-71. Councilman Clark seconded the motion.
On Roll Call Vote. requested by Nayor DuCCon, the fore$otng
CLan carrted byvircue of a~maJoriCyvoCe of a quorum, on the ~oliovtng
Clark and SCephenson
Pebley, Thom and Dutton
Councilman DutCon moved the motion thaC there be no achnissions
fez ~r. t~ I~ocal Yesr 1970-71 be reic~. ~ll~ ~ e~o~ the
~ ~11 ~1 Vote, requested by m~r ~Cc~, ~e f~esol~ ~-
m~l~.~lCed puCtJJ~ the electrical revenue
'flea.liBra DuCCou reminded him
70- 661
City Hall, Anaheim, California - COL~CIL MINUTES - November 24, 1970, 1:30 P.M.
Councilman Stephenson stated he would not be in favor of putting
the issue on a ballot again before 1972.
Council--~_~ Clark noted it was obvious from Council action the only
solution at this time is to cut expenses, and the City Manager should cut back
to meet present existing revenues.
BUDGET AND CAPITAL OUTLAY CUTS: Councilman Stephenson stated that, if projects
are to be cut, the Council should make the determination.
HORACE ~ SCHOOL - CULTURAL ARTS CENTER: On mot!on by Councilman Clark,
seconded by Councilman Stephenson, the Cultural Arts Commission was notified
that the City cannot undertake financing the Horace Mann School as a Cultural
Arts Center, thereby reducing Capital Outlay requests by $100,000.00.
On Roll Call Vote, requested by Mayor Dutton, the foregoing motion
carried by the folloving vote:
Clark, Stephenson, Pebley and Thom
FIRE STATION ~0, 9: On motion by Councilman Clark, seconded by Councilman
Stephenson, construction of Fire Station No. 9 was deleted from the1970-71
Budget until Such time as it can be financed through revenues cou/lng into
the City.
On'Roll Call Vote, requested by Mayor Dutton, the. foregoing motion
carried by the following vote:
AYES: COUNCILMEN: Clark, Stephenson, Pebley, Thom and Dutton
Hr. Mardoch advised this action would reduce the Budget by $148,000.
for construction, and about $98,000.00 for labor, including fringe benefits.
CYCLE PARK: Councilman Pebley stated he felt $20,000.00 spent for a cycle
park would benefit more children than a quarter of a million dollars spent
for City Parks.
Hr. ~urdoch advised that the action on the Horace Mann School Cul-
tural Arts Center and Fire Station No. 9 would bring this year's Budget just
about into balance.
The CounCil deferred any further action on the cycle park at this
~ARK LAND A~QUISITIO~; Councilman Clark inquired ~hat proportion of the
$450,000.00 listed for pa~k land acquisition vas in lieu fees.
Hr. Mardoch replied that, since in lieu fees are used for park land
acquisition and development the funds were not budgeted specifically. He ex'
plained that because the $200,000.00 dovn-payment on the 65 acres of parkland
in Nohl Ranch rill not be necessary until next year, the park land acquisition
figure is reduced to $250,000.00; also, at this time there is no pressing ~..d
to purchase additional park land,'vith the possible exception of the land ~-
cent to Sage Park, ~hich would cost abodt $24,000.00.
Council~n clark moved $400,000.00 be deleted from the $450,000.00
listed for park land acquisition~ Councilman Stephenson seconded the motion.
On Roll Call Vote, requested by Hayor Dutton, the foregoing
tion carried by the'£ollovinS vote:
l~O~S: CO~CI~:
Clark, Stephenson, Pebley and Thom
The City Nenaser, at the request of Counctl2an Clark, will r~
vier the financial status for Fiscal Year 1970-71 in light ofthe fore-
gol~ actton~, ~d recemmmd any further action that might be necessary
to balance the present ~udget.
Ha cautioned that the act. ions taken this date have not alle-
viate~ the l~.ecal, Yams' 1971-72 BUdget.
Councilman Clark ~oved to adjourn. Councilman Stephenson se-
conded the~otion. ,
AIMIS$IONS TAX: The City ~ianaser advised that Ted Bovsfield, o£ the Cali-
fornia ~els, has requested s°~e definite action on an admissions tax,
since printin~ of the 1971 tickets is being delayed pending such action.
Councll~ Clark withdrew his ~otion to adjourn. Councilman
Stephensonwithdrevhts second.
Councilman Thom offered for first readin~ an Ordinance imposin~
an Admissions Tax. .
Councilman Thom w~thdrew his offer for first readin$ of an Ordi-
nance i~posin~ an Ad'satans Tax, and moved that an Admissions Tax be im-
posed within Fiscal Year 1970-71, which motion died for lack of a second.
At the invitation of Mayor Dutton, Ted Bowsfield, of the Cali-
fornia Angels, addressed the Council.
~r. Bowsfield stated it was essential that the California Angels
have a definite decision on an AdmissiOns Tax so that 1971 tickets could
be printed in ti~e for Christmas SiftS.
~r. Bowsfteld advised that, contrary to Councilmen Dutton and
Stephenson, he had not understood from previous meetings that there would
not bean admissions taxihis year.
Counctlmm Dutton advised thais if it is necessary to make a de-
cision, ~hich he did not want to do at this time, he would have to vote
'*Yes" on an admissions tax,
~r. ~eld stated he had conferred ~r~th officials at Oakland,
~ Frostick, ~ ~ ~~ ~eles, ~d was as~red there ~uld be
~ a~sei~ t~ 1~ ~ ~ of those ballparks this year. He added
that the ~ ~eSo ~il has issued a letter ~r~teetns no t~ll
be 1~ ~ that t~e of'~tertai~nt for 20 years.
Councilman Stepheneon reteterated his belief that it was not
riSht to tHpos~ an admissions tax, ,since it vould be taxing visitors to
the City.
Councile~n Pebley ~oved all those concernedbe notified there
will' be no ad~ssions tax l~posed durin~ calendaryear 1971. Councilman
Stephenson seconded the motion. ,
On l~ll C~ll Vote, requested by Mayor DutCon, the foregoing ~o-
clan,carried by the follovin~oce:
&~: CO~l~I~: Clark, Stepheuson and Pebley
l~: CO~CIL/~: Thou ~d Dutton
70- 663
Citw ~lL. ~--= .~a]~f,gr~__t~- em~ae. Tt .wmm~s~- ,Nev~.--~er 2&. 19~0,. 1530 P,M,
--T~-. ....' -___ ~
~ CoUrt.clinch Clark s~ved ~o ~dJourn. CoUncilman Stephen~m seconded
the ~otie~. l~TlOi~ ~IED.
ADJO~P/~D: 3:5.5 P. ~L
\ - 'City' Clerk
City Hall, Anaheim, California- COUNCIL i~r__~UTES- December 1, 1970, 1:30 P.M.
The City Council of the City of Anaheim met in regular session.
COUNCILMEN: Clark, Stephenson, Pebley, Thom and Dutton (entered
the meeting at 1:50 P.M.)
CITY MARA~: Keith A. ~rdoch
CITY ATTORNEY: Joseph B. Geisler
CITY CLERK: Dens M. Williams
CITY EI~IINEER: James P. Maddox
Mayor Pro Tem Pebley called the meeting to order.
INVOCATION: Reverend Dorman Buttram, of the First Assembly of God Church,
gave the Invocation.
FLAG SALUTE; Councilman William J. Thom led the Assembly in the Pledge of
Allegiance to the Flag.
PROCLAHATION: Mayor Dutton proclaimed December 6 to 12, 1970, "Christmas
Seal Week."
IKIItOBUCT~0N; Hal Steinruck, of the City Personnel Department, introduced
new employees attending the City Council meeting as a part of the
City's orientation program.
Mayor Pro TemPebleywelc°med the new employees to the City.
SUGGESTION pR0i~A~AWARDS; Mayor Pro TemPebley issuedplaques to the follow-
ing City employees in recosnition of best suggestions received dur-
ing the past year:
MarJorie Bender, Library Department, for the design of a form to
record money transactions handled by the Library.
James Masterson, Utilities Division, for the design and a way to
secure a protective covering device over light pole excavations
prior to installation of li~h~standards, to prevent accidents by
coming in contact with exposed electrical wires or stepping in the
lp69-70 S~ETY'AWARDS; Mayor Pro TemPebley issued plaques in recognition
of Safety Awards as follows: