1954/06/09City Hall: .Anaheim: C~ifornia: Juqe 9, 1954 The City Council of the City of Anaheim met in regular session. (The 8~h being the State Primary F-lection). ~ PR~$ENI: ~COUNCILMEN: Pearson~ Schut~te~ F~y and Van Wagoner. ~ c ABSENT : COUNCII3~: Wisser.~ ,-- ' c ~ CITY ATTORNEY, PRES~N ~R~: Present. GI~ ~INiST~TIVE O~IC~ KEiTH A. ~~CH~ Presen~ ..... ~. ~ MI~TE$; ~e ~nutes of the regular meeting held ~ay 25, 1954 were approved on motion by Councilman V~n Wagoner, seconded by Councilman Schu~te. ~IION C~I~. WA~S ~ D~~: Councilman Van Wagone~ ~epo~ed demands against the city ~ount- lng to .$124~-963.72~ ~ Councilman~ Schutte mo~ed that~reper% of Finance 6o~i%tee be accepted and ~ha~ warrants ~ d~awn upoA ~he T~easu~e~ ~o{Day said demands~in acco~ance with report. Councilman Fry seconded the motion. ~IION CA~I~. PUBLIC HHARI~iG;...~-53-54-20: C, A. Zimmermann- 805 So. Los Angeles Street, requesting the property located at the southwest corner of West South Street and Sou~h Los Angeles from R-3 to C-1 (2 acres). . c. ~ City Planning Commission, pursuant to Resolution No. 66 ~- Series 1953-5~4, recon~nended granting said reclassification Subject to: : : 1. The erection of a solid masonry wall~ six feet bigh~ along the souther%y line of the property. _ . 2. The deeding of an 8-foo% strip to the City of Anaheim forcthe widening of the alley along the west side of the property. /hose addressing the Council in support~._of Petition Submitted in opposition to the rezoning were: Leo F. Ostdick Ars. Am~s ~rs. ~Velbiss Mrs. ~d Mrs. B~ock .... { _.~ .~Henry ~ang .... c __ Mrs. ~itehead Mr. ~tehead ' C ~ .. C Tho~e ad~e~ng ~he ~uneLZ ~avo~ng ~he ~e~on~ng ~, Z~e~ann Public Hearing was ordered "continued" until next_ meeting on motion by Councilman Van Wagoner~ seconded by Councilman Wisser. ~OTION CARRIED.~ PUBLIC HEARING: .F.-5.3-54-21;. Homer H. Fuller:. for permission .t_o.~rezone prgperty at 1241 Acacia Street from R-A to ~1~ for proposed store site. City Planning CommisSi0n, pursuant t° Resolution 67 -. Se~ie.s. 1953-54 re- commended said reclassificatio~ subject~to: 1. The reclassification to cover only a strip 30 feet wide on A~ac~a Street and 146 feet,,m0re or less, al0nq PiBew0pd ~enue~, 2. The deeding of ten feet to the City of Anaheim along Acacia Street ~°r - street widening. 3. The store set-back to be 25 feet on Acacia Street and 10 feet along Pinewood . .Avenue. 4. Off-street parkin9 t~ be provided at the rear of the property in accordance withe the Ana~heim Municipal Code. The CounciL conSidered the' Batter o~f..: further co~ercial.exp~ans~gncinc~o territory and denied said reclassification on motion by Council~n Van WagoDer~¢onded by Councilman Fry. ~TION C~I~. City Hall, Anaheim, .Galif. o~nia.~ ~y 9~ 1904- ~Ss0Q P,M.~ , ........... PUBLIC~.HEj~RING: :F~5~54-22: ~City PlanningiCo~ission, to ~zone that a~ea described below fr~ R-A ~o R-l: ~~ .~ ~ ~- c c ~ n.c . . . That area north :el Eastwood Drive and along the south side of Hast That area lying westertycof North and East North Street, westerly t, The area bo~ded by the north si~. R. R. tracks, the extension of Sa: a~on9 the 9asr s~de of: North East Street 2a Palma Avenue east of North East.Street. East Stree~ between Ha~t Wiihelmina Street North Bush Street. C C; . C. C of Ess$ NorSh ~tseet, the t La Palma Avenue, and North East Street. cc NO one present at ~he meeti;g o~J~C;%ed written objections were filed wi~h the GitytClerk.~ / ~LUTION NO. 2436~ Councilman Schutte of red ResolutiOn No. 24~ and moved for itscpassa~ecand adoption. 3 Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLUTIO~OFoTHE CITY:-CO~NCIL OFc THEiCI37 CHANGE OF ZONE IS NECESSARY IN CERTAIN[ARE~ 2 OF THE ANAHEI~ MUNICIPAL CODE SHOULD BE r t'; OF AN~HEI~:~FINDINGnAND .~ETE~INING THAT A Si OF THE CITY AND THAT ~ENDED, TO ACCOI~PLISH SAID CHANGE OF ZONE. (F~53-54-~2~ C.P.C. 68) cc - ~ i ..... On roll call the foregoing resolution was dUly passed and adopted by the following vote: ~: ~ v ' , c.~ ~ AYe: COU~I~N: Pearson, F~ Schutte and Van Wagoner. ~ES:c C~IL~,:c NOne., '! ~ :. c :: ~ c c ~ ~SE~'. ~IL~: Wisser. ' ~_ ~ ~ ~. -~ .... ~ Iho ~a~or doclarod tho foro~o~n~ r~solut~on dul~-passed and adopted. ~BLIC ~RG~ ~5~5~23~ Ra~ond E. ~[lor- ~orth~t corner of ~cacia Street and East La ~alma ~venuo exgend~n~ northerl~ 66~ feet fro~ ~he cen~or 15ne of ~ast La Pa~a ~vonuo and ~ostorl~ from tho con,or line of ~cac~a S~root 150 foot bo rozonod from R-~ to R-l. ~ c The City Planning Commission Reso the reclassification be granted, subject to 1. The filing of a Record of Survey County of Orange on any lots cut No one present at the meeting obj no written objections were received by thec, RESOLUTION-NO. 2437:~4~ gSuncitmah SChutt~ Of its passage and adoption. ~'~' ~-- CRe'fer~%o Resolu%ion'BoO~, Page I. ution No. 69, ::Series 1953-54 recommended ~ap with the City of Anaheim and the f~om this property. acted to p~opo~ed reclassification, and ;~t¥ Clerk £ered R~s~lutiOn No~- 2437 and moved for A CHANGE OF Z0NE ISCNECESSARY IN:CERTAIN ~$ OF THE/CITY AND IHAI ~RTICLE IX, CHAPTER 2 OF THE ANAHEIM ~JNICIPAL CODE SHOULD BE~~D TO ACCO~PLiSH: SAID CHANGE OF ZONE. · (F-53-54-23, C.P.C. 69) .- , On roll call thecfo~egoing i-esolu followin9 vote~ C C '~ AYES: NOES: COUNCIL~: Pearson, Fr COUNCIL~N: None. %i°n wa~c. duly Dassed and adopted by the y, Schutte and Vanc Wagoner.cs :. ABSENT% C~UN~ILNh%N Wiss The Mayor declared the fOregoln9 ~'esolution duly passed and adopted. P~,,,~.HEARING:. F-53-54-24: Lucile L, Le~ - T~iangle boun~ed,.oncthe ~est by Gzlbert Street, on, the So~h by West La Pa~ Menue and on the North by ~anchester Avehue, be rezoned~ f~m RiA to ~1 to enab~' the tocatton of~ the:Ca.nation ~lk :: co.any:%~n this City Hall, Anaheim, C~liforni~,~ J~un~e 9, 1.95_4-~8:_-07 Pu~blic Hearing was heLd.at the May,25th meeting, however, publication was for the meeting of the 9th of June, which nedessitated another Public H~ring. '~ . City Planning Commissi, an~ pursuant to Resolution No. 70, Series 1953-54 recommended said reclassificatidn~-subject to: ~ l. The de,cling"of a 20-foa. t strip to the City Of An~hei~ along. We§t~ La Palma Avenue for fUfur~ street widening. ~' . The establishment of j P-L Z6ne along Wesf La Palma Aven6e. ~ RESOLUTION NO. 2434~ Councilman Van Wagoner offer~ed Resolution No. 2434 and moved fOr its ~assage and'adoption Refer to Resolution B~ok, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CIT~ COULCI~ OF THE CIT~ OFIANAHEIM FINDING ~ND~TE~MININd T~AT A CHANGE OF ZONE IS NECESSARY iN CERTAIN AREAS OF THE CITY AND THAT 'ARTICLE IX, CHAPTER 2 OF TH~ ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE SHOULD BE AMENDED TO ACCOMPLISH SAID CHANGE OF ZONE. (~-53-54-24 - C.P,:C. 70 - Resci~dS'~Resol~ti~n 2433, 'passed' 5/25/54') On roll'call the foregoing res61ution was duiy passed and-'adopfed by the following vote: " ' AYEs: COUNCILMEN: iPearson, Fry~ Schutte and Van~.Wa'~o~e~'. NOES: COUNCILMEN: ' None. ABSENT: COUNC IL~AAN; Wisser. The Mayor declared th~foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. _ORDINANCE NO. 906.- ~Codncilman $Chutte-offered Ofdinanc~ No. 906' fO~ and moved for its p~ssage and ad. Option. ~. ~. ~: o;+ . AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAheIM A~ENDING ARTICLE iX~, CHAPTER-2 OF ~HE ANEHEIM N~JNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO THE ~$TABLISHMENT OF ZONES IN THE CITY OF ANAHEI~ AND THEREIN REGULATING THE USE OF LAND, HEIGHT OF BUILDINGS AND YARD SPACES'. ADOPTING A MAP SHOWING THE BOUNDARIES OF~ SAID ZONES; D~FINING~ ~H~. TERMS U$~D-THER£IN, PROVIDING FOR ADJUSTN~NT',--ANEND~4ENT AND ENFORCEMENT: PRESCRIBING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION AND- REPEALING'ALL SECTIONS OR PARTS OF SECTIONS IN CONFLICT'THEREWITH. " " (F-53-54-24: C.P.C. 7O) ~EP_L~_Ijl~_jiOR BUSINESS LICEN~q~., 'Submitted by Wal~er~Jackson HammonS, for the operation of State Industrial Private Patrol within the City of Anaheim was submitted, read and referred to the Chief of Police for investigation and report on motion by Councilman Van Wagoner, seconded b~ Councilman Schutte. MOTION¢CARRIED COUNCILMAN WISSER entered ~he meetiJg: 9:20 P.'~.- .APPLICATION FOR_~_Bjj_$.IgNESS f.ICEN-qE~.- D.A.V. Clyde Oreson for selling costume jewelry and novelties was referred back to Mr. Oreson for more information on motion by Councilman Van Wagoner, seconded by Councilman $Chutte.. ~OTION CARRIED. INSURANCE: William G. Walker addressed the Council informing them that Anaheim Insurance Association has been organized consisting of fifteen members, and thai .... very soon a proposal will be submitted to the City Council on the City's fire insurance program, and that more-Agents2~ll be participatimg. '~ TENTATIVE __N~_P_~__IR__ACI NO, 2249; Hahn St. John-- East Romneya Drive bet,eon-Tracts Nos. 2021 and 2022 - 69 lots. City planning CommisSion approved s~id tentative ~map~ subject~, to:~ ~ 1. The turning of the northerly street southward to allow for %hat portion-- required by the State Highway Department. 2. The payment of $25.00 per lot for the--acquisition of park and recreation sites. City CoUncil, onmoti~n by Councilman Fry, seconded by Councilman Schutte': approved ~said Tentative MaP of Tract NO.-2249, subject to conditions as outlined, by - the City Planning Commission. NDTION CARRIED. ~ ~ 674 City Hall~ ADahaim, California, TENTATIVE Nh~P, TRACT ~. 2258'. Subdivider, Avenue just east of Tract No. 1803- 95 lot. City Planning Commission approved 1. The Subdivider rearranging the west by having an alley back of 2. The payment of $25.00 per lot for sites. Action was withheld by the Council plans and elevations. TEN/ATIVE N~, IRACT ~. 1969: Subdivtder~ East Center Street and East Broadway easter] Bastian property). City Planning Commission approved 1. 0 . ~ 9, 1954- 8:00 P.~. H. N. Berger. Location on West La Palms . Siad tentative map subject to: :ct Map to follow the pattern set to the ~st La Palma Avenue. the acquisition of park and recreation pending presentation of proposed house · nthony Maniscalchi. Location between from the Lincoln School (known as the Said tentative map subject to: The dedication to the City of Anaheim of 20 feet along the south property line of Lots 1 to 4, inclusive, f~ a future alley. Rearrangement of lot lines on Lo Nos. 12 to 15 to meet Code requirements for building set-back lines of 6~foot width. Payment of $25.00 per lot for thelacquisition of park and recreation sites. Councilman Schutte moved to appro~e said Tentative Map, subject to conditions as contained in recommendation of the City ~lannlng Commission~ and further subject to final approval of necessary zone changes an~ presentation of house plans and elevations, and without committm~nt on the part of the p~ty Council, and if the zone change is not finally approved, thzs Tentative Map approv~ will be void. Councilman Wisser seconded the motiOn. NDTION CARRIED. ~ Discussion followed, an? after f~rther consideration, Councilman Schutte moved to rescind his previous motion, and ~v~e~ to withheld aCti~n'~ndin9 further investigation and study. Councilman FrY s~]onded the motion. NDTION CARRIED~ · TENTATIVE MAP~ TRACT NO. 2237: Subdivider, the Linde Corporation - Location, bounded by Wes{ sycamore~' North Citron~ West Wilhe~na end North Palm Streets, contains 75 R-O lots. City Planning Commission approve~ said tentative map, subject to: 1. A re-layout by the Subdivider~s ~ngineer. 2. Payment of $25.00 per lot for the acquisition of park and recreation sites. Discussion followed, and approva~ was held over for further consideration and the working out of engineering problemS. ORDINANCE NO. 881: (2nd reading withheld)I TRANSFER OF FUNDS: Transfer of $20,000.00~from the General Fund to the Trafft~ Safety Fund was authorized on motion by Councilma~ Wisser, seconded by Councilman Schutte. MOTION CARRIED. LA~P PURCHASH CONIP~I: Arnold E. Howard - (General Electric) Said contract for the year commencing June l, 1954 was approved ~nd tge ~ayor and City Clerk authorized to sign said contract on ~ehalf of the City on~motzon by Councilman Fry, seconded by Councilman Wisser. ~0TION CARRIED. : CO~9~JNICATION from Department of Agriculture Notice on Air Pollution Districts from D. W. /~bbs was submitted and explained. IDENTIFICATION OFFICER, was authorized to~ttend Identification Officers Association Meeting at H~e~g-~e County, and $100.0~ allowance, subject to report on actual expenditures was authorized on motion by CbUncilman Schutte, seconded by Councilman Wisser. ~OTION CARRIED. City Hal!,~...Anaheim; Ca,~-~fornial,...Jun9 9; 1954- 8:00 P,M. ,,. '' APPOINTMENT-: Chief of-Police ap~0inted Francis Warren DeMars, Patrolman for the City of Anaheim due to the resignation of Officer James,~Epperly~ : Said appointment was ratified by the City Council on motion by Councilman Van Wagoner' seconded bY Councilman Schutte. i.MOTIONi. C~RRIED c c COMMUNICATION from Junior ChgmbeX!of'- Gommerc'e~:-relative to the Carnival to be held in La Palma Park was submitted and read. ~. c . . APPOINTMENT: Chief of Police ap~einted Norman K. Cock, tocUnifOrmed Police Reserves, serving without pay. Said appointment was r~tified by the City CounCil 'on motiOn by C~oun¢ilman Van Wagoner, seconded by. Oouncil~han Wisser. -NDTION~OARRIEt). .~ c ~..~ PF. TITiON: Petition signed by six residents-relatiYe toz ihe ,unsafe condition of an Apartment building located at 319 South Los Angeles Street was submitted~ read and referred to the Administrative Officer. SUBDIVISION BONDS: INSURANCE: TRACT NO. 1247_: Seaboard Surety Company,-- Polidy No. RLA 13115 for $72,000.00 construction of sewers, paving, curbing and sidewalks, and Bond No. RLA 13116, $13,000.00 installation of 'water mains. : TRACT NO. 1909: United States Fidelity and Guaranty Co. Bond No. 12-2592-54 $35,000.00 installation of c~rta~n improveqnents including streets, curbs, gutters, sidewalks and sewers. Bond No. 12-2593-54, $10,200.00 water lines. _. TRACT NO. 2022: AmeriCan Surety Co. - 18-541-574~ $25,000.00, construct the grading, street work, sewers~ sidewalks and curbs. 1~-541,575, $8,2QQ. 00 con- struction and installation of wa~er mains. TRACT NO. 1948: Unite~ Pacific Insurance Co. - Bond-No. 2073~0~ $26~:000.00 installation of water mains. Ab~ove bounds and-insurances were approved by the City Council_/and orderedo accepted and filed when approved~ by the City Attorney~ on motion by Councilman Van Wagoner, secGnded by CounCilman :.Wisser. MOTION CARRIES. ORDINANCE NO. 902: Councilman Van Wagoner offered Ordinance No. 902 and moved for its passage and adoption. :~ ' Refer to Ordinance Beak, page AN ORDINATE OF THE CITY OF ANAHH. t~ APPROVING THE. ANNEXATION TO_THE OITYcO. F ANAHEIM OF THE TERRITORY KNOWN AND DESIGNA~ AS WEST LA PAT-MA NO. 3 ANNEXATION. .. On roll call the foregoing Ordinance was duly passed and adop_ted,~.by~ the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Fry, Schutte, Wisser and Van Wagoner. NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: !None. The Mayor declared the foregoing Ordinance duly passed and adopted. . ORDINANCE NO. 903: Councilman Ntsser offered Ordinance No. 903 and moved for its passage and adoption. '~ Refer to Ordinance Boek, page - ~ . i~ : . .,... . , AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANA~£IM ANENDING ARTICLE IX, CHAPTER 2 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL: CODF- RELAIING TO THE ~'$TABLi~ OF ,ZONES IN T~4E Ctt~/ 0~ ANA~ JIM AND THMREIN REGULATING THE USE OF LKND, HEIGHT OF BUILDINGS AND YARD SPACES: ADOPTING A MAP SHOWING THE BOUNDARIES OF S~!D ZONES: DEF-IN~NG THE TERMS USED THERE.IN: PROVIDING FOR ADJUSTMENT, AMENDMENT AND E~FORCEMENT: PRESCRIBING PENALTIES .FOR V-IOLAIION_. AND REPEALING ALL SB3TIONS OR PARTS'; OF SECTIONS IN CONFLICT THEREWITH. (F-53-54-19 , Res. 2415~ C.P.C.'Res. 62) . 'c c c On r°ll call the foregoing Ordinance was duly passed and adopted by the. ',. following vote: . , , , · City..H.a..l!, .Aaaheim, CelifO. rgia~.J~ ~.9,, 1~.~ ~ ~:00 p~M. , ~ ............ - ~ ~ -. ,, . . , '-:, ~ ~,._ ~ ~ -- AYES: COUNCt~.~ Pearson~ .F~ Sc~u~e~ Wi~ser and Va~.Wagoner. ~ES: COU~IL~' ~None. ~ ~ ~ .: ~S~T: CO~GI~: None. . , The Mayor d~clared the foregoing ~lnano~ duly. passed a~d ad~p%ed~ p~IN~4CE ~. 904~ C~unc~lman Van Wag~ne~. ~ its passage and adoption. ~fered OrdSnance No..9~? and moved for Refer to Ordinance Bopk, page ~ AN ORDINANCE OF THE GITY OF ANAHEIA4 AMENDIN( OF TH~ ~IM ~3NICIPAL CODE BY DF~E.IIN~ Ih (Delete from A~ap heavy dotted llne~ designa] On roll call the foregoing Orc~ina~ following ~/ote: ~ . :: AYES: COUNCILB4EN: Pearson~ Fr] NOES'. COU[~3II3~HN: None. ~$,ENT: COUNCI L~::-r None.: ARTICLE IX, CHAPTER 2, s~cTION 9200~.i~ c ~d~EF~RO.}d PARAGRAPH "c" SUBDIVISION A-1 ~n9 future, ~ z°nin9)'~._ ~ .. ~ ~ ,.~i ice was: duly passe~ and adopted by the ,~ Schutte~ ~Visser and Van Wagoner. /he [~ayor declared the foregoing__~di~ance'.du~}y~ passed and adopted,- ORDIdqAN~ NO.~ ~905~ ~ Councilman Schu~te o~f~ed. O~%~anc~ No. 905 and moved for Refer. to Ordinance Book, page . : ~ ~ ~ . c .... AN O~I~E OF ~ CITY OF ~HIR ~~IN~3 ~TICLE ~,~ ~T~ 2, $~TION 9200.11, SUBDIVISION A - ~, ~ S~TION 9200.13, S~BD~ISION A, OF ~E.~I~ ~NICIP~-.~DE- (~t~.q ~at~er c~ ~rom ~ction 9~oo.~ ana~ ~inq, it in ~~ (~i) On roll call ~he foregoing Ordina~ was duly. passed and adQP~d by following vote: AYES: C~IL~: Pearson, Fry, Schutte, Wisser~and Van W~gon~rtc NOES: C~NCIL~: None. ~S~: COU~IL~: None. .._~ ~ .. ~ , The ~yor declar~ the foregoing Ordinance~duly passed and adopted. ~LUTION ~. 2435: Councilman Wisser offered Reso~ution No. 2435 ~d mOved f6r its passage and adoptions. .~ c~ ~.. ~ ! Refer to Resolution Book, page , ~ ~sonu~o~ o~ ~ s~Y ~NS~n O~ ~ S~:~ 0~ ~m~ ~~T~NS ~~ O~ us~'s T~ ~ FOR ~AIRING ~ST LA P~ AV~, ~ ~ST ~a ~4A S.~T. (W. La Palma, $12,000.~- W. Santa ~a St. ~,500.~°') On roll call the foregoing resol~tion was duly passed and adopted by the following vot~: ~ c ~ c ~' AYES: ~NCI~: Pearson~ F~y~ Schutte~ Wisser and van Wagoner. ~ES: COUNCI L~: None. ~ ~~: C~NCIL}4~: No~. T~e Mayor declared the :foregoing~[resolution ~ly passed and adopted. , ' ' . ~ Councilman Schmtte ~o[fered Resolution :No' 2436 a~d m6ved fo~ its ~LUTION 2~6:' passage and adoption.~ 1 ~ Refer to Resolution Book, page _ A RSSO~IION OF THE CI~ COUNCIL OF T~C! A PUBLIC HEARING BE~RE THE CITY COUNCIL T AS A FREEWAY OF A PORTION OF STATE HIf~WAY COUNTIES BETWEEN PALO VERDE AVENUE AND ROU ~ OF ANAH. ~-_LM. FI ~NDING .AND DETEP~4INING THAT CONSIDER THE RELOCATION A~' II~PRQV~ ROUTH 175 IN LOS ;u%IGFJ~HS ~ ORANGR ~ 174 I$ NOT ~SSARY. ...C..ity Hall,,Anahe_im~ Ca~%forpia%~June 9, 1.954- p,.~ Pt, M.~. ...._ On roll call the fore§qing resolution wa~:,duly~ pa~_sed and adopted by the following vote: ~. ,~ .... c AYES: COUNCIL~HN: ~earson, Fry, $chutte, Wisser and Van Wagoner. NOES: COUNC I.~LMEN: none. ABSEN/: COUNCILMEN: NOne. The Mayor ~decl~ared the RESOLUTION NO. 2437: Councilman for its passage and adoption. [ foregoing resolution ~uly passed and adopted, i Van Wagoner offered Resolutio:~n No~. 24371 and moved Refer to Resolution Bo~k, page A RESO .UTIO OF TH CITY CQU .I .i eF CI7¥ A R~IS~I~TION ~ ~ST~ bF THE ~RCHASE ~NEY R~EIV~ S~IY~Y DIS~ICY FOR S~E TO S~D MIDWAY CITY S~II~Y DIS~ICT OF C~ACITY RI~TS IN ~E ~LIA ~U~ S~ ~ ~~G PLANT On ~oll call the foregetn9 zesoh~ion was duly passed and adopted by the following vo~e: AYES: COU~IL~N: [ea~son, Fry, Schutte, Wisser and Van ~goner. NOES: COU~ I L~N: NOne. A~ENT: ~U~IL~N: None. The Mayor declared thelforegoing resolution duly passed and adopted. PERSONNEL: Ntrs. Mae Heitz was employed as "Secretary"~ Schedule 20~ Step:5 ($300.00 per month) effective June 1, 195~. DISh[HYLAND ~NNEXATION: Request signed by 21 persons for consent of the City Council to comatence and conduct proceedings for the annexation to the City of Anaheim of the territory to be known and descried as "Disneyland Annexation". Said request contained the description of the territory to be included in proposed annexation. Request was referred to the City Planning Commission for recommendation on motion by Councilman Schut%e, seconded by Councilman Fry. NDTION CARRIED. ORDINANCE NO. 907: Councilman ~an Wagoner offered Ordinance No. 907 for first reading and moved for its passage and adoption. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHHIM t~ING ARTICLE IX, CHAPTER 1 OF /HE ANAHEIM N~JNICIPAL CODE. (Subdivisions) ORDINANCE NO. 908: Councilman ~an Wagoner offered Ordinance No. 908 for first reading and moved for its passage and adeption. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF AN~EIM ,AI~NDING ARTICLE IX, CHAPTER 2 OF THE .ANAHEIM N~JNICIPAL CODE BY AUDING THERET~ CERTAIN NEW SECTIONS TO BE KNOWN AND DESIGNATED AS SECTIONS g200.22~ 9200.23 AND 9~00.24 ESTABLISHING CERTAIN REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE HRECTION, CONS/RUCTION AND ALTS~b%TION OF CERTAIN BUILDINGS~ STRUCTURES AND IMPROVE~ENTS~ AND CERTAIN USES OF LAND: ESTABliSHING MININUM FLOOR AREAS OF BUILDINGS AND STRUCIURES IN CERIAIN AREAS OF /HE CIIY: ~ PRESCRIBING PENALTIES FOR THE ~IOLATION OF ANY OF THE PROVISIONS THEREOF. FINANCIAL AND OPERATING REPORTS for the month of May, 1954 were submitted, read and ordered received and filed On metion by Councilman Van Wagoner, seconded by Councilman Wi sser. ~0TION CARRIED. ORDINANCE NO. 909: Councilman Van Wagoner offered Ordinance No. 909 for first reading and moved for its passage and adoption. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ADOPTING PART 1 OF DIVISION 2 OF THE CALIFORNIA REVE~E AND TAXATION CODE KNOWNi~ THE "SALES AND USE TAX LAW" AS IT EXSISTEDON 3ANUARY 1, 1954, EXCEPT SECTIONiCO06, 6008, 6009, 6009.1, 6051, 6066~ 6067, 6068, 6069~ 6070, 6071~ 6091, 6201, 7~52~ 7056, 7102~ 7103, 7151 AND 7153, AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT WITH SAID CODE. /~//.~ /oe 092 Citv Hall, ~ Anaheim, CaliforDiaT..J~;le g,~195~ - ._~to~ B.M.~ - , ,,,,~ i,,~ ,- , ..... ~ ~ _ , ....... r ,,, , ORDINANCE NCY~ 910~ CounCilman Wi s$Or offor~ CrrdinancecNo. 910 for first ~reading and moved for its passage and adoption. . -~ AN ORDINA~ 0F YNE CI-IY ~NCIL OF IH~ FOR THE PRI¥IIDG~ OF SELLING, A LIC~SE CONSUMING IANGIBLE PERSONAL PROP~RIY WITHIN 2 OF THE ANAHEI~ N~3NICIPAL CODE BY ADDING UNDER PARTS 1 TO 5 INC~USIVH. S~CIIO~S 2650 2651.~ IN~LUSIVE~ S~TIONS 2659 TO 2652.2 I 265~ ~ 2654.1 INCLUSI'~. ORDINANC~ NO. 899: (Adoption of Fire Code) PUBLIC HEARING: ~AST~_R PLAN OF STR~FrS AND on motion by Coun¢tl~ Van Wagoner~ se¢ondi CARRIED. OM ANAH~I~ IN~DSING A LICENSE TAX !~OR TMB~ PRIVLID~E OF USING, ~ OTHERWISE THE CIIY OF k~I~: ~ ~ING ~TICLE [~ CH~T~ VIII A~ INCL~ING ~. 26~. 6 I~LU~VE.~ ~ $~TIONS 2~51 TO ~LUSIVE, S~TION 2653 ~ S~TIONS was ~thheld pending further study. ~I~WAYS was ~set to July 13:1954 ~ ~ Councilman Schutte' ~TION ' Councilman Van Wagoneer moved to a,~ourn to June 15, :1954, 8:00 P.~., ' Councilman Schutte seconded the motion. ND' 'iON CARRIED. City ~~ - ~ C C C ~