1964/06/237881 City Hall, Anaheim, C..al.i_f. oTnia - COUNCI. L MIN.UTES .-..June.~ 23, 1964.~ 1:30 The City Council of the City of Anaheim met in regular session. PRESENT: COUNCILMEN~ Pebley, Duhton, Schutte, Krein and Chandler. ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None. .~ PRESENT: CITY MANAGER: Keith A. Murdoch~ CITY ATTORNEY: Joseph Geisler. CiTY CLERK: Dene M. Williams. CITY ENGINEER.. James P~ Maddox~ ASSOCIATE PLANNER~ Robert Mickelson. DIRECTOR OF FINANCE~ Douglas 09den. Mayor Chandler called the meeting to order. MINUTE$~ On molion by Cou~ciiman Dutton, seconded by Councilman Krein, Minutes of the Anaheim City Council meeting held June 3, 1964, were approved.- MOTION CARRIED° RESOLUTION NO. 64R-448~ .Councilman Krein offered Resolution No. 64R-448 for _., , adoption~ Refer 'to Resolution Book. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM APPROVING AND DIRECTING THE PAYMENT OF DEMANDS AGAINST THE CITY AS OF jUNE 23, 1964. ~Warrants No 32~60 to 32?39, both inclusive, totaling $557,405 88) Roll call vote: AYES~ COUNCILMEN: Pebley, Dutton, Schutte, Krein and Chandler NOES: COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT: COUNCILMEN ~ None ~he Mayor declared Resolution No. 64R-448 duly passed and adophed. ?RE.SEN.TAT[ION - C,ITY OF ANAHE.i_M ~ ANG. E._L$, BAS_EBALL C_L.I~; Mr. Carroll R, Weber, 9831 Foster Road~ Downe?, addre..~sed the City Council expressing his enthusiasm and 9ood wi~hes ior the -impending mo-.¢e of the Angels Baseball Club to Anaheim~ Mr~ Weber presented copies of a copyrighted document, suitable for framing, containing two poems which he had written~ and signed by world .+amous personages~ He advised ~hat the aoems were accepted in the Baseball Hall o~ Fame in 1956, and he suggested 'that the City might use them in some manner ~o be given a'~ sou-~enirs .on opening day o{ ±he new Anaheim Stadium~ Councilman $chutte moved 'that copyrighted document be accepted with gratitude~to be used free o~ charge, by the City of Anaheim and the Angels Baseball Clubo Councilman Dutton seconded the motion, MOTION CARRIED. Mr~ Weber advised that he would forward a letter authorizing the City and the Angels to use the documen,io CITY HALL AND PUBLIC LIBRARY BOND iSSUES: Pursuant to r~qu~st by Mrs. Mary ., , , , 1~ i _ , , ,~ , ,, ,,,,,, Andrews, on June 16, 1964, discussion was scheduled this da~e to consider placing ~he City Hall Bond Measure be{ore the voters at the General Election to be held November 3, 196~ ~- Mayor Chandler reported that a letter had been received from the Anaheim Public 'ibrar'~f Board o" Trustees requesting that the bond issue ~or the construction of two branch libraries be placed on the November ballot, and he suggested tha~ both measures be considered at this time. Mrs. Mary Andrews~ 927 South Nutwood Street~ submitted and read communication signed by four members of the Womens Bond Committee, re- questing that the City Hall Bond Measure be placed on the November ballot City Hall, An.ahe. im~ Cai.iforni. a - c.OU.N. CIL M_INUTES %Ju_ne 23_~ 1.964_~ 1:30 PoM. for the ~oi!owing reasons: 1. We feel that the 'voter turnout at this time will be greater than at a Municipal or Special Election which could be beneficial. 2. lit is anticipated that with construction of a new city hall at the oroposed Harbor and Broadway loca'tion this could possi, bly have a greater favorable impact on revitalization plans for the entire Center City area including retail facilities. Also the beginning possibly of ~timulating the interest in developers for new multiple family or com- mercial development in the downtown area~ Helping, somewhat solve our e×is~ing,_ problem with the de'terioratin9 downtown area. 3~ ~rhe .major advantage 'is that no cash outlay is required by the municipal governmen't for land acquisition or site preparation° The land is free from physical .encumbrances. Further certain space economics can be zeaizzed through the use of multi-purpose parking facilities to serve the ;ombined needs of the 'three buildings namely, existing police and library buildings and proposed city hall. A bond issue would not raise our taxes we believe. 4~ ~-t i~ recommended that 'the city disseminate as much information as possible as to space requirements, etc~ to all newspapers interested~, · through t'ne newsletter and through meetings 'with interested organiza- Mtso Andrews advised that 'the Committee would further extend its support, to the Librar?' Bond Measure. MtSo Robert Cohen, 1512 Lullaby Lane, addressed the City Council represent~n9 the Library -mpro'v'ement Association, offering their assistance in exped ting the placement of the Library.' Bond Measure on the November ballot, also their cooperation on the City Hall bond measure. She submitted petztion of support containing approximately One Hundred and four signa,~ Mro ~a'~,'ne B. Reedstrum, 51'? Falcon Street, addressed the Council recommending that immediate 'etlon be taken in asking for both bond measures to be included on the November ballot, that the Library Bond Measure allow for +'he construction of two branch libraries ~n the south=central section and east ~:,ection oi the Ci'ty~ plus aquisition of property for expanded growth in the hill area of the far eastern section of the City, and that the City Hall be proposed for construc'tion on Ct'tv owned property on Harbor Boulevard between Broadway and Santa Aha Street. in his opinion, the large voter turnout at the General E!ect~'on would carry the bond measures, Mrs° Mary Nicoiai, 509 Whittier Street, President of Anaheim Sunkist Civic Association, offered that AssociationO s cooperation in working for the two bond issues. She advised that the Anaheim Rio Vista and'East Anaheim ?roperty Owners Associations have indicated 'they are also prepared to work for the measures, Council discussion was called for~ an'd Councilman Dutton was of the op~nic, n that there was an urgent need for the proposed branch libraries and 'ar the coordination of municipal functions into a new City Hall fa- Ci~+ ~_'y~ He questioned the status of the space analysis and architectural studies relating to the proposed City Hall, being of the opinion that a program, with cos? estimates and architectural renderings should be prepared and presented to the voters {or study in sufficient time prior to the election.. -he City Manager reported that questionnaires have been prepared for Cty Department Heads 'to project their estimated space needs for the next 2~. years~ He advised thai- every effort ~ould be made to obtain a solid basis for a valid cost estimate in time for the election, if the Council so desireo~ Councilman Schutte expressed concern regarding passage of the bond measures, considering the impending Baseball Stadium and Con- 7883 _C i(.y Hal...l_~__ Anaheim, Cai i~f o_._r_ _n i_. .a ~i._CQU_.N_C_~__L_ M._~_NU..T,E,$ ._r. J~une_._2_3_?- _196a, 1.._3~0 P~M; vention Hall facile:ties: however recognized the need for a new City Hall ~ould be even greater by the addition of these other activities, Mayor Chandler called a'ttentlon to the difference in the types of expansion~ the City Hall and Branch Libraries being capital acquisi- tions to be paid for by the Cit¥~ while the Convention Hall and Stadium facilities would be self-~supporting proSects. Further discussion was held~ and in answer to Mayor Chandler~s question~ giro Murdoch reported that according to a previous proposal relating to the employment of a Space Analyst for City Hall space quiremen±s~ it would be approxima%eiy three to four months before the resul%s would be obtained, Mayor Chandler announced that further consideration would be given to the bond :ssues at the next Council meeting~ June 30, 1964, 7:00 ._R£QUE_ST~_~ _ .B_ . U_$_ . _!_. .N E, $_ S LICENSE_ ._ $ Request of Virginia I, Fisher for business license to sell cut flowers on the southwest corner of Lincoln and Dale Avenues~ was continued from the meeting held June 3~ 1964~ to allow the applicant to be present, Mayor 'Shandler asked if the applicant was present~ There was no response° On motion by Councilman Schutte~ seconded by Councilman Dutton, said request was denied.~ due to lack of information, MOTION CARRIED, _PRO. ?O.S_E_P~ ABA_N__D_O_~ME~NT_ OF AL_. R_O__AV_E_N'UE~ Publlc hearing before 'the City Council on proposed abandonment of Ai:o .Avenue ~a:s closed June 16~ 1964, and ac'tZon thereon continued to thi:; date to allow the applicant and his attorney to meet wi'th the O:ty Attorney in order ~o investigate what arrangements could be made pertaining to a street pattern in subject area~ Due 'to po~.~slbie '"onflic~ of interest.~ Mayor Chandler relinquished ~hairman~ship o~ the meetinq to Mayor Pro Tern Dutton, and left the Council Table~ Mr o Geisler reported on meeting held with Mr, Freedman~ his Attorne¥~ City Manager and Director of Public Works~ wherein an agree- ment was reached whereby the reques'ted abandonment qould be accomplished with the extep'tion of 'the easterly 40 feet of the Clemen~ine Street extension~ subject to 'the foiiowinq suggested conditions: . I. Dedication of Freedman Way from its present terminus through to Manohes'ter Avenue 'with a 60 foot right-off-.way; and improvement of Freedman Way in accordance wi'th the :standard plans of the City of Anaheim. in~:iuding curbs and 9utters~ installation of sidewalks to be determined by the '~ity $ouncii~ for a 48 foot roadwa¥~ except for two 12 foot lanes which would be in~'taiied at the cost of the City. 2, Ihe appilcant improve a 34 foot travelway on the north-south street (Ciemen'tine Street extension) including curbs and gutters, including the realignment of the travel~ay a~ro~s fhe Edison Company easemen~ ' for street purposes to connect with Olementine.Street extension~ if necessar¥~ 30 An agreement to accept surface waters from the end of Alto Avenue on the Freedman property~ which abut:s '[o the west of the terminus of that portZon of Alto Avenue~ not abandoned~ together with an agreement to grant an easement or easements for storm drains to be installed under the Freedman property to connect from the end of Alto Avenue 'to Freedman Dedication of easements for public utility purposes where required by the Public Utilities Department for necessary public utility purposes, ?S84 C!ty_Hal,iI Anaheim,~ Califor,,ni,a ,- COUNCI.L MINUTES.- June 23~ ,!,964~ 1~,:30 P.M. rather than retaining public utility easements in the present Alto Avenue. Mr. Murdoch noted that it could be to the City's advantage to word Condition No. 3 so that storm drains could be installed upon or under the Freedman property~ ~tr~ Geisler further reported that the applicant and his attorney are agreeable to the foregoing conditions; however the possibilitycOf surface,. rather than underground drainage was no't discussed, The City' Engineer reported that at the present time there are no iamediate plans fora ~torm drain in the area~ although location of tb.e drain- a.~e easements could be e?stablished and accepted, RESOLUIION~_NQ....64.R-449_: Councilman Krein offered Resolution No. 64R-449 for adoption, authorizing the abandonment of a portion of Alro Avenue and the abandonment of the Clementine Street extension with the exception of the easterly 40 feet thereof, subject to the requirements reported by the Cit7 Attorney~ amending Condition NCo i~ with reference to sidewalks~ to read' ,~.granting a temporary ~aiver of sidewalk requirements until deem-_a necessaz}, for, pedestrzan tr~vel by the Iraffic Engineer of the City of Anahe;m., Refer to Resolution Book. '" A RESOLU'[[ON OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ORDERING THE VACATION AND ABANDONMENT OF PORTIONS OF EASEMENTS FOR ROAD AND PUBLIC UTILITY PURPOSES~ UPON~ OVER.~ AGROSS~ ALONG AND THROUGH THE HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY. "?Alto Avenue ~ Clementine Street extension) Roll call vote. ATES~ COUNCILMEN: Pebley. Schutte, Krein and Dutton NOES: COUNCILMEN ~ None ABSENI: COUNCILMEN: None IEMPORARIL'Y' ABSENI: COUNCILMAN: Chandler The Mayor Pro Tern declared Resolution No. 64R~449 duly passed and adop!ed , Mayor ~handle~ re.~umed Eha~rmanship of the meeting. S_!~N REQUE.S..'I: Application submitted by Arnold 6onstruction Company, requesting permission to erect certain signs at the Anaheim Motor Lodge, 1220 to 1224 North Harbor Boulevard~, one being a non-conforming free-standing sign, ~as reviewed by the City Council together ~ith plans and reports from the Building and Planning Departments. ,¥ =n answer to Council questioning, Mr. £. E. Walker, of Walker Sign Company, 2507 West Chapman Avenue, Orange, advised that none of the proposed signs would project over the property line; and he indicated that the height of the free-standing sign could be reduced to conform to City po- lic7, On motion by Councilman Krein~ seconded by Councilman Schutte~ said s~gn permit was granted in its entirety, '§ubject to a maximum height of 4~S fee't for the free,=standing sign ~"~A"~. MOTION CARRIED. SiGN REQUEST: A, pplication submitted by ~. P. Fuller Company for a non-conforming sign t.o ~eplace four smaller signs at 2110 tlest Lincoln Avenue, was re- viewed by the City Council together ~ith plans and reports from the Build- ing and Planning Departmen'ts. On motion by Councilman Dutton, seconded by Councilman Pebley, said sign permit ~as granted as requested~ MOTION CARRIED. '~.R..AC.T NO... 475'7 (REC,~LA.$,$,IFICATION. NO. 61~,.6,2-123): Communication dated May 28, ~'~om Fredricks Development Corporation, requesting ~aiver of block 1964, ~ w'a]~ requirement aIong the east side of Iract No. 4757 was submitted together ,~lth reports from the Planning Department. 7885 ~C_i. iy.Hal.l,_A..n, aheim~' Cali,~orni,a - C.OUNC.~IL MINUTES' - June Councilman Dutton referred to the Minutes of the Anaheim City Council meeting of May 14`, 1964, wherein clarification of Condition No. 5, Resolution No. 63R-305, Reclassification No~ 61-62-123, was determined as follows: '~Condition No~ 5 was intended to require construction of fences where fences do not presently exist., and interpreted to mean an elongation of fences that do exist on the abutting R-1 property~ and if consent cannot be obtained from the owner of the R-1 property to construct said fence~ the obligation of the developer is deemed to have been fulfilled." gro Russell Aa Betker~ 1118 North Hollydale Drive, Fullerton, representing Fredrick$ Development Corporation, advised that all require- ments of the City had been fulfilled wlth the exception of the block wall requirement on the east boundary of subjecttract~ as they have been unable to obtain permission from the adjacent property owner to construct said wall on his property~ which is adjacent to the dedicated alley along said east boundary° Mayor Chandler read copy of letter from the Office of the City Engineer to Mro Henry Wagner~ owner of property adjacent to the east of subject tract`, setting forth the wall requirement and subsequent clarifi- cation thereof° it was noted that although Mr. Wagner desired said wall to be constructed~ he was unwilling to allow construction thereof to take place on the west boundary of his property~ Council discussion was held and at the conclusion thereof, Councilman Duttom moved that 90 day waiver of block wall requirement along the east boundary of Tract No. 4757 be granted~ subject to the posting of a bond in the amount of $3,000, and that .final building inspec- tion and acceptance of said tract be authorized° Councilman Krein se- conded the motion° MOTION CARRIED, _TRACT .NO...5084} Request of Associates Funding, inc~, Developers, for one week's continuance ofo~oun~il consideration on their requested waiver of certain improvements i.n subject tract, was granted, on motion by Council- man Krein~ seconded by Councilman Pebleyo MOTION CARRIED~ (The fore- going matter to be considered June 30, 196~, 1:30 PoMe) RBCE.$S~. Councilman Dutton moved for then minute recess. Councilman Pebley seconded the motion° MOTION GARRIED~ (3:37 P~o) AFIER..RECE$$:. Mayor Chandler called the meeting to order, all members of the _ _ City Council being pre sent~ RECLA.SSIFICA/iON N_O.~ 63-64-22 .- EXTENSION OF TIME: Request of Robert W. MacMahon, Agent~ dated June 9, 196~ for 180 day extension of time to Reclassification Nog 65-64-22~ was granted on motion by Councilman Dutton~ seconded by Councilman Kreino MOTION CARRI£D. FINAL ~AP..- TRACT N0o 555~_ (VARIANCE NO~ 1631)_: Developer - Avalon Savings _ _ and Loan Association; tract located on the north side of Orange Avenue, 896 ~ee± east of Magnolia $treet~ and contains 18 R-1 lots and Lot "A". The City Engineer reported that the final map conforms sub- stantially wi~h the tentative map previously approved, that required bond has been posted and all fees paid~ and recommended approval of Final Map~ Tract No~ Dtt6~ subject to the City Attorney°s approval of Maintenance Agreement for Lot On the recommendations of the City Engineer, Councilman Krein moved Final Map, Tract No. 5556~ be approved, subject to approval of landscape and maintenance agreement by the City Attorney. Councilman $chutte seconded the motion° MO/ION CARRIED° ~886 City Ha.l.l: Ana.h.e.]im, _C_aii~.~o.rnia FINAL COMPLET. I...ON - .PUBLIC_IMPROVEMENT PR.OgEC!.$: Upon receipt of certifications from the D{rector of public Works, Councilman Du±ton offered Resolutions Nos, 64R-450 to 64R-452, both inclusive, for adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, RESOLUTION N©. 6,9R'-45.0 i..~OB NOo. 828: A RESOLUTION OF TH.E CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINALLY ACC£PTING THE COMPLETION AND THE FURNISHING OF ALL PLANT~ LABOR~ SERVICES, MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT AND ALL UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION INCLUDING POWER~ FUEL AND HATER~ AND THE P£RFORMANGE OF ALL WORK NECESSARY TO CONSTRUCT AND COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT, TO WIT: FURNISHING AND INSTALLING TRAFFIC SIGNALS AND SAFETY LIGHTING AT THE INTERSECTION OF KATELLA AVENUE AND NINTH STREET, IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, JOB NO. 828o (Stein¥ and Mitchel, ?nco) RESOLUTION NO. 64R_.-.45_1 ,- 30B N...O, 8~4!: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINALLY ACCEPTING THE COMPLETION AND THE FURNISHING OF ALL PLANT~ LABOR~ SERVICES, MAT£RIALS AND EQUIPMENT AND ALL UTILITI£S AND rRANPORTATION 'INCLUDING POWER, FUF. L AND WATER, AND THE PERFORMANCE OF ALL WORK NECESSAR'¥' TO CONSTRUCT AND COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT, TO WIT: FURNISHING AND INSTALLING TRAFFIC SIGNALS AND SAFETY LIGHTING AT IHE !NIERS£CTION OF HARBOR. BOULEVARD AND SOUTH SIREET, IN THF. CITY OF ANAHEIM, JOB NO. 841~ '"$tein¥ and Mitchel, THC.) .~, R_ESOLUTiON. NO, 6.4R...T452 ~_J'.OB. NO.. _8_42.: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINALLY ACCEPTING THE COMPLETION AND THE FURNISHING OF ALL PLAN[~ LABOR~ SERVICES, MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT AND ALL UTILIII£S AND TRANSPORIATION INCLUDING POWER~ FLr~L AND WAT£R~ AND THE P£RFORMANC£ OF ALL WORK NKCHSSARv TO CONSTRUSr AND COMPLETE THF. FOLLOWING PUBLIC IMPROVKMF. NT~ TO Wit: FURNISHING AND INSTALLING TRAFFIC SIGNALS AND SAFETY LIGHTING AT THE ~;NTERSEGTiON OF BROADWAY AND £bELID STRS£T~ IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, iOB NO. 842~ fSteiny and Mitchel, Roll call vote.~ AYKS~ COUNGILM£N~ Peble¥, Dutton, Schutte, Krein and Chandler NOES: COUNCILMEN: None ABS£NT ~ COUNC TLMEN ~ None The Mayor declared Resolutions Nos. 64R-450 to 64R-452, both inc!usive~ duly passed and adopted. CHANGE QRD.ER_.NO, 1..- .4I. OB. N.0~, .80.4_j On the recommendations of the City Engineer, Councilman Dutton moved that Change Order No. 1, Job No. 804, in the'amount of $2,293.38, consisting of additional materials at the Underhill Avenue and Sunkist Street Parksite Improvement, be approved. Councilman $chutte seconded the motion. To this motion Councilman Pebley abstained, MOTION CARRIED. RESOLUIIQN NO. 64Rr.4_.53' .- JOB .N0.._,80_4: Upon receipt of certification from the Director of Public Works, Councilman Dutton offered Resolution No. 64R-453 for adoption. Refer to Resolution Book. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY' OF ANAHEIM FINALLY ACCEPTING THE COMPLETION AND THE FURNISHING OF ALL PLANT, LABOR, SERVICES, MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT AND ALL UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION INCLUDING POWER~ FUEL AND WAIER, AND THE PERFORMANCE OF ALL HORK NECESSARY TO CONSTRLUT AND COMPLETE THE FOLLOHING PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT~ TO WIT: THE IMPRovEMENT OF THE PARK SITE AT UNDERHILL AVENUE 'AND SUNKIST STREET, IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, jOB NO. 804, ALTERNATE NO. 2. {Pebtey Bros.) Roll call vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Dutton, Schutte, t<rein and Chandler NOES: COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None ABSTAINED: COUNCILMAN: Pebley 7887 $ it¥ .Ha.1 !, .,.An.aBe ira, .Ga lif orn.i a.~. ,~, .COUNG!.L_ MINUTES. - ..J.u.n.e .2.3 196~?~_ 1.:30 P:~_, The Mayor declared Resolution No. 64R-453 duly passed and adopted, RESOLUT.!QN..,NO. 64R,-454 .-.JOB .NO;. 791...: Upon receipt of certification from the Director of Public ~orks, Councilman Krein offered Resolution No, 6~R-~5~ 'or adoption. Refer ~o Resolution Book. A RESOLUTION OF THE CiTY COUNCIL OF THE CiTY OF ANAHEIM FINALLY ACCEPTING .THE COMPLETION AND THE FURNISHING OF ALL PLANT~ LABOR~ $ERVICE$~ MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT AND ALL UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION INCLUDING POWER, FUEL AND WATER, AND THE PERFORMANCE OF ALL WORK NECESSARY TO CONSTRUCT AND COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT, TO WIT: THE CONSTRUUTION OF A STORM DRAIN IN HARBOR BOULEVARD, FROM THE CARBON CREEK REINFORCED CONCRETE BOX IN LA PALMA AVENUE TO NORTH STREEI~ iN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, JOB NO. 791~. (Bosko Construction Roll call vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN~ Pebley, Dutton, Schutte, Krein and Chandler NOE$: COUNC I LMEN: No ne ABSENT: COUNC I LMEN: None declared Resolution NoG 64R=454 duly passed and adopted. ~[RA.NS~FE.R~.OF. FUNDS,' On motion by Councilman Schutte, seconded by Councilman Pebley.~ transfer of funds from the [raffic Safety~ in Lieu, Parking Meter~ Recreation, Special Gas [ax ~[mprovement and Parksites, Playgrounds and Recreation Funds 'to the General Fund for reimbursement of amounts advanced by ~he General Fund during the fiscal year, was au[horized. MOTION CARRIED. .F_!N_ANCE~ =.~UNCOL__L_E...C'rAB_L~ AC.C. 0_~UN, TS:, On report and recommendations of the Director of Finance, uncollectable accounts totaling $5,490.52, and also uncol- lectable Customer Service Accounts Receivable in the amount of $8,087.17, were authorized to be written off as bad debts, on motion by Counci!man Du~ton, seconded by Councilman Schutte. MOTION CARRIED. C_iTY~OV~,NE__D pR__oP.~ER.TY i$_i£_w~g?__.]i,j, in regard to proposed lease for agricultural purposes of municipal property formerly o~ned b~~ ~r. $ie~ert, the City Attorney ~as author'~zed to negotia'te settlement in accordance with commendations o~ 3ounct!men Peble¥ and $chutte, on motion by Councilman Dutton, seconded by Councilman Krein. MOTfON CARRIED. R. ES_OL. UT_iON NO. 6~_R...'_t.4~5..:. .Ccunoilman Krein offered Reso!ulion No. 64R-455 for adoption~ Re~er lo Eesotution A RESOLUTION OF fEE ,C'I[v:" COUNC'-L OF THE ~II'Y OF ANAHEIM APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AND THE COUNT":~" OF ORANGE EXTENDING THE TERM OF THAT CERTAIN AGREEMENT FOR SOil AND MA~ERIAL CONTROL TESTS~ DATED AUGUST 2, 1960, FOR A TERM COMMENCING .JULY !, !96a, AND ENDING JUNE 30, 1965~ Roll call vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pebley, Dutton, Schutte, Krein and Chandler NOES: COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT. GOUNC'iLWEN: None :[he Mayor declared Resolu'tion No~ 64R=455 duly passed and adopted. CO_~RRESP____ONDENCE~ Correspondence from the Orange County Commuters Association requesting support of a resolution requesting that the Santa Fe Railway be directed to continue orovidin9 present commuting service until a complete survey and s'tud', of the 'transportation needs of the area can be developed, was ordered received and f~led, on motion by Councilman Dutton? seconded by Counc~!man Schutte, .~'...~OI'ON CARRIED. 7888 City ~al..l_~ A.naheim~.~ Ca.,li.f0rni,a' ,-. CO, ,L~C,I,L,,MINUT£$ _Jun. e 23, ..1964., ..1:,39 .... AIEOHOLIC BEVERAGE ..... _L_!C. ENSE .A. PPLIC.ATI~O~N~ Application submitted by Wayne Paul and Wi!helmina Ann Saddler, for New On-Sale beer license for the Knott Hole Tavern, 3456-A West Orange Avenue (C-1 zone), was presented by the City Manager to the City Council for their information. On motion by Councilman Schutte, seconded by Councilman Dutton, the Cit'.v Attorney was authorized to file protest with the. Alcoholic Beverage Control Board against said application~ on the basis that the C-1 zone does no~ permit on-sale of alcoholic beverages. MOTION CARRIED, PARK AND..RECR..EA'TiON .C. OMMIS_$I..ON_ APPO.INTM£NT$: On motion by Councilman Krein, seconded by Councilman Schutte, Dan Rowland was appointed member of the Park and Recreation Commission to fill the unexpired term of Calvin Pebley, and irving Pi'kler repre-senta'tive of the Anaheim Union High SchoO'l District Bo.ar~ ...~ Trustees, to fill the unexpired term of L. Kenneth Heuler, MOTION CARRIED. ,:-'tRAFFIC.. INVESI-GATiON:.. ... __ At the request of CouncZlm.an Krein~ a traffic investi- 9atZon wa..~ ordered of the Harbor Boulevard - Katella Avenue intersection, wil:h .'~peciai atten't~on to be given to the possibility of installing a le-~t-hand turn signai for the Katella Avenue traf .REC.E$...S: Councilman Pebley moved to recess 'to 7:00 P,M~, Councilman Dutton seconded the motion~ MOTION CARRIED. (4;30 P.M.) .AFTER REcEss.: Mayor Chandler called the meeting to order~ PRESENT~ COUNCILMEN: Pebley, Dutton, Schutte, Krein and Chandler. ABSENT: COUNC ! LMEN: None. PRESENT: CiT"f MANAGER: Keith A. Murdoph. CITY ATTORNEY: Joseph Geisler. CITY CLERK: Dene M~ Williams. CiTY ENGINEER: James P. Maddox, ASSCCIATE PLANNER: Robert Mickeison. PERSONNEL DIRECTOR: Roy He issner ~ ?_LAG SA, L~T_..E.: Mayor Chandler led ~:he Assembly in the Pledge of Allegiance to the F!ag~ CONYIN~E~ ,PUBLIC HEARING. ,-,RECL~$$,IFICATION ,NO~ 63-6,4,8,~ A.ND. GENERAl ..PLAN AMENDMENT..NOs~..~.: Submitted by' Pablo V. and Laura K, Dominguez requesting change of zone from R-A to R-3, property located at the southeast corner of State College Boulevard and Ball Road, adjacent to service station pro- pertyo The Anaheim Planning e '~ommission recommended denial, Public hearing before 1he City Council ~arch 24, 1964, was continued to this date at ~he request of the attorney for the applicants. Attention was called to communication dated June 19, 1964, from the attorney for the applicants~ requesting the right to withdraw subject reclassi{ication wi±hou~ prejudice. Request to withdraw Reclassification" No, 63-64-83 without pre- judice was approved by the City Council, on motion by Councilman Schutte, seconde~ by Councilman Krein. MOTION CARRIED. TEMTATIV.~_. MAP, TRACT NO. 5271, REVISION NO 1, Filed in conjunction with above action. Developers, S. V. HUnsaker & Sons; tract contains 17 pro- posed R-3 lots. this :time, No City Council action was taken on Tentative Tract No. 5471 at ,P,~,BLIC HEAR. I.N..G -..RECLASS!.FICAT,IO, N NO,:,, ,63-6~-1.0..0: $ubmit¢ed by Tony and Mildred Julian requesting change of zone from R-A to C-l, proper~¥ loca¢ed on the souih side of Lincoln Avenue, approximately 245 feet east of Dale Street (2780 West Lincoln Avenue), 7889 ~Ci*~y .._Hal. l.~_.A,naheim~ .C. ali.forni.a.- .co .UNC.IL. _~INUT£.S , Jun.e.'2.3~ ~964,_..1'.30 The City Planning Commission pursuant (o Resolution No. 1167, Serie~ 1963~6~, recommended said reclassification for approval, subject to the following conditions: i. That street improvement plans shall be prepared and all engineering requirements of the City of Anaheim along Lincoln Avenue~ such as curbs and gutters, sidewalks, street grading, and paving, drainage facilities, or other aspurtenan~ work shall be comsleted as required by the City Engineer and in accordance wi'th standard plans and spe- cifications on file in the office of the City Engineer; and that a bond in an amount and form satisfactory to the City of Anaheim may be posted '~ith the S~'V to guarantee the installation of said engineering requ~.rements ~ 2. That the owners o{ ~ub.ject property shall pay to the City of Anaheim the sum of $2000 per front foot~ along Lincoln Avenues for street i i ght lng Ourpo ~'-~e s~ 3. That trash storage areas shall be provided in accordance with approved plans on file in the office of the Director of Public Works, prior to final building inspection~ That the owners of subject property s'hall pay to the City of Anaheim the sum of 15¢ per front toot; along Linooln Avenue, for tree plant- ing purpo~es~ .~aid amount to be paid at the time ±he building permit is issued or wi'thin a period of t80 ~4ays from date hereof, ~hichever occur~s fir.st:~ 5o i~ha[ al'[era<zon~ 'or .~omm. er:~,~i u.se shall be subject to the issuance o± bu'.~lding ~rm~'t.~ and/or Bu lding Department ~nspection That :Sond"'tion No~. ~. and 2~ ~bove mentioned~ shall be corn. plied ~ith ~it'hin a ~eriod of 180 da'ff:~ from ,date hereof, or such further time as the .~2t¥ ~ounc2: ma'y grant, That all ne~ construction on subject property shall be subject to Development Re'vie~ approval pr'or %o %he i:'~$uance of a building permit to in~-sure co.mpat~b'ilitff with the abutting residential uses. 'Fha± a 6.-foot m;:~sonr~..., ,~aii ~hali be .constructed along the south oropert'? i"ne orior to f,nal Ouilding inspeetion~ 9~ That a bond ~hail be costed to ~n~ure the con~truction of a masonry ~all along the '~e~t oropert¥ l~ne prior to the rec la ssi f ica- t~on of subleot propert That Drovis'!on ~.shai! '~e made for a 21:.foot ~ide accesswa¥ with a i4.:foot vertical ..ziear.ance into the rear portion of subject property, ~hen the rear property :.s developed to its highest and best use, 'if determined to be necessary by 'the Director of Public ~orks. Mayor Chandler asked if 'the aoplicant was present and wished to address the Counc'l!.o Mr~ lony Jui:an, Applicon±, reported that they have a%temp%ed to comply with the recommendations+ of the ~it¥ Planning 6ommission, and urged approval o[ said rec~-~stfi.cation. The Mayor asked if anyone 'wzshed 'to addresss the Council in opposition to the prop,~.,.,ed reclassification~ There was no res.- ponse in an..~wer tc :.Eour~:~q~±man Du'tton",:~ que~tion, Mr. Robert Mickelson, Associate Planner, wa:~:-, of 'the opin;on that recommended Condition No. 9 included a provision for a wall on the ~est property line only, due to an ex.is± ing re.~idence ~ '[here beir:~; no furt?:er cue..~'tlons~ Mayor Chandler declared the hearing closed, R£.S. OLUTiO__N__ .... N_O. 64R__: ~._~56__~Z Councilman Dutton .offered Resolution No. 64R~456, for adoption, authorizing .~re~aration of necessary ordinance changing the zone as requested~ subject to the recommendations of the City Planning Commission, ammending Condition No. 4 thereof to read: "That the owners of subject property shall pay to ±.he City of Anaheim the sum of 15¢ per front foot, along Lincc, ln Avenue, for t. ree planting purposes~ said amount to be paid within a per!od of 180 days from date hereof~. 7890 Refer to Resoluti~'~:n Book. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM DETERMINING THAT TITLE 18 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO FONING SHOULD BE AMENDED AND '= ,HA: THE BOUNDARIES OF CERTAIN ZONES SHOULD BE CHANGED. (63=64=100 - Roll call vote: AYES~ COUNCILMEN: Peble¥, Dutton, Schutte, Krein and Chandler NOES: ,COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT: COUNC i LMEN: No ne The Mayor declared Resolution No. 64R=456 duly passed and adopted, f_U_BLiC_ .H_E__A_R_[.N__G :.__~C, LASSIF. I_'GA_I!ON_ NQ, 63_=64=11_6~ Initiated by the Anaheim Planning Commission re,-on~nending change of zone from C-i to R-3~ property located on the n~:r~h side of Ball Road, and having Roberts Street cul=de=sac through the central portion, approximately 337 feet east of Euclid Street (916 =955 Roberts Street). The C~t'y Planning Commission pursuant to Resolution No. 1174, Serie'_~ 1963-64, reconanended said reclassification for approval set-ting forth reasons therefor° The Mayor asked if an,vone '~lshed to address the Council for or against the propo~ed z'acias~ification~ 'there being no response~ declared the 'hearing closed~o RESOLUTION NO_ _ . o .... ©4R=457_~~ Councilman Krein offered Resolution No. 64R=457, for adoption, authorizin9 preparation of necessary ordinance changing the zone as requested~ Refer 'to Resolution Book. A RESOLUTION OF THE CIT'?' COUNCIL OF THE CiTY OF ANAHEIM DETERMINING THAT TITLE 18 OF THE ANAHEIM MUN'fCIPAL CODE RELATING TO ZONING SHOULD BE AMENDED AND 'tHAT THE BOUNDARIES OF CERTAIN ZONES SHOULD BE CHANGED. (63=64=116= R=3) Roll call vote~ A'¥'ESg COUNCILMEN: Pe:bley~ Dutton, Schutte~ Krein and Chandler NOES: COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT: COUNC i LMEN ~ None 'Fhe Mayor declared Resolution No. 64R=457 duly passed and adopted. ORDINANCE NO~____~_~ 2014____._L.. Councilman Krein offered Ordinance No. 2014 for first reading, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDi[NG TIILE 18 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO ZONiNG~ ~"63~-,64~116 = R~3) After hearing read in full the title of Ordinance No. 2014 and havzng knowledge of the contents therein, CounCilman Dutton moved the read:ng in full of said ordinance be waived. Councilman Schutt~ ~econd~d /he motion. ~OTION UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING ,~ RECLASSIFICATION .NO~_ 6_3_.=64=117 AND CONDITI.oNAL USE .PERMIT .NO. 572: initia~ed by the Anaheim Planning Commission to consider change of zone from M-I and P,=L to C=3, and permission ~o establish a conforming use of existing non~cc,~nformin9 bowling alley with restaurant and coctail lounge, and permit expansion of same; property located al the northwest corner of Lincoln Avenue and Muller Street (1925 West Lincoln Avenue). i The Cit? Planning CommisSion pursuant to Resolution No. 1t71, Series 1963-6~ recommended approval of sald reclassification ~or C-i, rather than C~-3 zoning; and pursuant to Resolution No. 1172, Series 1963~64, granted Conditional Use Permit No. 572~ 7891 C.31y._~all_~Anahe iA. C__a} i fornia_ r__GOUNg%.L__M. INUTE_S_ =' June__ .2_3.~ 1964,_i: 30 P.Mo The Mayor asked f anyone wlshed to address the Council for or against the proposed zoning and expansion of existing use~ there being no response~ declared the public hearing closed on Reclassification No. 63~64L:117 and Conditional Use Permit No. 572. Discussion was held by the City Council~ City Manager, and City Attorney, and it was noted that the recommended C-1 zoning, together with Conditional Use Permit establishing the existing use and expansion thereo~ would allow the conformance of the present use without establish= icg a zone which would allo~ other heavy uses of subject uroperty. RES_ OLUI!O~N_N__Q.~ 64R=458. : Councilman Dutton offered Resolution No. 64R~458 Eot adoption~ authorlzing ~reparation of necessary ordinance changing the zone of subject proper~.¥' to C:l. Refer to Resolution Book. A RESOLUTION OF THE CI;TY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM DETERMINING THAT TITLE 18 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO ZONING SHOULD BE AMENDED AND THAT THE BOUNDARIES OF CERTAIN ZONES SHOULD BE CHANGED. ~63~6a-117 c - 1 ') Roll call vote: A'YES: COUNCiL~N: Peble'y~ Dutton, Schutte, Krein and Chandler NOES: COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT~ ,COUNC i LMEN: None The May'or declared Resolution No. 64R=458 duly passed and adopted. RESOLUTION N_O~,~ 6_4R=4_5_9_..~ 'Councilman Dutton offered Resolution No. 64R-459 for adoption. Refer to Resolution Book. A RESOLUTION OF THE C~T¥ COUNCIL OF THE CITY' OF ANAHEIM GRANTING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 572. Roll call vote: AYES~. COUNCILMEN: Pebley, Dutton, Schutte, Krein and Chandler NOES: COUNCILMEN° None ABSENT~ COUNCILMEN ~, None 'the Ma',~'or declared Resolut:on No. 64R~459 duly nassed and adooted. ORDIN~ANCE______N__Oo 20i5___._~_._A.' Counc~'lman Dutton offered Ordinance No. 2015 for first reading. ,. AN ORDINANCE OF '[HE CIT':.,!' OF ANAHE?M AMENDING TITLE 18 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNiCiPAL CODE RELATING TO ZONING. (,63~6~=117 ~ 'C~l) After hearing read in full the title of Ordinance No. 2015 and having knowledge of 'the contents therein, Councilman Dutton moved the reading in full of said ordinance be waived° Councilman Schutte seconded the mot ion. MOTION UNANIMOUSLY .CARRIED. SIDEWALK WAIVER: On the recommendations of the Cily Manager, temporary waiver of sidewalk requirement until such time as sidewalks are required on abuttin~ property, wa~ granted on property described in Reclassifica- tion No~ 63-64-t!7~ on motion by Councilman Krein, seconded by Council- man Schutte. MOTION CARRIED... ,p, UBLIC. HEA. RI_N_G__~ R~E~C_L, ASSIFICA.I!_ON NO~ 63=64~119 ~(PLAN S!._,UDY, 70~47rl): Initiated by the Anaheim Planning ..Zommissien recommending change of zeno from R=A and C,~l to C~..O; property located on the south side of Lincoln Avenue, approximately 638 feet north of Broadway (1750~18~2 West Lincoln Avenue). ,892 ~%ty_Rali~ 6naheim, C~.i'_i_fornia__l COUNC.i_L__MINUYES =J June_23~ 1964~ 1.o30 The Ct'fy Planning Commission~ pursuant to Resolution NO. 1170~ Series 1963-649 recommended Reclassification No. d' 3-64-11.9 for approval~ subject to the following conditions~ io That Parcel Nos~ i through I0~ independently or collec%ively~ be reclassified to the C-O~ Commercial Office Zone~ subject to the follow- ing conditions: ac That a legal description shall be furnished prior to the adoption of the Ordinance rezoning the parcel~ showing the legal vesting of "~"1%le,, legal descriplion~ and a map of 'the property, b~ '~ That the owners of Parcel Nos. i and 2 shall pay to %he City of Anaheim $20.00; 2 That the owners of Parcel No, 3 shall pay ~o the City of Anaheim $19~00~ 3) That the owners of Parcel No. 4 shall pay to the City off Anaheim $10o00~ for saw cutting of the concrete parkways to create two Zree wells on Parcel Nos. i and 2~ two tree wells on Parcel Nco 3; and two tree wells on Parcel No. 4o c~ '[hat, the owners of subject property shall pay to the City of Anaheim i5~ per front foot along Lincoln Avenue for tree planting purposes~ ' ~ o (S:Lnce trees were requzred ~Co be ~nstai!ed on Ps,ce! No, 6 as a con- dition of Var°ance No~ i608s said property owner may make this pay- ment in lieu of the original condition.) ,d~ Thai ail parkways, ~na~l be landscaped with ground cover~ or cemented :~r.~ excepi for ihe provision of 3 x 4 foot tree wells a% approximately 50 foot in%ervais~ e ...... ~... et improvemen't plans sha].i be prepared and all engineering requ°remen~s of the City of Anaheim for garcel Nos~ 3~ 5~ and 9~ along Lincoln Avenue~ ~uch as curbs and gutters, sidewalks~ drainage f'aci, l i't~ies~ or othe~ appurtenant work shall be completed as required ~'[t the Ci~:'?· Engineer and ~'n accordance with standard plans and speoi- ficat, ions o'n file '~n one office of the City Engineer, f:, ?hat 'L~,e developme~'t of Parcel Nos~ 3 and 5 shall be in accordance wi~h ali provisions of ~he C .... O~ Commercial Office Zone~ prior %o {inai buiid~ng "~nspec'~Lion, g~ That the vep, icula'r access rights of Pa:~cel Noso I and 2~ ~o Embassy Siree~ shall be ded'~Ca%ed 'to the Ci%'v of Anaheim, ?..~ 'ih. at a 6.-roost mason~,y wai~' snail be cons,Zrucied along the south properzy line of Lo',~ .Noso 1 and 2 adjacent to Embassy Street. i F'h.a~ the driveways s]~qali be removed and/or recons!ruc~ed along Embassy Streei~ as ~equired by the City Engineer and in accordance wi~h standard p'ans and specif'ica%ions on file in ~he office of the City Engineer:: The City Clerk called a~2'ten%i.on to a 'telephone request~ received this date from Mr~ Frank Bil. a of the Ket~le Restauran%~ 1776 West Lincoln Avenue ;Parcel Nco I0)~ asking that his l. etter regarding possible deletion of par~wa¥ trees on subject prope~*.ties~ be wi'thdrawno Mro Robert Mickel. son no~:ed the location of subject property and the existing uses and zoning in the immediate area~ briefing the evidence sub- mitted to and considered by the City Planning ~Commissiono He reported that subject reclassification was '~nit"a%ed as par-~" of the Ci%y"s program %o update zoninq ';o place non~confo.rmi, ng uses in proper zo~-~es~ Mro Mickeison fur'ther reported that the planning staff was directed ~o comp~]_e a Plan ~ud'y~ Nco 70~47-i~ posted on the east wall of the Council Chamb~r~ ~xh~b{~ A ~n~{,caC{ng exla~ing uses of subject property, such as, Medica~ Offices~ General Offices, Motels~ Restauran%~ and one dwelling uni%~ Exb. ibif. B ~'ndica%ing the proposed C~-~O Zoning of ~Cne entire property~ He advised that the City Planning Commission felt ~ha~ %he C-O Zone~mos% nearly conformed to the existing developmen't in the area~ the motel having been ~ granted under Conditional Use Pe~it Nos~ 244 and 564~ and %he ~edical Center permitted pursuant %o Variance Nos 462 and ZOO0. and i.,- i ~ Councilman Du%ton requested clarification of Conditions 1-g~ 1-h 7893 ~ity Hall, Anaheim_~ California - COUNCIL MINUTES - June 23~ 196H~ 1:.30 P.o.M.o Mr. Michel son staled thai ~ne intent of said conditions was that a~C such time Parcels Nos, i and 2 should be expanded or~- redeveloped9 these conditions would apply, Mayor Chandler asked if anyone wished to address the Council in opposition to the proposed C-O Zoning. Mr o Frank Schmehr~ Attorney representing Mr~ Wa%erbury~ owner of Parcels 1 and 2~ addressed the Council in opposition to 'the reclassifica- tion. He referred to the question raised by Councilman Du%~on9 and was of 'the opinion that %he proposed reclassification would deprive the property owner of a known use and vested righz. Mr o Schmehr~.advised that the West Anaheim Medical Cen~er was constructed in two phases~ in 1956 and i957, consisting of two buildings with parking lo~c and driveway facilities through the center~ having ingress and egress to and from both Lincoln and Embassy Avenues. Several tenants of the buildings have definitely expressed their desire to retain the existing accesse~ to this properiy~ and that %hey would seek space e!sewhere~ should this desirable access be reduoed~ '.in his opinion~ if access %o the property changed~ the economic value of the property would be considerably reduced~ in addition %o loss of rental ~ncome, Mro Schmenr called attention to the difficulties that would be encountered if the Embassy Avenue access ~ere elimina%ed~ as a turning area would eliminate c'er~tain parking spaces.~ f~r'%her~ westbound traffic on Lincoln Avenue en~.e~'ing s~,~oject propert'v '.would encounter a traffic hazard and problem, due t.o the d-"vided highway° Regarding the safe'~:¥" cf c'nildren in the area~ Mr~ Schmehr was of the opinion that the traffic hazards on Embassy Avenue were no greater than on any other res~dep, tial ~"~ree~o 0 her oojections noted were the restriction of access in the event of a fire on s'aojec% property~ and the possibility of high-rise facilities being constructed on portions of the balance of the property. in summary, Mr~ Schmehr a:dvised that pertaining to Parcels 1 and 2~ he failed %o see j~.:sZif'ica'tion in chang'?ng the zone~ A petition of opposi- zion was submit%ed represer:-ting approximately for'ty-%hree owners and residents south of subjeci proper'tv~ and tenants in %he medical cenier, Co uric i 2 .~ Mayor Chandler asked ~:f anyone else wished ~go address the City Mro John Harrls~ member of '~he Lincoln Park Civic Association~ requested 'that his letter dated Ma'.¥ 22~ 196~ submitied %o %he City Planning Commission~ be read by %ne City C~erk. He advised that they were no% in opposition %o 'the re-zoning~ if '~he following conditions were applied: ,. A 6-foot high unin%erz~:pted masonry wal!~ precluding any type of egress or ingress, :n~o the re siden't': a! area from Embassy Avenue~ which is a dedicated residenZial streei~ be erected lo divide ~he existing and pro- posed commercia~ properties from ~che residential properties. That buildings erec'ted 'to moz'e ~Chan one floor level be designed ~ith No~ 2 fire wal~ adjac~n~ t:o ~the resident:.ai properties~ ~ prohibit 'visual intrusion in:lo 'the privacy of homes in the residential areas. Said ie~ter ~as read °n fu:i:~) ~..~e Maycr asked f anyone else wished to address 6he Ci~y Council~ Mr, Thomas O~'Brien, 1787 Brentwood Place~ submitted petition in opposition conta~ning signatures ,o~ q~ . ~ property owners° He s!ated that most of their arguments were voiced by Mr, $chmehr, and they were most concerned about Parcel 8, and the poss°'biiit~if of expanding the existing facility into a high-rise bui~ding~ under tlne C~O Zone° 7894 City Hali~ Anaheim~ California ~ ,,COUNCIL MINUTES = June 23, ,,1964, 1:30 The City Clerk submitted into evidence two letters of protest, dated June 239 !964~ received this date from tenants of the West Anaheim Medicai Center. The Mayor asked if' anyone wished to address the Council in favor of the proposed reclassification; there was no response. Mrs. Barbara McEn%ee, 218 Broadview Street, add'ressed the CoUncil in favor of the proposed C-O Zoning~ however was opposed to the conditions~ as recommended. In her opinion~ the access to the West Anaheim Medical Center from both Lincoln and Embassy Avenues was an asset° She noted that Zhe parked automobiles along Embassy Avenue appeared to be 'those she recog- nized~ belonging to residents of the area. Concerning the trash si'Cuation on the medical center property, ~rs~ ~cEn%ee was of the .opinion that so far as her own children were con- cerned, it was net responsibi%i%y to see tha~ ~hey did not play in the area of trash storage. Mayor Chandler briefed letters of protest received this date in the office of the City Clerk from Dr. Scott Smar~ and Pro 3ohn R. Kimball, requesting ingress and egress to Embassy Avenue be retained. Mrs° Betty Harris, 1850 West Embassy Avenue~ advised o£ her ihabil- ii'?' to park in fronf: of her home~ and that a parking problem existed on Embassy Aven~e o in answer to Councilman Peble'y~s ques%ion~ the City Attorney advised %narc the only me%hod of restricting the parking of automobiles on residential s~reets would be to prohibit ail parking, which would include residents of ~che area° ~4r~ John Harris, 1850 Wes~t Embassy Avenue, addressed the Council stat:~ng that he and other neighbors have been deprived o£ the right to park in fron:: of their homes~ and he indicated his intent %o file petition to have exls'Cing Lrash conditions and access 'to Embassy Avenue from the Wes% Anaheim Medical Center declared a nui sance~ Dr~ John T. McBurne'y~ tenant of the West Anaheim Medical Center since ~956~ advised of original trash faciiit°es and steps taken correcting this situa'~ion on the installation of an incinerator. Regarding traffic dangers, Dr~ McBurne¥ noted that the major ' traffic accidents in the area have taken place at certain points on Broad- view Stree~ others on Lincoln Avenue were removed from the Medical Center propert~',~ He called attent.~on to the loss of a minimum of six parking spaces in ~ne Medical Cen%er~ should the access to Embassy Avenue be restricted, thereby increasing on~s%ree.t parking on Embassy Avenue. Dr. McBurney submitted a petition signed by thirteen physicians and pharmacists in the West Anaheim Medical Center in opposition to %he pro- posed re-,zoning~ in addition ~o three letters of protest~ 63~64~i ~Aayor Chandler declared the hearing closed on Reclassification Nee RESOLUTION NO~ 64R-460:_ Council discussion was held, and at the conclusion thereof~ Councilman Du%ton off~r8d R~golution No. 6aR-a60 £or a~op~ion~ denying Reclassification Nee 63~64~-1t9. Refer to Resolution Book~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETERMING THAT A CHANGE OF ZONE SHOULD NOT BE GRANTED IN A CERTAIN AREA OF THE CITY HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED~ (63~64~119) (See page 7895 for roll call 'vote on the above resolutions) 7895 City.Hall* Anaheim.~..Califprnia .-COUNC_IL. MINUTES = June 23, 19_6~, 1~.30 PoMo Resolution. No. 64R-460 = Roll call vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pebley, Dutton, Schutte~ Krein and Chandler NOES: COUNCILMEN~. None ABSENTs COUNCILMEN: None The Mayor dec'-ared Resol'.ution No. 64R-460 duly passed and adopted~ ?R?POSED .c~OMPE.,NSATI..ON - ciTY PERSONNEL~:_ Mro Lore, representing Local 47, Inter- national Brotherhood Electrical Workers and Mr. William H. Anson representing Anaheim Municipal Employees Asso¢iation~ requested permission to rebut certain recommendations submitted by Personnel Director Mr. Roy Heissner. The City Council agreed to hear additional testimony to be limited to fiYe minutes each speakero ~r. Dallas Lore~ Business Representative~ Local 47~, representing employees in the Electrical Department~ questioned the inclusion of Riverside in the survey made ina:crouch as thelr salaries were lower than the City of Anaheim° In his opinion, salaries of 'the Electrical Department of the City of Riverside were included in order to bring down 'the average salary range~ Mr o Lore reported that many proposals have been presented on behalf of the electrical employees~ and asked if these proposals were in-' vestigatedo He further advised that in their opinion~ a sum of money should be set aside in addition to that needed for the recommended raises and a survey be conducted in the Electrical Department and.. if the survey indicated an adjustment ~'.6's zn order~ it be made immediately~ Mr o Lore stated that no reply has been received concerning some of their recom~nenda~ions~and ~sked for a report relative to their recom- mendations concerning ~upgrade'~':~' ~'- - standby'~ on holidays or days in l~eu of '~ "life insurance" and ~ holidays~ "first meal'~ on planned over~ime~ payroll deduction~' for dues. Mr~ William Ho Anson representing the AMEA advised that they of the Municipal Employees Association felt the salary presentation by the Personnel Director was unfair He related their efforts to form a strong employee as~socla'tion,~ and further advised that the members now feel that the association has been merely tolerated~ Mr~ Anson stated that in 'their opinion their suggestions were disregarded and they have been uninformed on many vital personnel issues. Discussion was held by the City Council concerning reports and recommendations submitted~. At 'the conclusion of this portion of the discussion, Mayor Chandler advised that according to his own personal interpretation of the remarks made by Mr~ Anson, it was in effect "if the suggestions of the AMEA were not adopted~ the entire program was worthless". He called attention to the fact that the practice of receiving suggestions and comments from individual employees and the employee organizations was a relatively new program which has been in e~fect approximately one year, and if this practice creates only misunderstanding~ in his opinion ii should be abandoned~ ~. Murdoch advigad of hi~ concorn with reference to the p0siti0n and stand .apparently taken by th~ Anaheim Municipal Employees Association as expressed by Mr~ Anson. He advised that very few cities in the State of California think more highly or have more confidence than Anaheim in what an employee association can do for its employees and for the City. That in every instance when a meetin? 'was requested with the City Manager, i~ the City Manager was not available~ the Assistant City Manager was in a't t end ance. Mr o Murdoch further reported that the AMEA has been fully in- formed of the reasons for every recommendation made, and the fact thai 7896 agreement was not reached on all points was in his opinion no reason to take the position that the association was merely bein9 tolerated, He stated that the salary recommendations of the Personnel Department are made on the basis of sur'fe¥', which have been made available to the associa'~'ion for rebuttal° Mr~ Roy Heissner, Personnel Director advised that many of the requests from both the IBF. W and AMEA~ have been answered, however some of the reauests were matters of Council policy ±o which he had no authority to determine° gLr~ Heissner reported briefly on answers made to various questions raised, and the steps taken in evaluating salaries preparatory to their final recommendations. Further discussion was held concerning recommendations relative to the following: Vacations~ Reduction of workin9 hours in Fire Department.~ Compensation for college units° Bereavement leave~ Time off for employee conferences° Payroll deductions ~ Life insurance~ Upgrade pay. Unused sick leave~ At the request of Mayor Chandler~ MLr~ Heissner reviewed the survey made pertaining to communication technician and the method employed preparatory to the compensation recommendations for the electrical employeeso Also discussed was hazard pay as it. relates 'to street painters and personnel in the Poiice Department~ At the conclusion of the discussion~ Mayor Chandler recommended acceptance of 'the proposed compromise eoneernin9 vacations~ and asked that further study be given to the recommenda'tions regarding reimbursement for unused sick leave and upgrade pay (study 'to be made by the City Mana~er..~. and Personnel Director~o RESOLUT, IQN NO,..64R-461; Councilman Dutton offered Resolution No. 64R-461' adopting the salary schedule presently before the City Council. Refer to Resolution Book° A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY' COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CREATING VARIOUS CLASSIFICATIONS OF EMPLOYMENT AND PROVIDING FOR THE RATE OF COMPENSATION THEREFOR AND REPEALING RESOLUTION NUMBER 63R~-589 AND ALL AMEI~MENTS THERETOo ,.D, ISCUSSi. O_N_.. Councilman Schu[te was of the opinion that the lower paid employees should receive a 5 percent minimum raise° Roll call vote: AYES; COUNCILMEN; Pebley, Dutton, Krein and Chandler NOES: COUNCILMEN: $chutte ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None The Mayor declared Resolution No. 64R-461 duly passed and adopted. Councilman Chandler moved that the Personnel Rules and Regula- tions ss they pertain to vacations be amended in accordance with suggestio~ submi??ed by Mro Heissner~ Councilman Dutton seconded the motion, MOTION CARRIED. Mr. Heissner reported that a resolution will soon be prepared and presented which will reflec± the Council's preference on the rule 9ulat~n? nepotism and bereavement leave~ 7897 Ci..ty ,Ha,~ll, Anaheim, Cal.if0rn._i.~a -._C. OUN.clL M.~NUTE$- June 23, 1964, ~1:30. P..M: Mayor Chandler requested an analysis be made of all recommen~da- tions submitted, together with reasons for approval or disaproval. Councilman Krein requested a report on the number of days accumulated and taken as sick leave over a two year period. Before the conclusion of the discussion, an explanation was given regarding AMEA Recommendation No. 9 concerning Property Maintenance Division. Mr. Murdoch reported that originally the selection of per- sonnel in this division were those with multiple skills, however {or some time now, the men have been actually working in their predominant skill, and the City now recruits for men in a given trade. He further advised thai in the near future, the personnel in this division will be reclassified 'to their'~appropriate and predominant skill, ADJOUR.N.WENT: Councilman Duilon moved to adjourn, Councilman Krein seconded the moliono MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURNED z 10: 27 ?. Mo SIGNED City Ha. il, An.aheim~ Csliforn. ia -COUNC.IL WIN, UTES - J,.u,ne 8,0~ 1.96~,.L 1:30 The City Council of the City of Anaheim met in regular session. PRESENT: COUNCILMEN: Peble¥, Dutton, $chutte, Krein and Chandler, ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None. PRESENT: CITY MANAGER: Keith Aa Murdoch. CiTY ATTORN£Y.~ Joseph Geisler. CITY CLERK: Dene M. Williams. CITY ENGINEER: James Po Maddox. ASSOCIATE PLANNER: Ronald Grudzinski~ PERSONNEL DIRECTOR: Roy Heissner. Mayor Chandler called the meeting to order. PROPOSED ST,AD, I_UM LEA,SE -. iN. COMPLETE FORM_: Mayor Chandler dis%ributed to each Councilman an incomplete form o{ a suggested lease agreement for the proposed stadium betmeen 'the City of Anaheim and the Angels Baseball Club and asked Council's opinion regarding public release o{ said incomplete document. Discussion was held by the City Council~ and at the conclusion +~hereof it was determined that said suggested document should not be released as this is a step in the negotiations and public release of an incomplete proposal could possibly lead to misinterpretation and confusion. PRESENTATION_,_- ,CE, RTiFICAT,~E QF APPRECIATION:_ On behalf of the City Council, Mayor Chandler presented James A~ Sides with a Certificate of Appreciation for services rendered to the City of Anaheim during his tenure of office as Planning Commissioner~ MiNUIES: On motion by Councilman Dutton, seconded by Councilman Krein, minutes of the Anaheim City Council meeting held June 9~ 196~ were approved. MOT I ON CARRIED~ ~REQ.UE$,T._- ANA, HE.,IM_.~COUI. $ p~RUW 6ND_ BUGLE CORPS: Request on behalf of Anaheim Scouts Drum and Bugle Corps for sponsorship by the City of Anaheim, was continued from the meeting held May 5, 196~, for report and recommend- ations from the Director of Parks and Recreation. Memorandum report from John J. Collier, Director of Parks and Recreation~ recommending thc± said group not be sponsored by the