1964/05/26ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: The Mayor Pro Tern declared and~ adopted. ADJOURNMENT: Councilman Pebley moved 1o adjourn. Councilman Sc~:utte secondec! the motion. MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURNED: 7:40 ' hxC ity Clerk .C. ity Hall~ Anaheim: C_alifornia ~ COUNCIL MINUTES ,- Ma~ 26,. 1964, 1:30 P.M. PRESENT: COUNCILMEN: None. ABSENI: COUNCILMEN: Pebley~ Du,{on, Schu~e~ Kre i~ ~nd Cbandl~.r,, PRESENT: DEPUTY CI[Y CLERK: Aloha M. ADMiNISTRATiVE ASSIS'/AN'?: Fred The re'~ular meeting of the City C>un(::.~ Anaheim was called to order by the Deputy for lack of quorum, to the next regular mee-~ ~no. 1:30 AD,J'OURNED: Deputy City Clerk