1953/11/24cit ~_~~ ~An~im.~ Oa~ifor,~%~,__~vemb~ 24, ~953- 8:~00 P.M. 544 A P~SOLUTION OF THE CITY 00'JNCIL OF TEE CITY OF ANAHEIM~IPPOINTING COUNCILMAN A. J. SC_Q~CHAIP~V~ OF THE CITY FLOOD CONTROL COMMITTEE. ~ On roll call the foregoing resolubion was duly passed and a~lopted by the following vote: · AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Schutte, Wisser, Heying and Van Wagoner. NOES: CO L~.~C IL~: None. ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None. -. The Mayor declared ~he foregoing resolution duly passed and~a&opted._ $IDS: JO.B..~ 1002: 2.0REST-BODEN SEWER !.MpROV~ENT[ Pursuant to Resolution No. 2272 and Legal Notice published November 14th a~.d 19th, 1953, the City Clerk was auth- orized to open bids on mobion by Councilman Van Wagoner, seconded by Councilman Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. BIDS RECEIVED: IT~ Unit Pr. Total Pr. Unit Pr. ToSal Pr. Unit Pr. Total Pr. Unit Pr. ToSal Pr. 3.25 2860.00 $.25 3740.00 2.54 2235.20 4.~5 391~.oo 2.30 1193.70 3,40 1764.60 2.00 1038,00 3,85 1998.15 175.o0 700.00 200.00 800.00 18o.00 720.00 235.00 9~0.00 5o.oo 50.00 5o.oo 5o.oo 85.oo 85.00 85.oo 85.0o 1,80 1656.00 I 60 1472.00 1-35 1242.00 I 15 1085 O0 · · · 4.50 22.50 $.00 20.00 1.05 .... 5 ,_25_ 3-50 ~ 17..50 6482.20 Z$46.60 5325 · 45 8014.6-5- On motion by Councilme~u Heying, seconded by Councilman Wisser, said bids were referred to the City Engineer for tabulation and report. MOTION 0ARRIED. City Engineer Holyoke reported lo~w bidder being R. A. Billich, Box 276, Montebello, C~li~ornia. ~ ~ ~£SOLUTION NO, E276A. Councilma.~ Heying moved that She bid be awarded to the low bidde,, R. A. Bilich, and offered Resolution No. 2276 for passage and szloption. Com~cilman Wisser seconded the motion· MOTION CAERI~. Re,er to Resolution Book,--~page ~. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A PROPOSAL F0 0W NG ROVE : S -BODE JOB NO. 002, On roll call the foregoing resolution was duly passed, and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL~N: Pearson, Schutte, Wisser,~ ~te2-ing and Van Wagoner. NOES: COUNCIL~[EN: None. ABSENT: COL~C tLMEN: None. The Mayor declared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. F-5~-54-6: P~BLtC HEARING: Public Hearing was opened to consider the application for Change of Zone in Reclassification F 53-54-6 from Jo~hn C. Phillips Realty Co. (D-1I:.ha ~e'ta Store) Portion !~/W ~ of l~/lg~- Section 9- Jess Medaris ~idressed the Council stating it is necessary For Mr. Phillips to acquire 17 or, res. Eoad is ~belng widened 100 ft. It is proposed to rezone a portion of the property as C-l, Neighborhood Commercial Zone, ~he balance of the property to be zoned as R-A, Residential-Agricultural Zone. Zoning to be ~ffectlve upon completion of annexation of area to the City. The City Plarming ~ommi~s~on recommended this zoning reclassification. There being no protests, either oral or written, the Mayor declared the hearing closed· RESOLUTION N0, 2277: Commilmsn Heying offered ~Res.2277 & moved for its passage & adoption.-Refer to Resolution Book, page ______. A RESOLD~ION OF THE CITY COIRICIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETERMINING · ~T A CHANGE OF ZONE IS NW, OESSARY~ IN C~AIN AREAS OF TEE CITY'AND TNAT ARTICLE IX, CHAPTER 2 OF THE ANA~IM MUNICIPAL CODE SHOULD BE AMENDED TO ACCOMPLISH SAID ' CEANGE OF ZONE. 0:,: roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and. adopted by the foilowir~' vo ,~e: AYES. C0tDICILMEN: Pearson, Schutte, Wisser, Heying and Van Wagoner. NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. , ~BS~¥T: COUNCII~,[EN: None. The Mayor declared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. ~-~j--~4-~:~: PUBLIC ME~RINGL Public hearing held upon petition for Reclassification F-~3-54-7 received from U. S. Electrical Motors, Inc., 200 East Slauson Ave., L, A. for rezo.uing 79.25 acres to M-1 Light Manufacturing Zone. No protests, oral or written, were received. The City Planning Commission recommended the reclassification be granted. Mayor Pearson declared the hearing closed. . ~ ~OLUTION NO._~. Councilman Wisser offered, Resolution No. 2278 an~. moved for its passage and adoption. ~ Refer to Resolution Book, page _~_____. . A RESOLUTION OF T~? CI.TY O0Dn.~CIL OF THE CLLY OF ANAREEIM FINDIN~ AND DETERMINING THAT A Cw_iLNGE OF ZONE XS NECESS~RY IN CEtt~AIN AREAS OF THE CITY AND THAT ARTICLE IX, CHAPTER 2- OF THE A~A~._!M M~ICIPAL CODE SHOULD BE AME~ED TO ACCOMPLISH SAID CHA~!GE OF ZONE. ~ On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES. COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Schutte, Wisser, Heying and Van Wagoner. NOES: COUNCII~{EN: None. ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None. The Mayor declared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. ~_Fz53-54-9_:~ PUBLIC H~ING: The proposal to reclassify the strip along the West side of South East Street, presently zoned as R-3, Multiple Family Residential Zone, to P-L, Park[ng-Landscaping Zone was opened for discussion. MR. MbY~GALL, Secretary of the Planning Commission, explained his views in the matter, acting for tlhe Planning Commission. He felt that each of the 3 property owners should have egress and ingress to and from South East Street. FflR. GRIFFITT~, City Cl~rk, read protest from adjacent property owr, ers, ~amely.; Mr. & Mrs. Paul W. Goebel, Patrick Smith, S. A. Frasier, Mr. & Mrs. Rasmussen, and Mr. & Mrs. Wolf. · MR. PAU-~ C~'-.~.B~ (against) addressed the Council. 2q~en he originally bought his prop- erty the srea was zoned R-~3, Multiple Family. He felt he was being ~penalized by lowering the zone to M-I. The value of his pr~operty :would be affect:ed. Also, he f~:!t it wa~ not reasonable to use a residential street for traffic ~o'~' s.u industriel ~.~a. It was a tremendous area to be served off o.,~e residential street. He thought o.~ foot landscaping was not enough. FRF~. MILLEi;~4 (in favor) Mr. Miller represented Mr. & Mrs. Yantcey, who ~rotest open strip in frontof property. ~fou!d appreciate consideration if area remain in M-1 and .~':~-~. ~,'fa.z~t ~-~-~s~ ,~ ~_ud ingres~ out of eacb~ of 3 parcels from East Street. ,L?R. GURhTEY. (in favor) addressed, the Coumcil. Would like to see 60 or 70 feet with one curl et. PA~JRICK SMIT~i (against) addressed the Council. Says the pending decislo~,_ of thf~s ~,~ ~ter has h~le up loam o.u h~s ~property. Mayor Pearsor requested ti~at the i¢~tereste~ parties get together and recommend the Co~u..~l somet}~ing that would be rational. The Co~mcii Is w~lling to listen a propor solutio~ to the matter, i~ order that it ;~ight be worked.out to the best ].:~t, erests of at! concerned and requested that a report be m~.e at the nezt Co~cil Mtg. Mr. Y~doch, ~ministrative Offficer, arra~ged a ~,eeti~.~g of the interested i~.~zt,~es foz' Friday, November 27, !9~3 at I:00 P.M. moved that the hea.r!n~::~ be contiz, ued to December 8, 1953. ~O~IN_~A.!~C1~ NQ_.~8?I_$ Cotu~cilman Van Wagoner offered Ordinance NQ. 871 for first reading and moved for its passage and adoption. J2J. 0RE_~INANCE OF TEE CITy OF AI~ANEIM 2_ME~-DING ARTICLE IX, CtL%pTER 2 0F ~,~ICIP~ CODE ~TING ~ ~ ~ST~LISm~T OF Z0~S IN THmmmlE P~G~TING THE USE 0P ~, ~!GHT 0F BUImlEGS ~ Y~ SPACES: m0PTINO A ~ SH0~NG T~ B0~~!ES 0F SAID Z0~; D~INING ~ VIDING ~R ~~S~T, ~~ ~ ~0RC~T: P~SCRIBING PEN~TIEE ~R ~_%'COM~,~ENDAT.ION 0~~ CITY I~L~TT~~- dOMMT$STO~I_. The City Planning Commission re- commended to the C~ty Cotmcil that ~ll subdivisions should be required to have side- w~-.~ks according to the present Ord. lnam. ce. Ma~-or Pearson stated that at previous meeting~ it had been decided that through ~treet~, with the exception of cml. de ~acs, ha~ to h~ve sidewalks in accordance with the present Ordinance, Councilman W{sser moved that the Pla~ming Commission recommendation be reeeived and filed. Seconded. MOTION CARRIED. RECOM>~ATiON OF CITY PLANN, ING, QQMMISSION:. The City Planning Commission re- commended to the City Council that the property bounded by North Palm, West Sycamore, ~ rth Citron and West Wtlhelmina Streets be considered for a future Civic Center. No action taken by the ci~ty Council on this m. atter at this time~. PLkRMONY TRAILER PARK & FLEETWOOD TRAI~ SALES: Letter received and read from Mr. Chaney, General Partner and Man. acer, of the Harmony Trailer Park. He wants priv- ilege of connecting to sewer line even though his property is Dot in the City Limits at this time. The property is located in the Ball Road ~jmexation ~2, at 12370 East Ball Road. Mr. Chaney went on record that as need comes for additional highway, they would deed extra, footage at no cost to the City. The City Attorney was instructed to report on legality of furnishing water to HarmQny Trailer Park. Cotmcilman Heying moved that the City Council go on record, t..o serve if legally ~possible with J. O. S, Mr. Murdoch stated that EASTNONT DEVELOP~ENT has simil, ar problem of furn- Jailing water to property ~outh of them. It was suggested that study be made of thia problem at the same time in re. card to sewers and legality of serving the area, Mr. Colegrove, representing Eastmont Development, addressed .the Council stating that they would like to h~ve City water and sewers, and ?ould make any agreement to come into the City o£ Anaheim. ROY L. KIRK~S Nt~ERY._~'. Letter read from M~r. Kirk- requesting permission to improve h-'is place of business at i28 West Broadway by alteration of the present ~tructure. Mr. Kirk ~idressed the Council in person and explained that he wants to i~,close one roof area, take down lath, install glass windows across the front. He needs extra space. (as per his letter of November 24, 1953) Mr. Mungall stated that proposed building is in violabion of Fire Zone ~1. The City Council ~recommended that Mr. Mtmgall check into the situation ~d_ come up with a recommendation. CO~iUN!CATIONL' The MetropOlitan Water DIStrif~ in reference to taxes. ~ouncilman He~iDg moved that t~axes collected from the M.W.D. for the fiscal ~ear 19~4~I755 be certified to the CoumtY Tax Collector be extend, ed on the Qoumty tax roll and collected in the same manner as County taxes. Seconded by Councilman Wisser. Mo tion carried, ~ CO~$1UNICATION: Tel. e~ram fro~rL State P{ichway Cnmmt.~.~tnn.advising that it will con- sider thc adoption of the location of the Freeway at its regular meeting in December was submitted and read. C05L~gJNICATION: OfzEicial Certificate of population, October 20, 1953, 22,158, 7072 occupied dwellings, re. sd and filed. Ci ~2: Hall~__Anaheim, Galifor~ia, November_ 2__~,4._ _1953 -. 8:O0 P AFPOINT~TS: Mark A. S~ephenson, Chief of Police, appointed James. Wilti~ Enperly and He_~y_.~_~~ s.s Deput2 City.Patrolmen for the City of Anaheim. Said appointments were ratii~ied on motion by Councilmaz~ Va~:~ ~'~oner, seconded by Councilman ~w'isser. MOTIO~ CARRIED. COMMUNICAT;ON: The Pacific Telephone & TeleEraoh ~0o~ ~inviting the City Couz~cil and Mr. ~urdoch to attend their offices on WeSmesday, November 25th at 3:00 P.M. The Company is celebrating the 75th Anniversary ~of the first women telephone operator~ in the business. Communic~tion was submitted and read. CO.U~WJNiC~,~,TYON' Tr~ffic surve~v ~esul~- Lemon and Broadway November 13, 1953 submitted and read. Survey ~ubmitted by ~ark A. Stephen~on, 0h~ef of Police. ~r. ~rdoch offered recommendation to place meters on 100 Block West Broad- way, parsllel parking on 100 and 200 Block West Broadway, and parking area acro~a from the Post Office ~rom east of Ballman~s to east of the two residential lots be m~de Post Office li~ited parking 15 minute zone, marked green. South side of West Br oa(lway. Councilman Schu~te suggested a stop sig~ at Broadway and Lemon, The matter wins held over for further study. 0~,}.~$~ ICAT!~N:_ Sputhe. rn. Cali. for..ni.~ P!$uuning Oongress,~Enott' s Berry Fa~n on Thursday, December lC, 1953 at 6:30 P.M. aubmitted and re~ui. COMMIRJICATi0~N:. ~_~itM Planning Oommi~i~n thanking the City for the opportunity to mttend the Oali£ornia League of Cities meeting in San F~anciaco, October 19 to 21, 1953, was submitted and read. ~EON~UNICATION: Or_~e Count~ Flood Control D~tstrict. Receipt of Bo~rd of ~Supervisors o£ Resolutio~ from City of Anaheim r ~ alolO ow. ng Route l, along La Palma Ave. as set forth iz~ report o!' co~n. sulting engineers was subm~tted P_~. read. 0~O~IC~T.i. ON: ~B_e_~trice M. Nille~r~ Oi~y ~-u~.itor, reques~ing~trsnsfer of $40,000. from General Fur~d to Ean~tation Fund to carry on activities of department for the next sever~! months. This subsidy was anticipated when 1953-54 Budget was set up. Oo~o. ncilman V~u Wagoner moved that the foregoing transfer be made, seconded by Councilm~ ~'~isser. MOTION CARRIED. - ~O~5~NICD~TION. ~eport of Executive Committee of J.0.S. of Meeting Nov. 5, 1953. RePOrt has copies of correspondence as between Mid.way City San~t~ry District, J.O.S. Executive Co ~mmittee, Orsnge County Health Department and General Mansger Orange County S~>~i t~.tio~ Districts. Co~cilman Van Wagoner moved that the Minutes of the J.O.S. Executive Comm. be approved, seconded by Councilman Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. ' ~ ~ ~LCOMIEG Q~GATION: Large delegation welcomed Cou~cilman Schutte on appointment to the City Counc~l of the City of Anaheim and complimented the City Counci~l on its choice Tor ~ember. ~ BOI~S A~D INSUPJ~CES~: The following Bonds a~d Insurs. nces ~ere ordered to be accepted ~d filed When they are ~pproved by the City Attorney: - !. Se~ooard Surety Co. Bond No. RLA 12129, $64,000., Street Improvement ~..~o-Bright, Inc., Tract ~139~. ~ 2. Seabo&rd Surety Co. Bond No. RLA 12130, $15,000. Instal. of Water Mains. Mac-Bright, Inc., Tr~ct ~1394. 3' Associated Aviatio~ Under~iters, PL & pD, $500,000. Los Angeles A~rways, I~c. 5901 West Imperial Highway, Los Angeles, Loc~tion: La Palina s~d Citron Streets, Anaheim A. Piano. bergs Bond, Fidelity and Deposit Co. of Maryla~d, $1,000., Ci~rles Loz~g PILtmbing ~nd General Contractor. Mot~iox by Councd. l~man Van Wagoner, seconded by Counciln~n Wisser, MOTION CAFC<I ED. _~SOLDTION.~0_. ~27~: Con~n.cilm,m~ Va~: Wagoner offered Resolution No 2279 and moved fo~ its passes and s~option. Refe:~ to Resolution Book, p~e . ~?~'~0N '~ T~ Ci%f COD~CIL 0F ~: ,CITY 0F ~~IM AUTHoRiZING ~ ~T~ T0 J0~ J. D~ ~AH) L~ M. DW~ 0F AGP~~{T ~CD D~D T0 0~TAIN R~L PROP~TY 5iTUAT~ IN TH~ CI~ 0F On rollca~ '~ ~ the foregoing resolution WaS duly passed and adopted by the followlng vote: AYES: COUNCII~: Pearson, Schutte, Wisest, Heying and Van Wagoner. NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. ABSENT: COUNC IL~,.~EN: None. ~ The Mayor declared thc foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted, ,RESOLUTION NO. 2280: Councilmam Heying offered Resolution No. 2280 and moved for its passage and adoDtion. , Refer to Resolution Book, page ..... · A RESOLD~ION OF THE CITY COUNCIL O~ THE CITY OF AN~E, IM APPROVING AN AGREEMENT TO BE MADE ANI) .ENTEP~D INT0 BY AND BETWEEN .THE CITY OF ANAHEIM A~ID THE ANAEEI~'~ UNION HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT RELATING TO THE USE OF ~ PALM~ PARK. On roll call the foregoing.' resolution was duly passed and adopted by the fol!owi~g vote: ..... AYES: COUNCII~: Pearson, Schutte, Wisser, Heying .and Man Wagoner, NOES: COIDTCIL~tEN: None. ABSENT: COUNCII~: None. Th~ Ma~or declared the foregoing resolution duly passed, and adopted. J~0LUT!0N NO..22~8!: Co~cilman Vax~ Wagoner offered. Resolution No. 2281 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, page A P~SOLD~ION OF THE CITY COD~ICIL OF THE CITY OF AN.~E!M ASCERTAINING AN~ DETERMIN- ING T~ PR~AILING P~TE 0F WAGES T0 BE PAID .FOR ~CH C~T 0R T~E 0F W0~~, 0R ~EC~IC ~~ FOR P~LIC WO~S CONT~.CTS FOR T~ ~ISHING 0F .~L ~T~I~S, pr ,~,:~ ~0R .~D S~RVICES FOR ~ CONSTRUCTION, INST.~IATION ~ C0~TION 0F T~ FO~0WING P~LIC I~20~~T 0R W0~: F~ISHING .~ INST~LING ~CTRIC~Y DRIV~ ~ ~GI~ D..I~. D~P WELL, T~INE T~E P~ING ~I~S On roll c~l the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the fol!~wi~g vote: AYES: 00UNCIi~EEN: Pearson, Schutte, Wisser, Heying and. Van Wagoner. NOES: ABSENT: C,O~lCl~v~;~: None. The: M~'or declared the fo_e,~oi~.~ reso].ution duly passed and adopted ~SOLb~.I. 0N.N0. 22bz~. Co'~,ailm~.~ Van Wagoner offered Resolution No. 2282 mud moved fo:~' its passage and .~doption. ~ ~ OF A RESOLb~ION OF TH]~ 3ITY COUNOiL 07 ~ ~I~.Y M't~IM A~HORIZING ~ ~YOR A~Uf, T~ CITY CLERK T0 ~T~R I~0 A_N AG~U~T WITH LOS J~GELES & S~T ~ ~I~ ROAD C0~~ ~ '~{ION =~=~ ==~==.u ~.ILROA,~ C0~h~ G~TING T0 ~E CITY A LIC~SE ~0 hgY ~ C0~TRUCT M~ T~R~T~ T0 ~INTAIN, ~AIR, ~~,~, ~E, ~ 0P~TE _.t~ 2~ INCH ,~u~..~~'~m~-~ PIP~'~ ~ ~ x 8~ CONC~TE INLE~.~. -m~ ~,RUC.~'~ ~0NG T~ PROP~ ~_YI) RiGE..-0F-~ffAY 0F S~T I~E O0~-~~. On roll call the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the ~;. o_.~" ]_owing vote: AYES: C0~YC!L~EN: Pearson, Schut, te, ~Wi~ser, Heying and Van Wagoner. NOES: COU!~C IL~,~.{: None. ABS3~IT: COID~C' ~ ~ .~[~.~,t': No n e. The Mayor declared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. ORDINANCE ~O. 8681_ Councilma~-~ Heyi~g offered Ord!nanae No. 868 for f.in~ reading ~d moved for ~t~ passage &nd ~ioption. Waiving of the re~ing was ordered as thi~ or¢in~ce ~*s~.~ full~~ ~d completely read on its first Re,er to Ordinm~ee Book, p~ge ~. ~ O~l~t,:[~Cl~ OF T~ CITY 0~ ~E!r~{ ~PROVT~'TG THE ~~TlO~g TO SA!3) CI~ call the foregoing Ordi~auce was duly passed a~d adopted by the AYES: COL%~I~M2EN: Peak'sou, Schu~e, Wi~ser, ~eying ~d: V~ W~oner. NOES: ~0~_~u~Li~,~: None. ,~~: CO~ICILI~,EN: None. ~ne ~,~or declared the foregoing Ordinance duly p~ed ~d. ~opt~d. ~:~-.~u~ h~. 86~ Co-~cIl~ Heying offered Ordi~~ No. 869 for fira~ re~i~ ~:d moved for its pass~e ~d ~ O~INA~TCE OF ~E CITY OF ~EII:[. ~~IN~ ~TICLE IX, C~TER ~,'~ICIP~ CODE ~~TING T0 T~ EST~LIS~,.~TT OF ZOOS IN ~E CiTY OF ~~IM ~~N ~G~ATT~G T~ ~E OF ~, HEIGHT OF BUILgINGS ~ Y~ SPACES: ~OPTING A ~h~ SHOW'T~'~G T~ BO~~IES 0F S~D ZO~S; D~INING T~ T~ US~) T~IN; PR~ V!DING FOR ,~JUST~. ~~~T ~ ~ORCE~T; P~SCRI~.T~G P~TIES 20R VIOLA- ?IOW ~ ~PE~I'~G ~L SECTIONS OR P~TS OF SECTIONS IN CO~LICT ~E~I~. (Res. 2269- R-A to M-1 and P-L ~d P-l) O2~)INANCE NO. 870: Cotmcilma~n Heying offered Ordinance No. 870 for :first reading moved for its paseage and adoption. A37 0RDIi~tA2~CE OF THE CITY OF A~TAHEIM, .~MP~)IMG .%RTICLE IX, O~~ 2 0~ T~ ~HIM T~U~iCIP~ CODE ~TING TO T~ EST~LISH~ 0F ZONES IN T~ CITY OF ~EIM ?HEP~I~; ~JLATING T~ USE 0F L~, HEIST OF BUI~)INQS ~, Y~ SPACES ~0PTING k ~ SHOWING: ~ BO~;~IES 0F SAID Z0~S: D~IMIh~G T~ T~MS :US~ ~~I~: PR~ V!DING FOR AD~S~IT, A~3~T A~ ~0RCA~T; P~SCRIBING P~TIES FOR VI0~- ~!0~ ~, :~ =;~ING ~ SECTIONS 0R PiRTS 0F ~CTIONS IN C0~D~LICT T~$I~ (Res. 2268 ~ R-! to R-2) STP~T N~SL Resolution authorizing ch~ge of street names tn Tract ~1648 as per City Planing Co~tssion Resolution No. 23 was ~ain referred to City Attorney for preparat ion. P~0L~IO/'i N~. 22~ Co~ci!~u Wisser offered Resolut'[on No 2283 ~ud moved for its passage ~nd R~ st' ',to Reso!ubiou Book, page _____. A ?3]SOLUT!Oi~ OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AN~IM AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN ACP~E~T WITH THE STATE OF CALIFOR}[IA FOR TF.~E INSTALLATI0)I OF RADIO ~~,,,.:~., ~:,~J ,~) ~CEiVI~G EQ'JIP~T IN T~E CITY FI~ ST,~TION FOR USE IN CIVIL On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and ariopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL~'[EN: Pear.~on, Scnu~te Wisser tieying and Van Wagoner. ~OES: COLr~C IL~C~,~: None. AB SE~,~: CO JTJC I L~7: No n e The Mayor declared the foregoing resolution du/y passed and adopted. ~.~OLUTION NO, $284: Councilms~a Heying offered Resolution No. 228~ and moved for its pass,~e mud adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUI~CIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AUTHORIZING THE Ek~CUTION OF AN AGREEi~,"~t'T TO OBTAIN A LICENSE FOR THE SOIIiS{ERN PACIFIC CO~AI~ TO CONSTRUCT A 30 INCH ST~ PIPE FOR CONVA~KiNG STOPJI WATER BEI~EATH THE RAILROAD RIGHT-Of-WAY OF THE SOUTh--, N PACIFIC COMPANY. November 24, 1953- 8:0Q. P.M. On roll c~.ll the £oregoing Reso!ution was duly passed and adopted by the f o i !. owing vote: AYES: COU~CIL~EN: Pearson, Echutte, Wisser, ~{eylng a~.d Van Wagoner. NOES: COLOniC IL~[E~: None. A~SENT: COUI~TC IL~: None. The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed mhd s~lopted~ i~$0L~ION NO. 2285; Co~cilmaz~ Schuttc offered Resolution No. 2285 and moved for its passage arid adoption. .Refer to Resolution Book, page ....... . A lqESOLUTION OF THE CITY COb~OIL OF TEE CITY OF AN~]I~4 AUTEORIZIt~G TEE ,E~PLOY~T OF THE SAFETY STRIPING SERVICE, A LI~ITED CO-PARTNERSHiP, TO DO PAVEMENT PAINTING SERVICE IN TEE CITY OF ANAEEIM, AND ~AUTHORIZING TEE ~AYOR A~k~D THE CITY CI~ ~MRE~ TO ~C~E A CONTR~CT FOR AND ON BEH~ OF THE CITY. : On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: , AYES: COIR¢C!~: Pearson, Schutte, Wisser, Heying and Van Wagoner. NOES: COUNC IL~WN: None. · ~ ABSENT: · COUNCIL,{EM: None. The Mayor declared the foregoing Re~o!ution duly passed ~and a~opted. DISCUSSiOn: was held to provide an Ordinance to enable service directly west of ~b. ei~' on Lincoln Avenue for dump trucks etc. a~ud to prevent unf~vorab~le hauling compet~tlon in the area. PETITION.: requesting consent of the City Council to commence and,conduct pro- ceedings for. the annexation to the City of Auaheim of the territory to ~e kno,~n as LOA.~ ANNEXATIO_~ signed b~ 26 reside~nts of the area, was submitted and rea~l and referred to the City Planning Commission for recommendation on motion by Councilman :e~~ ...... i~.&, seconded by Councilman Wtsser. Motion Carried. (it was noted that there ~re approximately 4~ voters in the area). P~4CHASE OF 3 _.US_ ~D V~ICLES: Mr. ~urdoch recommended ~the p~urchase of 3 u~ed vehicles ~o be used by the Public Service Department ~ud the Light, Power & Water Department; n~nely:. 1947 Plyr,~outh Coupe, Motor ~P 15446347 Cost $425.00 , 1~46 Plymouth Club Ggupe Motor ~P 159744 " 425.00 1951 Dodge Pickup, 1-~ ton, Motor ~85308610 " 795.00 Co,~ncilman Hoyi_~g-moved that the above mentioned used vehicle~ be pur- c%~eed, seconded by Councilman Va~ Wagoner. MOTION CARRIED. TRAFFIC $!G~I~LS: The matter of ~vert!sing for bids for street signals~ at Citron and Center and at East and Center Streets w~s continued until next meeting to allow the CLty Engineer time to co~nplete the specifications. Bids to be called for on December 22, 1953 if specifications can be completed in time. FLOOD COI~ROL: Discussion was held on Flood Control matters. ~RESOLUTION: Co~ncilman Heying moved that the City Clerk prepare a resolution commending the Anaheim Union High School Football Team. Resolution was unnanimously adopted. · P~SOLUTION N0._2286. : Councilma~u Meying offered .Resolution No. 2286 .and moved for its passe, ge and adopt~on. Re~er to Resolution Book, page ~ RESOLUTIOE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TS~ CITY OF A~KEIM ACCF~PTING A GRA~T DEE9~ C~I,~YING TO TH~ CITY AN~I~.'~ CERTAII~ RE~L PROPER_~ FOR A~ EASENEI~T FOR ?qJBLIC ~iLITY ?URPOSES. (The Lutheran Home Association of Cal~ifornia) On roll call~ the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the lowing vote: AYES: COUNCIL~-{AN: Pearson, Schutte, Wisser, Heying and Van Wagoner. NOES: COUNCIL~: None. ABSENT: COUNCILM~: None. The ~yor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. City .~.~l_l,_:Anaheim, California, Novembe__r.....2~?' _AESOL~IOE.~_.. S_- VARIOUS NIR,~EP.S: Councilman Heylng offered the following resolutions an~t moved fo.~ their passage ~ adoption. The title for each resolution will be Refer to Resolution ~ook, p~ges ~ A ~SOL~ION 0F T~ CI~ CO~CIL 0F ~ CITY 0F ~EIM ACC~TIEG A GiaNT D~ CON- VE~f I.~IG T0 T~ C ~ ' ~ TM ~'~ Y 0F ~f~zI;~ C~TAI~[ R~ PROPERTY FOR :~ ~S~T ~R ST~ET WI 0~ING PDY~oOSES. ?.ESOLUTION NO 2287: - P.~R~,=L 1 - The westerly five (5) £eet of Lot 3 of Tract No.255, .as shown on a map records8 in Book l~, Pa~e 25, Misc. Maps, Records of Or~e County. P~qC~ 2. The westerly five (5) feet of Lot ~ of Tract No.255, as sheba on a map recorded in Book l~, Page 25, Misc. Maps, Records of Or,ge Co'runty. (Artb:~r E. & H~d.a M. He~erling) 2~$OL~ION NO. 2288: - The westerly five (5) feet of Lot 5, of Tract No. 255, as showr on a ma~ recorded in Book 14, Page 25, Misc. Maps, ReceSs of Or,ge Co~tty. (Velma N. B~gess) ~,~~.~-~ NO 2289. - The westerly five (5) feet of Lot 6 of Tract No. 255, as shown on a map recorded in Book 14, Page 25. Misc. }~ps, Records of Or,ge Co~ty. (Ma~.e Greaves) 2~SOLUTION NO. 22~- The westerly five (5) feet of Lots 9 smd 10, of :Tract No. 255, as sho~ on a map recorded in Book 14, P~e 25, Misc. ReceSs of Or,ge Co~ty. (Carrie H. Coykend~l~ ~.0~ION~'"~ ~ NO. 22~ - The westerly five (5) feet of Lot ll of Tract No. 255, as on a map recorded tn Book~lS, P~e 25, Misc. ~ps, Records of Or:~ge County. (~rsh~l E. DeHaven & Ruby P. DeHaven) ~SOLL~tON N0. 22~- The westerly five (5) feet of Lots 12 ~d 13, of Tract No. 255, as shown on a map recorded In ~oo1.: lA, P~e 25, Misc. Maps, Records of Or,ge Co~ty. (Harry A. & Jessie C. Bonner) ........ ~.'~ ...... e.,~ - The easterly five (5) feet of Lot 20 of Tract No. 255, sho~ on a map recorded in Book 14, P~e 25, Misc' Maps, Records of Or,ge Co~ty. (Charles M. & Eazel A. Hazzard) t~SOL~ION NO. 22[~_- The easterly five (5) feet of Lot 21 of Tract No. 255; sho~ on a map recorded in Book 14, P~e 25, Misc. Maps, Records of Or,ge Co~ty. (John W. & Mary Kerby) -~o0L~ION N0 2295: - The e~sterly five (5) fee* of Lot 22 of Tr&ct No. 255, on a map recorded in Boo~ 14, P~e 25, Nisc. t~p~, Record~ o~ Or~;e Co~tZ. (Ne~tie Bittickm) :L~SOLUT;0% "~'*~.,u. 2296'. - The easterly fi~e (q)¢ feet of Lo~s,, 23, 24, ~d 26, of Tract ~To. 255, a~ sho~ on a map recorded in Book 14, P~e 25~ Misc. Naps~ Reco.ds of Or,ge 8o~ty. (~lph J. ~ Lucy DeLeonJ 3~SOL~ION N0. 2297: - The easterly five (5) fees o~ Lot 25, o~ Tract No. 255,'as sho~ on a map recorded in Book 15, P~e 25, Ni~c. Nap~, Records o~ Or~e Oo~ty. (21bert R. & Marg&ret C. Cbe~lo) ~oOLU~IO..__ N.~u. ~298~_ _ · - The easterly five (5) feet of Lot 27 of Tract No. 255, as shown on a map recorded in Book 14, P~ge 25, Misc. Maps, Records of Or,ge Co~ty. (Ruby O. Hernial. cz) F~SOL~ION N0. 22~ - The easterly five (5) feet of Lot 28 of Tract No. 255, as shown on a map recorded in Book 14, P~e 25, ~'~sc. Maps, Records of Or~ge Co~ty. (Shester L. St~ons & Evelyn C.) F~SOLUTION N0. 23~- The easterly five (5) feet of Lot 29, of Tract No. 255, as shovm on a map recorded in Book 14, Page 25~, Misc. Maps, Records of Orange Co-~mty. (Jo}ut F. Cleary & Mary A. Cleary) ~ i. ca!~ ~h~ foregoing resolutions were. atu. y pa~sed and adopted ~y the following vote: .AYES: COUI~CILI~L~: Pearson, Sck~:atte, Wisser, Heying a~d Van Wa~o. ner. NOES: COLr~C I~N: N~ne. ADg~T: 00L~IL~: ~one. The Mayor declared the fo~egoing resolutions duly passed and adopted. Com~ciimaa Heyi~g moved %o adjourn. Councilma~ Wisser seconded. MOTION qAPzqI ~ · .~D])Eh~DUM to Minutes of the City ~ounci! meeting, held November 24, 1~953. - _.) ..... *T~ ¢~ayor 'Pe~soC;;qUOsted permis,i~r~ to leave the State. O'o~cil~, Va:, WaEoner moved that pe~t~slon be grated, Co~cil~t Wtsser seconded the motion. . si ~7- ~'c-1~r~~-~