1954/09/07 City Hall, Anaheim. C~lif0rn~a,~:.Septemher 7, 1..9.54 8200 P.M. , i ~, . , , 4' ~ , I ' ~ -,~ ~ .., - , /he City Council of the City or. Anaheim.met in ad3ourned regular session Septe~ 7~ 1954~ 8~ p.~. P~S~T: GO~I~ Pearson~ Fry~ SchUSter. Wisser and Van ~agone~. ~~T ~ CO~CI._L~ N~e. CI~ ATTO~EY~ PRESTON ~~ "presentt CITY ~NISTRATIV~ OFF!CER~ KEITH A. ~Ht Present, O~IN~E NO. 926~ Co~cilman Van Wagon~x offered O~inance No. 926 and mov~ for its pa.ssage ~d ad~tion. Refer to Ordinance Book, page After he~ta~ read the title ~inance No, ~6~ C~cilman WisSer moved said reading ~n full ~e waived. Cg~cilman Schutte seconded the motiOn. Said ~tion was unanimously adopted by ~ O~I~E OF, T~ ~I~ OF ~~I~'~ CALabrIA, O~ERING,~ C~LING, PROVIDING FOR ~ ~VING NO!ICE OF A ~ E~GTiON-~ SE ~ IN T~ ~GITy~ OF'~EI~- ON ~E 14TH DAY OF ~TOmwR, 1~4~ FoR-~ PU~-0F S~TTING ~. ~ T~EE .PRO~ITIONS TO It~.~~ I~EBT~~ BY SAID GI~ Q~T~N ~IGIPAL I~ROVE~NTS~ On roll c~l the foregoing _Ordi~nce was duly passed ~d adopted by the followtn9 vote: AYe: COUSIn: Pearson, ~Y, Schutte, WiSser and Van Wagoner. . NOES: GO~I ~: None. ~S~T: CO~I~: None. The ~yor declared %he foregoinU Ordinance No. 926 duly passed and adoptS' T~IAII~ ~_ ~CT NO. ~99: Located between Lincoln Avenue and Broadway start~9 ~t Brookhurst ~d extending easterly almost to Euclid Avenue. Su~ divider, wagne~ Realty~co. Tentative ~ap of Tract No. 2299 Was apprOved Yy the City COuncil. August 10, 1954, subject, to conditions. AuQust 24,-1954, petition was r6%ived by the City Council containing signat~es of 31 persons 'residing' in the ~lcinity of'Tract No. 2299 objecting to the 6,000 sq. ft. lot . ' ~ _ ' - - · - sizes Co~mmunications signed by 6 owners supportin9 the original 6~000 sq. ft..!.ot sizes together with communica~$on submitted' by one Owner 6f property near the t~act protesting, and'a~ther Communi'c~ion requesting his name be_ withdrawn from petiti0n~ of protes$ were submitted and read. '~ Discussion fgllowed regarding t~ number of lots that would be lost by the Subdivider should lots sizes be in¢~eased-~r0m 6,00~ f~et t° 9,000 Sq. ft.; t~e shoe-stringing of large lots alo~~ main arteries; financing by governmen{ agencies and other lending institutions relative to this kind of planning and the establishment of an over, il plan for the zOning and placement of larger homes. '' CoUncilman Schutte asked the~S~ivider if ..... he would loose money on an increase from 60 ft to 80 ft. retaining' the 100 ft~, aepth,~ along~Brohdwa~~- The answer was "yes". Councilman Schutte ~urther asked would the-Subdivider loose money if the people living on the saUth side of BroadWay bought those lots on Broadway. The Subdivider said he iWould sell them to them anytime. After further discussion in an ~ffort to come to s~me kind of an agreement, it was suggested that the group present adjourn to the office of ~m. ~ungall to try to work out a solution. When the group returned to the~uncil Chamber, ~r. Wagner, Sub- divider stated he was willing to compromi~, however he wanted assurance that the same thing would not happen to anothe~ itracJ~, soon to come before the Council, in which he has 1,000, 6,000 sq. ~t. lots. In conclusion, Councilman Schut~moved that the Tentative Map approved by the City Council, subject to c~ ~tlons, August 10, 1954 contain ~ d ~ lots of a minimum of 7,200 sq. ft. with ~,~0 sq. ft. houses on the lots facing Broadway. Councilman Wisser secon~ the motion. ~DTION CARRIED. City Hall, Anaheim, California, September 7,_1954 T 8:00 P.M. VARIANCE NO. 239: C. Lou!se'/ruxaw for permission to erect a Club House at the ~orner of South Lemon andi Vermont Streets. Ntt. Morningstar, Attorneyi for Mrs. Truxaw submitted and read communication from District Manager, 3. G. HR. lle, Department of Veteran Af~irs, Long Beach office. Mr. Louis Madden, Appraiser, also from the State Department of Veteran Affairs addressed the Council andl stated that normally a Club House would be a hazard to residential property, ~ue to parking problems, etc. He felt all property should be utilized, and that Mrs. /ruxaw would be better off to get multiple zoning on this lot, to have a buffer for the other property on down the line. Mr. Madden personally felt that a triplex would be more of a buffer than a large home, however he !didn't feel the C~ub House would reduce the values of homes there now, and staged that the lot in question never should go as single family residence it being on a corner with C-1 zoning across the street, and a Club House could be a good buffer, looking at it from that angle. Mr. Madden advised all present that the opinions expressed by him were his own personally as anlAppraiser and in no way was policy established by the California State Department of Veterans Affairs or any other lending agency. Residents in the area addressed the Council and stated that they were not against the AssistanCe League, they knew that the League represented a very wonderful organization, that it was the other uses the the Club House that they were afraid of, such as dances and the possibility of drinking on the premises, and the further possibility of these things should the building be sold later. Mr. Morningstar stated that no one.would build across the q-1 zoning and further stated he felt they were depriving Mrs. Truxaw of her property with- out due process. In order to provide the residents of the area.more information, such as the type of building and plan of proposed club ho~se~ the parking locations to be provided, Councilman Schutte moved to continue the matter to SEPTEMBER 28, 1954, for the presentation of a sketch drawing and plans of the proposed club house. Councilman Wisser seconded the motion. MO/ION CARRIED. V~IANCE.NO. 244~ Review of this Variance was scheduled in error for this meeting as the persons interested cannot be present until after the 15th of September, therefore this Variance Was delayed for review until SEPTEMBER 28, 1954. VA~..IANCE NO, 250~ ViolaiSpurlock for permission to cut off a lot from the:parcel of land located at 303-311 North Placentia Avenue. Mr. Murdoch reported that he had checked this area for the possibility of cutting off of a street and found that the granting of this.Variance would in no way interfer. BUILDING PHRNffT: Van Wagoner building. City Council authorized the issurance of a Building Permit in accordance with the plan and~wi%h the additional six foot set-back on motion by CoUncilman Schutte, seconded by Councilman Wisser. MOTION CARRIED. _BOND 5. LEGI. ION.: ,,~I~O_BER !1,4, 19D4: The City Council authorized the sending of sample ballots to all qu~_:lified electors in the coming bond election of October 14, 1954, on motion by CounCilman Fry, seconded by Councilman Wisser,. MOTION CARRIED. ORDINANCE NO. 927~ Cour~._ilman. W_is:ser. of. feted Ordinance No.. 927-for~%econd reading and moved for its passag~ and adoption. Refer to Ordidance Book, page After hearing ~ead the title of Ordinance No. 927, Councilman Schutte moved that the reading in full of said Ordinance be waived. Councilman Wisser seconded the motion. M~tion unanimously carried by the City Council. O INANC . CIZ OF ANAHEIM AM -NDI G ARZ. ICL . IX,-CHAPZm ZH - ANAHEI' M3NICIPAL CODE RELATING iTO THE ESIABLISHNMNT OF ZONES IN~.IHE .CITY, OF ANAHEIM AND THEREIN REGULATING THE ~E OF LAND, HEIGHT OF BUILDINGS AND YARD SPACES'. ADOPTING A N~kP s.HOWIN~ /HE BOUND.~RIES OF SAID ZONES.' DE~FtNIN~ THE TERMS USED THE.",.RHIN: ~ PROVIDING FOR AD3IJSTMEN~ AMENDMENT AND ENFORCEN~NT: PRESCRIBING PHNAETIES .FOR VIOLATION AND REPEALING ALL SECTIONS OR PARTS OF SECTIONS IN CONFLICT THEREWITH. 905 75~ Ci..t.y Hall, Anaheim~ Cal%fo_r.n~, September..:7, 1954 ~_F-54-55-1: C.P.C. Res 12 (1954-55)C~t~y Res. 2512). On roll call the foregoing O~dinance was duly passed and adopted hy ~the following vote: COUNCIL~N: Pearson, Fry, Schutte, Wisser and Van Wagoner. AYES: NOES: COUNC I LMHN: None. ABSENT: COUNCIL~N: None. : I ' ' The Mayor declared the foregoing Ordinance No..927 duly passed and adopted. 1 ,.ORDINANCE NO. 928: Councilman Fry off,red Ordinance No. 928 for second reading and moved for its passage and adoption, Refer to Ordinance Book, pag{ AN ORDINAk~E OF THH CI/Y OF ANAHEIM A~ NfONICIPAL CODE RELATING TO GARBAGE AND THERETO TO BE NU~BERED 5210.8 PROHIBIT] LEAVING OF RUBBISH, WASTE MATERIAL, SC} NDBILH BODIES, AND SIMILAR HEAVY, BULK] CITY. NDING AR/ICL5 V, CHAPTER 2 OF THE ANAHEIM RUBBISH DVSPOSAL, BY ADDING A NEW SHCTION iN.G IH5 DU~ING, DEPOSITING, PLACING OR lAP-IRON, DISCARDED AUTOMOBILES OR AUTO~" OB35C/S WI/HIN SIRHHIS OR ALLEYS IN THE On roll call the foregoing oSdinance was duly passed and adOpted by the following vote: AYHS: COUNCIL~N: Pearso~ Fry, Schutte, Wisser and Van Wagoner. NOES: COUNCIL~N: None. ABSENT: COUNCILN~: None. ~ The Mayor declared the foregoing Ordinance duly passed and~adopted. ~RD!NANCE NO. 929~ .... Councilman Fry off,red Ordinance No. 929 for second reading and moved'for'"'its passage and adoption~ Refer to Ordinance Book, pag~ After discussing this Ordinance and hearing read in full the title Councilman Van Wagoner moved that the ~eading in full be waived. Councilman Wisser seconded the motion. ND/ION ~n~hi~Dusly carried by the City Council. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AN~NDING ARTICLE VIII, CHAPIER L-A, SECIION 8100.52 OF TH5 ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE ~LATING TO STRF~T SET-BACK LINES ON LINCOLN AND CENTER STREETS, FROM WEST STREET Tb ILLINOIS STREET. On roll call the foregoing Ordinance was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILN~N: Pearson, Fry, $chutte, Wisser and Van Wagoner. NOF~: COUNCIL~N: None.' ABSENT · The ~ayor declared the foregoing Ordinance No. 929 duly passed 'and adopted. NUTWOOD BALL ANN~XATION: (South sideiOf Ball Road between Nutwood and BrookhurSt down to Cerrito9) Petition signed by six resists in the area requesting consent to start proceedings for the annexation ~f described territory to the City of Anaheim was received by the City CounCil and referred to the City Planning Conm~ission on motion by Councilman SoHutte~ seconded by Councilman Wisser. MOTION SHWHR ASSESSN~NT DISTRICT 1954-1: The 1954-1 was broUght up, and the City A~ requested from 3. R. Lester Boyle, En~ Report showing whether or not there i that should there be, the City Clerk im~tter of the Sewer Assessment District %orney advised the Council that he had iineer, to furnish the Clerk with a Title any Registered Land within this area, so ~st file with the County Registrar of Titles a notice so that a memorial can be entered upon the records. City.Hall~. Ao. ah~im~, California~.. _ September.. . ... _7,: 1954. - 8:00 P.M. RESOLUTION NO. 2518: . Coui~cilman $chutte offered Resolution No. 2518 and moved for 'itS" passage anc~ adopt!on Refer to Resolu' A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY THE ~C~ITY ADMINISTRATOR A5 THE PROCEEDINGS FOR THE F~ VALIDITY OF SUCH PROCEEDI] 3. R. LESTER BOYLE TO FUR] SAID PROCEEDINGS ARE BEIN' EXPENSES INCURRED BY THE THEREWITH. :ion Book, page ;OUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AUTHORIZINGAND DIRECTING }.THE CITY AITORNEY IO EXAMINE, OR CAUSE TO BE EXANIINED ~NIATION OF ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1954-1 TO DETERNtINE THE IGS, AND AUTHORIZING THEM TO REQUIRE THE ENGINEER, ~ISH ANY INFORN~TION NECESSARY TO ASSURE THE CITY THAT 3 VALIDLY CONDUCTED, AND AUTHORIZING THE PAY~IENT OF ALL 3ITY ATTORNEY OR THE CITY ADMINISTRATOR IN CONNECTION On roll call th~ foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES NOES ABSENT COUNCIlmEN: Pearson, Fry, Schutte, Wisser and Van Wagoner. COUNC I~N: None. COUNCI~N: None. The Mayor declared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. SOU/HERN CALIFORNIA GAS C~. Application before the Public Utilities Commission for increase in rates wa~ referred to the City Attorney. PLUN~BER BONDS: Earl V. ~ellesen and Claude A. Wilson, dba C. & E. Plumbing & Heating, and B. F. Wells and Ed. L. Wells, dba B. F. Wells and Son were submitted and ordered received and ifiled when approved by the City Attorney, on motion by Councilman Wisser second4d by Councilman Van Wagoner. CANCELLATION OF CITY TAX~: Cancellation of City taxes on property purchased by the State~ Department oflPublic Works, for highway pnmposes and formerly assessed to Hector M. Nyhus was aq%horized on motion by Councilman Van Wagoner, seconded by Councilman Wisser. ~TION CARRIED. FINAL Nb~P~ TRACT Np, 182~ Councilman Wisser moved the City Council approve said Final ~ap ~f Tract No. 1525, subject to engineering requirements and further that lots numbers 117 and ll6ibe treated as one building site. Councilman Van Wagoner seconded the motion. N~TION CARRIED. POLICY: EXCEPTIONS ON B~OOKHURST FRONTAGE: It was moved by Councilman Schutte seconded by Councilman F~y, fha{ the area ~'emain as presently zoned by the County of Orange located from Brookhurst to Gilbert Streets from Broadway to the north line of the South half of the Southeast quarter of Section 18, Township 4 South, Range 10 West, San Bernardino Base and Meridian, and including Tract No. 796, but excluding Brookhurst frontage to the depth of 150 feet. ND/ION CARRIED. RESOLUTION NO. 2519: CoUncilman Van Wagoner offered Resolution No. 2519 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, page A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY: COUB~IL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT PUBLIC CONVENIENCE ~ NECESSITY REQUIRE THE CONSTRUCTION A~D C~E~TION.'OF A PUBLIC I~PROVENMNT, IQ WII: EAST BROADWAY $TR~.T I~PROVEN~NT FRQM ELD~R STREET TO SOUTH EAST STREET, 30B ~.. 348. AND APPROVING THE DESIGNS~ PLANS, PROFILES, DRAWINGS AND sPECIFICAT/bNS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION THEREOF: AUTHORIZING THE CONSTRUCT- ION OF SAID PUBLIC I~PRQVE~ENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH SAID PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, ETC.: AND AU/HORIZING AND DIRHETING THE CIIY CLERK TO PUBLISH A NOTICE INVITING SEALED PROPOSALS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION THEREOF. (Open bids, September 28, 1954] On roll call ~he foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COUN~ILNMN: Pearson, Fry, Schutte, Wisser and Van Wagoner. COUN~ I L~EN: None. COUN~ I IJ~N: None. The Mayor declared the foregoing resolution duly passed and adopted. 754 City Hall~ Anaheimt Cali'fornf~ September ,7~ 1954 --8:00 P.M. Councilman Van Wagoner moved to adjourn, Councilman Wisser seconded the motion. MO/ION CARRIfD. ADJOURNED. ~ ~.~ SIGNED ~z_ ' Ci t~ !Cierk 60g