Minutes-ZA 1999/02/11ACTION AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE ANAHEIM CITY ZONING ADMINISTRATOR THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11,1999 9:30 A.M. PRESENT Annika Santalahti, Zoning Administrator Judy Kwok, Associate Planner Melanie Adams, Public Works Dept./Development Services. Patricia Koral, Word Processing Operator 1a. CEQA EXEMPT (SECTION 15061tb)13}} 1 b. ADMINISTRATIVE ADJUSTMENT NO. 151 OWNER: SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON, A CORPORATION 100 N. Long Beach Boulevard, #1004 Long Beach, CA 90602 AGENT: CCA ASSOCIATES, INC Attn: Barry Adnams 1535 Monrovia Avenue Newport Beach, CA 92663 LOCATION: 1505 S. State College Boulevard. Property is approximately 9.53 acres located at the southwest corner of State College Boulevard and Cerritos Avenue. Waiver of maximum fence height (3 foot high permitted; 8 foot high proposed) to construct an eight foot high concrete block wall adjacent to a major arterial highway. ZONING ADMINISTRATOR DECISION NO. 2A99-3 Appeal period ends, February 10, 1999 at 5:00 p.m. REMARKS: Proposed 8 ft blockwall is located a minimum of 1 ft. from the ultimate right-of-way of the critical intersection, with 10x10 ft. cut outs for trees, along Cerritos Avenue. No opposition has been received. Plans identify that the fence will be a split face blockwall and under "Reports and Recommendations" for final landscaping plans the block wall shall not be painted but left the natural color, per action taken by the Planning Commission February 1, 1999. ZA021199.DOC -1- 02/11/99 The Conditional Use Permit No. 4010 that this Administrative Adjustment is associated with also has some conditions that pertain to the blockwall. The Zoning Administrator will be approving Administrative Adjustment No. 151, but will be repeating some of the information in Conditional Use Permit No. 4010 to make previous requirements clear. Zoning Administrator asked, are there five tree cut outs along Cerritos (one of the requirements under Condition 4-b of the approval?) Judy Kwok, Associate Planner, replied yes, that the exhibit does show five cut outs for tree wells. Zoning Administrator asked, How far apart are they on center from tree to tree? Judy Kwok stated that the trees are located approximately 35 ft. on center from tree to tree. Zoning Administrator, approval of Administrative Adjustment with the plans as submitted will include clarifications, that each of the tree areas along Cerritos shall be a minimum of 10 ft. clear not including fencing or any other structures so that the landscaped areas are fully 10 ft. by 10 ft. with a tree in it, that there are a minimum of five of these tree areas and that the largest measurement between the center of each one of these enclosures is maximum of 35 ft. from the center of one to the center of the other. Also noting that the Planning Commission approval of final detailed plans on February 1, 1999 required that the blockwalls not be painted., it will be a split face wall and it is to be a natural color for the entire length of the blockwalls, and that the blockwall is going to be continued from Cerritos Avenue, maintaining at least a 50 ft. setback from the ultimate right-of-way line along State College Blvd. and then turning west along the Southern Pacific Railroad track for distance at least about 278 ft. to the first storage unit. REOPENED MEETING: ITEM 1. Administrative Adjustment No. 151 Zoning Administrator wanted to clarify one point in looking at the plans that were submitted and the resolution that approved the conditional use permit with which this administrative adjustment is tied. They are required to provide one tree per every 20 ft. of lineal frontage adjacent to the arterial highways both Cerritos and State College, that would be a total based on the frontages of 22 trees or 11 trees on each frontage, and only five trees are shown in the tree wells areas along Cerritos and one or two or three trees are clustered at the corner. Zoning Administrator wanted to clarify her decision that they are required to provide a total of 22 trees along the street frontages and for whatever trees are not provided immediately adjacent to Cerritos those trees shall be provided on State College exceeding the minimum number that are required on State College (for instance, if there are 8 trees associated with Cerritos another three trees have to be added to the eleven trees required on State College, so that there is always a minimum of 22 trees on the property in the street frontage areas, and that is a specific requirement under condition no. 5 of the resolution approving the conditional use permit; that is, both City Council resolution 98r-183 which has some typographical errors in condition no. 5 and which should, have been identical to PC98-178, where its very clear that there has two be 1 tree per 20 ft. frontage. 2. ITEMS OF PUBLIC INTEREST: NON E ZA021199.DOC -2- 02/11/99