1964/07/31~970 City Hall~ Anah.eim~ California - COUNCIL MINUTES - July 31~ 1964, 4:00 P.Mo The City Council of the City of Anaheim met in adjourned regular session. PRESENT: ABSENT: PRESENT; COUNCILMEN: Pebley~ Du±ton, Schutte, Krein and Chandler. COUNCILMEN ~ None. ASSISTANT CITY MANAGERs Robert Davis. CITY CLERK~ Dene Ma Williams. ASSISTANT CITY ENGINEER: Ralph Pease° ' Mayor Chandler called the meeting to order. ~ASEBAL~ STADIUM, CONTRACTs Mr, Davis reported that NLr. Murdoch, Mr. Geisler and Mr. Dawson were presently meeting with the Business Manager and Attorney for the Los Angeles Angels concerning the terms of the proposed contract. He !urther reported 'that it is anticipated that the contract will be ready for presentation 'to the City Council by August the llth. ~ROPOSED ABANDONMENT; Mr~ Leo Harpin, representing Alex Foods Inco, 1201 North Lemon $±reet, addressed the Council requesting permission to erect ~o tanks for storage of bulk corn on the south side of their main building, located a~ the northwest corner of Romneya Drive and Lemon $treet. Mr~ Harpin reported that in order to expand their present operation and comply with a new contract, it was necessary to purchase c~grn in bulk; he further advised that the only available space to erect these tanks was on the south side of the main building, that the two tanks are each 18 feet high and would project 6 feet south from the present building leaving 3~ foot clearance between the tanks and the curb°. Mro Harpin stated that if permission is granted he would install sidewalks from the rear of the property easterly to Lemon Street on the Romneya Drive ~ide~ A sketch of the proposed addition was reviewed by the City Council and discussion heldo It was determined that a block wall around the tanks only would be necessary to shield the 'tanks from view, and that said wall would reduce the clearance between 'the curb and the wall to 3 feet. Mro Harpin agreed to the installation of the required block wall, and further requested that the area adjacent to 'the tanks be designated as ~loading zoneO~ At the conclusion of the discussion, on motion by Councilman Dutton, seconded by Councilman Pebley~ a temporary Encroachment Permit was granted for the space 25 feet east from the most westerly building line of the main building located at 1201 North Lemon Street. MOTION CARRIED. On motion by Councilman Dutton, seconded by Councilman Schutte, immediate investigation and preparation of necessary documents was authorized for possible abandonment of that portion of the existing Romneya Drive right- or-way easement described above~ ~OTtON CARRIED. ~DJOURNMENT: Councilman Krein moved to adjourn, CoZncilman $chutte seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED~ ADJOURN: 4:25 PoMo \ City Clerk