Minutes-PC 2008/06/23City of naheirn
lanning Co ission
Commissioners Present:
Commissioners Absent:
Staff Prese~t:
CJ Amstrup, Planning Services Manager
Linda Johnson, Principal Planner
Mark Gordon, Assistant City Attorney
David See, Senior Planner
Elaine Thienprasiddhi, Associate Planner
Vanessa Norwood, Associate Planner
Kimberly Wong, Planner
Jamie Lai, Principal Civil Engineer
David Kennedy, Associate Transportation Planner
Grace Medina, Senior Secretary
Donna Patino, Secretary
Agenda Posting: A complete copy of the Planning Commission Agenda was posted at 10:00 a.m.
on Thursday, June 19, 2008, inside the display case located in the foyer of the Council Chamber,
and also in the outside display kiosk.
Published: Anaheim Builetin Newspaper on Thursday, June 12, 2008
. Call to Order
o Preliminary Plan Review 1:00 P.M.
. Appreciation Plaque Presented to Commissio~er Pat Velasquez
• Recess to Public Hearing
• Reconvene to Public Hearing 2:30 P.M.
Attendance: 18
. Pledge of Aliegiance: Commissioner Velasquez
• Appreciatio~ Plaque Presented to Commissioner Pat Velasquez
o Public Comments
o Consent Calendar
Mondav, June 23, 20U8
Council Chamber, City Hall
200 South Anaheim Boulevard
Anaheim, California
Chairman: Kelly Buffa
Peter Agarwal, Gail Eastman, Stephen Faessel,
Joseph Karaki, Panky Romero, Pat Velasquez
• Public Hearing Items
• Adjournment
H:\TOOLS\Planning Commission Administration\PC Aclion Agendas - Minules\2008 Minutes\2008 MinutesWC062308.doc
June 23, 2008
Anaheim Planning Commission Agenda - 2:30 P.M.
Public Comments: None
Consent Calendar:
Commissioner Velasquez offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner Eastman and MOTION
CARRIED, for approval of Consent Calendar Items 1A through 1 D and to continue Items 4 and 8 as
recommended by staff. UNANIMOUSLY APPROVED
Reoorts and Recommendations:
(Trackinq No. CUP2008-05328)
Owner: Michael Daskalakis
300 North Wilshire Avenue
Anaheim, CA 92801
Applicant: Theodoros Daskalakis
P.O. Box 3880
Anaheim, CA 92803
Location: 2401 West Lincoln Avenue: Property is
approximately 0.53-acre, located at the northwest
corner of Lincoln Avenue, and Gilbert Street,
having approximate frontages of 127 feet on the
north side of Lincoln Avenue and 120 feet on the
west side of Gilbert Street
Request for review of final elevations plans to comply with
conditions of approval for a previously-approved commercial
retail center.
Consent Calendar Approval
Motion: Velasquez/Eastman
VOTE: 7-0
Project Planner:
Scott Koehm
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June 23, 2008
Applicant: New Urban West Inc.
1733 Ocean Avenue Suite 350
Santa Monica, CA 90401
Location: The Platinum Trianqle: Property encompasses
approximately 820 acres located at the confluence
of the Interstate 5 Freeway and the SR-57
Freeway, west of the Santa Ana River channel,
south of the Southern California Edison easement,
and north of the Anaheim City limit.
Request for Planning Commission initiation of applications to
consider an amendment to The Platinum Triangle to transfer
68,000 square feet of commercial space and 119,000 square
feet of office space from The Platinum Triangle, Gateway
District (Subarea A) to the Gene Autry District (Subarea B) in
connection with a proposed amendment to the Experience at
Gene Autry Way project.
Consent Calendar Approval
Motion: Velasquez/Eastman
VOTE: 7-0
Project P/anner.
Scott Koehm
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June 23, 2008
(Tracking No. CUP2008-05328)
Owner: Karcher Partners
1200 North Harbor Boulevard
Anaheim, CA 92801
Applicant: DMJM Design
999 Town and Country Road
Orange, CA 92868
~ocation: 1325 North Anaheim Boulevard
Request a determination of substantial conformance with
previously-approved colored renderings.
Receiving and approving the Minutes from the Planning
Commission Meeting of May 28, 2008.
NOTE: Meeting minutes have been provided to the
Planning Commission and are availabie for review
at the Planning Department.
Consent Calendar Approval
Motion: Velasquez/Eastman
VOTE: 7-0
Project P/anner.
Kimberly Wong
Consent Calendar Approval
Motion: Velasquez/Eastman
VOTE: 7-0
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June 23, 2008
p~ablic Hearina Items:
Owner: Caruthers Properties
2107 Yacht Mischief
Newport Beach, CA 92660
Applicant: Anaheim Redevelopment Agency
201 South Anaheim Boulevard, Suite 1003
Anaheim, CA 92805
Location: 502 - 524 East Julianna Street: Property is
approximately 1.68 acres, located at the
southeast corner of Julianna Street and
Sabina Street.
Request to permit a towing service and impound yard with
the washing of towing vehicles and a waiver of minimum
number of required parking spaces.
Kimberly Wong, Planner, presented the staff report.
Chairman Buffa opened the public hearing.
Resolution No. 2005-66
Approved, added condition to
provide modified site plan for
city review if future
expansion(s) occur
VOTE: 7-0
Project Planner.
Kimberly Wong
Paul Kott, 1225 W. Lincoln Avenue, Anaheim, stated that he represents the current property owner
and the proposed tenant for this property. His client would be relocating from a property on Atchison
Street due to Redevelopment Agency projects. He wanted the Commission to be aware that there
would be an amendment to the CUP at the ~ext meeting. His client would like to have the same
entitlements on this property as on their existing property, including auto body repair, and would not
like to be denied anything that he currently has in place on the Atchison property. They would like to
be allowed to expand into Buiidings 1 or 2 in the future without coming back for a public hearing. He
is available to answer any questions.
Chairman Buffa understood that the only entitlement that has been advertised today is for the towing
facility in the building that is shown. They could not grant a different entitlement than what was
already advertised. The Planning Commission understands from stafF that the applicant will come
back asking for other things to duplicate his existing business.
Mr. Kott stated that although the applicant is the City of Anaheim, the end user is the one who has to
exercise the entitlements. If the end user was the applicant, they would have continued this request
'and waited until it was re-advertised. They would have not gone through this two step phase and
they are only doing this pursuant to Redevelopment Agency request.
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Ms. Wong added to Mr. Kott's testimony about future expansion into Buildings 1 or 2 and indicated
~hat staff would be interested in adding a new condition of approval: "that anytime DuBois Towing
facility chooses to expand into either buildings 1 or 2 or both, they could do so as long as the
impound facility does not generate an additional number of parking spaces required but they would
come back to the Planning Commission as a substantial conformance to update their site plan to
indicate the expansion to Building 1 or 2 as a Reports and Recommendations item." The City would
advertise an amendment of the permit to allow automotive repairs as requested by the business
Chairman Buffa asked if there were any questions for the applicant's representative.
Mr. Kott reiterated that the business is not asking for anything more, they just want what they
presently have on their existing property.
Chairman Buffa understood what was being requested. Staff is trying to make this as easy as
possible to replicate the existing business.
Chairman Buffa asked if there was anyone else who would like to speak to this item; seeing none,
she closed the public hearing.
Commissioner Faessel offered a recommendation that the Planning Commission adopt the attached
resolution approving the Negative Declaration and Conditional Use Permit No. 2008-05326 with a
waiver of minimum number of parking spaces which includes an additional condition of approval that
staff will read into the record.
Ms. Wong, read: that in the future if the towing and impound facility expands into either buildings 1 or
2 or both, the modified site plan shall be presented to the Planning Commission for substantial
conformance as a reports and recommendation item.
Commissioner Velasquez thought it was important to clarify that Mr. Kott referred to other
entitlements on the Atchison property and what would be approved today was only what is before the
Planning Commission, ~ot the mirroring of other entitlements.
Chairman Buffa agreed and thinks that the Planning Commission will have another item in front of
them that deals with the auto repair side of the business in the future.
Grace Medina, Senior Secretary, announced that the resolution passed with 7 aye votes.
Mark Gordon, Assistant City Attorney, presented the 22-day appeai rights ending at 5:00 p.m. on
Tuesday, July 15, 2008.
DISCUSSION TIME: 12 minutes (2:39 to 2:51)
(Following this item, Item No. 5 was heard)
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June 23, 2008
Owner: North Anaheim Associates
3185 Pullman Avenue
Costa Mesa, CA 92626
Applicant: BKM Development
3185 Pullman Avenue
Costa Mesa, CA 92626
'Location: Assessor Parcel No. 035-010-80: Property
is approximately 4.61 acres, having a
frontage of 131 feet on the west side of Patt
Street and 229 feet on the west side of
Kemp Street approximately 452 feet north of
the centerline of La Palma Avenue.
Requestto establish a 3-lot industrial subdivision
Continued to August4, 2008
Motion: Karaki/Romero
Commissioner Eastman abstained
Project Planner:
Kimberly Wong
Commissioner Eastman abstained from this item since she received a campaign contribution from the
Kimberly Wong, Planner, presented the staff report. She indicated that a letter from the applicant was
distributed to the Commissioners on Friday.
Chairman Buffa opened the public hearing.
Brian Malliet, BKM Development, 3185 Pullman Avenue, Costa Mesa, 92626 stated that he would an
additional solution other than a floating easement on the property as proposed by staff. He submitted
an exhibit of staff's proposal and the cost of the easeme~t including taking of the land that cannot be
used for development as well as the cost to construct the easement.
The two property owners adjacent to the property have submitted offers to purchase a portion of the
property. An easement would deter both buyers from using the land as an adjacent parcel of land to
the building they already own.
The other issue brought up by staff is the unsafe corner at La Palma Avenue and Kemp Street, which
has been the condition for 70 years. Twenty acres of the property has been reduced down to the 4.5
acres and has limited almost ail truck access off the site. Furthermore, there are smaller lots in
demand verses large lots.
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June 23, 2008
The proposed lots are small parcels that will only accommodate small warehouse uses, deterring
~arge trucks. He is available to answer any questions. -
Commissioner Agarwal asked the applicant if the proposed parcels would be divided into smaller lots
and who the potential owners would be.
Mr. Malliet replied that there is the possibility to subdivide Parcel 3 in half and sell the properties to
the two adjacent building owners. This request is different from what is on the planning staff report.
These properties would then be used by a company that installs epoxy and flooring i~ homes and the
other is a soil testing and lab sampling company. Both businesses would have trucks stored on the
property. There has been limited interest in Parcels 1 and 2. The neighboring truck terminal
business owner has expressed interest in Parcel 1 and the neighboring catering business is
interested in Parcel 2. The Anaheim Redevelopment Agency has also expressed an interest in
purchasing a portion of Parcel 2.
Commissioner Agarwal asked whether the proposed subdivision would still result in 18-wheeler trucks
to come on Kemp Street.
Mr. Malliet replied that a building must be a minimum of 12,000 square feet to have a truck dock. A
property of an acre or less would be unlikely to have a business that had 18-wheeler trucks accessing
the building.
Commissioner Agarwal stated that there is no certainty that a 40,000 square foot building will not be
5uilt with three or four-truck loading dock.
Mr. Malliet stated that a building cannot be built on parcel lines and the location of the proposed
property almost insures that a large building will be built unless they amended the map at a public
hearing. There is a little guarantee if they were to sub-divide the parcel now and put the small lots in
place that a smaller building would be built on these Iots.
Commissioner Agarwal asked staff if they were concerned about the type of uses that could locate on
the property. Given the applicant's testimony, it may be unlikely large trucks would need to access
Kemp Street. He disclosed that he met with the applicant. He wanted a compromise.
David Kennedy, Associate Transportation Planner, stated that there are industrial land uses that
require large trucks and the Code permits these industrial uses without an entitlement. These
businesses typically use large trucks that are 55 to 60 feet in length. Some industrial businesses only
need a single unit truck or a modified pick up truck.
Mr. Malliet stated that the previous industrial businesses used Kemp Street. Staff is asking him to
give up those vehicular rights since the streets already prohibit truck access on Kemp Street. He
questioned why the City wanted him to relinquish his vehicular rights if the City already won't allow
trucks on the street. He believed it was inappropriate of the City to put a condition on the property
and cloud on his title for limiting vehicle access.
He is agreement to limit access for Parcel 3 to only Patt Street but not the other parcels. He referred
to the City's diagrams indicating the unsafe corner at La Palma Avenue onto Kemp Street because
trucks would turn into oncoming traffic on Kemp Street. However, the street is only 456 feet long and
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June 23, 2008
there is little traffic on Kemp Street. There would be no commercial or industrial users on this street
except these three lots. Trucks have been turning onto Kemp Street for years and it has worked
because it is only a 456 foot long street with a dead end.
Steve Valdez, 1014 N. Kemp St, Anaheim, 92805, stated that he has lived on Kemp Street 45 years.
There were trucks from the previous industrial business but they were only up 35 feet long and the
traffic on the street was different. He is concerned about trucks and increased traffic. There are
childre~ and elderly adults that use the street. The street is not designed as a commercial street for
heavy traffic. He is concerned that vehicles from this property will use the alleys and create more
traffic in the neighborhood.
The neighborhood has been dealing with the trucking terminal for over 20 years inhaling the diesel
fumes and noise. He hopes vehicles will only use Patt Street or another street. He showed the
Commission pictures of the diesel fumes from the trucks.
Chairman Buffa clarified that the exhibit he provided is an alternative subdivision to divide Parcel 3 in
Mr. Malliet verified that the division and sales of Parcel 3 was contingent on access to the site. He
did not want to block access to a corner lot that does not have any street frontage.
Commissioner Agarwal asked the applicant whether he had pursued other development options and
what his recommendations would be for vehicular access onto Patt and Kemp Streets.
Mr. Malliet stated that he had submitted a proposal for a housing development. The Anaheim
Redevelopment Agency indicated to him that a residential project would only work if it included the
truck terminal on La Palma Avenue. He cannot solve the problem of the industrial uses on Kemp
Street. If the zone is not changed or an overlay permitting housing is not added, the property will
remain industrial. This property is currently zoned industrial.
Commissioner Velasquez reiterated that the applicant wanted to keep access on Kemp Street. She
asked if there were signs that prohibited trucks and whether this property would need to comply and
what is the consequence of not complying.
CJ Amstrup, Planning Services Manager, replied that there is a weight limit of 6,000 pounds so it
precludes most commercial vehicles. A double axel single unit truck would not be permitted. A
vehicle greater than 6,000 pounds can still use the street for the purposes of delivery but the
preclusion relates to through traffic.
Commissioner Velasquez wanted clarification that the applicant is correct in saying that he has a
current right.
Mr. Amstrup replied currently he does have that right.
Commissioner Velasquez understands the applicanYs point of view. She asked staff whether they
would permit access on Kemp Street if the applicant proposed smaller parcels which would limit the
type and size of pote~tiai industrial uses.
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Mr. Amstrup stated that it depends on the size of the parcels. There are issues with smaller parcels.
~ot line adjustments can be used to merge parcels that have already been divided. This is an
administrative process and the parcels could be rejoined without a public hearing. If the parcels are
small enough it would limit the size of vehicles that are going in. Unfortunately, there are no safe
guards that staff could take at this point that preclude a lot line adjustment from a future owner and
merging the properties into a larger lot. There would be a situation that larger buildings could be built
than anticipated.
Commissioner Velasquez asked is there a way to preclude a lot line adjustment.
Mr. Amstrup stated that lot line adjustments are ministeriai approvals provided the parcel complies
with Code requirements. Staff would not have the discretion to deny the permit.
Commissioner Velasquez asked staff whether they considered allowing small vehicles use Kemp
Street. She understands the concern regarding large trucks not being able to make a safe turn.
Mr. Amstrup s#ated that allowing small vehicles would have unintended consequences. Even if only
small vehicles were allowed access from Kemp Street, a floating easement would still be required to
give access to Parcels 1 and 2 so
commercial vehicles could get back to those parcels. This easement would now open up Patt Street
to Kemp Street again to through traffic. It would require passing over three parcels of private property
but it could be a shortcut to La Paima Avenue. Staff was not suggesting that all the workers in this
industrial park would be flooding through that area but it might be safe to say there might be some
~nticipated traffic from that result.
Staff is proposing a"floating easemenY' or reciprocal access, not a private street. There would not be
a loss of developable area; it would simply be that the drive aisles would need to be done for parcels
one, two, and three. The drive aisle would be able to be used by all the tenants on parcels one, two
and three.
He compared the size of the proposed parcels to those of the adjacent industrial park the property
owner previously developed. These parcels are large enough to have the loading docks just like in
the industrial park. Parcel 2 could have up to a 45,000 square foot building, which is not an
insignificant size for a light manufacturing use. Parcel 1 could have a building approximately 20,000
square feet and Parcel 3 approximately 30,000 square feet' Staff is open to finding ways of limiting
vehicular traffic, but they have not successfully come up with something that does not inadvertently
create a through situation.
Chairman Buffa wanted to know what the volume of traffic was on Kemp and Patt Streets.
Mr. Kennedy replied the volume of traffic on Kemp Street is less than 1,000 vehicles per day and is in
the range of two or three hundred based on old counts. He estimated that Patt Street was
approximately two or three thousand.
Mr. Kennedy stated that he does not have that number at this time.
Commissioner Agarwal asked if the City has a design for the easement and what the size of the
easement should be.
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:,J Amstrup stated they did not have a specific design for the easement. It would need to have a
standard drive aisle width that is required in a parking lot, approximately 26 feet for adequate fire
accessibility width and it be designed to provide access from Parcels 1, 2 and 3.
Commissioner Romero wanted to know if the adjacent buildings were individually owned.
CJ Amstrup was not sure of the current situation but based on the applicanYs testimony they were
individually owned.
Chairman Buffa verified that based on the applicanYs testimony, at least two of the buildings in the
adjacent industrial park were individually owned. It would be the buildings that are adjacent to Parcel
3. These owners would like to acquire additional land.
Chairman Buffa expressed that Parcel 1 should take access from Kemp Street. It seemed ludicrous
that there would be property that fronts on a public street that could not use the public street. There
is a conflict between the industrial and residential edge. The City has taken steps to try to limit the
size of the vehicles and she doe not believe there is will be a huge volume of large trucks. It is a
public street and she thinks the applicant has the right to use the public street for the property that
fronts on it. Parcels 2 and 3 could take access off of Patt Street similar to the adjacent property. A
solution would be that Parcel 1 can access off Kemp Street, and Parcels 2 and 3 would have a
reciprocal access agreement to Patt Street. This would limit the impact on the neighborhood while
also allowing the applica~t to use his property.
Commissioner Karaki agreed. However, there would need to be a condition that Parcel 1 cannot give
access to Parcels 2 and 3. Also, a block wall or similar mechanism would need to be required to
prevent any through access onto Parcel 1. This is an appropriate compromise.
Commissioner Faessel inquired about future street improvements on La Palma Avenue between
Kemp and Patt Street.
Mr. Kennedy stated that there are no plans to widen La Palma Avenue between Kemp and Patt
Streets due to the residential uses on the street. Widen the street to the standard width of 53 feet
requires a substantial amount of right-of-way acquisition. The general plan it would be a very long
term project but nothing has been identified at this point and time, it is not in the Capitol Improvement
Commissioner Faessel referred to the Kemp Street right-of-way that is very narrow. He was
concerned that the narrow width would create unsafe vehicular access for Parcel 1. He asked if there
is the possibility that the applicant could dedicate future right-of-way for Parcel one so that at least
that portion of the width of the street could be increased. In the future, the truck terminal property
would dedicate the additional right-of-way.
Ms. Wong stated that on Condition No. 4 of the draft resolution requires a 10-foot wide easement for
road and public utility purposes. This dedication would for a residential collector street. If the
Commission allowed Parcel 1 access onto Kemp Street, staff would recommend the condition be
modified for a of dedication 18 feet for the width of an industrial street.
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Chairman Buffa thought it seemed like double jeopardy to her and thought it was unfair that the City
would not let him use trucks on Kemp Street but can make him dedicate enough land so that they
could drive trucks.
Commissioner Velasquez concurred and thought it would be better to keep the condition at ten feet,
unless they were trying to make it a true commercial street. If so, they may as well consider giving
access to Parcel 2 and 3.
Commissio~er Romero asked what would have happened if the owner of the truck terminal added a
driveway on Kemp Street.
Ms. Wong replied there is a condition of approval on the business' CUP prohibiting vehicular access
on Kemp Street.
Commissioner Faessel appreciated CJ's understanding of the potential easement. However, that
would be a"floating easemenf'. CJ stated for the record what the Planning Commission has before
them is not what staff intended, and he takes this all into account. However, he is concerned that if
there is any additional easement as an unintended consequence of re-connecting Kemp, his feeling
is, if they were going to try to do that they need to look at the City alley and restore that to a roadway
as it originally was which is not before them nor would he suggest it.
He was concerned if the Planning Commission were to allow access to Parcel 1 to Kemp Street, the
concern would be about access from Parcel 2 all the way down to Patt Street which could be done in
a 26 foot drive aisle but it is up to the applicant to see if he could manage that.
The applicant has given testimony that the two adjacent property owners have expressed a desire to
purchase a portion of Parcel 3 for their use. The applicant has indicated that a floating easement
precludes the potential sale of Parcel 3 to the adjoining property owners. He believes this wiU put a
hardship on the applicant. He has not heard anything that he satisfied with as far as access for
Parcel 2.
Chairman Buffa thought the two buildings that are at the top of the property take access to Patt Street
through what is probably a reciprocal access easement over the lots between them and Patt Street.
It is a private drive and is probably 26 feet wide that goes from Patt Street all the way to the back of
the property. This is what staff is suggesting for Parcels 2 and 3. It is misleading on the exhibit that
the City owns property adjacent to Patt Street. The respective of the City's negotiating position from
a land use prospective is that the property has a limited value for the City and is unfortunate that the
City has not been able to reach some accommodation with the land owner. She would encourage the
City to be reasonable in its negotiating position. Some of the City parcels would give him access
driveway opportunities that might make the land adjacent the two existing buildings a little more
Commissioner Faessel agreed.
Chairman Buffa stated that the applicant could lay out the easement wherever he wants.
Commissioner Romero reiterated that the Commission needs to be careful and not connect the traffic
from Patt Street onto Kemp Street.
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Commissioner Agarwal asked staff what the difference would be between the 6,000 pound and the
big rigs that can turn on that street. He asked if they had 16,000 pound delivery trucks.
Mr. Kennedy replied the ability for a vehicle to turn on the street is based on its length and number of
axles. The California Vehicle Code only allows them to restrict access by weight. An empty semi-
trailer could sometimes be lighter than a fully loaded single unit truck.
Commissioner Karaki asked the applicant what is preference would be of the proposals discussed.
Mr. Malliet stated he is okay with giving up access rights for Parcel 3 onto Kemp. He disagrees with
the assumed building square footages for the parcels indicated by Planning. The coverage on these
properties is only 40 to 42 percent. A 90,000 square foot parcel cannot accommodate a 45,000
square foot building. The maximum would be 16,000 square feet building. Further, there is not
enough width or length to design a building. There has to be a certain amount of width and Iength to
construct a building that is useable. The site is too narrow to construct a building with a drive aisle.
They would become odd shaped buildings.
For phase two of the industrial park, he gave up rights to use Kemp Street in order to get phase 2
He thinks there may be some restrictions that limit his ability to have access from the subject
property. He is sure he can work out access for Parcel 2 with staff. He is okay with giving up access
rights for Parcel 3 and possibly gives up access rights to Parcel 2 if he can come from the existing
industrial park.
The question he was not sure of is what staff was requesting when they indicated access rights. He
wanted to know if they were taiking about cars that cannot access these parcels through Kemp Street
or all vehicles as well.
Commissioner Karaki stated they are suggesting cars would have access but not trucks.
Mr. Malliet stated that he was open to restricting parcel three and parcels one to have public rights
that it has on it. Parcel two is difficult because of the rights he does not know if he has or if he gave
them up.
Commissioner Karaki stated that the real question is Parcel 2 vehicle access. He asked the applicant
if he would be willing to continue this item to another Commission meeting.
Mr. Malliet stated that he does not mind coming back as it has already been a six month process. He
needs staff to work with him to get a solution. When staff pulls out the diagram they say it is unsafe
which does not get him anywhere. He would like a solution.
Commissioner Karaki suggested that they not make a decision today and he work it out with staff.
Then they can see what goes on with the Engineering Department to see if there is a solution for
parcel two because this is the only parcel still in question.
Chairman Buffa asked him if he still owns any of the lots on his existing previous map.
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iVlr. Malliet replied he owns six of the remaining buildings on the one parcel. He does not own either
lot adjacent to Parcel 2, the second building from the bottom against parcel 3 is the one he has an
offer in escrow that he does own. That is the only one he owns.
Commissioner Velasquez stated that Iegaily it would be the property owners and not him that would
have to allow access.
Mr. Malliet stated that through his CC&R's the developer owner controls the CC&R's and controls
access issues until he sells the last building on the property. Legally he can amend the CC&R's to
allow access off of the industrial park onto those parcels.
He stated the only concern with working with staff is that if they allow access from parcel two off and
then parcel 2 still has car access to Kemp Street it creates a loop that people do not want to create,
6ecause if you divide parcel two into two the back of parcel two would have access off the industrial
park and the front half off of Kemp Street.
Commissioner Karaki stated that they would not suggest anything but they will ask him to work it out
with staff. The Commission is open to Kemp Street.
Mr. Amstrup clarified that the Parcel 1 would be allowed both passenger vehicle and truck access
onto Kemp Street, but he was unclear on Parcel 3, whether they were talking about limiting all access
to Kemp Street orjust limiting commercial vehicle access to Kemp Street.
Commissioner Karaki stated they would allow cars through Kemp Street as there is no reason not to
go through if they are on parcel three.
Chairman Buffa stated the reason would be if there is a driveway from Kemp Street into Parcel .3,
trucks will go there. She thought Parcel 3 need to relinquish vehicular access rights to Kemp Street.
She did not think it put an unreasonable burden on the land owner because he would have plenty of
public street access on Patt Street that would then mitigate part of the traffic to the residential
neighbors on Kemp Street.
Commissioner Velasquez stated it is necessary because we have to keep that balance in protecting
that residential neighborhood and one of the applicanYs concerns was having that easement going to
parcel three so they would have a buildable area and that is why the idea of working through parcel
two . She does not think they would be encroaching on the applicant because he would have plenty
of street access through Patt Street.
Commissioner Faessel, Commissioner Karaki, and Commissioner Romero disclosed they met with
the applicant.
Commissioner Karaki offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner Romero to continue Item No. 3
until August 4, 2008 Planning Commission meeting. Motion passed with 6 aye votes. Commissioner
Eastman abstained.
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OPPOSITION: One person spoke in opposition to the subject request.
DISCUSSION TIME: 1 hour and 6 minutes (3:09 to 4:15)
(This item was trailed)
Commissioner Easfman left the Chamber at 3:10 p.m
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Owner: Lawrence A Greco
P. O. Box 473
Kihei, HI 96753
Applicant: Dick Evitt
5905 Winncliff Drive
Riverside, CA 92509
Locakion: 1695 West Lincoln Avenue: Property is
approximately 0.44-acres, having a frontage
of 143 feet on the north side of Lincoln
Avenue and is located approximately 100
feet east of the centerline of Euclid Street.
Request to permit the retail sales and installation of
automobile wheels, tires, window tinti~g, audio systems
and auto detailing and upholstery.
Continued to August4, 2008
Motion: Faessel/Eastman
VOTE: 7-0
Project Planner:
Diane Bathgate
dbathgate@anaheim. net
Chairman Buffa stated that this item is an application to permit and retain auto related uses. She
asked if there was anyone who would like to speak to this item; seeing none, she continued with the
Commissioner Faessel offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner Eastman to continue Item No. 4
until the Planning Commission meeting of August 4, 2008. Motion passed with 7 aye votes.
DISCUSSION TIME: This item was not discussed.
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June 23, 2008
CEQA NEGATIVE DECLARATION Eastman Resolution No.2008-67
~Trackinq No. CUP2008-05318) Approved
Owner: Kindred Community Church
8712 East Santa Ana Canyon Road VOTE: 7-0
Anaheim, CA 92808
Applicant: Terry Jacobson
J7 Architecture, Inc.
' 1470 Jamboree Road, Suite 200
Newport Beach, CA 92660
Location: 8712 East Santa Ana Canyon Road: Property is
approximately 37 acres, having a frontage of 155
feet on the south side of Santa Ana Canyon Road
approximately 3,759 feet west of the centerline of
Gypsum Canyon Road.
Request to amend exhibits for a previously-approved church to Project Pla~ner.•
add three modular units for Sunday school classrooms. Elaine rhienprasiddni
Elaine Thienprasiddhi, Associate Planner, presented the staff report.
Chairman Buffa opened the public hearing.
Pastor Philip De Courcy, 2708 N. Whitehall, Orange 92867, stated that he is Senior Pastor of Kindred
Community Church and is present along with Terry Jacobson, the architect, and one of the church
elders, Doug McGuiness. They have read the conditions of the approval and are happy with them.
They are available to answer any questions.
Chairman Buffa asked if there was anyone who would like to speak to this item; seeing none, she
closed the public hearing.
Commissioner Faessel asked staff if they have received any written or verbal communication from the
surrounding neighbors regarding the proposed addition of the modular classrooms.
Ms. Thienprasiddhi replied that staff has not received any inquiries.
Commissioner Eastman offered a recommendation that the Planning Commission adopt the attached
resolution determining that the Previousiy Approved Negative Declaration serve as the appropriate
environmental document and approving the amendment to Conditional Use Permit No. 4033.
Grace Medina, Senior Secretary, announced that the resolution passed with 7 aye votes.
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June 23, 2008
Mark Gordon, Assistant City Attorney, presented the 22-day appeal rights ending at 5:00 p.m. on
Tuesday, July 15, 2008.
DISCUSSION TIME: 4 minutes (2:51 to 2:55)
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June 23, 2008
LL Agarwal
Owner: Mike Mcguirk
CIM Group
6922 Hollywood Boulevard, 9th Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90028
Location: 203 South Anaheim Boulevard 290 South
Lemon Street, and 180 West Center Street
(Parcels A1 - A3 within Downtown Anaheim):
Property is approximately 2.5 acres and is located
at the southwest corner of Anaheim Boulevard and
Center Street Promenade, with frontages of 173
feet on the west side of Anaheim Boulevard, 429
feet on the north side of Broadway, and 283 feet on
the south side of Center Street Promenade.
Requests to establish a 14-lot (1-Iettered and 13-numbered)
airspace subdivision for an existing mixed use project.
Dave See, Senior Planner, presented the staff report.
Chairman Buffa opened the public hearing.
Resolution No. 2008-68
VOTE: 7-0
Project Planner.
David See
Mike Mcguirk, CIM Group, 6922 Hollywood Boulevard, 9~h Floor, Los Angeles, 90028, stated that he
is available to answer any questions.
Chairman Buffa asked if there was anyone else who would like to speak to this item; seeing none,
she closed the public hearing.
Commissioner Agarwal offered a recommendation that the Planning Commission adopt the attached
resolution determining that the Previously Certified Environmental Impact No. 189 with the addendum
to call Anaheim Center as the appropriate environmental determination for this request and to
approve Tentative Tract Map No. 17251.
Grace Medina, Senior Secretary, announced that the resolution passed with 7 aye votes.
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June 23, 2008
Mark Gordon, Assistant City Attorney, presented the 10-day appeal rights ending at 5:00 p.m. on
Thursday, July 3, 2008.
DISCUSSION TIME: 5 minutes (2:55 to 3:00)
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June 23, 2008
Owner: Wayne Morganthaler
32 Sidney Bay Drive
Newport Coast, CA 92657-2105
Applicant: Trac Bao Cong Bui and Van Le Dinh
511 West Chapman Avenue
Anaheim, CA 92802
Location: 511 West Chapman Avenue: Property is
approximately 1.7 acres and is located 324 feet
east of Harbor Boulevard, with a frontage of 373
feet on the north side of Chapman Avenue (Orange
Mini Market).
Request to exchange an existing Type 20 ABC beer and wine
license to a Type 21 ABC license allowing beer, wine, and
distilled spirits for off-premises consumption as an accessory
use to its primary operation as a convenience market.
Dave See, Senior Planner, presented the staff report.
Chairman Buffa opened the public hearing.
Resolution No. 2008-69
Approved, modified
Condition No. 3
VOTE: 7-0
Project Planner:
David See
Michael Ayaz, Attorney, 2107 N. Broadway St. #106, Santa Ana 92706 stated that he represents the
applicant and they reviewed the conditions of approval and agree with them. Mr. See wanted to
correct one condition which relates to the percentage of floor space for display of alcoholic
Mr. See indicated that the applicant referred to Condition No. 3, which should indicate a maximum of
25% display area which is a restriction of alcoholic beverage control recommended by the Police
Chairman Buffa replied that it would make the condition consistent with staff report.
Mr. Ayaz stated that he is available to answer any questions.
Chairman Buffa asked if there was anyone who would like to speak to this item; seeing none, she
closed the public hearing.
Commissioner Romero offered a recommendation that the Planning Commission adopt the attached
resolution determining that Class 1, Categorical Exemption and a Determination of Public
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June 23, 2008
Convenience or Necessity No. 2008-00044 which includes the modification to Condition No. 3 read
into the record by staff.
Grace Medina, Senior Secretary, announced that the resolution passed with 7 aye votes.
Mark Gordon, Assistant Gity Attorney, presented the 22-day appeal rights ending at 5:00 p.m. on
Tuesday, July 15, 2008.
DISCUSSION TIME: 5 minutes (3:00 to 3:05)
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June 23, 2008
Applicant: Planning Depa~ment
City of Anaheim
200 South Anaheim Boulevard
Anaheim, CA 92805
Location: Citvwide
This is a request initiated by the City of Anaheim Planning
Department to amend a section of Title 7(Morals and
Conduct) and various sections of Title 18 (Zoning) of the
Anaheim Municipal Code as follows: Title 7- to amend
Chapter 7.24 (Handbills) by adding language related to the
distribution of handbills at public venues; Title 18 - to amend
Chapter 18.38 (Supplemental Use Regulations) by adding
specia'I event provisions for The Platinum Triangle, to clarify
existing citywide special event provisions and to amend
provisions related to the establishment of carnivals and
circuses; to amend Chapter 18.10 (Industrial Zone) to clarify
permitted outdoor activities; to amend Chapter 18.04 (Single-
Family Residential Zones) to amend various sections
pertaining to permitted encroachments for accessory
uses/structures; and to amend Chapter 18.52 (Density Bonus)
pertaining to apptication review to provide consistency with
recent changes in project processing procedures.
Motion: Buffa/Faessei
Continued to August 4, 2008
VOTE: 7-0
Project Planner.
Vanessa Nonvood
vnonvood@anaheim. net
Chairman Buffa stated that this item is a City initiated Citywide Code Amendment. She asked if there
was anyone who would like to speak to this item; seeing none, she continued with the motion.
Chairman Buffa offered a motion, seconded by Commissioner Faessel to continue Item No. 8 until the
Planning Commission meeting of August 4, 2008. Motion passed with 7 aye votes.
DISCUSSION TIME: This item was not discussed.
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June 23, 2008
Applicant: Planning Department
City of Anaheim
200 South Anaheim Boulevard VOTE: 7-0
Anaheim, CA 92808
Location: 8300 - 8306 East La Palma Avenue: Property is
approximately 3.7 acres, located at the southeast
corner of La Palma Avenue and Weir Canyon
' Road having frontages of 776 feet on the south
side of La Palma Avenue and 321 feet on the
east side of Weir Canyon Road.
This is a request initiated by the City of Anaheim Planning Project Pla~ner.
Department to reclassify the western 1.95-acre portion of Vanessa Nonvood
subject property from the CG (SC) (General Commercial, vnorwood@ananeim.ner
Scenic Corridor Overlay) zone, to the OS (SC) (Open Space,
Scenic Corridor Overlay) zone.
Vanessa Norwood, Associate Planner, presented the staff report.
Commissioner Romero asked staff if there was somebody who monitors this "gnat-catcher" to make
sure that it continues to be there.
Ms. Norwood replied the fish and wild life agency monitors.
Chairman Buffa opened the pubiic hearing.
Chairman Buffa asked if there was anyone else who would like to speak to this item; seeing none,
she closed the public hearing.
Commissioner Faessel offered a recommendation that the Planning Commission adopt the attached
resolution determining that the previously-approved Mitigated Negative Declaration is the appropriate
environmental determination for this request and to approve Reclassification No. 2008-00217.
Grace Medina, Senior Secretary, announced that the resolution passed with 7 aye votes.
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June 23, 2008
Mark Gordon, Assistant City Attorney, presented the 22-day appeal rights ending at 5:00 p.m. on
Tuesday, July 15, 2008.
DISCUSSION TIME: 4 minutes (3:05 to 3:09)
TO MONDAY, AUGUST 4, 2008 AT 1:00 P.M.
Respectfully submitted:
~ .
~~'~'~~~~/ :`~~~~'
Do~na Patino
Received and approved by the Planning Commission on August 4, 2008.
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