1954/03/26City Hall, Anaheim..~ California.,! Special Meetinq, Mar¢~h 26, 1.954- 11:00 A.M. The City Council of the City Of Anaheim met in Special Meeting held at the hour of 11:00 A.M., March 26, 1954 for ~he purpose of considering employment of Legal Counsel and for the purpose of considering any other business relating thereto that may come before the City Council at said imeeting. PRHSENT: COUNCILN~N: Pearson, Fry, Sohdtte, Wisser and Van Wagoner. ABSENT : COUNCILMEN: None. CITY ATTORNEY~ PRESTON TURNER: Present.I CITY ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER, KEITH A. NtlRDOCH: Present. ]RESOI~I~TION NO. 2378: Councilman Van Wagqner offered Resolution No. 2378 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE !GITY OF ANAHEIM AUTHORIZING TH5 PAYN~N/ BY THE CITY OF ALL FEES, COSTS AND HXPENSES INVOLVED IN TH~ H~ARING AND FINAL DISPOSITION OF TH5 ACCUSATION FILED AGAINST TH5 CITY CLERK, CHARLES E. GRIFFITH. On roll call, the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILN~N: Pearson NOES: COUNC I L~N: None. ABSENT: COUNC IL~N: None. Fry, Schutte, Wisser and Van Wagoner. The Mayor declared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. There being no further busineSS before the Council, Councilman Wisser moved to adjourn. Councilman Van Wagoner seconded the motion. NDTION CARRIED. ADJOURNED. J~i ty 'Clerk City Hall, Anaheim, California, Special Meeting, April 2, 1954- 1:15 P.M. The City Council of the City of Anaheim met in Special Meeting~ 1:15 P.M. April 2, 1954 for the following purpose~ Consider the following: Determing action to be followed regarding City Clerk's position. Determine policy for recreatiOr~ site charge and consider Ordinance introduct- ion. Consider purchase of new, or additional garage and yard property. Approve Tract No. 1871, Final Map. Adopt Ordinance annexing Hast Romneya Annexation. Accept, or reject police car bids. Consider purchase of dump property, and any other proposition or business that may come before the City Council at said meeting. PRESENT: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Fry, Schutte, Wisser and Van Wagoner. ABSENT : COUNCILN~N: None. CITY ATTORNEY, PRESTON TURNER: Absent. CIIY ADMINISTRAIIVE OFFICER, KEIIH A. N~jRDOCH: Present. CIIY CLERK'S POSIIION~ Discussion was held and further action was withheld pending further information. PJ~.CPJ~ATION SITE CHARGES: The matter of introduction of an Ordinance determining the policy for Recreation Site Charges, and ~he consideration of an Ordinance governing the same was discussed by the Council a~d action was held over until the next regular meeting of the Council. PURCHASE OF PROPERTy: Discussion of proposed purchase of additional garage and yard property, as outlined and recommended by the Administrative Officer, was held.