1964/08/087988 City Hallo Anaheim, .Californi.a - COUNCIL MINUTES - Auqust .8~ 1964, 1:30 PRESENT: CITY MANAGER: Keith A. Murdoch~ CITY ATTORNEY: Joseph Geisler. FINANCE DIRECTOR: Douglas KQ Ogden. CITY CLERKs Dane M._Williamso Prior to the formal opening of the meeting, recognized and intro- duced were, Mtso Chandler~ Mrs. Pebley~ Mrs. Krein~ Mrs. Dutton, and three month-old Angela Dutton. Also in attendance, representing the Golden West Baseball Company~ were: Mro Robert 0o Reynolds~ President~ Mro Stetson Cole- man~ one of the owners of the baseball club~ Mr. Alfred T, Marshall~ Attorney~ and Mr~ Cedric Tallis~ Business Manager. Mayor Chandler called the meeting to orderQ ~GREEMENT - GOLDEN WEST BASEBALL COMPANY (ANGELS): Proposed resolution authoriz- ing execution of agreement by and between the City of Anaheim and Golden West Baseball Company was read in full by the City Clerk=.. ~SO~UTION NO~ 64R-577.:. Councilman Schutte offered Resolution No. 64R-577 for adoption. Refer to Resolution Book~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM APPROVING AND AUTH- ORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT BETW[~N TH~ CITY OF ANAHEIM AND THE GOLDEN WEST BASEBALL COMPANY RELATING TO THE CONDUCT OF MAJOR LEAGUE B~SE- BALL IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM° Roll call vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pebley~ Dutton~ Schutte~ Krein and Chandler, NOES: COUNCIL~EN~ None° ABSENT~ COUNCILMEN~ None~ - Mayor Chandler declared Resolution No. 64R-577 duly passed and adopted. Th~ signing of said contract was endorsed by the signing thereof by each member of the City Council~ the City Manager, the City Attorney and the Finance Director° Said contract was thereupon signed by the May~r and City Clerk~ on behalf of the City of Anaheim~ and by Mro Robert O. Reynolds, President, on behalf of the Golden West Baseball Clubo Pens used in the signing of the contract~ and souvenir baseballs autographed by the Angels baseball players were distributed among those present in the audience. At the conclusion of the signing of the contract~ Mayor Chandler officially welcomed the Angels Baseball Team to the City of Anaheim~ and pre- sented Mro Reynolds with the key to the City of Anaheim° Mr~ Reynolds accepted said key to the City on behalf of the Angels Baseball Clubo Mro Pat Brackney, one of the recognized organizers of Little League Baseball~ gave a brief resume of the organization of Little League~ and advised that the League is now composed of approximately 8,000 boys. He presenfied boys representing the Little League, Pony League~ C°lt League, Connie Mack League, $tan Musial League, and American Legion League~ Bobby Cies and Joe Monte~ on behalf of the Orange County Teams~ presented Mro Reynolds with a ball and bat in recognition of major league ball coming to Anaheim° Mr~ Reynolds accepted the gift on behalf of the Baseball Club~ advising that it was the hope of the Angels that with the coming to Anaheim, many boys in this area will be inspired to play baseball. ADJOURNMENT: Councilman Pebley moved to adjourn° Councilman Dutton seconded the motion~ MOTION CARRIED° (5:14 P'~M~) City Clerk ~