Minutes-PC 2007/08/20P~P~-1E1Nj C~~
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Commissioners Present:
City of Anaheim
Planning Commission
Monday, Auqust 20, 2007
Council Chamber, City Hall
200 South Anaheim Boulevard, Anaheim, California
Chairman Pro-Tempore: Joseph Karaki
Peter Agarwal, Gail Eastman, Stephen Faessel,
Panky Romero, Pat Velasquez
Commissioners Absent: Kelly Buffa
Staff Present:
Mark Gordon, Assistant City Attorney
Linda Johnson, Principal Planner
Judy Dadant, Acting Principal Planner
Ted White, Senior Planner
Della Herrick, Associate Planner
Scott Koehm, Associate Planner
Elaine Thienprasiddhi, Associate Planner
Sandip Budhia, Associate Engineer
Kimberly Wong, Planner
Elly Morris, Senior Secretary
• Agenda Posting: A complete copy of the Planning Commission Agenda was posted
at 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, August 16, 2007, inside the display case located in the
foyer of the Council Chambers, and also in the outside display kiosk.
Published: Anaheim Bulletin Newspaper on Thursday, July 26, 2007
• Call To Order
• Preliminary Plan Review 1:00 P.M.
• Recess To Public Hearing
• Reconvene To Public Hearing 2:30 P.M.
Attendance: 45
• Pledge Of Allegiance:
• Public Comments
• Consent Calendar
• Public Hearing Items
• • Adjournment
Commissioner Faessel
AUGUST 20, 2007
• Anaheim Planning Commission Agenda - 2:30 P.M.
Public Comments: None
Consent Calendar:
Commissioner Eastman offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner Romero and
MOTION CARRIED (Chairman Buffa absent), for approval of Consent Calendar
Items 1-B and 1-C as recommended by staff. Consent Calendar Item 1-A was removed
from the Consent Calendar for separate action. UNANIMOUSLY APPROVED
Renorts and Recommendations
(b) FINAL SITE PLAN NO. 2007-00009
Agent: Chris Samuelian
Morris Architects
2046 Armacost Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90025
Location: 500 West Disnev Way
Request review and approval of a final site plan to
construct a 400-unit time share within the Anaheim Garden
walk project.
Continued to
September 17, 2007
Motion: Eastman/Velasquez
VOTE: 6-0
Chairman Buffa absent
Project Planner:
(dherrick@anaheim, net)
(This item was removed from the Con~ent Calendar for separate discussion.)
Chairman Pro-Tempore Karaki opened the public hearing.
Della Herrick, Associate Planner, presented the staff report.
Wayne Fjare, Westgate Resorts, 8221 Green Clover, Las Vegas, NV, representing the
• owner, stated they appreciate the assistance and consideration given by staff thus far
however, the owner is confused as to why they are not able to move forward with the
project. They have appropriately responded to the color palette which has been pre-
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AUGUST 20, 2007
approved for the Garden Walk Project; made architectural changes to the design;
• consulted with a third party architect and obtained his approval; and conferred with staff
who has approved the color scheme. Therefore, they feel they have done their due
diligence and are seeking approval from the Planning Commission and an opportunity
to be a part of the Anaheim community.
Christopher Samuelian, Morris Architects, 5270 Village Green, Los Angeles, CA, stated
they made some amendments to the exhibits which were proposed, introducing colors
from the timeshare building down to the parking garage. He stated they matched the
upper creme color with the color of the garage to reinforce the cohesiveness of one
building. They also added greener wall elements to the right portion of the parking
garage to help soften the appearance; and also retained the red banding to distinguish
between the garage and building components.
Commissioner Eastman asked Mr. Samuelian to explain what he means by green wall
Mr. Samuelian responded that it is essentially a medal-like cage in green, designed so
that vines would grow up to the top. Additionally, he noted that the planning staff
mentioned a commitment by the owner to add more of the green elements to the
parking garage to assist in softening the appearance.
Commissioner Eastman concurred that it is better having the colors more similar
• however, she feels it still does not achieve the intentions of the Commission to not be
able to discern that it is obviously a big parking structure with a building plopped on the
top of it. She further stated that the setback on Katella looks like the building is right on
Katella, with a looming effect. She feels the parking structure would become the most
prominent to pedestrians at street level. She expressed disappointment that it would
not be the kind of building that the City of Anaheim could be proud of.
Commissioner Romero stated removing the red band would make it look less
conspicuous and stated that otherwise, it looked like finro buildings sandwiched together.
He asked the distance between the building and Katella Avenue.
Ted White, Senior Planner, responded at least 100 feet, probably over 100 feet.
Commissioner Romero asked if the building would be visible directly from Katella
Mr. White responded no, and illustrated that along Katella and the public right-of-way, in
the area where a double row of palm trees are located, there is an 11 foot building
setback to what would be the Bubble Gump Restaurant, which is going to be located in
front of approximately one-half to finro-thirds of the frontage of the parking structure.
Further west, in the vehicular drive area, there would be dense rows of palm trees
planted that would lead up to the parking structure; which would further obscure the
• view of the parking structure. On the very western property line there would be denser
landscaping; including giant birds of paradise, which are also used to screen the surface
level Disney parking lots along Katella, opposite the Convention Center. He feels the
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AUGUST 20, 2007
applicant has provided a very effective job screening up to approximately 15-20 feet in
• height; and stated that the pedestrian experience, when in front of Bubba Gump
Restaurant, would not be able to see the parking structure at all. Also, farther west
pedestrians would be looking at drive entrances in a set back approximately 100 feet to
the parking structure.
Commissioner Romero wished to clarify that the line of site pedestrians would be
looking at from the very front of Katella would only be the timeshare building.
Mr. White responded concrete has been poured up to the fifth level and the parking
structure is not visible from the sidewalk in front of the Bubba Gump Restaurant. The
timeshare building on top would b visible .
Commissioner Faessel concurred with Commissioner Eastman that the two structures
do not go together and feels since the project was approved before the current
Commission he would rather not comment farther.
Mr. White wished to clarify the parking structure was approved as a part of the final site
plan application with the retail concourse level, which is basically what they were
looking at as the main retail area. The parking structure was required to go through the
final site plan process, and the Planning Commission considered that as a part of the
retail concourse. He clarified that the applicant before the Commission today is for the
timeshare portion of the project, which also required a final site plan. The applicant and
• planning staff are supportive of modifications to the parking structure. He stated
however, that there is a limit as to what can be imposed on the timeshare applica
because they are not actually responsible for the elevations of the parking struct
The timeshare applicant has talked with the applicant from Garden Walk and
determined that they are amenable to looking at certain design elements to help
up to a level that the Planning Commission would be comfortable with.
Commissioner Faessel stated he would like to see more alternatives rather than
minimum cosmetic changes, to soften the affect of the two different buildings.
bring it
Commissioner Eastman stated she prefers the original approved colors because looking
at the project as presented thus far, the articulation along the Katella frontage makes it
appear as though it is a series of buildings and therefore, she would not be comfortable
with approving this project.
Commissioner Faessel stated he believes everyone is supportive of the Garden Walk
project and would like to get the subject project under way, but it appeared to be
substantially different than what they recalled seeing originally. In the original concept
the lines from the roof down all the way to the parking structure were consistent, and
appeared as though the parking structure and the timeshare were designed and
coordinated together. He feels what is being presented before the Planning
Commission today appears as though the timeshare developer is laying his facility on
~ top of an already constructed building in a"sandwich effecY', without any regard to the
design of the original parking structure.
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AUGUST 20, 2007
Commissioner Velasquez concurred with her fellow Commissioners and feels since the
• parking structure has already been built, landscaping is the only option. She stated if
she had a chance between alternative one or two she would choose alternative two and
the band would have to go.
Chairman Pro-Tempore Karaki, concurred with his colleagues and stated originally
when they approved this project it was approved based on certain preview renderings,
such as a 3-D rendering which caused it to be accepted as a beautiful project.
However, they are not pleased with what is being presented before them today; finro
elements separated by a vertical horizontal band. Therefore, he suggested the
applicant return to the first rendering and try to integrate what the Commissioners first
approved. He expressed the concern with Katella Avenue being the main entrance to
the entire project and stated that no matter how much landscaping was applied it would
not improve the project as presented thus far. He would not accept less than what the
Commission originally approved.
Mr. White wished to clarify that the timeshare shown today was shown for massing
purposes only, to demonstrate the height, the mass and the scale, etc. It was not
previously approved.
Chairman Pro-Tempore Karaki responded the Commissioners understand that but feel
at this point the subject building has to be integrated with a smooth transition between
the parking structure and the building to make it look like one. He indicated that the
• Commissioners like the upper portion but not the bottom portion. They are not asking
that they change the entire design but that they bring the elements down and then work
with the colors.
Applicant's Rebuttal
Daniel Ortega, Morris Architects, 16932, Tulsa Street, Granada Hills, CA, stated he
would like to speak to the aspect of bringing some of the elements of the timeshare
down to the parking structure and stresses that no problem is insurmountable. He
stated one of the challenges they have had to deal with in taking the timeshare project
to the current level of development, is that they have had to provide a structure for the
timeshare in contrast to the structure necessary for the parking structure. Therefore, it
added some structural difficulties. He explained that they have had to put a podium
truss level, which transfers the load from the timeshare down to the parking structure.
Additionally, one of the difficulties in literally taking the pilaster lines for the timeshare
down to the parking structure is that the parking structure, because of its current design,
requires a certain amount of air coming into the parking structure in order to enable its
mechanical system to operate properly. That is one reason why there is an inherent
difference in the overall structure for the parking structure and the timeshare. He feels
perhaps there are some things that they can bring down to the parking structure level
and assures they will look at everything they reasonably can do to expedite an approval
for the project.
• Chairman Pro-Tempore Karaki stated the Commission is against the transition between
the two elements and want to soften the transition by bringing it down. He feels bringing
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AUGUST 20, 2007
it down will not block the air ventilation for the parking structure. He states Commission
~ agrees with him that it is imperative they not block the ventilation and also they do not
want to change either the parking structure or the structure above it and believes it is
merely cosmetics from the outside to integrate the two elements together. Additionally,
he disagrees that the vertical elements should be moved down through the parking
structure and instead feels the vertical elements of the parking structure should extend
up through their portion of the building. He believes the vertical elements of the parking
structure do not coincide with the vertical elements of the structure, so even if some of
them could line up he suggests the applicant might soften the distinction between the
two structures which may go a long way to diminish the podium that he is having to
construct to place the building on top.
Mr. Fjare stated when looking at the drawing they are looking at a face rather than at an
angle so they would not see some of the setbacks; some of the things that actually give
some distinction between the two. He submitted another drawing of Katella Avenue
which actually showed some of the angles and setbacks and illustrated that there is
some character on the way the building sits. He indicated the color, and the lower
portion with the green coming off the edge, the trees along the side; and the band which
he believes gives a very nice architectural look. He assured that when looking at it from
a flat side they would not see some of the undulations.
Chairman Pro-Tempore Karaki assured Commission understood exactly what he was
saying but that they were having a problem with the transition between the finro
• elements. He explained they do not have a problem with the upper portion and feel
they have articulated the upper portion very well but they have a problem with the lower
portion facing the street and feel it is merely a parking structure five stories high.
Commissioner Eastman concurs with Commissioner Faessel that it is more of a
problem from ground up and feels the vertical lines on the parking structure do not line
up with any vertical line on the timeshare structure, and then adding the sandwich effect
in the middle with a different color really jumbles it up. She stated what Commission
liked about the conceptual, besides the variety of setback and articulation along the
whole line of the timeshare product, was the fact that they saw a variety of color. She
expressed that they like the idea of using color continuous from the bottom up to help
give the feeling of individuality and break up the massiveness of it all.
Mr. Ortega stated that he wondered how much weight was being placed on something
that they were not going to see; that from a pedestrian standpoint would not be
perceivable from Katella.
Chairman Pro-Tempore Karaki responded that they were looking at the project as a
whole; not just part of the project. He stated that they could not hide the fact that it is a
huge massive parking structure and that is why Commission is stating that the massive
parking structure has to be softened down from the timeshare portion.
• Mr. Ortega asked if they could see the blending that they were trying to achieve
between the first level parking structure and the timeshare structure.
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AUGUST 20, 2007
Chairman Pro-Tempore Karaki responded he would like to see that effect going down at
• least three levels from the podium down to soften the harsh corner and then carry it a
little bit from top to bottom but not all the way to the bottom to minimize the effect of the
high parking structure.
Mr. Ortega stated the parking structure was already built.
Chairman Pro-Tempore stated that he could carry it to the other side and Commission
would not have a problem if they carried a separate structure to it.
Commissioner Faessel referred to staff and noted that Commission has been presented
an application where a parking structure has been constructed under one development
agreement while another developer builds upon that for an additional structure with a
disconnect in between. He asked if, in the future, similar arrangements would be
presented to them from other developments within either the Platinum Triangle or the
Westgate project.
Ms. Herrick responded that Garden Walk is a very unique project in that it included an
entertainment retail center and the other finro hotels in the subject project did not have
parking structures and are completely separate. Therefore, she feels this is the only
instance where this would be happening.
Chairman Pro-Tempore Karaki indicated that he understood this design as far as
• Garden Walk is concerned, and believes Lennar has a consistent parking structure, but
he wished to clarify whether there would be a potential for this to happen in the Platinum
Triangle as far as Lennar is concerned.
Judy Dadant, Acting Principal Planner, stated she believed he was referring to the
projects that have been approved for the master final site plan. Each of the subsequent
plans that would come back to the Commission for review would be for an entire
development area and encompass the entire parcel. She feels there will not be any
situations where one particular property will come forward with entitlements for buildings
and then have portions come back later, but rather would all be by development area.
Commissioner Faessel stated he only wished to clarify that Commission may not need
to deal with something similar to this again in the future.
Commissioner Eastman offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner Velasquez to
continue Item No. 1-A to September 17, 2007 in order to give the applicants an
opportunity to redesign their project and present an alternate presentation to the
DISCUSSION: 40 minutes (2:35-3:15)
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AUGUST 20, 2007
(Tracking No. CUP2007-05251)
Agent: City of Anaheim
Planning Department
200 South Anaheim Boulevard
Anaheim, CA 92805
Location: 950-970 North Tustin Avenue
Request to initiate the revocation or modification of
Conditional Use Permit No. 3277 (to permit office uses in
an existing industrial building with waiver of minimum
distance between freestanding signs).
Concurred with staff
Approved request to initiate
the revocation or
modification proceedings.
Consent Calendar Approval
VOTE: 6-0
Chairman Buffa absent
Project Planner:
(kwong2@anaheim. net)
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AUGUST 20, 2007
• ~111inutes
1C. Receiving and approving the Minutes from the Planning Approved
Commission Meeting of August 6, 2007. (Motion)
Consent Calendar
VOTE: 6-0
Chairman Buffa absent
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AUGUST 20, 2007
Pub lic Hearina Items:
Owner: Natalie Tran
3100 Lindacita
Anaheim, CA 92804-1715
Quyen Tran
237 South Beach
Anaheim, CA 92804-1815
Agent: Mertco
Attn: Roy Ward
2614 Ocean Blvd.
Corona Del Mar, CA 92625
Location: 237 South Beach Boulevard and 3100 West
• Lindacita Lane:
Portion A: Property is approximately 0.27-acres,
having a frontage of 47 feet on the southeast side
of Lindacita Lane and a maximum depth of 142
feet (3100 W. Lindacita Lane).
Portion B: Property is approximately 1.68 acres,
is a land-locked parcel and is located north
across a flood control channel from 3067 and
3079 West Orange Avenue and is located 175
feet south of the centerline of Grand Avenue (237
S. Beach Blvd).
General Plan Amendment No. 2007-00460 - Request to
redesignate Portion A from the Low Density Residential
designation to the Low-Medium Density designation.
Reclassification No. 2006-00190 - Request reclassification
of Portion A from the RS-2 (Residential, Single-Family) zone
to the RS-4 (Residential, Single-Family) zone, or a less
intense zone, and Portion B from the T(Transition) zone to
• the RS-4 (Residential, Single-Family) zone, or a less intense
zone and to remove the Mobile Home Park Overlay zone.
Continued to
September 5, 2007
Motion: Romero/Velasquez
VOTE: 6-0
Chairman Buffa absent
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AUGUST 20, 2007
• Conditional Use Permit No. 2006-05175 - Request to
construct an 11-unit detached single-family residential
subdivision with waiver of improvement of private street for
Portions A and B.
Tentative Tract Map No. 17139 - To establish a 12
numbered and 1 lettered lot, 11-unit detached single-family
residential subdivision for Portions A and B.
Continued from the June 11, June 25 and the July 9, 2007,
Planning Commission Meetings.
General Plan Amendment Resolution No.
Reclassification Resolution No. ProjectPlanner.
Conditional Use Permit Resolution No. (kwong2@anaheim.net)
Chairman Pro-Tempore Karaki announced Item No. 2 as a request for continuance.
He indicated receipt of two speaker cards and asked if they would like to talk or wait
until the item came before Commission. Upon hearing their response, he opened the
• public hearing.
Betty Wilkison, 3104 W. Lindacita, Anaheim, CA, stated this is the fourth continuance;
explaining that the applicant was given a continuance to address concerns expressed at
a previous public hearing and now is asking for additional waivers that have nothing to
do with the concerns that she heard at an earlier public hearing. She stated that twenty-
three people spoke at that hearing and finro petitions were submitted with 442 listed on
the petition; and 14 letters were submitted with all in opposition. She expressed
concerned since no one spoke in favor of the project and asked how many
continuances, and how long would this go on. She asked Commission to deny the
requested continuance.
Ronda Larsen, 206 S. Loma Linda Drive, Anaheim, CA, read the mission statement of
the Planning Commission. She stated she is speaking from her heart and emphasized
that it was very hard to be clear about how she feels because her emotions are mixed
with anger and disappointment that this is lasting so long. She expressed that having
the subject waiver and development approved would change their neighborhood
immensely; it would increase traffic and parking situations and change the ambiance of
their neighborhood. She asked that the continuance not be approved so that they could
continue on with their lives as close knit neighbors living happily together.
Chairman Pro-Tempore Karaki closed the public hearing.
• Mark Gordon, Assistant City Attorney, recommended continuing the public hearing as
opposed to closing the public hearing, as the Commission would probably hear from the
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AUGUST 20, 2007
applicant at some point and time and also other speakers may want to address the
• Commission. Therefore, he feels it would be more prudent to continue the public
hearing as opposed to closing it.
Chairman Pro-Tempore Karaki stated I would like to continue this public hearing.
Commissioner Faessel offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner Vasquez that the
public hearing be continued until the September 5, 2007, Planning Commission
Judy Dadant, Acting Principal Planner, stated the application was deemed complete in
May and according to the Permit Streamlining Act the City has six months (until
November) to decide on the item. After which, if the issue is not resolved and the
Commission does not act on it, the request may be approved. She stated the applicant
submitted revised plans which reflect the elimination of the partial unit that fronts on
Lindacita and staff has readvertised a request to eliminate the general plan amendment.
She indicated that staff is currently working with the applicant to make sure the plans
are complete and adequate. She feels they will be ready for presentation to the
Commission at the September 5, 2007, meeting.
Ms. Larsen asked if the City of Anaheim is required to physically notify the overall
neighborhood of upcoming meetings. She explained that others in the neighborhood
who live within 300 feet of the proposed project received notification and she did not
• because she lives on the opposite angle; on the northwest corner of the neighborhood.
So she was confused as to how she would be notified.
Ms. Dadant responded ten (10) days prior to the public hearing, notifications are sent
through the United States mail and also Community Preservation Officers provide
postings near the subject parcels.
Chairman Pro-Tempore Karaki asked her if she lived within 300 feet.
Ms. Larsen responded no, but friends of hers received their notice in front of their
property. She wished to clarify if the City is required to notify the neighborhood.
Chairman Pro-Tempore Karaki responded yes.
Ms. Larsen stated they were not notified 10 days ahead of time that the request for
continuance was cancelled for today.
Ms. Dadant responded the posting is made ten (10) days prior to the public hearing
however, since it is being readvertised to reflect the request for September 5th, there will
be a new posting on the property ten (10) days prior to that hearing.
Ms. Larsen reiterated that there was not a ten (10) day notification for the subject
• request.
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AUGUST 20, 2007
Ms. Dadant responded by law noticing for today's meeting did not need to be posted
• because an advertised request was posted for the prior meeting. So because it was
continued, State Law does not require that it be reposted but as a courtesy staff sent
out notification letters to the 300 foot property owners, which was above and beyond
what State Law requires. She stated there will be a new posting ten (10) days prior to
the September 5th meeting and notices sent out for that meeting as well.
Commissioner Romero offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner Velasquez to
continue the item until September 5, 2007, as requested by the applicant. Motion
passed with six (6) ayes (Chairman Buffa absent).
OPPOSITION: A person spoke in opposition of approving another continuance for the
request, and a person spoke in opposition of the request.
DISCUSSION TIME: 9 minutes (3:16-3:25)
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AUGUST 20, 2007
3a. CEQA SUBSEQUENT EIR NO. 332 AND Velasquez/Faessel Approved
3b. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 2007-05227 ve~asquez Granted
3C. FINAL SITE PLAN NO. 2007-00006 Velasquez Approved
Owner: Lennar Platinum Triangle, LLC
25 Enterprise VOTE: 6-0
Aliso Viejo, CA 92656-2601 Chairman Buffa absent
Agent: George Tellez, Lennar Platinum Triangle
25 Enterprise
Aliso Viejo, CA 92656
Location: 1404 East Katella Avenue: Property is
approximately 3.7-acre and is within an
approximate 41.4-acre property, generally
located befinreen Katella Avenue and Gene Autry
Way, extending from State College Boulevard to
just west of Betmor Lane.
Conditional Use Permit No. 2007-05227 - To modify
setback requirements to construct a mixed-use project in
• Development Area C of the A-Town Metro project.
Final Site Plan No. 2007-00006 - Requests review and
approval of a final site plan for a 5-story, 166-unit, mixed use
development, including 15,275 square feet of commercial
uses in Development Area C of the A-Town Metro project.
Continued from the July 23, 2007 Planning Commission Meeting.
Conditional Use Permit Resolution No. PC2007-97 ProjectPlanner:
Final Site Plan Resolution No. PC2007-98 (~h~te@anane~m.net)
Chairman Pro-Tempore Karaki opened the public hearing.
Ted White, Senior Planner, presented the staff report.
George Tellez, 1110 Charleston Street, Costa Mesa, stated he was present to answer
questions; along with his architect and landscape architect.
Chairman Pro-Tempore Karaki, asked if anyone was present to speak on the item;
• seeing none, he closed the public hearing.
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AUGUST 20, 2007
Commissioner Velasquez indicated some concern over one of the elevations and stated
• in keeping with the City Code, the Commission preferred to see landscaping, as
opposed to a plain wall. She asked if suggestions had been made to the applicant in
regards to landscaping.
Tim Smallwood, 116 White Flower, Irvine, CA, introduced himself.
Commissioner Velasquez asked him the distance from the wall to the outside of the
Mr. Smallwood referred the question to the landscape architect who responded that the
planter is approximately 6 to 8 feet in depth.
Commissioner Velasquez referred to staff and asked to hear their opinion on the matter.
Mr. White responded that if the concern is graffiti, potential culprits would have to step
over lots of plants and onto a low seating wall in order to get to the planter. If the
concern is the articulation of the building, he feels there are various remedies that could
be put into place. If the concern is a vertical landscape element he feels something
could be done there as well. He feels with the planter being 6 to 8 feet, it would provide
plenty of room to plant something there.
Mr. Tellez wished to respond to the overall comment of the condition, and feels
• Commissioner Velasquez might be responding to the articulation of the remainder of the
building. He stated that they actually strived to break down the scale of the building into
more town home scaled elements; i.e., smaller entry, smaller two-story portions, and
tried to articulate the building as much as possible.
Commissioner Velasquez wished to clarify that she was not suggesting he change the
articulation of the building but rather suggesting that he cover the blank wall with
Mr. Tellez responded that he respected her advice.
Commissioner Eastman stated there was ample room in the planter to utilize bamboo to
give height and green against the building, and to give visual interest. Additionally she
feels it would protect the wall from graffiti.
Commissioner Faessel stated for the record that he met with Mr. Tellez earlier during
the week. He stated his comment deals with the mitigation plan; the 138A and 5.11-11,
5.11-12, and 5.11-14, which has to do with energy efficiency, and he wished to ensure
that Lennar continues to partner with the City Public Utilities Department in order to
provide the City with as much green building as possible.
Mr. Tellez responded they are in the process of working with the City Public Utilities
~ Department in order to build a sustainable building, and currently have obtained the
information aforementioned.
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AUGUST 20, 2007
Chairman Pro-Tempore Karaki concurred with Commissioner Faessel.
• Commissioner Romero stated for the record, that he met with a representative of the
owner of the project. He feels it is a great project.
Commissioner Eastman stated for the record, that she met with Lennar and had an
opportunity to get a preview of the project before receiving the packets for today's
meeting. She concurs with her fellow Commissioners.
Chairman Pro-Tempore Karaki closed the public hearing. He stated for the record he
met with the applicant, and had the opportunity to go through a lot of the discussion
regarding the project. He thanked Lennar, as well as other developers, for bringing
forth quality projects to the city of Anaheim.
Commissioner Faessel stated he is very impressed with Lennar's commitment to
Anaheim. He stated that they have been working on this project for a number of years
and the eventual build out may be well into the next decade. He feels that
demonstrates a very strong commitment to the Anaheim community; and also the fact
that they can be held to a very high standard. The Platinum Triangle will have some
very significant buildings and he believes Lennar's plan is to put their name on several
of them. Therefore, he thanked them for their commitment to the high standard of
quality they have presented so far, and stated that the Commission is looking forward to
seeing the rest of the development as it rolls out.
~ Commissioner Velasquez offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner Faessel to
approve CEQA Subsequent EIR No. 332 and Addendum (Previously-Certified). Motion
passed with six (6) ayes (Chairman Buffa absent)
Commissioner Velasquez offered a resolution to approve Conditional Use Permit No.
2007-05227. Elly Morris, Senior Secretary, announced that the resolution passed with
six ayes votes (Chairman Buffa absent).
Comrnissioner Velasquez offered a resolution to approve Final Site Plan No. 2007-
00006. Elly Morris, Senior Secretary, announced that the resolution passed with six
ayes votes (Chairman Buffa absent).
Mark Gordon, Assistant City Attorney, presented the 22-day appeal rights ending at
5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, September 11, 2007.
• DISCUSSION TIME: 16 minutes (3:26-3:42)
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AUGUST 20, 2007
• 4a. CEQA EIR NO. 331 (PREVIOUSLY-CERTIFIED) ve~asquezRtomero Approved
4b. FINAL SITE PLAN NO. 2007-00007 ve~asyue~tomero Approved
DEVELOPMENT AREA (MIS2007-00204) Velasquez/Romero Approved
4d. TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 17102 Velasquez/Faessel Approved
4e. SPECIMEN TREE REMOVAL PERMIT ve~asquezRtomero Approved
NO. 2007-00003
Owner: Irvine Land Company
550 Newport Center Drive VOTE ON
Newport Beach, CA 92660 STR: 5-0
abstained and
Agent: John Sherwood absent
Irvine Community Development Company
550 Newport Center Drive
Newport Beach, CA 90660 voTE ON
TTM: 3-1
Location: Property is approximately 291-acre portion of the Commission
Mountain Park Specific Plan located east and no, commiss
southeast of the southern terminus of G sum and Karaki a
yp Chairman Bu
• Canyon Road, and bordered on the north by the
Riverside Freeway. T'r1v1
Added a con
Final Site Plan No. 2007-00007 - Review and approval of a pertaining to
final site plan for Development Area 5 of the Mountain Park an easement
Specific Plan. e o~ia a b a
prior to final
Development Area Plan for Development Area 5
(MIS2007-00204) - Review and approval of a Development Area
Plan for Development Area 5 of the Mountain Park Specific Plan.
Tentative Tract Map No. 17102 - To establish 153 single-family
detached lots, 8 Large-Lots for a maximum of 617 single-family
detached cluster units and 13 Large-Lots for a maximum of 825
single-family attached units, a public water reservoir, three private
parks and associated streets and landscaping.
Specimen Tree Removal Permit No. 2007-00003 - Review and
approval of a specimen tree removal permit to remove 53 trees as
part of the Mountain Park Master Specimen Tree Removal Permit.
Project Planne
Continued from the July 23, 2007 Planning Commission Meeting. (skoenm@ana
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Chairman Buffa
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to the City for
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map approval.
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AUGUST 20, 2007
• Scott Koehm, Associate Planner, presented the staff report.
Chairman Pro-Tempore Karaki opened the public hearing.
Brian Austin, Irvine Company, 550 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach, is project
manager for Mountain Park. He explained the Tentative Tract Map is consistent with
the Specific Plan approval. He pointed out that Mountain Park is a gated community
with private streets as required by the City for project approval, but it adds complication
to Robertson's request. They agree with the staff report and also agree there is no
nexus between their tentative tract map proposal and the need to provide access to the
Robertson's property. They believe this because Robertson's has never had any
access to their parcel through their property, their access has always been through to
Coal Canyon, so there is no disadvantage to them. The parcel was created as open
space and was in satisfaction over a lawsuit over a trespass issue. Irvine Company has
been working with Robertson's for a couple of years to attain a cooperative access
agreement. It is a complicated agreement and they wanted to make sure the integrity of
Mountain Park was protected. It took a while to work on and it ended up in a situation
where there were a number of comments that Robertson's didn't agree with, so
discussion was discontinued. During negotiation, some modifications were identified
that would make it easier to provide access, water, electrical, and sewer to Robertson's
if they can could eventually get to a private agreement.
• They don't feel there is a requirement or obligation to provide access over private
streets. They would like approval of the tentative tract map and object to the
continuance that Robertson asked for. Even if they come to a cooperative agreement, it
won't change the tract map.
He noted that most builders they work with feel Irvine Company agreements are one-
sided and they are because they anticipate all kinds of conditions that might occur
because Irvine has a reputation to protect and provide high quality to future residents
and the city.
Chairman Pro-Tempore Karaki asked where Robertson's access through Coal Canyon
is located.
Mr. Austin stated it is the easement that was provided to them when they purchased the
property and it is not on the map, it specifically says 40 feet wide to Coal Canyon.
Chairman Pro-Tempore Karaki verified that Irvine Company has pre-planned access in
case they come to an agreement.
Mr. Austin stated they did and pointed the potential access out on the map. Streets are
not proposed at this time, but can be provided if they reach an agreement.
• Ed Perez, EP Development Corporation representing Robertson's Ready Mix, 176 S.
Vista Grande, Anaheim Hills, provided a presentation and a book to Commission to deal
with the facts and nine specific items that need to be addressed. He began his
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AUGUST 20, 2007
presentation by asking Commission not to approve Tentative Tract Map 17102, that a
• condition approval be included to provide finro sub-roads and an easement, asked that
the City Attorney explain the nexus concept, and add a condition for circulation. He then
went through the exhibits in the presentation. He pointed out that July 24, 2007, Mr.
Robertson asked the Planning Commission to include a condition of approval for the
tentative map that the subdivided finro sub roads reach to the edge of the Robertson's
parcel and grant easement of the ingress/egress in the underground utility proposed for
the benefit of the parcel.
He stressed they want to work out an agreement and urged Commission to go through
the book. If Commission approved the tract map today, it would land lock his client.
Commissioner Velasquez asked if there is no access to Coal Canyon at all, or if it is
because it is a public road or because access would be through the sensitive open
Mr. Perez stated it is locked and gated from access.
Commissioner Velasquez stated she understood there is a gate, but is there an
Mr. Perez advised there is a dirt road, not paved access to the back of the property.
• Commissioner Velasquez clarified that it does have access even though it isn't a paved
Mr. Perez stated it does not have access, but, there are components to this question
that need to be completed.
John Henning, 125 North Sweetzer Avenue, Los Angeles, attorney for Robertson's. He
also brought exhibit books for the Commission. He explained there is access in a legal
sense. The easement that is there goes in a ribbon fashion throughout the land. There
is a dirt road at the beginning but it turns into nothing. The Coal Canyon was closed
because it went into the state park lands and the state didn't want them to have access
through these lands. He clarified that the roads that connect into their 15 acre parcel
are not on the subdivision map, they come to a"T" and don't continue, but they could be
built. The important point is there is no legal easement, the city and Robertson's have
no legal right, once the tentative tract map is adopted, to force that connection into the
property. Once the tract map is approved and the appeal period is finished, they are cut
off from that access unless the Irvine Company, by its good grace, gives them the right.
It is important that the city make that connection, if not, they have to go through the
state park to get out. There are objectives in the General Plan to preserve views of
open space, scenic natural resources, minimize grading and these would be violated if
they have to change access.
~ If the city was considering the layout of a project with public streets, the streets would
have to be there. It would be a no brainer.
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AUGUST 20, 2007
Commissioner Romero asked if they currently have legal access to the property.
• Mr. Henning stated if the tentative map is approved with a condition that requires the
Irvine Company to provide the access, they will have legal access. He corrected Mr.
Austin's comment about never having a right to go across the property. Mining
occurred on this property and they used that property to get to those lands. The issue
of whether there still remains any legal easement for residential uses is an open
question and they don't want to take any chances, and that is why they are asking the
city to make sure that they do have access.
Commissioner Romero verified that Robertson's really doesn't believe that the Map Act
actually gives them authority to have legal access.
Mr. Henning stated he believes that the City has authority under the Map Act, it isn't
expressed, but the Act is clear that it doesn't need to be expressed as a specific type.
The City has a legal right to make exactions under the Map Act that are not specifically
identified. They don't have the right, but the City does have a right to tell the Irvine
Company that Robertson's has the right to go across their property.
They want to be connected to the City via Gypsum Canyon Road and not have to go
over the open space land then onto 91 Freeway. The connection would also allow lot
owners to get to the Robertson property, which could potentially have approximately
150 units built on it. It doesn't make sense for Irvine Company residents or delivery
• companies to go all the way around to get from one parcel to the next. It is the City's
responsibility to make sure traffic flow is appropriate, orderly development is
encouraged and that is why the City has the right to dedicate public streets that connec
subdivisions. It is specified in the Map Act. They are asking to extend the context from
the public street context to private. The condition could provide for a reciprocal private
easement across the land that could be like a public street even though it might be a
private street.
Regarding the concept of nexus. The issue is one of connection; is there a connection
befinreen the condition that the City imposes and the development that is being
proposed. By putting the subdivision there, it essentially blocks the ability of another
subdivision to get to the public. Irvine Company may argue that they don't have a legal
right to go across there anyway, maybe, but it increases the likelihood that they will not
be able to reach the rest of the public street system. Another impact of that
development is that they will have to take their access into the open space land in the
state park.
He explained and presented information from 2005 when the City approved a condition
for a reciprocal easement connection for the train station in the Platinum Triangle on
He referred to condition no. 17 in the book he gave to Commission which states
• information which is also similar to their request.
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AUGUST 20, 2007
City needs to adopt an actual connection and a condition that requires connection to be
• made. If not, it can create a situation of extortion of money in exchange for a privilege.
Mr. Austin agreed that if these were public streets, this would be a no brainer, but they
are private streets owned by the homeowners association, maintained, repaired and
replaced by HOA. The dues will be around $260 per month and it isn't a fee ride.
After nine drafts of an agreement were prepared at their expense, in their last meeting
when they were ready to sign, Robertson's came back with over six pages of
comments. After that, they decided to stop talking to them. They met with them again
on August 1 st to restart the discussion and go forward on a good faith basis, but then
Robertson's sent a letter to the City asking them to deny the map. He pointed out that
their tentative map does show the easements for utilities on one side, and landscaped
area on the other side that would allow streets to be extended should they ever reach
an agreement. He assured they did try to work on the agreement, it is complicated and
this wasn't the place to talk about it.
In regards to the pedestrian access in the rail station, they have a trail in the center of
the project that is assigned to the County, but it allows unrestricted pedestrian access
behind the gates into the open space. With respect to reciprocal parking, it is pretty
common. He asks Commission to move forward and doesn't believe the Map Act
requires it on a private street.
Chris Garrett, 600 W. Broadway, Suite 1800, San Diego, is a lawyer for the Irvine
~ Company. Pointed out there were three factual mistakes that Mr. Henning made in his
presentation. One mistake is that the Robertson's property will be land locked if a
connection isn't made. As Commissioner Velasquez pointed out, it is not land locked
now and it won't be after the map is approved. He explained that land locked means
there is no way of accessing the property. He stated it doesn't mean entitlement to a
highway or connection through other people's land just because of expectation of future
development. Robertson's purchased that property subject to the easement that is
recorded against that property and they have every right to enforce their legal easement
rights against the state parks. The City could not have legally created this parcel
without a legal form of access, it doesn't create landlocked parcels.
The second mistake is in the timeline that was given. On the second item, the date is
actually July or August of 2005. That is when the Specific Plan was approved and
showed private not public streets. The facts given on the timeline imply that the Irvine
Company negotiated and held out that there would be an easement across the property
up until the City approved the Specific Plan, then stopped negotiating.
Third mistake involves the Stadium Towers materials which they have never seen
before. All the conditions are conditions on Stadium Towers saying they couldn't
develop unless there is access to parking and the train station. There were no
conditions placed on the third party.
• When and if Robertson's comes in, the city could place a condition on Robertson's that
they have to negotiate an access easement with the Irvine Company or the HOA who
will own those private streets before they can develop. They would have to negotiate an
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AUGUST 20, 2007
easement before they develop. It wouldn't be fair, but Robertson can negotiate some
• form of access and a road that is acceptable through #he Coal Canyon land that they
have the easements on. He stated that in the Stadium Towers case, there wasn't some
third party who was being forced to accept easements across their property, plus they
were sharing parking. The Irvine Company is not sharing parking.
The legal point that Mr. Henning was adamant about is that the Irvine Company blocks
access and under the law where a project blocks access, the government can make
them have an easement across the property before they can develop. He agreed it is a
correct statement of law, but the mistake is they are not blocking access; there is no
right for the Robertson's to access anything through their property. They may have
pooled the finro pieces of property together while they were mining and had a lease and
permit from the City. The Irvine Company never gave them an easement, the lease is
expired, the City has terminated the use permit for the mining and has approved Irvine
Company project. They are not building something and blocking access that people
used to use to cross to get to a certain location. The Nolan case in the Supreme Court
states someone can't force somebody to give up an easement across their property
where it doesn't exist anyway and where the development isn't creating a need for the
easement. This project doesn't create a need for access across to the Robertson's
property if and when it develops. '
He added Mr. Austin wanted to make it clear that it wasn't Robertson's that created the
trespass, it was another company unrelated to the Robertson's and he didn't mean to
• accuse the Robertson's of any wrongdoing.
Rich Robertson, owner, 200 S. Main Street, Corona, California. When this property was
rezoned into a wildlife reserve, they talked to the State and the State basically said they
are going to play heck getting through there even though they have a legal access.
Shortly after they were rezoned, they started up conversation with the Irvine Company
and had a good rapport with them. They started talking about the contract about the
time they started their new site. When the whole project started, they didn't argue about
the streets being private verses public because they didn't want to cause any problems
for Irvine Company. If they would have known that it was going to come down to this,
they would have fought from the beginning. They had kind of a hand shake agreement
and the contract that went to Robertson's after the Specific Plan was approved and it
would have been about $6 million to pay for the roads. The contract was not signed
because it stated "we MAY give you access", so they didn't want to sign a contract for
$6 million that stated they `may' have access to the property. If they are going to pay $6
million, they want to be able to use the roads. As for the Association, Robertson's has
always said that they will be part of the association. They can build both projects to
conform to one another, be conditioned to be part of the association which would help
dues go down. They've worked in good faith with Irvine Company until it said they
`may'. They had a meeting right up until this week but Irvine Company cancelled the
meeting. He feels Irvine Company gives a lot to the community and probably gives out
more than they give back, but what is happening now is unethical and will land lock the
• property. It may make the property unable to build on unless they sell it to the Irvine
Company. He feels if the people at the top knew what was happening, they'd be upset
because this company isn't like this.
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~ Mr. Koehm wanted to clarify that the roads on the tentative map do terminate near the
property line and not at the property line. The utility easements are shown on the map
to complete and come all the way through the property line.
Chairman Pro-Tempore Karaki clarified they are missing the road but not the utilities.
Mr. Koehm stated the easements go to the property line but the roads do not.
Mr. Perez stated he lives and works on projects in the City of Anaheim. The
expectations were created by the Irvine Company and not by Robertson's. The
timeline of 106 events, combined meetings, correspondence, emails, calls, is simply
stating communications and attempts in the process. A copy of today's presentation
was provided to the Irvine Company.
He asked to reference all materials before deciding today.
Mr. Henning responded to points Mr. Garrett made. Regarding the parcel being land
locked, he agreed it is not technically legally land locked because there is an easement,
but it is about as close as it can be to being landlocked. That is important to the City
because the City has to look at the consequences of the actions that it takes, if they
have to cut through that open space, it is against the objectives of the General Plan.
Secondly, the timing of the negotiations has been put to bed, but the point is there is no
deal here. There may be no deal if the tract map is approved and goes past the point of
• challenge, there is no incentive for the Irvine Company to make any agreement except
to buy Robertson's out at a small fraction of the actual developable value of the
property. Thirdly, regarding the issue of Stadium Towers, Mr. Garret has it wrong. He
is incorrect in his attempt to distinguish the issue. Mr. Garret stated the Stadium
Towers is where the developer is asked to give up an easement, but in Irvine
Company's case, a third party is being asked to give an easement. That is not the case
here, in both cases the developer before the Planning Commission was being asked to
give the easement. In this case, they are asking the Irvine Company to give an
easement that goes into the land of Robertson's from Gypsum Canyon public road to
their private section. Part of it is private and Gypsum Canyon is public. In the Stadium
Towers situation, it was only the owner, the developer involved, no one else was at
issue. City required them to grant an easement from the public street similar to Gypsum
Canyon, in this case it is Katella, through the property being permitted. There were only
a couple of options because there was an office building there. There was no public
road, it was all private property, the easement goes through and touches the railroad
right-of-way so they could cut through to railroad platForm to avoid having everyone go
all the way round to get to Metrolink. (he pointed out various areas on the Stadium
Towers exhibit). The only reason why that was required to go all the way to Katella is
because it benefited the public. This project is the same exact situation.
Chairman Pro Tem Karaki asked it was for pedestrians.
• Mr. Henning stated there is nothing in the law that says you can require an easement
going across the property for pedestrian use, but not cars. He wasn't talking about the
parking easement because that is befinreen finro property owners and doesn't implicate
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the public. It shows that the City can and does require private parties, as a condition of
• a development approval, to enter into private easement agreements. It's done it before
and can do it this time.
On the legal point, he mentioned the Nolan case and drew the ocean, house and public
road on the whiteboard to demonstrate what happened. Nolan owned the house and
wanted to make it bigger but it would block the view to the ocean from the road. No one
had a legal right to that view, it was a private piece of property. Nolan tried to build a
private development which caused the public to suddenly loose something that it had,
even though it had no right to it. The State of California, via the Coastal Commission
tried to require Nolan to give an easement for people walking along the beach. They
tried to require Nolan to allow the public in his back yard. Supreme Court said because
the public is having their view harmed. It is a view and walking concern. The house
does not block people from walking down the beach, therefore you can't require a
condition relating to it. Court said it wasn't a condition where someone was required to
grant an easement for view to the public, if it had been, it would not have been decided
the way it was. If the court had required Nolan to build his house in such a way so the
public could see the ocean from the street, it would have not been a problem to the
Supreme Court. It is a development blocking access and they are just asking the City to
take the action that is most likely to preserve access. He recognizes that they don't
have legal access, nor does the public have legal access to a view of the ocean. It is
similar to Erlich vs. Culver City. The developer was required to pay a recreation fee
because they were going to remove a private tennis club. The developer argued that
• the public didn't have a right to use the private club and a condition charging a fee for
recreation could not be imposed based on the fact that he was removing the club.
Court said it was a proper connection. The fact of the matter was that the public was
used to using the private tennis club, it got a benefit from it, they had no right to it, but
they got the benefit and the City is entitled to protect that existing condition.
They would be happy to provide Commission with detailed findings supporting a nexus
under all the existing legal standards for the condition and findings for the denial of the
Chairman Pro-Tempore Karaki closed the public hearing. He asked the City Attorney
for clarification on where they stand.
Mark Gordon, Assistant City Attorney stated he agreed with staff and the parties haven't
identified any nexus that would require the City to impose the condition that Robertson's
is asking for.
He addressed Mr. Henning's point about the City having the legal right to require
exactions as a condition of map approval. The City has the authority under its police
powers to require exactions as a condition of approval under the Subdivision Map Act,
but that authorization is not without limitation. He wanted to discuss some of the cases
that Mr. Henning relies on to support his point to come to the opposite conclusion.
~ He read from Rowan vs. City of Visalia decided in 1989 that Mr. Henning cited. Court
started by stating "that a regulatory body, which the Planning Commission is, may
constitutionally require a dedication of land as a condition of development and such a
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AUGUST 20, 2007
requirement is not viewed as an act of eminent domain" and that is the point that Mr.
• Henning is attempting to argue on behalf of Mr. Robertson. However, the court goes on
to say, after citing the same cases that Mr. Henning cites, "that he government is
limited; however, in its power to impose conditional dedications" and that has to do with
the requirement of a nexus or a reasonable relationship befinreen the condition and the
burden that is being created by the development project. In looking at some of the
cases that Mr. Henning cites to support his position that the Planning Commission has
the authority to impose this condition for the benefit of Robertson; first there is Ayers vs.
the City Council in the City of Los Angeles from 1949. It isn't new law, but there have
been many factual circumstances since the decision was made by the California
Supreme Court. Each case rises or falls on its own facts. In Ayers, the City of Los
Angeles was requiring the property owner, as a condition of the approval for the
subdivision, to dedicate a ten foot strip abutting Sepulveda Boulevard to be dedicated
for the widening of the highway. In addition, the City of Los Angeles was also requiring
a ten foot strip along the rear of each lot to restrict access to the property from
Sepulveda to the lots that were being developed. In passing upon the reasonableness
of that condition and whether a nexus existed for its imposition, the Court said, "as to
condition no. 1 that a ten foot widening strip be dedicated, the finding is that the
widening of Sepulveda Boulevard had been in contemplation by the authorities, whether
or not the petitioner intended to subdivide, but that the creation and the proposed uses
of the subdivision would give rise to the traffic and other conditions necessitating the
widening of the boulevard. That the widening was not necessary for and benefited the
lot owners and that the requirement was reasonably related to the protection of the
• public health, safety and general welfare." So in Ayers, the court determined the
dedication to the City was caused by the development and that's why the court
sustained the condition that was imposed in that case.
Another case is the City of Buena Park vs. Boyer decided in 1960 in the appellate court.
In that case, the city was requiring, as a condition of the subdivision, for the property
owner to pay the city $50,000 that the city would use for the development of a drainage
facility. The facility wasn't limited to a portion of the drainage facility that was located on
the applicant/property owner of the developer's property, but also property surrounding
that property as well. When the court considered the condition, even though it included
off site improvements for which the property owner objected, the court stated "the
evidence clearly indicates that the $50,000 was to be paid to the city to be expended to
the direct benefit of the subdivision for drainage purposes, and such drainage facility
was sorely needed for the promotion of the subdivision and for the general use of the lot
owners in the subdivision. The improvements which a city may so regulate, specifically
include drainage needs, the drainage ditch was essential to drain the water
accumulated on or falling on the land and carry it from the land to the main drainage
channel." The court found there was a direct need created by this subdivision for the
development or improvement of the drainage ditch. Water flows from land across other
land and ultimately to collection facilities which are developed for the purposes of
carrying water to the ocean or treatment plant. In this case, the drainage ditch was not
only needed for drainage on site but also to carry water from the joining sites across the
• parcel that was being developed to appropriate collection facilities; directly benefiting
the property being developed.
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AUGUST 20, 2007
The other case, Mr. Henning cited was Rowan vs. City of Visalia in 1989, the court
• came to an opposite conclusion that there was not a reasonable connection to support
the condition. It involved a building permit to convert a house to an office. The city
required the property owner to dedicate 3,400 square feet for the realignment of a
street. Court concluded there was not reasonable relationship befinreen the conditional
exaction and the proposed use and that realignment was due to poor planning by city
staff. The court statement read "our review of the record indicates that the city viewed
the landowner's application for rezoning and site plan review as the hook it needed to
acquire this property for nothing, even though the reason for the dedication existed long
before the conversion of McSwain mansion was proposed. The hook, however, is
unavailable. The city may proceed with its general traffic plan, but if it wants 3,400
square feet of the respondent's property for street property lacking any relationship to
the proposed conversion, it must pay for it."
Mr. Henning also pointed out that the Roberton's are asking the Irvine Company to give
an easement, but in fact, the property owner is asking for the Planning Commission to
impose an uncompensated easement for the benefit of Robertson. He doesn't believe
that there is a nexus to impose that kind of condition for the benefit of Robertson.
The case illustrates his point and the point of the Irvine Company that there is no nexus
for this condition in this particular case. Commissioner Romero seemed to cut to the
chase. Before Mountain Park was proposed for development, Robertson had no
access over the property. Now that Mountain Park is proposed for development, they
still have no access across the property. Nothing has changed by this development
• before the City. If anything, it probably improves Robertson's condition because there
will be roads from Santa Ana Canyon to close to his property line that could be used for
the benefit of Robertson's access to that property.
Chairman Pro-Tempore Karaki asked his opinion.
Mr. Gordon stated again, he agrees with City staff that there is no nexus to impose the
condition that Robertson's is asking for. He also doesn't believe that the Stadium
Towers is an analogous situation because the Stadium Tower site already has an office
developed on the site. When that particular project came before the Planning
Commission that led to the imposition of this condition, there was an intensification of
the use of that property. Many other uses were added to that property and the City,
consistent with its planning for that particular area, wanted to insure that there was
access for individuals that were using this site. Easement was for the benefit of those
who worked in the office tower, restaurant, retail and for the public for access from
Katella and anyone else south of the property who was accessing the train station. It
had a direct benefit link due to the intensification of the development and City knew
there was a direct need for a connection between that property and public transportation
to serve that property, and also that the link benefited the public. It is consistent with
the Ayers and Boyers case, but inconsistent with the Rowan case.
Commissioner Romero stated for the record that he met with the Irvine Company and
he spoke to Mr. Robertson on the phone. He feels it is an issue that was to be made
, between finro private parties and not a land use issue for Commission. He doesn't think
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AUGUST 20, 2007
it is Commission's right to grant the easement and is in favor of continuing with
• remainder of the discussion on this item and not grant the easement.
Commissioner Faessel asked staff if the potential for the development of the Robertson
parcel was included in the computation for sewer, water main and electric sizes when
Public Works designed the utility and infrastructure loading.
Sandip Budhia, Public Works stated he didn't know if they accounted for electrical and
water, but they would have assumed for the ultimate case for traffic, sewer and storm
Commissioner Faessel verified that sewer and storm drain was provided for, and water
and electric utilities are uncertain. He is concerned that if Mr. Robertson has an
opportunity in the future to develop this site, the systems would have to come through
the Irvine Company property. He asked ff they are not sized now, how can it be done in
the future. Would Mr. Robertson have to pay additional costs for the improvements to
the Irvine Company?
Mr. Budhia stated they would have to upgrade Irvine Company's infrastructure. It is
currently happening in west and central Anaheim.
Chairman Pro-Tempore Karaki asked if the City had an easement for storm drain, sewer
and water and the City owns the power, why can't it accommodate the easement for
• future electricity into the parcel, since the easement is already there for utilities.
Commissioner Faessel is concerned that should Mr. Robertson have a future
opportunity to develop his property, that adequate infrastructure facilities be available to
him based upon what they saw there today. He did not think there would be.
Mr. Budhia thought it would be ready for it.
Commissioner Faessel clarified that they weren't sure at this point.
Mr. Budhia stated that was correct.
Commissioner Eastman asked staff what the City's obligation would be for fire, medical
emergency and schools if Mr. Robertson develops that property. She asked if schools
and the fire station in Mountain Park project would be available. She asked if the only
access would be up Coal Canyon.
Linda Johnson, Principal Planner stated the intensity on the site is the same that it was
under the Cypress Canyon Specific Plan. When the zoning was changed and the
General Plan update was done, they carried over the same 140 units that was in
Cypress Canyon and left it on this site, so, that number of units was factored into all of
the City analysis for fire and other types of services to the site. In practical terms, they
would have to review a tract map to understand the design and how fire access and fuel
• modification would occur. A map would have to be reviewed at that time to determine if
any additional environmental documentation would be needed. That property is not
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AUGUST 20, 2007
covered by the National Community Conservation Program, so there would have to be
• additional permits from the State of California for development of that site. Brian Austin
from the Irvine Company can shed more light on the actual utilities that have been
planned and how it relates to this property.
Mr. Austin stated the tentative map sets the location and width of the easement. Size of
sewer water storm drain will be finalized when they do the final improvement plan which
is several years away. Since it is on the City's General Plan he expects that those units
would have been factored in for the water.
With respect to emergency access, even though the streets are private, they will be
dedicating emergency vehicle access so they can provide access to the Robertson's
over the private street. Their fire station will serve Robertson's even though they may
have to go some other way to get there.
Commissioner Eastman clarified they will use a path for emergency vehicles to get
Mr. Austin stated vehicles will go through the gate to provide a response. With respect
to the school, it is not part of the agreement they made with the school district, so they
would have to participate in the future CFD or negotiate their own deal with Orange
Commissioner Velasquez asked where the emergency access is.
• Mr. Austin stated it is on all the streets and they can provide an emergency access as
part of the agreement.
Commissioner Faessel asked Mr. Austin what he honestly felt the construction roll out
of the quarry village might be.
Mr. Austin feels there will be almost three years of cons#ruction from the time they start
and given today's market condition, it may be a couple of years before they start. Build-
out time will be three to five years.
Commissioner Faessel asked if the two private parties could come to an agreement to
gain access, at some cost, within that timeframe.
Mr. Austin stated it is possible.
Commissioner Faessel stated 'possible' is what he was hoping to hear.
Chairman Pro-Tempore Karaki stated for the record he spoke to Mr. Robertson on the
phone. Knowing the facts brought before Commission, even though he wanted to grant
access conditions, Mr. Gordon said one word that stuck in his mind and that is
`uncompensated easement'. The issue is how much money Robertson's has to pay the
Irvine Company for the easement. There will be access to the road, but it will be an
` uncompensated easement. The issue between the two parties is money. He is not in
the position to vote on this as proposed. He feels they are stuck in the middle, they
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AUGUST 20, 2007
cannot give them the access because it is a private access between the two and the
• City can't force the conditions. He is going to go with the City recommendation.
Commissioner Romero agreed that it is not a land use issue and not up to Commission
to grant an easement.
Commissioner Eastman agreed with other Commissioners and feels it has been poor
planning. The property has been zoned for housing and she is uncomfortable giving
one developer the right to go forward while the other developer is hanging. She can't
support either position at this point in time. She is concerned that a small property
owner vs. a large property owner who has larger resources can't come up with an
amicable agreement on the access and bargain in good faith. Seeing as how it will be
three to five years before they do anything, she'd rather recommend it come back to
Commission at a later date, after the two parties can agree on something. She may
abstain like Chairman Pro-Tempore Karaki.
Commissioner Velasquez asked the City Attorney to go back to the case about the poor
planr~ing. She stated Commissioner Eastman made a good point about the City
approving houses being built there, but having no practical access to it.
Mr. Gordon stated it wasn't to illustrate poor planning, it was to illustrate when the court
finds that there is a nexus and when no nexus is found. In Rowan, it was a building
permit to convert a house to an office and the City wanted the property owner to
~ dedicate 3,400 square feet to realign the street. Court concluded the realignment was
not the responsibility of the property owner because it wasn't the conversion that gave
rise for the need to realign the street. Court said it was a failure of the city at the time
they looked at the issue and not the result of the property owner converting the building.
It isn't the property owner's responsibility to remed~ or cure that problem. The city had
the authority to put a condition on the permit and require that dedication but, the court
concluded that because of the lack of a nexus, the city would have to pay for it. It is the
same situation here. The property owner is asking the Planning Commission to provide
an uncompensated easement for public roadway purposes. He suggests that if there is
no nexus, then the property owner should pay for that, just like the city would have to
pay for the property it would be requiring the property owner to provide in the Rowan
The Nolan case is squarely on point with the situation today. In Nolan the plaintiff was
trying to obtain a permit from the Coastal Commission. The plaintiff was required to
obtain a development permit and when he decided to demolish the existing house and
build a new one, the Coastal Commission required the plaintiff to allow an easement to
pass across the portion of his property to the beach. The Coastal Commission thought
this was an appropriate condition to require the property owner to give the public an
easement across his property in connection with demolishing the existing structure and
building a new one so the public could access the coastline. The rationale was that the
Commission determined the new house would block the view of the ocean and create a
wall of residential houses preventing the public from psychologically realizing the
existence of the shoreline. The new house also hindered public access to the beach
~ and the Commission required an offset of that burden by providing additional access to
the public beaches through an easement on the property. Almost exactly like the
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AUGUST 20, 2007
situation that Commission is confronted with. The court said "The requirement of an
~ uncompensated easement outright would violate the Fourteenth Amendment. In
reviewing the Commission's reasons for requiring the easement, the court determined
that the required nexus was absent. The purpose then becomes, quite simply, the
obtaining of an easement to serve some valid governmental purpose, but with out
payment of compensation." This is the same situation that is being asked to go forward.
The property owner is asking the Planning Commission to provide an uncompensated
easement so they can access their property from Santa Ana Canyon Road or what ever
public street serves the Mountain Park development. His position is, like in Nolan, there
is not a nexus to do that.
Commissioner Eastman stated she agrees and doesn't think it would be right to take
any action that would require the Irvine Company to give an uncompensated easement.
Robertson should pay their fair share and they should come up with an agreement.
Poor planning is approving the land use for the Irvine Company without them having an
agreement and blocking the rest of that land from being developed. She can't support
Chairman Pro-Tempore Karaki asked how far they are from an agreement and is it an
Mr. Austin stated money has never been the issue it is a matter of having control of
what goes on behind the gates and making sure it is consistent with their development
• and that they pay their fair share, but he doesn't know what that fair share would be.
Chairman Pro-Tempore Karaki stated Mr. Robertson indicated he wanted to be part of
the association, conditions and whatever they develop.
Mr. Austin agreed that Mr. Robertson did indicate that. But the last time he did so, Irvine
Company received six pages of comments on an agreement that he said he was ready
to sign. It could take a long time to work out the details to be mutually beneficial, they
are not trying to be onerous, but are trying to protect their investment and commitment
to the City. Without the approval of the tract map in a reasonable time, the dates are
substantially delayed because they can't take the next steps.
Commissioner Velasquez stated she understands the positions and the ideal situation is
to come to an agreement for the fair market value and asked the City Attorney for a
clear understanding of the jurisdiction as a Planning Commission. Can Commission get
involved and can they continue the item until the parties come to an agreement. Mr.
Austin offered the easement dedication to the City for emergency access and to be able
to access Mr. Robertson's property.
Mr. Austin confirmed they can provide an easement to the City for emergency access.
Mr. Gordon stated that does not constitute legal cause to continue the matter.
~ Commission should not be in the position of sending the parties off to try to negotiate
this and forestall a decision. The decision here is whether or not to approve the tentative
parcel map and final site plan and specimen tree removal permit. It should be
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AUGUST 20, 2007
disapproved if it is not consistent with the General Plan, Specific Plan for the property or
• an environmental concern is not suitable for the development of residential property.
There has been no evidence to that and the issue then becomes should it be approved
with this added condition or without. That is the decision before Commission. It isn't a
decision to approve or disapprove the map. There has been no evidence before
Commission that suggest the map should be disapproved because it is inconsistent with
the General Plan or any other legal reason. However, what is before the Commission is
whether the additional condition that requires access to the Robertson property be
imposed. He doesn't believe that the Planning Commission should.
Commissioner Faessel asked Mr. Gordon if the Planning Commission goes ahead with
the applicant's request as presented and he gets map approval, does that in any way
prevent a future connection with the Robertson property if they come to an
arrangement. By adopting the map, is Commission stopping them from connecting in
the future.
Mr. Gordon stated if the parties came to an agreement for the use of the property is the
first impediment. He can't answer if future roadways could be developed from the
Robertson property to Mountain Park property to serve that parcel. From what is on the
map, it looks physically possible, but he doesn't know what the environmental concerns
are or what physical impediments are in making the connection. Assuming the property
owners come to terms and it is physically possible, it doesn't appear that anything that
the Planning Commission is doing with respect to approval would create an additional
• obstacle.
Commissioner Faessel clarified his question, if they adopt the map and it no longer
shows the two potential connections, will it require the Irvine Company to come back
before Commission to amend the map if the parties come up with an arrangement.
There was conversation between the Commissioners that was inaudible.
Mr. Budhia stated the Irvine Company would not have to.
Mr. Gordon stated he referred the question to Public Works because they review
subdivision maps.
Commissioner Velasquez asked for definition of land lock.
Mr. Gordon said he couldn't give her a definition, just an example. If the Irvine
Company owned Mountain Park and Robertson's subdivided that parcel and didn't
provide access to a public street, it would in effect be land locking that parcel. Typically,
if someone came before the Commission with property that was divided, they would
impose a condition of approval to provide access for the parcel. This is not the
situation. Commission never had the opportunity to do that given the facts before them
• in the past.
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AUGUST 20, 2007
Ms. Johnson stated when the parcel map was first created as a settlement to a lawsuit,
• there was an access easement from the parcel over to Coal Canyon and Riverside
Freeway Interchange. Subsequent to that, the State of California bought the majority of
the Cypress Canyon Specific Plan area and the easement. The city doesn't have any
record of what that part is and Robertson's representatives have conveyed that there is
an easement and showed staff the easement. They have a graphic of when the parcel
was created in 1996.
Commissioner Velasquez asked for the purpose of the Commission's decision, if it
mattered if Mr. Robertson's land is land locked.
Mr. Gordon went back to his earlier statement. Assuming that Mountain Park didn't
exist, Robertson has no access over that property. They would have to obtain access in
some form. Even if Mountain Park didn't exist and it was Robertson coming forward, he
wouldn't recommend that Planning Commission provide Robertson with access over
someone else's property that they didn't create the need for.
It is an uncompensated easement to the property owner.
Chairman Pro-Tempore Karaki stated they are going in circles. He asked Mr.
Robertson how far away they were from a deal.
Mr. Robertson said if the Irvine Company wanted to do it, they could sit down in a room
and get it done. They agree money wise. It is just the word "may" give them an
• easement instead of `giving' them an easement. Put `will' in there and they could work it
Chairman Pro-Tempore Karaki asked Mr. Austin if that was true.
Mr. Austin stated the reference to `may' that is in there because they don't know for
sure. What if they never develop? The road will compel them to build a road across
their property to serve his property. He thinks they are further apart to an agreement
than Mr. Robertson thinks.
Commissioner Eastman stated Mr. Robertson couldn't build a road for six million.
Mr. Austin didn't want to get into the details of the agreement because it is very
complicated. Six million is not a real number, they don't know what the costs are.
Robertson has never presented a project to know what the fair share is going to be,
they haven't gotten environmental clearance from the City and it is complicated when
you have to contemplate all different conditions. He wants Commission to go forward
and approve the map.
Chairman Pro-Tempore Karaki closed the public hearing.
Commissioner Velasquez stated it has been debated enough and wants to vote.
• Chairman Pro-Tempore Karaki stated the proposed project meets all the requirements,
has an opposing party asking to grant a condition for an easement that the City will pay
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AUGUST 20, 2007
for, or an uncompensated easement that the applicant is not willing to do. Commission
• is in a difficult position to make a decision. He cannot grant an easement because he
doesn't want the City to have to pay for it. If the Commission can't grant the
uncompensated easement, Robertson is done. It is a private issue. The applicant met
all the requirements for the application and the Commission can't go any further.
Commissioner Velasquez stated she doesn't know how Commission can continue this
item, they've gotten legal advice from the City Attorney. She wants to add wording to
the motion for the emergency vehicle access and asked staff if they want to add
Judy Dadant, Acting Principal Planner stated staff doesn't have anything else to add.
The appropriate place to add the stipulation for the emergency vehicle is in the tract
map excerpt.
Commissioner Velasquez offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner Romero to
approve CEQA EIR No. 331 (Previously-Certified). Motion passed with 5 ayes
(Commissioner Agarwal abstained and Chairman Buffa absent).
Commissioner Velasquez offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner Romero to
approve Final Site Plan No. 2007-00007. Motion passed with 3 ayes. Commissioner
Eastman voted no, Chairman Pro-Tempore Karaki (Commissioner Agarwal abstained
Chairman Buffa absent).
Commissioner Velasquez offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner Romero to
approve Development Area Plan for Development Area (MIS2007-00204). Motion
passed with 3 ayes. Commissioner Eastman voted no, Chairman Pro-Tempore Karaki
(Commissioner Agarwal abstained Chaarman Buffa absent).
Commissioner Velasquez asked staff to read wording for addition to the tentative tract
Mr. Gordon stated it would be a condition that requires final map approval that the
property owner dedicate an easement to the City for emergency access that serves
Mountain Park and Robertson's parcel.
Commissioner Romero stated he could not approve a tract map with conditions.
Commissioner Faessel thought it important to have fire safety access.
Mr. Gordon recommended a roll call vote. He stated this condition provides a condition
for the City to provide emergency access to the parcels, not for Roberton's parcel, it is
for the City and it would have to be shown on the final map.
Commissioner Velasquez offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner Faessel to
• approve Tentative Tract Map No. 17102. Motion passed with 3 ayes. Commissioner
Eastman voted no, Chairman Pro-Tempore Karaki (Commissioner Agarwal abstained
Chairman Buffa absent).
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AUGUST 20, 2007
• Commissioner-Velasquez offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner Romero to
approve Specimen Tree Removal Permit No. 2007-00003. Motion passed with 5 ayes
(Commissioner Agarwal abstained and Chairman Buffa absent).
Chairman Pro-Tempore Karaki stated he hopes they can work out and agreement.
Mr. Gordon read 10-day appeal period for Tract Map and 22 days for remainder of the
Commissioner Eastman commented that Commission has been in a difficult position
and wishes them good luck.
OPPOSITION: Three people representing Robertson's Ready Mix spoke in opposition
to the subject request.
Correspondence was received prior to the meeting from Robertson's
~ Ready Mix in opposition to the subject request.
Mark Gordon, Assistant City Attorney, presented the 10-day appeal rights for the
Tentative Tract Map ending at 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, August 30, 2007, and presented
the 22-day appeal rights for the balance of the items ending at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday,
September 11, 2007.
DISCUSSION TIME: 2 hours and 35 minutes (3:43-4:50) break (4:57-6:25)
A 5-minute break was taken (4: 51-4: 56)
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AUGUST 20, 2007
Owner: Myoung Jin Lee and Jee Eun Lee
1248 Lenahan Street
Fullerton, CA 92833
Agent: Myoung Jin Lee
1248 Lenahan Street
Fullerton, CA 92833
Location: 1724 West Glenoaks Avenue: Property is
approximately 0.4-acre, having a frontage of 125 feet
on the south side of Glenoaks Avenue and is located
203 feet west of the centerline of Euclid Avenue.
Request to permit a church in a commercial retail center with
waiver of minimum number of required parking spaces.
Conditional Use Permit Resolution No. PC2007-99
Chairman Pro-Tempore Karaki opened the public hearing.
Scott Koehm, Associate Planner, presented the staff report.
Concurred with staff
VOTE: 6-0
Chairman Buffa absent
Project P/anner.
(skoehm@anaheim. net)
Myoungjin Lee, 1724 West Glenoaks Avenue, Anaheim, CA, stated like the Planning
Commission, his church is also concerned with adequate parking spaces should the
church grow in the future therefore, their plan is to rent spaces from neighboring
properties as needed. He indicated that there is a hospital in the rear of the church with
plenty of parking spaces and he feels he will be able to rent from them should the need
Commissioner Eastman asked how many people he anticipated being able to
accommodate in the current space if the church were to grow. She asked if it could be
30 or 50 people.
Mr. Lee responded approximately 50 members.
Commissioner Agarwal asked how long it took him to get 15 members at the church.
Mr. Lee responded he started the church approximately 3 years ago.
Commissioner Agarwal asked how many more members he anticipated having in the
next 3 years.
Mr. Lee responded he was not sure.
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AUGUST 20, 2007
• Commissioner Agarwal asked if he thought it possible to go to 100 in the next 3 years.
Mr. Lee responded it was difficult to guess.
Commissioner Agarwal asked if he thought it possible to go to 75 in the next 3 years.
Mr. Lee responded it was difficult to guess.
Commissioner Agarwal asked if he went to 75 in the next 2 years what would his plans
Mr. Lee responded they were contemplating renting additional parking spaces from
neighboring tenants.
Commissioner Agarwal wished to clarify that he could not currently handle 75 members
in his building.
Mr. Lee responded that's #rue.
Commissioner Agarwal asked if the church grew faster what his future plans would be.
Mr. Lee responded if the church grew fasfer and they could not hold more than 50
• people they would consider moving their church site to another location. Also, since he
is the owner of the current building, perhaps they could speak with the tenants and rent
additional parking spaces.
Chairman Pro-Tempore Karaki stated for the record, he had a letter from a neighbor
objecting to the approval of a conditional use permit for a church in that location. He
closed the public hearing.
Commissioner Romero stated concern that Mr. Lee expressed that he could potentially
rent additional parking spaces from the medical center located in the rear of the church,
because he feels it would be taking spaces from a site that is already in use and not.
really knowing whether the parking spaces would be available.
Chairman Pro-Tempore Karaki stated the church would be under a condition to operate
on Saturdays and Sundays and the medical buildings would be closed for business over
the weekend, so that would not be a concern. He stated that the Building and Fire
Departments would dictate the occupancy of the building, and if the applicant's number
increased beyond maximum, the Fire Department and Building Department would come
back to revoke or amend the conditional use permit.
Commissioner Velasquez asked how often the Fire Department would show up.
• Chairman Pro-Tempore Karaki responded they could do an inspection any time.
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AUGUST 20, 2007
Commissioner Velasquez stated she may be confused about the growth of the church
• however, she is in favor of approving the project, but perhaps to put the other
Commissioners at peace she suggested scheduling an inspection. She asked for a
time limitation on the project.
Judy Dadant, Acting Senior Planner, responded staff was not recommending a time
Commissioner Velasquez stated she feels there should be a time limitation.
Commissioner Eastman stated she disagrees and feels because they are limited in the
amount of space they have, that it would limit the amount of growth on its own and the
traffic issues would be self limiting.
Commissioner Velasquez asked hypothetically if they had folding chairs, what would be
the maximum occupancy.
Ms. Dadant responded staff would have to consult with the Building and Fire
Departments on the maximum occupancy.
Commissioner Velasquez wished to clarify if the church was to grow by two (2) or three
(3) more members what would trigger the necessity for more parking spaces.
• Ms. Dadant responded under the current plan and what the applicant is proposing,
actually complies with the City Code for parking requirements for purposes of the
proposed floor plan. She further clarified that the City Code requires 29 parking spa
per 1000 square feet of assembly area, and the parking waiver is being requested
because if the church and the tutoring center were to operate simultaneously there
would not be sufficient parking on the site.
Commissioner Eastman offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner Velasquez to
approve CEQA Categorical Exemption - Class 3. Motion passed with 6 ayes
(Chairman Buffa absent).
Commissioner Eastman offered a resolution to approve Conditional Use Permit No.
2007-05201. Elly Morris, Senior Secretary, announced that the resolution passed with 6
ayes votes (Chairman Buffa absent).
OPPOSITION: An e-mail was received prior to the meeting in opposition to the request.
• Mark Gordon, Assistant City Attorney, presented the 22-day appeal rights ending at
5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, September 11, 2007.
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AUGUST 20, 2007
• DISCUSSION TIME: 9 minutes (6:26-6:35) `
6c. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 2004-04917 Eastman Approved amendment
(TRACKING NO. CUP2007-05238)
Owner: Front Porch VOTE: 6-0
350 North Glenoaks Suite 1000 Chairman Buffa absent
Burbank, CA 91502
Agent: Phil Schwartze
PRS Group
31872 San Juan Creek Circle
San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675
Location: 891 South Walnut Street: Property is
approximately 7.7-acres and is located at the
northwest corner of Ball Road and Walnut Street.
Request to amend conditions of approval and exhibits to
construct an additional 5 units for a previously approved senior
apartment complex.
Conditional Use Permit Resolution No. PC2007-100 Project Planner.
Chairman Pro-Tempore Karaki opened the public hearing.
Scott Koehm, Associate Planner, presented the staff report.
Phil Schwartze, Walnut Manor, representing The Front Porch, 31872 San Juan Creek
Road, San Juan Capistrano, CA, referred to the original aerial photo submitted to the
Commission, and stated that the site has been tremendously changed in the last
number of months as the construction continues therefore, they are proposing a slight
modification to their master plan. He stated their request is based on response to
market studies for the potential tenants moving into the units.
Mark Coplin, representing The Front Porch, 6720 Southwest Macadam, Portland,
Oregon, stated that he is present to further clarify their request for an amendment to the
original conditional use permit that was approved in November, 2004. He explained
that they made adjustments to the floor plan based on knowledge that the market that
• would support smaller units. The overall plan accommodates additional one bedroom
units and fewer 2 and 3 bedroom units. The plan also eliminates approximately 5,000
square feet of interior leisure space to provide five (5) additional units; bringing the total
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AUGUST 20, 2007
count from 151 to 156. He stated that he wished to provide clarification on the leisure
• space they have provided as an amenity to the facility. They have provided more than
twice the amount of Code required recreation and leisure area. He offered a listing of
the facilities as follows: (1) Indoor pool; which includes a spa approximately 3,200
square feet; (2) exercise room; roughly 250 square feet, and support facilities for the
locker room and dressing room; (3) a lounge; approximately 500 square feet; (4) library;
approximately 250 square feet; and (5) multi-purpose room; used for lectures and life
long learning center programs for outside speakers. He further clarified that the entire
facility is designed arownd outside plazas including approximately 10,000 square feet of
outside leisure space. He explained that the north upper space is the Meditation
Reflection Gardens; the center space is the major plaza which has outside dining and
outside events; the south is called the Park Plaza which has outside dining, koi pond,
and putting green; and a wellness center which incorporates the indoor pool, exercise
room and locker rooms.
Chairman Pro-Tempore Karaki closed the public hearing.
Commissioner Eastman offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner Romero to
approve the CEQA Mitigated Negative Declaration (Previously-Approved). Motion
passed with six (6) ayes (Chairman Buffa absent).
Commissioner Eastman offered a resolution to approve amendment to Conditional Use
Permit No. 2004-04917. Elly Morris, Senior Secretary, announced that the resolution
• passed with six (6) ayes votes (Chairman Buffa absent).
Mark Gordon, Assistant City Attorney, presented the 22-day appeal rights ending at
5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, September 11, 2007.
DISCUSSION TIME: 9 minutes (6:36-6:45)
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AUGUST 20, 2007
7b. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 2006-05104 Faessel Approved amendment
(TRACKING NO. CUP2007-05235)
Owner: Servite High School VOTE: 6-0
1922 West La Palma Avenue Chairman Buffa absent
Anaheim, CA 92801-3544
Agent: Mark J. Paone
Mark J. Paone A/A
58 Plaza Square
Orange, CA 92866
Location: 1952 West La Palma Avenue: Property is
approximately 15.4-acres, having a frontage of
650 feet on the south side of La Palma Avenue
and is located 515 feet west of the centerline of
Onondaga Avenue.
Request to amend the previously-approved conditional use
permit to permit an additional modular unit for a private high
Conditional Use Permit Resolution No. PC2007-101 ProjectP/anner.
(kwong2@anaheim. net)
Chairman Pro-Tempore Karaki opened the public hearing.
Kimberly Wong, Planner, presented the staff report.
Jim Carter, 415 East Esther Place, Placentia, CA, stated their request is to add finro
additional classrooms; also, they increased their day to an extra period; seven (7)
periods instead of six (6). Additionally, they added band and choir.
Commissioner Faessel asked if the facilities were considered temporary.
Mr. Carter responded yes.
Commissioner Faessel asked Mr. Carter to define temporary as it applied to the
Mr. Carter responded three (3) to five (5) years. He stated they have plans to do
something; whether remodel the campus or something else, but it has not been
discussed yet.
• Chairman Pro-Tempore Karaki closed the public hearing.
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AUGUST 20, 2007
Commissioner Faessel offered a motion to approve the CEQA Negative Declaration
• (Previously-Approved). Motion passed with six (6) ayes (Chairman Buffa absent).
Commissioner Faessel offered a resolution to approve Conditional Use Permit No.
2006-05104 (Tracking No. CUP2007-05235). Elly Morris, Senior Secretary, announced
that the resolution passed with six (6) ayes votes (Chairman Buffa absent).
Mark Gordon,,Assistant City Attorney, presented the 22-day appeal rights ending at
5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, September 11, 2007.
DISCUSSION TIME: 3 minutes (6:46-6:49)
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AUGUST 20, 2007
(TRACKING NO. CUP2007-05234)
Owner: Sidney E. Bickel
5585 Via Dicha #B
Laguna Hills, CA 92653
Agent: Phillip Schwartze
PRS Group
31872 San Juan Creek Circle
San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675
Location: 633 South East Street: Property is
approximately 1.9-acre, having a frontage of 240
feet on the west side of East Street and is located
182 feet north of the centerline of South Street.
Requests reinstatement of this permit with the modification or
deletion of a condition of approval pertaining to a time
limitation to retain an automotive wholesale and retail auction
facility and to amend the conditions of approval to delete a
time limitation.
Conditional Use Permit Resolution No. PC2007-102
Chairman Pro-Tempore Karaki opened the public hearing.
Kimberly Wong, Planner, presented the staff report.
Approved reinstatement
for one year (to expire on
August 20, 2008)
Added two conditions of
VOTE: 4-2
Commissioners Agarwal and
Romero voted no, and
Chairman Buffa absent
Project P/anner.
(kwong2@anaheim. net)
Phil Schwartze, representing Quartz Dealer Direct, 31872 San Juan Creek Road, San
Juan Capistrano, CA, stated Quartz has been in its current location approximately 17
years and they provide a very valuable service to the local car dealers and brokers. He
stated that on auction days, Monday and Friday afternoons they are at a separate
location. Presently, it is the Choc location or the Police Services League, and they
jitney down the property. He stated that quite frankly he is a little puzzled about some of
the comments that came in because they do not have an auction that runs until 8 or 9
o'clock at night. He indicated that car dealers tend to like to see the cars in the daylight
therefore, he is sure there has been just a little bit of confusion. He assured they have
employees monitoring the time and entrance to the auction, and recalled that a few
years ago an armband was distributed at the jitney and patrons were not allowed in
without it. This continues to this day. Because it is a wholesale operation only brokers
are allowed. He further stated that it was his understanding when he filed the extension
of time that the City was no longer doing extensions and eliminating the conditions
therefore, he rewrote the letter indicating that he wanted to eliminate the conditions and
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AUGUST 20, 2007
if that is the new plan they would be happy to do that. Additionally, he stated that if the
~ Commission desires to keep a timeframe on them they would be receptive to that as
well; as the Commission's concern may be that at some point someone else may take
over Quartz. In which case, they would not be unreceptive to a condition that would
require the Quartz operation terminate with the departure of Quartz.
Leslie Anderson, 1209 East Crestbrook Place, Anaheim, CA, stated that he lives directly
across from the subject business and emphatically disagrees with Mr. Schwartze's
testimony. He stated on a daily basis there is an auction, and every single day there
are cars parked in front of his house. As recently as yesterday when he arrived home
there were two cars parked in front of his house which had nothing to do with the
neighborhood parking. On a daily basis people get out of their cars and walk over to
Quartz Dealership. He stated that he is not sure what the armband reference is to but
he can ensure the Commission that it is not once in a while but on a daily basis. He
offered to send them license numbers and photographs, he would be happy to acquire
them. He emphasized that he has been unhappy for years over the insufficient parking
and cannot understand why his neighborhood and surrounding neighborhoods should
have to endure the poor planning foresight by the Quartz Company. As far as the Choc
parking, he has never seen a shuttle go over to Quartz and drop people off and feels it
is impossible to do so since the entire Choc area has been fenced off for sometime
now. So he asked if that is their official parking area where they are supposed to be
parking. Additionally he stated concern that parking was unavailable in front of his
house whenever friends and family visit.
• In view of these issues, he stated that in the last four (4) hours while sitting and waiting
to speak he had the opportunity to read the staff report regarding how the City staff
actually went over and looked at the neighborhood to determine what impact the Quartz
Company has on it; so, he does not understand how it is possible that no impact was
found because on a daily basis there are cars parked in the neighborhood. And not
only that but people get out of their cars and leave diapers and bottles, etc., on his front
yard and has the audacity to get angry and threaten him when he asks them not to litter
his front yard or park in front of his property. He expressed frustration that he has to get
into verbal confrontations because there is insufficient parking and cannot understand
why he and his neighbors have to endure such so that the Quartz Company can make a
profit. Additionally, he stated that his niece's boyfriend was threatened by a client of
Quartz's while watering the lawn because water splattered onto his car while parked in
front of his home.
He stated that he disagrees with Mr. Schwartze that there has been no complaints
because he went directly over to the business three (3) times to complain, and the last
time he was told by a Quartz representative that there was nothing she could do. So he
stopped going to them complaining because he felt it did not make any difference if it
was falling onto deaf ears. He expressed confusion as to whether he should call the
Police Department or who to turn to and did not realize that the City forum was an
option for him. However, having discovered that the Planning Commission is the proper
• protocol, he stated that not only does he not want the permit reinstated but he wanted
the business moved somewhere where there is sufficient parking for the operation. He
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AUGUST 20, 2007
stated he pays taxes too and it disturbs him to the core that Commission continues to
• reinstate the applicant's permit.
He indicated that his neighborhood is a neighborhood of middle class working people
and feels the audience would have been filled with his neighbors if the meeting had not
been scheduled at 2:30 p.m. when everyone has to work.
Finally, he stated a couple of years ago Quartz placed an employee directly onto his
property; sitting underneath his tree, on his grass, in a lounge chair, drinking cokes and
littering his lawn with bottles as he attempted to monitor traffic and he feels it is
inappropriate and it is wrong.
Shannan Anderson, 1209 East Crestbrook Place, Anaheim, CA, confirmed her uncle's
testimony and reiterated that her boyfriend was accosted with a verbal threat while
watering their lawn. She attested to the insufficient parking and stated one particular
occasion sticks in her mind. It was a birthday gathering for her, and their friends and
family could not find parking in front of their house and instead had to park at the end of
the cul-de-sac or the ne~ street over in order to get to their house.
Commissioner Eastman asked her what street she was referring to.
Ms. Anderson referred to the aerial map and pointed out the location of which she was
speaking. She stated that it is not a desired part of her exercise regime to clean up
• behind customers of the Quartz Dealership who blatantly throw trash onto their property
even while she is sitting out watering the lawn. Also she observes the customers as
late as 10 o'clock in the evenings. She explained that she was used to seeing certain
cars for a few days and then they would disappear, and then she would see the same
car later on.
Chairman Pro-Tempore Karaki asked if they have called Code Enforcement regarding
those issues.
Ms. Anderson responded no, and that they were perplexed as to where they could go
for help and was unaware that they could file a complaint with the City. She explained
that this is the first meeting they have been to and now have become more informed on
what they can do.
Chairman Pro-Tempore Karaki asked how long they have been living at their address.
Ms. Anderson responded since 1995 and does not know how long the business has
been there, but recently has seen increasingly more people and trash.
Applicant's Rebuttal:
Mr. Schwartze responded this is the first he has heard of their complaints and
. suggested that their jitney operates daily. He explained that they are leasing the off-site
parking lot from the City Redevelopment Agency, which is the reason the parking is
there to begin with, and they have a key to get in and out of the gate. It is used every
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AUGUST 20, 2007
auction day; Mondays and Fridays. He apologized to the Anderson's if someone from
• the shop was not responsive and reiterated that he has never heard of this before. He
states that over the years they have had complaints regarding the property because
people assumed since there was a lot of available parking at the location of the building
that it was their building when in fact it was their neighbor's building. So they resolved
that issue by moving their staff to their Sagamore property.
Chairman Pro-Tempore Karaki, asked if anyone was present to speak on the item;
seeing none, he closed the public hearing.
Commissioner Romero stated that when he passed by the property there seemed to be
an over abundance of cars and a lot of people milling around. He stated it did seem
overcrowded and suggested maybe they have more business than they can handle. He
stated concern that there is no ingress and egress without maneuvering throughout the
parking lot so that if there were an emergency, he fears an emergency vehicle could not
get through.
Commissioner Agarwal asked how many cars are on the site during an auction
Mr. Schwartze responded it is usually full; approximately 150 cars.
Commissioner Agarwal (inaudible voice - microphone off).
~ Mr. Schwartze responded although the brokers cannot drive the cars they have the
opportunity to start them up. The paperwork is already prepared and they are given a
catalog including information on the cars. The auction starts in the afternoon. It occurs
inside the building. There is an auction block and auctioneer as seen on television.
The cars are driven through the doors to the auction block and there are seats for the
wholesale brokers. They bid on the car and the car is driven out and parked. The
process continues until the last car is gone. During an auction there are approximately
30 wholesale brokers present. They are required to park at the Choc facility. They arrive
and depart on their jitneys; in fact, for a number of years one of his sons drove one of
the jitneys.
Commissioner Agarwal wished to clarify if all 150 cars started from the auction block
Mr. Schwartze responded at some point and time, during the auction, they are all driven
up through the auction block and then back out. That is the procedure they have been
following for years.
Commissioner Agarwal asked the total number of employees.
Mr. Schwartze responded on a normal day there are approximately five (5) or six (6).
On an auction day there may be fifteen.
~ Commissioner Agarwal wished to clarify that they would have thirty brokers and 15
employees for a total of 45 people in the facility.
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AUGUST 20, 2007
Mr. Schwartze responded correct.
• Commissioner Agarwal asked how long the auction last.
Mr. Schwartze responded depending on the number of cars; each car is up for auction
approximately 90 seconds; so finro and half to three hours.
Commissioner Agarwal asked if they had a deadline on the auction time.
Mr. Schwartze responded it is a function of how many cars are there but if the auction
starts at 1:30 p.m. it is over at 4:00 p.m., depending on what's going on. The one on
Friday is a little later in the afternoon.
Commissioner Agarwal asked him the starting time.
Mr. Schwartze responded on Fridays he believes it starts at 3:00 p.m.
Commissioner Agarwal wished to clarify if it would end around 6:30 p.m. or 7:00 p.m.
Commissioner Eastman asked if the employees are all required to park at the Choc site.
Mr. Schwartze responded yes, for the most part plus they have parking at the front of
their property and most times their employees' park there.
• Commissioner Eastman asked since Monday and Friday are auction days what
happens on Tuesday through Thursday, because according to the neighbors people are
coming everyday for some reason.
Mr. Schwartze responded they may be coming over to pick the cars up; they may bring
a driver along with them and take the car; or a car carrier would come to pick up the car.
On Thursdays, the cars would be coming in from wherever the dealers are and coming
onto the lot.
Commissioner Eastman stated there are a lot of cars coming and going on the other
Mr. Schwartze responded there will be 150 cars coming and 150 cars going.
Commissioner Eastman stated there's a lot of activity with the 150 cars.
Mr. Schwartze responded yes, and also there would be the DMV (Department of Motor
Vehicles) process. So a couple of days there would be a lot of paperwork moving
around as the car title changes, etc., and on Friday morning cars would be brought in
for the auction.
• Commissioner Eastman recalled that Mr. Schwartze has been before her several times
regarding the subject matter and believes she can go back in history from sometime
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AUGUST 20, 2007
ago when there were a lot of complaints, and then things were pretty good for awhile,
~ and all during this time they had a new place to move to and then they didn't have one.
Mr. Schwartze responded correct. He stated that they paid for two separate places
which were grabbed up by the Redevelopment Agency which is why he suspects they
were so kind as to allow them the use of one site as a jitney point.
Commissioner Eastman stated at this point, after over six (6) years sitting on the
Commission she has some real concerns about giving any more long term renewals.
She stated obviously there are a lot of citizens complaining again and she can
remember giving the extension renewal before when it was for sure they were going to
move. At this point she is beginning to feel uncomfortable about another renewal.
Mr. Schwartze stated they continue to struggle also trying to find property that is
appropriate for them and to get relocated is very difficult. The most recent conversation
he had about relocating was when he spoke with the chairman of the Orange County
Water District who indicated that they possibly had some property that they could lease
to them long term, which is approximately double the size of their current property. He
stated they are currently stifled in the size their business can grow.
Commissioner Eastman stated she would be supportive of an extension if it were limited
and very highly supervised by Code Enforcement. In the mean time she would
recommend that they go ahead and locate some other property. She feels strongly with
the number of citizens coming forward that there should be a time limitation built into the
• conditional use permit so that the neighbors can have an assurance that there would
not be another business of this type in the neighborhood again.
Commissioner Faessel concurred and stated he would only support the project by
putting the applicant on a very short time limitation and a higher level of inspection on
the property. He feels Commission may not be fully informed of the affect the
dealership has had on the neighborhood due to the fact the neighbors present at
today's meeting did not know the process to come to City Hall or call Code Enforcement
and by their own actions have tried to mitigate the matter by going to the actual
business. He feels since it is not recorded Commission does not realize there is a
problem. The fact that they presented themselves at today's meeting and were willing
to spend all day to state their case goes a far piece with him and tells him that there is
indeed an issue that needs to be mitigated in someway.
Commissioner Velasquez also concurs with her colleagues and stated she would
definitely not be in favor of an approval with prolonging the time limitation. She feels
there is definitely an issue and an issue that has been ongoing for a number of years.
She referred to staff and asked what time limitation they recommended. She agrees
there needs to be supervision and that Code Enforcement needs to investigate to make
sure that the problem does not persist.
Ms. Dadant responded that the last increment of time was approved for a period of two
• (2) years and stated it is up to the Commission.
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AUGUST 20, 2007
Commissioner Velasquez stated based on the premise that they are finding another
• place to move to she would prefer a year. She asked how often Code Enforcement
would go out.
Ms. Dadant suggested one of the things that could be done is monthly inspections for
the first six (6) months and then quarterly after that or as needed depending on the
comfort level of the Commission.
Commission Agarwal stated that he believes in free enterprise as much as the next
person but it is the responsibility of the business to conduct themselves in an orderly
fashion according to the rules. Clearly there have been many instances that the cars
have been parked in the neighborhood. And he has been to the facility a couple of
times and witnessed far too many people and cars. Therefore, he is not at all
comfortable with this situation. Furthermore, he feels putting the dealership on monthly
inspections is going to be a burden on the City. He stated he can probably support a
two-year extension but that will be the last extension that he will support.
Chairman Pro-Tempore Karaki concurs with his colleagues and states there is a
problem that needs to be fixed. Therefore, he would propose a one-year extension with
the monthly inspections for six months, and should it go well then it would go quarterly.
From there on if they have a problem the Code Enforcement will report back to the
Commission to take any action. He stated the neighbors should not have to clean up
the street or manage the parking in the neighborhood, etc., it is the responsibility of the
~ business owner. He proposed to amend the resolution to reflect a one-year extension
with a monthly inspection from Code Enforcement.
Commissioner Eastman offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner Faessel to
approve the CEQA Negative Declaration (Previously-Approved). Motion passed with
six (6) ayes (Chairman Buffa absent).
Commissioner Eastman offered a resolution to approve the amendment and
reinstatement of the Conditional Use Permit No. 1322 (Tracking No. CUP 2007-05234),
with the condition that this is for one year with monthly Code Enforcement inspections
for the first six (6) months after which, if everything is in compliance it would go
Ms. Dadant wished to clarify that it is a retroactive request; meaning the conditional use
permit technically expired in March 2007. She asked if it is the intent of the Commission
to give them one year from today's date.
Commissioner Velasquez asked if the applicant applied in March.
Ms. Dadant responded that City Code provides for a six (6) month grace period for the
application of reinstatement. She stated the application possibly came in finro (2)
months ago.
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AUGUST 20, 2007
Commissioner Velasquez stated that she did not want to make it impossible for them to
• find a relocation site so she would be okay for one (1) year from this date with the
applicant having the understanding that they have to find another location.
Chairman Pro-Tempore Karaki stated it would be effective as of today's date (one year
from now).
Ms. Dadant stated the wording will be that it shall expire one (1) year on August 20,
Chairman Pro-Tempore Karaki announced a button vote. Elly Morris, Senior Secretary,
announced that the resolution passed with 4 ayes votes; Commissioners Agarwal and
Romero voted no (Chairman Buffa absent).
OPPOSITION: A letter was received in opposition to the subject request, and 2 people
spoke in opposition.
A phone call was received pertaining to parking concerns, and
therefore recommends a 2-year time limitation on the item.
• A phone call was received with concerns ertainin to arkin noise
P 9 P 9~
and property damage, and therefore recommends a time limitation and
monthly or quarterly inspections by Community Preservation Division.
Mark Gordon, Assistant City Attorney, presented the 22-day appeal rights ending at
5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, September 11, 2007.
DISCUSSION TIME: 35 minutes (6:50-7:25)
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AUGUST 20, 2007
(TRACKING NO. CUP2007-05237)
Concurred with staff
Approved amendment
Owner: David & Frances Shek
3728 East Woodbine Road
Orange, CA 92867
Agent: Phil Schwartze
PRS Group
31872 San Juan Creek Circle
San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675
Location: 1401 South Anaheim Boulevard: Property is
approximately .9-acre, having a frontage of 173 feet
on the west side of Anaheim Boulevard and is
located 347 feet south of Winston Road.
Request to amend a condition of approval to allow up to 45
students for a previously-approved preschool.
Conditional Use Permit Resolution No. PC2007-103
Chairman Pro-Tempore Karaki opened the public hearing.
Elaine Thienprasiddhi, Associate Planner, presented the staff report.
VOTE: 6-0
Chairman Buffa absent
Project Planner:
(ethien@anaheim. ne t)
Phil Schwartze, representing Happy Hippo, 31872 San Juan Creek Road, San Juan
Capistrano, CA, stated fortunately the owner has run a very successful business and all
of their hard work in getting her established has paid off. He stated the original
conditional use permit restricted the number of students she could have so they are
asking that it be extended to add more students.
Commissioner Faessel asked if the unpermitted pole sign had been removed
Mr. Schwartze responded yes.
Commissioner Faessel asked since he is increasing the number of students would he
also be increasing the number of care providers.
Mr. Schwartze responded they originally over staffed therefore, they would not be
expanding the staff at this time.
Commissioner Faessel noted that they would be making a 50% increase; from 30 to 55
students and he asked if they would all be at the facility simultaneously.
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AUGUST 20, 2007
Mr. Schwartze responded some students would come in the morning, some are there all
• day, and some only come in the afternoon.
Chairman Pro-Tempore Karaki, asked if anyone was present to speak on the item;
seeing none, he closed the public hearing.
Commissioner Faessel offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner Eastman to
approve the CEQA Categorical Exemption Class - 1. Motion passed with six (6) ayes
(Chairman Buffa absent).
Commissioner Faessel offered a resolution to approve the amendment to Conditional
Use Permit 2006-05118 (Tracking No. CUP2007-05237). Elly Morris, Senior Secretary,
announced that the resolution passed with six (6) ayes votes (Chairman Buffa absent).
Mark Gordon, Assistant City Attorney, presented the 22-day appeal rights ending at
5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, September 11, 2007.
~ DISCUSSION TIME: 4 minutes (7:26-7:30)
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AUGUST 20, 2007
Concurred with staff
Owner: Chuck Wu
3460 Winchester Way
Rowland Heights, CA 91748
Guthrie Family, LLC & R+D Guthrie
3185 Airway Avenue Suite E
Costa Mesa, CA 92626
Agent: David Constant
5645 East La Palma Avenue #160
Anaheim, CA 92807
Location: 725 and 755 North Shepard Street: Property is
approximately 0.89-acre, having a frontage of 192 feet
on the north side of the Riverside Freeway and is
located 907 feet south of the centerline of La Palma
Avenue and 365 feet west of the centerline of
Carpenter Avenue.
Request to permit a personal training and fitness center.
Conditional Use Permit Resolution No. PC2007-104
Chairman Pro-Tempore Karaki opened the public hearing.
Elaine Thienprasiddhi, Associate Planner, presented the staff report.
VOTE: 6-0
Chauman Buffa absent
Project P/anner.
Jack H. Bauerle, Speed Training Centers, 3670 San Antonio Road, Yorba Linda, CA,
clarified that they are not a fitness center; but rather they are a sports medicine, human
performance, type of entity. He further clarified that his partner, David Constance, has
an existing business in Anaheim, which they will absorb into the new venture. They will
offer one on one, individual, physical therapy services, staffed by an orthopedic physical
therapist with a doctorate out of University of Southern California, and a biomechanics
physician. He added they do not have any similarities to a 24-Hour Fitness type
Commissioner Romero wished to clarify if his partner planned on closing his existing
business and also where it is currently located.
Mr. Bauerle responded currently on La Palma and Imperial; next to the movie theaters.
• He explained that they plan to absorb the existing business into the new business, and
add the physical therapy services. Additionally, he stated they planned to develop
alliances with Allied Health Professionals in the Anaheim area.
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AUGUST 20, 2007
• Chairman Pro-Tempore Karaki wished to clarify that it would be health facilities catering
to athletes.
Mr. Bauerle responded yes, and stated that the warehouse space in the back of the
subject facility will be an indoor Astroturf where they will hold athletic events for
performance training. Additionally, he stated that they developed alliances with other
physicians and Dr. Millhouse, who is with the Angels and the Ducks, and they are
excited to get started in the City of Anaheim.
Commissioner Eastman wished to clarify that there would be an improvement in their
sign, to comply with the City Code, as opposed to the large block sign as seen on the
Mr. Bauerle responded yes, their sign company out of Long Beach has already obtained
Chairman Pro-Tempore Karaki, asked if anyone was present to speak on the item;
seeing none, he closed the public hearing.
Commissioner Romero offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner Eastman to
approve CEQA Categorical Exemption - Class 1. Motion passed with six (6) ayes
(Chairman Buffa absent).
~ Commissioner Romero offered a resolution to approve Conditional Use Permit No.
2007-05239. Elly Morris, Senior Secretary, announced that the resolution passed with
six (6) ayes votes (Chairman Buffa absent).
Mark Gordon, Assistant City Attorney, presented the 22-day appeal rights ending at
5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, September 11, 2007.
DISCUSSION TIME: 6 minutes (7:31-7:37)
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AUGUST 20, 2007
• 11 b. GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 2007-00456 September 5, 2007
11 c. RECLASSIFICATION NO. 2007-00200
11e. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 2007-05204 Motion: Eastman/Agarwal
VOTE: 6-0
Agent: La Vue LLC Chairman Buffa absent
30622 La Vue Street
Laguna Niguel, CA 92677
Location: 121 and 131 South Dale Avenue: Property is
approximately 0.82-acre, having a frontage of
150 feet on the west side of Dale Avenue and is
located 310 feet south of the centerline of Lincoln
General Plan Amendment No. 2007-00456 - Request to
amend the land use element map of the General Plan
redesignating the property from the Corridor Residential
designation to the Low-Medium Density Residential
~ Reclassification No. 2007-00200 - Request reclassification of
the subject property from the RM-4 (Multiple-Family Residential)
zone to the RM-3 (Multiple-Family Residential) zone.
Conditional Use Permit No. 2007-05204 - Request to construct
a 14-unit attached single-family condominium planned unit
development with modification of development standards and
waiver of minimum setback befinreen buildings.
Tentative Tract Map No. 17047 - Request to establish a 1-lot,
14-unit airspace attached residential condominium subdivision.
General Plan Amendment Resolution No.
Reclassification Resolution No.
Conditional Use Permit Resolution No. ProjectPlanner: (ethien@anaheim.net)
Commissioner Eastman offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner Agarwal to
continue this request to September 5, 2007. Mo#ion passed with six (6) ayes (Chairman
Buffa absent).
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AUGUST 20, 2007
• DISCUSSION TIME: This item was not discussed.
Res tfully submitted:
at han
~ Senior Secretary
Received and approved by the Planning Commission on ~~yJe~ ~ , 2007.
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