Minutes-ZA 2000/05/04• ACTION AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE ANAHEIM CITY ZONING ADMINISTRATOR THURSDAY, MAY 4, 2000 9:30 A.M. Staff Present: Annika Santalahti, Zoning Administrator Mac Slaughter, Deputy City Attorney Kathie Pfost, Associate Planner David See, Associate Planner Danielle Masciel, Word Processor 1a. CEQA CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION, SECTION 15061(b)(3) 1b. ADMINISTRATIVE ADJUSTMENT NO. 2000-00189 OWNER: Heath Terrace L.P. 27285 Las Ramblas Suite 230 Mission Viego, CA 92691 ATTN:Jon Head LOCATION: 195 South Heath Terrace: Property is 7.0 acres having a frontage of 38 feet on the south side of Heath Terrace located 331 feet south of the centerline of Rio Grande Drive. Waiver of maximum fence height to construct 6-foot high *wrought iron fencing within the front yard setback (3 feet permitted; 6 feet proposed) along Heath Terrace (new private street) of a new 6-lot single-family residential subdivision in the RS-HS 22,000(SC) (Residential, Single Family Hillside; Scenic Corridor Overlay) Zone. `Originally advertised as tubular steel. ZONING ADMINISTRATOR DECISION NO. 2000-22 Appeal period ended at 5:00 p.m. on May 1, 2000 Concur with staff Approved Project Planner: (kpfost(a~anaheim.net) No one was present in opposition and no written objections were received for this proposal. Annika Santalahti confirmed that the 6-foot high fencing is not proposed across the entire 6-{ot subdivision and doesn't go right to the edge of the private street section. David See, Associate Planner interjected that it is proposed for 4 lots only out of the 6 lots. It will be in the front section only. ZA050400.DOC Page 1 (Revised 5-2-00 @ 12:00 p.m.) PUBLIC HEARINGS: • 2a. CEQA MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION 2b. TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP N0.2000-129 OWNER: Benjamin Fisher 1110 Tamarisk Drive Anaheim, CA 92807 AGENT: Anacal Engineering 1900 East La Palma Avenue #202 Anaheim, CA 92805 LOCATION: 1110 Tamarisk Drive: Property is 1.27 acres located at the northeast corner of Tamarisk Drive and Avenida De Santiago with frontages of 338 feet on the south side of Tamarisk Drive and 76 feet on the east side of Avenida De Santiago. To establish a 2-lot single-family residential subdivision in the RS-HS-22,000 (SC)(Residential~ Single-Family Hillside; Scenic Corridor Overlay} Zone. ZONING ADMINISTRATOR DECISION NO. Continued to 5/18/00 Zoning Administrator meeting Project Planner: (kpfost(a~anaheim.net) 4 people were present in opposition of this item The applicant was not present at this public hearing due to his request for the continuance. Donna Murphy, 6960 East Avenida De Santiago stated that when they purchased their home 3 years ago, they bought in an established neighborhood and expected it to stay that way because that is what the regulations were. So that is why we are opposing it. Robert Gunther, Sr., 6960 East Avenida De Santiago, we have 2 % acres and I would sure love to divide mine but I knew I couldn't when I purchased the property. Robert Zerrenner, 6985 Via EI Estribo, is against the whole subdivision idea and feels that the parcel isn't really large enough to subdivide. Because of that neighborhood and the caliber of the neighborhood there are very expensive and large homes up there. Why anybody would want to spend that kind of money when you have a neighbor crammed in between two houses. You can go to any new development and get a neighbor that close if that is what you are after. The only thing this subdivision will do is drive the prices down in the area. Sonja Grewal, Anaheim Hills Citizen Coalition, P.O. Box 17578, Anaheim, CA 92817. We are incredibly against this, and it is a terrible precedence to even consider. There was major input from every agency in the county. Stated that this development does not satisfy the intent of the General Plan but in fact goes against the General Plan. 1t is totally against the CC&R's that were set to protect these properties. Most of the lots in the area are over 1 acre but they are not subdivided. Annika Santalahti, Zoning Administrator directed staff to advise applicant of the very specific issues that were raised by the opposing neighbors. She granted a continuance to the May 18, 2000 public hearing meeting. 3. ITEMS OF PUBLIC INTEREST: None Page 2 (Revised 5-2-00 @ 12:00 p.m.)