1953/05/120it~ Nan. ~A~aneim, Ga~if°r~la~ ~w.L~.~!953- 8:00~P.M. The City Council,of the City of Amaheim met in Regula'r S~Ssion: PRESENT; OOUNCIL~N: Pearson, Wtsser, Boney and Van Wagoner. · BSENT : COUNCILMAN: Heying. CITY ATTORNEY, PP. ESTON TURNER: Present. - CITY ADMINISTRATIVE 0FgIO~R~ KEITH A. MI~OCH: Present. i,liEqJTES: The Minutes of the Regular Meeting held April 28, 1953 were approved on motion ,by 0ouncilman Boney, seconded by Councilman Wisser. MOTION CAtLRIED. D~Z~D$: Oouncilman Van Wagoner reported demands against the city amounting to $92,731.3~. Councilmam Boney moved that report of Finance Committee be accepte~ and that warrants be drawn upon the Treasurer to pay enid domars in accordance with report. 0ouncilmam Wieser seconded the motion. NOTION 0ARRIED. FIi~CI~L & O~TII~G REPORTS: April, 1953 were submitted and read and ordered received and filed ~on motion By Councilman Boney, seconded by Councilman Vas Wagoner. MOTION GARRII~D. The Clerk was instructed to open bid proposals on Job 336 and 337 on motion by Councilmam BoneY, seconded by .Councilman Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. JOB 336: Construction of a Vitrified Clay Pipe Sewer Line in Ooffman Avenue and Cypress Street. Bid~ received: ~. E. Bernard Brisco Construction Co. tzzi Oonstruction Western Pipe Line Grancich Construction Co. Chris Evanovich Nich M. $ 7,241.5/.I. ?,86h..~ 6,2..~?.80 ". 0,297. h.l 7,930. ~5 8,o2h..5~ All bid proposals accompanied by bid bonds in the amount of 10%. Councilman Boney moved the bide be referred to the City .~ngineer for tabulation and report. Councilman Wisser seconded the motion. MOTION 0ARRIED. City Engineer reported the Izzi Construction Company to be Iow bidder. H~SOlLUTiON NO. 2150: 0ouncilman~Boney offered Resolution No. 2150 and :move~lPor its passage an& exIoption. ~' - Refer to ResolUtion Book, page A RESOLUTION OF TH~ CITY 00UNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAlt~IM ACCEPTING A SEALED PRO- PO~AL AND AWAtLDING A OONTRAOT TO TEE LOW~$T P. ESPONSIBLE BIDDER ~0R THE NIYRNI~EING OF ALL PLANT, LABOR, SERVICES, MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT, AND ALL UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION INCLUDING POWER, NTtEL AND,WATER AND PERFORMING ALL WORK NECESSARY TO CONSTRUCT AND 00~PLETE THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC IMPRO~: TEE 0~NSTRUCTION OF Vi~;~i::~[FI~ C~'f .PIPE SEW~ER LIllE Ii~1 OOFF~,~ A'¢~t~E A'[~D CYPRESS STREET. (Job 336) On roll call the foregoing-Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES; COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Wisest, Boney and Van Wagoner. NGES: COUNCIL~: None. ABSENT: GOUNOILMAN~ Eeying. The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. J~:/H~ 337: improvement of Co£fman Avenue and Cypress Street. Bids received: R. J. Noble Co. (Bid bomi, 10%) $ ?,~79.30 S~lly-~iller Contr~ti~ Co. (Oertifi~ Check No. 72~9, $~,000. ) 7,652.50 Bids were referred to the City E~ineer for table, ion a~ report. City E~ineer reported t~t t~ R. J. Noble Co~a~ ~s low bidder. Acti~ upon ~he reco~e~a~iosa of the ~inistrative Officer, the a~r4- i~ of bi& on ~ob 337~t~eld ~til euch time aa ~reementa for the inatallation of c~b= are in from property o~ers on Coff~ Avenue a~ C~ress Street, ~ it ~s ~o order~ on motion by Counci~an Boney. aeco~ed by C~ilm~ Wiaaer. NOTION ~RI~ ~;~';~ ' ~, ~U;;'~ ~Ir~,. F--~Z-~3-10: P. T ~beth - W. S ~a a~ Lee S~o~s: Westerl~ 600 to 750 feet of the triable bo~~ by East Center Street, A~e~live Ro~ ~ Placentia Avenue be c~ged from R-A to O-1. City Pla~ing Co~ission Resolution No. 37 reco~en~ to the city C~cil t~t application be ~anted subject to,;t~ to the City of ~eim of 25.25 feet alo~ ~st Center Street ~ 10 feet ~1o~ the ~ei~live R~. Olty...Hall,__Anaheim, O.a. lifornia,... Nay..1..2,_l~53.~ 8:00 ?.N. ~:;~ 'i~I~.~i~ .arC. 2151: Acting upon the recommendations of the City Planning Commission, Councilman Boney moved that the application be granted and thereupon offered Resolut- ion No. 2151 and moved for its pa~saEe and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, page __ ~y~~_. A RESOLUTION OF TEE CITY COUNCIL OF TEE CITY OE_ANAEEI~t FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT A CHANGE OF ZON~ IS NEC~SARY IN C~RTAIN AREAS ~0F THE CITY AND TEAT ARTICLE IX, CEAPTE 2 OF THE ANAR~IM MUNICIPAL CODE SHOULD BE AMEND~ TO ACCOMPLISH SAID CHANGE OF ZONE. On roll call the foregoing Resolution wae duly passed and a~opted By the following vo te~ AYEs: 00UNCIL~N: Pearson, Wisser, Boney and Van Wagoner. NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. ABSENT: COUNCILMAN: Heying. ~ The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. ~RI~.~ F-52-jB-12: West vermont Avenue South Los Angeles Street~, Ball Road and South Lemon Street, as 0-2,~ wi~h the exception of a 50-foot strip adjacent to all of said boundary streets, which is to be P-L. Mr. B. J. Flynn and others addressed the CoUncil l~rotesting the g.ranting of ~his application. 0ouncilma~ Van Wagoner moved that said application be denied. 0ouncilman Boney ~econded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. ~- ~.-1:3-!i: (David S. Collins) This application for reclassification was tabled on March 2~, 1953; it was considered that the foregoing application; that the area was not ready for rezoning at this time. Acting upon the request of the property owner, David S. Collins, who at the meeting requested that the application remain tabled, and az~v ac'tion be indefin- itely postponed, Councilman Boney moved to ratify previous action taken by the City Council upon request of the owner, that the application be lndefini~tely postponed, Councilman Van Wagoner seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. '~_,~i,i~ii~:~ITY ~AI:~ ~EK: Representative of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, requesting use of the West End of La Palms Park for the week, July 22nd through the 26th, for the purpose of ~taging a Communit~ Fair Week in Anaheim. The Junior 0hauber of 0ommerce to post a bond of P.L, and P.D. during the pe~Iod, and stated that their plans included all service clubs, as to the staging of the ~air Week. The proceeds be directed to Youth Welfare Activities. This request was granted with prov. ision that it be held under the direction of the Administrative Officer and proper City Officials, on motion by Councilman Boney, seconded by Councilman Van Wagoner. NOTION OARRIED. ~-,,~:- ::,~.~~ ~,~,-~v.~; Year beginning May 15, 1953 - Informal bids received: Arnold E. Howard (Contract form "E" - $1,500.00 Basis) and Bungalow Electric Company. Discount used for basis of billing, ~32% and ~2~. Coumcilman Van Wagoner moved that the contract be awarded B,~,~galow Electric and that the Mayor am~ City Clerk be authorized to sign the same on behalf of the City. C0uncilmam Wisser seconded the motion.~ MOTION CARRIED. :-~.¥o~.~,~,..~i0i~' NO. :?~1~2' Councilman Boney offered Resolution No. 2152 and moved for it~ passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TEE CITY OF ANAHEIM AWARDING CON'i~RACT ~IDR TEE FURNISHING OF G~,SOLINii~ TO THE CITY FOR THE FISCAL YEA~ 1953-195~. On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed amd adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL~: Pearson, Wisser, Boney and Van Wagoner. NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. AB~2~T: ' COUNO! I~: Heying. The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. :~:~i~~-. i lV>~ i?~, ~OT N0, ~36~: 16 lots - South of Acacia St. on East La Palms Ave. SUbdivider, Raymond Miller. ._Cit~ f~ll.,, Amelia, ...~. l~orni&~...Na~...lZ,...1953 -.8:00.P,~N, ..... Tentative Map of Tract No. 1365 was recommended by the City Planning~ Oommiss ion for approval. It was moved by Councilman Van Wagoner, seconded by 0ouncilmam l~one~, that Tentative Map be approved, subject to engineering requirements, and that requiemente for aide walks in the tract be waived, as requested by lit. Miller. MOTION GARRIED. F~[i~J..L ¥~.?, TRf~CT NO. 1833: 29 lots - South o£ Tract No. 11~20 on Westmont Drive. Subdivider, Whielden and Scholz. Said Final Map of Tract No. 1833 ~ a~rove~, subject to e~tneeri~ requirements, on motion by Co~ci~ Boney, aecond~ by Co~cilm~ Wieaer. MOTION ~I~. '~ A4de~ to ~otion- "~ t~t Sidewalk R~quirements in Tract be waive~". Motion Carrie~". T~ATI~ ~ TPJ~CT NO. 1~3: 67 lots - Northeast corner of A~ei~live Ro~ ~d Placentas Avenue. (~ture Sho~ing Center) Subdivider, Fr~edie, Inc. City Pl~t~ 0o~ission ~pprov~ the tenter:ire ~p with the e~eption of Lot No. 67, ~d the ~r~t as a whole, subject to e~ineering requirements, Detailed plus for Lot No. 67 wo~d ~ve to ~ aubmitt~ ~ this said ~ea wo~d be eubject to fili~ for a "reclassification". ~ C~l~ Van W~oner mov~ the Tentative ~p of Trot No. 1~3 be accepted, subject to engineeri~ requirem~ts, with the exception of Lot 67 which is to be left aa "~eacrib~ pro~rty", ~ not deaig~t~a~"~t~e S~ppi~ Center". Oo~cil~ Wieser seconded the motion.~ MOTION TE'~f~/ATI~ i,~, T~CT NO, 1859; ?1 lots - West ~ P~ Ave. ~ust east of Tract · o. 1~91. Su~ivider, Dre~ Homes, Inc. City Plying Oo~szion s~prov~ said tentative ~p, subject to followi~ co~itiona: (1) C~ngea a~ eho~ by the Co~ieaion~a et~f. (2) A~e~tion to the 0ity of A~eim. (3) ~lneerlng req~rements, Tentative ~p of Trot No. 18~ ~s held over for f~ther i~o~etion as to the ~e~tlon. PROP~TY ~ CI~: Resolution, Agreement ~ De~, Jo~ J. ~ Le~ was held over for check on the description of p~perty to be conve~ to City of A~eim. FIlL M~, TP~CT 1691: Ap~oved on. motion by Co~ci~ V~ W~oner, aeco~ by C~ci~ ~on~. MOTION O~I~. ~ii~L ~,~, TP~0T 1696: (Held over) Held over as bei~ inco~lete. OP~I~CE NO. ~6: Oouncil~ V~ ~oner offer~ O~i~ce No, ~ ~ mov~ for its pas~e ~d ~option. Refer to O~i~ce ~ook, p~e . /~-. ....... AN ORDINAi,~CE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEI$t AMENDING SECTION 6100.38 OF TIlE ANA~XN Mt~I¢IPAL CODE. On roll call the foregoing Ordinance was duly passed and adopted by ,the follo ,wing vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Wisse~- Boney ami Van Wagoner. NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. ~ ABSENT: COUNOILMA~.' Heying. The Mayor declared the £oregoing Ordinance duly passed and adopted, O:Pg [NANOE NO. 8~7: Ocnincilm~__~_ Boney of~ere~ Oxxlinance No. 85? for first reading and moved for its passage and adoption. AN ORDINANCE OF TEE CITY OF ANAEEIM A~NDING ARTICLE $, CHAPTER 2, PART 6, OF TEE ANA~M I~.~ICIpAL CODE BY ADDING A NEW SECTION THERETO TO EE-NIIMBEthED $291.17 PROHIBITING THE KEEPING OF WITHIN THE OORPORATE LIMITS OF TEE 0ITY OF ANAHEIM. YaJ~ .iANCE NO. i5C: Claude G. Crosby - Reply to noti~icatiom to comply with the terms of said variance. Mr~ Bittalia, te~t, ~itted t~t retail s~ea ~ been ~e on the pre, sea, ~ the Co~cil ~~ him t~t he mst, in: the furze, operate a in keepi~ with V~i~ce No. 158, ~t~ December 3, ~438 ~? ~;~!~.~ ~"~?i: ~i-~t~c. City Engineer certified the completion of Job 331, aa of April 27~' 1953, by Nick M. ~o, Contractor. a~ reco~ended the official ~cep~ce of the work ~d the filing of a "No,lc, of Completiom". ~ ~ ~.~?~.~.~ .... if~. ~ ~ ~ ~ Oou~cilm~ Wi~er offered Resolution No. 2153 ~ mov~ for i~ passage ~ ~option. ~ Refer to Resolution Book, ~e .~- ~z~-.. e~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINALLY ACCEPTING TEE COMPLETION AND THE FURNISHING OF ALL PLANT, LABOR, SERVICES, MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT: AA~D ALL UTILITIES A~D TRANEPGRTATION INCLUDING POWER, FU~L AltD WATER, AND PERFORMING ALL WORK N~CESSARY TO CONSTRUCT AND COI~PLETE TEE FOLLOWING PUBLIC IMP!lOVe: EAST .-~,~,C~i' .~i ~ ~, ~!? ~-~..~'~,'~w* T(; PL&CEi~IA AVEI~UE. JOB NO. 331. On roll call the foregoing resolu$ion was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COb~.ICIL,~KEN: Pear,on, Wi~er, Boney and Van Wagoner. NOES: COUNCI LN~N: None, ABSENT: COUNCII24AN: tteying. The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly pas~ed and adopted. -- ~ ; i-: J:o.-,ii~.-~ted. City Engineer certified the completion of Job No. 333, as of May !1, 1953, by E. E. Bernard, Contractor, and recommended the official acceptance of the work and the filing of a "Notice of Completion". ~-'i ~; ~J~,;~' ~.~;;. ~!~.' Cotmcilman Wi~ser offered Re~olution No. 215~ and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, page .~~_~_/. A RESOLUTION OF TEE CITY COUNCIL OF TEE CITY O~ ANANEIM FINALLY AOOEPTING TttE CO~PLETION AND THE FURNISHING OF ALL PLANT, LABOR, SERVICES, MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT: AND ALL UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION INCLUDING POWER, FUEL AND WATER, AND PERFORMING ALI~ WORK NECESSARY TO CONSTRUCT AND CO;~LETE THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC IMPRO~: EAST On roll call the foregoing resolution was dul~ passed and adopted ~ the following vote: AYES: COUNCILM~: Pearson. Wisser, Boney and Van Wagoner. NOES: COUNOII~EN: None. ABSENT: COUNCILM~N: Haying. The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. ~ :~Y [~,N'i ~i- (~. CO~,i;iSSi:~I,i i~;ESOLi_iTS,d:i i<~ ..... ~,~: Under thi~ re~olution, the City Planning Commission recommends to the City Oouncll the adoption of a new section to be numbered 9200.21 to the Anaheim Municipal Code. The Administrative Officer recommended the foregoing adoption of the new subsection to the Code, and Nearing was ordered held ~une 9, 1953 at 8:00 P.M. on motion by Councilman Wi~ser, seconded by Councilman Van Wagoner. MOTION CARRIED. i~-~ ..... ~.~ ~-~.~ W. ~ide of S. Lemon St. between W. South St. and W. Vermont Ave, From R-1 to ]t-2. The City Planning ¢omission, pursuant to their Resolution No. 45, recommended the granting of above reclassification, Public Hearing wa~ ordered to be held June 9, 1953, 8:00 P.M. on motion by ¢ouncilm~n Boney, seconded by Councilman Wi~ser. MOTION CARRIED. installation of candy machines in the City Hall and City Power Plant. 2 machines to be installed in each location, to be owned and operated by the Employees' Associat- ion for the benefit of the functional activities of the Employeee~ Aeeociation. The City Council granted the foregoing request, and referred to same to the Administrative Officer, as to locations for placement. -. ~.~i~R 0~;~J~:'T: Mrs. Schmidt appeared before the Council protesting the operation by Mr. M. M. Sell of a Trailer Court, under Variance granted by Resolution No. 1652 adopted December 14, 1948; protest as to the building of additional improvements and building~ and facilities in the trailer court. Motioned by Councilman Boney, seconded by Councilman Wisser, that the Building Department withhold any building permit~ for any structures on the premises until such time as investigation is made. ::. ~i!~.~. ;.i./T;~'~i~' OF ~:Oi,ii'i~.!',iIu:~q. ioN to the members of the Anaheim Fire Department was submitteH by Oounoilm~n Boney who moved for itm pasjage a~ ado~%io~.. Sai~ Reeolutio: warn duly passed and adopted by the following ,vote: AYES: COU~CIL&[F~: Pearmon, Wi~eer, Boney and Va~ Wagoner. NOES: 00UNOII~N: N~one. A~SF~T: COUNCI L~: tteying. The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. 0ouncilman Van Wagoner moved to aclJo~. Councilma~ Wisser seconded the motion. MOTION 0A~IF, D.