1954/07/02693 ~~ CO~CIL~ Peaz A~EF~ , CO~CILNAN, CITY ATTO~, PRESTON CITY ADNI~STRATIVE OFFIC~ RESOLUTION NO. 2Z47, Coun¢ passage and adoption. A RESOLUTION OF T~E CITY CITY CLERK TO ENTER INTO ~TEEL PIPE, E~CASED IN 50 1 3/16 I~CH, a~EATH TeE RAIl STATIO~ 932 PI/B 33. On roll, call the follewing vote': ,of the City of Anahei~ mt in adJeurne, d rregular session. ,~en, Fry, Wisser and Van Wagoner.. ~te. BR~ Pre~ent- ',~ ~EITH A. NI~DOCH, Present. Fry offered Resolution ~°o2~47 and ~d for its ~ion Book, page ....... _ forego~ reSOlution was 'du17 passed and adopted by the AIES: ~O~CI:~E~: Pearson, Fry, Viseer and Van Wagoner. NOES; CO~CI] HE~: ~one. AB3ENT: O0~lCr, J4A~: Schutte. . . ~ The Mayor decl~ed the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 2148: Coun,';il3aan ~isser offered Resolution No. 2~$ and Bored for its passage and adoption. ~ Refer to Resolu A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY BE MADE AND ERTERID INTO OF ANABETK, AI~ A UTHORIZIN FOR A~D ON BEHALF OF THE ~ion Book, page ,,, __ )~CIL OF T~E CITY OF ANA~IN APPROVI~ AN A6REENEFr TO [ A]D ~N SOUT~ CO~T__TES_._ ~ CONPA~ ARD THE CITY ~ THE NAYOR A~D CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE SAID ~ ITl. On roll call th~ foregoing reSOlution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote, AIES: CO ~C~, ~o~s: co ~c~w: Pearson, Fry, ~iaser and Van Wagoner. Sohutte. The Mayor declared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. RESOLUTION NO, 2~9: Oouneilman Fry offered Resolution No. 2~49 and ~oved for its passage and adoption. Refer to ResolUtion Book, page _ . .... A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY O%NCIL OF T~E CITY OF AHAHEIM APPROVING A JOINT AC2qEE~T ~ THE OO~TY OF O~R~ AND TRE CITIES OF SANTA AHA, OE~W~E, FULLEETON, H~TINGTON BEACH, NEWPO~ ~EACH AND ANANE~ FOR THE OPERATION OF A ~ET~TER_ On roll call the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote, A~ES: NOES: AB~: CO~C!IHEN: Pearson, Fry, Wisser and Van Wagoner. c0~c~I~m, None. CO~IBCt~: Sohutte. The Mayor dec~ DET.F~Q.~ PUBT.TC SERVICE by CouneilBan Fry, the Pa the final pay check of Mm at 2100 Ih~derhill, as tee ~ed the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. BII~: SIDID: On ~otion by Councilman Wis~_r, seconded Toll Depart~nt was authorized to withhold George J. Sidlo ~ public service bill for services rended by A. J. TuBa, Treasurer. NOTION CARRIID. ?WASRW~R OF F.mm~, T~e City T~easurer was' ~thorised to transfer $?,250.00 per ~onth, beginning ~uly, 1954 from the General Fund to the City Es~loyee.s' Retirement Fund, on lotion by Couneil~an Fr~, seeonde~l~y ceuneitsa~ ~isse.~.- NDi~oN CARRIED. The City T~easure~ vas instructed to withho~~ any transfers f~e~ the Genez~l ~dad to the Special Isprovement FunA, until fur~berlaotice, on ~otion by Councilsma ~isser Counetlsan ~isser ~ove~ to a~Jou~e. Counei~ Fry, seeeaded the ~tton. MDTION OARRI~D. · .' P.A~_.I.TA?ION OF TAI~.q-. lmrOl~l~y accepted ion of city ta~s on above property was aut~?rl~ed om l~tOn by CounCil~m · econded by Counc~ ~ser. I~TION C~. .........