1964/01/217419 City Hall~ Anaheim~ California - COUNCIL MINUTES - January 14~ 1964~ 1:30 AYES: COUNCILMEN: Dutton~ Chandler, Schutte, Krein and Coons NOES: COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None Mayor Coons declared the foregoing MOTION UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED. PROCLAMATION - ANGE.~ DAY IN.ORANGE COUNTY: Mayor Coons read Proclamation declar- ing Thursday, January 30th, 1964, "Angel Day in Orange County". Said Proclamation was unanimously ratified by the City Council, on motion by Councilman Dutton, seconded by Councilman Chandler. MOTION CARRIED. AGREEMENT~ CITY OF ORANGE - WATER SERVI~S: The City Attorney reported on negotiations between the City of Anaheim and the City of Orange, to sell 20% of the capacity rights in the city's 16-inch water lines iTM the Peralta Hills area, and also to sell water on a temporary basis to the City of Orange, to serve a Lusk Subdivision in their area. On motion by Councilman $chutte, seconded by Councilman Krein, the City Attorney was authorized to prepare necessary documents in accord- ance with the terms outlined~ subject to the condition that the sale of water would be for a period ending January 1st, 1966. MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT: Councilman Krein moved to adjourn, Councilman $chutte seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURNED: 10:25 P.M. Clerk City Hall~ Anaheim~ Califo~.nia - COUNCIL MINUTES .- January 21~ 1964~ 1:30 P.Mo The City Council of ~the City of Anaheim met in regular session. PRESENT: ABSENT~ PRESENT: COUNCiLMEN~ Dut-ton, Chandler~ Schut~te, Krein and Coons° COUNCILMEN: None. CITY MANAGER~ Keith A. Murdocho CITY ATTORNEY; Joseph Geisler~ CiTY CLERK: Dene M~ ~illiamso CITY ENGINEER~ J'ames P. Maddox~ ZONING COORDiNATOR~ Martin Kreidt~ A$$iSTAN! PLANNER~ Marvin Krieger. WATER DIVISION SUPERINTENDENT: Gus Lenaino Mayor Coons called the meeting to order. MINUTES: On mo~ion by Councilman Krein, seconded by Councilman Du{ton, minu~es of the Anaheim City Council meetings held December 2~, and 31~ 1963, and January 7, 1964~ ~ere approved~ MOTION CARRIED. RESOLUTION NO. 64R-24: Pursuant to Resolution No. 63R-864, approving and authorizing the execution of an agreemen~ be'[ween hhe City of Anaheim and Southern California Edison Company, relating to acquisition of Edison Company facilities by Eminen~ Domain~ Condemnahion No. 3, Councilman Du±lon offered Resolution No. 64R~24 for adoptlon~ Refer to Resolution Book 7420 C..ity Hall~ Anaheim~ California - COUNCIL MINUTES - Januar¥ 21~ 1964~ 1.:SQ A RESOLUTION OF 'THE CITY COUNCIL O? THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AUTHORIZING THE COMPROMISE OF CERTAIN EMINENT DOMAIN LITIGAIION. (Southern California Edison Company~ Condemnation No. On roll call the foregoing Resolution No. 64R-24 was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN~ Dutton, Chandler~ Schutte~ Kreln and Coons NOES: COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None The Mayor declared Resolution No. 64R-24 duly passed and adopted. SIDEWALK WAIVER .- 525 SOUTH WEST STREET: Request of Warren L. Schutz~ Attorney representing H. H. Bruns~ for waiver of sidewalk requirement at 525 South West S'treet~ was submitted together with report from City 5ngineer~ re- commending denial of ~ald ~eques'[ based on consideration of the following factors: 1o One elementary school approximately 500~ W/o subject property~ one elementary school approximately 900" E/o subject propert¥~ 2~ Sidewalks are existing along the east side of West Street and along 'the north side of San~a Ana Street, west of West Street° the Church on Santa Aha Street adjoinin9 subject property to the north has existing walk along Santa Aha Street. 3~ This area is presently fringed ~ith R-3 developments on the no=th side of Santa Ana Street and a portion of the rema;inder is potential R-3. It is expected that pedestrian traffic will increase as developments occur in the area~ Mr. Schutz addressed the Council asking how a waiver of side- walks on the west side of West Street between Water and Santa Aaa Streets~ where there are no existing sidewalks, would affect schools to the east and west or a church ~hich faces Santa Aaa Street. He felt that most of the factors mention would affect east-west pedestrian traffic more than north-south in front of subject property~ . :oun:::ilman K:'ein moved that temporar7 waiver of sidewalk re- quirement ne granted~ to be in:~talled '~Don demand by the City; and that the ,City Engineer in'Testlgate to determine existing conditions of possi- ble sidewalk waivez~ ~cu'L~ of ~ul _iect p~:operty~ Cot~n,:~i].man Scbutte second- ed the motion,~ MOT[ON CARR2ED. SERVICE STATION STANDARDS~ Pub~i.r hearing to consider proposed amendment to Title 18~ Chapter 18008, "Definitiont~"~ Chapter t8,40, "G-l, Neighborhood Commercial Zone'"'; Chap±er 18,48, '"C~3:, Heavv Commercial Zone"~ Chapter :.8,,64~ ?'~Co:~di'ti. ona! O::~e_~"~ of the Anaheim Muncipal Code~ and the adop- "ion of Servi~: ot.::.t~on Minimum Slte Development Standards~ was held September 3~ 196'3~, and continued to September 24~ 1963~ December 3~ 1963, and ~fanuazy 14, 1964~, at whi(h t~me s~id hearing was closed~ and Council action deferred to thi~ date.~ Mro Murdocn :'epo::ted on a city-wide survey, conducted by staff personnel on ..;anuaz,¥ 20:, 1964~ and ~ubmitted oho±os of various service stations which a~-e rental agen:ties fo: trailers~ showin9 trailer storage the properties: He ~ubmltted and teac recommenOation for amendment to the last three sentences o¢ the "definition" as proposed by the City Plannin9 Commission as follows: .... No used o~- dis~.:az'ded au'tomotlve parts or equipment or per- manen±ly disabled~ junk, cz wrecked vehi~:les shall be located outside the service station building except wlthin an enclosed trash storage area° The rental of a maximum of i0 automobileo and/or trailers is per- mitted~ provided thaz ~aid trailers shall be backed up against a 6-foot solid mason~y wall ano ~u~ther pzo~ided that ~n¥ ~ervi::e station site located with- ~n ~5-feet of any R-E? R-O, R-l, R~2~ or R-3 Zone shall be limited to the 7421 ~ity Hall~ Anaheim~ California ~. COONGIL MINUTES - lanuary 21~ 1964~ 1:30 P.M. rental of a maximum of flve two,-wheel~ uncovered utility trailers, provided that said trailers shall be backed up agains't a 6.-foot solid masonry wall. All painting, body and fender repair, tire recapping, and 'the rental of other heavy equipment and the sale and rental of other merchandise~ other than specified above~ is excluded~ Other uses if permitted in the zone where the Automobile Service Station in located may be conducted in conjunction with an automobile service station unless otherwise prohibited~ and subject to the limitations of said zone~ Council discussion was held and consideration given to the wall requirement~ and de~Eignation of trailers permitted, and the second sentence of said recommendation further changed to read: ~The storage of ,a maximum number of ten rental 'trailers is per- mitred, provided tha~ said ~railers shall be backed up against a 6-foot solid masonry wall and further provided 'that any service station site located wi~hln 75~-feet of any R-E~ R,~O~ R-i~ R-2~ or R-3 Zone shall be limited to the storage of a maxlmum of fiv~ two-wheel, uncovered utility rental trailers~ provided that said trailers shall be backed up against a 6-foot solid masonrf wallo~' At 'the conclusion of the discussion~ Councilman Krein moved that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare necessary ordinance amend- ing the Anaheim Muncipal Code~ and necessary resolution adopting Service Station Minimum Si're Development Standards in accordance with City Planning Commission recommendation~ wlth exceptions noted January 14~ 1964, and this date,~ Councilman Schutte seconded the motiono MOTION CARRIED. RESOLUTION NO. 64R-25~ Council. man $chutte offered Resolution No~ 64R-25 for adoption~ Refer to Resolution Book, A RESOLUTION OF THE CiTY COONC[L OF THE C!Ff OF ANAHEIM AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT FOR THE $ALE OF WATER AND WATER-CARRYING CAPACITY RIGHTS IN A CERTAZN WATER TRANSMISSION LINE 'TO THE CITY OF ORANGE. On roi1 c~ll 'the foregoing ze?~olution was duly passed and adopted by 'the following 'vo'te~ .AYES: COO'NCiLMEN:< Dutton, Chandler~ Schut'te~ Krein and Coons NOE$: COONC i LMEN ~ No ne ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None The Mayoz dec,lazed Re~olution No. 64R.,-25 duly passed and adopted~ PARK AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT .- BUDGET~ On motion by Councilman Chandler~ seconded by Councilman Krein, the Budget of the Park and Recreation Department was ex- tended to lnclude payment for luncheons for the Park and Recreation Commis- sioners ~nd Staff at 'the monthl'y Park and Recreation Commission meeting~ funds for the current yea~ to be provided from the Council Contingency Fund. MOTION CARRIED. SIGN REQUEST.~ BALLARD MOTORS~ Application suOmit'ted by Ballard Motors request- ing permission to erect a non-conforming sign (2~-~foot 6-inch projection) at 1325 North Lemon Stree't~ together with plans and reports from the Building and Planning Department~ were reviewed by the City Council° ~ Arnold Vang~ of F~doral Sign and Signal, addressed {he Cl{y Council advisin9 of a need fora sign to direct Lemon Street traffic through the entrance° He called at't~ntion to the approximately 400~oot frontage of the property along Lemon Street~ and noted that the existing free-s'tanding sign at the north side of the property was oriented to attract freev;a~ traffic, ~s v'~ell ~s Le~pon Street Council discussion was heid~ and it was noted that subject pro- perty contains a used car sale lot~ ~n addition to a new car a~ency. On motion by Councilman Chandler~ seconded by Councilman Dutton, said sign permit was granted with the provision that there be no projection over the property line~ To this motion Councilman Coons voted 'No". MOTION CARRIED. 7422 City Hall~ Anaheim~ California .~ COUNCIL MiiNUTES .-January 21~ 1964~ 1~30 P.M. SIGN REQUEST - CARL~S JR.: Appl'ication submitted by Carl~s Jr. requesting permission to erect a non~-~onforming ~ign at the southeast corner of Dale and Lincoln Avenues, was reviewed by the City Council together with plans and reports from Buiid:~ng and Planning Departments. On motion by Councilman Schut'te, seconded by Councilman Krein, said sign permit wa~ gzanted~ provided that the lighting be directed so as not to reflect into 'the trailer pa~k to the south. MOTION CARRIED. CONDiTiONAL USE PERMIT NO~, 378 - RECONSIDERAIiON: Communication dated January 9, 1964, from V~ B~ Wbite~ agent for the owners of property described in Conditional Use Permit No~ 3'78~ requesting reconsideration of said Condi- tional Use Permit, wa:s submittedo Mr, Harry Knisei7, Attorney for Mrs° White, reported that with the assistance of the Planning Staff and neighbors in the area, the plans have been .changed in an effort to make them acceptable, In his opinion the purpose of 'the letter was to determine the most expeditious procedure for a re-hearing on this application~ Discussion was held by the City Council~ and it was noted that the 6-months period for re-filing application on the same property has expired~ On motion by Councilman Dutton, seconded by Councilman Krein, request to reconsider. Conditional Use Permit No° 378 was denied as plan now proposed was an entirely new ~oncept~ and Mr~ Knisely was advised to file a new appli~:ation ~ith the $ity Planning Commission~ MOTION CARRIED. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NOo 265- REVISED PLANS: Revised plans submitted by Fred Rochlin in ~onnection with Conditional Use Permit No. 265, were reviewed by the City Council, together with report from Planning Depart- ment - Development Review° Mro Ac L~ Wolfert, 3404 West Ball Road, owner of adjacent pro- perty to the west, asked whether a wall would be required along the west side of subject property~ Mro Woifert was advised that the revised plans as amended show a six foot wall o} fen<:~e along the west property line. On ~otlon by Coun~::;llman Dutton~ ~!,ec~onded by Councilman $chutte~ revised plans marked Exhlb:t 1 and 2,, Revision No. 1, be approved as amended in red and }e~ommenaed by the Planning Department - Development Review~ MOriON CARR. i:ED,, CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO~ 328 - REQUEST FOR SEWER SERVICE: Communication dated .January 8th, 196A~ f:rom Nat Neff Engineerin9 Company~ was submitted and reviewed, together ~ith ::epcot f~om the City Engineer, requesting the City of AnaheLm fo:rm.--~lly ~equest the City of Buena Park serve sewer and drainage to property desc:rtbed in Conditional Use Permit No. 328° On motLon by Soun.::~lm::~n C?'andler, seconded by Councilman Dutton, .request to the City of Buens Park to ~!~erve sewer and drainage services to said property wa:~ made in a~,:;ordanee with recommendations of the City Engineer° MOTION CARR':TED~ SPECIAL USE PERMIT NO~ 88 .- EXTENSION OF TIME: Request of Lev and Lyon dated December 30~ 1963~ wa~ submitted for additional one year extension to :Special Use Permit No~ 88 and to the bond posted to guarantee completion of required ~treet :imp}:ovement:s~ togethe~ with report of City Engineer. On mo'tion by Coun~:.ilman Chandler~ seconded by Councilman Schutte, one year extension of time was granted to bond filed~ and one year extension of t:tme to Speclal Use Permit NOd 88 granted~ in so far as the City Attorney <~an determine as :in accordance with the facts existing a% the timeo MOT~iON CARRIED~ City Hall, Anaheim~ California - COUNCIL MINUTES -January 21~ 1964~ 1:30 P.M. .~ARIANCE NO 1611 - CLARIFiCATiON: Communication dated December 31, 1963, from W. Eo Bouck~ Jr,~ on behalf of the petitioners, requesting clarification of Condition No, 5, City Planning Commission's Resolution No. 985, Series 1963-64, and requesting temporary waiver of Items No. 2 and No. 3 of said resolution~ was submitted and reviewed by the City Goun¢ll~ together with report from 'the City Engineer° Councilman Chandler moved that temporary waiver of street improve- ments (Condition No~ 2[! be granted ~ubject to posting a two-year bond there- for and that request for waiver, of ~treet lighting payment (Condition No. 3) be denied. MOTION CARR!ED,~ Mr. William Bouck requested information as to the ~ype of bond required and also requested fuzthe~ ~onsideration on Condition No. 3 per- taining to street light payment° He reported that a street light payment was refunded to the owner of proper'ty adjacent to subject property° After first recess~ City Manager reported several actions have been taken in this area on street improvements as well as street lighting, and suggested 'the matter be deferred one week to allow further investigation. Councilman Chandler moved tNe motion be reconsidered, Councilman Dutton seconded the motiono MOTION CARRiED~ Councilman Chandler moved the action be tabled until the next meeting (January 28, 1964~ 1:30 PoM~) Councilman Dutton seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED° REQUEST - iNSTALLATION AND 'USE OF PORTABLE BUILDING (CONDiIIONAL USE PERMIT NO. ~36): Request submitted by Dr~ R~ £~ Hook~ Pastor of Grace Baptist Church, to permit installation an~ temporary u~e of a portable mission building on property described lin Conditional Use Permit No. 136~ was reviewed by the City Council together wi~th pians~ photo of said building~ and report from the Planning Department .- Development Reviewo Dr~ Hook addressed 'the Council reporting that the building will be used for temporary Sunday S~bool and reclreational facilities~ for a period of approximately two year~, until the permanent buildin9 is constructed, and that .~ald building ha:~ been used only a~-~ a demonstration modelo He reported on the construction of the portable buildin9 and further advised the provi- sion for restroom facliitie~ would not be necessary because of the close proximity of another-building :~onta.[nLng these facilitieso On motion by Councilman Chandler, seconded by Councilman $chutte, said request was granted for a perlod of two years~ subject 'to compliance with the electrical, heatlng and plumbing codes~ and further subject to pro- vision that there be a minimum of 20-feet between the portable building and any other building on the property~ and that the building be placed a mini- mum of 40-feet from any property line.~ MOtION GARRIED~ Dro Hook expressed ~zs appreciation to the City Council and city departments for the cooperation and a~,~sistanoe to them during the planning and construction of their fellow:~hip hall.~ R~QUEST - USE OF TRAILER AS tEMPORARY OFFiCE~ Communication dated January 6, 1964, from Newman Associates~ reque~ting permi$~ion to install and use trailer as a temporary office~ to be flanked by two billboard-size signs and fronted by black-topped sur~a¢~ ar~a, was submit{ed and reviewed by the City Council, together with pict plan of proposed commercial and apartment development, and an over-lay illustrating the location of the trailer~ ~lro Murdoch reported that no land use permit has been filed with the City for development of the property as shown on plot plan submitted, and ad- vised that Reclassification No, 56-57-39 for C,-1 and C-3 Zoning is presently pending on said property, whi~h is located at the southwest corner of Lincoln and Euclid. Mr~ Robert grindle~ representin9 Newman Associates~ leasing agents for the property, submitted photo of the 'trailer to be used and advised that they were attemptin9 to develop the property <:ommercially as original1Y in- tended~ He further advised 'that their request is to facilitate the leasing 7424 City Hall~ Anaheim~ California - COUNCIL M,iiNU'TES - January 21~ 1964~ 1:30 activities~ and appli::ations for rezoning and Conditional. Use Permit will be filed within 30 to 60 day~, Further Zt is estimated development will take approximately 18 re. on'tbs,, On motion by Coun::~lman S~:hutte~ ~econded by Councilman Dutton, said request was granted for a period of six months, Io this motion Councilman Chandler voted '"No~"~ MO~iON CARRIED, RECESS: Councilman Chandler mo',zed for a f:tfteen mlnute recess. Councilman Dutton seconded the motion, MOTION CARRiED, (',3~40 AFTER RECESS: Ma¥o~ Coons :,:ailed the meeting to order~ ali members of the Council being present~ REQUEST - WAIVER OF LICENSE FEE~ Reque.~t of Lou A. Francis, President of the Anaheim .Junior Chamber of Commerce, dated .ianuary 6, 1964, for waiver of license fees and pezmission to conduct a c~zcu$ at the corner of Lincoln Avenue and Muller Street~ March 21 and 22, 1964, was submit'ted~ Mr. Fran¢i,~, i253 Bluegrass Street~ addressed the Council re- porting that the King Bro$~ Circus 15 the second largest, three-ring tent circus in the United States, and that funds derived from a per- centage from the ticke~ sales will go to the Junior Chamber of Commerce for their handicapped children fund~ In answer to Coun::il questionlng,~ Mr, Francis advised that none of the money z.e:eived by the organization will be used for their treasury or prog.~am expenoes; howevet~ a portion will be used for their Thanksgiving and Ch~t~tma~i, hat. it~bie a,~,:ttvities~ Further~ any fees or licenses charged by the City would have to be paid by the Junior Chamber of Commer<e~ thereby reducing their p.rofi't~ 3oun<:ilman Krein moved it be the finding of the City Council that the ~eque{t is fo~ a fund-~:aising activity for charitable purposes, ,and that pezmi~:~ton to condu<t a ,:ir,~u:~o ,and 'waiver of license fees only be granted~ :Soun,~ iimi~n S,.'hutte :~e onded the mo'tion, MOTION CARRIED. FINAL MAP,~ TRACt NO, 5345: JESP .Enterpz:'i:~.~es, Developer; 'Tract located on the west side of Sunkist Street., 396 feet ~outh of South Street, and con- tain.,:~ 12 R-1 iots~, The City Eng:~neer. z. epo:rted :~aid final map conforms substan- tially with tentative map previousi¥ amended and approved, that bond has been posted and requ:i:/ed fees paid, and recommended approval thereof. On the re,ommendatzons of the City Engineer, Councilman Dutton moved final, map~ '[ra t No,, 5345~ be approved~ subject to approval of the bond by the City Attorney,s, CounJ~ilman Schutte seconded the motion. MOTION CARRiED~, RECLASSIFiCATiON NO. 60-61-82 {VARIANCE NO~ 1348): Mr. Marvin Krieger reported on a matter regarding Re~ia~sification No. 60-61-82 and Variance No, 1348, wherein waiver of one-~:~tory height l~mitation within 150-feet of R-1 property, was den~ed~ Subsequently revised plan was submitted, indicating two-story oonstructton:, and approved by the City Council. The two-story construction was over-looked in the Planning Department - Development Review of the revised plan~ and notation thereof omitted from report. Mr. Harry Knzsely:, Agent for the petitioners, was present and advised they wou[a be agreeable to one-sto~y construction within 150-feet of the adjacent property to the north. No further action was taken by the City Council, R-3 ZONING - iN!YIA.[ED BY City COUNCIL: On motion by Councilman Chandler, seconded by Councilman Schutte, the City Council instigated action for R-3 Zoning on the property adjacent to the west~ to property described in Reclassification No,, 60-61-82~ and in accordance with the General Plan~ and the City Planning Com~niss:on was directed to hold necessary hearings thereon, YOT'ON CARRIED. City Hall~ Anaheim~ California - CO'ONC..IL MINUTES - )~anuary 21~ .19649 1;30 P.M. ORANGE COUNTY USE VARIANCE NO. 5287: Requesting stablishment of a nine hole, three par golf course and pro shop in the E-1 Estates District, located on the southeasterly corner of Santa Aha Canyon Road and Peralta Hills Drive. Mr. Martin Kreidt read excerpt from the minutes of the City Planning Commission meetin9 held January 20th~ 1964, recommending to the City Council that the Orange County Planning Commission consider certain factors at their public hearing on said Use Varianceo At the conclu:sion of Councii discussion~ no action was taken by the City Council~ CITY HALL RESTROOM ADDITION: The City Manager reported that'no bids were re- ceived for the addition of res/room facilities for the City Hall, Job No. 692. Discussion was held by the City Council, City Manager and City Attorney, and it was notes that bids for said job were called for on two other occasions~ and only one bid received at the second bidding. RESOLUTION NO. 64R-26; On -the recommendations of the City Attorney, Councilman $ch~tte offered Resolution No~ 64R-26 for adoption, finding that no bids were received for' Job No. 692~ and directing that said work be accomplished by Force Account. Refer to Resolution Book. A RESOLUTION OF THE CiTY CO'ONCIL OF THE CITY' OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETERMINING IHAT NO BEDS ~/ERE RECEIVED AT THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE RESTROOM ADDITION IO CITY HALL~ JOB NO. 692, IN RESPONSE TO THE ADVERTiSEMENi THEREFOR~ AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO PROCEED WITH SAID IMPROVEMENT. {,City Hall restroom facilities) On roll call the foregoing Resolution No. 64R-26 was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: button, Chandler, Schutte~ Krein and Coons NOES: COUNC 2LMEN: None ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None The Mayor declared Resolution No. 64R-26 duly passed and adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 64R-27: Councilman Krein offered Resolution No. 64R-27 for adoption. Refer to Resolution Book. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CI'TY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETERMINING THAI PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND ~ECESSiTY REQUIRE THE CON- STRUCTION AND COMPLETION OF A PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT~ TO WIT: CONSTRUCTION AND COMPLETION OF COMFORT STATIONS AT THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL GOLF COURSE, IN THE CITY OF ANAHEiM~ JOB NO. 839; APPROVING THE DESIGNS~ PLANS~ SPECI- FICATIONS~ ETC.; AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO PUBLISH A NOTICE INVITING SEALED PROPOSALS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION THEREOF. (Bids to be opened February 13th, 1964, 2:00 P~M.) On roll call the foregoing Resolution No. 64R-27 was duly passed and adopted by the following vote; AYES: COUNCILMEN: Dutton, Chandler, Schutte, Krein and Coons NOE$: COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT; COUNCILMEN: None The Mayor deciared Resolution No. 64R-27 duly passed and adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 64R-28: On the certification of the Director of Public Works that C.T. & F., Inc. has completed the construction of Traffic Signals and Safety Lighting in the intersection of Harbor Boulevard and North Street~ Job 7426 City Hall~ Anaheim.~ California ,~ COUNCIL MINUTE - January 21~ 1964,~ 1'.30, P.M. No. 798, in accordance with plan~ and specifications~ Councilman Dutfon offered Resolu'tion No. 64R..-28 for adoption~ Refer 'to Re~;olution Book. A RESOLUTION OF THE ~? v ~ ~.~T:: COUNC:L OF THE CiTY OF ANAHEIM FINALLY ACCEPTING THE COMPLETION AND THE FURNiSHiNG OF ALL PLANT~ LABOR~ SERVIGE$~ MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT AND ALL UTiLiTIES AND TRANSPORTATION INCLUDING POWER, FUEL AND WATER~ AND THE PERFORMANCE OF ALL WORK NECESSARY TO CONSTRUCT AND COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC 'IMPROVEMENT~ TO ~IT: FURNISHING AND IN- STALLING 'TRAFFIC S~GNALS AND SAFETY L~GHTiNG AT THE INTERSECTION OF HARBOR BOULEVARD AND NORTH STREET~ IN rHE CITY OF ANAHEIM~ JOB NO. 798. (C.T. g F., Inc.] On roll call the foregoing Resolution No. 64R-28 was duly passed and adopted by' the following 'vote: AYES~ COONGiLMEN: Dut'ton~ Chandler~ Schutte~ Krein and Coons NOES ~ COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT: COUNCILMEN ~ None '7he Mayoz declared Resolution No. 64R-28 duly passed and adopted, RESOLUTION NO. 64R,-29~ On the certification of the Director of Public Works that Kaufman ,and Walter has completed the construction and installation of Cabinet Work for the Anaheim Central Library~ Work Order No. 4502~ 2rem Noo 1~ in ac~.;ord~nce with plans ~nd specifications~ Councilman Dut'ton offered Re~oiation ii~o~ 6~R,-29 for adoption~ Refer to Resolution Book. A RESOLOrlON OF THE }fT?' COUNCIL OF THE CiTY OF ANAHEIM FINALLY ACCEPTING [HE COMPLETION OF THai PORTION O~ WORK ORDER NO, 4502 DE~RIBED AS FOLLOWS: .iTEM ~1 ,- SECTION ~t OF SPECiFiCATiONS - CABINET WORK~ FOR THE ANAHEIM CENTRAL LiBRAR'¥ AT BROADWA~ AND HARBOR BOULEVARD~ iN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM. ~Kaufman and Walter' On roll call the foregoing Resolution NoG 64R-29 was duly passed ~nd adopted ~'y the following vo'te~ A'TES: COUNCiLMEN: Dut'ton, Chandler~ Schutte, Krein and Coons NOES ~ CO'UNC '~ LMEN: None ABSENT~ CO0'NCiLMEN ~ N'one 'The MaTor declared Re.~olution No. 64R-29 duly passed and adopted. RESOLUIiON NO. 64R-30: On the ~ertification of the Director of Public Works that Ro 7~ Noble Comp~.n? ha.-~ <ompleted the construction of the Winston Road Street i. mprove~ent~ fob No. 778~ in accordance with plans and ~pecifications~ Coun:-ilman Dutton offered Resolution No. 64R-30 for adoption° Refez to Reoolution Book~ A RESOLUTION OF 'THE 'S,~ T'~''''''~' COjNC]L OF THE ,,-,~"~F?'_~ OF ANAHEIM FINALLY ACCEPTING THE COMPLETION AND THE FURN~fSH~NG OF ALL PLANT~ LABOR~ SERVICES~ ~ATERIAL$ A~ EQUiP~ENT A~ ALL JTiLZTiE$ AND tRANoPORT TiON INCL~ING POWER, FUEL AND WATER, AND THE PERFORMANCE OF ALL WORK NECESSARY TO CONSTRUCT AND COMPLETE THE FOLLOWTNG PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT, TO WIT: '~E IMPROVEMENT OF WINSTON ROAD~ FRO~ STA~E COLLEGE BOULEVARD TO APPROXIMATELY 1320 FEET EAST OF STATE COLLEGE BOULEVARD,, iN THE SiT':f OF ANAHEIM~ JOB NO. 778. (R. ],~ Noble Coo ', On roll call the foregoing Resolution No. 64R-29 was duly passed and adopted b'f the following vote~- 7427 City ,H,all~ Anaheim~ California ,-, COUNCIL MINUTES -January 217 19647 1;30 P.M. AYES: COUNCILMEN: Dutton~ Chandler~ $chutte, Krein and Coons NOES~ COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None The Mayor declared Resolution No. 64R-30 duly passed and adopted. SANTA ANA FREEWAY AGREEMENT: On motion by Councilman Chandler, seconded by Councilman Dutton~ the City Attorney was instructed to prepare necessary resolution accepting the Santa Aha Freeway Agreement with the State Divi- sion of Highways° MOTION CARRIED, RESOLUTION NO. 64R-31; On report and recommendation of the Superintendent of the Water Division, Councilman Schutte offered Resolution No. 64R-31 for adoption, accepting agreement between the City of Anaheim and the Stanton County Water District° Refer to Resolution Book° A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT WITH STANTON COUNTY WATER DISTRICT WITH REFERENCE TO CONSTRUCTION OF AN EMERGENCY STANDBY CONNECTION BETWEEN THE DISTRICT'S WATER SYSTEMS AND THE CITY WATER SYSTEM IN TRACT NO. 3349. On roll call the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the followin9 vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Dui'ton, Chandler~ Schutte~ Krein and Coons NOES: COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None The Mayor declared Resolution No. 64R-31 duly passed and adopted. DEEDS OF EASEMENT: Councilman Krein offered Resolutions Nos, 64R-32 to 64R-37, both inclusive, for adoption~ Refer to Resolution Book. RE,SOLUTION.,NO. 64R-32: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A GRANT DEED CONVEYING TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY' FOR AN EASEMENT FOR PUBLIC UTILITY PURPOSES. (Fritz and Rose Goossens) RESOLUTION NO. 64R-33: A RESOLUtiON OF THE CiTY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A GRANT DEED CONVEYING TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY FOR AN EASEMENT FOR ROAD AND PUBLIC UTILITY PURPOSES. (Nell Ret/man) RESOLUTION NO. 64R-34: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING AN EASEMENT DEED CONVEYING TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY FOR EASEMENTS FOR ROAD AND PUBLIC UTILITY PURPOSES ONLY. (Bethel Baptist Church) RESOLUIION NO. 64R,-35: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING AN EASEMENT DEED CONVEYING '~0 THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY FOR AN EASEMENT FOR PUBLIC UTILITY' PURPOSES. (Joseph E. Stehly and .June Stehly) RESOLUTION NO. 64R-36: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A GRANT DEED CONVEYING TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY FOR AN EASEMENT FOR ROAD AND PUBLIC UTILITY PURPOSES. (Henry M. and Angola M. Plou') RESOLUTION NO. 64R-37: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A GRANT DEED CONVEYING TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY FOR EASEMENTS FOR PUBLIC UTILITY PURPOSES. (Manco Develop- merit Co. ) 7428 City H~ll~ Anaheim~ California - COUNCIL MINUTES -J'anuary 21~ 1964~ 1:30 P.M. On roll call the foregoing Resolutions Nos, 64R-32 to 64R-37, both inclu~ive~ ~r~ duly pa~sed and ~dopted by ~he ~ollowing vo~e: A?~ES~ COUNCILMEN: Dut'ton, Chandler~ $chutte~ Krein and Coons NOES ~ COUNCILMEN ~, None ABSENT ~ COUN.C I LMEN ~. None The Mayor declared Resolutions Nos, 64R-32 to 64R-37~ both inclusive~ were dui'? p_~ssea and adopted° CLAIM AGAINST THE CfT? ~i. CONDiTiONAL USE PERMIT NO. 285): Claim filed by John C. Glithero~ Sro, Attorney on behalf of Maurioe Pinto, for damages purportedly resulting from. denial of Conditional Use Permit No. 285~ was denied and referred to -the Ci'ty Attorney~ on motion by Councilman Dutton, ~econded by''~ounc z" lm~n S,~hut'te ~ MOT?ON CARR..~ED.~ ANAHEIM CHAMBER OF COMMERCE RECOMMENDATION - UNDERGROUND INSTALLATION OF UTILITIES: Correspondence dated December 20,~ 1963, from the Anaheim Chamber of Commerce~ together ~ith resolution of the Community Improvement Com- mittee of the Anaheim Chamber of Commerce~ recommendin9 that a study be made by appropriate Clty departments relative to economic feasibility of future ins'tailat~.on:.~ of underground utilities., was submitted. On motion by Coun.::::liman 'Chandler, seconded by Councilman Krein, ~aid ~ecommendation was ordered received and filed~ and the City Clerk was directed to ad~Lse the Chamber of Commerce that such a study is pre- ;entiy -_n p:og~ ORANGE COUNT~ MOSQUITO ABATEMENt DiSTRiCT: Mlnu'tes of the Orange County Mosquito Abatement District meeting of December 20~ 19639 were ordered received and fiied~ on motion by Coun,:ilman Dutton~ seconded by Council- man Chandlezo MOTJON CARRiED~ CORRESPONDENCE~ The folio~ing .:o:re~spondence was ordered received and filed~ on motion by 3oun~til~an Duzton, :~econded by Councilman Chandler: ~o C o do Sopy of letter from Board of ~[ru:'~tees~ Anaheim Library~ -ommenaing 'the Divtlslon of Proper'ty Maintenance on move of Letter fro~ State of California, Department of Public Works, ':.once~ning ~ Pro:edural ~anual for Administration of fhe Prov~.r:,ion:~ of the Collier~Unruh Local Transportation Develop- ment A~: t~, Notice of Hea~-ing before the PUC in the matter of the Applica- tio.n of Stanley 6~'' Alexander for certificate of public con- venience ~.nd nece~:~it'}' to operate passenger service between Disneylana Hotel and points and places in Orange County, Resolution of the Board of Supervisors of Orange County~ ,.3alifornia, ~etti. ng forth the user fees currently in effect at the Pe~..'e Off ir. ers '[raining Facility~ MOTION CARR IED,,. FINANCIAL AND OPERAFiNG REPORTS: Financial and Operating Reports for the month of December~ 1963, ~ere ordered received and filed~ on motion by Council- man Chandler~ ~e¢onded by Councilman Kreino MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCE NO. 1964~ Councilman Kzein offered Ordinance No. 1964 for final readin9~ Refer to Ordinance Book° AN ORDINANCE OF THE CiTY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING TITLE 14~ CHAPTER 14.20 OF THE ANAHEIM MUN2CiPAL CODE B'? ADDING SECTION 14o20.100, RELATING TO ONE-WAY STREETS, 'Durst Street ,-, one,-,way westbound~ 3:00 P.M. to 6:00 P~.) 7429 City Nall~ Anahe.im~ California - COUNCIL MINUIE$ - January 21~ 1964, 1:30 P.M. After hea~ing read in full the 'title of Ordinance No. 1964 and having knowledge of the contents therein, Councilman Dutton moved the read- ing in full of said ordinance be waived~ Councilman Chandler seconded the motion. MOTION UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED. On roll call 'the foregoing Ordinance was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN~ Dutton, Chandler~ Schutte~ Krein and Coons NOES: COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT: COUNCILMEN, None Mayor Coons declared the foregoing Ordinance No. 1964 duly passed and adopted° ORDINANCE NO. 1965: Councilman Schut'te offered Ordinance No. 1965 for final reading° Refer to Ordinance Book° AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING TITLE 18 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO ZONING. (63-6~-53 - C-l) After hearing read in full the title of Ordinance Nco 1965 and having knowledge of the contents therein, Councilman Dut%on moved the read- ing in full of said ordinance be waivedo Councilman Chandler seconded the motion~ MOTION UNANIMOUSLY' CAR~!ED~ On roll call the foregoing Ordinance was duly passed and adopted by the following vote~ AYES~ COUNCiLMEN~ Dutton, Chandler~ Schutte~ Krein and Coons NOES: COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None Mayor Coons declared the foregoing Ordinance Nco 1965 duly passed and adopted° ORDINANCE NO. 1966: Councilman Chandler offered Ordinance No. 1966 for final readingo Refer to Ordinance Book. AN ORDTNANCE OF THE CiTY OF .ANAHEIM AMENDING T~irLE 18 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO ZONiNG~ '~62.-63-107 - R-3) After heaz~ing read :in full the title of Ordinance No. 1966 and having knowledge of 'the contents therein, Coun~ilman Dutton moved the read- ing in full of said ordinance be waived° Councilman Chandler seconded the motion. MOTION UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED~ On roll call 'the foregoing Ordinance was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Dutton~ Chandler~ Schutte~ Krein and Goons NO~§: COU~C I LMEM ~ ~one ABSENT: COUNCILMEN ~ None Mayor Coons declared the foregoing Ordinance No. 1966 duly passed and adopted. ORDINANCE NO. 1967: Councilman Dutton offered Ordinance No. 1967 for first reading. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CiTY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING TITLE 14, CHAPTER 14.329 SECTION 1~o32.155 and i~32~190 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL GODE~ RELATING TO PARKING. (Restricted parking ~. portion Anaheim Road) 7430 City Hall~ Anaheim~ California - COUNCIL MINUTES - January 21~ 1964~ 1:30 P.M. After heaI~ng read in full the tltle of Ordinance No, 1967 and having knowledge of the :ontents the:rein~ Councilman Dutton moved the reading .in full of ~aid ordinance be waived, Councilman Chandler seconded the mot:~on, MOTION UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED. ORDINANCE NO 1968; ,Councilman Kr.e[n offered Or. dinance No. 1968 for first reading° AN ORDINANCE OF THE CiTY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING TITLE 18~ OF THE ANAHEIM aUN[CiPAL CODE RELAT/iNG '[O ZON[NG~ ( 63-64,-27 - C-1 & P-l) After hear'~ng read in full the 'title of Ordinance No. 1968 and hav:ing knowledge of the :ontents ~hereln, Councilman Dutton moved the reading in full of -aria o:rdinance be waived~ Councilman Chandler seconded the motion. MOTION UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED. REQUEST ,- AMENDMENT ZO STATE EMPLOYEES RE'ZfREMENI SYSTEM CONTRACT: Request dated lanuary 10, 1964~ f~'om Anaheim Municipal Employees Association~ that the City of Anaheim investigate an amendment to the State Employees Reti~:ement System Contract~ to p~ovZde income adjustments for retired employees of the City of Anaheim~ was submitted. On motion by Coun::ilman Chanaler~ seconded by Councilman Kreln~ ,,~aid request was ~efe:red to the Personnel Department for :omplete ~tudy ~nd :::epcot. MOTION CARRYED,~ ANAHEIM 'VALENCia ORANGE ASSOCIAtiON - PROXY: Mr. Murdoch reported that t~e Anaheim Valen:ia Orange A:~:o.:iation w~ll hold a special stock- holders meeting, F.iida¥, fanua~y 24, k964~, at 9:30 A.M~ to determine whether of not to ele: / to d!~ol've the Associa/ion~ and to au/ho- ~ze the ~ie o: tran'~fer: of -~1 or part of the assets of the Association, and 'traa.~d:t u~h further burdines5 as may be inciden- tal thereto. On motion by Coun;Liman K~e:~n~ seconded by Councilman Dutton-~ Coun.::iiman $ butte 'wa~ .author-~zed to represent the City of Anaheim at ~ald m. eet~ng~ ~:nd as proxy, ~a~t the votes of the city ~tcora~ng to the ~.t'y~'s be~t lnteres't~ MOTION CARRIED. RESOLUTION NO~ 64R-38: Soun::iiman Kzetn offer-ed Resolution No. 64R-38 for adopt ion,, Refe] to Re:~okutton Book, A RESOLUTION OF FHE :U.iT? COUNCIL OF FHE CiTY OF ANAHEIM APPROVING '[HE JOIN'[ COMMUNitY RECREAY .: ON PROGRAM OF t'HE CiTY OF ANAHEIM~ THE ,ANAHEIM UNi.[ON HIGH SCHOOL DLS,rRi"U[~ THE ANAHEIM CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT~ AND AUTHORiZiNG ~[HE MAYOR AND Ci[¥ CLERK OF THE CiTY OF ANAHEIM TO ENTER INTO AND EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT FOR SUCH JOiNY COMMUNITY RE- CREATION PR. OGRAMo Fi.~. ai year~ 1963-i96.4' On roll all the foregoing resolution was duly passed and aOopted by the following vote: AYES: COjNCiLMEN: Dutton, 3handlez~ Schutte~ Krein and Coons NOES: ~..~OgNC ~_LME : None ABSEN[: COUNCILMEN: None '.The Mayor de~ iarea Re~oiution No. 64R-38 duly passed and adopted o CIVIC CONVENTION CENTER - EMPLOYMENT OF ARCHIIECTURAL FIRM; Mro Murdoch reported on proposals of 'the four architectural firms interviewed, to design a Civic Convention Center,~ 'Councilman K~:ein moved that 'the City of Anaheim offer a contract 'to Adrian Wilson and Aoso~' zate:~ to design 'the Civic Convention Center~ in 7431 C.i.t¥. Hall~ Anaheim~ Cali£ornia - COUNCIL MINUTES -January 21~ 1964~ 1:30 P.M. accordance with proposal made by ~ald firmo ~ ' ~ ~ouncilman Dutton seconded the motion~ MOIION CARRZED, RECESS: Councilman Chandler moved to recess to 7;00 P.M. Councilman $chutte seconded the motion° MOTION CARRIED. AFTER RECESS: Mayor Coons called 'the meeting to order~ 7=00 O°Clock P.M. PRESENT: COUNCILMEN: Dutton, Chandler~ $chutte~ Krein and Coons. ABSENT: COUNCILMEN; None o PRESENT: CITY MANAGER~ Keith A~ Murdocho CITY ATIORNEY: Joseph Geislero CiTY CLRRK: Dene M. Wi]liam~ P,LANNI~:G D~RECTOR: Richard Ao Reese~ ZONING ZOORDiNAi'OR: Ma~-czn ~eldt~ .I.NV~AIION; T~':e invocation was glven by Reverend Nether o~ the First Free Metho- dis~ Churc]- o -' FLAG SALUTE: Mayor Coons led tlqe assembly in tine Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. PUBLIC HEARING - CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 512~ Submitted by Albert J. and Florence Janzen, F. N= Doyle~ L. P. Shields and Wilma L. Miller (David S. Collins Agent) requesting permission to establish a twenty-two story hotel (Sheraton-Anaheim) including ~pe<~ialt'y :shops and associated services, on property presently zoned R-A, briefly d~scribed as localed a~ the northeast corner of Ball Road and The City Planning Commission pursuant 'to Resolution No. 987, Series 1963-6~, granted ~aid Conditional Use Permit subject to the follow- ing conditions: i. That 'the owners of ~subject property shall deed to the City of Anaheim a --". strip of land 57 feet in width, as required by Resolution No. 6111, or the latest revision 'thereof~ from the center line of the street~ alon9 West Street for street widening purposes. 2. That the owners of subject property shall deed to the City of Anaheim a strip of land 53 feet in width, from the center line of the street, along Ball Road~, for street widening purposes° 3. That street improvemen.t plans shall be prepared and all engineering requirements of the City of Anaheim along the Freeway off-ramp, Ball Road~ West S'treet~ and Vermont Street, such as curbs and gutters~ side- walks~ stree~t grading .and paving~ drainage facilities, or other appurte- nant work shall be completed as required by ~he City £ngineer and in accordance with standard plans and specifications on file in the Office of the City Engineer; and that a bond in an amount and form satisfactory to the City of Anaheim shall be posted with the City to guarantee the installation of said engineering requirements° 4. That the owners of subject property shall pay to the City of Anaheim the sum of $2°00 per {runt foo't~ along the Freeway off-ramp, Ball Road, West Street and Vermont Street, for street lighting purposes. 5. That trash storage areas shall be provided in accordance with approved plans on file in the Office of the Director of Public Works~ prior ~o final building inspection.. 6. That fire hydrants shall be installed as required and determined to be necessary by the Chief of the Fire Department~ to be installed prior to final building inspectiono 7. That Condition Nos, 1, 2~ 3, and 4~ above mentioned~ shall be complied with within a period of 180 days from date hereof~ or such further time as the Commission may grant~ 8. That subject property shall be developed substantially in accordance with plans and specifications on file with the City of Anaheim, marked "Exhibit Nos. 1 through 6~ provided thai the garage parking facilities and abutting parking area shall be developed in accordance with Exhibit No. 7. 9. Thai tree wells shall be provided at approximate 40-foot intervals in the West Street~ Ball Road, and off-ramp street parkways abutting subject property~ that plan5 for said tree wells and planting of trees therein, shall be submitted to and approved by the Superintendent of Parkway Maintenance~ and said tree wells shall be planted with trees prior ~o final building inspectiono 7432 C. ity Ha. ll~ Anahei~ California .-,~OUN~.L MINUTES -.January 21~ 1964~ 1.;30 P.M. 10o That a ten foot strip of land shall be landscaped on West Street, Ball Road, and the cit.-ramp street frontages and said landscaping maintained~ as indicated on Exhibit No. 2 on file with the Cityl 'that plans for ~aid landscaping shall be submitted to and approved by the Superintendent of Parkway Maintenancet and that said land- soaping shall be installed prio~ to final building inspection. 11. That all air-condi'tioning facilities shall be properly shielded from view~ Appeal from action taken at the City Planning Commission was filed by Mro Edwin D~ Ettinger~ Director-Marketing Division of Disneyland~ becouse of visual intrusion to Disneyland, resulting from a building of such height,. Mr~ Kreidt noted the location of subject property~ the zoning and existing u~es in th~ immediate area~ in ~ummarizing the public hearing before 'the City Planning Commi~sion~ he called attention to Pinding No. 5 of City Planning Commis!~ion resolut~on, notin9 that precise plans of de- velopmen't be ~ubmitted 'to the City Council for approval prior to the issu- ance of building permit for each phase of development° He also noted Pinding No. 6 limiting 'the he%ght of the structure to 260 feet. Mr~ Kreidt further called at'ten'tlon to Condition Nco 1 of Resolution No° 987~ advising that the condition was intended to answer request filed by Mro Collin~ December 6~ 1963~ regardin9 right-of-way dedication for the ~zaenlng of We~t Street° ~The May'or invited the appeilant to address the Council. ~r. E, D~ Ettlnger, 101,4 Kamen Place~ Anaheim, advised that Disneyland ,~_~ repre~.enteO tni:~ e~ening by Mr~ Dorm Tatum, Vice-President~ John W~se, Chief 'Enginee~ ~ Mz,~ Vi :'toz Greene~ Senior Art Director, Robert Fo~tez, Legal Co'un~el, ~r,, Bill Ev.sns~ Landscape Architect and He c~ilea ~tt,entton to t.e~,eral photos placed on the west wall of the Coun,::il sha~:be~--~ taken fxom ,~'ariou:~ locations within the Disneyland Park, with the pzopo,.,ed hotel ~tructure ._~uperimposed to illustrate the visual intru:.~ion :into t,he p:~k,~ Mz,~ Et'ringer zeaa letter d;~ted ,.anuary 20, 1964~ sent by him to 'the Anaheim .3it¥ .'~ouncii ::~tat!ng thei: po~ition and basis on which thei~ appeal ~va:~ f~ied lette~ on file'., ~r,~ Ettingez ~tated tha't the'? :~dmit to 'the problem created by zhe Disneyland Hotel. to'~er; ho~ever~ the problem was anticipated at the .time permi:,,sion wa,~ gr..~n/ed for the high.~ri~e building, and Disneyland at the same time ant:z.~_ipated the Ne'~ Orleans Square to be completed~ ,~'h~<::h, ~ith additzonai ].anr~:~'ap:n. 9, ~ould ~czeen out the visual intrusion. ['ne reason theft tnl:~ h,a~ not o cuzzea,, ~a'~ due to their ~nvolvement in design etc,~ for the ~ew 'fork Wo~ld F-air~ ho~ever~ the New Orleans Square is planned for completion th~:~ :oming ~ummero Regarding the point made ,~oncezning 'the large attendance to the park, there '~va~ pointed out in their annual report that a signi- ficant part of thi,; tncr,~a;e i~'~ attributable to the ~uccess off night- time activi'tie,~ and ~pecial party even't.~, Mro :i'ohn Wise~ Chief Engineer of Disne¥1and~ 1851 Chalet Avenue, Anaheim, advl~ed that according to 'the plans presented them for study~ the propo'sed building h~ .'an over,-ail height of 270 feet to 'the upperm, o'~st extrem.:itv and i:s 400 :feet wide~ and will be located 1700 feet north of the noxth rlm. of the Disneyland Park, 1,000 feet north of the Pony Farm no:li~ fence line~ and 478 feet from the north property line of the Di~ne'yl~nd p~opez'ty,~ 7433 City Hall~ Anaheim~ California ,- COUNCIL MINUTES - ,January 21~ 1964~ 1.-30 P.M. Ihe real relationship to them is the location of the proposed building and the distance from the berm and the height of the berm. He noted that the Disneyland Hotel tower building is located approximately Fifteen Hundred feet from the west berm of the park, and is one hundred and twenty three feet high, and is very much in evidence from certain points in the park; however~ with the completion of the New Orleans Square and the completion of the planting of the west berm, it will eventually screen out the Disneyland Hotel tower buildingo Mr, Wise advised treat knowing the height, location and width of the proposed building~ they were able to establish angles both vertical and horizontal~ by means of a transit located in various critical areas in the park~ and were able to determine the width and height that the build- ing would intercept the horizon° He further advised that the results of thi~ were discused with the proponents for the hotel; following this Mro Collins floated balloons approximately 243 feet in the air~ representing the east and west corners of the building, taking the photographs of them as 'they toured through the park° Looking at the balloons .~na 'the photographs~ it was found that they had accurately predicted the location of the buildingo Slides of the pictures were then shown~ the first being a map of the Disneyland area~ the non cross-hatched area illustrating those areas within Disne¥1and at 9rede level where a 'visual intrusion problem would develop~ the cross-hatched areas repre~enting areas of future expansion° Anothe~ picture taken from the back of the Mark Twain, looking into ~rontierland~ where appeared approximately eight of nine stories projected above the horizon° Another view taken from Fantasyland~ showing approximately twelve or fourteen stories of the proposed building projecting above the horizono Another view taken in Frontieriand at the raft area. Mro Wise stated that a't this location it ~ould require eucalyptus 'trees between ninety feet and one hundred feet high 'to screen off the intrusion. Other views were briefly .as follows: (a) The Painted Desert area, Mine Train ride. (b) The Indian Village area° (c) Story-Book Land~ taken from the Casey J'ro~ Train~ which indicated an intrusion of approximately twelve to fourteen stories. (d'~ In front of 'the Mark Twain Dock, showing an intrusion of approxi- mately nine 'to ten storieso (e) A map indicatin9 intrusion problems as currently exist from the Disney±and Hotel tower building and 'the map showing the conditions after completion of the New Orleans Square buildings and comple- tion of the landscaping° Mro Wise advised that the intrusion shown on the later map was in all cases in elevated areas. An aerial photograph showin9 the superimposition of the building wherein the vertical and horizontal scale of the building was obtained from the eighty foot high power poles alon9 Ball Road. Mr. Wise referred to 'the first plot map shown indicatin9 again the areas of visual intrusiono He further advised that they considered the possibility of planting which would require 'trees of 'the height of ninety feet to one hundred feet~ which were not only unavailable, but would be in- practical. Considered also, was increasin9 the height of the berm~ and to double the height of 'the present berm to thirty-six feet, would require three times additional earth fill as 'they now have for 'the eighteen foot berm° Mr~ Donn Tatum, Vice President of Dl:~neyland Organization, and Vice President of Disneyland Administration, appearing on behalf of the 7434 City Hall~ Anaheim~ California - CO'0NCiL MiNglES - JanuarY 21~ 1964~ 1..90 P.M. appeal filed~ advised that in the past eight years Disneyland has been visited by more than forty million people, He further advised that not long after Disneyland opened in 1955, it was realized that the park was something different and not .just an amusement park in the sense of the word 'that had current ~:ognozation at that tlme~ amusement park in their opinion, did not describe ~hat Di~:~ne'y'iand is, The thing that is differ- ent about Disneyland ls the thlng the'¥ 'were talking about, and was the basis of their appe:a],. He noted their position has been consistent and referred 'to past permits granted where the height limitation was imposed by the City Council, and as result the D[sneyland Hotel was reduced in height from what they had con~templated at that time, To clarify ~he reiationship between the Disneyland Hotel and Disneyland~ Mr., [arum reported that although the Disneyland Hotel bore their name~ it was an entirely separate corporation with separate owner- ship and financing½ ~he relationship to Disneyland is as a lessee of their land and a contract that gives 'the r~ght to use the name of Disneyland. Mr, Tatum ;tared that the concept they seek to protect is the basic concept that when a visitor enters Disneyland~ he enters a worl~ of tilu~on:, fantasy and nostalgia~ and an area that has been care- fully constructed in three dimensions to place him in one or more scenes that bear no relation to the reality of the world he has left behind upon entering D~sneylan~and thi~ was the 'thing that was different about Disneylando He further advised that they, as ~.and owners and citizens~ were exerci:~ir~g the_ir r:ight under the provision of the Anaheim ~uni- cipal Code as relates to lanO u~e and zoning; that according to the City Ordinance the proponents a:re requireO to show that the proposed use will not ad'.~ersely affect the existing 'use of the adjoining land or the future development of the area,~, in their opinion the encroachment on Disne'yiand with the :intrusion vi~,uall'y of a large inconsistent structure against the horizon does present a situation that will adversely effect the utilization of their ~.andt that it is a fact that the building as proposed will intrude into the park .and will be inconsistent with the basic concept on w'hi~'h Di~neytand :t~ based? and will affect the basis of appeal of Disneyiand to man'? people~ and in turn~, affect the attendance° Wro Tatum repot'ted that over tmo-thirds of the visitors to Disneyland come iron out .... de of the Cos Angeles-Orange County area.~ and over one-half of the ~-~itors come f~oro outside of the State of Cali fornia o He reported that the question to them. was whether or not the community would be willing to provide an environment surrounding Disney- land~ which will be conducive to future expansion and development; en- abling the pa:~k to mainta._n :its appeal '[he resolution of 'this question ~,?a:s,~ very serious one 'to zhem~ as it involves future evaluation on their part of an investment and operation pr. ogram..~ Mro Tatum stated that Walt Disney has said that Disneyland will never 1ge finisheO~ it would :,~ontinue to grow~ alter and change to~ enhance its appeal; and in 'the terms of effort and money~ in the last eight years they have con~-~istenti'.~' ~ollowed thi:~ pa'ttern~ where the investment in the park has nearly tripled~ He stated that the park is dedicated to a yeah-round operation, agaznst a very unfavorable economic situation during three or four months of the year~ being the la~e fall and early spring, and the balance of the economy of Disneyland in this respect is very precarlous~ Any adverse effect on the draw would necessa~il'y ~equ-ire the evaluation on '~heir part of ~he year-round operation pol lc'y<~ Mro ~[atum reported 'that Disneyland cannot remain the Disney- land it is~ if it is to be ringed with high-rise structures~ no matter how fine the high-rise structures are in themselves° He thereupon urged the City Council to maintain their appeal and denied the Condition- al Use Permit application on 'the grounds they have set forth; and also,. 7435 City Hall~ Anaheim, California - COUNCIL MINUTES - January 21~ 1964~ 1:3.0 P.M. urged the City Council to study further the land use policy of this area, Disneyland and the proposed Convention Center; and to a degree the area dedicated to tourists and Convention Bureau~ in the light of height limit- ation requirements~ and also as a guide for the future. In answer to Councilman Dutton~s question concerninq the pines planted on the berm, Mro Bill Evans, Landscape Architect for D~sneyland, advised that the berm was planted with Monterey pines and will vary consistently in height, that the pines have been in position for approxi- mately seven or eight years~ and planted at the average size of ten to fifteen feet~ and at the present time the tallest pine has obtained the height of approximately twenty-five feet or thirty feet; further, the Monterey pine was typical of the largesi tree thai could be satisfactorily transplanted° Mro Evans stated that 'the pines in the picture that appear to screen the proposed structure were trees closest 'to the camera. Mr. Dutton referred to picture numbered 6 and asked if the tree shown in that picture was on the bermo Mr. Evans replied that the pine referred to, was approximately ten feet larger than the average~ and called attention to the fact that in some areas there are two or three berms involved~ and some of the trees appear- ing to screen the proposed buildin9 are not 'those planted on the berm. Mro Evans further advised that over 'the period of the last eight years, 'there have been screenin9 problems, ~nd the landscaping is unique in many ways, in that ~they have moved more and larqer trees than perhaos any other project in California; some of the:>~e problems have been solved, and some difficult but possible to solve; but :in the case of the proposed building, in his opinion this would be impossible to solve with landscaping. Councilman Dutton referred 'to remark made concerning future ex- pansion, and asked if it was anticipated that the expansion will extend northerly 'to Ball Road° Mr° Ettinger replied 'that 'the area north of Winston Road is planned for future expansion~ and is property which ~as a part of the original permit as 9ranted by 'the Count'? and subsequently endorsed by the City. Councilman Dutton asked Mro Ettinger if Disne¥1and perhaps had not compromised their own position regazding visual intrusion, refering to the Matterhorn and the Monorail° Mro Ettinger replied~ regarding 'these attractions~ and specifical- ly the Monorail~ the guest leaves the area of unreality but is returned to this land of illusion; this type of attraction differs from others that are based on visual illusion~ such as thei~ da~k room at%ractions~ submarine voyage ~ etCo Mr o Victor Green~ Senior Art Director for the park, pointed out methods that can be used io 'amouflage the Disneyland Hotel, whereas to the north in Frontierland and the wilderness area~ they are limited to landscap- ing only; however~ with the night shows and the reflection of lights on the water ways~ this was something that would not be camouflaged with plantings. Councilman Schutte asked Mr~ Ettinger if the hotel project would be objectionable if located south oi the park° Mro Ettinger replied, in his opinion, the answer would be general- ly "No", as most of the visual attractions are oriented to the northeast and northwest areao Councilman Dutton stated, he noted that the broadside of the hotel was located generally in an east and ~est c~rection, and asked if the problem would be lessened should the hotel be relocated~ so that the narrow side of the hotel faced the park° ' 7436 City Hall~ Anaheim~ California - COUNCIL MINUTES - January 21~ 1964~ 1:30 P.M. ~tr. Ettinger was of the opinion that this would have no bear- ing on the height problemo Mro Wise stated that this has not been suggested~ however, the proposed building is so wide~ that they still would have the problem of intrusion by virtue of the height, and in his opinion, to relocate the building would have no material effect on the problem~ as the width of the building is approximately the length of the Disneyland Hotel, which is two-hundred feet closer to the park° Mayor Coons asked what approximate percentage of the forty million 'visitors to the park were those returning because of constant expansion and change in operations° Mro Ettinger replied~ that 'the last figure he recalled, and as derived by guest opinion polls taken in the park, the percentage of repeat at'tendance would be approximately seventy percent. Mayor .Goon.~ referring to last year~s attendance of 5.6 million people, asked wha± percentage of ±he attendance was during the three summer months, and what percentage was during the remaining nine months. Mro Ettinger replied~ the summer months being the period from Memorial Day to September I$~ the period in which the park pperates on a seven day schedule, the attendance represents sliqhtly better than ~i~ty percent; that half of their attendance is obtained in one-forth of the year° Mr. Murdoch called attention to the question asked~ which he felt was not answered~ and that was whether the expansion program of Disneyland would extend northerly to Ball Road~ Mro Ettinger ad'vised that their property did not extend to Ball Road~ and further advised that at the present time, it was not known specifically how much of the area to the north would be expand- ed~ there are plans for expansion of Yrontierland and Yantasyland~ and some of the struc'tures in that area are permanent in nature, such as the Monorail sheds~ machine shops and warehouse buildings° The Mayor invited the proponents to address the Council. Mro David So Collins~ 1077 West Ball Road~ authorized agent~ introduced Mr~ Milton Freeman~ President of Adams Associates~ and Coordinator for the project~ and Mro Mazko Botich, Architect for the project° Mro Milton Freeman~ 1333 South Euclid Street~ Anaheim, with the assistance of Mr° Botich~ referred to plans placed on bulletin boards at the rear-of the Council tableo One, the plot plan indicating the location of the building and parking area, Mr. Freeman advised that the parking structure was moved at 'the request of residents in the area, so that the front- age s'treet (West Street) will be free and clear of traffic. The general elevation plan of the twenty-two story project~ the Skyroom to be a res'taurant, the lower level planned as a mall con- cepto 'The general plan of the first floor~ which Mr. Freeman stated was specifically orientated and geared for large as well as small con- ventionso Mro Freeman further advised that the general pattern for the hotel would be somewhat similar to the Statler-Hilton Hotel in Los Angeleso Other plans referred 'to and explained were: typical floor plan iof three types of suites, general elevation of the entrance area, and elevgtion of 'various room lay-outs. 7437 ~ity Hall~ Anaheim~ California - COUNCIL MINUTES - January 21~ 1964~ 1:30 P.M. Mro Freeman then presented written copies of his presentation to each Councilman~ and read said presentation dated January 21, 1964, for the benefit of others present (copy on file~ The presentation included background in plannin9 and economic data on the project~ and the names of the owners of the hotel (the owners were present at the meeting and introduced to the City Council). At the conclusion of the presentation, Mr. Freeman requested an affirmative decision by the City Council° Mro Robert Sa Barnes~ attorney for the peti'tioners~ stated in his opinion there has been no evidence presented as to what the so-called visual intrusion would do to the Di)neyland operation~ t)~ey }':ave not been able to introduce any evidence other than their open,on that this project may affect thelz busines~. He noted last year in spite of the intrusion of the Disneyland Hotel, the Disneyland Park had a 20 percent increase in their 9ross business~ which was attributed to night functions and special events~ this, he felt, will continue. As to what effect, if any~ the so-called intrusion would have, there were as many different opinions as there are people in the room. He felt it was not a fair concept or that anyone had a right as a matter of law to say~""You shall not build next to me because I have the right to look in that direction~. Mro Barnes further felt that vi~itor~ to the park, returning to the park, or recommendin9 the park to their friends, would not be deterred because of the structure that is planned~ that upon entering the park you are facinated by what is there~ and one is not looking skyward~ Reference was made to Central Park, which is ringed by huge sky~scrapperso Mr. Barnes stated~ in visiting Central Park, one wa~ not looking at 'the high-rise buildings, and in Disneyiand it ~ould be even less so~ as there are so many things to see° i't seem~ obvious to him 'that tree~ will grow~ and will assist in blocking ou't the so-called intrusion; in add~tion, larger 'trees can be pur- chased,~ ~ He noted that 'the center of the park was twenty-three hundred feet from the proposed structure, and seventeen hundred feet from 'the outer peri- phery of the park devel0pment~ Mr. Barnes felt it was unfair and unreasonable, and close to being quite arbi'trar~, in the legal sense of the word~ to tell a property owner that because someone else plans at some point in the future to build within q68 feet from 'your property~ you can only build twelve stories~ in spite of the fact that there ls seventeen hundred feet distance at the present time, and no definite plans for development of 'the balance of the property at this timeo Mro Barnes advised that as one of the legal counsels for the proponents, it appeared to him, tha't there is apparently no area of compro- mise, that a compromise offer to construct a structure up to 208 feet has been made, and no answer to 'this reduction has been received° He stated there was an infezence tha't if 'the hotel was built in any place other than t~at acceptable to Disne¥1and~ there would be a re- appraisal of their operation, this inference, in his opinion, ~ould be an unfortunate basis for planning<, In summary~ Mr° Barnes advised~ that Disneyiand was asking the City Council to take their statements that possibly the park will be injured by a building to the west° Planning must be reasonable~ and conditions must be reasonable. The conditions requested by Disneyland, in his opinion~ were obviously unreasonableo He felt that they were sincere, but that this was something that was not factual~ nor had any factual basis~ Mr. Barnes requested, on behalf of the principals~ that a decision be reached this evening because of their critical time schedule, that unless primary ground work is commenced on or about February ls't~ it will be ex- 7438 City Hall~ Anaheim~ California- COUNCIL MINUTES - January 21~ 1964~ 1:30 P.M. tremely difficult to open the hotel by the spring of 1966. He stated the hotel must open by the spring of 1966 or face economic problems~ and any delay could texminate the entire project~ 'Tn conclusion, Mr. Barnes noted the progress and example set b7 the City of Anaheim in planning~ and advised that the City was in the position to do a great thing for the County of Orange and specifically for the Cit7 of Anaheim~ by allowing thi.~ project either on the basis approved by the City Planning Commi~on,, or tn the basis of the compromise offer- ed, Concerning the compromLse offered to reduce the structure to 208 feet~ Mro Barnes read letter dated this date from Mr. David Collins (letter on file)o ~r, Freeman presented elevation revisions of the building, revising 'the height to 208 feet~ ~eeping the same concept~ both for air-conditioning purposes, and for highest and best use of the land; removing fifty-two feet from the top~ reducing the twenty-two story structure to seventeen stories plus a penthouse, and adding bays, both to the east and west~ He o'tated that this would crowd the hotel, but they in 9ood fai[h felt they should do all that they could to make the project ac~:eptable,~ Mr~ Freeman was of the opinion that many of the trees now, and with two additional year~s growth~ would totaly obscure the building in many of the azea:~ shown on the photos presented by Disneyland: ~zo Freeman further aav~sed of attempts made between Disney- land and themselves to resolve th:is problem~ and that Friday of last week they received a definition as to the ~onoep't Disneyland would approve° Mr~ Alexande~ Bowie~ Attorney w~th the firm of Rutan and Associates~ appearing on behalf of Doyle and Shield, owner in part of the parcel of property under ~:on~ide:r, ation~ stated that the City Council ha~ heard 'the pre~entation by the Disne¥1and organization, and in his opinion~ M:r~ Baznes ha:s very ably placed these desires~ thelr pre~=en~::e and effe~;t¢, if any -tn 'the future~ in the context of · the matte~ before 'the City Counallo Mz-~ Bowie advlsed that one of the facts which he felt important in this matter wa~s 'the fact that these gentlemen have spent a great deal of time and money ~n seeking to erect this very fine structure whi.:h would be a benefit to the City of Anaheim~ the County of Orange and to Southern Caiifornia~, A Conditional Use Permit was applied for, and studied at length by the Planning Staff and Planning Commission~ and conditions were ~ttached to the granting of the Conditional Use Permit, which were felt to be reasonable ne:~essary for the promotion of the public health~ safety and general welfaret these ,~onditions are sound~ and are the proper sub- jects as set forth in the zoning ordinance~ As far as the purpose of this hearing, one could conclude that the purpose is to endeavor to establish a land use policy in, and around the Disne¥iand area, which would preclude the erection of any structure which might be visible from any one particular location in the Disneyland Park~ or to establish a policy that the zoning power might be implemented to preclude a bonafide use of one man~s property~ for the benefit solely of another, in his opinion the real purpose of the hearing would be to review the subject project~ and determine if the conditions as imposed by the Planning Comm:ission were adequate to protect the public health, safety and welfare. Regarding specifics, Mz, Bowze noted 'that there are at present structures around the Disneyland Park that are and always will be visible, some areas in the park are secluded now, and always will bet further, some structures may be erected in the area~ which are visible at this time 7439 Ci.ty Hall~ Anaheim~ California - COUNCIL MiNU/ES - January 21~ 1964~ 1~30 P.M. and possibly visible in the fu'ture, although many solutions can be taken by Disneyland to remedy this situation° He called attention to the fact that other people are involved in this project other than the Disneyland organization~ they are the land owners~ residents and citizens of the City of Anaheim, whose properties are involved in this project, and to say that 'this structure should not be erected by reason of the fact that 'the property is located on the north as opposed to the sou±hr was in his opinion~ unreasonable and to the point of being almost confiscatory~, Mr, Bowie agreed wzth the point made by Mr,~ garnes~ and was of the opinion that the millions of children visiting the park~ were preocupied by the structures and projects in the park~ and doubted if the level of their gaze ever reached above the 'thirty foot trees planted atop the eighteen foot berm° Councilman Chandler directed a question to Mro Barnes and Mr. Bowie~ advising that it has been stated that it has been no fact presented by Disneyland concerning 'their opinion~ and asked if the pictures presented~ the figures and visualization of the building from 'the park area noted~ were in their opinion erroneous° Mr° Barnes replied that in his opinion there was no question that if 'the buildin9 was constructed of 'the size con/emplated~ or the size suggested in their compromi~e~ it could be seen~ however~ the point he attempted to make was that there is no evidence of the fact that qlancing at that building~ would date: anyone from ~:o~inc~ to the park° in his opinion this was a subjective concept on the part of someone that as result of this proposed structure the park will lose popularity. Councilman Chandler asked~ how the reduction of the building to a height of 208 feet resolve the problemo Mro Barnes replied~ that additional trees and foliage can be planted, and if 'the height of the structure is reduced~ obviously as the plantings grow~ the problem from a visual intrusion standpoint, will be reduced° He fur'ther advised that if the impact of 'the 'visual obstruction of 'this building is a fact~ to which 'they did not concede~ that will deter attendance of the pazk~ if the l~eight of the structure is reduced, it would be hoped that this would alleviate the problem from the Disney- land standpoin't~ Councilman Chandler asked what factors were used to compromise the problemo Mro Barnes answered the fa~ztor was e~zonomics~ it was an analysis by the principals and 'their advisers, tha't 'this would be the maximum re- duc±ion possible for~ the projec~t to be economically feasible; and in order to obtain management from Sheraton Hotei~ who are interested only in a large complex~ the building height was reduced~ and the building increased in size over additional lando In answer to a question r~;:sea by Mro Barne$~ the Mayor reported that all exhibits produced at this hearing, will remain a part of the record~ however~ the pictures presented by Disneyland, can be substituted by smaller ones for easier ~ii~ng~ RECESS.. Councilman Krein moved fora hen minute recess~ Councilman Dutton seconded the motion° MOTION CARRIED ~:'9'00 P M..~ AFTER RECESS: Mayor Coons called the meeting to order~ all members of the City Council being present~ 7440 C..ity Hall~ Anaheim~ California- COUNCI~ MINUTES ,- January 21~ 1964~ 1:30 P.M. Mayor Coons recognizing the impossibility of everyone in the audience addressing the City Council, requested any presentation be factual and related 'to land use~ and thereupon asked if anyone wished to address the Council either for or against the proposed project. Mr~ Marko Botich~ Architect~ in rebuttal to comments made by Mr, lttinger and M:r~ Wise ~n thei:r presentation, referred to the photo- graphs presented~ :indi~:ating the :~o-called visual intrusion~ which in his opinion would be impos~i~ie to ~ccur~tely portray a three dimensional :~culptured object in a flat plane photograph° Regarding the se~zerai attract:ions designed so as to take the people out of the park, and return them. to the park, in his opinion, the proposed building would ha~e the same effect~ that is, they would see the building momentaril'y, and immediately returned their gaze to the park, Mro Ho R~ Ha~:rison~, Officer of the Wrather Corporation,' the parent company of the operating entity of 'the Disneyland Hotel, addressed the Council in support of the appeal by Disneyland. Mr~ Harri:~on advi!~ed thai their company and operation was entirely ~eparate and distinct from Disneyland~ and was in no way connected except through a land lease° Regarding their posltion with respect to o'ther hotels~ motels and similar operations in the a~ea~ he advised thai when the Conditional gse Permit was granted 'them to erect the eleven story Disneyland Hotel tower Building~ 'the~ ~ere informed theft 'the policy of the City Council and City Planning Commission would not permit construction above one- hundred and twenty five feet~ as ze~uit they endeavor to limit their request to conform a~ neaziy as pos~ible to said policy~ They also would have liked to nav'e t~ken bettez advantage of their lando M:t~ Ha:;:ri~on ad'v~:sed that the'/' were extremely conscious of the magic kingdom that Di~ney'ian~ creates~and are very concerned with anything that might happen :tn the area that might 'tend to detract from this magic kingdom.~ He further adv:[sed that the~' '~ere not speaking in opposition to any hotel oz motel per. ~e, their onl'~,,' con.aern was the proposed height of the building, they~ were al~-~o .::on::erned 'with the fact that other people in this area 'were limited by the height policy of 'the City Council and C:t'~' Plannin9 Comm~tssio~ A~ their compe'titive position has been established, in his o~.nion, the .same rule should apply 'to everyone ~oming into this area with thi-~ t~pe of ~u~iness~ Regarding the idea of ~isual intrusion and the possible effect~ Mro Harrison stated~ there has been comments made that there has been no objettive evidence that it would detract or interfere with 'the Disney- lan~ Park~ He fu~.ther ad',~ed that throagh 'their nation wide efforts to bring convention.!~ to the Disne¥1and Hotel.~ they have a national out- look and projection on 'thiu matter~ and in their opinion, they feel very strongly 'tha't this will ha~ge an a~verse effect on the park~ and what affects the park affects them~ ~nd every' other business in the area! for hhis reason they felt ~t woulO ge dangerou~ to do anything which tends to overcome the illusion of the park. Mr~ Dick Tevlin, President of Lincoln Park Civic Association, and in addition representing Nutwood~Ball Civic Association~ Westwood Civic Association and Oranqewood-Haster Civic Association, advised that in 'the interet;t of bred/it7 they' fay-or 'the appellant~ Disneyland in this matter~ and further advised that they' would like to go on record as suggesting an ordinance be en,a.;ted insuring future development in the Disneyland area~ to be comp-~tlble with existing land use and heights of structures as they exl-,t -~t ci e p_~_esent time° He further advi~ed that acc:ording 'to their information~ they have heard 'that two other £azge hotel chains are interested in this area 7441 City Hall, Anaheim~ California - COUNCIL MINUTES - January 21, 1964~ 1:30 P.M. which hotels apparently would be high-rise structuresl in addition accord- in9 to the testimony 9iven~ they have heard of the illusional problems that high-rise buildings would present to Disneyland, aha it has been stated that there has been no facts presented that this would present a problem. Mr. Tevlin noted that the United States Government recently stop- ed a high-rise apartment development along the Potomac River for this very reason~ that it would be unsightly and incompatible with the land. Mr. Tevlin~ thereupon requested the proponents request be denied, on the grounds that it would establish a precedent in the area, which'in time could obliviate the entire Disneyland complex, resulting in a lone central park among steel and concrete,, Mro Jack Shapiro advised that his family were the owners of thirty-three acres located on the corner of Cerritos Avenue and Walnut Street. Recognizing t}~e complexity of the problem~ :~nd the future of this area will to some degree be affected b'y the decision made on subject application~ Mro Shapiro advised that there wasn't anyone present that would not like to see a Sheraton Hotel in Anaheim~ and regardless of the decision made on this matter~ he hoped that they did locate here and were able to make their plans economically sound° Regarding subjective values~ Mro Shapiro stated that the dream of Disneyland was a very subjective one in the minds of a few people before it grew~ that in his travels he found very fe'~ successful parks of this kind in the world° The difference between them i~ a m]bjective one, the one of beauty~ quality and the one that Si'yes a 9ue:~t a good feeling while visiting the parko Disne¥1and is of the opinion that their creation is something which '~iil be affected Dy the structure~ he further noted that thev are men of art, and when you take a~ay from an ar-ti.st hi~s feeling that he is on the right road~ that he is creat>~ng 'this subjective thing of beauty and attaction, you are robDin9 him to some degree of 'that which has origi- nally made him su.ccessfulo Mro Shapiro sta'ted~ his dilem~a t[~at he also wanted the Sheraton Hotel to loca'te here~ and felt the Sheraton Hotel also wanted success for Disneyland. Mro Shapiro f'uz.'ther ad'vised thaz 'the Disneyland imitation he visited in Kioto~ and Freedomland in New '~'ork, cannot compare with Disney- land~ that the only pla~e tha-t has maint:~ined some of the beauty was tivoli in Copenhagen° Recognizing that Dlsne'ylana were experts in their own field, Mr o Shapiro questioned whether Sheraton Hotel would want 'to take this chance~ and further advised he was glad the decision was that of the City Council and not hiso Mro Ettinger stated that they came w;lth the intent in mind to present all the fac'ts~ evidence and their opinions~ that Mro Shapiro has been able to express what 'the'~' feel~ it ls an artist approach to a situation that ;armor De pu~ down on a s~ Ge ~uie~ Mr. Ettinger reported that the gross percentage of the increase referred to by Mr~ Barnes? represented dollars and not people~ and the difference lies in that certain operations within the park, such as food and merchandisinq, has been assumed by management which }~as been reflect- ed accord:i~ngl¥. T~:at. the a~tual increase of people was from 5.1~ in the prior year~ compared to L.6 last year. Regarding the late day fo~-the filing of the appeal~ Mr. Ettinger stated~ that as he understood it, with all the time and energy put into the proposal~ this would date back far later than roughly last November when this first came to their attention° ~o further clarify their position, Mro £ttinger stated tha't 'the first time they learned of the proposal, was when a notice of public hearing was received from the 7442 City` Hall,~ Anaheim~ Salifornia - COUCh, iL MINUTES - January 21~ 1964~ 1:30 P.M. Planning Commission, which was r~ght and proper, iegal!¥{ however~ in. pro- poslng a twenty-two ~tory structure~ with all the necessary research, it seemed odd to him how they overlooked the fact that on two occasions~ in 1961, and in 19622 the same i:~sue came before the Anaheim City Council, and the issues were ze~olved 'to the extent that some height limitation was imposed° As to Disneyland giving the proponents a figure as to what the height of the building should be, they felt strongly that this was not 'their prerogative to advise any one as to how to design their building; further, it was true Disne¥1and has every reason to be sensitive to public opinion~ because they are a large corporate entry in the com- munity, they would not want to be placed in the position of trying to influence any deci3ion~ this they have not done and everyone is aware of this facto Regarding a comp:omise~ M~o Et%inger stated~ the area norlh of the present Oerm is plannea for future developement and knowing in advance that this are~ cannot be designed [or exterior attractions~giv- lng up this acres~ w~ in their opinion~ a substantial compromise on their parto In addition with the present height limitation~ additional funds must be expensed to further shleld the 'visual intrusion~ 'Ihs Mayor asksd for a showing of hand of those favoring said ,~ppli<ation,~anm then fo~ a showin9 of hand of those in opposition to said applicationo Mayor Coon,s a:~nounce~ that in his, opinion sufficient evidence had been presented~ and thereupon declared the hearing closed~ Coun,:zilman K_rein felt certain that Disneyland and the promoters of the Sheraton Hotel h~d given considerable consideration to the other partie~'~ in'terests~ proble~<s and righ'ts~ unfortunately, mutual agreement has not been reached~ further~ there was no doubt that the Sheraton Hotel would be an asset to Anaheim, which he was certain Disneyland ~ould agree~ in view of the proposed convention facilities~ additional hotels will be needed~ aha on the other hand? Disneyland has been a success, and he felt sure tha~ the repre~entatlves of Disneyland were sincere in their ~tatement that a building of this type would be an intrusion on the park° Yurther~ the fact ~ould not oe o'~fer,-iooked that if were not for Disneyland~ this application ~ould probas~y' not have been made° Councilman Kz~ein was of 'the opinion that 'the problem still requires consideration on both sides, and could be resolved~ and due to the fact that material has been received~ both pro and con~ that the C,ity Council has not h~d an opportunity to consider~ and the matter would have to be ,,_on%inued, Councilman Schut'te referred to 'the request that a decision be made this evening~ and recognized this was important to the applicant; however~ he also recognized something far more important~was that when a decision is ~aae~ it 'will be one that is just and fair and to the best interest of the people of Anaheim~ and thereupon moved that the ~ision on this application De postponed two weeks (February 4~ 1964~ 1;30 P.M.) Councilman Dutton stated that he agreed with the statements made by Councilman Kreino Mayor Coons advised that he personally would not be in a position to make a de<ision this evening, that he also wished to study the matter further o in his opinlon~ the issue to be decided went further than the 'two principals involved~ consideration must be given not only to the two principals, but also to the one hundred and fifty m~llion dollar investment in the area° Councilman Chandler seconded the motion made by Councilman Schutteo 7443 City Hall~ Anaheim~ Califoz-nia .... OOUNCiL MiN'OTF.$ - January 2i~ 19649 1:30 P.M. Councilman Dutton no'ted the understanding given by the present and previous City Councils to 'the Disneyland p~oject~ and further noted that the area has been lkmited to related ube~; at~o ~ndividual rights must be considereo aha ~ne Oec~s~on mu,~'t ~e mace on the basis of what would be best for the City of Anahelmo Councilman Chandler advised that standing between the two parties involved~ was the City of Anaheim, and the City of Anaheim has made a certain amount of independent determinations concerning the complex that exists at the present time at Disneyland, with the hope that other people will come in but with no certainty 'thai 'they would~ ~urther~ the City is involved in a commi'tment of a multi-million dollar convention center in the area~ and he personally would have to be convinced that 'the entire complex will not be hurt by any other developments in the area which will include the Sheraton Hotel and its lo~ationo Mayor Coons repeated the motion made by Councilman Schutte, and seconded by Councilman ~hand~er~ that the final decision on this hearin9 be rendered at the I~30 PoM. session of the [eOruary 4th, 1964~ meeting° MOTION CARRIED. The City Clerk reported that two let'ters received this date requested a thirty day extension, ~nd the Cit'~~ Council advised that they were aware of thi~ request° REC. L. ASSIFiCATiON NO. 63-64-54 AND CONDITIONAL 'USE PERMIT NO. 496: Submitted by Cecil Keith and Satoshi Cy Yuguchi~ requesting change of zone from R-A to R-3~ and permission to establi~h a one-story multiple family planned resi- dential development with carports; propez"ty briefly described as having a frontage on the north slde and the north half of the cul-de-sac of Winston Road~ east of Magnolia Avenue ~'2513 ~and 2519 Winston Road). The City Planning Commission pursuant to Resolution Nco 982~ Series 1963-64~ recommended Reclassification No. 63-64-54 be approved~ subject to the followin9 conditions: 1o That the owners of subject propezt'y shall deed to 'the City of Anaheim a strip of land 40 feet in ~idth~ from the centerline of the street, along Winston Road for street widening purposes~ and the owners of subject propert~ shall also deed to 'the City of Anaheim the necessary street dedZcation to insure a 50-foot property line radius on the cul-de-saco 20 That 'the street improvement plans ;shall be prepared and all engineering requirements of 'the City of Anaheim along Winston Road, such as curbs and gutters~ sidewalks, ~'treet grading and paving, drainage facilities, or other appurtenant ~ork shall be completed as required by the City Engineer and in accordance with standard plans and specifications on file in the Offioe of the City Engineer~ and that a bond in an amount and form satisfactory to the Clty of Anaheim shall be posted with the City to guarantee the installation of said engineering requirements° 30 That the owners of subject property shall pay to 'the City of Anaheim the sum of $2o00 per front foot~ along Winston Road~ for street ligh'ting purposes° 4. That the completion of these reclas:~Lfication proceedings is con- tingent upon granting of Conditional Use Permit No. 496o 50 That Condition Nos° 1, 2~ and 3~ above mentioned~ shall be complied with within a period of 180 days from date hereof~ or such further time as the City Council may grant° 6. That subject property shall be developed ~ubstantially in accordance with plans and specifications on file with the City of Anaheim marked Exhibit Noso 1 and 2~ provided tha't the westerly 21.-foot drive shall be reduced to 9-feet~ which 9~feet shall be developed in conjunction with an existin9 21-foot drive on the abutting property to the west, and that the remaining 12-feet shall be utilized so as to establish a 6-foot landscaped setback of 'the proposed structures from the easterly and westerly driveso The City Planning 'Commission pursuant to Resolution No. 983, Series 1963-64~ granted Conditional Use Permit No, 496 subject to the 7444 City Hall~ Anahe~m~ Galifornla - COUNCIL MINUTES .- January 21~ t964~ 1:30 P.M. following conditions: That the owners of ..~ub3ec't property shall pay to the City of Anaheim the ..sum of $25000 per d,r~'eliling unit to be used for park and recrea- tion pu:rpo:~e's, ~::~aid amount [o be paid at the time the building is issued~, 20 That trash ~iorage ~rea~ shall be provided in accordance with approved plans on file in the Office of the Director of Public ~orks, prior to final build~n9 inspectiono 3. Tha~ fire h¥,drants ~ha~i be ins~ailea as required and de~ermined %o be ne~e~sary by the Chief of the Fire Depaztment~ to be installed prior to final building inspectiono That thi~ Conditional Use Permit is granted subject to the completion of Reclassifzcation No. 63-6~-5~ That subject property t:Jhall be de'~eloped substantially in accordance with pi~n:s and spectficat~_ons on file ~ith ~he City of Anaheim ma~ked Exhibit No:~) 1 and 2~ prov:~ded that the westerly 21-foot drive shall be reduced to nine feel~ ~hich nine feet shall be developed in con- junction with an ex'isting 21-foot drive on the abutting property to the we.~'t~ and that the remaining 12 feet shall be utilized so as to establish a six-foot land:~caped setback of the proposed structure from the easteri'7 ~nd we:oterly drive.~ That an ir~evocabie easement granting access from subject property~ to utilize the proposed 9.-foot extension of the existing 21-foot drive abutting to the wes~ of subject property~ shall be submitted to and approved b~ the ]:it¥~' Attorne.~s offiz:e prior to final building inspections~, ~o That tree weil~ ~h~il be pro~,ided at approximately 40-foot inter- val~ in the Winston Roan pa~a~)' abutting subject property~ that plans for. ;:aid tree ~eil~ and planting of trees therein, shall be ..submitted to and ~pp~o~:ed 07 the Super'intendent of Parkway Maintenance, and ',a:d tree ~eii~, sh..~il be planted wi~h trees prior to final build- :ing in;)pe.~r~ t:ion ~ That the rear and :~ide .~i1~ of the p~oposed ::arpozts shall be finished with exterio: ouilSln9 ~.~teriai:):, that enclosed storage cabinets with a minimum ::~pa..:it~,' of one hunaied ca.u:c feet shall be provided a~ the rear ~all of each ::arport~ and that adequate bumper guards shall be provided to protect 'the interior ~ail:s of the carports prior to final Duilciing in~pet;t'kon M:r, ~.-trtin ?(reidt noted the location of subject property and the e×';sting u.,e::'~ ann :zoning :,~n the immediate area~ briefing the evidence cubmztted to :~ad tone.de_red by tl,e Zit¥ Plannzng Commission. Plans and the fiia.: were re,,rewea by the City Council, and Mayo~ Coon:~ asked ff t'ne appll.~at was pxesent and wished to address the City Count ~1., Mz,~ Ce'::l KeZth i.naicated hi~ presence in the audience, [he Ma¥o:~: asked ~f anyone ~tshed to address the City Council, there be-~ng no response, de:/:lared the hear:lng closed on Reclassification No. 63-64-54 and Cond~[iona.~ O~e Permit No. 4960 RESOLUTION NO. 64R.-39: Coun.t:llman Dutton offered Resolution No. 64R-39, authorizing preparntion of necessary Ordinance~ changing the zone as requested, sub~ect to the recommendations of the City Planning Commissiono Refer 'to Re.solution Book. A RESOLUTION OF THE CiTY COUNCIL OF T~E CiTY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT 'riFLE 18 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO ZONING SHOULD BE AMENDED AND [HAT THE BOUNDARIES OF CERTAIN ZONES SHOULD BE CHANGED. (63-64-5,4 - R,-3~ On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by 'the following vote: 7445 City Hall~ A.naheim~ California - COUNCIL MIN'OTES -January 21~ 1964~ !:30 P.M. AYES; COUNCILMEN: Duffon~ Chandler~ $chutte, Krein and Coons NOES; GOUNCILMEN: None ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None The Mayor declared Resolution No, 64R-39 duly passed and adopted. RE~OLUTION NO. 64R-40: Councilman Dutton offered Resolution No. 64R-40 for adoption, granting Conditional Use Permit No. 496, subject to the recom- mendations of the City Planning Commission° Refer to Resolution Book° A RESOLUTION OF THE CiTY CO'ONC!L OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM GRANTING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 496o On roll call the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following 'vote: AYES: COUNC!IJ~EN: Dutton, Chandler, Schutte, Krein and Coons NOE$~ COUNCiLmEN: None ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None The Mayor declared Resolution No. 64R-40 duly passed and adopted. PUB.LIC HEARING.t RECLASSiFICATiON NO. 63-64-63 AND CONDIIiONAL USE PERMIT NO. 513~ Submitted by W. No J. investment? !nco~ requesting change of zone from R-A to R-3~ property located on the south side of Ball Road approximately 664- feet east of Brookhurst Street (2130 West Ball Road)~ and further requesting permission to estabii,~h a three~tor¥ apartment building with waiver of the following: (1) Garages~ to permit construction of carports° (2) Two and one-half story or ~5 foot structural height limitation° (3) One-story height limitation within 150 feet of R-A zones property° The City Planning Commission pursuant 'to Resolution Nco 988, Series 1963-64~ recommended Reclassification No. 63-64-63 for approval, subject to the following eonditions: 1. That the owners of subject property shall deed to 'the City of Anaheim a strip of land 53 feet in width, from the center line of the street, along Ball Road~ for street widening purposeso That street imp~-ovement plans shall be prepared and all engineering requirements of 'the City of Anaheim alon9 Ball Road~ such as curbs and gutter$~ sidewalks~ street grading and paving, drainage facilities, or other appurtenant work ~hall be completed as required by the City Engineer and in accordance with':~tandard plans and specifications on file in the Office of the City Engineer~ and that a bond in an amount and form satisfactory 'to 'the City of Anaheim shall be posted with the City to guarantee the installation of said engineering requirements. 3. That the owners of subject property shall pay to the City of Anaheim the sum of $2.00 per front foot, along Ball Road~ for street lighting purposes° 4. That the completion of these reclassification proceedings is con- tingent upon the grantin9 of a Conditional Use Permito 5. That Condition Noso 1~ 2~ and 3~ above mentioned, shall be complied with within a period of 180 days from date hereof~ or such further time as the City Council may granto That subject property shall be developed substantially in accordance with plans and specifications on file with the City of Anaheim marked Exhibi~ Noso 19 2, and 3. The City Planning Commission pursuant 'to Resolution No. 989~ Series 1963-64, granted Conditional Use Permit No. 513~ subjec~ to lhe following conditions: ?446 City Halti Anaheimz.. California . COUNCil MINUTES -- 3anuary 21~ 19641 1;30 P.M. That subject property shall be developed substan'tially in accordance with plans and specifi~'ations on file with the City of Anaheim marked Exhlbi't Nos~ 1, 2~ and 3, 2. That the proposed alleys along '[he east and south of subject pro- perty shall be developed in accordance with plan 1000, including concrete gutters~ prior [o final building inspections. 3. That a six-foot masonry wall shall be constructed along the east, south~ and west property lines pr'~or to final building inspection. 4o That the rear and side walls of the proposed carports shall be finished with exterior building materials, that enclosed storage cabinets of a minimum capacity of i00 cubic feet shall be provided at the rear wail of each carport, and that adequate bumper guards shall be provided to protect the interior walls of the carports prior to final building inspection~ 5. That tree wells shall be provided at approximate 40-foot intervals in the Ball Road parkway abutting subject property~ that plans for said tree wells and piantin9 of trees therein~ shall be submitted to and approved by the Superintendent of Parkway Maintenance; and that said tree wells shall be planted with trees prior to final buiidin9 inspection° Mr~ Martin Kreidt noted the location of subject property and the existing uses and zoning in the immediate area, briefing the evidence submitted to and ~onsidered by the City Planning Commission. Plans and the files were revlewed by the City Council, and the Mayor asked if 'the applicant or his agent was present and wished to address the City Council,~ Robert De.~..3er't, repze::~ent:na the applicant~ indicated his ~?.e ::uu~en e fo: Zbe pu:'po~e of an~,wering auestions. The Mayor asked :~f anyone else wished to address the City Council, there beinc no re~;ponse, declared the hearing closed on Reclassification No, 63.-64.~63 and Conditional Use Permit No. 513. RESOLUIION NOo 64R.-41: Councilman Kreln offered Resolution No. 64R-41, authorizin9 preparation of necessary Ordinance, changin9 the zone as requested, subject to the :recommendation~s of the City Planning Commission. Refer' to Resolutton Book° A RESOLUTION OF tHE CiTY COUNCIL OF THE CiTY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETERMINING THA~ TITLE 18 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO ZONING SHOgD BE AMENDED AND [HAT [HE BOUNDARi[ES OF CERTAIN ZONES SHOULD BE CHANGED~, 63-64.~63 On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Dutton~ Chandler~ Schutte, Krein and Coons NOES: COUNCILMEN: None ABSENt: COUNCILMEN: None The Mayor declared Resolution Nco 64R-41 duly passed and adopted. RESOLUTION NO~ 64R-42: Councilman Krein offered Resolution No. 64R-42~ 9ranting Conditional Use Permit No. 5!3, subject to the recommendations of the City Planning Commission. Refer to Resolution Book. A RESOLUTION OF THE Ci'TY COUNCil OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM GRANTING CONDITION- AL USE PERMIT NO~, 513, On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: 7447 City Hall~ Ana%eim~.California - COUNCIL MINUTES - January 21~ 1964~ 1:30 P.M. AYES: COUNCILMEN: Dutton, Chandler, Schutte, Krein and Coons NOES: COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None The Mayor declared Resolution No. 64R-42 duly passed and adopted. UNITED STATES CONFERENCE OF MAYORS: Mayor Coons announced that the United States Conference of Mayors will hold their 1964 Convention in New York, New York, May 24 through 27,19643 and advised that annual dues for the City of Anaheim membership in said organization are due. Council discussion was held, and at the conclusion thereof, Councilman $chutte moved that payment of dues to the United States Con- ference of Mayors be made, and that legitimate expenses be authorized for five delegates representing the City of Anaheim, to attend the convention to be held in New York City, May 24 to 27, 1964. Councilman Dutton seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. EXECUTIVE SESSION~ On motion by Councilman Schutte, seconded by Councilman Krein, the City Council recessed to Executive Session to consider a personnel matter. MOIION CARRIED. (10~00 P.M.) 4DJOURNMENT~ The City Council returned from Executive gession, and adjourned, on motion by Councilman ~rein, seconded by Councilman Schutte. MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURNED~' 10: 4 5 P o Mo · -x City Clerk