Minutes-ZA 1989/03/09a • s A C T I :O N AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE ANAHEIM CITY ZONING ADMINISTRATOR THURSDAY, MARCH 9, 1989, 9:30 A.M. Procedure to Expedite Meeting: The proponents for conditional use permit and variance applications which are not contested will have 5 minutes to present their evidence. In contested applications, the proponents and opponent will each have 10 minutes to present their case unless additional time is requested and the complexity of the matter warrants. After the opponent(s) speak, the proponent will have 5 minutes for rebuttal. Before speaking, please give your name and address and spell your name. Staff Reports are part of the evidence received by the Zoning Administrator at each hearing. Copies are available to the public prior to and at the meeting. The Zoning Administrator reserves the right to deviate from the foregoing if, in the Administrator's opinion, the ends of fairness to all concerned will be served. All documents presented to the Zoning Administrator for review in connection with any hearing, including photographs or other acceptable visual representations of non-documentary evidence, shall be retained by the City of Anaheim for the public record and shall be available for public inspection. The action taken by the Zoning Administrator on this date regarding conditional use permits and variances is final unless, within 15 days of the Zoning Administrator's written decision being placed in the U.S. Mail, an appeal is filed. Such appeal shall be made at any time following the public hearing and prior to the conclusion of the appeal period. An appeal shall be made in written form to the City Clerk, accompanied by an appeal fee equal to one-half the amount of the original filing fee. The City Clerk, upon filing of such an appeal, will set said conditional use permit or variance for public hearing before the City Council at the earliest possible date. You will be notified by the City Clerk of said hearing. After the scheduled public hearings, members of the public will be allowed to speak on items of interest under "Items of Public Interest". Such items must be within the jurisdiction of the Zoning Administrator. Each speaker will be allotted a maximum of 3 minutes to speak. Before speaking, please give your name and address and spell your last name. 0943H Page 1 la. CEOA CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION CLASS 1 lb. VARIANCE N0. 3914 OWNER: TING F. HSIAO, 328 N. Beach Blvd., Anaheim, CA 92801 LOCATION: 310 North Philadelphia Street Waiver of maximum structural height to convert a third level attic space into a habitable area. ~ ZONING ADMINISTRATOR DECISION N0. ZA 89-11 2a. CEOA CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION CLASS 5 2b.~ VARIANCE N0. 3915 OWNER: PENNY L. BECK, 3161 Westhaven Drive, Anaheim, CA 92804 LOCATION: 3161 Westhaven Drive Waivers of (a) maximum site coverage and (b) maximum number of bedrooms to expand an existing single family residence. ZONING ADMINISTRATOR DECISION N0. ZA 89-.1'2. 3a. NEGATIVE DECLARATION 3b. VARIANCE N0. 3916 OWNER: INVESTOR REALTY COMPANY, 500 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach, CA 92660 LOCATION: 1711-1731 West Katella Avenue Waiver of minimum number of parking spaces to establish a maximum of 8,938 square feet for fast food use within an existing retail center. • ZONING ADMINISTRATOR DECISION N0. 4a. CEOA CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION CLASS 5 4b. VARIANCE N0. 3917 OWNER: ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, 300 South Harbor Blvd., Anaheim, CA 92805 ` LOCATION: 302 East Cypress Street Waiver of minimum sideyard setback to move a single family house onto an existing lot. ZONING ADMINISTRATOR DECISION N0. Denied ~~8 Approved. Withdrawn d Withdrawn p' March 9, 1989 Page 2 5. ZONING ADMINISTRATOR ADJUSTMENTS: A. ADMINISTRATIVE ADJUSTMENT N0. 0025 AND CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION Approved with • CLASS 5: stipulation. To establish a medical office office in an existing office building with waiver of minimum number of parking spaces. Property is located at 230 South Euclid Street. ZONING ADMINISTRATOR DECISION N0. ZA 89-13.--- B. ADMINISTRATIVE ADJUSTMENT 0029 AND CEOA CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION. Approved CLASS 5• To construct a room addition to an existing single family • residence with waiver of minimum sideyard setback. Property is located at 1839 South Janette Lane. ZONING ADMINISTRATOR DECISION N0. ZA 89-14~ 6. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS: None 7. .ITEMS OF PUBLIC INTEREST: None CERTIFICATION OF POSTING I hereby certify that a complete copy of this agenda was posted at: ~S•ISO, m 3 13 I _ ~ LOCATIONS: COUNCIL CHAMBER DISPLAY CASE (TIME) (DA E) \ AND COUNCIL DISPLAY KIOSK SIGNED • ~ \ ~~ ~c-~v~r.~ IF YOU CHALLENGE ANY ONE OF THESE CITY OF ANAHEIM DECISIONS IN COURT, YOU MAY BE LIMITED TO RAISING ONLY THOSE ISSUE YOU OR. SOMEONE ELSE RAISED AT THE PUBLIC HEARING DESCRIBED IN THIS NOTICE, OR IN A WRITTEN CORRESPONDENCE DELIVERED TO THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR OR CITY COUNCIL AT, OR PRIOR T0, THE PUBLIC HEARING. March 9, 1989 Page 3 ' .. . • • 1 .. _ . REGULAR MEETING OF THE ANAHEIM CITY ZONING ADMINISTRATOR MINUTES - MARCH 9, 1989 The regular meeting of the Anaheim City zoning Administrator was called to order by Annika Santalahti, Zoning Administrator, at 9:30 a. m., March 9, 1989, in the Council Chamber. NOTED: Pamela Starnes, Executive Secretary, prepared minutes from the audio cassette tape of this meeting. PRESENT: Annika M. Santalahti, Zoning Administrator Leonard McGhee, Senior Planner Annika Santalahti, Zoning Administrator, explained the procedures for the meeting and that anyone desiring to speak about matters other than the agendized items would have the opportunity to be heard at the end of the meeting. ITEM N0. 1 CEQA CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION CLASS 1, VARIANCE N0. 3914 PUBLIC HEARING: OWNER: TING F. HSIAO, 328 N. Beach Blvd., Anaheim, CA 92801. Subject property is an irregularly-shaped parcel of land consisting of approximately 0.11 acre, having a frontage of approximately 43 feet on the eastside of Philadelphia Street, having a maximum depth of approximately 120 feet, being located approximately 140 feet north of the centerline of Cypress Street and further described as 310 North Philadelphia Street. Waiver of maximum structural height to convert a third level attic space into a habitable area. There were eight people indicating their presence in opposition and seven letters in opposition were received. Leonard McGhee said he wanted to correct paragraph No. 5 which should indicate the request is for 3rd level attic space in all four units of an existing four unit apartment building is proposed for conversion. ~ • MINUTES, ZONING ADMINISTRATOR, MARCH 9, 1989 PAGE 2 Ting Hsiao, 328 N. Beach Blvd., said other then the conversion, the building complied with all of zoning and building requirements. He noted the actual building height remains the same so nothing has changed. Keith Olesen, 321 N. Philadelphia, said his opposition is not because of the building already there; however, a great deal does change when you convert an eight foot attic into units or living space because that increases the density to almost double given the size of the existing units that are below that attic space. He said this property is zoned RM 2400 now. He said the property was purchased when this 96-acre downtown area was down-zoned from RM-1200 and had a General Plan designation allowing RM-1200. He said that all changed the week these building permits were pulled and the owner/requestor of this Variance was made well aware of the fact that it was RM-1200 zoning and that the only way such a structure could be built would be to build it exactly to RM-1200 Code with no variances because it would have to go to a public hearing which could not be held within the available time frame that he had until that down-zoning change. He opposed a variance on top of an apartment building that is currently twice the density allowable in that area, and further, is the only apartment on that block in the middle of all single family homes. He stated this request is more than just a height Variance it is an•increase in density, and the number of people that can be packed into that building. He noted the applicant's lack of~concern for the neighbors by having dump trucks and dumpsters blocking driveways until 11:00 o'clock at night, that people doing the work had knocked on doors asking how they can findrthis man because he is not paying them and all kinds of other annoyances that have little to do with the structure but a great deal to do with the intent in asking for this Variance. He submitted letters from everyone in the immediate area stating their opposition to the proposal.. He said there is a note on the building plans on file with the City that have been approved specifically stating the attic space is not for human occupancy. He strongly requested this Variance be denied. Dr. William Koon, 821 N. Lemon St., said he•was Vice-Chair of the Central City Neighborhood Council and also worked on the Community Development Block Grant Fund Committee. He said he' was also instrumental in the two down-zonings in the Central City. He said this was done to limit the density, traffic, over-population of the area and, by denying this Variance, the Zoning Administrator will•be going along with the letter of the law and the neighbors appreciate her cooperation. Judy Olesen, 321 N. Philadelphia, said the main thing they were objecting to is there should not be a Variance granted on this property in view of the down-zoning of the area. She said the neighbors are very unhappy the apartment is there to begin with. She said they are very concerned about over-crowding the area. She noted there were numerous Code Violations on the property. Bob Horton, 226 N. Claudina, said he was a member of the Anaheim Neighborhood Association and said the area that is going to be impacted is directly abutting some move-ons and the proposal will have a major affect upon those future move-ons. He said he felt this was a ridiculous request after the down-zoning has been put into place. He said according to the Zoning Code and the definition of Variances there appears to be no hardship on the land, it • • MINUTES, ZONING ADMINISTRATOR, MARCH 9, 1989 PAGE 3 appears to be a hardship on the developers pocketbook and you can not address those types of things in Variances. He noted the applicant should not be coming in a year after pulling the permits, having his plans approved, and then having no concern for the Zoning Code or the Laws. He said members of the Anaheim Neighborhood Association definitely oppose this Variance. Rebecca Rodriguez was here on behalf of her mother, Virginia Johnson of 301 E. Adele. She said she grew up in the house years ago and has seen a definite change in the neighborhood and environment since she returned in October of 1988. She said a lot of new people have moved into this area that don't take care of the neighborhood, while the residents that have been there for many years take very nice care of their homes and have a real sense of pride in the neighborhood. She said she did not know if the new residents were owners or renters. She said she opposed this request. In rebuttal, Mr. Hsiao said everyone seems to be against him. He said they talk about density, over-population and pride of the property. He said he would like to have someone go with him at mid-night and check how many cars are in each parking lot and tell him what kind of density they are talking about. He said, for example, the property across the street from his have about six cars on the property. He said some of the neighbors have six Mexicans living in the garage, so he doesn't understand why they are against him. He said he offers a good housing plan for everybody in the area. He said if he can get.a second bedroom he could rent to two single persons or rent to a small family of four. He said he doesn't have any parking problems because he has 10 parking spaces for a four unit apartment complex. He said he didn't feel he has a density problem or an over-population problem. He said as far as pride, these are really old homes and the most people do is paint their houses. PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED Ms. Santalahti asked when the building permit was originally issued and this was shown as attic space, what was the interior height and Mr. Hsiao said 7 feet 6 inches, and that it is the original design. Ms. Santalahti asked what was the square footage of the units as the building permit was approved and he said 3,023 square feet he believes. Ms. Santalahti said she was interested in the square footage of the individual units and he said about 768 square feet. Ms. Santalahti noted, as viewing the plans, the highest footage height of the building right now and as it would be if this were approved would be at about 26 or 27 feet. Mr. Hsiao said no, about 25 feet or actually about three inches lower then 25 feet. Ms. Santalahti asked Mr. McGhee what the standards were for habitable space versus an attic space when the building permits were issued and he said he did not know. w ~ MINUTES, ZONING ADMINISTRATOR, MARCH 9, 1989 PAGE 4 Ms. Santalahti said an attic was not just an attic because it was called that, it is an attic because of certain features such as the kind of stair used and whether there are windows. She asked what kind of windows did the attic have and applicant said on the northern side of the structure there were windows that are covered by louvres so the neighbors would have privacy. Ms. Santalahti asked if windows were shown when the building permit was issued and he said no. Ms. Santalahti asked what type of stairway access was proposed and applicant said the stairs will go from the front side or living room area to the attic area. She asked what was shown on the original building permit plan. Mr. Hsiao said a pull down stairway. Ms. Santalahti said it was a great concern to staff when the building permit was issued and asked why applicant decided to convert the space or even decide to make it that large because physically the attic area did not have to be that size. Mr. Hsiao said his idea was to offer people high quality living quarters. Conway Cook, 505 E. Compton Blvd. (designer,of the proposal), said one of the reasons '.f or the extra height was because of the high living room ceilings, and a loft that opens directly into the living room and the primary windows are tall and on the south side and that space that is used as an attic will open into the living room itself. Ms. Santalahti noted she had looked at the property and agreed with some of the residents' concerns that this is certainly a single family area as far as appearances go. She said she was familiar with the zoning history and the down-zoning of the area and the huge amount of concern and effort that went into the the General Plan Amendment and having the zoning lowered to RM-2400 for the whole area and the whole issue of density. She said the applicant was lucky in terms of timing in the sense that he was ready for his permits and was able to pull his permits prior to the down-zoning actually taking effect. Ms. Santalahti noted one of the opposition commented on hardship findings that are required in connection with Variances and, typically, the sort of thing that comes into play with a height issue tends to relate to the terrain of the property or something odd about the site in comparison to its neighbors, and certainly this is a rectangular site and there are absolutely identical properties around it so there is nothing about the property that one could ever use as an argument relative to a Variance. She stated he had twice the density that anyone else on that street is every going to get on an identical lot under the current regulations no matter how perfectly they designed their project. She said when you view the apartment project it is clearly different from the other houses so the design of the project is not compatible with the surrounding single-family houses. Ms. Santalahti said she was going to deny this Variance based on the fact that subject property is being developed with a legally nonconforming apartment complex which has a density (4 units) two times higher than is permitted by • • MINUTES, ZONING ADMINISTRATOR, MARCH 9, 1989 PAGE 5 the existing underlying RM-2400 Zone (2 units) due to building permits having been issued while the property was still in the RM-1200 Zone, and that shortly after issuance of building permits, the General Plan land use designation was decreased from 'medium density residential' to 'low-medium density residential' and the area was down-zoned to the RM-2400 Zone; that approval of this variance could double the 'people density' of the project from 8 residents to 16 residents because the existing 4 apartments have 1-bedroom each and the proposal would result in 2-bedrooms per apartment; that because of the down-zoning to RM-2400, no other property in the area can legally be developed with .the same residential density as exists on subject property; that expansion of a nonconforming use of land is specifically prohibited by Zoning Code Section; and that there are no existing 3-story apartment buildings in the area because most, if not all, of the existing area residences consist of 1- and 2-story single family dwellings. Ms. Santalahti noted this item was Categorically Exempt. This decision shall become final unless an appeal to the City Council, in writing, accompanied by an appeal fee, is filed with the City Clerk within 15 days of the date of the signing of this decision or unless members of the City Council shall request to review this decision within said 15 days. ITEM N0. 2 CEQA CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION CLASS 5, VARIANCE N0. 3915 PUBLIC HEARING: OWNER: PENNY L. BECK, 3161 Westhaven Drive, Anaheim, CA 92804. Subject property is a rectangularly-shaped parcel of land consisting of approximately 5,000 square feet on the north side of Westhaven Drive, having a maximum depth of approximately 100 feet and further described as 3161 Westhaven Drive. Waivers of (A) maximum site coverage and (B) maximum number of bedrooms to expand an existing single family residence. One person spoke in support of the proposal. No one indicated their presence in opposition and no correspondence was received. Tom Cloud, 15812 Las Solanes Drive, Westminster, said he was doing the remodeling work on the residence. He said when designing the project they were not aware they were encroaching about two-percent over the maximum allowable coverage. He said the two main reasons of the design were to keep the integrity of the existing house and to make two fire escapes so there would be two exits instead of one for safety reasons. He said most of the two-percent they are over is for the two stair ways. He said this is actually adding a master suite and the existing bedroom is going to be a den off the kitchen. Paul Stewart, 3157 W. Haven, speaking for the owner of the property Aurora Garcia, said they were aware of their next door neighbor's plans and were fully supportive of the project and feel the improvements will enhance the neighborhood. PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED • • MINUTES, ZONING ADMINISTRATOR, MARCH 9, 1989 PAGE 6 Ms. Santalahti said the downstairs portion of the addition as shown on the plans is to expand the den into the outdoor area and then remove a wall and have a partial wall between that and what appears to be the kitchen. Mr. Cloud said that was correct. Ms. Santalahti approved this Variance based on the fact that the waiver (A) is minimal consisting of a maximum lot coverage which is only 2$ greater than permitted by Code; and that waiver (B) is granted because the underlying RS-5000 zoning was adopted in 1971 when the development standards permitted 4-bedroom houses on 5000 sq.ft. lots and that there are other similar lots in the area which are developed with residences having 4-bedrooms. Ms. Santalahti noted this item is Categorically Exempt. This decision shall become final unless an appeal to the City Council, in writing, accompanied by an appeal fee, is filed with the City Clerk within 15 days of the date of the signing of this decision or unless members of the City Council shall request to review this decision within said 15 days. ITEM N0. 3_NEGATIVE DECLARATION, VARIANCE N0. 3916 PUBLIC HEARING: OWNER: INVESTOR REALTY COMPANY, 500 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach, CA 92660. Subject property is a rectangularly-shaped .parcel of land consisting of approximately 2.67 acres located at the northwest corner of Katella Avenue and Euclid Street, having approximate frontages of 347 feet on the north side of Katella Avenue and 334 feet on the west side of Euclid Street, and further described as 1711-1731 West Katella Avenue. Waiver of minimum number of parking spaces to establish a maximum of 8,938 square feet for fast food use within an existing retail center. This petition was withdrawn by applicant in order to advertise a Conditional Use Permit for Planning Commission consideration and action. ITEM N0. 4 CEQA CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION CLASS 5, VARIANCE N0. 3917 PUBLIC HEARING: OWNER: ANAHEIM REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, 300 South Harbor Blvd., Anaheim, CA 92805. Subject property is a rectangularly-shaped parcel of land consisting of approximately 5,376 square feet located at the southeast corner of Cypress Street and Philadelphia Street, having a frontage of approximately 48 feet on the south side of Cypress Street, having a maximum depth of approximately 112 feet and further described as 302 East Cypress Street. Waiver of minimum sideyard setback to move a single family house onto an existing lot. This petition was withdrawn by applicant in order to advertise a proposed reclassification for Planning Commission consideration and action. ITEM N0. 5 ZONING ADMINISTRATOR ADJUSTMENT ITEMS: 5a. CEQA CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION CLASS 5, VARIANCE N0. - ADMINISTRATIVE ADJUSTMENT 25 PUBLIC HEARING (ADVERTISED) .' • MINUTES, ZONING ADMINISTRATOR, MARCH 9, 1989 PAGE 7 PUBLIC HEARING: OWNER: Max Pearl Trust, c/o Fierstein & Sturman, 2875 Century Park East, Los Angeles, CA 90067. AGENT: Dr. David L. Tsoong, M.D., 5191 E. Crescent Drive, Anaheim, CA 92807. Subject property is a rectangularly-shaped parcel of land consisting of approximately 0.57 acres, having a frontage of approximately 100 feet on the south side of Euclid Street, having a maximum depth of approximately 250 feet, being located approximately, 440 feet north of the centerline of Broadway and further described as 230 South Euclid Avenue. Waiver of minimum number of parking spaces to establish a medical office office in an existing office building. There was one person indicating their presence in support of the proposal. There were two people indicating their presence in opposition and no correspondence was received. Ms. Santalahti said that on on January 16, 1989, public notification of subject administrative adjustment (to permit a 98 deviance from the minimum number of required parking spaces) was given; that a letter in opposition was received during the 10-day notice period; and that a public hearing was therefore scheduled and held on this date in accordance with Code Section She said 99 parking spaces are required and 90 parking spaces are proposed. Dr. David Tsoong, 5191 E. Crescent, Anaheim, said he has been an orthopedic surgeon and has practiced in Anaheim for over 12 years. He said the office would be used for physical therapy. He said there would be only five or six employees of which three to five would be therapists. He said a therapist would see no more then two patients at any one given time. He said the turn-over is between thirty minutes to one hour. He said they would need no more then 15 to 20 parking spaces at any given time. He said currently they see 30 to 35 patients during a whole day. He noted there would not be any doctors at this facility seeing patients. He said he felt the objections to this proposal were due to the fact that it was a business college before and students were coming and going all day. He noted they did not work on the weekends. Ms. Santalahti verified that the patients had scheduled appointments. Greg Mickelson, 4000 Mac Arthur Blvd., Newport Beach, said he was here as an agent for the property owners directly to the north which includes the Standard Shoe Store and two smaller retail stores directly adjacent between the shoe store and the proposed physical theraphy facility. He said they support the Variance and would welcome more visits to this center, particularly on a short-term basis, rather then as in the past when there was a lot of long-term parking and those users were not shoppers. He said they felt increased turnover in the parking lot is beneficial to all of the retailers. He noted the peak demand for the retailers is on Saturday and Sunday and with this physical theraphy facility being closed on the weekend, in practice additional parking is picked up during their busiest retail times. • • MINUTES, ZONING ADMINISTRATOR, MARCH 9, 1989 PAGE S Richard Murg, said he owns the strip center just south of this location. He said the center has nine stores and just a few years back when they had the school at this location they had a lot of problems with parking. He said the students would overflow into their parking lot and as a result they went into litigation with the real estate board and the school. He said they went before an arbitrator and came up with an agreement. He said the reason he is here is he does not want to see a similar situation occur and have to go through legal action again. He said if there is no problem with the parking as the proposed owner states then he would not have any opposition. Charles Allen, 240 S. Euclid, said he is the President of the Anaheim Board of Realtors and is here representing the association and their property which abuts the subject property. He said their concerns are the same as Mr. Murg as they have over the years had a major problem and have entered into litigation to try to resolve the parking problem. He said he was not sure they were opposed to the physical theraphy facility moving in but their concern is the parking. He said if the diagram on the wall is correct, and from what he can visually see at the site, there are only nine parking spaces in front of the subject property and 12 additional parking spaces in the rear. He noted that the cars parked in the rear have been vandalized in the past. He said they were looking for some kind of guarantee from the applicant that they will in fact enforce the parking requirements that all of them need in order to survive there together. Greg Mickelson said he wanted to respond on behalf of the neighbors. He said they have an reciprocal easement agreement which applies not only to their retailers but also to the proposed physical theraphy use which basically allows access across and onto Dr. Tsoong's property for parking. He said they have a driveway which is not only utilized by the retailers to the north but also the neighbors to the south. He noted that in their easement they have a right to designate employee parking and they do designate employee parking in the rear. Ms. Santalahti said the Traffic Engineer agreed that the parking study for the specific use at this location is adequate and notes that the rear parking lot should be adequately lighted. She asked if the area was currently lighted all night. Mr. Mickelson said they have flood lights on the back of the buildings. He said the ones on Dr. Tsoong's building have not been lighted since the building has been vacant, but noted they are in place and will be put on a timer. Dr. Tsoong said they did not have any safety problems at their current location. He said many of the patients are fire and police officers, and he felt their presence would help make the area safer for everyone. PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED Ms. Santalahti approved this Variance based on the fact that a parking study, to justify the proposed parking waiver, was submitted and was found to be adequate by the City Traffic Engineer subject to the rear parking area being adequately lighted so that it would be used, and that the proposed parking • • MINUTES, ZONING ADMINISTRATOR, MARCH 9, 1989 PAGE 9 waiver is for a medical office for physical therapy; that the applicant indicated that at any one time there will be a maximum of 6 staff on the premises consisting of 5 therapists with a maximum of 2 patients each and that the parking waiver will not cause an increase in traffic congestion in the immediate vicinity nor adversely affect any adjoining land uses. Ms. Santalahti noted this item is Categorically Exempt. This decision shall become final unless an appeal to the City Council, in writing, accompanied by an. appeal fee, is filed with the City Clerk within 15 days of the date of the signing of this decision or unless members of the City Council shall request to review this decision within said 15 days. 5b. ADMINISTRATIVE ADJUSTMENT 0029 AND CEQA CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION CLASS 5: To construct a room addition to an existing single family residence with waiver of minimum sideyard setback. Property is located at 1839 South Janette Lane. Ms. Santalahti said they had received no written correspondence on the Administrative Adjustment and noted the appeal period would end March 11, 1989 at 5:00 p.m. She said she would act on this item March 16, 1989. ITEM N0. 6 INFORMATIONAL ITEMS: None. ITEM N0. 7 ITEMS OF PUBLIC INTEREST: There was no one indicating a desire to speak. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, Ms. Santalahti adjourned the meeting at 10:45 a.m. Minutes prepared by: Minutes approved by: Pamela H. Starnes Annika M. Santalahti Executive Secretary Zoning Administrator 02068