1964/12/028273 City Hall~ Anaheim, California - COUNCIL MINUTES - December 2~ 1964~ 1:00 P.M.. The City Council of the City of Anaheim met in adjourned regular session. PRESENT: ABSENT: PRESENT: COUNCILMEN: Pebley, Dutton, Schutte, Krein and Chandler. COUNCILMEN: None. CITY NtANAGER: Keith A. Murdoch. CITY ATTORNEY: Joseph Geisler. DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY: Alan Watts, CITY CLERK: Dane M. Williams. STADIUM COMMISSION CHAIRMAN: Rector L. Coons. STADIUM COMMISSIONERS: Charles H. Currier and Harry Knisely. BUSINESS ~ANAGER, GOLDEN WEST BASEBALL CO.: Cedric Tallis. Mayor Chandler called the meeting to order. CONCESSIONAIRE CONTRACT: Discussion was held concerning the draft of the proposed contract to be entered into between the City of Anaheim and concessionaire for the Anaheim Stadium. The draft of the proposed contract incorporated principles previously expressed, and not necessarily wording in final form. The draft was reviewed section by section and the terminology clarified by addition or amendments such as the inclusion of definition of "Paid Admission". It was reported that the draft of the proposed contract was a standard type concessionaire contract, and with the changes ordered this date by the City Council, could be prepared in final form. AWARD OF CONCESSIONAIRE CONTRACTS: The Mayor asked if the City Council wished to proceed at this time with the award of the contract. Receiving an affirmative answer, Mayor Chandler submitted and read a letter received from Cal-I-Rama Incorporated requesting award be withheld, and that the proposal submitted by them be further investigated by the City Council. Ntt. John McShane requested permission to address the City Council. Councilman Dutton moved that a determination be made and the concessionaire contract awarded, and that further discussion or arguments from the floor he terminated. Councilman Krein seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. Discussion was held relative to the report of the Stadium Commission and recommendations of the Golden West Baseball Co. as they pertain to recommended concessionaire. Also recognized was the minor difference in return to the City as proposed by the three top proposals, and the necessity of selecting a firm offering not only a good return to the City, but the greatest financial assurance in order to amortize the cost of the stadium. During the discussion that followed Mayor Chandler advised that he had received a telephone call, however he did not recall from whom~ indicating that if capitalization was the determining factor that some of the local organizations were willing to band together to meet this factor. Also discussed were other points considered vital to the success of the venture, such as equipment, type of equipment, management and management experience. At the conclusion of the discussion, Councilman Schutte moved that the concession contract be awarded to Anaheim Concessions. Counciiman Chandler seconded the motion. Roll call vote was requested by Mayor Chandler. 8274 City Hall. _.Anaheim. California - COUNCIL MINUTES - December 2, 1954, 1~.00 P~M, AYES~ COUNCILMEN! Schutte and Chandler NOE$~ COUNCILMEN: Peble¥, Dutton and Krein The Mayor declared the motion failed to Carry. Councilman Dutton moved that the concession contract he awarded to the Automatic Canteen Company of America. Councilman Krein seconded the motion. Roll call vote was requested by Mayor Chandler. AYES~ COUNCILMENI NOES; COUNCILM~N~ MOTION CARRIED° Pehley, Dutton, Schutte, Krein and Chandler None ADJ~URNN~NT~ Councilman Krein moved to adjourn. Councilman Dutton seconded the motion, MOTION CARRIED. (2~25 P.M.) SIGN~D~ City Clerk