1953/10/29Gi. ty i:.~';ii Anaheim, Caiifornia, October 29, i953- 2:00 ;~:':c C~i-y Council o£ %he C'~iy of Anaheim met.. in adjourned regular session. PAl[CENT: CCU'.:'EiLv~N: Pearson, Wisser, Boney, Haying and Van Wagoner. ABSENT : CO!.~NC!L'~N: None. · '~" ~T~n~ PRESTON TURN~R: ,~sent. u ~ ~: ~MINIoT~A; l~ dFFICER, KEITH A. ~ ~: Ao~eni. PUELIC H%ARING: E/JCLID-_L_A PADdA..AN~_ Pursuant. ~o Resolution No. 2252, P'.-.~b!ic Hearin~ wa~.., called for ~-00.. o'clock P.,,,~. ~'' , Thursday, October 29, 1953 on the Euclid-La Pa~m- · .... a Annexation and a¢{idav[ts of publication o{ such public hearin~ were presented, :indicating publications ~ere made in the Anaheim Bulletin and ~acen+za ~.,ouric-z on October ] and $~ !~3. ::o.:£].caiion p,~.~rty owners were made and the City Clerk's certification v/a:.:; fi~ed of such notification.. ;q;~ one present a't the meeting .o=3ected to the proposed annexation and no v,z'~tter: protests had been received by the City Clerk. ~a'-/or ?esrson declared the Hearing closed. O~INANCE NO. 866: Councilman Boney offered. Ordinance No. 866 for first reading and moved for ifs passage and adopfion. ORDINA~..~E OF T'.~ CITY OF ANAHEIM APPROVING THE ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM TERRITORY KNCi~VN AND DESIGNATED AS EUCLID-LA PAL~t& ANNEXATION, ©~iNANCE ~;C. 865 (as corrected) (changing unladen weight from 8,00C pounds t6 6,000 Founds) Councilman Heyia9 offere~ Ordinance No. 865, as corrected, for first reading ant moved for its passage and adoption. Al.! t Pd)INAEEE OF T~ CITY OF ANAHEIM Mv.%ND!NG ARTICLE NO. III~ CHAPTER 2~ OF THE AN,:~i"'{EI~,g .,.~,~T.~' "' °.082 3283 3284, 3285 AND iP,~,_ CODE BY ADDING THE.~TO SECTIONS 328!, , , 3286. ( TRUCK Ru~)~'~ ' :..:~TROPO LITAN ..... r-., ,,A,::R DISTRICT: E. P. Hapgood, Director, Metropolitan Water District~ ~cJdressed 'the Council regarding new development in this area and how the development f r:: [~outhern C~lifornia ~ill affect the usage of wateI and the problems facing the k~etz, opolitan '.?ater District relative ~o the construction of new lines to bring ~fficient water to this area.. ~;.r. Hapgocd showed on the map where the new line under co~.:[ruction will. lay. Discussion by t. he eounci~ and ~,~. Hapgood on wa~er :'~rr;7 ie~s fOllo~d. ~,;,~a=; ;:'L:~rk A. 3tephenson, Ch'¢,=z=; of Police appointed '"':,,~lliam Cur tis Schwink "-'c~,~y~ C;L7. ~'~:--,;: ~.~,-~!man for t. he City ,>f Anaheim. oa~' id a~,p,~intment~ ~ was ratified on : ,,.:.on by .ounci]man :-~eying, seconded by Councilman Boney. ~vlOTION CARRIED. PIJ.~::~ERS' BO~;F£,: Kenneth C. Chidester, was ordered accapted and filed when approved the City ~+r-.~ney on moti¢,n by Councilman H~y*ng~ ¢~conded by Councilman %Visse~. 'ON CARR'r ;:r'~ Cc,unc~ iman Eone¥ moved to ~o5ourn. Councilm*n Van :,'iagoner seconded ~he I69