Minutes-ZA 2005/08/18• • ANAHEIM ZONING ADMINISTRATOR ACTION AGENDA THURSDAY, AUGUST18, 2005 9:30 A.M. Council. Chambers, City Hall 200 South Anaheim Boulevard, Anaheim, California STAFF PRESENT: Annika Santalahti, Zoning Administrator Mark Gordon, Deputy City Attorney James Ling, Principal Civt Engineer Della Herrick, Associate Planner Pat Chandler, Senior Secretary AGENDA POSTING: A complete copy of the Zoning Administrator Agenda was posted at 6:00 p.m. on August 1, 2005 inside the display case located in the foyer of the Council ..Chambers, and also in the outside display kiosk. PUBLISHED: Anaheim Bulletin Newspaper on Thursday, July 28, 2005 PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS PUBLIC COMMENTS ADJOURNMENT H:\docs\zonin admin\a endas\acza081805.doc zonin administrator an-~~.-~ r ACZA081805.DOC Page 1 • PUBLIC HEARINGS: • 1a. CEQA CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION -CLASS 15 1b. VARIANCE NO. 2005-04661 1c. TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP N0. 2005-176 OWNER: Christy Clow Turner Anaheim, LLC 1500 Quail Street #150 Newport Beach, CA 92660 LOCATION: 4875 - 4887 E. La Palma Avenue, 1260 N. Hancock Street and 1251-1265 N. Manassero Street: Property is approximately 8.1 acres, located at the northeast corner of La Palma Avenue and Hancock Street with frontages of 483 feet on the north side of La Palma Avenue and 208 feet on the east side of Hancock Street. VARIANCE N0.2005-04661 - Waiver of minimum landscaped setback to subdivide an existing industrial complex. TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 2005-176 -To establish a 1-lot airspace industrial condominium subdivision for an existing 7-building industrial complex. ZONING ADMINISTRATOR DECISION NO. ZA 2005-16 Concurred with staff Withdrawn Approved 15 day appeal period 10 day appeal period Project Planner: Amy Vazquez (akvazquez@anaheim.net) Q.S. 166 Srvar2005-04661.doc Annika Santalahti, Zoning Administrator, introduced the item. THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS OPENED. Della Herrick, Associate Planner, read into the record a new condition of approval which would in turn modify Condition No. 6; one of the conditions that would need to be completed before the final parcel map approval: That an unsubordinated restricted covenant providing reciprocal access and parking approved by Planning Services Division, and in a form satisfactory to the Deputy City Attorney, shall be recorded with the Office of the Orange County Recorder. A copy of the recorded covenant shall then be submitted to the Zoning Division. In addition, provisions shall be made in the covenant to guarantee that the entire complex shall be managed and maintained as one integral parcel for purposes of parking, vehicular circulation, signage, maintenance, land usage and architectural control and that the covenant shall be referenced and all deeds transferring all or any part of the interest in the property. ACZA081805.DOC Page 2 • • Ms. Herrick stated that the applicant had been provided a copy of the new condition and was in agreement with the condition. Ms. Santalahti clarified that the new condition would be added as Condition No. 8 and Condition No. 6 would be modified to reference Condition No. 8. She referred to staff and asked if the final map would illustrate the airspace parcel because the one currently demonstrated only stated parcel 1. James Ling, Principal Civil Engineer, stated the parcel map was only for 1 parcel because individual condominiums are not handled through the Public Works and Transportation Subdivision section but through the Department of Real Estate at the State level. Ms. Santalahti wished to clarify if there would not be an issuance of attachment that stated the boundaries, etc. Mr. Ling responded that the Public Works and Transportation Division only reviewed boundaries for the map because they do not have interior lot lines and therefore are unable to review how condominiums are subdivided internally. Ms. Santalahti wished to know if for example fire walls, etc., would not essentially be an issue Mr. Ling responded that it might be something for the Building Department to review. Ms. Clow, Turner Development, wished to clarify that a civil engineer goes out and measures paint to paint, ceiling to slab and prepares a condo plan which is reviewed and approved by the title company and an attorney to make sure the CC&R's (Conditions, Covenants and Restrictions) and the condo plan are in concert because the condo plan is the legal description of what the owners would be buying. The City would not review the plan because the usage, square footage, etc., would not change. Ms. Santalahti wished to clarify if down the line one of the property owners bought two of the spaces and decided to put a hole in a wall that never before had a hole, if it would be reviewed in a normal Building permit. Ms. Clow responded it would be comparable to currently leasing two spaces and deciding to put a hole in a wall, the property owner would present the plans to the Building Department for review. THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. Following the August 18, 2005 public hearing, Planning Department staff determined that the requested waiver of minimum landscaped setback (Variance No. 2005-04661) is unnecessary because the proposal is fora 6-foot landscaped setback along Manassero Street, which is a "local street," and the Zoning Code requires only a minimum 5-foot landscaped setback abutting a local street under paragraph .0904 of subsection (Structural Setback and Yard Requirements) pertaining to Development Area 2 (Expanded Industria{ Area) of the Northeast Area Specific Plan No. 94-1. And, therefore, Variance No. 2005-04661 is withdrawn and no further action is necessary. Further, a categorical exemption was advertised for Tentative Parcel Map No. 2005-176, not a Negative Declaration as addressed in the Staff Report to the Zoning Administrator dated August 18, 2005 and, therefore, the CEQA determination made for the approved tentative map is a Categorical Exemption under Class 15 (Minor Land Divisions). 2. ITEMS OF PUBLIC INTEREST: None ACZA081805.DOC Page 3