1954/06/22PRESENT ~: cCOUNCIL~HN: Pear: ~J . ~ Van ABSENT : COUNCILMAN: cSchu' CITY AITORNEY, :PRESTON CITY A~MINISTRATIYE OFFICER. City H.a...ll, Anaheim,, California, cJ.u~e ~22., 195...4..- ~,q0,, P,.M. ? .... _ ~The City Council Of the City of~.~aheim met~ in r~egu~lar .s~ession. c - r C .C. - ' ~ - "S ,o,, Fry (~n~ered thecmeeting at 8:45 P.M.)., Wis~ercand'~_ ;agoner. : ,: ~ c c ,~ ~: Present. ~ ~, ,~ ,~ KEITH A. ~CH: P-re~ent. . ~c c ~ MI~~ _, T~: ~nu~es of ~h~ zegu~az meeting held June 9~ and A~ou~ned_Re~ta~ ~ting held June 15~ 1954 were approved on mo~ion by Counci[ma~ Van Wagone~ seconded by Councilman Wissez. ~TION g~I~. ~ ~~TS ~ D~S: Coun~;ilman Van ~agonez zepa~ted demands agai~stcthe tic $154~161.44 . Oouncilmai Wisse~ moved ~hafi ~epo~fi o~ Finance Co~i~fiee be accepted and that ~a~zan~s be dzawn lpo~ the T~as~ez to ~ay said demands: l~ accg~dance with r~por~. Councilman Van ~ag ~nez seconded ~he ma~ion. : ~!ION C_~RI~, n c ;.c BIDS: JOB ~. 1007~ ~rsu~m{ to Resolution No. 2422 and Legal No{ice duly published June 7th and 14th~ Bid p~op°sals w~ ~eeeived and o~de~ed opened.on;mo{ion by Council- man Van ~goner~ seconded b,e 8ouneil~an ~isser. ~TI~N ~I~. BIDS RECEIVED: Chorak Construction Co., LI$, 1312 S. Gerhart Ave. L.A. 22 Angelo Rossi Construction Q~.2480 Ramona Blvd. L.A. 33 J. S. Barrett, Gen..Contr..~.0. Box 2126, Santa .Ana J. ~.. Popovich, Gen. Contr. i P.O. Box 261, Torrance Nick M. Guho, Contr. 8335 A%lantic2Blvd. Bell Chutuk & Kaufmann, 13313 Shgrman Way, No. HollywoOd. ' Spann& Kenton Constr. Co., 14943 Califa, Van Nuys TOTAL BID PRICE: $ 97,934.00 25,681.20 30,698.60 26,165.60 _ 27~849.20 · 36,451. 23,321.40 Bias were referrea to the City Engineer; forl-tabul_ation a~do~epor{;. .; ~fter tabulat~on,~the City~JEngineer reported ~he S~ an~ Kent. 0.n C struction Co. to be the low bidder, a~d recomnended the acceptance, of said~ 'bia'~ ~-' ~ ?? RE~LUTION ~0~. 2~ Councilman Van Wagoner offered._Resolution No. 23~ and mgved for its passage and adoption. - ..... c ' .. ~ Re~er':to ResolutiOn Book~ page .: ~ ~ .. ~.,_ i A ~ A~ING A CONTRACT TO~:LO~ST ~S~NSIBLE BI~ ~R~ T~ ~RNI~HINGc0F A~ PLA~, ~R, S~VICES, ~~I~S ~ ~IP~ ~ P~FOR~NG ~L WO~ NE~SS~Y FOR ~ ~NS~UCTION, INST~TION ~ ~L~IONcOF THE FOLLOWING ~gIC I~ROVE- ~NT 0R ~ BAEL RO~ S~ ~0~ ~ ~T ~T 05 qLIy~ S~T T0 ~N~.S~T, JOB NO. 1~7. ::On roll call(:the fo 11 owing :vote: · ~oregoin9 resqluti°n was duly passedcan~ adopted bycthe . BIDS RECEIVED: Placentia Courier: (Check, ORANGE Co. Sun: 965 per col' subsequent insert Anaheim Bulletin: (Check, first insertion a 'AYES: COUNCILM=-N: Pearson, Fry, Wisser and van wagoner'' NOES: COUNCILM~N: None. ~, ? ~BSENT: COUNCILM~N: Schutte. The Mayor declared the foregoing resolution duly pas~ed and ad~pted. ~V~TISING BIDS: Bids were submitted on the City's Legal advertising for the fiscal year c~encin~ July 1, 195~ and endin~ June 30, 1955~ pursuant %o published legal notice. The City Clerk was~ instructedc%o open said~proposals 9n mo~on by Councilman Wisser~ seconded by Councilman Van Wagoner. ~TION C~I~. $50.00) - $1 00 legal square. ~n inch~ first insertion and 72~ per col~ inch~ each .... ~50.00) - It,s l, 2 and 3~ each~ $1.00 per col~ inch nd 75~ per colu~ inc~ each sub.~e~ue~t insertion. Councilman Van W~oner moved ~t .awarding of b~d ~e withheld for fu~he~ study and cons~-deration. C~uncilman ~sser s~9nded~ the motion..~TION C~RI~f City Hall.~. A~aheim, CalifOrNia, cJ~.~ ~22~ 1954 - 8:00 P~M. ~ ? ~ '~ The City G~erk Stat~d~, regarding t~e CitY's Legal Adver:tising~ t~re were several irregularities to ~he proposals sub~{ked~ such as the ~dana Park News~$ Bid wasn~t:~re¢~f~ed until 8~30 P,~. andcthecnOtiSecpub~ished ~stated bids~tobe opened at~ 8~00 P.~.~ and for tha~ reason he declined ~Open saidcproposal. ~e Orange County Sun's proposal was not accompanied by certified~ or cashier's ¢heck at the time of opening~ which duly published notice specifi~d, ho~er ~he;Clerk was'pre~ented'~th $50.00, cash, a~ the meeting to m~t with sald requirement.. ~e PlaSentia Go.utter bid had attached a personal check instead of certified, or cashier's check. ~aheim Bulle~in had fully com~li~ Withcleg~-I ~tice, and the City,Clerk ~quested the City A~terney to ~ass on the m~rits of the case. ~ ~ .~ ~ Mayor Pearson stated the original motion would stand; and that the bids would be hetdtoVer '~[or fu~t~r.ucon~ideratio~- J BI~, ~LIN~ Info,al 9uotattons, gaso~ne ~equir~ents fo~ city fleet~ 19~4~ were received and the Clerk was instructed ~ open~sa~ ~osals on~motzon by Co. uncit- man Van Wagoner, seconded by Councilman Wisser. ~TION C~RI~. Tzou~an & Scholz Oil Co.~ Regular, .1970 ~llon, lexclusive o2 [~ ~ed~ra~ Tax, inclusive of 6{ State Tax. - Ethyl, .2095 gallon. Union Oil Co. -- ~1~ 200-399c : ~02or ~one. ~ . .R49 .2~ ~ .239 (76~gas) ~ .216 .211 .206 (76~s) ~ c ~ ~c - Tide Water Associated 0il Co. (Discounts - .~78 gallon) flying "A'~ .1882-- Flying "A" fthy1 .2~02 ~ , -~ Richfield Oil Corporation (Discount Hi-Octa~e. 1-~ :-- Richfield Ethyl.~l ~ c .:_..:~ c ~ . CoUnci~man~WiS~er .m.~ved that bi-ds';Be taken under advisement., C~uncilman Van Wagoner seconded the-m~t~-on~ ;~0TION C~I~D.~ :. c :- ~ <; ~ o TENTATtVE.~, TR~CT.~. :~58i -:¢Hel~ over ~ 6/9~ meeting) Subdivider, H. Berger, location: West La Palma Avenue just east of Tract No. 1803 (95 ~ota~ -,__ City Planning Co,lesion recomended the Tentative MaP be accep%e~ su~ ject to the following conditions: 1. The[ Subdivide~ rearrange Tract Map[ to follow the pattern set to the west by havin~ an alley backLof ~$ La_Palina Ave. 2. ~e ~a~ent of $25.00 per lo2 for the acquisition of <pa~k and ~creat- ion sites. After discussion by the Council, Councilman Van Wagoner moved that the Tentative ~pCbe acceptedtin its original- f~rm~ subject to engineering ments~ and the pa~en% of $~5,00 per lot for the acquisition of park and ion sites. Councilman Wisser seconded the motion. ~TION C~I~. ~ATIVE ~, T~l ~. 1969: (Held over from 6/9/54 meeting) Subdivide~, ~thony Mmniscalchi. Location: Between E. Center St. and E. Broadway easterly from the Lincoln School (Bastian property) (22 lots) ' ' ' C ' ' C C ~e City Planning Co~ission reco~ended acceptance of Tentative ~p subject tO: -' ~ ~ < '~ '- ~ 1. ~e d~icat~on to the City crOP, feet a~on~ the south prope~ty~ ~ine ~ of Lots 1 to 4~ ihctusive; for a,4~tu~e alley ....... c 2. Rearrangement of lot lines on Lots Nos. 12 to 15 to meed Code r~ quirements for building set-back lines of 6~foot width,. 3. pa~Rt of~5.00 ~e~ lot fe~ ~e ac~is~tion of park and recreation sites. : :c ~. . ~c c~ P~posed ,p-la~Owe~ submitted ~by ,thef ~bdivider. ~ ~ , - _ City Co~cil ac~Cepted said. Tentative ~a~ on moat. ion by Counci.!m~ Wisser seconded by Councilman Van Wag~er~ 'Subj¢% ~ recordations as outl~ned.by~: .. the City Planning Co,lesion. ~TION C~i~. City Hall, ,Ana. heim,l California, June 97,~195.4 8%00oP..M.. ~ TENTATIVE MAP TRACT N~, 2259~ Subdivider, Barclay ~velopment Go. Lo¢,ation: near the southeast corner of ~.. V~rmont Ave. and S. East St. (95 lots) . Subdivider submitted proposed plans ~ ~ c City Planning Co~ssion reco~ended acceptance of said Tentative subject t~ ~ { ~- ~ ~ ' , 1:. TH~ southerly Street of.said T~act running eaS~ and wes~ to b~ creased to ~ feet ...... '~ ~ ~-~ 2. ~e pa~entco-f $25. 00 ~per lot for th~ acquisition of park and recreation sites. 3. Engineering requirements. Acceptance of Ten~'tive Map by the City Council~wa~ withheld for further information. ~NIAIIVE ~, ~CI..~, 2235~ Subdivider~ ~os. J. Lawless. Location, south of Tracts 1802 and 1803 and borders on No. ~anchester Ave. (34 lo~s) ~ - Subdivider submi~C~d proposed plans and ~niature ~a~l home, ~ City Planning Co~ission. reco~ended acceptance, of said Tentative ~ap' subjec~ ~o: , c , That all lots havej a minim~ area of 6,000 square fee~. (L02s NOs. 29 and 31 are under said re~i~ mini~).. ~ The pa~ent of $2~.00 per lot for the acquisition of park ~nd recreation sites. Engineering requi~ents. Councilman Van Wagoner moved 2o accept said Ten%a~ive Map, subject Engineering requirements~an~ reco~endations of the City Planning Cohesion. Councilman Wlssercseconded ~he ~motion. ~TION C~RI~. . .,,, ~ T~ATIVE ~ ,~CT NO. 22~ Subdivider~ vRealty ~gine~riog. Cot L0cat~on: South of W. Romneya Drive directl~ east of Tract No. 1859 anQcYrac~ N9. 2270~ con~aigs ~9 lots. Location further described as between La Palma and Ro~eya Drive, east of the "~e~ Homes". ~ City Planning Co.lesion reco~ended acceptance of said Tentative Map, subject to: '~ ~ ~ - 1. The pa~ent of $25.00 pe~ lot fo~ the atquisition~f pa~kca~d - recreation sites,' _, t . ._ cc 2. Engineering requirements. ~ c c , City Council accepted said Tentative Map on mo%ion b~ Councilman FrY, seconded by Councilman Wisser, subject to reco~endations as outlined by the City Planning Co~ission and further that the two parc~ls~not-n~ered to~be included as part of %he tract. ~TION C~RI~. < ,~ ~ ....... TBNTATIV~ ~, T~CT NO~ QO~, . Subdivider' Realty ~gineeri~g Co. L~cati~n~ We~t La Palma Ave. just easterly~ of Tract No. 2258 and contains 185 lots. City Planning:Co~ission recomended acceptance of s~i~ Tentatiye Map, subject to: '~ '~ ~ - 1. The street at the west end of said Tract running norih and s°uih is shown as 54 feet ~in width. This must be increased to 60 feet and ~e Subdivider of tht~ Tract and of Tract No. 2258 must each give an, addt$ional three feet. 2. ~e ~a~en{ ~ $25.00 p_~r lot for th~ ac~isiti0n of Park and recreation 5ite5.~ - 3. ~gineering ~equirements City COuncil hel~.~ over~ acceptance of this Tentative ~p~ so that the Engineer of this tract and~the Engineer of Tract No.~2258 could r~design the street pattern- against West La Palma Avenue. ~IN~ ~ TRACT NO. 1875~ Sou~h ~ast Street between Santa ~ ahd _South Streets. Final ~p of Trab~ No. 1875 was accepte~ ~$ubjec~.c~0 eng%De.e~ing- ~9uir~ ments and that the Tract tb have no sidewalks on %he in~erior lo~s, bu~ sidewalks along Sou~h ~ast Street, o, motion by Councilman Wisser, seconded by Councilman Fry. MOTION CARRIED. 686 G. ity Hall, ..~ ~.helm_, Cali.forn%a, ~.~.,~9;~1954 8%00~P..IL ~ -FINAL ~P~ TRACT NO, ~212]~ c Northwest CQrner of Baxter Street and Romneya Drive, Said Final Map was accepted ~y the City Council~ on motion byCouncil- man Van Wagoner, seconded by Councilmam~Wisser, subject to engineering require- ments. MOTION CRRRIED. COLORADO RIVER STORAGE PROJECI~ E. P. Hapgood ~ffered Resolution~ on behalf cqf the M~tropoli~an Water District 'in reference to the Colorado River Storage Project as proposed in S. 1555 and H.R. 4449 and the Frying Pan-~rkansas~roject as qor~posed in S. 964 and H. R~ 236~ now psnding in Congress,~ and requested the City Council to pass Resolution in opposition to proposed bills. ~ ~ RESOLUIION NO. 24~2: Councilman Van Wa§oner offered Resolution No. 2442 and moved for itspassage and a~option. - Refer to Resolution Book, page A RF$OLU/ION OF /}iF. CITY ~COUNCIL~DF ~.TH£ CITY OF ANAHEIM OPPOSING THE COLORADO RIVER STORAGE PROJECT ~S PROPOSED IN S. 1555 AND H.R. ~dd9, AND /HE FRYING PAN- ARKANSAS PROJECT AS PROPOSED IN S. 964 ~ND H.R. 236, ~NOW PENDING_ IN THE CONGRESS. On roll call tAe foregoing:r~solution was duly passe~ and adopted by the following vote~ AYES: COUNCILMEN'. Pearson, ~ry~ Wisse= and Van Wagoner~ NOES: COU~IL~N ~ None. ~SE~: COUNCIL~: SchuSS. The ~ayor declared ~he foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. WI~I~ W~~: ~ess the C~unoil and presentedca Fire .In~u~a~nce~jPropos~on behalf of %he ~aheim Insurance Agent~ Association~ ~nd explainedcthe p~opos~! %o the Council and reco~ende~ t~s acceptance. Said proposal was received and adoption will be given further conside~ation~ however~ present coverage will be~ extended until the next meeting of %h~ Council. V~RI~CE ~. 231; Su~itted by Paul L. and Edna ~y Williamson, {~r ~he of ~wo duplex buildings a% 1941 E. Ce,~er ~rsuant to City Planning C~ission Resolution No. 74~ ~he was granted~ subject to: ~- 1. ~e deeding to the Ciiy ~{ .~aheim of a strip along thecEast Center Street frontage of 25.25. feet for the future ~idening of~.said~ street. 2. Filing of a Record of Smrvey Map of the property with the City of Anaheim and the County of Orange. ' .~. ~ Yh~ City Council rsvi~d t~e 9~anting or,said .Variance and the City Planninw Co~is~ion had no~ ~een ~he plans o~ ~h~ proposed duplex d~llings to bs built on this property~ call ~blic Hea~ n9 on the matter ~o be held ~uly 1~ 1954 ~n m~ion ,by C°unc~lm~n ~isser, ~econd~d by Counqilma. ~ry. ~TION C~I~. ~- VARI~CE NO. 932. submit%ed by-.A.E.cRDbertson .to cut three~_lo%s _at 1265 E. Santa Ana St. was granted by the City Planning Commission~ pursuant to their Resolution No. 75. · '~ ~, ',,~ c _ VARIANCE .NO",': 233~ submtttmd by R. and W. Construction Co~cfor garages on fron~ ,, certain-lo%S-in Tract No. 1682~ grant~ by City Planning~ Comi~sion~ pursuan~ %o their Resolution No. 76. '~ V.%RIB_~E NO,. 2~, ~su~%~ bycOc~avia P. ~d %~. Payne {~ lha opara~ion of a China Painting School at 519 E. Braa~y was granted by %he.Q itT P~a~ing Co~ ~ssion~ pursuan~ ~o ~heir Resolufion No. 77 Variances Nos. 232~ 233 ar~ ~Jd were reviewed by .Che. City Council. _~5~5~2~ Submit%ed by City Planning Comission ~o reclassify %o R~3 cardin real p~operty described as the East Side of No. Citron Street be%ween La Verne and W. La Palma Ave. ~blic Hearing was ordered to be held July 27, 1954~on motion' by ~un~ilman Van W~oner~ <s~conded~by COuncilman Fry. ~TION. C~RI~.. City Hall.; Anaheim~ t Californi.a.~ June..22; . 1954 - 8..00 P.M,~ F-53~54-29~ Submitted by city Planning_Commission on petition by property owners~ ~o reclassify the south side Of w. Chestnut Street between South West a~d Walnut Streets from R-2 to R-3. Public H~earing was ~der~ed to be held Jul.¥ 27., ..195~ on motion by Councilman Van Wagoner, seconded by CounCilman Fry. MOTION .~CARRI~D. CITY PLANNING CO...N~AISSION~ RF-'-'q0L~TION NO. 78~ Recommends that Section 9200.14 A. US5. SITIES be changed to read: !One space Per ~each~ ten ~(10) seats~ except ~for those presently establzs ed On the date of the p ~assage ~f this code change". Said Resolution wa~ referred to the City Attorney and Administrative Officer for investigation and recommendation- CITY PLANNING CO.~. S_.SI.0N~ R~-S0LUTION NO, 79: Recommends '%hat Section 9~200.4 be ~hanged to read as follows: Section 9200.4 C.Area. 4. L~t Area, a. "Lots shall haye a minimuum width of eighty (80) feet and a minimtum area of nine thousCnd (9~000): square feet; provided this provision shall be deemed to be co~plied with where a lot has les~s area than Ju~rein required and was of record on ~he 27th day of ~arch, 1951". ~ c. "The minimum area of parcels other than designated lo~s Shall have feet and a mznlmum area of nin~ thousand a minimum width of eighty (80)' ~ ~ ' '- (9,000) square fee~ may be considered a~ a separate lo% or building site and may be improve8 in the manner provided in this Section f6r a lot". Said Resolution was referred to the City A{torne¥ an~ Administrative Officer for recommendation. ........ ~,,~ ~nm~TSSiON. _ Recommends the adoption of a new !!!!~,n,~_~ ~fRtehs.~ ~n~ea~mzoK~n;Z_czPi~1. C~o~e to be a d Said resolution s~t~ forth new sectiOn in detail, and was refer~ed t° %he City Attorney and City Administrative Officer fqr recg~endatxon- ' ~TH~L BApTIST CHURCH - RefUnd of Filing fee~ In view of proPosed Change t0 Sec%ion ' ...... ."' s Commissioner Thompsoh moved that the '$25~00 'fee 92.00.~4 (~arkin.g requlr.emen )__ h "Off Street Parking RequirementS' pazd by the Bethel Baptist ~hurch for variance to t e be refunded. . City Council denied motion ~o refund the paid fee because Sh0u~d said change be made ~o the Code~ it would not be retroactive~ and fur%her e~penses ~o process request were incurred. ~ - GARBAGH CONIRACI: Payment of additional $100.00 Per mon~th, effective July 1~ 1954, to W. Jaycox in addition to present contract was authorized 'on motion by Councilman Van Wagoner, seconded by CoUncilman ~Wisser. NDTION CARRIED.~ .~. CANCMI~LATION OF TAXHS: car~ellation of city taxes~ requested .b~ the State of California on property to b~ used for Highway purposeS~ assessed to ~ilton Booher~ 1455 Lincoln Avenue, .Anaheim~ California~ and~ recorded In BOOk 2716 , Page 193, for the second instalment of the yg~r 1953r~ 54 and for the year 1954-55 ~as authorized on motion by CoUncilman Wisser~ seconded by Coun~ilman FrY. NDTI~ON CARRIED. PLUMBER BONDS: Submitted by Sanders Plumbing Co. and Jan. H. Russelland Sons, were approved and ordered receiged and filed when approved lby the Cit~ Attorney~ ~on motion by Councilman Van Wagoner, seconded by Councilman Wiener. MOTION CARRIED. 0RDINANC~ NO. 906-:~ Councilman Wiener offered Ordinance No. 906 and moved for its passage and adoption. ~ Refer to 0rdinan,~e Book~ page ' AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY ~UNIClPAL CODE-RELATING TO TH~IN REGULATING THE USE A NtAP SHOWING THE BOUNDARI ING FOR AIX]UST~NT, AND REP~ING ALL SECTIONS C.P.C. Res. 70- Res. ~,.~,ANAHEi~ A~NDING ~ARTICLE IX, CHAPTER 20F'THE.ANAH~-IM THE. ESTABLISH~E~U' OF ZONES IN THF. CITY OF~ ANAHEIM ~ OF Lt~ND, HF. IGHT OF BUILDINGS AND YARD. SPACES, ADOS.TING :S OF SAID 'ZONES: D~FINING~/HE /ER~AS USED. THEREIN: ~PROVID- ~2NT AND ENFO~E~: PRESCRIBING PEN~ALIIES FOR VIOLATION OR PARTS OF SECTIONS IN CONFI~ICI /HEREWITH. '(F-53-54-24 - Carnation NElk Co.) 688 City Hall~ Anaheim, Galifernia-~ i~un'e 22, -1954 r 8~9Q P'~-' fo 11 owing vote: On roll call the foTegoing Ordinance w~s duly passed a~d adopted by the AYES: GOUNGIL~J~N: pear~on, ~rY, Wisser-and Van Wagoner. NOES: COUNCILN~:~ None. . ~_ ABSENT: COUNCIL,S%N: Schu%te. /]ne ~ayor declared the foregoin~i Ordinance duly passed land adopted. ORDINANCE NO. 90Y; Councilman Wisser offered Ordinance ND. 907 and moved ~or. its passage and-adoption. - Refer to Ordinance Book~ page AN ORDINAHCE OF THE CITY OF ANAFjEI~ AN~NDING ARTICLE IX, CHAPTER OF IHE ANAHEI~ NI3NIGIPAL GODE. {Subdivision) i ' On roll call t~e foregoirkj' Or~inance wa& duly~ passed ~nd adopfaed by %he following ¥0%e: c ~ <~. ~,t ' '~ t ~ ~_- Aye. s: GoUNGtL~: Pearsbn, ~y,- Wisser arid Van Wagoner. NOELS: GOUNGI~: None~ ~ ~ · ABSENT: COUNOIL~: Schutte. ~ ~ :: ~ The Mayor declared the foregoin~ Ordinance duly passed and adopted. ORDINANCE NO. 90~: Gouncilman Fry offer~ Ordinance No. 908 and moved for its passage and adop%i, on. Refer to Ordinance Book~ page ~ ,;, · ~- AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AME~NG ARTICLE IX, CHAPTER 2 OF THE ANAHEI~ ~USICiPAL CODE ~Y ~IN~ T~TO !:~mTA~N N~ SECtIOnS. TO .B~-.:KNO.~ AND DESI~TKD AS SECTIONS 9~00f22, 9200,23 ~ 920~.24, F. STABLISHING CERT^I~.REGU. LAT!ONS GOVEaS~NG TH~- m~CTION, CONSTRUCTION AN~ ~tT~R~TION OF C~RT^IN mimINGS, STRUCTURES ~ I~ROV~NTS, ~ ~T~IN USES O~ L~¢~: ESTZm.ISaI. NG ~-NI~ F~-OOa ~ OF BUILDINGS AND STRUCTORES IN'CERTaIN AREAS OF TH~_ CITY. ,AND~PRESCR%BING.PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION OF ANY OF THE~PROVISIO~$ THEREOF. (Livable square, footage~areas) On roll call the foregoing Ordinance was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: ' ~ AYES: COUNCILN~N~ Pearson, Fry, Wisser and..Van Wagoner. .~ NOES: COUNC ILN~N: None. ABSENT: COUNCIL~N: Sghutte. The ~ayor declared the foregoin~ Ordinance duly passed, and ~dopt~e~. ORDINANCE NO. 88·1: (No 'action~ ,: ORDINANCE NO. 899: (No aCtion)c ORDINLa~NG~ NO. 91~:~ Councilman Wisser offered f°r first reading 0~di~nc~ N°. .911 and moved for its passage and adop~ion.'~ ~ AN O~I~E OF THE CITY OF ~N~EIM ~~NG ~TI~E VIII~ C~T~ 5 OF ~ ~EIM ~NICiP~' G~5 BY ~ING I~~ $~/IO~ 85OO. 17 TQ 8500.3.9~t BOTH .~NCLU$IVE.~ (House moving) ORDIN~5 N0. 912~ Councilm~ Van Wago~ offe~d Ordinance No. 912 fo~ fi~s% reading and moved for its passage and a~tion ~N O~INA~E OF IH~ CIIY OF ~5IM ~~ING~IIGL5 ~ GH~R 2 OF tI~ ~I~ ~NIGIP~ COD5 ~IING TO IHE ~ST~LI~~ OF ZONES IN TH~IN ~L~TING TH~ US~ OF LA~,-H~I~T OF BUI~INGS ' , ' OF SAID ZONE : DEFINING THE ~ ~O~NG ~E ~~IES ~ ' Fo~ ~ST~N~, ~~ ~ ~F0~~: ~~I~N~ P~I~S Res. 243~A~ C.P.C. Res. 68) ~' Ci~ H~ll Anaheim ORDINANCE NO. 913~ Councilma passage and adoption. Said 0 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CI?f OF ~ MUNICIIiAL CODE REL/~TING IO TH /HEREIN RF. GULAIING THE USE O~ MAP SHOWING THE BOUNDARIES b~ FOR ~T~t~N~T, /U~ND~t~NI ~N~ REPEALING .ALL SECTIONS OR P~ Res. 2437-A, C.P.C. Res. 69) i California~ June 22-~,~54.~ 8:~0 P,M....: n WiSSer ~ffe~ed Ordinance No. 913 and m~Ved for its ~dinance was read ~ln public for the firs% time. . ~EI~ ~ING ~TICLE IX~ CH~/~ 2 OF I~ ~EIM = ES/~LI~H~ OF ZOOS IN T~ ~I~ OF ~EI~ ~ ~ HEIST OF BUILDIN~ ~ Y~ SPA~S: ~P/ING A ~D ZONE~ DEFINING ~ ~ ~SED ~EIN: PROVIDING ~FORC~~: p~~IBING PEN~TI~ ~R VIOL~ION ~ TS OF ~C/IONS IN ~0NFLIGt ~~. (F-5~23~ RESOLUTION NO. 2441: Counciqman Wisser offered ResolutiOn ~No. 24~t~ar~d moved for its passage and adoption. . ~ Refer :%0 Resolut£o~ ~B°ok, ~Page i ~ A R~SOLUIION OF TH~ CITY ~U~IL OP ~ CITY OF AN~I~ EST~LISHING RULES RE, LA'IONS FOR l~ ~NIS~TIV~ ~~E IN ll~ ~ILING ~ P~ESSING OF ~S OF ~L '~UBD~VISION$ OF L~ ~E~TER ~ ~N SAID L~-IS E~I~LY, OR P~TI~LY WITHIN ~E' LIMITS OF THE CITy OF ~~IM. ~ r~ll ~call the f~egoing ~soluti~ was ~uly passed~ and adopted by ~he foll~ng vote: ..... < AYe: ~U~IL~: Pearson~ Fry~ Wi sser and Van ~agone~. NOES: COUNCI L~: ABSENT: GOUNCIL~ The ~ayor declared DISNEYLANDANNEXATION~ Rec¢ annexation to the City of Ax were submitted, read and ore Wagoner, seconded by Council Orange County Bou~ submitted and read. None. Schutte. ' L the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. .n~nendations of fhe City Planning Commission for the ~aheim of territory known as "Disneyland Annexation" lered received and filed, on motion by Councilman Van man Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. zdary Commission recommendations, June 14, 1954 were RESOLUTION NO. 244~: Councilman Van Wagoner offered Resolution No. 2443 and moved for its passage and adoptio6. Refer to ResolutiOn Book, page_ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CONSENTING TO THE' ~ENT OP PROC~INGS FOR TH~ ,ANNEXATION OF INH~ITED TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM. (Disneyland Annexation) On roll call the .foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIl: Pearson, Fry, Wisser and Van Wagoner. NOES: COUNCIL~N: None. ABSENT: COUNCIi3~AN: $chutte. The Mayor declared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. WEST ....A~I_~ANNEXATION; City Planning Commission recommended to the City Council -{hat the West ~naheim AnneXation as shown on the Official Map be considered for annexation to the City of ~naheim. RESOLUTION NO. 2445~ CounCilman Van Wagoner offered Resolution No. 2445 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY CDUNcIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CONSENTING TO THE CO~ENG~ ~ENT OF PROCE~=DINGS FOR TH~~.ATION OF INHABITED TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM. (West Anaheim ;%nnexation) i On roll call the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: . CqUNQII]~:~. :pearsorg_~.~ry, Wisser :-an~ V~a~ Wagoneir. . NOHS: ~~IL~: None.. ~SEN/~ COUNCIL~ ~ Schutte The Mayor declared the foregoing resolu{ion duly passed and adop%ed. ~PLIC~TION .FQR BUSINESS. LIC~SE: S~tted ~by Walter Jaqkson H~ond for the °perallon o~ Sla~e ~ndus%~ial ~iva~e P~roi, was rgpor~ed ~pon ~y ~he ~Chie% of Police~ Mark A. St~phenson. Chief o~ Police reported very favorably on . Appiican~ and recommended a License be ~ran~ed. Business License to Mr?~, Ha ~mm_o3nd was, authqriz_~d.~. I CANCELLATION OF LICENSE FHE: Balance of license issued to "Turks JeWelry" for 1952/53 in the amount of $15.00 was Or ~dgred cancelled On motion b~f.~ouncil- man Fry~ seconded by Councilman Van Wag~her. ~OTION~CARRi-~lJ'.'' ', pEL,I~U~T ACCQUNTS, .~BLiC,SER¥ICE: The qity At~torney ~as requ~ested ~o-pr_e- ~ pare Resolution authorizing the filiqg off lien ,for ,de, linquent public service accounts. ' Councilman ~Van Wagoner moved Go ad~our~n tq 11:00 A.M. June 2~, 1954 for the adoption of Resolution transferring Section 1 of ~the jOint Ou~tfall ~ewe~- to Sanitation District~ and for the transad~tion of any other business that may come before the Council at that time. COuncilman Wisser seconded the,motion. MOTION CARRIED. ·