Minutes-ZA 1994/09/01 ACTION AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE ANAHEIM CITY ZONING ADMINISTRATOR THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1994 .9:30 A.M. Staff present: Annika Santalahti, Zoning Administrator; Selma Mann, Deputy City Attorney; Della Herrick, Associate Planner; Maggie Solorio, Word Processing Operator; and Betty Preston, Sr. Office Specialist 1a. NEGATIVE DECLARATION Approved 1 b. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 3712: OWNER: GELB ENTERPRISES GENERAL PARTNERSHIP P.O. Box 8370 Van Nuys, CA 91409 AGENT: ASHOK JASUJA 2424 West Ball Road #P Anaheim, CA 92804 LOCATION: 2424 W. Ball Road: Property is approximately 3.1 acres located at the southwest corner of Ball Road and Gilbert Street. To permit on-premise sale. and consumption of beer and wine in an existing pizza restaurant. ZONING ADMINISTRATOR DECISION NO. 94-24 Remarks: Ashok Jasuja, agent, was present. No one appeared in opposition. Project approved. 2a. CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION-CLASS 21 Approved 2b. .ADMINISTRATIVE USE PERMIT 94-01 (READVERTISED) OWNER: ROSALBA M. MARTIN 2420 W. Greenacre Avenue Anaheim, CA 92801 LOCATION: 2420 W. Greenacre Avenue: Property is approximately 0.11 acre located at the southwest corner of Greenacre Avenue and Geneva Street. To permit a large family day care facility (7 to 12 children). ZONING ADMINISTRATOR DECISION NO. 94-25 Remarks: Rosalba Martin was present. One opposition letter received; then rescinded from previous 7/7/94 meeting. Charles O'Maian of 710 N. Geneva appeared with concerns regarding noise and parking. The Zoning Administrator alleviated his concerns and approved project with condition emphasing no advertising signs, hours of operation and time for children to be outside. 3. ITEMS OF PUBLIC INTEREST: None Page 1