1953/03/24C_ity_Hal~_.~ Anahe_lm. _California March 24. 1953 The City Council of the City of Anaheim met in regular session. PR~;~: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Wi~ser, Heying, Boney and Van Wagoner. ABSENT : COUNCILMEN: None. CITY ATTORNEY, PRESTON TURNER: Present. CITY ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE]t, KEITH A. ~fURDOCH: Present. ," ,! T.S~<,: The Minutes of the Regular Meeting held March 10, 1953 were approved on motion by Council_m~_n Boney, seconded by Councilman Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. ~,~Do Councilman Van Wagoner reported demands against the city amo'~Anting to $87,015.40. Councilman Boney moved that report of Finance Committee be received and that warrants be drawn upon the Treasurer to pay said demands in accordance with report. Councilman Wi~ser seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. · i ~Z, R[_!~G: ~" - ,,. ~-~2-'~-?~ .~ Property owners on E. Santa Aha and E. South Sts. requesting reclassification to R-O Zone, from R-1 and R-A. · ~,: ~.,~,~ [~,~L~ '~i.'i~ '.i ~-~. ~2. As result of Public Hearings held February 2 and 16, 1953, City Planning Commission recommended reclassification. No one present at the meeting objected to the reclassification and no object- ions were filed in writing with the City Clerk, thereupon the Mayor declared the Hearing closed. ~ , ~ V- ~f'~' !~. ~ ~ ~' ~'~ ?. Councilman Heying offered Resolution No. 2125 and moved for its l:~.asa~e and adoption. Councilman Wtsser seconded the motion. MOTION Refer tO Resolution Book. page _ ~/J ~_._ . ~ ~OL~ION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND Dm-TEi~4IN~ ING THAT A CHANGE OF ZONE IS NECESSARY IN CERTAIN AREAS OF THE CITY AND THAT ARTICI,E IX, CHAPTER 2 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE SHOULD BE AMENDED TO ACCOMPLISH SAID CHANGE OF ZONE. O~ roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by. the following vote: AYES: COUNCILM~N: Pearson, Wisser, Heying, Boney and Van Wagoner. NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. A~Sm~T: COUNCILMEN: None. The Mayor ~eclarecl the foregoing Resolution duly .passed and adopted. ~ ' ~,~i~;~- ..~-~:;2-~:i~?--i I- David S. Collins, 9952 S. Los Angeles St. re- questing property at the N.E. corner of S. Los Angeles St. and Ball Rd. 417.85 feet on S. Los Angeles St. and 1218.85 feet on Ball Rd. and 747.65 feet on S. Olive St. be reclassified as follows: S. Los Angeles St. for a depth of 50 feet be P-L, next easterly portion for a depth of 250 feet be C-2 and b~lance easterly to the railroad tracks be M-1. Property now zoned R-A. ~ ~ l~!~.!.i~i' ~'~- As result of Public Hearings held February 2, 1953 ~and March 2, 1953 recommended the granting of reclassification subject to the deeding to the City of Anaheim of a str'~.!, 20 feet in depth along S. Los Angeles ~t.a~d a str~p l0 feet i~ depth along Ball Rd.for the futUre widening of these two ~treet~. ~. POW~S- Residi~g on S. Los Angeles St. stated th~at the granting of the change of zone would affect his property considerable and called,, attention to the clap-trap development to the south on Los Angeles Street due to pro- ~i~.~cuous types o£ businesses. DAVID S. COLLINS: Owner of the property stated that Ball Road and S. Angele~ Sts. were both very busy streets which called for business development There was no intention on his part to clutter up the approaches of the City; tB~at he would hope to sell at prices where the purchasers would make a ~turn upon their investments, and that both roads were truck highways with. access to the Freeway. ~fAYOR PEARSON: Stated that he does not think the area should be thrown open for business development and that the matter was of city-wide interest from a valuation standpoint and advised the holding up until owner has a clear idea just what uses are to be made of the property. Further, that when property on a highway is zoned for business, the fact that it is on the highway is generally considered as poor planning. Cit~-_H~i!. Anaheim. ~l, if0rnia.,,~arch .24. 1953 - 8:00 P.~.. .... COUNCII&~ VA~ WAGO~51R: Did not ti-,ink that the City had control of the type and class of building with grant of reclassification, as outlined, and recommended "spo~zonir~" by variances. ~!~. COLi,INS~ Stated that he would ~e].l the property contingent upon the City's approval. ~k. LEWIS HOSEI~S: Stated he wished to back up Mr. Powers~s contention and opposition, and considered the proposed improvement will affect all the property in.the area and could well spoil all the corners and depreciate property in the entire neighborhood. DR. B~JltROWS: Stated that he opposed manufacturing and business in the area which would depreciate property and that all his neighbors felt the-same way. MR. COLLINS: Replied that in coming into the City of Anaheim, it was his hope to reduce government and local enterprises and the trend of government now was to reduce the extent of government interferences and regulations in business possi bili ties. MAYOP~ P~ON: Stated the Coul~cil wishes more time for general study of the area and would like to hold the matter over. MR. COLLII~'S: Stated further, in his opinion, Ball Road will become a major highwa[ and that the corner has tremendous possibility for a commercial development. Councilman Hey'ing moved that the application be tabled for later discussion. Councilman Boney seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. ~<~. i~!5' Griffitb Broa. Requesting a front yard set-back be changed fron'~ 25 feet to 20 feet in Tract No. ]618. .-~ ~ P~2;OL ~'i'i~;~ ~1- Public Hearing March 16, 1953 D~;NT.~;D Variance 185. ~i ~ ~ from action taken by the Cigy Planning Co~ission was filed ~arch 24, 1953. Said Appeal wa~ ~ubmitted and r~. ~lr. ~rr~ A~our spoke in be~lf of the Appeal taken by Griffigh Bros. ~gaging g~t ghe lot~ ~d boon r~o~igned and c~nges ~de in ~~ plan~ in the tract. Co~mcii~n Heying moved that Public Hearing be set for 8:00 P.M. April 14, 1953. Councilman Wisser seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. -~ ~.E ~(;~ [ .:~8-. Ste'!;:qen ~. TelS.~'~a,s' ' 909 S. Lemon St. requesting permisssion to build two duplex dwellings on the front of the lot. Property now zoned 2-A formerly R-2- (county). ~. i . ~. ~ :~,(,!:i !(~ m.O~ Public Hearing held March 16, 1953 and Variance granted subject to the dedication to the City of a strip along the frontage of the property 5.25 feet wide for the future widening of S. I,emon St. and the insts, llation of curb, sidewalk and parkway. Variance No. 188 was ordered held over for future study of the entire area on motion by Councilman Boney, seconded by Councilman Heying MOTION CARR I ~. ' ' f.a ;. 3S ~{. l.~a- Hrs. N. E. kr~ee~er, 12~8 E. Center St. for permission to erect two duplex dwellings on E. Broadway. ~%.: ..: ,~ ~ 2 Fl~ ''~ i ,' ~,.~ 5~ Granted varia~ce, subject to conditions. The City Council at its meeting of March 10, 1953 temporarily dis- approved the action taken by the City-' Planning Commission for the reason that an engineering study of the entire area should be made and Hall, A~'~aneim, California, M_arch. 2~, 1953 8:00 P N. 414 referred the matter to the Administrative Officer. The Administrative Oif'i. cer recommended sustaining action taken by the 3ity Planning Commission, and that the area could support either R-1 or ~-2 a. evelopment, and that review of the property was made by the City Planning (tommis~ion. Administrator further ~tated that action to be taken was definitely 'ha! of re. zcz.~irg, a~,..d z~ct variance procedure. Mayor Pearsoz~: objected t,c ~he action taken by the City Planning Co~?z~ssion because it did not seen".: to be a matter to be handled by Variance, end i,z~.asmu,ch as. the City had ~ days l~ which to act u.poz~_ the matter, requested it be ~e]d over. It was held. b~' members of 'the Council, that the area be restudied from a zo~,2z~g standpoint, and was so moved by Councilman Boney, seconded by Councilman Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. ~'~'NTA'~'IVE~.~ , ~&P, ~RACT !794: Approve. d ~by Cit~. Pl~mni~g. Commission March 16, 1953. Ten~.abiw~ .~iap ~,f Tract i7~$ was o~oered approved, subject to engineering requirements, on motion 'Dy Cotmc~lms~, Boney, seconded by Councilm~n Heying. MOTION CARR i~D. ?EI~i'JATIVE ?~'[AP, Ti4A~..~~79~: West siO~e of Magnolia bet:ween Manchester and }{ouston. ~elc over ~arch 10, 1953 was a~ain ordered held over for further study and on recommendation o!' the Ad.mtnis~ra~ive Officer, T~TATIVA ~k~P, TRACTS 1~'~02 and 1803: SUbdividers, Wells and Sons. Northeast corner of Brookhurst and Manchester, containing ll~ lots. Cl%y Planning Commission approved Tentative ~aps, ~4arch 16, 1953. ~'~'entati~e Maps of Tracts 1802 ~n~i !803 were accepted, subject to engineering requirements aha armexatio~ proceedings, on motion by Councilman Heying, seconded 'by Counc!tmsm Van Wagoner: and spec!f~cally subject to ~he opening of street to ~he Sou~h Line of %he trac~. MOTION CARRIED. ?F. OJECT 37: CO~L3;T]ON: City Er~i?.eer certified the completion by the R. J. ~Tnb].e Co., as Contractors, the paving o±' S._~West St~r_e_e~ from Santa Ana Street to kanchester Avenue. i~,:-:~Oi,~M'~I01<] NO, 21F6: Oo~mcllmaz~ Heying oiTered Resolution No. 2126 and moved for ~.ts passage and adoption. Com~ctlman Wisser seconSed the motion. NOTION Refe~. to Resciu~ion Book, pa~e A i~E.$OLL~ION OF T~E CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINALLY ACCEPTING TEE FUI~!SHi~'G OF ALL PLANT, LABOR, SERVICES, MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT: AND ALL UTILITIES AI~ TRANSPORTATION INCLC~ING POWER, FUEL AND WATER, AND PERFORMING ALL WORK EECESSAEY TO 00NSTRUCT ANE~~ COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT: TO WIT: SOUTN WEST STREET, PROJECT 37- 0n roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed, and adopted by following vote: AYES: COU~[CiLNEN: Pearson., Wisser, Heyin6, Bone~r amd Van Wagoner. rTDC~ ,,~ ~-~: CO~C I ~EE': None. ~EN'~: 00~0 I~N: None, The Mayor declared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. flN~j, ~I~_3', Fft~C~T I~0. 1683: East'moz~t Tract. Final map was ordered accepted, subject to Engineering requirements, on motion by Councilman }{eying, seconded by Councilman Wisser. MOTION C~.P~RIED. (.:~,~5i(>I,~ NO 2127~: Councilman Boney offered Resolution No. 2127 and moved. its passage and adoption. Counc~lma~ Van Wagoner seconded the motion. i~ION CARRIFD. Refer to Resolution Book, page ~ . '.~ESOL~.., ION CF THE CITY COUNCIL OF '51E CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETERMINING PUBLIC INTEREST AND NECESSITY REQUIRED TEE CONSTRUCTION AND COMPLETION C_i_3y_~H~..ll_z_Anaheim~_Califor__n_ie_~_March 2~ l~_- 8:00 P.M. ~t PUBLIC iMPHOVEN'.~NT, TO WIT: IMPROVEMENT OF EAST BROADWAY FROM PLACENTIA AVE~ZrE TO ELD~ STREET, ANi) APPROVING THE DESIGN, PLA3tS, SPECIFICATIONS AND DRAWINGS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION THk~O~, AUTHORIZING THE CONSTRUCTION OF SAID PUBLIC I~'d°R.OVEMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH SAID PLA~IS AND SPECIFICATIONS, AND AUTHORIZING AKD DIRECTI~i~G THE CITY CLERE TO PUBLISH A NOTICE iNVITING SEALED PROPOSALS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION THEREOF. (Bids April 14, i953) C~n roi]. call ~he !'oregoing Resolution was 0nly passed, and adopted by ne following vote: AYES: COUNC!Li~N: Pemrson, Wisser, Heytng, Boney and Van Wagoner. ~,~03B: C0~C IL~: None. ABSENT: ~ ~0 O~N (~ IL~EN: Nome. The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. ~SOLUTION NO. 2128: Councilman Boney ofl'ered Resolution No. 2128 and moved ~Or ~s passage and adoption. Councilm-~u Wtsser seconded the motiom. MOTION ~-ARRIED: Refer to Resolution Book, pa~e ~.Y-Y/ . A RESOL~ION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETERMINING '~HAT PIISLIO INTEREST ANI) NECESSITY I{~QUIRED ~HE CONSTRUCTION AND CO~PL~TION OF A PUBLIC IN[PROVEMENT, TO WIT: FItST VERMONT AVENUE IMPROVEMENT. FROM SOUTH OLIV~ STREET TO SOll~H LOS ANGELES STREET, AND APPROVING THE DESIGN, PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS A~ !)RAWI~CS FOR ~E CONSTRUCTIO~ T~EREOF, AtY-~HORtZING THE CONSTRUCTION OF SAID PUBLIC I.TPEOV.~,~ENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH SAID PLANS 3tk~D SPECIFICATIONS, AND AU.~ORIZ- lNG A~i~., DI~C~ING T'~ CITY CL~qK TO PUBLISH A NOTICE INVITING S~.LED PROPOSALS FOR ~E CONSTF~.UC~IO!~ THEP~OF. (Bids, April 1~, 1953) On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the loll, ow!rig vote: .~YES. COb%~CIL~33N: Pearson, Wisser, Heying, Boney and Van Wagoner. NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. ABSENT: COUNC ILkq~N: None. The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. ~;CACIA STR~;E~ ANNEXATION: The Mayor appointed Election Committee for the purpose ~i' canvassing ~-eturns of Special Election held March 20, 1953; Himself as In- spector; Judges, Councilman. Heying and Boney, Clerks, Council~ Wi~ser and Van Wagoner. ~ne ~i y Clerk submitted Certificat-e o~' qualified elect, ors residing ~.~ibt~,iz, ~),.e proposed Acacia Streel) Annexation. I()~ NO. 2129: Councilman Boney offere¢ Resolution No. 2129 and moved for passage a~id adoption. Councilman Van Wagoner seconded the motion. MOTION C~%RRI~. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEI~ CAUSING A RECORD OF CANVASS RETURNS OF SPECIAL AN~rF~.TION ELECTION TO BE ENTW_d{ED UPON ITS MIN-0~I'ES. WHEREAS, ~he City Couu~cil of %ne Oi~y of ~uahelm ha~ canvassed the returns of a certain special anne×ation election held on the 20th da~ of March, 1953, ~-~'~ certain unincorporated, territory sought to be annexed to said. City of Anaheim, ZnfEREAS, said City Co~u)c~l has es,used a record to be made of the canvass or returns of said election, which record is entitled I%ECOPJ} OF C~NVASS OF RETURNS OF SPECIAL AN~)L~.TION ELECTION, HELD MARCH 20, 1953. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY ~E CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANA- ~'~IM that said record of canvass of returr~s of said electl~n be, and the same is hereby ordered entered upon the Minutes of said City Council. FOREGOING RESOLUTION is signed and approved by me this 24th day of ~.1~6 On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed ami adopted ~he following'Vote:.. AYES.;. COUNCIL~N: Pearson, Wigs.er, He¥ing, Boney and Van Wagoner. NOES: COUNCILM~: None. . ~BSENT: COUNCIL~2~N: None. The Ma~or declared the foregoing Resolution duly PasGed and adopted' RECORD OF GAi~AS$ OF R~.-TORNS O~ SPSOIAL A~XATION W.L~CTION ~ ~O~ 20, 1~53, . The 0i~y Council of ~he City of ~~eim hereby ~es a recor~ of c~- va,~ of ret~rn~ of a =peci~ a~e~ion election. ~"aid .special ~e~$ion election ~ held on the 20th ~ of ~rch, 1953, in ~the ~er provid~ by law, ... T~t for maid elestion, said 0ity Co~cil duly established one v0ti~ precinct which is desisat~ aa A~CIA S~T ~,~TION E~CTION ~ECINOT. T~t the polli~ place for such election was estaBlish~ ~ ~intain- e~ at He~y J. ~ois Garage, 7921 Liberty L~e, Orange Co~ty, C~ifornia, which was within the herein~ter describe~ ~incorporated territory. The~de~criptien of the oroperty propos~ to be incl~ed' in the a~exation ~o~ as the A~CIA ST~ ~~TIOI~ is as follows: A tract of Ia~ incl~ing a portion of Sections 2, 3, 4 and 11, Township 4 ~ou~h, R~ge 10 West, San Ber~rdino Base a~ Meridi~ a~ a portion of'Sections 34 and Township 3 South, ~e 10 ~est, San Bernardino Base a~ Meridian, a~ mor~ particularly described as follow~: Beginni~ at a point on the exiati~ Oit~ Limits Line of the City of 'A~heim, said point bei~ at the intersection of the South ri~t-of-wa~ line of East Palma A~e~e a~' the East pr~ert~ line of Lot i of Origi~l Tract No. 153 fil.~d in Book' ll, Page 46, M.M.R.0.C. a~ a diet,ce of 1669 feet more or less ~st of the' mon~ented center line of ~st Street; thence Northerly ~o~ a line pe~endic~ar t0 the mon~ent~ center line of ~at La Palma Avenue for a dis~ tance of 30 feet more or less to the South line of Section 2, To,ship 4 ScutCh, ~9 10 West, S~ Ber~rdino Base a~ Meridi~, said line bei~ the mon~ented center line of East La Pal~ Ave.; thence continuing Northerly alo~ said 'line pe~endicular to the center line of East La Pal~ Avenue to the North rlght~6f- way line of East La Pa~ Avenue; the~e Ea. sterly along said Nort~h right-of-w~ line of East ~ P~ Avenue to its intersection with the ~zt line of a ~rcel described as the East ~ of Southwest ~ of the Southwe,t ~. of the Southeast ~ ~f Section 2, To,ship 4 South, ~~ l0 West, S~ Ber~rdino 3see a~ 'Merldi~; thence'northerly alo~ said ~st line to the Southeast Corner of L~t 22 of Golden State Tract No. 2, fil~ in Book 4 P~e 68, M.M.R.O.O.; thence N6rtherl~ alo~ the-E~s~' line of said Lot ~ to the Northeast corner thereof, thenc~ con- tinui~ Northerly to the Southeast corner of Lot. 18 of said Gold-eh State Tract: thence cQntinuing Northerly ~o~ the ~et line 0f said Lot 18 a~'Lot 14 of ~' said Goldman $.tate Tract to the Northeast corner of said Lot 14; thenCe along Sai~ ~orth line of said Lot 15 to the Eut riSt-of-w~ 1.ine.'0f Acacia',~ · Street; ehe~ce Northerly alo~ said East ri~t-of-way line of Aca~i~ S%'reet~' dist~ 0f'583.05 feet to a point; thence SU?l 07'05" W, 180.23 ~$ thence s 67o07~35, w, 195.42 feet; thence S ~3o59~20,' W, 152.10. feet; tHe~O$-'$ 36" W, !~.lg feet: %hence ~ 89~18'25" W, 20 feat .ts %~he East line exten~ Northerly of that certain ~rcel described as thc South .5.42 a,r-es off'the We~t 18 acres mol the South 36 acres of the Eaat ~ of fractio~l' Northwest ~' 0f Section '2, ~ownship 4 South, ~e l0 West, San Ber~dino Base a~ Meridi'~; thence Southerly alo~ said ~st line to the North line of ~aid 5,42 screw; thence WesterlY. 663 feet more or less to the West line of said .5.'$2 ac~e's; the- nce southerly aloe'said West line to the Northerl~ riSt-of-~y line of B~t'~n Street a~ the Westerly prolo~ation thereof to the West Section line of ~ec- tion 2, Township 4 South, ~e l0 West, ~ Ber~rdino Base ~ Meridian; thence continui~ Westerly 30 feet more or less ~ong said prolongation of the North right-of-way line of Burton Street to the West fiSt-of-way line of Ray- mond Avenue; thence Northerly ~ong said West rift-of-way line of ~~ond Avenue a~ the northerly prolo~ation thereof to the ~orth line of Section 3, T,w~hip 4 South, R~e l0 West, S~ ~er~rdino Base a~ Meridian; the ~7 s~e being the mon~ented center line of Ora~ethorpe Avenue; thence continu- ing Northerly along said West right-of-w~ line of ~ymo~ Avenue ~ the southerly prolongation thereof a diet,ce of 1320 feet more or less to the South City Limits Line of the City of Fullerton a~ existi~ October 23, 1952; thence Westerly 3910 feet more or less alo~ said City Limits Line of the City of Fullorton to the East line of South Harvard Avenue, also known as North Lemon Street; thence Sout~rly 1320 feet more or less alo~ the said East line a~ tho Southerly prolo~ation thereof to the North line of Section 3, To,ship 4 South, Ra~e 10 West, Z~ ~ernardino ~ase ~d Meridian, the being the mon~ented Center line of Orangetho~e Avenue; thence continuing Southerly along the said east right-of-way line a~ the northerly prolonga- tion thereo~ to a point, ~aid point bei~ at the intersection of the ex- tension of the Southerly line of Lot 4 of Miles Rancho a~ recorded in Book 4, P~ge 7, N.~.O.C. al~o bei~ the center line of the An~eim Union Water Compa~ canal as shown on said map; thence Southwesterly along said 8outh line of maid Lot 4 of Niles R~cho ~d thc Northeasterly prolongation there- of to a point on the existing City Limit~ Line of the City of Fullerton, ~aid City Limits line being 330 feet more or less, easterly ~ at right angles from the center line of South SpUta ~; thence Eoutherly along ~aid City Limits Line of the City of Fullcrton to ~ ~gle point; thence Westerly continuing along ~aid City Limits Line of the City df Fullerton a ~istance of 300 feet more or less to the E~st right-of-w~ line of-said South Sp~ra Roa~; thence northerly lO0 feet more or less continuing along said City Limits Line of the City of ~llerton ~d the East Right-of-way line of Spadra Road to an ~gle point; thence Westerly 60 feet more or less continuing ~long said City Limits Line o~ the City of F~lerton to a point on tho we~t ~ide of sai~ Epadra Ro~, said point bei~ the intersection of the souther~ost Oity Limits of the City of F~lerton ~d the Norther~ost City Limits of the City of A~eim, it being also the northeast corner o~ Lot 6 Miles R~cho on said West right-of-way line of South Sp~ra al~o kno~ ~s U.E. Ni~w~ lO1; thence Southerly 410 feet more or less alo~ the said West right-of-way line of Spadra Ro~ ~ the existing City Limits Line of the City of ~heim to ~gle; thence easterly 60 feet more or less continuing ~long said City Limits Line of the City of A~eim to a poin~ on the We~t right-of-wa~ line of Lemon Street, said point being 700.12 feet mere or less northerly ~rom the Northwest right-of-way corner of sai~ Lemon Etreet ar~ Ro~eya Drive; thence continuing Northerly along s~id Oity Limit~ Line and said West ri~t-of-way line of Lemon Street to ~ ~gle point said City Limits Line, it bei~ the North line of the Kirven A~e~tion to thc City of A~eim as certified by the Secretary of State, Jan~ry ll, 1956, to an ~gle point on said City Limits Line; thence Northerly continuing along said City Limits Line a distance of 325~55 feet more or less to angle point on said City Limits Line; thence Easterly continuing alo~ said City Limits Line a distance of 665 ~eet more or less to a point, sai~ point bei~ ~ ~le point in said Oi~y Limits Line, it also bei~ the center of Section 3, To,ship 4 South, R~ge l0 West, 8an Bernardino Base a~ Meridian; thence Northerly continui~ ~ong said City Limits Line a dist~ce of 1828 feet or less to ~ angle point on said 0ity Limits Line it also being the North- westerly corner of the Industrial Site Addition to the City of ~~eim, as certified by the Secretary of State, Au~st 21, 1924; thence Easterly continu- ing along said City Limits Line a dist~ce of 132B feet more or less ~gle point on said ~it~ Limits Line; thence Southerly continuing alo~ said City Limits line a dist~ce 4566 feet more or less to ~ ~gle point on said City Limits Line, said point also bei~ on the men,shred center line of East La Pal~ Avenue; ~hence Easterl~ continuing alo~ said City Limits Line ~ distance 2755.18 fee~ more or less to a point of intersection of the said City Limits Line and the West property line of Origi~l Lot I of Tract 153 filed in Book ll, Page 46, M.M.R.O.C.$ thence continuing Southerl~ alo~ sai~ City Limits Line 31.26 feet to the South fiSt-of-way line of East ~ Palms Avenue and an ~gle point on said City Limits Line; thence Easterly continu- ing along said 0i~ Limits Line 536.~ ~ee~ to the Doint of b~gi~i~. ~ That the proposition submitted to the electors residing within s~id ~ncor~rat~ area was: ..... Cit~_ .Na_!l.~ Anaheim. Ca~l~£orM~~rch 24. _1955_ - 8:00 o.m. , ............ Shall ACACIA ST~T A!~EMJ~TION be annexeC~ to the City of ;~ahelm, California, 8nd the property in said ACACIA STREET AN~EXATIOM be, after ~uch [~nexation, s~Dject to taxation equally with ~he proper'~y within said City of An~eim to p~y its pro rata portion, based upon assessed valuation, of ~11 bondec indebtedness of sai~ City of Anaheim outstsnding on J~uary 27, 1953, or theretofore authorized? YES NO That said City Council me% at its regular .meeting after the expiration of three ~ays from and a~'ter the date of said election to canvas~ %ne re~,urns of said election, and at sai~ regular meeti~ did make and com- plete its canvass of such returns. That from and. by its canvass of such returns, said City Council finds: i. That the whole nttmber of votes cast at such election was 116. 2. That the number of votes cast at such election in favor of ~zuexation was That the number of votes cast at such election against annexation was 38. That the ntumber of ballots received as absentee votes was 1. City Olerk of the City of Anaheim C'Ri>iNANCE NO. 8~t: Councilman Var.. Wagoner offerea Ordinance No. 841 for first reaming. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY ~OF ANAHEIM APPROVING THE ANNEXATION TO SAID CITY OF ANANEIM OF CERTAIN UNINCORPORATED TERRITORY KNOWN AS ACAC IA STREET ANNEXATION. LOARA-GRESGENT ANNEXATION: R~SOLU~iON NO. 2130: Gottncilman Heying offered Resolutio~ No. 2130 an~i moved for its passage and adoption. Councilman Boney se~on~ed the motlon. MOTION CARRIED. Refer ~o Resolution Book, pa~e J · A P~SOLUTION OF THE CITY CO,OIL OF THE CITY O~~ ANAt~I~. ACKNOWLEDGING RECEIPT OF COPY OF NOTICE 0F INTENTION TO CIRCULATE A PETITION RELATING TO TNE ANNE~- TION OF T-v~ITORY TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AND AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLIOATION THEREOF, AND APPROVING THE CIRCULATION OF SAID PETITION. 0~ roll c~.:~J ~qe ~'orego!ng R~-~soiution was duly passed and adopted 'by the following vote: A~ES: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Wisser, Heying, Boney and Vam~ Wagoner· NOES: COU~ CILMEN: None. ABSENT: C OUh.~'C IL.~N: None. The Mayor declsred the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. R~.OLo']ION NO 2131: Cou~ciimar~ Vas, Wagoner offered Resolution No. 2131 and moved for its passage and adoption.. Councilman Heying seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. Refer to Resolution Book, page A ~SOLUT!ON OF THE CI0~f GO'~CIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AUTHORIZING THE AC~QUISITION OF CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY REQUIRED FOR PUBLIC USE AND AUTHORIZING i: HE TRANSF~ Of CER':/AIN PROPERTY NOW OWNED BY THE CITY AS PART CONSIDERATION THF2LEFOR o On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted oy the following vote: .... ~~~ Anaheim, .Califfornia~. March 24, .!~53- 8:00 P.M.. AYES: COb%'C.!L~: Pearsor~, Wisser, Heying, Boney and. Van Wagoner. ~: ~ ~. (:© c,_,,~ C !L~[EN: None. ABSE~T: COliC ~'~: None. The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. LBERT S~R~E~~ Y_NN~A.ATION and OERRITOS AVENUE A~fNEXATION were held over. ~:~DiI~3~CE ~(:~ ~3~: Councilman Vaz~ Wagoner offered OrC. inance No. 839 and moved for its passage and adoption. Cotuucilman Wisser seconded the motion. MOTION Refer to Orainance Book, page _Z-' 2.. A~i ORD!N~_NCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIk AMENDING ARTICLE IX, CHAPTER 2 OF THE AN.~,IM MD~ICIPAL CODE ~LATING TO THE ESTABLISH~II~T OF ZONES IN THE CITY OE ~2~AHEI~ A!~JD ~EREIN i~EGULATING THE USE OF LAND, HEIGHT OF BUILDINGS AI~D YARD SPACES: ADOPTING A M~_P SHOWING THE BOUIIDARIES OF SAID ZONES: DEFINING THE TERMS L~D? THEREIn: PROVIDING FOR ADJUSTMENT, AMEEDM. ENT AND ENFORCEMENT: PRESCRIBING PENALTIES ~DR VIOLATION AND REPEALING ALL SECTIONS OR PARTS OF SECTIONS IN CONFLICT THEREWI~TH, (Res. 20P6- C.P.C. Res. 27) On roil call the foregoing 0rdin8nce was duly passed and adopted by ti~e i'oliowing vote: AYES: COUNCILMF~': Pearson, Wisser, Heying, Boney and Vain Wagoner. NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. ABSENT: CO%~NC ILMEN: None. The Mayo~- declared the foregoing Ordinarme duly passed and adopted. ©~DINANCE NC. 820: Councilman Wisser offered Ordinance No. 840 and moved for ~ Ds passsce and adoption. Councilman Van Wagoner seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. Refer to Ordinance Book, page J~ . · ~ ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANA}tEI~ AMENDING ARTICLE IX, CHAPTER 2 OF T~ ~2~AHEI~~. MUNICIPAL CODE iTELATING TO THE ESTABLISHY, JENT OF ZONES IN THE CITY OF A}L~HEIM A.~ THEREIN RECreATING THE USE OF ,LAND, HEIGHT OF BUILDINGS AND YARD SPACES: ADOPTING A MAP SHOWING THE BOUNDARIES OF SAID ZONES: DEFINING THE ?~R~S ~S~ ~{EREI~: PROVIDING FOR ADJUSTM, ENT, AMETND~.ENT AND, E~FORCEMENT: P?.ESCRIBING PENALTIES FOR VIOL~PION AND REPEALING ALL SECTI0NS OR PARTS OF ~.~TIONS !~ CONFLICT THEP_E~I?H (Res. 2097- C.P.C. Res. 29) 07. roll call the foregoinE Ordinance wa~ ~uly passed and adopted by following vote: AYES: COUNCIL~N: Pee~rson, Wisser, Heyi~.g, Boney and Van WaEoner. NOES: C©~ECIL~: None. ki~SENT: COUNCILMEN: None. The ~ayor declareC the foregoing Ordi~ance duly passed and adopted. J~0.S. REPORS' From the City oi' Santa Ana., ~1on%h off February ~Report on Section 1 oi' ~he J.O.S. was s~£0mittea, and. reac~ and. ordered received a~d filed on motion oy' Cotnueilma~ i~oney, secon~e~ by Cotu~cllman Heytng. ~OTION CARRIED. !(~UJTES' J.O.S. ~]CL,~IVE C05~(!TTEE: Meeting of Marc~ 5, 1953 were submitted az~d rea~ and ordered receive~ and filed on motion by Council. mare Boney, seconded by Councilman Van Wagoner. MOTION CARRIED. ...... ~. OF POMO~fA: R~.lative to MEETING ON HIGHWAY MATTERS to be held in the Ci~y of ?om0r~a was submitted and msfi sme~ referred to tho City Engineer. i-~!~PLOY~NT· CLARE}~CE ;~IEDER. RATE ANALYST: To be employed by the City of Anaheim; compensatio~.~ to 'Cc fixed later. Said employemtn was approved on motion by r~ o omc i 1 maz,,, TM ' ~:_ey:ng, seconded by Councilman Boney. MOTIOE CAELRIED. BE?~ KE~i~:(~ T~.~e ~[atter ox~ Bee keeping in the City of Anaheim was given con- siaeration az~d the City Attorney was requeste~i to submit suitable Ordinance ~.o l___z_,Anaheim,.. Ca!.i£ orn.i,a, .Ma_rch. 24,:~. 1~953__~ ,.,8,,: 90_ P,M~. ......... . . for the regulation of bee keeping within the ci,t¥ limits. 4rWAY STOP: l'[rs~ Heger, residing on W. La Palina Ave. request for a 4-way stop regulation -at the intersection of Euclid. ~ L~ Palma Av~. was refferred ~o the Chief of ?elice, ~S~]I~T_O~ ~A~?[-~{T D!~__~RICT: The City wa~ requestocl to appoint a representative who lives With~?thc ~~~ct to represent that' portion off the City in matters off Mosquiio Abatement.~ Said request referred to the A&ministrative Officer. _~S0~U..ION r~0~, 2i~~~,, Councilman Van Uagoner offered Resolution No. 2132 and moved for its pass~,gc and adopticn~ Councilman Wisser seceded the motion. Refer to Resolutio~ Book, page /~ . ~ '"v" '- THE RESOLUTI0[! OF T~ C~TY 00~C~L OF 'CITY OF AF~dEEIM ADOPTING B'JDGET AND APPROVING FIRST SUP.?I~JME[iTAL ~SJMOP~'I~DIN~ OF AG,ruF~EM~T FOR EXPEi~ITDi~W OF GAS T~ .aLLOCATI0!? FOR ~JOR CITY ST~ETS. ' On re!! call tho foregoing .Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the £ollowing vote: ~YES; C6U!~CI.L,~{E!~; Pearson, Wisser, Heying, Boney and Van Wagoner. NOES: COLU,',.?CILHE..E: None. ABS~LT~ OOKJCILMEN' ~one. The Mayor declared the fforegoing Resolution dully passed and ~adopted. Councilman Heying moved to adjourn to $:00 D,.M~ Tuesday, Apr{1 7, !°~3 Co,~ncilman Van Wagoner seconded thc motio~o MOTION CAP~RIED S ! G i,~D