1954/08/24737 Ci,~y ltall~_~An ah~ i ,m, The City Council of PRESENT: COUNCILMEN: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: · CITY ATTORNEY, PRESTON TI CITY ADMINISTRATIVE OFFI ~ The minutes of adjourned regular meetin on motion by Councilman MOTION. CARRIED. WARRANT~ g,,D.F.I~t~LI~L Cou] the City amounting to $1 report of Finance Commit upon the %r~as~rer to pa Councilman Fry seconded ¢;a!iforn!a, August 24, 1954 _-:8:0_0 p.M. the City. of Anaheim met in regular session, Pearson, Fry, Schutte, Wisser and Van Wagoner. None. ]RNER: Present. ',ER, KEITH A. MURDOCH: Present. the regular meeting held August lOth and Is held 13th and tgth of August were approved ran Wagoner, seconded by Councilman Fry. icilman Van.Wagoner reported demands against 4,§04.54. Councilman Wisser moved that ee be accepted and that warrants be drawn said demands in accor4aa~e;with report. he motion. MOTION CARRIED." PUBLIC HEARI~NG; 1954-1 ~:F. WEI~' ASSESSMENT nl.qT~TCT._~ Pursuant to August 12th and 17th' pcUIlic hea.ring was held on the proposed sewer assessment distri 1954-1 Affidavit of posting not ce of said improvement was submitted by City Engineer. Geo. E' H~lYoke. Affidavit of mailing n'o~ces t0 ~a'~h 'own~ of' 'reco'r~d w~°se ~ame appeared on the last Equalized Assessment Roll ot} the County of Orange was submitted by ~he City ;.Cl~rk. , ....... ... Protest from the owners If Lot 44, .-Tract. No.: ~}379.~ Oscar :,V. Chandler and Maggie J. Chandler, ~as submitted and read. Also, protest sub- mitted hy J. E. Swanger, owner of the property located'at 200 Sus- anne C~t~e~t..was ~read,. ~ The Mayor asked if anyon,~ in the audience wished to i~a°d-dress the Council reqardi-ng said pi~oposed sewer district. 'No ;one present opposed s.aid I~rojec~t. ~ .. - ~ ~' ' :~., Thereupon, the two written ~protests received were-referred to the City Engineer to determine the area of the property owned by said protestants and make a report as ~,to ~-,he-total area within the assessment district, on notion by Cou,ncilman Schutte, seconded by Councilman Fry,. MOTION ~ARRIED. The City Engineer report~ approximately 2.1% of '-the ..total area within the proposed Sewe~Assessment District represented property own:ed by protestants. ~ ' - .. The finding of the City ~ouncil was that protests have been filed by the owners of less t~a~, ~-of the total area proposed to be in- eluded in the assessment district and assessed for the work and improvement, t,herefore, the protests w, ere over-ruled and the hearing closed~, on motion, b-y Councilman: ..Va-n:~ ~a. qon~r.~,,~, seconded by,-.Councilman Wisser. MO~IO4~ CARRIED. - ~ ' Councilman Wisser moved ~o contin,ue,, tl~e~ma:tter. ....... un-ti.l/ t_he.,next meeting for further proceedings.i Councilman Van Wagoner seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. PUBLIC_HEARING; RECLA. Ss~FICATION F-5~I-55-L: LA HABRA STUCCO CO. et al: submitted requeS~dethati the balance of the area in the triangle bounded by Eucl Ave., Lincoln Ave. and the Southern Pacific Railroad Tracks , rezoned from R-A to M-l.~ The City Planning Commis to P-L (parking-landscaping) zo~e~ on Li~ncoln,-Ave:. " ' No one in the audience protested said r,e~Lassif~ic~t.i°n and no written protests were received by the City Clerk. sion recommended said reclassification subject 738 _ --Ci,t ~ ff 11 Anahe. im .. Cai-if. ar ',a Au .ust 24 1954 -:8:00 P ~_...~~~ RESO_L.U_T__ION NO. 2512j Councilman iSchut~e offered Resolution No 2512 and moved for its Passage and adoption ' Refer to Resolution Book, 'page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDIN6 AND DETERMINING THAT A CHANGE OF ZONE[IS NECESSARY IN CERTAIN AREAS OF THE CITY AND THAT ARTICLE IX, CHAPTER 2 OF THE ANAHEIM 0 E SHOULD BE AMENDED TO ACCOMPLISH S~ID CHANOE OF ZONE. (FM~IsCI_~~ C D i On Roll call the foregoing resolution was duly paSsed:~and adopted by the following vote: ~ ! AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pear,on, Fry, Schutte, ~isser and Van Wagoner NOES: COUNCILMEN: None~ · ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None~ The Mayor declared the foregoing Resolution ~dUly passed and adopted. PUBLIC HEARING: INC : Submitt-~d equest for reelaII~--kt'~r-~- BROAD~A¥-HALE SNORES, ssification of the areab bdUnded~by Euclid Avenue, Crescent Avenue, Loara Street and Manchester ~rom R-A to C-2. Pursuant to-the City Planning Commission's Resolution No. 16, change of reclassification was-recommended upon the following conditions. A. The filing of Deed Restrictions as outlined below: 1. Ail plans and specifica ions for buildings to be ere:cted on the property and for signs to-be placed thereon shall be subject to approval '~f Broadway-Hale Stores, Inc , their designated architect. . . or 2. Broadway-Hale Stores, Idc. or its ~desiqnated architect's~hall review the plans and specifications for Strucvural~.require_ ments, architectural de~iqn, building l?cations, parking facilities and other ma~t~rs included w~thin the Deed Restrictions; and, if sqch plans and sPecifications 'are satisfactory, BROADWay ~r its designated architect shall sign one set of such plans and f~le it with the Building Inspector of the City o~'Anaheim 3. As a condition for appr0Vinq plans and specifications, BROAd,gAy shall require t~at all buildings With 9,000 square feet or more under one roof shall have mas-onry or similar fire resistant materials. Ail other buildings shall comply with Fire Zone Nui~er 2 requirements 4. Architectural design must be such that the buildings will retain a definite character in keeping with each other. 5. No building will be used :for residential purposes. 6. In approving signs to be]plaCed On buildings.' BROAD~AY or its designated archit0ct shall require signs tha¢ will be of a character that will not clash with signs on0ther ~ builAinqs on:tbS..property. THESE SIX RESTRICTIONS SHLL EXPIRE ON JULY 1; 1979. -/,6 t B. The following USES will ~ot be permitted unless lANCE is applied for and~granted: 1. automobile Sales Esta tishments; 2. Baths, Turkish and th~ like; 3. Billiard or Pool Hall] 4. Bo~Ji.ng Alley; 5. Church,. Temporary Revival; 6. Dance Halls; 7. Funeral Parlor; a VAR- 739 City Hall~, Anaheim, C~ 8. Garaging:-- (a) 9. Ice Storage Housel 10. Motels - AUto Cou'~ 11. Newspaper Plant a 12. Plumbing Shop; 13. Super Service Sta ion; 14. Taxidermist; I 15. ~Trade. S~hool; , ~ !~:iforni.a~,, Au.G,u,st 24,. 1954 - 8:,00. P. ,-~i-, ,~ ;arage Service, including On-Spray ~PaintJn~ ~oot~h: . ~iorage Garage, including Repairing and ;ervicing; ts; d Job printing; 16. Tinsmith; 17. Used Car Sales A a and 18. Wedding Chapel· The Broadway-Hale Stores, I~c,, presented a letter setting fort~ the following agreements; 1. We agree that we ~rill not ~eqUest of the City, either alom or in concert wit others, to extend to the west Pearl or Diamond Streets. 2. We .agree, that if a petition be filed for the closing of North Street, we ill not file any objections to such pe- tition. 3. In the event that the City should in the future require t~ closing of Westmo t Street, we agree to cooperate with.the City in'taking su, ~ steps as ar~,requir~d~:Q~,.:gu~ part tO be performed such as the correction of subdivision maps~ 4. We agree that the~roposal to extend Center St-feet at an angle so as t~°~tinue said street t° L°ara Road would be beneficial to the~City~ · and a desirable addition to traffic flow. As to the specific developn we agree: To follow as cl'ose the development of sub:iect, of~ course C'itv. A' copy of t · To erect a wall al ~oad in front of t material and des iq · Anaheim School District's R Petition s'ianed by app.roxi~ opposing the reclassificati met: ~hat no streets be Streets between Ce · What an 8' wall be between Center and · lent along the east side of Loara Road, ly as possible the tentative plot plan for the areas on the east side of Loara ~oad, , to such ,chanGes as are required by the he proposed plan is attached hereto. onq or parallel to the east side: of Loara he property at such height and of such n as is recommended by the City Engineer. ~ , esolution-No. 57 w~as .submitted and read, ~ately 315 residents was submitted and~'read on unless the following provisions were allo~ed to connect West Street and Loara ater and La Palma Streets. erected alenG~the East Side. of LOara Stgeet Crescent Street Whose addressino the Counci amono others were: Mr. Heffre~, Mr. MuCkenthale~, Mrs. Esther Kemper, Mr. John Ke~per,- Mrs. ~orald EndicOtt, Mr. V. L. Ste~flri ,~ Mr. Vernon Rold, Mrs Retty Calvev, Mr. C. R Miller, Mr. ~av Link, and Mr. Coalson C. Morris. Whe larae delegation ~r sent requested the ~itv Council to assure the~ n~ *_he closing of thes~ streets before the ~rantinG of the re- classification to the nroad~ay-Hale Stores was made. ~ ?~e ma~iority of these present were not opposin~ the future'shopping district ' 7,4O but rather wanted the assuranc~', of the streets being closed in order to protect their children in t~e area. Much discussion followed as to leRoal steps necessary to b~:taken in the closing or abandoment ff streets· It was believed by the Cog~ncil that the matter before the Council, beino the zoning reclassification, should be acted fipon first. The ~itv Attorney was instructed h~wever, to start proceedings on'the closino of the streets on moti ao,,neilman Schutte. MOTION CAR RESOLUTION : NO. 2515: Council 2513 for its passage and adopti the aoreement by the Rroadwav-H n by Councilman Wisser, seconded by RIED. man Van Waaoner~ offered ReSolutiOn Nb on, chanGin.q the zone to C-2 subject to ale Compan;y that they will not-permit any uses to be installed that are included in their letter and reco~ mendations of the Citv Planning~ Commission. Refer to ~esolution Rook, ~aGe A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCI~ OF THE CITY OF DETF, OMT~INg ?~AT A c-~,~ .... J, ...... ANAHEIM FINDING AND · ,,n~,.~. u~ -,u ~ 1~ NECESSARY C~?Y AND THAT ARTICLE IX ~u.n~. ~ ..... IN CERTAIN AREAS OF BE AMENDED TO ACCOMPLICU'o~'~Zr~2.~..~.u[_'I'_IJ_E__ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE SHOULD ~,, ~u ~a~b.. u~' ZONE. (F-54-'55-4) (Bro~dw~-Hal~ On roll call the foreqoinq resolution was duly passed and adop~sd by-the followino vote: AYES: cOUNCILMEN: Pears°n,i~Fry, Schutte, Wisser and !ran Waooner. NOES: cOUNCILMEN None. ABSENT: cOUNCILMEN: None. The ~avor declared the fore~oi'nG resolution duly passed add adq~ted. O__RDINANCE.....NO, 924: Councilman Vi~n Waqoner offered Ordinance No. 924 and moved Cot its pas%aoe and adoptibn. Said Ordinance was read in public for the first time. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING ARTICLE ~ _ - ANAHETM MUNICIPAL CODE RWIAWT~,~ ~ ........ IX, CHAPTER '2 OF THE ..... ,,,~ u -~-u.: ~STABLISHME OF ANAHEIM AND THER~ -~,,, ..... ~ ...... NT OF ZONES IN THE C Tv ' ~ m~,, ,,~uuua~N~ 'r~E USE OF LAND. I AND YArD SPACES'- A ' .... · HEIGHT OF BUILDINGS · ~PTING A MAP'[S ~-~WING l.u 'BOUNDARI'ES OF SAID ZONES: ~nn EN~O~CENENT: PRESCRIB . __ 4UST~ENT, AMENDMENT _~ ....... -~*w~o ~m ~UONFLICT THEREWITH .... ~-~ · ~ 54 55 ) CR aa _ ~ otores, ~.nc..~ (nes01ution-No. 2513.) 4 r dwa~ . ~NAL ~AP; .TRACT NO. 1421: Sou~:.b 'side of Crescent between Walnut on the East, Southern Pacific Railroad ¢ °Dad: ~he area around the Luther to accept said final tract map Nc quirements. Councilman Wisser s, [TNAL MAP: ?mACT NO, 1825: ~eld _ motion bv Councilman Wisser, seco VAR TANCE NO. 239--: ~.. LOUISE TRU ~o~theast corner of West Vermont to August 31st, to allow necessar This matter will then come before ,n the South, runs a.s far south as mall ~an Home. Coh'ncilma.n Van 'WaGoner-moved · 1421, subiect to enGineerinG, re- conded the Motion. MOTION CAR-R~ED. over for further consideration nded by Councilman rrv. ~AWj erection of Club~.OUse at the Ave. and S. Lemon Street was held over ~ time to notify interested persons the COuncil. ' REVISED WENTAT!VE MAP NO 2093: ubdivider: R. ~ W Construction Co., Location: Northeast corner of We~t La Palma Avenue ~nd "rookhurst Street aha "n"+a~ns 220 lots. . mhe Citv Planning Commission recormended the acceptance of said-:revised tentative map subject to the loll ~winG conditions: 1. Pavment of ~25.00 oer lot and ~ecreational Sites. 2. E-n~ineerinG Requirementsi~ 'for the acquisition of park . 741 City Wall, Ahab.elm, Cal.if_o.r~nia, ~Au~ust 24, 1,954- 8:00~P, Ma The City Council approved $ id tentative map of Tract 2093 subject to the recommendations of the ;City Planning Commission on motion .b.v Councilman Van-Watcher, sec reded by Councilman ~r-y. MOTION .CARRIED. TENTATIVE MAP TRACT N0, :_23~0! Subdivider: Oeuben Specktor and Thomas Lerov Evans. Locatipn.- East side of Placentia Avenue approximate- iv 660 feet ~outh of East S~uth Street and contains 90 lots. Acceptance was withheld pea, TENTATIVE MAP TRACT NO, 230 the Citv. WRACT NO. 2299~ Petition proposed tract protestinq t mu-~ ~,,ssio-n this matter Councilman ~isser was conti subdivider, Mr. ~aoner, of to said problem. linc the presentation of plans. ~ ~ithheld as areas is not annexed to siqned by 31 residents in the area Of ~e lot sizes was submitted, and read· After on motion by Councilman Schutte,~e¢~0n:ded, by aued for two weeks to allow time to notify the obiections entered and possible solution APPLICATION for addition toLexistinc building was submitted to the Council b~v Mr~ nattaalia, application was .referred to AdminiStrative Officer by ~C,'ouncilman Fry. w~ po r to ac~i~ ' PERMIT vO MOVE HOUSE: Mr. hnd Mrs. Leith, owner of property~ in the 1200 nlock,~on,Ppa~! Street requested special permit to allow them to moVe a house to this location. Application for house movin~ permit had been: verba, ll? made prior to ;the effective date of Ordinance No. 913. Theref-o~e,, s:pe~i~l'~.permit was , Granted by the City Council Councilman Van Wa.qoner, MO SALES AND usE TAX HEARING W b.v Councilman Van Waooner, on motion by Councilma. n Schutte, seconded by ~ION CARRIED, is contin.U~e'.d_..t_o.j..0.0, tober 2~.' 1954 on Motion seconded by Councilman Wisse:r.. MOTION CARRIED. RECLASSIFICAT-ION N:0. _F.: :53. 30: : .Are-a -in t-he .Gil~berrt~ St~reet -Annexation was held over until n~xt me~-tin.q. ORDINA. NC~ NO, 917: Councilman Van Wa.qoner o.ffered 0rdi'.nance :No, 917 for second readino and moved fo~ its pass'ace and adoption Readin.~ in.full of said Ordinan.ce was moved~t.o be wa:ived b:v Counci.lma~, .~Van Wa_~oner,~ and unanimousl.y carried by Cityl_ Council. ' ~. ', '~, ~ '' Refer to Ordinance Boo AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY CO III OF~. THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPA SECTION THEREUNDER, ESTABL'I POSITION OF UNCLAIMED PROP.E k, pace . : UNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM' AMENDING ARTICLE L CODE BY ADDING THERETO A NEW CHAPTER AND SHING THE PRO~ED.U_R.E:,FOR:/T~E_..H.&Np~L_ING AND pIS-- RTY IN THE POSSES_SION_OF THE POLICE DEPARTME.NT. On ro, ll c~,ll: the foreq~inq Ordinance was duly p.assed., a..nd adopted by the followln.q vote: AYES' . ,COUNCILMEN: retars on ,- r~.v ,, Schutt~e~, W. isser-, an~l,..van,, tVa.o,oner. NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: N~.ne, · · The Mayor declared the] foreooino Ordinance: duly pa~se;d and adopted, ORDINANCE NO 919: Councili~an Fry offered Ord]na~nce No,' 919 for second readino and ~oved for its ~assa.qe and adoption Readinq in full, of said Ordinance was moved tq be waived by Councilman Van Wa.qoner and unanimously carried by Cit~.,C,ouncil.. Re£er.to Ordinance~Bo~k~pa.qe~.~ ~ ,,. 742 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEI~ AMENDING ARTICLE V, CHAPTER 2,OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE'BY'ADDING A]NEW SECTION THERETO TO,BE NUMBERED · 5210,7; (Charges for 'tr;ash remova~ in commercial areas from commercial establ ishme'nts) '. On roll call the foregoin.q 'Or~'inance was duly passed and adopted by the followin.q vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, ~rry, Schutte, Wisher and Van Wagoner NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. ABSENT: · COUNCILMEN: None. ?he Mayor declared the foregoing Ordinance duly passed and adopted. O~DINANCE NO. 920: Councilman Van ~aqoner offered Ordinance NO 920 for second reading and moved for its p~Ss~.qe and adoption· Readinglin full of said Ordinance was moved to be waivted.by Cou~cilm'an Van ~a.qOne~ and unanimously carried by City Councili, · . Refer to Ordinance Book, page ~ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY-~F 'ANAHEIM{~'AM~NDING ARTi.cLE~iX, CH'A~PTE.R 2,. SECTION 9200.14 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICI~P-AL .CODE,, REL'ATING~ ..TO ~'~AR~KIN~. REOUiREME.NTS. (Churches, High Schools, etc. CPC ~esolution 78) On rol. 1 call the foregoing ordinance was duIy passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILM~: .Pearson, F~y, S~hutte, Wisser and' Van. Wagoner NOES: COUNCILMEN: No.ne. ' - . ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None. i ' ' ~ ' " The Mayor declared the fore~oi~g Ordinance duly oassed and adopted. · O~DINANCE NO, 921: Councilman Van ~agoner offered Ordinance No 921 for second and m~ved for its passag and adoption. Readin~ in ~ull of said Ordinance was moved to be waiveki by Councilman Van Wagoner and unanimously carried by City Council. Refer toOrdinance Book, pa~e AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY. COUNC:IL OF A PROPERTY TAX ON ALL PROPERTY WITHI OF ANAHEIM FOR-THE FISCAL YEAR ]954- rttE CITY OF ANAHEIM FIXING AND LEVYING THE CORPORATE LIMITS O'F T.I~E CITY 5,_ (Tax $1.10) On roll call the foregoing ordimance was duly oassed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Fr~.~ Schu.tte Wi~s~er and Van Wagoner NOES: COUNCILMEN: None... '!~ ' . . ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None. Whe Mayor dec4,ared-the foreooinal, ordinance, dulv o-assed and~ adopted. ORDINANCE NO. q3~; Councilman Wisseri offered Ordinance No. 922 for second a~d, moved for its passaoe and ~doption. Reading in full of said Ordinance was moved to be waived{by Councilman Van Wagoner and unanimously carried by City Council. i ' · ~efer to Ordinance Book, page AN ORDINANCE OF THE: CITY,OF ANAHEIM FIXING THE AMOUNT OF MONEY NE~ESSARY~ TO BE RAISED BY TAXATION UPON THE TAXABLE PROPERTY IN THE CITY AS A REVENUE TO OPERATE THE VARIOUS C~y DEPART,MENTS AND TO, PAyOF' ANAHEIM INDEBTEDNESS FOR THE CURRENT F__ISCAL y~AR 1954-55~ _ THE cITY On roll call the fore~oin~ ordin~.ce was duly gaSsed, and-adopted by the followin~ vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Fry,i Schutte, Wisser and Van Wagoner COUNCILMEN: None. : COUNCILMEN: None. 743 City Hall,. Anaheim:, CO~.~if:ornia. Au.g.ust 24, 195,4 8:00 P.., M. The Mayor declared the ORDINANCE NOt 92~; Caunci second readino and moved f of said Ordinance was move, . unanimously carried by Cit Refer to Ordinance Booi AN ORDINANCE OF~ THE CITY Of THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE CITY OF ANAHEIM AND THEREI BHILDING$ AND YARD SPACES: SAID ZONES: DEFINING THE AMENDMENT AND ENFORCEMENT: REPEALING ALL SECTIONS OR (F-53-54-29, Resolution No ApPLICATIO~ from ~tchison, franchise to construct a s was referred to City Enoin, foreqoinq Ordinance, duly passed and adopt.erd. man wisser offered Ordinance No. 923 for ,r its passage and. adop}ion. Reading in full to be'waived by Councilman Yah Wagoner and Council. ANAHEIM AMENDING ARTICLE' IX,, CHAPTER 2, OF RELATING TO THE ESTABLISBMENT OF, ZONES IN THE REGULATING THE USE OF'LAND, HEIGHT OF ADOPTIN~ A MAP SHOWING THE BOUNDARIES OF ,ERMS USED THEREIN: PROVIDING~ FOR ADJUSTMENT, PRESCRIBING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION AND 'ARTS OF. SECTIONS IN CONFLICT THEREWITH. 2482, C. P. C. Res. 82). Topeka and Santa Fe Railwav Compo~y fOr ,ur tract acro.ss Commercial and O.live Streets ~er for investiqation. APPLICATION bsfore th'e'Pub~ic Utilities 'Co's was submitted and. read to . . mmission by T~ANNER MOTOR TOURS, LYD. for the Operation of gi~ht seein~ tour the Council and ordered received and filed . r .oi r ici tat e.t was submitted: and .~rderedi~eceived and filed., and ~es°tution,-No.4477, l'evvina MetropOlitan Water]District tax for'the'fiscal year 1954--55 was ordered received and filed~ '" _~PPOINTMENTS: LIBRARY BOA,:D: Mayor. Pearson appointed'., glenn ,G. Fr~ .and Mrs. Raymond members of thc Anaheim Library Board. Said appointments were ratified by the City founcil on motion~bv. Councilman. Schutte, seConded'by Councilman Fry MOTION'~ARkIED. ORDINANCE NO. 925: Councilman Wisser offered Ordinance No. 925 and moved for its passaoe and adoption. Said Ordinance was read in oublic for the first time. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY O~ ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT A CHANGE OF ZONE IS NECESSAR~EIN CERTAIN AREAS OF THE CITY AND THAT ARTICLE'IX. CHAPTER 2 ~OF~ ?~ ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE SHOULD BE AMENDED TO ACCOMPLISH SAID CHANGE ~F ZONE. (F-53-54-31. Resolution No. 2494) ! ' BONDS AND INSURANCe; The ~ollowinq bonds were ordered approved and accepted on approval by th~ City Attor?ev on motion by Councilman Van Wagoner, seconded by Counc lman Wisser MOTION CARRIED. TRACT NO,. 2249: Bond in tNe amount of $9500.00 for installation of ~ater mains. Bond in the ~mount of $40,000.00 for construction of street work, sewers and sidewalks TRACT NO. 2237: Bond in t~e amount of $52,500.00 for construction of ~utters, sidewalks and streets, and installation of water mains - bond in the amount of $9,260.00.i %NSHRANCE RENEWA~ on Libra~ Books - Premium $81.00 from July 1 1954 to Julv 1 1957. FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE BOND,: ~or the furnishin~ of liqui ~LUMBERS BOND: A. B. Jones in the amount of $1,000.00 JOB NO, 1007: City Enqinee of Job No. 1007 in accordan recommended the acceptance $18,900.00 for the John Wiley Jones Company d chlorine. Co., and L. H. Henson. A. B. Jones bond L. H. Henson bond in the amount of $1,000.00. r verified the completion by the contractor ce with olans and specifications and of said work. 06I 744 CitHall ~tnaheim, Californi ~ Au ust 24, 195~'.- 8:00_P~:M.: _~ESOL'~TIO~ NO. P-51~4. l~'es°lUti~n'~o; 251'4 was .offe~red b~v Cou~n-cilman ~an ~aqoner who moved for its oassaqe ~and adoption , R~efer to :resolution book, paff~ A RESOLUTION OF T~E CITY COUNCIL 0F T~E.~C~T~ OF ANA~ THE ~O~PLETION :AN~ TURN ' _ ___ _ NALLY AC~,EPTING' E~UIP~ENT ANO ALL UTI IS~IN6 OF ]ALL PLANT, FOLLOWING PUBLIC I ~ n~ ~wna ~E~ESSSARY TO CONSTRUCTION AND COMPLETE THE MPROVEMENT: BA_~-~ SEWER FROM 444' E T .... ,' ,, On roll call the fore~oin~ resolution ~as duly passed and adopted by the fello~inq veto. ~ ' fFrv ~isser. 5c~ntte'and,-~n ~aqoner. A~ES- COUNCILMEN: Pearson, ~ NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None ~ The Mavor declared the foreaoi':~a resolution duly ~Pa's'sed anH adbpted' MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. Joint Outfall Sewer meetina held August 5th, 1954:were sUb~i~tted an~i~ ord'bred approved and filed-on motion by CounCilman Fan ~aqoner, Seconde ~bF Councilman Schutt. e. MOTION CARRIED P~TITION~ favorina better improved drainage system and street cleaning in the golden ~est Park Area between the Santa Aha FreewaF and Bali ~ROad, signed by 35 residents in satd'are~waS~.submitted:..and ordered-received and filed. The City Administrative 0ffficer rqported on the financial status for the first month in, thee new fiscal vea~ ',~ The Ci'ty Council moved to adjourn .o AUgust 31, 1'954 'at 8:00 P. M, o'n motion by Councilman Wisser, seconded by Councilman Fry. MOTION' CARRIED. ADJOU~WED. CITY CLERK, CITY OF ANAHEIM~