1964/03/177603 City Hall~ A~a.he.%m~ California - COUNCIL MINUTES ~ March 1~ 1964~ 1:30 P.M.' The City Council of the City of Anaheim met in regular session. PRESENT: COUNCILMEN: Dutton, Chandler, K~ein and Coons. ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: Schutte. PRESENT: CITY MANAGER: Keith A. Murdoch. CITY ATTORNEY: 3oseph Geisler. CITY CLERK: Dene M. Williams. CITY ENGINEER: James P. Maddox. ASSOCIATE PLANNER: Ronald Grudzinski. Mayor Coons called the meeting to order. MINUTES: On motion by Councilman Dutton, seconded by Councilman Chandler, minutes of the Anaheim City Council meetings held March 3 and 4, 1964, were approved. MOTION CARRIED. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 538 - CLARIFICATIONs City Attorney 3oseph Geisler reported on request of Councilman Schutte for clarification of Council action taken at their meeting held March 10, 1964, pertaining to Con- ditional Use Permit No. 538; it being Councilman Schutte~s understanding that said application was granted with the intent that, as a condition precedent to the development of subject property, a use be established on property im~nediately to the east to provide a buffer between the pro- posed pizza restaurant and the future branch library. Council discussion was held, and it was determined that the intent of the Council in action taken on Conditional Use Permit No. 53~ was that prior to construction of the branch Zibrary, a suitable buffer development such as the one proposed on a tentative plan displayed by the applicant at the public hearing, should be constructed~ and should such a development not take place, there would be just cause to ~evoke said conditional use permit. Mr. Austi~ Eddy, representing Forest Lawn Cemetery Association, indicated his presence in the audience and thanked the City Council for clarifying the issue. ~I,,CTN Ps, qUEST, Application submitted by Tastee Freez, requesting permission to erect a non-conforming sign at 3240 West Lincoln Avenue, was reviewed by the City Council together with plans and reports from the Building and Planning Departments. On motion by Councilman Chandler, seconded by Councilman Dutton, said sign permit was granted, subject to no projection over the property line. MOTION CARRIED. REqUeST - PERMISSION TO CONDUCT RUN~AGE SALE: Comunication dated March 4, 1964, from Mrs. Neil D. Hood, Chairman, Young Women's League of Southern California (Orange District)~ California Federation of Women"s Clubs, requesting permission to conduct a Rummage Sale on a small portion of the parking lot located at the northwest corner of Euclid Street and Crescent Avenue (C-2 2one), was submitted together with sketch indicating the proposed location; sales scheduled Saturday, March 21, 1964, 8:00 A.M~ to 5:00 P.M., and the proceeds to be used for purc!'~a~e and donation of l~brary books and bookcases to the Orange County C],ildren s Hospital. i: Discussion was held, and Mr. Murdoch reported that in considering a request of this nature, the administrative authority is limited to local groups. Also noted was the fact that subject request was the first request received for a sale te be conducted in an outdoor location. On motion by Councilman Krein, seconded by Councilman Chandler, permission to conduct Rummage Sale was granted as requested, i~OTION CARRIED. POLICY OF THE COUNCIL: On motion by Councilman Krein, seconded by Council- man Chandler, requests of local charitable organizations to conduct drives, sales and other fund raising events are to be handled administratively by the City Manager's Office. 7604 Ci~.y .~al%, .ADah.eim~ California - COUNCIL MINUTES - March 17, 1964, 1~0 P,M, "Local Organization" is defined to be any organization that has substantfal membership in said organization residing within the City of Anaheim~ or that benefits from the activity will accrue in substantial part to the citizens of Anaheim. MOTION CARRIED° REQLA~IFIG~TION NOo 61-62-27 ~ ALTERNATE PLANS: Alternate Plans submitted by Orval M. Halvorsen, in connection with Reclassification No. 61-62-27 (0-2 Zone, southwest corner of Ball Road and Euclid Avenue), were reviewed by the City Council together with original plans, reports and recommenda- tions from the City Engineer and the Planning Department,Development Review. Ntt. Orval M. Halvorsen addressed the City Council further explaining Alternate Plans which he felt were substantially the same as those originally approved, with the exception that the proposed building would be enlarged by 15 feet and extend to the westerly property line, eliminating the 1§ foot drive at the rear of said structure, with an additional 21 feet of land added at the southerly end of the building to be used for a driveway. He further explained the parking layout as shown on the Alternate Plot Plan. Ntt. Halvorsen requested that the Council indicate their approval of a minimum 6 inch curb surrounding the building in lieu of bumper blocks~ and stated should any problem arise where the front of automobiles parked against said curbs project over the sidewalk area, he would agree to do whatever would be necessary to correct the situation. Attention was called to a finding of the Planning Department report regarding the lack of trash collection areas shown on the alternate plan~ and Ntt. Halvorsen advised that trash storage and collection provisions have been resolved with an inspector of the Department of Public Works. Ntro Geisler reported that the property adjacent to the south of subject property (F-57-58-29) was in the same ownership, and recommended a letter be filed by Ntt. Halvorsen stipulating to the fact that he will not sever or separate the C-1 and C-2 zoned properties except at an area which will meet the parking code requirements of each zone. At the conclusion of the discussion, Councilman Dutton moved that it be the finding of the City Council that the Alternate Plot Plan, marked Exhibit No. 1, Revision No. 1, substantially conforms to original plan previously approved; that said revised plan be approved as an alternate to the original plan~ subject to the approval by the Director of Public Works of adequate trash storage areas in accordance with approved plans on file in the Public Works Director's Office! further, subject to the filing of a letter stipulating that in the event that the two properties are separated in the future, that a record of survey be filed providing sufficient parking in accordance with the Municipal Code for each separate parcel of property. Councilman Chandler seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. (Alternate Plan was dated this date and signed by Mayor Coons.) CONpITtONAL USE PERMIT NO, 236 - EXTENSION OF TIN~, Request of Alban and Bernardine Holtz was submitted for one year extension of time to Conditional Use Permit No. 236 for compliance with Condition No. 5, pursuant to Resolution 62R-687, requiring a 6-foot masonry wall to be constructed on the westerly and southerly boundaries of subject property. On motion by Councilman Krein, seconded by Councilman Dutton, one year extension to bond posted for wall construction was granted. ~OTIONCARRIED. 7605 C~t¥ Hall~. Anaheim, California = COUNCIL MINUTES - March %7~ 1964! 1:30 P~M~. CONDITIO~6L USE PERMIT NO. 451: Request of Leonard Smith on behalf of Humble Oil and Refining Company, for deletion of Condition No. 9 pertaining to construction of 6 foot masonry wall along the north and west boundaries of subject property, prior to final building inspection, was reviewed by the City Council together with reports from the City Engineer and Plan- ning Department=Development Review; subject property located at the north- west corner of Lincoln Avenue and Rio Vista Street. N[r. Leonard Smith, 125 South Claudina Street, reported that the masonry wall requirement was also a condition of Building Permit No. 14731, issued for construction of a service station on subject pro- perry, and requested said requirement be deleted from the building permit. He further advised that C~i zoning is pending on property im- mediately to the west under Reclassification No. 63-64-48, and if com- pleted~ the necessity for a masonry wall would be eliminated. Discussion was held by the City Council and City Attorney, and it was noted that Conditional Use Permit No. 451 was granted by the City Planning Commission, and in order to eliminate any condition, further public hearing would be required. Councilman Chandler moved that a 90 day temporary use and oc- cupancy permit be granted on subject property, contingent upon receipt of a letter from the land owner agreeing to the installation of required masonry walls, should reclassification on adjoining property not be completed. Councilman Krein seconded the motion. NDTION CARRIED. Ntt. Smith was advised to make application for amendment to Conditional Use Permit No. 451 during said 90 day period. P~$OLUTI.ON NO.. 64R=164..=:..WORK~ORDER.N.Oa 4502~ ITEM NO, 4.$ Upon receipt of certification from the Director of Public Works~ Councilman Chandler offered Resolution No. 64R=164 for adoption. Refer to Resolution Book. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEI~ FINALLY ACCEPTING THE COBPLETION OF THAT PORTION OF WORK ORDER NO. 4502 DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: ITEM NO. 4, FIXTURES ~= SECTION NOo 2 OF SPECIFICATIONS - LIBRARY SHELVING:AND FIXTURES, FOR THE ANAHEIM CENTRAL LIBRARY AT BROADWAY AND HARBOR BOULEVARD, IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM° (Remington Rand, Division of Sperry Rand Corp.) Roll call vote: AYES: COUNCILN~N: NOES: COUNClLN~N: ABSENT: COUNCILN~N: Dutton, Chandler, Krein and Coons. None Schutte The Mayor declared Resolution No. 64R=164 duly passed and adopted. RBSOLUTION NO. 64R=16~ = JOBS .NOS..~89~ 807~ AND 804: Councilman Krein offered Resolution No. 64R=165 for adoption. Refer to Resolution Book. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY R~QUIRE THE CONSTRUC- TION AND COMPLETION OF A PUBLIC IMPROVEN~NT, TO WIT: CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE ~ASONRY BLCCK WALLS AT CRESCENT & GILBERT PARKSITE, 30B NO. 789; N~TTIE LOU N~XWELL PARKSITE, 30B NO. 807; AND SUNKIST & UNDERHILL PARESITE, 30B NOo 804, IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM; APPROVING THE DESIGNS, PLANS, PROFILES, DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION THEREOF; AUTHORIZING THE CONSTRUCTION OF SAID PUBLIC IMPROVEN~NT IN ACCORDANCE WITH SAID PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, ETC.; AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO PUBLISH A NOTICE INVITING SEALED PROPOSALS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION THEREOF. (Bids to be opened April 9, 1964, 2:00 P.M.) Roll call vote: 7606 City H~ll, Anaheim, California - qOUNCIL MINUTES - March .17~ 1964,. 1:30 P.M. AYES: COUNCILN~N: Dutton, Chandler, Krein and Coons NOES: COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: Schutte The Mayor declared Resolution No. 64R-165 duly passed and adopted. RESOLUTION .NO. 64R-166 - 30B NOo 811: Councilman Krein offered Resolution No. 64R-166 for adoption. Refer to Resolution Book. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY REQUIRE THE CONSTRUC- TION AND COMPLETION OF A PUBLIC IMPROVE~ENT~ TO WIT: INSTALLATION OF FLOODLIGHTING AND POWER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS AT THE STATE COLLEGE AND VERMONT PARKSITE~ IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM~ 30B NO. 811; APPROVING THE DESIGNS~ PLANS~ PROFILES, DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE CONSTRUC- TION OF SAID PUBLIC IN~ROVEN~NT IN ACCORDANCE WITH SAID PLANS~ SPECI- FICATIONS~ ETC.; AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO PUBLISH A NOIICE INVITING SEALED PROPOSALS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION THEREOF. (Bids to be opened April 9, 1964~ 2:00 PoM.) Roll call vote: AYES: COUNCILN~N: Dutton~ Chandler~ Krein and Coons NOES: COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT: COUNCILN~N: Schutte The Mayor declared Resolution Nco 64R-166 duly passed and adopted. [i£._SQLUTION NO, 64R-t67 = JOB NO. 839: Councilman Krein offered Resolution No. 64R-167 for adoption. Refer to Resolution Book. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY REQUIRE THE CONSTRUC- TION AND COMPLETION OF A PUBLIC INtPROVEMENT, TO WIT: CONSTRUCTION AND CON~LETION OF CO~FORT STATIONS AT THE ANAHEIM N~JNICIPAL GOLF COURSE~ IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, 30B NOo 839; APPROVING THE DESIGNS, PLANS, PROFILES, DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION THEREOF; AUTHORIZING THE CONSTRUCTION OF SAID PUBLIC IN[PROVEN~NT IN ACCORDANCE WITH SAID PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS~ EICo; AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO PUBLISH A NOTICE INVITING SEALED PROPOSALS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION THEREOF. (Bids to be opened April 9, 1964, 2:00 P.Mo) Roll call vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: NOES: COUNCILMEN: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: Dutton, Chandler, Krein and Coons None Schutte The Mayor declared Resolution Nco 64R=167 duly passed and adopted, P~E$.QLUTION NO. 64R-168: Councilman Dutton offered Resolution No. 6~R-168 for adoption. Refer to Resolution Book. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM DECLARING ALL WEEDS AND RANK GROWTH GROWING UPON PUBLIC STREETS AND VACANT LOTS TO BE A NUISANCE. Roll call vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Dutton, Chandler, Krein and Coons NOES: COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: Schutte The Mayor declared Resolution No. 64R-168 duly passed and adopted. 7607 City ~a!l, An~heim~ Cal!.~ornia = COUNCIL MI~pTES = March 17~ 1964~ 1:30 ~.M. RESOLUTION NO. 6'4R~169 ~ WORK ORDER NOo 419=8.0: Councilman Dutton offered Resolution No. 64R=169 for adoption. Refer to Resolution Book. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CiTY OF ANAHEIM DECLARING THE NECESSITY, PURSUANT TO GOVERNN~NT CODE SECTION 39576.5, TO CONTRACT FOR THE REMOVAL OF WEEDS AND RANK GROWTH GROWING UPON PUBLIC STREETS AND VACANT LOTS, CALLING FOR BIDS THEREON, AND AUTHORIZING PUBLICATION OF NOTICE THEREFOR, WORK ORDER NO. 419=8.0. (Bids to be opened April 16, 1964, 2:00 p.M.) Roll call vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: NOES: COUNCILNMN: ABSENT: COUNCILN~EN: Dutton, Chandler, Krein and Coons None Schutte The Mayor declared Resolution No. 64R=169 duly passed and adopted. RENDVAL OF DEAD ORANGE T~EE~ Councilman Chandler requested the owner of pro- perry at the northwest corner of Cerritos Avenue and Walnut Street be con- tacted concerning the removal of dead trees from grove, in accordance with the Anaheim Municipal Code provision. ENCROACHN~NT ANAHEIM UNION WATER CONtPANY EASENMNT: On motion by Councilman Dutton, seconded by Councilman Krein, execution of an acknowledgement of permissive use of Anaheim Union Water Company easement, described as a portion of the Northwest one=quarter of the Northeast one-quarter of Section 12, Township 4 South, Range 10 West, $.B.B. & M., for the instal- lation of a sidewalk, was authorized, it being understood that installation of said sidewalk is conceded to be ~permissive', rather than a "pre-~mptive" use. MOTION CARRIED° PURCHASE: The City Manager reported on the following informal bids received for the purchase of 2,000 feet of paper insulated lead cable: Anaconda Wire Co., Los Angeles Okonite Co., Los Angeles General Cable Co., Los Angeles $12,384.32 12,384.32 12,384.32 On motion by Councilman Coons, seconded by Councilman Chandler, bid ~as awarded to the General Cable Co., and purchase authorized in the amount of $12,38~.32~ including tax, as recommended. MOTION CARRIED. DEEDS OF EASEMENT: Councilman Krein offered Resolutions Nos. 64R-170, 64R-171, and 64R~172, for adoption. Refer to Resolution Book. RESOLUTION NO~._~4R=170~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A GRANT DEED CONVEYING TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CERTAIN REAL PROPERIY FOR AN EASENMNT FOR ROAD AND PUBLIC UTILITY PURPOSES. (Ted F. Shelley, et al) RESOLUTION NO. 64R-171: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING AN EASEN~NT DEED CONVEYING TO /ME CITY OF ANAHEIM CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY FOR AN EASEN~NT FOR ROAD AND PUBLIC UTILITY PUR- POSES° (First Western Bank and Trust Co.) RESOLUTION NO~ 64R=172: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING AN EASEMENT DEED CONVEYING TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY FOR EASEMENTS FOR ROAD AND PUBLIC UTILITY PUR- POSES. (Ben Hut Oil Co.) Roll call vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Dutton, Chandler, Krein and Coons NOES: COUNCILNMN: None ABSENT: COUNCILN~N: Schutte 7608 City H~ll~ Anahgim, C~lifo.rDia = COUNCIL MINUTES - Marqh 17, 1964, t:30 The Mayor declared Resolutions Nos. 64R-170, 64R-171~ and 64R-172 duly passed and adopted. ORANGE CO..UN~Y STREET NAMING CON~ITTEE REPORT: Report of Thornton E. Piersall, Director of Public Works, pertaining to the Orange County Street Naming Committee meeting held February 27, 1964, concerning the proposed street name change for the "Carolina-Kraemer=Dowling=Glassell-Grand Avenues" route, was submitted for City Council consideration, together with copies of communication from the City of Placentia and newspaper excerpts. Councilman Chandler moved that the report and supplementary material be ordered received and filed, and that the City Council again reiterate their confidence in Mr. Piersall to handle Our affairs before the Orange County Street Naming Committee. Councilman Krein seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. CANGELLATIO~ OF CITY TAXES: On motion by Councilman Chandler, seconded by Councilman Dutton~ cancellation of city taxes was authorized on property acquired by the California Division of Highways for Public Purposes, pro- perty formerly assessed to Roland G. Reynolds, et ux, deed recorded October 25, 1963, in Book 6775, Page 759, Official Records of Orange County California, MOTION CARRIED. cAN~.ELLATION. OF COUNTY TAXES: On motion by Councilman Dutton, seconded by Councilman Chandler, the Orange County Board of Supervisors was requested to cancel county taxes on the following property acquired by the City of Anaheim for municipal purposes: Property acquired pursuant to Final Order of Condemnation No. 93696, formerly assessed to Elena Ayala Gomez, ministratrix of the estates of Severiano Ayala and Damiana Ayala, Final Order of Condemnation recorded 3anuary 19, 1962, Document No. 13909,- in Book 5982, Pages 696, 697, and 698, Official Records of Orange County California. MOTION CARRIED° Mayor Coons left the meeting, 2:35 P.M., and Mayor Pro Tem Chandler assumed Chairmanship of the meeting. RESOLUTION NO, ~4R=173: Councilman Krein offered Resolution No. 64R-173 for adoption. Refer to Resolution Book. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AUTHORIZING CERTAIN PERSONS TO ACT FOR THE CITY OF ANAHEIM IN CONNECTION WITH SMALL CLAIMS ACTIONS~ AND SUPERSEDING RESOLUTION NOo 62R-444. Roll call vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: NOES: COUNCILMEN: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: TENtPORARILY ABSENT: COUNCIL~iAN: Dutton, Krein and Chandler. None Schutte Coons Mayor Pro Tem Chandler declared Resolution No. 64R-173 duly passed and adopted. COP+RE~pONpENCE~ The following correspondence was ordered received and filed, on motion by Councilman Dutton, seconded by Councilman Krein: a. Notice from the California Division of Highways requesting recommenda- tions be made for any additions or deletions to the Freeway and Express- way System or to the State Highway System. b. Notice of Commencement of Proceeding for Voluntary Winding Up and Dis- solution of Anaheim Valencia Orange Association, a California Corporation. c. Feather River Project Association Agenda for meeting to be held on Friday March 27, 1964t Minutes of meeting held on 3anuary 24, 1964. MOTION CARRIED. 7609 City Hall~ An~heim~ California = CQUNCIL .MINUTES - March .!71. 1~64~ 1:30 FINANCIAL AND OPERATING REPORT.S: Financial and Operating Reports for the month of February, 1964, were ordered received and filed, on motion by Councilman Krein, seconded by Councilman Dutton. MOTION CARRIED. O~DIN~.NCE N0...1978: Councilman Krein offered Ordinance No. 1978 for final reading. Refer to Ordinance Book. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING TITLE 18 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO ZONING. (63-64-67 - C-2) After hearing read in full the title of Ordinance No. 1978 and having knowledge of the contents therein, Councilman Dutton moved the reading in full of said ordinance be waived. Councilman Krein seconded the motion. MOTION UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED. Roll call vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Dutton, Krein and Chandler NOES: COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: Schutte TEMPORARILY ABSENT: COUNCILMAN: Coons Mayor Pro Tem Chandler declared Ordinance No. 1978 duly passed and adopted. ORDINANCE NO. 1980: Councilman Krein offered Ordinance No. 1980 for final reading. Refer to Ordinance Book. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 1947 IN RECLASSIFICATION PROCEEDINGS NO. 62~63-130, (C-l) After hearing read in full the title of Ordinance No. 1980 and having knowledge of the contents therein, Councilman Dutton moved the reading in full of said ordinance be waived. Councilman Kretn seconded the motion. MOTION UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED. Roll call vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Dutton, Kreln and Chandler NOES: COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: Schutte TEMPORARILY ABSENT: COUNCILMAN: Coons Maygr Pro Tem Chandler declared Ordinance No. 1980 duly passed and adopted. Mayor Coons resumed Chairmanship of the meeting, 2:40 P.M. QRDI~NGE NO~. 1981: Councilman Dutton offered Ordinance No. 1981 for first reading. ~ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING TITLE 18 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO ZONING. (59-60-62 - C-l) After hearing read in full the title of Ordinance No. 1981 and having knowledge of the contents therein, Councilman Dutton moved the reading in full of said ordinance be waived. Councilman Krein seconded the motion. MOTION UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED. RIEqUES? TO USE LA PALMA PARK:. Request of North Orange County Young Republicans for use of La Palma Stadium, Sunday, April 19, 1964, from 1:00 to 5:00 P~M., for picnic and and public address, was submitted together with recommendation from the Director of Park and Recreation. 7610 City Hall. Anaheim, California ~ COUNCIL MINUTES - Mar~h 17~ 1~64~ 1:30 On motion by Councilman Dutton, seconded by Councilman Krein, said request was granted subject to payment of charges in the amount of $150.00. NDTION CARRIED~ PRQPO~ED AG~EE~NT - ~RIVATELY OWNED FIRE HYDRANTS: Ntt. Geisler requested Council approval of a proposed unilateral agreement which would give the Fire Department authority to inspect privately owned fire hydrants at no charge to the owners, and require these owners to maintain the fire hydrants in an operative condition° On the recommendations of the City Attorney, proposed uni- lateral agreement was approved as to form~ on motion by Councilman Dutton, seconded by Councilman Krein. NDTION CARRIED. ALC.OHOLIG B~VERAGE LICENSE APpLICATION.~ Application submitted by Salvatore A. Guardino and 3acques J. Prudhomme, for New On-Sale Beer and Wine license at the Triangle Restaurant~ 1126 North Los Angeles Street~ (C-2 Zone), was presented by the City Manager to the City Council for their information. On motion by Councilman Krein, seconded by Councilman Chandler, the City Attorney was authorized to file protest with the Alcoholic Beverage Control Board against said application, on the same basis as protest filed against former on=sale license application for subject property. NDTION CARRIED. R~G£S$~ Councilman Dutton moved to recess to 7:00 P.M. seconded the motion. ~OTION CARRIED. (2550 Councilman Chandler ,REcEs$ PRESENT ABSENT, PRESENT Mayor Coons called the meeting to order. COUNCILN~N, Dutton, Chandler, Krein and Coons. GOUNCILN~N: Schutte. ASSISTANT CITY ~ANAGER: Robert Davis. CITY ATTORNEY: Joseph Geisler. CITY CLERK: Dene M. Williams. CITY ENGINEER, 3ames P. Maddox. ASSOCIATE PLANNER: Robert Mickelson. ASSOCIATE PLANNER~ Ronald Grudzinski. INVOC%TION: Reverend Morford, of the First Nazarene Church, gave the invocation. FLAG SALUTE: ~ayor Coons led the assembly in the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. pUBLIC ,HE~RING,, RECLASSIFICATION NO. ~3-6~.=6~ ~ND QONDI/IONAL USE ..PERMII NO. 509, Submitted by Frank C. and Nora M. Beckett~ Russ and Natalie Boore¥, and Dorothy Rohan, requesting change of zone from R-A to R-3 and amendment to the General Plan accordingly; property having fron%age~ on the west side of Lewis Street~ north side of Simmons Street, and south side of Orangewood Avenue. (21~7 South Lewis Street)~ ~nd further requesting the following: (1) Permission to construct a 98-unit single-story multiple- family planned residential development with carports. (2) Waiver of the building separation requirements. The City Planning Commission, pursuant to Resolution No. 1042, Series 1963~64~ recommended Reclassification No~ 63-64=61 be denied; pursuant to Resolution No. 1043~ Series 1963=64~ denied Conditional Use Permit No. 509~ and pursuant to Resolution No. 1041~ Series 1963-64~ re~ commended that General Plan Amendment No. 3 be disapproved. Associate Planner Ronald Grudzinski noted the location of the property, existing uses and zoning in the immediate area~ briefing the evidence presented to and considered by the City Planning Commission. He noted findings set forth by the Planning Commission resulting in the recon~nended denial of subject applications. 7611 City Hall, Anaheim, California = COUNCIL MINUTES - March 17~ 1964, 1:30 P.M. Plans and the files were reviewed by the City Council, a6d the Mayor asked if the applicant or his representative was present and wished to address the Council. Mr. Dale Heinly, 611 West Eighth Street, Santa Aha, Attorney for the petitioners, displaved a colored plot plan of subject property, advising that a copy thereof had been presented to interested residents at one of the meetings. He referred to said plan, and advised that the Mausoleum property across Lewis Street to the East is fully develooed to the existing rignt.-of-way, therefore, the required 20 feet, or 25 feet for the widening of Lewis Street must come from subject property in addition to required dedication for the widening of Simmons Street and Orangewood Avenue, which will result in approximately 34,000 square feet of land area being dedicated to the City of Anaheim. He further reported that the petitioners have no objections to the recon~nended conditions and requirements. Mro Heinly stated that if the property was developed into single family homes, the logical arrangement would be by the use of cul-de-sac streets from Lewis Street. He advised that he agreed with several single family home developers he had contacted regarding subject property, that it would be economically unfeasible to develop the land for R-l, considering the cost of the land and the loss of land for street purposes. An official Orange County Land Use Map was submitted for Council review, and Mr. Heinly called attention to the County R-4 Zoning on the north five acres of subject property, prior to annexation to the City'of Anaheim. He advised that he was under the impression that cities usually make an effort to protect existing County zoning upon annexation, and-that this was another reason the property should now be zoned R-3. Referring to the plans submitted, he advised that the density was 9.6 dwelling units per acre, and that two parking stalls for each of the ninety=.six units has been provided. He noted that the three existing dwelling~ on the property would be eliminated, and the development would be self=contained, and would not be detrimental to properties along Spinnaker Street. Mr. Heinly noted the existing multiple family dwellings south of Orangewood Avenue in the City of Anaheim, and was of the opinion that~all recommendations of the City Planning Commission had been met. Further, it was noted that the developers (Hunsaker & $on~) will adhere to their polic policy in other apartment developments, limiting tenants to those with no children under twelve years of age, therefore~ no increased burden on schools will be created° The Mayor asked is anyone else wished to address the City C6uncil in support of the requested development~ there being no response, asked if anyone wished 'to address the Council in opposition. Mro Clifford Rothrock~ 2161 South Spinnaker Street, stated that subject property has been before the City Planning Commission and City Council frequently during the past several years, and each time multiple residential development was vigorously opposed by residents in the areal further, they were opposed to any apartment development south of Orangewood Avenue and requested the property be developed into single family homes. Mr. William Zabel, 4132 Simmons Avenue, expressed his concurrence with statements made by Mr. Rothrock, and objected to the increased traffic and parking problems, which he felt would be created by the requested development. In his opinion, thirty=four R=i units could be built~ using the cul=de=sac arrangement, as was noted at the City Planning Con~nission hearing. He requested that the Commission's denial be upheld and the line be held at Orangewood Avenue for apartment developments. Mrs. B. '~. Velien, 21.41 South Spinnaker Street, called attention to the recently adopted General Plan map, posted on the west wall of the Council Chambers~ which indicates single family development in the area under~ con- sideration; and requested strict adherence to the General Plan, except in cases of extreme hardship. 7612 City Hal~ Anah~im~ California ~ COUNCIL MINUTES = March 17~ 1964~ 1:30 P.M. 'Ntt. J. C. Lillywhite, 2116 South Spinnaker Street, addressed the Council being of the opinion that single family homes could be profitably developed on subject property, and called attention to a similar situation on a parcel to the South, between Lampson and Garden Grove Boulevard where single family homes are now constructed. He re- quested that the City CoUncil uphold previous decisions and deny multiple family zoning on the property under consideration. In rebuttal, Ntt. Heinly stated that the property referred to, south of Lampson Street lacked the same characteristics of subject property both in size and shape and in location, noting the mausoleum property directly across the street from subject property. He further advised that the City Planning Commission did not find that the single family homes could be developed economically, but that the land could be developed R-l; that removal of the older dwellings would be an improvement to the area and the development would be an asset to the community~ and again noted the former County R=4 zoning. The Mayor asked if anyone else wished to address the Council, there being no response, declared the hearing closed. ~SOLUTION NO. 64R=174: Councilman Dut'ton recognized that subject pro- perty was a difficult parcel to develop, and that the density proposed was low, and thereupon he offered Resolution No. 64R=174 for adoption, authorizing preparation of necessary Ordinance, changing the zone from R-A to R-2, since plans submitted comply with requirements of the R-2 Zone, subject to the following conditions: 1. That the owners of subject property shall deed to the City of Anaheim a strip of land 45~feet in width, from the center line of the street, along Orangewood Avenue and Lewis Street, for street widening purposes. 2. That the owners of subject property shall deed to the City of Anaheim a strip of land 32~feet in width, from the center line of the street, along Simmons Avenue, for street widening purposes. 3. That the owners of the subject property shall deed to the City of Anaheim, Street "A" as shown on Exhibit No. 1, Revision No. 1. Street ~'A" shall be 64=feet wide and terminating with a 50-foot radius cul-de~saCo That street improvement plans shall be prepared and all engineering requirements of the City of Anaheim along Oran§ewood Avenue, Lewis Street, Simmons Avenue and Street "~A", (a) such as curbs and gutters, sidewalks, street grading and paving, drainage facilities, or other appurtenant work shall be completed as required by the City Engineer and in accordance with standard plans and specifications on file in the office of the City Engineer; and <b) that a bond in an amount and form satisfactory to the City of Anaheim shall be posted with the City to guarantee the installation of said engineering re- quirements. 5. That owners of subject property shall pay to the City of Anaheim the sum of $2.00 per front foot along Orangewood Avenue, Lewis Street, Simmons Avenue and Street ~"A~", for street lighting purposes. 6. That owners of subject property shall pay to the City of Anaheim the sum of 15¢ per front foot along Orangewood Avenue, Lewis Street, Simmons Avenue and Street ~A"', for tree planting purposes. 7. That the completion of these reclassification proceedings is con- tingent upon the granting of a conditional use permit. 8. That Condition Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, above mentioned, shall be complied with within a period of 180 days from date hereof, or such further time as the City Council may grant. 9. That subject property shall be developed substantially in accordance with plans and specifications on file with the City of Anaheim, marked ~'Revision No. 1, Exhibit No~ 1 and Exhibit Nos. 2 through 5", as amemded herein. Refer to Resolution Booko A RESOLUTION OF THE CiTY COUNCi£L OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETER- MINING THAT TITLE 18 OF THE ANAHEi~ ~UNICi~PAL CODE RELATING TO ZONING SHOULD BE A~ENDED AND THAT THE BOUNDARIES OF CERTAIN ZONES SHOULD BE CHANGED. (63-6~-61 ~ R-2) 7613 City Hall~ Anaheim~ California = COUNCIL MINUTES - March 17~ ~964~ 1:30 P.~'. Further dicussion was held, and Councilman Chandler stated his vote would be based on the size of the property, and the length of time it has been under consideration in an attempt to develop! further, in his opinion the proposed development would be the least inimical type of development for the property, other than single family homes. Re- cognizing existing conditions in the area, he requested that a specific condition be added to the requirements of the conditional use permit specifying single story construction and installation of wood shake roofs. Councilman Krein expressed his opinion that the property could be economically developed for single family residential with reasonable profit to the owners. Roll call vote on Resolution No. 64R-174: AYES: COUNC ILN~N ~ NOES: COUNC ILN~N: ABSENT: COUNCILNMN: Dutton, Chandler, and Coons. Krein Schutte The Mayor declared Resolution No. 64R-174 duly passed and adopted. RESOLUTION NOv 64R=%7~: Councilman Dutton offered Resolution No. 64R-175 for adoption, granting Conditional Use Permit No. 509, subject to the following conditions: 1. That the owners of subject property shall pay to the City of Anaheim the sum of $25.00 per dwelling unit, to be used for park and recreation purposes, said amount to be paid at the time the building permit is issued. 2. That trash storage areas shall be provided in accordance with approved plans on file in the office of the Director of Public Works, prior to final building inspection° ~ 3. That fire hydrants shall be installed as required and determined to be necessary by the Chief of the Fire Department, to be installed p~ior to final building inspection. 4. That this conditional use permit is granted subject to the completion of Reclassification No. 63=64-61. 5. That subject property shall be developed substantially in accordance with plans and specifications on file with the City of Anaheim, marked "Re- vision No. 1, Exhibit No. 1 and Exhibit Nos. 2 through 5", as amended herein. 6. That a 6-foot masonry wall shall be constructed along the west property line prior to final building inspection. 7. That the patios should be increased in depth from 10 to 15 feet where located between a building and a carport structure; that all parking areas should be screened from view of apartments and recreational space; that a minimum distance of 20=feet should be provided for buildings rear to rear, rather than the 15=feet proposed; that the rear to rear~ spaces between buildings ~hould be landscaped; that both sides of the entrance ways into the guest parking and carport clusters should be landscaped to shield the%e a~eas from abutting streets and that each dwelling unit have a minimum 200 square foot private patio. 8. That property be restricted to single story development, with wood shake roof construction. Refer to Resolution Book. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM GRANTING cONDITiONAL USE PERMIT NO~ 509. Roll call vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: NOES: COUNCILMEN: ABSENT: COUNCILNMN: Dutton, Chandler, and Coons Krein Schutte /he Mayor declared Resolution Nco 64R=175 duly passed and adopted. 7614 City Hall~ Anaheim~ California - COUNCIL MINUTES - March .17~ 1964~. 1:30 P,M. ~ESO~UTION NO. 64R-176: Councilman Dutton offered Resolution No. 64R-176 for adoption. Refer to Resolution Book. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO THE GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATED AS AMENDNfiNT NO. 3 Roll call vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Dutton, Chandler, and Coons NOES: COUNCILMEN: Krein ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: Schutte The Mayor declared Resolution No. 64R-176 duly passed and adopted. Orange County Land Use Map was returned to Ntt. Heinly, and he was advised to furnish legal sized copy of the colored plot plan displayed, to be a part of the reclassification file. PUBLIQ HEARING~ RECLASSIFICATION NO. 63-64-66 AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT No. 520: Submitted by Alma C. Maler, requesting a change of zone from R-A to R-3; . prdperty briefly described as located at the northeast corner of Gilbert Street and Crescent Avenue, and further requesting permission to establish a one and two story multiple-family planned residential development, and waiver of the following: (1) Garage requirement to permit construction of carports. (2) One-story height limitation within 150 feet of residential agricultural zoned property. (3) 10 foot separation requirement between main and accessory buildings. The City Planning Commission pursuant to Resolution No. 1046, Series 1963-64, recommended Reclassification No. 63-64-66 for approval, subject to the following conditions: 1. That the owners of subject property shall deed to the City of Anaheim a strip of land 32~feet in width, from the center line of the street, along Gilbert Street, for street widening purposes. 2. That the owners of subject property shall deed to the City of Anaheim a strip of land 45-feet in width, from the center line of the street, along Crescent Avenue, for street widening purposes. 3. That the owners of subject property shall deed to the City of Anaheim, alleys, 20-feet wide with corner cut-off, along the northerly and easterly boundaries of subject property, as shown on Exhibit No. 1, Revision No. 1. That street improvement plans shall be prepared and all engineering requirements of the City of Anaheim along Gilbert Street, Crescent Avenue and alleys, such as curbs and gutters, sidewalks, streets grading and paving, drainage facilities, or other appurtenant work shall be completed as required by the City Engineer and in accordance with standard plans and specifications on file in the office of the City Engineer; and that a bond in an amount and form satisfactory to the City of Anaheim shall be posted with the Citv to guarantee the installation of said engineering requirements. 5. That the owners of subject property shall pay to the City of Anaheim the sum of $2.00 per front foot along Gilbert Street and Crescent Avenue, for street lighting purposes. 6. That the owners of subject property shall pay to the City of Anaheim the sum of 15¢ per front foot along Gilbert Street and Crescent Avenue, for tree planting purposes. 7. That the completion of these reclassification proceedings is contingent upon the granting of a conditional use permit. 8. That Condition Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, above mentioned, shall be complied with within a period of 180 days from date hereof, or such time as the City Council may grant. 7615 F .City HalI, Anaheim, Ca%~fornia - COUNCIL MINUTES - March 17, 1964, 1:30 P.M. 9. That subject property shall be developed in accordance with all provisions of the R-3, Multiple Family, Zone, and substantially in accordance with plans and specifications on file with the City marked Revision No. 1 Exhibit Nos. 1 through 8, provided that the proposed carports which face southerly be incorporated with the remainder of the carports and face one another, and by so doing that said carports shall be moved southerly into the side yards in order to make them more accessible to the living units and provide for adequate circulation. 10. Thai a 6-foot masonry wall shall be constructed along the north and east property lines prior to final building inspection. The City Planning Commission pursuant to Resolution No. 1047, Series 1963-64, granted Conditional Use Permit No. 520, subject to the following conditions: 1. That the owners of subject property shall pay to the City of Anaheim the sum of $25.00 per dwelling unit to be used for park and recreation purposes, said amount to be paid at the time the building permit is issued. 2. That trash storage areas shall be provided in accordance with approved plans on file in the office of the Director of Public Works, prior to final building inspection. 3. That fire hydrants shall be installed as required and determined to be necessary by the Chief of the Fire Department, to be installed prior to final building inspection° 4. That this conditional use permit is granted subject to the completion of Reclassification No. 63-64-66. 5. That subject property shall be developed in accordance with all pro- visions of the R-3 Multiple Family, Zone, and substantially in accordance with plans and specifications on file with the City marked Revision No. 1, Exhibit Nos. 1 through 8, provided that the proposed carpdrts which face southerly be incorporated within the remainder of the'carports and face one another, and further that the said carports shall be moved ten feet southerly in order in order to make them more accessible to the living units and provide for adequate circulation. 6. That a 6-foot masonry wall shall be constructed along the north and east property lines prior to final building inspection. Ntr. Grudzinski noted the location of subject property and existing uses and zoning in the immediate area, calling attention to the close proximi- ty of said property to existing multiple family residential Uses in the~' area. He briefed the evidence submitted to and considered by the City Planning Commission, and referred to report from Planning Department-Development Review, pertaining to revised plot plan submitted February 10, 1964, incorporating relocation of carports, as recommended by the City Planning Commission. Plans and the files were reviewed by the City Council and Mayor Coons asked if the applicant or his agent had any further evidence ±o:submit. Mr. LeRoy Rose, 600 North Euclid Street, Architect representing the owner of subject property, addressed the Council further explaining the plans, noting that because of R-1 zoned properties immediately across Gilbert Street, the buildings proposed along the west side of the property under consideration will be of single story construction, in keeping with the 150 foot requirement for any two story multiple family buildings to single family dwellings. He advised that the applicant has requested waiver of said requirement along the north and east property lines, as in their opinion the adjoining properties were potential R-3 zones. Concerning the revised plot plan, Mr. Rose reported the revision was submitted in order to comply with City Planning Commission~conditions requiring relocation of carports, grouping all parking facilities at the rear of the property° He submitted colored elevation renderings for Council review~ illustrating the proposed two story and single story buildingS. The Mayor asked if anyone else wished to address the City Council, there being no response, declared the hearing closed. 7616 City Hall, %naheim, California ~ COUNCIL MINUTES - March 17, 1964, 1:30 R£SOL~ION NO. 64R-177: Councilman Krein offered Resolution No. 64R-177 for adoption, authorizing preparation of necessary Ordinance, changing the zone as requested, subject to the recommendations of the City Plannin9 Commission, with the exception that Condition No. 9 be amended to read as follows: "That subject property shall be developed in accordance with all provisions of the R-3, Multiple Family Zone, except as modified by Conditional Use Permit No. 520, and substantially in accordance with plans and specifications on file with the City marked Revision No. 2, Exhibit No. 1, and Revision No. 1, Exhibits 2 through 8." Refer to Resolution Book. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT TITLE 18 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO ZONING SHOULD BE AMENDED AND THAT THE BOUNDARIES OF C£RTAIN ZONES SHOULD BE CHANGEDQ (63-64-66 ~ R~3) Roll call vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Dutton, Chandler, Krein and Coons NOES: COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: Schutte The Mayor declared Resolution No. 64R-177 duly passed and adopted. RESOL.U/ION NO. 64R-178: Councilman Krein offered Resolution No. 64R-178 for ~doption, granting Conditional Use Permit No. 520, subject to the recommenda- tions of the City Planning Commission, with the following exceptions: That Condition No. 5 be amended to read as follows: "That subject property shall be developed in accordance with all provisions of the R-3, Multiple Family Zone, except as modified herein, and substantially in accordance with plans and specifications on file with the City marked Revision Noo 2, Exhibit No. 1, and Revision No. 1, Exhibit Nos. 2 through 8." That Finding No. 5 be amended by adding the following: "provided that the 150 foot height limitation shall be maintained on the westerly portion of the property°" Refer to Resolution Book. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM GRANTING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NOo 520. Roll call vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: NOES: COUNCILMEN: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: Dutton, Chandler, Krein and Coons None Schutte The Mayor declared Resolution No. 64R-177 duly passed and adopted. Revised plan marked Revision No. 2, Exhibit No. 1, was dated this date and signed by Mayor Coons; further, Mr. Rose was requested to furnish to the City Clerk with legal sized colored Kodachrome photographs of the elevation rendering exhibited at the public hearing. PUBLI~ H~.A~ING~ RECLASSIFICATION NO. 63~64-75 AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 530 AN~) GENERAL P/~AN AMENDMENT NOo 5: Submitted by Rose Bercot, et al, requesting change of zone from R-A to R~3, property briefly described as having frontages on the north side of Orangethorpe Avenue and the south side of Crowther Avenue, approximately !380 feet east of Dowling Street, and requesting permission to establish a two-story multiple-family planned residential development with car-ports and waiver of one-story height limitation within 150 feet of R-A zoned property. 7617 City Hall'i Anaheim~ California - COUNCIL MINUTES - March 17~ 1964~ 1~30 P,M, The City Planning Commission pursuant to Resolution No. 1037, Series 1963-64, recommended said reclassification subject to the following conditions: 1. That the owners of subject property shall deed to the City of Anaheim a strip of land 45-feet in width, from the center line of the street, along Crowther Avenue, for street widening purposes. 2. That the owners of subject property shall deed to the City of Anaheim a strip of land 53-feet in width, from the center line of the street, along Orangethorpe Avenue, for street widening purposes. 3. That the street improvement plans shall be prepared and all engineering requirements of the City of Anaheim along Crowther Avenue and Orange- thorpe Avenue, such as curbs and gutters, sidewalks, street grading and paving, drainage facilities, or other appurtenant work shall be completed as required by the City Engineer; and that a bond' in an amount and form satisfactory to the City of Anaheim shall be posted with the City to guarantee the installation of said engineering requirements. 4. That Lot A, Tract No. 3289, not yet recorded, be acquired to provide access to "~E"~ Street or that a fully dedicated and improved street shall be provided along the westerly boundary of subject property. 5. That the owners of subject property shall deed to the City of Anaheim a strip of land 30-feet in width, from the center line of the street, along "E~' Street, for street widening purposes. 6. That owners of subject property shall pay to the City of Anaheim the sum of $2.00 per front foot, along Crowther Avenue and Orangetho~pe Avenue, for street lighting purposes. 7. That owners of subject property shall pay to the City of Anaheim,the sum of 15¢ per front foot along Crowther Avenue, Orangethorpe Avenue and ~'E"" Street, for tree planting purposes. 8. That the completion of these reclassification proceedings is con- tingent upon the granting of Conditional Use Permit No. 530. 9, That Condition Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7, above mentioned, shall be complied with within a period of 180 days from date hereof, or such further time as the City Council may grant. 10. That subject property shall be developed substantially in accordance with plans and specifications on file with the City of Anaheim, marked "Exhibit Nos. 1 through 5", as amended herein. 11. That the landscaping and sidewalk shall be installed between the~ west central guest parking area and the proposed street, except for the provision of two 18-foot wide drives for ingress and egress into said parking area and, further, that said parking area shall be expanded to accommodate ten cars with adequate turning radius~ The City Planning Commission pursuant to Resolution No. 1038, Series 1963-64~ granted Conditional Use Permit No. 530 subject to the following conditions~ 1. That owners of subject property shall pay to the City of Anaheim'the sum of $25.00 per dwelling unit, to be used for park and recreation purposes~ said amount to be paid at the time the building permit'is issued. 2. That trash storage areas shall be provided in accordance with approved plans on file in the office of the Director of Public Works, prior to final building inspection, i 3. That fire hydrants shall be installed as required and determined':to be necessary by the Chief of the Fire Department, to be installed prior to final building inspection. 4. That the sidewalks shall be installed along "£" Street, as required by the City Engineer and in accordance with standard plans and specifications on file in the office of the City Engineer prior to final building ins- pection. 5. That this conditional use permit is granted subject to the completion of Reclassification No. 63-64~.75. 6. That subject property shall be developed substantially in accordance with plans and specifications on file with the City of Anaheim, marked "Exhibit Nos. 1 through 5'~, as amended herein. 7. That the landscaping and sidewalk shall be installed between the~west central guest parking area and the proposed street, except for the pro- vision of two 18-foot wide drives for ingress and egress into said parking 7618 City Ha~%, Anaheim~ California ~ COUNCIL MINUTES - March 17, 1964, 1:30 P.M. area, and, further, that said parking area shall be expanded to accommodate ten cars with adequate turning radius. The City Planning Commission pursuant to Resolution No. 1036~ Series 1963-64, recommended amendment to the General Plan in accordance with G. P. Amendment No. 5, Exhibit No. 1. Mr. Grudzinski noted the location of subject property and briefly summarized the evidence submitted to and considered by the City Planning Commission. The Mayor asked if the applicant or his agent wished to address the Council. Mr. John Patrick Haggerty, Attorney, 876 North Tustin, Orange, California, representing the applicants called attention to the size and shape of subject property and advised that it was their intention to develop the property with a quality type condominium R-3, similar to the proposed developments on east side of subject property. Plans of development were reviewed by the City Council, and size of the units together with floor plans noted. The Mayor asked if anyone else wished to address the Council. The City Clerk submitted a letter of opposition filed March 16, 1964, by Darrell ¥. Harmon, Planning Director, of the City of Placentia. The Mayor asked if anyone wished to address the Council either for or against the applications, there being no response declared the hearing closed. R~SOL~ION NOT 64R-179: Councilman Dutton offered Resolution No. 64R-179 authorizing preparation of necessary Ordinance changing the zone as re- quested subject to the recommendations of the City Planning Commission, changing the reference to "E" Street in Conditions Nos. 4, 5 and 6 to "Rutherford Street". Refer to Resolution Book. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT TITLE 18 OF THE ANAHEIM N~JNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO ZONING SHOULD BE AMENDED AND THAT THE BOUNDARIES OF CERTAIN ZONES SHOULD BE CHANGEDo ( 63-64-75 - R-3) Roll call vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: NOES: COUNCILMEN: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: Dutton, Chandler, Krein and Coons None Schutte The Mayor declared Resolution No. 64R-179 duly passed and adopted. RESOLUTION NO, 64R-180: Councilman Dutton offered Resolution No. 64R-180, granting Conditional Use Permit No, 530, subject to the recommendations of the City Planning Commission, changing reference to 'E" Street in Condition No. 4 to "Rutherford Street". Refer to Resolution Book. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM GRANTING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 530. Roll call vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: NOES: COUNCILMEN: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: Dutton, Chandler, Krein and Coons None Schutte The Mayor declared Resolution No. 64R-180 duly passed and adopted. 7619 City Hall~ Anahe. im~ California = COUNCIL.MINUTES - M.arch 17~ 1964~ 1~30 P~M. RESOLUTION NO. 64R=181: Councilman Dutton offered Resolution No. 64R-181~ approving amendment to the General Plan in accordance with G. P. Amendment No. 5~ Exhibit No. 1. Refer to Resolution Book. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM APPROVING AN A~ENDMENT TO THE GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATED AS A~ENDN~NT NO. 5. Roll call vote: AYES: COUNCILN~N: NOES: COUNCILN~N: ABSENT: COUNCILNMN: Dutton, Chandler, Krein and Coons None Schutte The Mayor declared Resolution No. 64R-181 duly passed and adopted. PUBLIQ HEARING~ RECLASSIFICATION NOo 63-64-76: Submitted by Villa Fontaine Enterprises~ Incorporated, requesting a change of zone from R-3 to C-i~ property briefly described as located on the south side of Lincoln Avenue~ approximately 707 feet west of Dale Avenue (2856 West Lincoln Avenue). The City Planning Commission pursuant to Resolution No. 1039, Series 1963-64, recommended said reclassification subject to the following conditions: 1. That trash storage areas shall be provided in accordance with approved plans on file in the office of the Director of Public Works, prior to final building inspection. 2. Thai the owners of subject property shall pay to the City of Anah:eim the sum of 15¢ per front foot along Lincoln Avenue, for tree planting purposes. 3. That Condition No. 2, above mentioned, shall be complied with within a period of 180 days from date hereof~ or such further time as the City Council may grant. 4. That subject property shall be developed substantially in accordance with plans and specifications on file with the Ctt¥ of Anaheim, marked "Exhibit Nos. 1 through 3". 5, That all air-conditioning facilities shall be properly shielded from view from abutting streets. 6. Thai all landscaping indicated on Exhibit No. 1 shall be provided and maintained~ that plans for said landscaping shall be submitted to and approved by the Superintendent of Parkway Maintenance; and thai said landscaping shall be installed prior to final building inspection· 7. Thai a 6-foot masonry wall shall be constructed along the south pro- perty line except across the access drive, and on the west and east property lines, prior to final building inspection. 8. That a sign shall be posted at the entrance of the private drive~ said drive providing access from Lincoln Avenue to the multiple family de- velopment to the rear of the proposed commercial development~ and thai said sign shall read "This is a Private Street". Ntt. Grudzinski noted the location of subject property and summarized the evidence submitted to and considered by the City Planning CommisSion. The Mayor asked if anyone wished to address the Council, for or against said application, there being no response declared the hearing closed. RESOLUTION NO, ~4R~182: Councilman Krein offered Resolution No. 64R-182,-~ authorizing preparation of necessary Ordinance changing the'zone as requested, subject to the recommendations of the City Planning Commission. ~ Refer to Resolution Book. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT TITLE 18 OF THE ANAHEIM N~fNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO ZONING SHOULD BE AMENDED AND THAT /HE BOUNDARIES OF CERTAIN ZONES SHOULD BE CHANGED. (63-64-76 - C~i) 7620 City Hall. Anaheim, California = COUNCIL MINUTES - March 17, 1~641 1;30 P.M, Roll call vote: AYES; COUNC ILNEN: NOES: COUNC IL~EN: ABSENT: COUNC IL~N ~ Dutton, Chandler, }(rein and Coons None Schutte The Mayor declared Resolution No. 64R-182 duly passed and adopted. PUBLIC HEARING, R~CLA$$IFICATION NO~. 63-64-77 - CONDITIONAL USE PER~IT NO, 532, AND GENERA% PLAN A~ENDNENT NO. 6: Submitted by First American Title Insurance and Trust Company, requesting a change of zone from R-A to R-3, and per- mission to establish a one and two-story multiple-family planned residential development with carports and waiver of one-story height limitation within 150 feet of R-A zoned property; property briefly described as located at the southwest corner of Crescent Avenue and Gilbert Street. The City Planning Commission pursuant to Resolution No. 1049, Series 1963-64, recommended said reclassification be denied; and pursuant to Resolution No. 1050, Series 1963-64, denied Conditional Use Permit No. 532, and in accordance with Resolution 1048, Series 1963-64, recommended disapproval of General Plan Amendment No. 6, Exhibit No. 1, Ntr. Grudzinski noted the location of subject property; the existing use in the general area, and briefly summarized the evidence submitted to and considered by the City Planning Commission resulting in their recommended denial~ as it was the general opinion of the City Plan- ning Commission that the size and shape of subject property lent itself ideally for single for single-family subdivision. The applicant or his agent was invited to address the City Council. Ntt. Harry Knisely, Attorney representing the applicant, addressed the Council relating problems involved concerning plans of development, and requested the public hearing on this matter be continued 30 or 45 days to revise plans in accordance with planning staff recommendations. Reference was made to staff report dated February 3, 1964, wherein it was recommended that a continuance be granted in order to revise plans of development. On motion by Councilman Dutton, seconded by Councilman Kreln, continuance of public hearing was granted as requested. The Mavor asked how many were present concerning this issue, and it was noted that a sizable number of interested persons were present. ~[r. Tom Brown, 514 North Hampton Street, Anaheim, California, addressed the Council requesting that those present he given an opportunity to voice their objections at this time. He further advised that their objec- tions were general in nature and not based on the plans or the proposed revised plans of development. Mayor Coons questioned the hearing of testimony at this time in view of the fact that revised plans would he referred back to the City Planning Commission for consideration and report, should the request of continuance he granted. The City Council had no objections to hearing those present, however advised that if the continuance was granted, in all probability they would again wish to offer the same objections at the time of the continued hearing. Thereupon action on motion previously made was ordered held to hear presentation by Mr. Brown. Mr. Brown advised that their area was residential in character, and they objected to having the view of the adjacent golf course obstructed by multiple-story apartments. He further advised that at the present time they were surrounded by approximately 500 apartments~and recommended the vacancy factor be 7621 City ~all, Anaheim~ California ~ COUNCIL MINUTES - March 17~ 1964, 1:30 considered by the developers as such a project might prove uneconomical. Mr. Brown reported that two blocks west of his home there are being developed 24 single-family homes (Ridgecrest Homes) in the $34,000 bracket, and that the developer of these homes has expressed an interest in subject property for a similar development. In answer to a question by Councilman Chandler, Mr. Brown advised that they were opposed to any apartments in this area, either single story or two story construction. At the conclusion of the presentation, Councilman Dutton moved that public hearing on Reclassification No. 63-64-77, Conditional Use Permit No. 532 and General Plan Amendment No. 6 be continued to May 12, 1964, 7~00 P.M., to allow revision of plans, said revised plans to be referred to the City Planning Commission for further consideration and report. Councilman Krein seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING~ RECLASSIFICAIION NO, 63-64-78 AND GENERAL PLAN A~END~NT NO~ 2~ Submitted by David Roper, requesting change of zone from R-A to C-i~ property briefly described as located adjacent to the service station at the northwest corner of Knott Avenue and Ball Road. The City Planning Commission pursuant to Resolution No. '1045, Series 1963-64, recommended said reclassification subject to the following conditions: i 1. That the owners of subject property shall deed to the City of Anaheim a strip of land 53~feet in width, from the center line of the street, along Ball Road and Knott Avenue, for street widening purposes. 2. That street improvement plans shall be prepared and all engineering requirements of the City of Anaheim along Ball Road and Knott Avenue, such as curbs and gutters, sidewalks, street grading and paving, drainage facilities, or other appurtenant work shall be completed as required by the City Engineer; and that a bond in an amount and form satisfactory to the City of Anaheim shall be posted with the City to guarantee the installation of said engineering requirements. 3. That owners of subject property shall pay to the City of Anaheim the sum of $2.00 per front foot along Ball Road and Knott Avenue, for street lighting purposes. 4. That trash storage areas shall be provided in accordance with approved plans on file in the office of the Director of Public Works, prior to final building inspection. 5. That owners of subject property shall pay to the City of Anaheim the sum of 15¢ per front foot along Ball Road and Knott Avenue, for tree planting purposes. 6. That Condition Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 5, above mentioned, shall be complied with within a period of 180 days from date hereof, or such further time as the City Council may grant. 7. That subject property shall be developed substantially in accordance with plans and specifications on file with the City of Anaheim, marked "Exhibit Nos. 1 and 2", provided that 30-foot access drives shall be provided from subject property, one to Ball Road and one to Knott Avenue. 8. That all air~conditioning facilities shall be properly shielded from view from abutting streets. 9. That all landscaping be installed as indicated on Exhibit No. 1, Subject to the approval of the Superintendent of Parkway Maintenance; and that said landscaping shall be installed prior to final building inspection. 10. That a 6-foot masonry wall shall be constructed along the north and west property lines prior to final building inspection. The City Planning Commission pursuant to Resolution No. 1044, Series 1963-64, recommended that the General Plan be amended in accordance with General Plan Amendment No. 2, Exhibit No. 2. Because of possible conflict of interest, Councilman Chandler withdrew from this issue and left the Council Chambers. 7622 City ~11~ Anaheim, California - COUNCIL MINUT£s - March 17, 1964, Nit. Grudzinski noted the location of the subject property and existing zoning and uses in the immediate area. He summarized the evidence submitted to and considered by the City Planning Commission. The applicant was invited to address the Council. Ntt. Roper advised that reclassification was requested in order to continue the logical commercial development of this parcel of property, and thereupon requested said reclassification be approved. The Mayor asked if anyone else wished to address the Council either in support or in opposition to said application, there being no response declared the hearing closed. R~SOLU~..ION NO..~4R-183: Councilman Krein offered Resolution No. 64R-183 authorizing preparation of necessary Ordinance changing the zone as re- quested subject to the recommendations of the City Planning Commission. Refer to Resolution Book. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND . DETERMINING THAT TITLE 18 OF THE ANAHEIM N~JNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO ZONING SHOULD BE AN~NDED AND THAT THE BOUNDARIES OF CERTAIN ZONES SHOULD BE CHANGED. (63-64-78 ~ C-l) Roll call vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Dutton, Krein and Coons NOES: COUNCILN~N: None ABSENT: COUNCILNMN: Schutte T£N~PORARILY ABSENT: COUNCILMAN: Chandler The Mayor declared Resolution No. 64R-183 duly passed and adopted. R$~$O%U~.~ION NO. 64R-184: Councilman Krein offered Resolution No. 64R-184 authorizing amendment to the General Plan in accordance with G. P. Amendment Not 2, Exhibit No. 2, and further authorizing the extension of the low medium density symbol to include the zoning action taken by the City Council as it pertains to Reclassification No. 63-64-60. Refer to Resolution Book. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO THE GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATED AS A~iENDN~NT NO. 2. Roll call. vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: NOES: COUNCILMEN: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: TEMPORARILY ABSENT: COUNCILMAN: Dutton, Krein and Coons None Schutte Chandler The Mayor declared Resolution No. 64R-184 duly passed and adopted. Councilman Chandler returned to the Council meeting. 8ECE$$~ Councilman Chandler moved for a fifteen minute recess. Councilman Krein seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. (8:50 P.M.) AFTER RECESS: Mayor Coons called the meeting to order, all members of the Council being present, with the exception of Councilman Schutte. PUBL~C.HEA~I~G~ RECLASSIFICATION NO, 63-64-80: Submitted by Beulah B. Watson, Sara and Everet Dean, requesting a change from R-A to C-2! property briefly described as located at the southwest corner of Lincoln Avenue and Dale Avenue. 7623 CitY Hall, Anaheim, C~lifornia - COUNQIL .MINUTES - March 17, 1964, 1:30 P.M. The City Planning Commission pursuant to Resolution No. 1040, Series 1963-64, recommended C-i classification of subject property, subject to the following conditions: 1. That the owners of subject property shall deed to the City of Anaheim a strip of land 45.:feet in width, from the center line of the street, along Dale Avenue, for street widening purposes. 2. That street improvement plans shall be prepared and all engineering requirements of the City of Anaheim along Lincoln Avenue and Dale Avenue, such as curbs and gutters, sidewalks, street grading and paving, drainage facilities, or other appurtenant work shall be completed as required by the City Engineer and in accordance with standard plans and specifications on file in the office of the City Engineer; and that a bond in an amount and form satisfactory to the City of Anaheim shall be posted with the City to guarantee the installation of said engineering requirements. 3. That the owners of subject property shall pay to the City of Anaheim the sum of $2.00 per front foot, along Lincoln Avenue and Dale Avenue, for street lighting purposes. 4. That trash storage areas shall be provided in accordance with approved plans on file in the office of the Director of Public Works, at approved locations, prior to final building inspection. 5. That the owners of subject property shall pay to the City of Anaheim the sum of 15¢ per front foot along, Lincoln Avenue and Dale Avenue, for tree planting purposes. 6. That Condition Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 5, above mentioned, shall be complied with within a period of 180 days from date hereof, or such further time as the City Council may grant. ~ 7. That subject property shall be developed substantially in accordance with plans and specifications on file with the City of Anaheim, marked "Exhibit Nos. 1 through 3", as amended herein. 8. That the plot plan shall be revised in accordance with the 225-foot depth of subject property as measured from Lincoln Avenues that a 35-foot setback shall be maintained from the planned highway right-of-way line of Lincoln Avenue and a lO-foot setback shall be maintained from the Dale Avenue right-of.-way line; that said setback areas shall be land- scaped prior to final building inspection and maintained and that the proposed parking areas shall be developed in accordance with the Parking Space Dimension Standards adopted by a resolution of the City Council. 9. That all air-conditioning facilities shall be properly shielded from view from abutting streets° 10. That a 6-foot masonry wall shall be constructed along the west a~d south boundaries of subject property prior to final building inspection. The Mayor asked if the applicants or their agent wished to address the Council. Nit. Jim Hodges~ 1709 South Brookhurst Street, authorized agent, called attention to the lO-foot setback on Dale Avenue agreed to by all parties as a matter of policy, and advised that the building had originally been proposed to be constructed on the Dale Avenue property line. He:further noted the 35-foot setback along Lincoln Avenue. Application file and plans were reviewed by the City Council. ? The Mayor asked if anyone else wished to address the Council in support of said application. There being no response, asked if anyone wished to address the Council in opposition. Nits. Shooks, 2820 West Lincoln Avenue, advised that subject property adjoins their property on the west, and further advised that she favored commercial use of the property, but was opposed to the sale of liquor in any form on the premises. Mrs. Ira B. Bay, 141 South Dale Avenue, called attention to the fact that school children wait at this location for school buses, and advised that she was also opposed to the sale of liquor in any form on the property. 7624 City Hal%,..~nah.eim, California - COUNCIL MINUTES - March 17, 1964~ 1~.30 P,M~ The Mayor asked if anyone else wished to address the Council, there being no response declared the hearing closed. RE~O~.UTION NO. 64R-185: Councilman Dutton offered Resolution No. 64R-185 authorizing the preparation of necessary Ordinance changing the zone to C-1 subject to the recommendations of the City Planning Commission. Refer to Resolution Book. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT TITLE 18 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO ZONING SHOULD BE AMENDED AND THAT THE BOUNDARIES OF CERTAIN ZONES SHOULD BE CHANGED° (63-64-80 - C-l) Roll call vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Dutton, Chandler, Krein and Goons NOES: COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: Schutte The Mayor declared Resolution No. 64R-185 duly passed and adopted. PUB.LIC HE. ARING~ RECLASSIFICATION NOo 63-64-84 AND GENERAL PLA. N AMENDMENT N0, 7: Submitted by Home Rental Corporation, requesting change of zone from R-1 to C-3, property briefly described as located at the southeast corner of Euclid Street and Cerritos Avenue (1500 South Euclid Street). The City Planning Commission pursuant to Resolution No. 1052, Series 1963-64, recommended said reclassification be denied, and pursuant to Resolution No. 1051, Series 1963-64, recommended General Plan Amendment No. 7 be disapproved. Ntt. Grudzinskl noted the location of subject property and summarized the evidence submitted to and considered by the City Planning Commission, resulting in their recommended denial of said Reclassification and General Plan Amendment. The applicant was invited to address the Council. ~tr. Lloyd Mount, President of Home Rental Corporation, 1769 West Colonial, Anaheim, advised that their request was C-3 Zoning limited to service station use only, or any other C-1 use. He further advised that a professional zoning would be acceptable to them, however, it was his personal opinion that service stations should be located at traffic controlled intersections such as subject location, in order to reduce traffic hazards and place service stations where they are most needed. Ntt. Mount reported that subject location was on a primary street, Euclid Street, and a secondary street, Cerritos Avenue, and that Cerritos Avenue was a major through highway with the exception of that portion within the City of Anaheim limits. Air. Mount was of the opinion that service stations would not necessarily affect residential property as The Palm Villa Development located at Euclid Street and Ball Road would verify. He was of the further opinion that the City Planning Commission dental was primarily based on a formal denial by the City Council of the commercial use requested by the Jack-in-the-Box Restaurant. Ntt. Mount requested said application be approved, and if not approved, he be advised what use would be allowed on the property as the property was no longer desirable for R-1 use. The Mayor asked if anyone else wished to add to the evidence supporting said application. There being no response asked if anyone wished to address the Council in opposition. 7625 C~ty Ha~l,..Anaheim, California - COUNCIL M~NUTES - March 17, 1964 Mr. Earl Greet, 1681Mells Lane, addressed the Council in opposition on behalf of approximately 125 residents that filed petition of protest in a former application (62-63-118 and Conditional Use Permit No. 425), and advised that he was under the impression that the City Council agreed to no business zoning in the area from Cerritos Avenue to one block north of Katella Avenue. In his opinion the granting of this heavy commercial use, would establish a precedent that could extend southerly to Katella Avenue. Mr. Greer read from the petition of protest, formerly referred to, wherein it was noted that the change of zone would be highly detrimental to the property values and to the value of their.~homes, which~range from $20,000 to $40,000, and would change the residential atmosphere of this highly desirable residential area. Mr. Greet advised that the size of subject property was substandard for service station installation, and that Cerritos Avenue was considered a secondary street in Orange County. In answer to a question of Councilman Chandler regarding any other use of subject property, Mr. Greer advised that he objected to a heavy com- mercial use and that he personally would not object to a limited commercial use, such as a professional or office use. Mr. Hal Bowers, 1680 West Cerritos Avenue, addressed the Council in opposition, advising that the residents of the twelve or fifteen homes in the immediate vicinity objected to the proposed use. ~ In answer to question of Councilman Dutton, Mr. Bowers advised that he personally would not object to a medical-professional use of She [ property. The Mayor asked if anyone else wished to address the Council, there being no response declared the hearing closed. Further discussion was held, and Councilman Chandler suggested that the hearing be continued for the preparation of revised plans to be referred back to the City Planning Commission for recommendation~and report, Mm, Mount advised that they had an interested party for the service station use, and if this use was denied it would require appreximately four months to develop revised plans. It was the concensus of opinion that the service station use of the property, if put to the vote of the City Coun~il~ would be disapproved. At the conclusion of the discussion, it was moved by Councilman Krein that said public hearing he re-opened and continued to JuDy 14, 1964, 7:00 P.M., for the purpose of submitting revised plans of a more restrictive use of the property to he submitted to the City Planning Commission for report and recommendation. Councilman Dutton seconded the motion. MOTION:CARRI£D. On motion by Councilman Chandler, seconded by Councilman Krein, public hearing was ze-opened on General Plan Amendment No. 7 and continued to 3uly 14, 1964, 7:00 P.M., to be referred back to the City Council With the primary action. MOTION CARRIED. ; ADJOURNNENI: Councilman Chandler moved to adjourn, Councilman Dutton seconded' the motion. M~ION CARRIED. 9:46 P.M. ~i · City Clerk