ZA 2008/08/07~ ,~~~-~ AIVAHEI(~I ZOIVING ~4Df~INISTR~qTOR AGEf1lDi4 THURSDAY AUGUST 7 2008 - 9:30 a.m. Council Chamber, City Hall East 200 South Anaheim Boulevard, Anaheim, California Procedure to Ex edite Meetin : The proponents for conditionai use perznit, variance, administrative use adjustment and tentative parcel map applications which are not contested will have 5 minutes to present their evidence. In contested appiications, the proponent(s) and o Permit, administrative 10 minutes to present their case unless additional time is requested and the complexity of the matter warrants. After the opponent(s) speak, the proponent will have b m ntutes Ifoe~rebuttai. Before speaking, please give your name and address and spell your name. Staff Reports are part of the evidence received by the Zoning Copies are available to the public prior to and during the meeting. The Zoning Administrator reserves the right to deviate from the foregoing opinion, the ends of fairness to all concerned will be served. if, in the Administrator's All documents presented to the Zoning Administrator for review in connection with any hearing, including photographs or other acceptable visual represe~tations of non-documentary evidence, inspection. shall be retained by the City of Anaheim for the public record and shall be a~ailable for public The action taken by the Zoning Administrator on this date regarding conditional use permits, variances and administrative adjustments - is final unless, within 15 days of the Zoning Administrator's written decision being placed in the U.S. Mail, an appeal is filed. Any action taken regarding administrative use permits is final unless, within 22 days of the Zoning Administrator's written decision bein g paced in the U.S. Mail, an appeal is filed. Any action taken regarding tentative parcel maps or special circumstance waivers is final unless, within 10 days of the Zonin Administrator's written decision being placed in the U.S. Mail, an appeal is filed. Such appeal shall be made at any time following the public meeting and prior to the conclusion of the appeal period. An appeal shall be made in written form to the Ci amount of $350.00. The City Clerk, upon filing of s ch anrappeal, wnill set sa d application for public hearing before the City Council at the earliest possible date. You will be notified bythe City Ciehk of said hearing. Before the scheduled public hearings and any other applications on the agenda, members of the public wiil be allowed to speak on items of interest under "Items of Public Interest." Such items must be within the jurisdiction of the Zoning Administrator. Each speaker will be allotted a maximum of 3 minutes to speak. Before speaking, please give your name and addr your last name. Administrator at each hearing. ess and spell ZA080708. DOC ZONING ADMINISTR,qTOR AGENDA 1• ITEMS OF P~gLIC INTEREST: ~I- n~ 2• Receiving and approving the Minutes from the Zoning Administrator Meeting of July 24, z008. Reoorts and Recommend tions None Pubh-- ~ Hea~inu Itemc ` 3 CEQA CATEGORICqL EXEMpT~ON CLASS 15 AND TENTATIVE PqRCEL MAp NO. 2008-117 Resolution No. OWNER: Pacific Sunwear 3450 East Miraloma Avenue Anaheim, CA 9zgp6 APPLICANT: Dorit Ganish Panattoni Development 34 Tesla, Suite 200 irvine, CA 92618 LOCqTION: 3450 - 3454 East Miraloma A~enue: p~o e approximately 19 acres having a frontage of 55 feet on the south side of Miraloma Avenue, a maximum depth of 1,300 feet, and is located 1,007 feet east of the centerline of Miller Street. Request to subdivide a 19-acre parcel developed with an o~ce building and a Pro/ectPianner. oave see warehouse building into a 2-lot commercial/industrial subdivision. (DSee@anaheim.net) Page 2 ZAOBa~nR AUGUST 7, 2008 ZONING ADMINISTRATOR AGENDA 4. CEQA CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION.CLASS 1 AND VARIANCE NO. 2008-04748 Resolution No. OWNER: West Coast University 200 East 8aker Costa Mesa, CA 92626 APPLICANT: Phil Schwartze The PRS Group 31872 San Juan Creek Circle San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675 LOCATION: 1477 South Manchester Avenue: Property is approximately 2.13 acres, having a frontage of 360 feet on the southwest side of Manchester Avenue, approximately 667 feet east of the centerline of Harbor Boulevard. Request waivers of (1) the requirement that the setback be measured from the P~lect P/anner. Elaine ultimate right of way and (2) the maximum height of a fence in the front rnienprasiddni setback to construct a 6-foot high security fence for an existing offce building. (Ernien@ananeim.ner~ M Page 3 ZA080708 AUGUST 7, 2008 ZONING ADMINISTRATOR AGENDA CERTIFICATION OF POSTING I hereby certify khat a complete copy of this agenda was posted at S:~I S vm S~3~Z-0o$ Location: COUNCIL CHAMBER DISPLAY CASE AND (TIME) r (DA E) OUTSIDE DISPLAY KIOSK SIGNED: ~~ ~Zo~ If you challenge any one of these City of Anaheim decisions in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice, or a written correspondence delivered to the Zoning Administrator or City Council at prior to, the pubiic hearing. In compliance with the American With Disability Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the Planning Department, (714) 765-5139. Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting. S C H E~ U L E 20~$ 08/21 /08 09/04/08 09/18/08 10/02/08 -10/16/p8 10/30/08 11 /9 3/08 11/26/08 (Wed.) 12/11 /08 12/24/08 (Cancelled) Page 4 ZA080708 -- - - - - - - - - -- -- --- ----- -- -- -- - SP94-0 . SPyd-~ /+UTOREPAIR \GES 5 oFF F\Rk` . SP9dd SMpl~M~. pP6 .~ vnca~t~ae~ PP'vE , ~ E NP pI E ~MP~ OM M~~PL SP9c-1 i GW . p ~ ~ SMPP.~M~,FlRMS ~ 655 SPyp.\ , ~ ~~ ' pP / ~ Sp9~fi ~~1GE5 % 2 1 Es , WPjEpUS ~.~oM~u~s~ „ ^r, i KY 1. SPy4A 9L . ~ o 10 iy G . ~. ... , , ,,,, ~. ,.,~~ .. _„~E51 ~(` ~ SP ~1 ~g10 P~ SP 94.1 OP~ 1 V~~ y~ ~ SDFZ .. SP 4'~ ~"~.-; 61ap91~+~5 i:... 4 VlR100~D4\\ ~RM1oU~dG ~~~EB `~e SP 9sA ~~ ~ m SP M"1 Nl ~' `~ ~ kY M1.~ ~'^~f ~ u, ~ ,r, SP9 2 t x"` ` , ~ s , ~A" ~ ' TG. ~ ~ ~i . i qY1 ~ ~ Y , t ~ ~ ~ 4( Z ~ / S ~ ~ ' F Y L ¢ ~v+ i ~ .:~ q+.,~ .,v.. ~~ . .~. . .~~... ~ ~~; ' VES~ .. . . 1 . GFyp ., Au ust 7, 2008 Subject Property u Tentative Parcel Map No. 2008-117 3450 - 3454 East Miraloma Avenue 10568 ~ A~ ~5r ~, zoos Subject Property Tentative Parcel Map No. 2008-117 345U - 3~54 Easf Miraloma Avenue ~osss ~~ ~ ALL PROPERTIES ARE W THE ALPHA (NORTHEFlST AREA) REDEVELOPMENT kREA. Aerial Photo: ~,~. July 2006 I)It~F'T A'~'~ACY~Ie~Eiv'i' 1~10. 1 RESOLUTIONNO. ZA2008-*** A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM ZONING AAMINISTRATOR APPROVING A CEQA CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION CLASS 15 AND APPROVING TENTATNE PARCEL MAP NO. 2008-117 (3450-3454 EAST MIRALOMA AVENUE) ' WHEREAS; the Anaheim Zorung Administrator did receive an application for Tentative Pazcel Map No. 200~-117 for certain real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of Califomia shown on Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference; and WI-IEREAS, the Zoning Administrator did hold a public hearing at the Civic Center in the City of Anaheim on August 7, 2008, at 930 a.m., notice of said public hearing having been duly given as required by law and in accordance with the provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.60 "Procedures", to heaz and consider evidence for and against said proposed tentative pazcel map and to investigate and make findings and recommendations in connection therewith; and WH~I2EAS, said Zoning Administrator, after due inspection, investigation and study made by itself and in its behalf, and after due consideration of all evidence and reports offered at said hearing, does find and determine the following facts: 1. That the proposed subdivision, including its design and improvements, is consistent with the General Plan and the Northeast Area Specific Pian, Development Area 2(Expanded Industrial Area) designation for the property. 2. That the site is physically suitable for the type and density of the existing development, as proposed for subdivision. 3. That the design of the subdivision is not likely to cause snbstantial environmental damage or substantially and avoidably injure fish or wildlife or their habitat, as the site is currently developed and no further development is proposed as part of trris subdivision. 4. That the design of the subdivision or the type of improvements is not likely to cause serious public health problems, as the site is currently developed and no further development is proposed as part of this subdivision. 5. That the design oFthe subdivision or the type of improvements will not conflict with easements, acquired by the public at lazge, for access through or use of property within the proposed subdivision, 6. That *** indicated their presence at the public hearing in opposition;_and that *** coaespondence was received in opposition to the subject request. WHEREAS, the proposed project falls within the definition of Categorical Exemptions, Section 15315, Class 15 (Minor Land Divisions), as defined in the State CEQA -1- ZA2008-*** Guidelines and is, therefore, exempt from the requirement to prepare additional environmental documentation. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim Zoning Administrator does hereby approve Tentative Pazcel Map No. 2008-117 subject to the conditions of appioval described in E~ibit "B" attached hereto and incorporated by this reference which are hereby found to be a necessary prerequisite to the proposed use of the subject properiy in order to preserve the heath, safety and general weifaze of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Anaheim Zoning Administrator does hereby find and determine that adoption of this Resolution is expressly predicated upon applicant's compliance with each and all of the conditions hereinabove set forth. Should any such condition, or any part thereof, be declazed invalid or unenforceable by the final judgment of any court of competent jurisdiction, then this Resolution, and any approvals herein contained, shall be deemed nuli and void. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the applicant is responsible for paying all charges related to the processing of this discretionary case application within I S days of the issuance of the fmal invoice. Failure to pay all chazges shall result in delays in the issuance of required pemuts or the revocation of the approval of this application. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION was adopted at the Zoning Administrator meeting of August "7, 2008. Said resolution is subject to the appeal provisions set forth in Chapter 18.60 "Procedures" of the Anaheim Municipal Code pertaining to appeal procedures and may be replaced by a City Council Resolution in the event of an appeal. ANAHEIM ZONING ADMII~IISTRATOR ATTEST: SECRETARY, ANAHEIM ZONING ADNIINISTRATOR STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COiTNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, , Secretary of the Anaheim Zoning Administrator, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the Anaheun Zoning Administrator held on August 7, 2008. -2- ZA2008-*** IN WITNESS WHEREpF, I have hereunto set my hand this day of , 2008. SECRETARY, ANAHEIM ZONING ADMINISTRATOR ~ -3- ZA2008-*** Subject Property ._..------------- o sa ~oa ~ F¢Y, ~~ p,~E M~~~~Mi~ Tentative Parcel ~/iap IVo. 2008-117 3450-3454 East Miraloma Avenue ---------------------- Source: Recorded Tract Maps and/or Ciry GIS. Please note the acwracy is +/- (wo lo frve (eel. ,~568I EA'IiI~I'I' "B" TE1V'1'E4TIVE PAIiCEi. ME4P NO. 2008-117 Respo~sible COA Conditions of Approval for Monitorin PRIDR TO FINAL MAPAPPROYAL 1 That an unsubordinated restricted covenant providing p]~ing reciprocal access and pazking approved by the Planning Services Division in a form satisfactory to the City Attorney shall be recorded with the Office of the Orange County Recorder. A copy of tt~e covenant shall then be submitted to the Zoning Division. In addition, provisions shall be made in the covenant to guarantee that the entire complex shall be managed and maintained as one (1) integral pazcel for purppses of pazking, vehicular circulation, driveway access, signage, and maintenance, and said covenant shall be referenced in all deeds tr~ansferring all or any part of the interestin the ro erty. 2 The developer shall submit grading plans and a grading bond Public Works - for on-site improvements to the Public Works Department, Development Development Services. The grading bond shall be prepazed Services and submitted in a form approved by City Attorney's office. All dimensions shall be taken from the conshvction centerline. A Right of Way Construction Pemut shall be obtained from the Public Works Department, Development Services for all work performed in the right-of-way. The improvements shall be constructed prior to final grading inspections. _, 3 The developer shall post a cash payment an lieu of the street Public Works - improvements. The developer shall submit a construction cost Development estimate for review and approval, in order to deternune cash Services payment amount. 4 That the final map shall include a note on the plan indicating Public Works - that prior to any private storm drains connecting to a City storm Development drain, the recordation of a Save Harmless in-lieu of Services Encroachment Agreement shall be required. 5 That prior to the issuance of grading pernut, the applicant shall Public Works - submit a Final Water Quality Management Plan to the Public Development Works Department/Development Services for review and .; Services approval that: ~ Addresses Site Design Best Management Practices (BMPS) such as minimizin lm ervious azeas, -5- ZA2008-*** m~imizing permeability, minimizing d'uectly connected 'unpervious azeas, creating reduced or "zero dischazge" azeas, and conserving natural azeas. m Incorporates the applicable Routine 5owce Contr~ol BMPs as defined in the Drainage Area Management Plan. m Incorporates Treatment Control BMPs as defined in the DAMP. ~ Describes the long-term operation and maintenance requirements for the Treatrnent Control BMPs. m Identifies the entity that will be responsible for long- term operation and maintenance of the Treatrnent Control BMPs, and a Describes the mechanism for funding the long-term operation and maintenance of the Treahnent Control BMPs. 6 That prior to release of the grading bond, the applicant shall Public Works -! submit a final grade certification to the Public Works Development Department/Development Services for review and approval. Services Prior to release of the grading bond, the applicant shall: m Demonstrate that all structural BMPs described in the Project WQMP have been constructed and installed in conformance with approved plans and specifications. ~ Demonstrate that the applicant is prepared to unplement all non-structural BMPs described in the Project WQMP • Demonstrate that an adequate number of copies of the approved Project WQMP aze available onsite. ~ 5ubmit for review and approval by the City an Operation and Maintenance Plan for all siructural BMPs. 7 A maintenance covenant shall be submitted to the Public Public Works - Works Deparhnent, Development Services and approved by Development the City Attorney's office. The covenant shall include Services provisions for maintenance of private facilities and compliance with approved the Water Quality Management Plan. The covenant shall be recorded concurrently with the final map. 8 All pazcels shail be assigned street addresses by the Building Public Works - Division. Development ^ Services 9 That where applicable and within the project site, remove the "Public Works - existing driveway approaches on Miraloma Avenue and replace Development with curb, gutter, pazkway landscaping and sidewallc. All other Services remainin drivewa s must be removed and reconstructed er -6- ZA2008-*** City Standazd Detail ll 5-B. Obtain a Right of Way Construction Femut from the Public Works Depazhnent/Development Services. Improvements must be complete prior to final grading certification inspections. 10 That the final map shall include a note that the sanitary sewer Public Works - and storm drains for this development shall be privately ' Development maintained. Services 11 That a recorded use agreement, in a form sadsfactory to the Fire City Attomey's office and Fire Department, shall be submitted for all pazcels sharing fire protection equipment and associated appurtenances. 12 That the final map shall include a note that the legal owner of Public Utilities subject property shall provide the City of Anaheim with a Electrical public utilities easement as deternnined to be necessary when the electrical design is completed. ~TIMING: GENERAL CONDITIONS ~~ ~ ~ ' , 13 That a final map shall be submitted to and approved by the City Public Works - of Anaheim and the Orange County Surveyor. Following Development approval, the final parcel map shall be xecorded in the Office of Services the Orange County Recorder. A reciprocal access agreement shall be recorded concurrently with the final parcel map. 14 That subject properry shail be developed substantially in Planning accordance with plans and specifications submitted to the City of Anaheim by the petitioner and which plans are on file ' with the Planning Department mazked E~chibit No. l, and as conditioned herein. 15 That timing for campliance with conditions of approval may Planning be amended by the Planning Director upon a showing of good cause provided (i) equivalent timing is established that satisfies the original intent and purpose of the condition(s), (ii) the modification complies with the Anaheun Municipal Code and (iii) the applicant has demonstrated significant progress towazd establishment of the use or approved development. 16 That extensions for further time to complete conditions of Planning approval may be granted in accordance with Section 18.60.170 of the Anaheun Municipal Code. 17 That approval of this application constitutes approval of the Planning ro osed re uest onl to the extent that it com lies with the -7- ZA2008-* * * ' Anaheim Municipal Zoning Code and any other applicable City, State and Federal regulations. Approval does not include any action or findings as to compliance or approval of the request regazding any other applicable ordinance, regulation or requirement -8- ZA2008-* * * SP 92-2 _ _- ~--- - _ _ -- - - - 0 ~ ~ LAFIESTA ~ ~ APTS ~ 1'o U 0 ~ o w ~ z o T ~ ~ Z F- . W N O ~ ANAHEIM RESORT '~ ~ U . TR4NCENTERTION ~~ p . ~/l, ~ ~1~ 0 ~ ~ T sT~ gpgp.p g~ ANAHEIM RESORT RV PARK . SP 92-2 pUALIN IIJN ~ ~ .y 0 ANAHEIM AND SUITES ` Od ~ ~ FAIRFIELD INN (~` h ~ o i ~ T 4 '~ ~ ~ ,y u, ~ ~ GpL~EN SKIES Spy,p . ~ ~. MOBILEHOMEPARK _, ~~~.GPA2008-00466~, o Q B ~ ~ ' RCL 66-6I-fi7 (108). y G .. CUP 2006-05174' ~ ~0, 0 ~ ~~ ~ > VAR200B-04]48 : ~ 1 0 .. ~ VAR2(10]-04732; ' VAR 2270 ~ ., SPNTA08-00051F O ' '... (RLL SG57-92) =.. ~ VOCATIONALSCHOOL ._...___.. , " a . SP 92-2 ~ ANAHEIM CAMELOT ~ ~ INNBSUITES ~ ~ SP92-2 ~~ CAROUSELINN ~ ' & SUfTES p ~ a SP 92-2 ~ SP 92-2 INDUSTRIAL o . TROPICANAINN BUILOING ~ ; a SP 92-2 BEST WESTERN PARK PLACE HOTEL SP 92-Z PARK WE INN o so iaa ~ ~ August 7, 2008 Subject Property Variance IVo. 2008-04748 SP 92-2 :INDUSTRIAL BUILDING 1477 South ManchesterAvenue ~ W.~L Pp 9 ~ E6>LLR O ~ Q m 5 s " ~ ~ g ~ ~ O 4y i I~i ~ ~ ~ L^ W.IWiELIARV E ' U . E W1tELLA iIVE n ~ 10575 Au ust 7, 2008 Subject Properiy Variance No. 2008-04748 1477 South Manchester Avenue ~ ~ v:.ara_eo Z k EfliLFO m ~ c j C ~ a ~ ~ G ~ o i r s , ~ 4 s ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ': Y.~ IUiF.LIAAV C E ' " [ E IWILLlAAVE ~i ~ 10575 a so uc- Aerial Photo: ~~ Julv 2006 A'T'I'AC ~1~'~' I~~. 1 PItO..TEC'd' SdJ ~' CE~ART VAI2IAPICE 1~10. 200~-0474~ I)evelo ~ent Standard 1'ro osed Pro'ect SP92-2 Zone Standards ' Site Area 13 acres N/A Setback Measured from property line Measured from ultimate right-of-way Fence height within street , 6 foot pilasters, 5 foot fence 3 feet maximum setback x~.;. ~~ ,..~:: A'I"I'ACIIli~ENT NO. 2 ^~ ~; ,., x, a~` ' ~- ~ w.w ~ ~, ~ ~_ ~ ~,_ ~? ~ REAL ESTATE CONS[1LTING ~~~"'~'~""~~ July 17, 2008 Elaine Thienprasiddhi Zoning Division City Hall 200 South Anaheim Bivd. Anaheim, CA 92805 RE: Justi~ca4ion for Variance # 2- 9477 S. i~ianchester Dear Nls. Thienprasiddhi This firm represents the landowner of the property at 1477 South Manchester. The landowner is West Goast University who are operating a University for training nurses and other medical professionals. As you recall, the Universiiy was approved to be located in an existing former mid-rise office building that was constructed many years ago before the adoption of the Resort Specific Plan. The University recently completed a multi-million doltar refurbishment of the building and is now open for instruction. The instructional program has hours of operation that extend well into the evening hours therefore students are often arriving and departing in the dark. Most of the campus abuts motels and other transient uses that are separated by a six-foot or higher masonry wall. The street frontage along Manchester has the vehicular and pedestnan access gates with security devises. The University wishes to install a decorative metal f~nce along fhe frontage of Manchester Avenue to complete that portion of the physical the security program. The freeway (1-5) was widened some years ago which forced the relocation of Manchester Avenue and the complete reduction of the normal front setback that existed at 1477 S. Manchester when it was an office building. in fact, the City of Anaheim granted Variance #2270 to provide for a location of some signage for the building within the newiy realigned right-of-way because a normal front setback area was unavailable to the building owner. 3IS7Z SAN ]UAN CREEY. CtRCLE, SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CALIFURNIA~926~5 949 24p-1322 Fnx 949 240-1291 phillip@prsgrp.6iz As part ofi fhe conditions of approval for Conditio~al Use Permit 2D06-05174, which perrnitted the University to take over the office building, the landowner was required to reques4 the termina#ion of City approved front setback Variance 2270 although i4 might have been applicable to this situation. The fence location that is requested, and as recommended by City Staff, is designed to provide the maximum security while allowing easy visibility to the landscaped screening in firont of the building. A fence location further back would allow a pedestrian to utilize the landscaping and berming to gain access over the proposed fence. Other adjacent business locations have not been as impacted by the realignment of Manchester Avenue due to the cunre and radius of the roadway north and south of the subject site. Additionally, some of the former adjacent land uses have been recentiy eliminated and rebuilt into tourist oriented uses as part of the Resort Area. Most land uses along this stretch of'Manchester, both north and south of the subject site have a front setback encroachment of some type that is a result of the realignment. The proposed fence location is within the ultimate right-of-way as is the 1477 building that houses the University. Bringing Manchester Avenue to its uitimate width will require the removal of the e~tire University building in addition to the proposed decorative security fence. We respectfully request approval of the fence in our location, and per Staff recommendation. - Sincerely, The PR~ GROUP Phillip fd. 5chwartze President M O ~ F ~ W ~ U ~ ~ F ~ ~ ~ v~ ~ ~ ~ ~{~ ~qy @ °° ief ~ ~ ~ ~ 4AaI ~ ~ ~ ~qg ~ i~~/ ~{v ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~pa W ~~q Vs~I V/ ~ ~ a ~ ~ ~ _~ ~.. Ll.. N C .` N C N U ~ ~ ~ .i i ~ ~ 7 ~ ~ .C NQ~ LL' Q~ w ,. ~ E ~ ~ [~ ~Tl RE90I,LT'TIOIV' NO. ~A2008-*** A'I"I'A~IIII~YE1~1~' l~T~. ~ A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM ZONING ADMINISTRATOR "" APPROVING A CEQA CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION CLASS 1 :~ND APPROVING VAFLtANCE NO. 2008-04748 (1477 SOUTH MANCHESTER AVENUE) WHEREAS, the Anaheim Zoning Administrator did receive a verified Petition for Vaziance for certain real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of Califomia shown on Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference; and WHEREAS, the petitioner requests a waiver of (1) the requirement that the setback be measured from the ultimate right of way and (2) the maximum height of a fence in the front setback to construct a maximum 6-foot high security fence for an existing office building; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Administrator did hold a public heazing at the Civic Center in the City of Anaheun on August 7, 2008, at 9:~0 a.m., notice of said public hearing having been duly given as requued by law and in accordance with the provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.60 "Procedures", to heaz and consider evidence for and against said proposed variance and to investigate and make findings and recommendations in connection therewith; and WI-IEREAS, said Zoning Admnustrator, after due inspection, investigation and study made by itself and in its behalf, and after due consideration of all evidence and reports offered at said hearing, does find and determine the following facts: l. That the applicant requests waivers of the following to construct a ma~cimum 6-foot high security fence with pilasters for an existing office building: (a) SECTION NO. Location that the setback is measured from fRequired to be measure from the ultimate ri~ht of wav: proposed to be measured from the property linel (b) SECTION NO. Maximum heieht of a fence in the front setback (3 feet permitted; un to 6 feet ro osed 2. That waiver (a) is hereby approved, since the widening of the freeway in front of the property created an unusual circumstance in which the ultimate planned right-of-way is located within the building and measuring the setback from the ultimate planned right-of-way is impracticaL 3. That waiver (b) is hereby approved, since a hazdship exists for this property that does not apply to other properties in the same zone due to the widening of the freeway in front of the property resulting in a property with a limited azea for landscaping and security fencing in front of VAR3008-04745 -1- ZA2008- the building. Further, the proposed landscaping would help to create an attractive buffer between the fence and ttie sYreet. 4. That *** indicated their presence at said public hearing in opposition; and that *** correspondence was received in opposition to subject petition. " VI~IEREAS, the proposed project falls within the definition of Categorical Exemptions, Section 15311, Class 1(Existing Facilities), as defined in the State CEQA Guidelines and is, therefore, exempt from the requirement to prepaze additional environmental documentation. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anaheun Zoning Administrator does hereby approve Vaziance No. 200A-04748 subject to the conditions of approval described in E~ibit "B" attached hereto and incorporated by this reference which aze hereby found to be a necessary prerequisite to the proposed use of the subject property in order to preserve the health, safety and general welfare of the Citizens of the Ciry of Anaheim. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Anaheim Zoning Administrator does hereby find and determine that adoption of this Resolution is expressly predicated upon applicant's compliance with each and all of the conditions hereinabove set forth. Should any such condition, or any part thereof, be declared invalid or unenforceable by the final judgment of any court of competent jurisdiction, then this Resolution, and any approvals herein contained, shall be deemed null and void. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the applicant is responsible for paying all charges related to the processing of this discretionary case application within 15 days of the issuance of the final invoice or prior to the issuance of building permits for this project, whichever occurs first. Failure to pay all chazges shall result in delays in the issuance of required permits or the revocation of the approval of this application. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION was adopted at the Zoning Administrator meeting of August 7, 2008. Said resolution is subject to the appeal provisions set forth in Chapter 18.60, "Procedures" of the Anaheun Municipal Code pertaining to appeal procedures and may be replaced by a City Council Resolution in the event of an appeal. ANAHEIM ZONING ADMINISTRATOR ATTEST: SR. SECRETARY, ANAHEIM ZONING ADMINISTRATOR STATE OF CALIFO1tNIA ) COiJNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAIIEIM ) -2- ZA2008- I, Eleanor Morris, Senior Secretary of the Anaheim Zoning Administrator, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the Anaheim Zoning Administrator held on August 7, 2008. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this day of , ~008. SR. SECRETARY, ANAHEIM ZONING ADMINISTRATOR 9 -3- ZA2008- Subject Property Variance No. 2008-04748 1477 South Manchester Avenue wen~~AO 9 ~~ ~ E9AL~R 0 ^ m~ m ~ S G 3 Q S ~ ~ ~ $ _ ~ g ~ 5 W. Wll£LfAAVE ~ E K4iELlA RVE h ~ 10575 o so ~oo ~ Source: Recorded Tracl Maps and/or City GIS. Fex Please nole the accuracy is +/- two to frve feet. E ~Y'T «B» ~Il~1tiA1VCE idTO. 2008-0474~ 1~10. Condations of Approval Idesponsible for 1Vdonitoren I'IZIOld TO ISSUf11VC'~' OFA B UILDING PE~LPIT OR ONE (I) Y~'~R F'.R~M TFIE ~ATE Ok' T~dIS RESOZ UTdON, 63'HICFIEVER OC'CDRS FIILST 1 The legal properiy owner shall record a Covenant to Public Works, remove the proposed fence and pilasters within the Development ultimate right of way of Manchester Avenue, at no cost to Services ty, at such time as the City acquires the ultimate the Ci right of way. 2 Plans submitted for building permits shall show Public V/orks, conformance with the current version of Engineering Development Standard Detail 115 pertaining to sight distance visibility Services for signs, landscaping, and fence/wall locations and pertaining to commercial driveway radii to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. 3 Plans submitted for building pemuts shall show any public Works, proposed gates and shall demonstrate that gates shall not Traffic be installed across any driveway in a manner which may Engineering adversely affect vehiculaz traffic on Manchester Avenue and that instatlation of any gates shall conform to the current version of Engineering Standazd Detail 475. The lacation of any proposed gates shall be subject to the review and a roval of the Ci Engineer. 4 The appropriate permit(s) shall be obtained from the City ' Planning of Anaheim for the approved fence. Extensions for „ furtl~er time to complete said conditions may be granted in ' accordance with Code Section No. 1 R.03.090 of the Anaheim Municipal Code. GENERAL 5 That timing for compliance with conditions of approval Planning may be amended by the Planning Director upon a showing of good cause provided (i) equivalent timing is established that satisfies the original intent and purpose of the condition(s), (ii) the modification complies with the Anaheim Municipal Code and (iii) the applicant has, demonstrated significant progress towazd establishment of the use or approved development. 6 That subject properiy shall be developed substantially in Planning accordance with sign lans and s ecifications submitted to -5- zA2oos- the City of Anaheim by the applicant and which plans aze on file with the Planning Department marked Exhibit Nos. 1 through 3,and as conditioned herein. 7 That approval of this application constitutes approval of Planning the proposed request anly to the extent that it complies with the Anaheim Municipal Zoning Code and any other applicable City, State and Federal regulations. Approval does not include any action or fmdings as to compliance or approval of the request regazding any other applicable ordinance, regulation or requirement. -6- ZA2008-