1953/02/24_ .Citx Em_!!. Anaheim. O~_lifornia. Febr~_.ry 13,_. !.953 -..4:0D.P.M. . Councilman Van Wagoner moved to adjourn, Councilman Wisser seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURNED. SIGNED City Hall, Anaheim, California, February 24, 1953 - 8:00 P.M. The~ City Council of the City of Anaheim met in re ar PP~SF~T- COLR~CILMEN; Pearson, Wisser a~d Boney. ' ABS~ : COUNCIIY~EN: Heying and Van~, Wagoner. CITY ATTOPAUEY, PROTON TUPelO: Present. CITY ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER, ~ITH A. MIYRD~H: Absent, session. ~ ~ ~.~ The Minutes of regular meeting' held February 10, and e~ljoummed regular meet- ing held February' 13, 1953 were approved on motion by Councilman Wtsser. seconded by Co~mcilm~__n_ Boney. ~,:J.~!~ ~i;.-. D~,~.fDS: Councilmau Boney reported demands ~gainst the' city amounting to $78,396.80 and moved that report of ~inance Committee be received and that warrants be drawn upon the Treasurer to pay said demmnds in accordance with report, Councilma~ W isser s~conded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. ,~ ..... ~iL~ LOT - 2 H0~R LI~4IT: It wa, motien.e~l by Councilman Wisser, seconde~ by Council- man Boney that the two-hour parking time be established on the parking lot on South Cl~u~in~ Street, the same as on other established parking lots in operation. MOTION CAPJLIED. ~'~T i~iq~.~ i'_~TP~.~L~.~.N: Chief of Police appointed William F. ~bm~ingham, Deputy City Patrolma~ in the Uniformed Police Reserve, serving without lm~. Staid appointment was ra. tifie~ on motion by Councilman Boney, seconded by Councilman Wisher. MOTION CARRIED. ,, . i~i.~ii:~-:I~0!-;- City of Monrovia in reference to franchise litigation between~ the City of Petaluma an~ the Pacific Telephone ~nd Tele~_raloh Corporation was re~d. _. ~_i~;,~T'~.~;'i:i- City of Azuma in reference to application of the Southern California' Edison Company for raise in rates, ~s- it affects municipalities. The City Council favored a meeting as between the cities of ~naheim, Azusm, Colton s~ud Riverside, and moved to advise the City of ~musa and extend an invitation to~ hol~ a dinner meeting in Anaheim at the Elk's Club on the 13th of March, 6:30 P.M. for full-discussion, on motion by Councilman Boney, seconded by Councilman Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. ' - ........ ~.~,: Divisiou of State Highways, District Engineer s~lvised that investigation i~. being made of locations requested for traffic ~i.Enal~, and that necessary control wo~_~ld be inst~lled where warranted~ '. ~!~ i~.O~T/£0'!~i: D. Pat Ahern, Chairman for the Annual Anaheim American Le~ion Junior Baseball Tournament requesting concessions, and permit to hold their annual Junior Baseh~.ll Tournament in La Palma Park during the entire month of August, 1953. Motion was ms~te by Councilman Boney, seconded by Councilm~n Wisser that the American Legion Tounn~ament Committee work with Recreation Director, Don Derr to iron ou~ details of thc. ir proposed to~rnament, and providing al~o, th~.t the tournament be held at La Palma Park. (It was considered advisable to first talk wi~h Mr. Milton Coney of the local American Legion Baseball Committee ~o Find out definitely what part the local Legion Po~t wo~ld take in the proposed tournament) MOTION CARRI.KD. ~.~.L"i~.i~': League of California Cities scheduled a one-day meeting in Sacramento, 9:30 f~..~'. Thursday, March 12, 1953, to consider legislation relating to counties and cities ~ales tax. The City of Anaheim is requested to send representatives. .... ~i0~i: Volunteers of America, request to solicit funds, annual tag day in Anaheim, Saturday, March 14, 1953 was granted on motion by Councilmau Boney, seconded by Co,mucilman Wisser. ~',~0TION CAP~RI~. ~ .... 1'- .'.~'~'Ci~[-. Load Packer t~qoe trash t~ck l~s been in opermtion mpproxi~m~tely two ~'ee. ks, and perfor~__ance rated as 0. K. Reo, Model F-22-2-3C, Chasis, Gar~ood 16 Yd. Lo~l Packer Body, f.o.b. Anaheim $8,047.63. It was moved by Councilman Wisser, seconded by Councilman Boney, that purchase-be authorized, on approval after inspection by committee of the Council. (Councilman Committee's approval given Wednesday, February ~, ~53~ ~o~o~ c~~o. _ : ...... City Eml!. Az~elm. _C. alif.or~_i~.. February._34. 1953 -_8~Q0 ..P,M. ~-~-~,?,ml~T: Sale by Fullerton to Brea, interest in the Euclid Avenue Trunk Sewer. Said sample agreement was referred to City Attorney. ~'~! i,_ i~.~L G~i~i~ ~iOP.~Y: ~or Fullerton and Anaheim Nat ion Guard Compauies, and the dedication of abo~t 200 ' of property along West La Palms Avenue by the City of Fullerton wa~held over for s~udy, to be takem up at the nex~ meeting of the City Council~ (Provision, that the City of Anaheim be willing to obtain and dedicate the triangle piece of property at ~he Northwest corner of Palm and La Palms for an Armory). X~id ~ ~iC~Ti.~0~: The City Planning Commission congratulated the City Council on the improvement of th~ Council Chambers ms to the appearance And color scheme and acoustics, also that the changes would enable meetings of the City Planning Commission to be carried out with gre~ter efficiency and accomplishments. i~'i~D ~"~'~.. .... ~ -~ ~ i i3l?, TP,CT.. h~O. 1696: Containing 42 lots, subdivider: Arval ~[orris who was present and addressed the C~ncil. City Planning Commission recommended, the acceptance of Tentative Nap, subject to engineering requirements. ~ Councilm~n Boney move~ that the Tentative Map of Tract No. 1696 be accepted, subject to engineering requirements. Councilman Wisser seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIE~). COi~! ;;!IC~LT[O~i~ i.~i.LI'?~;~Y ORDF~ OF T~'-:~ ~ ?iF±iPL2 !~P: Through their communication to the Chief of Police, Santa Aha, copy of which was sent to the City of kuaheim, in reference to unauthorize~l solicitation of funds with the mi& of tin cups, particularly by individuals who have a delapld~ted car with display of old guns and knives {~hich has been displayed several times in the City of Anaheim, as well as Santa Aa~. The Commander of the Orange Belt Chapter 257, Military Order of~ the Purple Heart dis- claims any responsibility for this solicitation, and requests Police DePartments to very carefully handle future application~ for permits by thi_~ group. The City Attorney mmic reference as to the law governing solicitation of funds and the requirements of permits, and will advise the Police Department accordingly. Communication was referred to the Police Department for compliance. ~RO.~ ,~i~JE P'IRC~ CO~,~PAi~f: ~or the year 1952 shows bank ~ balance as of Jahuary l, 1953, $?16,24. (The City has part interest in this pump company). 2-52-53-6: EPISCOPAL CHtr~C}-~ O~ AN~JqEI~{: Reclassification of property located on W. Sou~h Street. form R-1 ~o R-2 for the con~t~ction of a new ~osco~l Ch~ch. ~blic Ee~ri~ was hel~ o~ ~his ~tter, ~nd ~here was no objections presented at the meeti~ ~d no objections were offe~e~ at the M~ri~ se~ by ~he City P~i~ Co~issiom, thereupon the He~rlng w~s dec,red closed~ ~SOL~iON NO. 2096~ Co~ei~ Boney mov~ ~o acc~ ~he reco~e~ions o~ ~he Oi~ P~i~ Co~isslom ~d ~ereup°n Offered Resolution No. 2096 ~ mov~ for it~ pages ~d ad0ptiom. Co~cil~ Wi~eer secon~e~ ~he mo~iom. M~ION C~I~. Refer to Resolution Book, page A ~$OLIY2ION O~ THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE 0ITY OF ~IM FIi~DING Ai~D DETF~INING THAT A CHA~E OF ZONE IS I~EC~SARY IN CER~AI~I AR~kS O~ THE CITY AND THAT AilTICI~ IX, CHAPTER 2 OF TPi~ /U~IAEEIM MIrNICIPAL CODE SHOULD BE ANTED TO ACCON/~L~SH SAID CHAN~E OF ZONE. On roll call the foregoing Resolution was auly passed and azlop%e~ bF %he following vote: AYES: C(YUNCIL~: Pearson, Boney and Wisser. NOES: COb-NC IL~: None. ABSENT: COUNCIL~f~: Heying and Van Wagoner. The l~4%yor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted~. ~ .?-.~'~'~.53-9: i~,. G. i~ ITC~qELL: Reclassification of ~2.50 feet a~[~itionai to the C-1 Zone along the North side of the property which is now zoned R-A, Northeast corner of E~st and East Center Streets. Public Hearing was held upon said petition for reclassification, and~ no objections were presented at the meeting and no 6bjections were offered prior the Public Hearing, thereupon the Hearing was declared closed. L~SOLUTiON ~.,i~'0. 2097: Notion by Councilman Wisser~, seconded by Councilman Boney,. that the recommendations of the City Plannt~ng Commission be sustained and thereUPon acloptioh of Resolution No. 2097 authorize~. M6TION CARRIED. ' ' Refer to Resohtion Book, pa~e _? ~_,-',?_~>. . 398 A RESOLIY~ION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT A CHANGE OF ZO~UE IS ~NECESSARY IN CERTAIN AREAS OF THE CITY AND TNAT ARTIC~ IX, CHAPTER OF THai ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE _SHOULD BE AMENDED TO ACC(t~PLISH SAID CHANGE OF ZONE. On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passe~ and a~opte~ by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILM~: Pearson, Wisser and Boney. ~ NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. ABSE_~: QOUNCIL~N: Heying and Van Wagoner. The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. F-~x~,'i~--7: TE~UqiTORY iN PL/~C~A .AV.E~,~E ~i~D[,.~TiON: Requested chmmge from R-A ~o City P~i~ Co,lesion held two public heari~, ~eb~ry 2 ~d 16 o~ above reques~ for recl~ssifica$ion ~d purs~ ~o their Resolution No. 33 reco~ended request be granted. Co~ci~ Boney moved t~t ~blic Hea~ring be held on ~he ~ter March 24, ~ ~ at 8:00 o' clock P.M. Co~cil~n Wisser seconde~ ~he motion. M~ION C~~. approved on motion by Councilman Boney, seconded by Councilman Wisser- MOTION CARRIED. ~,", ..... 5~. l.~]~ Frank Tausch, 508 West Chestnut Street for the operation of a Beauty P~rlor. The ~ction of the City Planning Commission w~s sustained on motion By Council- man Boney, seconded by Councilman Wi~ser. MOTION CARRIED. ....... s~ ~C'.~. 5~;'~,~'. ~',~99: Counoilmma Boney offered Resolution No. 2099 and moved for its passage and adoption. Councilman Wiszer zeconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. Refer to Resolution Book, page .... _~fJ-~_ _. ~ A RESOLL~i'ION OF THE CITY COUNCIL 0F Tk~ CITY OF ANAHEIM GRANTING A VA/LLANCE. On roll call the foregoing resolution .was duly pa~sed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Wisser and Boney. NOES: COLUNCIL~N: None. ABS~NT- COUNCIIMNN: Heying and Van Wagoner. The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. .... ,~ ,~:"~.~; ii,~O. 152: X:,-'~roL~. ~erlin~ Manufacturer of garments for change of zone from C-2 to M-1 on the E~st side of North Manchester Avenue between West Center and Lincoln Avenue. ~ Recommendations of ~he City Pls. nning Commission was s~stained on motion by 0ouncilman Wisher, seconded by Councilman Boney. NOTI0~i CA/LRIED. ~ ~Li ~'!~0''.~ ~.(~. 2100- Councilman Boney offered Resolution No. 2100 and moved for its passage and a~option. Councilman Wisser seconded the ;~otion. MOTION CARRIED. Refer to Resolution Book, p~ge __ //~. m--...--~J A RESOLI~ION OF T~ CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM GRANT lNG A Vf~RIA~CE. On roll call the foregoing resolution was duly p~ssed and adopted by ~he following vote: AY'ES NOES ABSENT COb~NC II~4E~ Pearson, Wisser and Boney. C OUNC II/~EN: None. COUNCILMEN: Heying and Van Wagoner. The ~V~yor declared the foregoing Re~olution duly passed and adopted. ~ '~,~. ~..5o- iX~'~r'~ou ~. S~ e~: To cut to 60~ wide lots on East~Center Street from frontage of 170'. The City Planning Commission recommended the variance be granted. Councilman Boney moved that Variance No. 180 be held over for O.K. by the Engineering Dep~rtment. Council~an Wi~ser seconded the motion. NOTION CARRIED. ~ ....... ~ '~, ~'~03./'~~ ~.~ The City Planning Commission recommended the proposed H~rbor-Vermont Annexation to the City Council. The Orange .County Boundary Commission finds that based upon ~he County 399 ......... Qity _H~ll.. ~e_im. Qm!i_.f_o_rn~.m,..Febrmmry:24, 1953-'8':.O0_P.M.'- .. ~:. ..... -., Sumveyor's Report. he finds that the description is not reasonably definite and certain and petition was referred back to the City of Anaheim for more definite &ascription. The City Council ordered the proposed Harbor-Vermont Annexation held over for further consideration on motion by Councilman Wiss.r, seconded by Councilman Boney, ~OT ION CARRI_~. , ~.':~-~ C~.:: The City Planning Commission recommended the proposed territory for annexation, the same to be.known as Loara-Crescent Annexation. The Orange County Boundary Commission~mapproved the exterior :bwmndaries the proposed aunexation as being reasonably definite and certain. ~'Li!Ui(> ,~, ~0]: Councilman Boney offered Re~olution No. 2101 and moved for its passs~e and adoption. Councilman Wisser seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF~THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CONSENTING TO TEE COMMEN, C~M~NT OF PROCEEDINGS ~OR TH~ ANI~EXATION 0]~ INHABITED TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM. ~ On roll call the foregoing Resolution No. 2101 was duly passed and adopte~, by the following vote: AY~.~ COUNCIL~F.N: Pearson, Wisser and Boney. NOES: COUNC IL~I~: None. ABSF~T: O(NYNCII~: Haying amd Van Wagoner. Mayor Pearson declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. )?::iii; ~u~>i0E ~:~0. 835: Councilman Boney offered Ordinance No. 835 ~or final reading, and moved for its passage and adoption. Councilman Wisser seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. . Refer to Ordinance Book, page ~./~?T ,~/_~. AN ORDINANCE OF Ti~ CITY OF J~IM ~h~Et~ING TP~ ANAEEIM ~0-~iICIPAL CODE BY THE 2,DD[TiO!.f OF A E-~ SECTION THERETO TO BE KNOW~ AND DESIGNATED AS SECTiOI~ ~280.1. (Claims, injuries or property damage) On roll call the foregoing Ordinance was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: ~ AYES: COUNCII~':~ Pearson, Wisser and Boney. NOES: COUNC II~: None. ABS~: COUNCILM~: Haying and Van Wagoner. Mayor Pearson declared the foregoing Ordinance duly passed and e~lopted. ~,jo- 0ouncilm~n Boney offered Ordinance No. 836 for fi~l re~~, and moved for its pas~e and ~option. Co~cil~ Wiseer seconded the motion. MOTIOR' C~~. ~ Refer ~o Ordi~ce Book, ~e ~z'~~. ~ ~ 0~IN~E 0F T~ CITY 0F ~I~t ~PROVI~:fG T~ ~TION T0 T~ CITY 0F A~I~ 0F T~ ~~TORY ~N ~ DESIG~T~ ~ DE~0-~fY On roll c~ll the foregoing Ordinance w~s dul~ p~ssed and adopted b$~ the following vote: AYES: COUNCII~N: Pearzon, Wisser and Boney. NO~S: C OUNC II~: None. ABSEnt: COUNCII~: Haying and Van Wagoner. ~ayor Pear~on declared the foregoing Ordinance duly passed and adopted. .... ,.~..,~.:.~..,~_-.~;E !~:. 6'~7. Councilman Wisser offered Ordinance No. 837 for final reading and moved for its p~s~age and adoption. Councilman Boney seconded the'motion. MOTI ON CARRIED. ' Refer to Ordinance Book. page AN ORDINANCE OF TEE CITY OF ANA~IM APPROVING TEE ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM OF THE T~ITORY KNOWN AND DESIGNATED AS On roll call the foregoing Ordinance was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL~[EN: Pearson, Wisser and Boney. NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: Haying and Van Wagoner. - Mayor Pearson declared the ..e~oing Ordinance duly paB,ed and adopted. cite Z~ll. An~He_i_~. ¢~!i. for~.i~. ,~e~ry .~. ~!953 r 8: co :?.M. ..... _ _ ~ :!::i q'.~' '!:!=T!'~'~ ~.=~P, ~27 0T NO. I~!: (Property in ~he Allison Honer ~e~tion) was ordered ~cqepted on motiom by Co~cil~ Boney, seconded by Co~cil~n Wisser, subject to engineering req~remen~s and upon the condition t~ the person submi$$i~ ~id Tentative Map will consemt to any~delzy, subject to ~id e~ineeri~ requirem~t~ or delay oc~sloned by a~e~tion proceedings, an extension of time ~y be e~ec$~ due to ~id a~e~tion proce~ings. M~ION C~!ED. ~ , ~. 2 -~ ~. 8::>3" Revised d~ft of Ordi~ce No. 820 w~s introduct~ fo~ ffi~st ~ r~i~ ~by Co~cil~ Boney. AN 0RDI~tANCE OF T~ CITY OF ANAHEIM AMEI~DIti'G SECTION 7400.15 OF T~ ANAHEIM ~/NICIPAL COI~, (P~ment for serive. Lien) ~,=.~C~ ~:!o. 8:~8; 0ouncilmaa Boney introduced Ordinance No. 838 for first ree~ling. A~ ORDINANCE OF TH~ CITY OF ANAHEIM DECLARING TI~ INTE~ION OF THE CITY COUNCIL TO VAC~LTE &~D ~F,~OE' ~ ~S~ ~ON, 0~, ACRES ~ ALONG T~ ~I~~ DESCRIB~ ~ PRO~Y ~ ~IXING A TI~ ~ P~CE ~R A ~RiNC T~ON ~ DI~TING T~ P~TING OF N~fICES T~OF ~ T~ ~LICATION OF THIS O~I~NCE. ::~?~:, ~ ~.~,,~.~biON u,~,~~: Recreation Director, Don Derr was requested to secure informal bid~ and report on Concession contract for the 'city parka. Considerable discussion w~s held in th~ matter, and the Recreation Director pointed out that concessions in the City Park would be on a day to day basis, whereas at L~ Pal~ Park, special activities and programs more or less.govern the ma~ter of concessions, and in the past, the Program Committee, or Special Activites requesteA gr~mt of concession operations by their committee. , The Concession Contract was outlined by the Recreation ~Directer, and the ~me is being checked by 6he City Attorney, and ~aid contract will be prep~red~ and submitted to the City Council in the near future. ~-~i,~ J ;--'.~.?i-<~r..t~: Pursuant to Resolution No. 2087 (East Center Street Sewer Project No. 2), Re~olution No. 2088 (Eazt Sant~ Aha Street Sewer Improvement) and Resolution No. 2090(Burton Street Improvement), the City Olerk was instructed to open bid proposals on motion by Councilman Wi~eer, eeconde~ by Councilman Boney. MOTION CARRIED. Propo~Is receive~ are as follows: It,e,m 1.- Item,..2- !~em,3- I~em.~,- I~e.m. 5- Item 6- Totm!_ 6~53.35 zz~5.5o lO5O.OO ~oo.8o 3090;0o 95,0o 13,134,65 lo~31.76 3o68.85 13~5.oo ~633.51 1332,33 950.00 5808.02 1397.20 1125.00 5033.61 1097.80 7744.02 1621,75 975,00 6130.68 1247.50 10oo.00 10906.]6 289~.20 1375,00 7421.35 ' 2170.65 1000.00' i36.5o 2~o.5o 85..05 3090.00 84,00 2317.50 9~.60 2~72'00 73.50 2832.50 57.75 ]~o3o.oo 15z.z5 zo6o.oo lO5.OO 2884.00 190.00 10,280,89 m~.~o ~o,?~3. ~ 57.00 ~3,3o3.77 57.00 9,522.93 95,oo 17,~z.6~ 53,20 13,634.2o Name of BiA~er ,, Mich.,el Izzi J. B,. Popovich J. S. Barrett Nich M. Leo Wailer A, Rossi E. E. ~Bernamt A. H. F~aro Chris $~ovich Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 Item 4 11929.75 3880.90 1750.00 i2816.80 91~6.12 2910.68 962.50 7898.72 7794.09 2918.44 1200.00 6617.05 6362.52 2367.35 1250.00 6557.43 8483.36 3027.]0 1500.00 5365.17 gga?.g3 ZTl~.g3 ~250,00 59g~,30 20943.30 8732.03 ~0,00 14307.]2 7953.15 3105.72 1500.00 6110,33 9596.80 3073.67 ll05.00~ 7719.88 Item 5 Total 2520.00 32,897.43 2700.00 23,618.02 2328. co 20,857.57 2400.00 18,937.30 2280.00 20,655.63 2520,00 32,387.31 24o0.00 18,955.56 3300.00 51,682.45 2640.00 21308.20 2280.00 23,775.35 Name of Bidder Michael. Izzi J. E. Popovich J. S. Barrett Nich N. Gu]mo Leo Weiler A. Rossi A. :E.: Cr~ne A. H. ~amularo Chri s~ Evanovich Wucetich Paramount Item 1 Item 2. Item Name of Bidder ...... ~o5o.oo lO5O.OO 12!8.oo 189o.o0 8500.00 ~?o.oo 7300,00 135.00 7920.00 2~25.00 8000. O0 270. O0 9820,00 Sully-Nille r 8485.00 R.J. Noble 9363.00 .. John J. Swig~rt 10160.00 Geiser ....... C,i.t~ .Eall. _~zaheim. 0a!~.ff.o ,,mia.- ?.e% ,r~, ry ..25. .... 1.953 - 8:00_ P-M_- _ - On motion by Councilman Boney, seconded by 0ouncilman Wisser, said bid proposals were referred to the City Engineer for tabulation and report. MOTION City Engineer reported E. E. Bernard, low bidder on East Center Street Sewer Project No, 2 - ($9,522.93) Nich M. Guho, low bidder on E~st Santa An~ Street Sewer - ($,lS,937.30)and R. J. Noble, low bidder on the Burton Street Improvement, ($~,~.00). ~,~]SOL(~£IO]:,; NO. 2103: Councilman Boney of£ered Resolution No. 2103 and move~ £or its pmssage and adoption. Councilman Wisse~ seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. (E~ ~ BerD~.-.~rd) Refer to Resolution Book, page ~.~ ??J. P~SOLUTION OF THE CITY C(NYNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAH~I~ ACCEPTING A SF~kLED PROPOSAL AWARDING A ACONTRACT TO T~ LO%~ST ~SP0~IB~ BIDD~ FOR T~ ~S~NG ~ ~L P~, ~0R, SERVICe, ~T~ ~ EQUI~h~ ~ ~ ~ILITI~ ~ T~SP0~TION INCL~ING POW~, ~ A~ WA~, ~ ~~ING A~ WO~ ~CESS~RY T0 CO~T~CT ~ COI~P~TE T~ ~OWING ~LIO I~0~: T~ ~ST CE~':~TEP~ ST~? SLWfER PROJ~CT NO. ::~R..:~:~ E:fEL~,: ::~P~VE TO PL,-~CEI~IA A~i~IE, (Job No. 331) On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Wisser and Boney. NOES: 'COUNCILMEN: None. ABSENT: COUNCIL~: Eeytng au~ Van Wagoner, The M~yor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed amd s~lopted, ::~::OL:!TIOi~ i~iO. 210~: Councilman Wisser offered Resolution No. 2104 and moved for its passage and adoption. Councilman Boney secon~e~ the motion. N~ION C~~. Reffer to Resolution Book, p~e RESOLUTION OF T~ CITY COUNCIL O~ THE CiTY OF AN~IM ACCEPTING A SEAI~D PROPOSA~ Ak~ A~'~AEDING A CONTRACT TO THE LOWEST I~PO2~SIBLE BIDDER FOR TEE ~IS~NG OF ~T, ~OR, S~VICES, ~ER~LS A~ EQUI~~ ~ ~ ~ILITIES A~ T~NSPO~ATION INCL~DI~ PO~ER, ~ ~ WAT~., ~ ~0~ING ~L W0~ ~CESSARY ~ ~5T ST}-:~.~T T~' PL-.~C~TIA AV,~Di~. (Job No. 331) On roll call the foregoing Re~olution was duly pa~ed and aclopted by following vote: ~y~uS: COUNGDLM~N: Pearson, Wlsser and Boney. NOES C 0UNC I.LMt~: None. ABS~i~T: OOUNCI~: Heyi~g and Van Wagoner. The Mayor declared ~the foregoing Resolution duly :~EO0L~iTIO~i bO. 2105: Councilman Bon~y offered Resolution No. 2105 and inbred for p~ssage and ~doption. Councilman Wi~ser seconded the motion, MOTION CARRIED. (P~. 0. Noble). Refer to Resolution Book, page A ~SOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AIIAHEIM ACCEPTING A SEALED PROPOSAL ~ AWARDING A CONTRACT TO THE LOWEST RESP0h~IBLE BIDDER FOR THE FIFRNISHING 0F A~ PLANT, LABOR, SERVICES, ~L&TERIALS AND EQUIP~NT AND ALL UTILITIES AND TRANSPOt~TION iNCL~i_~ING PO~fER, ~-VJEL AND WATER~, AND PEt~0P&~ING ALL WORK_ ~CESSARY TO CONSTRUCT AND COMPLETE TP~E FOLLOWING PUBL~IC IMPROVEMENt: BURTO? STRUT IMP}~OV:E~i~:?:~T :_~0~ NO~ ~fEST On roll call %he foregoing Resolu%ion warn duly pasmed and adopted by the following vote: ...... AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pearson,~Wisser an~ Boney. NOES: COD-NCILM~: ~ None. ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: ~eying and Van Wagoner. The F~yor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and ~dopted. 4O2 A F~SOL[~ION OF TM CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AN~It~i ACCEPTING A SW_~ PROPOSAL ~D ~3~tARDING ~ CO~T~CT TO T~ LO~ST ~SPO~IB~ BIDDER FOR T~ ~ISHING 0F ALL PL~, ~BOR, S~VIOES, i~T~IALS ~ EQUI~~ ~ ALL ~ILITIF~ .~ T~POP~ATi~ INCL~ING POWER, ~ ~ W~TER, ~ ~O~iING A~ W0~ ~CES~Y T0 COA~T~CT A~ On roll call the foregoiag Resolution was duly p~ssed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIt~fE~: Pearson, Wisser and Boney. NOES - COUNC iL~[~N: None. ABSE~: COIR~CII~N: Heyiug and Van Wagoner. The Mayor declgred the foregoing Resolution duly passed and aRopte~. ~b~ ?:!'0. gl07: ~Councilm~n Boney offered Resolution No. Ct07 and moved for its passer, ge and adoption. Cmmctlman Wi~ser seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. Refer to Resolution Book page_ ~$OLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF T~E CITY OF AEA~Ii~ ACCEPTING A SEAL~ PROPOSAL AWARDING A CONTRACT TO TEE LO¥,~ST RESPOIISIBLE BIDDER FOR THE ~IRNISHING OF ALL .v~ANT, LABOR, SERVICES, KAT]~IRIALS A!fD BQUIP~KE~ AhrD ALL UTILITIES AND TRANSPO~ATION INCLb~ING POWER, FI~ Ai~TD WA~R, AiYD PERF0~4ING ALL WORK IIECESSARY TO CONSTEUCT AiiD '~ 'fi~, Tt~ 30i;S:?~jC~?i0~.,]~ 07 SE~.'-53R i.,~AI}~S I>T SOUTH OLIVE uO~,wLETE FOLI~WING i~IBLIC IMI°ROV~ENT: - fld~7? JOB ii'~0. 330. (Izzl Construction Con.) On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: A .YES- COIR~CIi~Z~N: Pearson, Wisser ~nd Boney. NOES: COiR~CIL~N: None. ABSE>~T: COUNCII~INN: Heying and Van Wagoner. The b~vor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and.agopted. ~'~-~?~iL(~., ;0. 2!08: Councilman Wisser offered Resolution No. 2108 ~d moved for its pass~e ~d adoption. Co~cil'~n Boney second~.~ the motion. M~ION C~~. Refer to Resolution Book, page A ~$OL~Z£iO}~ OF TP~ CITY 00UNGIL OF THE 0ITY OF ANA~IM AUTHORIZING AND DIEECTING T:~ INSTALLATIO!? O~ PAD~CING ~ETERS IN TEE 100 BLOCK ON EAST Ct~EES STREET IN TEE CITY OF ANAE~IM. On roll call the foreEoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COU!~CIL~N: Pearson, Wisser and Boney. NOES: COiINCIL~N: None. ABSENT: COUNCILM~N: Heying and Van Wagoner. The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. ~d~ ~i~.~i01= ~'~'0. ~I0~). Councilman Wisser offered Resolution No. 2109 and moved for its passage and adoption. Councilman Boney seconded the motion. NOTION GARRIE~, Refer to Resolution Book, page ==__c~__~_~__ .... . .& Pd[~oL'TTIO!Y OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TH~ CITY OF ANAHEIM AUTHORIZING AN OF CONTRACT DATED NOVEMBER 20, 1952, BY AifD BET~EN THE CITY OF ANAHEIN, PLACENTIA ~='~ ~'"'~ .~,~.~.,.-~ ~-,~ii:.i(~S ~L[!~]D L0~ ~,SSOCIATION RELATING TO :; ii:[~A O0:l?'~^'':~.'.~,~:%. ~01]', AND F!.O~:,LI ~.~ ':"~":~'~:'="~' ~' re;Cz NO. 1635. On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: A~S: COUNCIL~N: Pearson, Wisser and Boney. NOES: COUNCII~,[EN: None. ABSENT: COIH¢CII~N: Heying and Van Wagoner. The ~ayor declarer the foregoing Re~olution duly pa~sed and adopte~. ':L~SC:-I,~IJ~.~ ~0. 2110: Councilman Boney offered Resolution No. 3110 and moved for its passage and adoption. Councilman Wisser seconded the motion, MOTION OARRIND. Refer to Resolution Book, page RESOLiF~ION 0F THE CITY COI~_~CIL OF THE CITY OF At~t~I~, CALIFORNIA, AUTtiORIZING SALE OF ~:~mxm ~ i~ROPERTY AND AUTHORIZING THE EXEC~I~ OF A CONVEYANCE (Donald R. Bates - $8,400.00 - No. Olive St.) On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYe: COUNCII~N: Pearson, Wisser and Boney. NOES: COUNCII~: None. ABSEiiT: COUNCII~'~: Heylng and Van Wagoner. The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. i~:0LiF~IO~ ?O. 2111: Councilman Wisser offered Resolution No. 2111 and moved for its pa~ssage and sxtopttgn. Councilman Boney seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. Refer to Resolution Book, lm~ge ~_ ~t~_~_~[ A RESOLUTION OF TI~E CITY COL~[CIL OF THE QITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A GRANT DEED CONVEYING TO T~ CITY OF ANAHEI~ CERTAIN REAL PROPE~Y FOR AN EASEMENT [.~0R PUBLIC UTILITIES. (William and ~o~e H. Berk) , On roll call the foregoing Resqlution was duly passed ~anR ad. opted by ~he following vote: AYES: COUNCII~iEN: Pearson, Wisser and Boney. NOES: COUNC ILM~: None. ABSENT: COUNCI.LM~: Heying and Van Wagoner. The Mayor declared, the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. Pddg~Lif210>? NO. 2112: Councilman Wisser offered Resolution No. 2112 and moved for its p~ssage mhd adoption. Councilman Boney seconded the motion. MOTION OARRIF~D. Refer to ReSolution Book, page d~o...6-~ . A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TEE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A GRANT Di~0 COi~YING TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY FOR A21 EAS~2.~ltT FGR PUBLIC UTILITIES. (~w.~r~ $. & ~mua Louise Peterson - Robert C. & Rita J..&urand) On roll call the foregoing Res$1ution was duly passed mud adopted by the following vote: A~S: COUNC!~.fEN: Pearson, Wisser and Boney. NOES ' COUNCIl: None. AB~T: COUNCIl: Heying and Van. Wagoner. The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. o'~~:: ~:~z~,~ ~. , : Change to Westmont Drive. Acting upon the recommendations of the City Planning C~ommtesion, the Council moved to accept ~aid recommendations au~ P~S¢,LUTIOi~.~ NO. 2098 was offered by Councilman Boney who moved for itw passage and adopti6n. Councilman W~sser seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIe. .Refer to Resolution Book, page A P~SOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF~ANA~!~i CHANGING THE NA~ O~ BURT~ STi~ IN THE 'WESTERN PART OF THE CITY OF ~kNAEEIN TO '~TMONT DRIFE. On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCIL~IFJ~: Pearson, Wisser and Boney. COUN0 I~: None. COUNCIL~: Heying and Van ~ Wagoner. The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. YJ~JSOLfJTi0~f ]~0. 2102: Councilman Boney offered Resolution No. 2102 mud moved for its passage and adoption. ~Councilman Wisser seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. 404 City Hal_l, ..Al~aheim~ Ca_~ifo, r~i~.~.;_Febr,~,.a__ry 24,~::1953__~ 8~0Q p.M..? ............... Refer to Resolution Book, page_ ~_~_- . A RESOLUTION OF TEE CITY COUNCIL OF TNE CITY OF ANAHEIM AWAttDING A CONT_RACT TO WARREN W. JAYCOX FOR THE COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL OF GAP~AGE WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS OF THE CITY oF ANAHEIM: FIXING THE COMPENSATION AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT FOR AND ON BEHALF OF THE CITY. On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly pawsed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCI!~[EN: Pearson, Wisser and Boney. NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: Heying and Van Wagoner. The Mayor declared the foregoing ResolUtion duly passed and adopted. --~ .~--~ _~ ~:-~: It is requested that the Chief of Police be notified to have his Department watch panhandlers and solicitors on the streets to see that they have proper permits for soliciting, hawking and vending. Councilman Wisser moved to adjourn. Councilman Boney seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURNED. SIGNED__ : _ Cit .E~l_l_;.~~eim. Califo. rni_a, M~_.rch _.10. 1953 -.8.:60 P.M, ....... The Cit~ Council of the City of Anaheim met in regular session. PP~.S'~T: COUNCII~EN: Pearson, Wisser, Boney and Van Wagoner. ~BSENT : COUNCII~: Heying. CITY ATTORB~EY, PRESTON TlrRlf~: Pre~ent. CITY ADMII~ISTRATIVE OI~ICER, E~ITN A. MURDOCH: Present. : !~'~ :.:: The Minutes of the regular meeting held Februar~~ 24, 1953 were approved on motion by Councilman Van Wagoner, seconded by Councilman Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. 2 9 '~ Councilman Van Wagoner reported demands against the City amounting to $ , and that warrants be drawn upon the Treasurer to pay said demands in accordance with report. Councilman Wisser seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIEDe .... ~.~.~.i.~:iO :.~?:~.:,~: Month of February, 1953 were approved and ordered accepted and filed on motion by Councilman Van Wagoner, seconded by Councilman Wisser, MOTIOI~ CARRIED. T~SURER: General Fund, $327,621,05 - ToSal General Accounts $826,683,85- Total all funds, $1,875,$39.h0.. Business and Dog Licenses, ci~Y c~: $~83.oo. BUI~ING D~~~: 283 Pe~its, of which 227 were Buil~i~ with ~l~tion of $1,8~,675.00 - Fees collected $5,262,65. ~LICE D~~~: Activities. PA~ING ~~: $2,320.00. FI~ D~T~: Activities - Bicycle Licenses $65.00. I,IB~Y: ~~ce March 3, 1953, $19,397.63. G~CE & T~N: 236 loads, t~sh (Contractor ~ le~s) - 2~ lo~s,:gar~e or 81 tons. S~I~~~, LIG~, ~W~ & WAT~: Activities of both de~rtments. Light fixt~e pe~its, 35 - Power wiri~ pe~its, 6 - Light wiri~ permits, ~ - Fees collect~ $386.~, -- Light services installed, 68- Water se~ices installed, 42. Water p~pe~ ~ city, 26,471,200 ~llons - ~c~sed from M.W.D. 39,825,700 ~llons. - Water level city wells, ~rch l, 151 feet 1 inch. CITY A~ITOR: Deposit to several f~ds totaled $$3,255,23 - ~enses on J.O.S. Totale~ $2,973.69 of which ~eim paid ~LIC S~VICE: Deposit $96,279.~- ($127.55, Indu~tr~l Waste- Delinquent : s~ita~ion, $7 ] ~1~ ~' H ~/-~-R.[~~(~ - F-52-53-8: Gerer~,.i ~otor~-: (Delco-]leaF Division) ][eelassification