1954/04/20City Hall,.. Anaheim, California., ~i1~20~ 1954~- 8:00 l ~The City CoUncil of the City of by law, and in Regular Session. PRESHNT: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, ABSENT : COUNCILMEN: Schutte a CITY ATTORNEY, PRESTON TURNER: CITY ADMINIS/RATIVH OFFICER, L The Mayor. called the meeting to absentee vote, the returns of the precinc Municipal Election held Tuesday, April-13, officers. -Anaheim met ~in Special Session~- as provided Fry and Wi sser. nd Van Wagoner. PreSent., TH~. N~CH: Present. )rder for the purpose icl canvassing the Votes and to declare the results :~of the 1954, and to iinstall the. newly elected Mayor Pearson appointed himself,t"Inspector- and Councilmen Fry and Wisser "Judges". T~e Council :.th~!~eupon prooeeded~to canvass the votes cast at said General Municipal Hlection~ and did find upon compXetion of said canvass the following facts: 9 (aQ__ The whole number of votes c~st in the city was 922. (b) The-names of the pezsons vo~ed ~or were: Glenn G. Fry · A.J. Schutte ~ Lucien N. Maynard Glen -~ ~ W~lliam Fricker~ Ross Laird ~ ' ---' ~ ~ Har~y T. Fackiner Ray Melvin Tom Lenin ~Vic Ruedy .A.B. Scutt Johnny Spielman (c) That the offices for which 6ach pe~son was voted for was that ~o~ City Councilman.L _ (d) The number of votes given a~ each precinct to each person was as '~ follows:' ~ i~ ~ ,~i Consolidated Voting Precinc~ "A" - ~Glenn G. ~r~ A.J. Schutte Lucien N. Wisse~ , Comsolidated Wotin9 Preci~c~ Glenn G. Fr~ , A. J. Schut~e ~ Lucien N. W~sser Consolidated Voting Precinct "C" Glenn G. Fry A. J. SChutte Lucien N. WiSser Consolidated Voting Precinctl "D" Glenn G. Fryi A. J. Schutt~ Lucien N. Wi~ser Consolidated Voting Precinct. "E" Glenn G. Fryi A. J. Schutt~ Lucien N. Wi~ser 64 63- 65 80 79 118 115 113 42 42 44 75 73 73 Consolidated Voting Precinct Glenn G. Fry. A. J. Schutt{ Lucien N. WiI Maynard Glen] set 95 95 96 1 City Hall,. Anaheim,. Ca~ifornia~ .April~ 20; 1954- 8:90 P.M. Consolidated Voti~lg Precinct "G" G~enn G.. Fry 70 A~ J. Schutte 72 L~cien N. wisser 69 ) Consolidated Votirig Precinct "H" Gi.enn G. Fry A, J. Schutte Lt cien N. Wiseer' W~il.liam Fricker Consolidated Votigg Precinct "J" G~enn G. FrY Ai J. Schutte L~cien N.'- Wisser 55 32 30 31 Consolidated VotiJ G: ~-9 Precinct "K" Lenn O. Fry A J. Schutte L1 cien N. Wisser H~ try T. Fackiner Ri.~y Melvin ._ :: T, ~m Lenin Consolidated Voting Precinct "L" , G~enn G. Fry ~. _ Ai J. Schutte - ~ Lgcien N. Wisser V~c Ruedy ' ^i Consolidated Votihg Precinct "M" G~enn G. Fry ~ J. Schutte . oien J~hnny Spie lman Consolidated Voting Precinct "N" ~lenn G. Fry ~. J. Schutte ~ L~ ien ,N. Wisser ~o~ss Laird ~ 66 68 62 '1 1 1 58 57 56 2 1 58 59 59 1 . 81 ~ 78 c '~ ! 80 1 (e) The number of vo~es given at the City Election to each person was:~ 'The Canvass of the Ab~ meetin9. The adoption of the R, other matters as are enumerated of the Absentee Vote. The inst~ the final canvass of the Absent, seconded by Councilman Wisser. ~,lenn G. Fry ,. J. Schutte ,ucien N. Wisser iaynard Glen illiam Fricker oss Laird Harry I. F~ackiner Ray Melvin iom Lenin ic Ruedy . B. ~Scutt ohnny Spielman 895 884 882 1 3 1- 1 1 ~ 1 2 1 ientee Vote was postponed until the next reguiar~ ,solution redi~ing the facts of the'~election'Land~sUCh above was likewise postponed until after the canvass ~llation of persons elected was postponed, until after ~e Vote. Above action, on.motion by 'Councilman Fry~ ~OTION CARRIED. ~ COUNCIL ~OC~~ ~T~ OT~ BusINEss BE~ T~" COUNCIL.c ~ ~SOLUTIONNO. 2396: Councilman Wisser offered Resolution No. 2396 and moved fora its passage an~ adoption. _~ .~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Refer to Resolution Bbok~ page City. Hall, .~uaheim, Californ.~a.,' April 2D, 1-954- ~8~00 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TH~ CITY OF AN~IM ACCEPTING. A GRANT DEED CON- VEYING TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CERTAIN HEAL PROPERTY. FoR ~-~ ~~r~ FOR STRUT WIDS~NING PURPOSES. '(Harmon W. Summers and ~ary E. $6mm~ers) _ On roll call the foregoing r~solution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: ~ ' AYES'. COUNCIIJ~EN.. Pearson, Wi~ser and Fry. NOES: COUNCI L~N: No ne. ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: Schutt~ and Van Wagoner. The Mayor declared the foreg¢'iing resolu{ion duly pa~sed and. adopted. . FL~ INSURANCE ~WAL: M. E. Beebe ~i C~_o.: Agent. Comprehensive Bodily Injury and Property Damage Liability Policy No. CIiP 50723 - Period~ April 12~ 1954 to April 12, 1955 - Premium, $6,147.98. Renewal of above policy was ~ seconded by Councilman Fry. NDTION CA~ REFUND.,.. TRACT NO.., ~456 (Pursuant to Re., authorized to refund balance of $4,045 $16,445.00 posted for completion of al. ~uthoriZedOn motion b¥Councilman Wisser, RIED. iolution No. ~2145) The City Auditor was i00 due Dr. Kersten and Ntt. D~er; balance of street improvements and installation of all sewer lines and improvements in said t:?act. Moti6n by Councilman Fry, seconded by Councilman Wisser. NDTION CARRIED. · . R~EST:. HANG BANNS: C. A. Schmitt,jMajor of St, ~_C~a-therineJs N[ilitary School~ requested permission to place street sSgn across Palm Street at the corner of Palm and Chartres Street, advertising the F~ther Maguire Memor:al Chapel Fiesta, to be held May 16th. Request granted; banners to ~e installed under the supervision of Superin- tendent of Light, Power and Water, on motion by Councilman Wisser, seconded by Councilman Fry. NDTION CARRIED. c ~ ANN~ATION. BY QI/Y OF BUENA PA~: Co]~unication from the City of Buena Park relative to proposed annexation was su])mttted and' ~ead RI!SOLUTION NO. 23971 Councilman Wisse:~ Offered Resolution No. 2397 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, page a R~SOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TH~CITY OF ~N~%H~IM CONSENTING TO TH~ ANNEXATION BY THE CITY OF BUENA P~RK OF C~RTAIN T~ITORY DESIGNATED AS "LU~BKE~~ATION NO.~', WHICH T~ITORY LIES WITHIN THR~ MILES OF THE BOU~DARIES OF TH~ CITY OF AN~EIM. On roll call the foregoing r~solution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNGILN~N: Pearson,: Fry andWisser. NOF~: COUNCILN~_N: None. ABSEN/: COUNCIL~N: Van Wa§cLef and Schutte. The Mayor declared the foregD~in9 resolution duly passed and adopted. BUSINESS LICENSE: DI$.AJBL~D VE~: ~Wendell M' 'Adams was granted permission to sell flowers on the city streets~ Aprill 21, 195~, on motion by Councilman Wisser, seconded by Councilman Fry. NDTION CARRIED. PLUN~RS~ BOND: ~Joe Pastusak, dba PaStusak Plumbing Co. was ordered received and filed., when app:6v~e~ by the Ci:y Atto~ey, ~n mo{ion:by C6uncilman Wisse~, seconded by ~Counci!man Fry. ~DTION C~RRI~. : - ~ ._ s ~EST: USE OF LA PALNUt P~-": Afte~n0on and-evening of ~ay 26th by %he~ Kiwanis: Club, to stage the 'Al: ~ames B~os.'Cil~us shoW, prOCeeds %o:go for: YOUth Ac~iv:J;i.e~ Motioned by Councilman Fry, seconded by Councilman Wisser~ :he request be:. granted upon payment of the necessary license fee by the All ~ames Bros Circus. ~OTION CARRIED. PURCHASE; .... E~3ISON COMPANY F~TL:T:F~-' i purchase~ of Southe:n-California Edison Company facilities on the east side o~ Euclid~ north side of La Palina (-in ~he Romneya Drive areal for $3,426.90 was ::recommended by the Superintendent of Light, 634 City Ha.l.1; Anahe~m~ California; April 20~ 195,4-~8:~00 P,M. Power and Water, and submitted hy the. Administrativ.e Officer~who also Fecommended the purchase. Said purchase wa Councilman Fry. ~OTION C~ s auZhorized on motion, by CQuncilman Wisser~ seconded by .RRQU.EST: GENERAL PETROLEU the 20-foot set back at th corner of Lemon and Orangetharpe was brought before tke Cotln~cil. c Request was dent!ed on ~motion by Counccilman Fry, ~econ3~ed~ bY <Gpunci~l~n~n. Wisser. NDTION CARRIED. r .~ ~ ~. COMPANY'. Request to place pump-island and pumps within new station now under construction at the Northeast ACTING CITY F_NGI~: gel. th A. Murdoch was appointed Actin9 City Engineer for the City of Anaheim, in the~a~sence of City Engineer who is on vaca~iQn, on motion by Councilman Wisser~ seconded by Councilman Fry. NDTION.~CARRIED. ~ L ~ RESOLUIION NO. 2398: Councilman Wisser :offered Resolution No. 2398 an4 moved for i~s passage and adoption. Refer to Resolu~ A R~SOLUTION OF THE CITY CONSTRUCIION AND !NSTALLA] ACTUATL~D TRAFFIC CONTROL OF .SIJCLID ~VENUE WITH STA] WITHIN THt~ CITY OF ~AH£I~ ;ion Book, page ;OUNCIL OF TH~ ~ITY OF ANAHEIM AUTHORIZING TH~ JOINT ION WITH TH~ S/ATE OF C~IFORNIA OF A ~LL-TR~FIC !~L $YST~ k~ ~IGHWAY LI~I~AT I~ I~S~TION ~ H~WAY R~ ,VII-0~17~A~ (Lt~O~ ~V~JE) c ~ ~OVIDING FOR T~ PAY~ OF A ~RTION OF ~E COSTS THEI~OF BY THE CITY OF AN'~HEIM, _ On roll call the foregoing resolution was duly passe~d~and a~dgpted bY %he~ followin9 vote: ~ ~ - AYES: COUNCII~N: Pearson, Fry a~d Wisser. NOES: COU~I]]~N: None. ~ ~.~ ..~ ~S~T: COUNCI].~N: Van Wagoner and Schu%%e. The Mayor decla:re~ the"fo~egoing resolu%i0n duly passed~and~ ~dop~ed. O~GE AVE~E ~TION~ ~. E. W.{~eller addressed t~e C6~c~1 in~r~feren~e' %o the~proposed Orange Avenn,~ ~nexation~ and asked if %here was an~ay persons in~res~ed in said~ annexa,~ion could-~egis%er in order~to P~r~icipa~ inc~id special annexation electi0n~ ~ The Clerk was instructed to look into this matter. PURCHASEL Furniture for Police Station purchase was referred %o the A~inistrative Officer for necessary action on mo~ion by Councilman Wisser~ seconded by Councilman Fry. ~TION C~I~. Councilman Wisser moved to adjourn. Councilman Fry:} seconded the motion. NDTiON CARRI 53). APPROVED F