1954/10/13 City ~11, Anabeim,~Calif.ornia,..October 13, 195..4...-...8:00 P.M. The City Council of the City of Anaheim met ~n regular session. · PRESENT: 00UNCILMEN: Pearson,, Fry, Schutte, and Van 'Wagoner. ABSENT : COUNCILMEN: WisserJ ACTING CITY ATTORIIEY, PHILLIP McGRAW: Present. CITY ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER, ~ITH A. MUEDOCH: Presemt. . MINUTES$ The Minutes of the regular meeting held September 28, 1954 and ~pecial Meeting held October l, 1954 ~t 2:00 P.M. were.approved on motion by 0ouncilman Van Wagoner, seconded by CounCilman Schutte. MOTION CARRIED. WARRANT~ &_ DEMANDS: Council~ Van Wagoner reported demands against the city amount- ing to $107,610.28. 0ouncilm~n Schutte moved ~hat report of Finance Committee be accepte~[ and that warrants beI drawn upon the Treasurer to pay said demands in' aCcord- ance with report. Counctlmani Fry seconded the motion. NOTION. 0ARRIED. FINANCIAL & OPERATING REPORTSE.- Financial and Operating Reports for the month of September, 1954 were approved and ordered received and filed on motion by 0ouncilman Van Wagoner, seconded by Oounhilman Schutte. MOTION 0ARRIED. PUBLIO_HEARING: VARIANCE NO. ~..~4: Public Hearing. relative to Variance No-. ~, sub- mi~ted by ~. E. and Barbara W~ Warnes for permission to erect a service station at the Northwest corner of East 0enter Street and North East Street. · The City Planning 0ommis~ion, pursuant to their Resolution No.'21 (Series 1954-55) granted Variance No-i 24~, mubject to: 1. The erection of a 6 foot masonry wall along the north and west sides of the property. ~ 2. The erection cfi the Service Station according to the plans as presented. Communication submitted by F. E. ~arnes stating his reasons fer the request- ed Variance was submitted.. A~so communication from R. G. Mitchell approving the granting of said Variance wasi submitted and read. Petition opposing t~he granting of Variance No. 254 signed by'8 residents in the area was submitted an~ read. ~ Thos~ addressing ~ Council in opposition to the gramting of said Variance were: Mr. William Poe, Attorney for the opposition; Mr. Van De Velds; Mr. Cartwright; and Mrs. Samuel. . Those addressing tbs Council favoring the granting of the said ~ariance were: Mr. Till, attorney representing Mr. Warnes; and Mr. F. E. Warnes. Ail interested partiies being heard from and all written protests and consent having been read, the Ma~or d~lared the hearing closed. The Council on motion by Councilman Schaxtte, seconded ~Y Councilman Fry, moved to defer, action until the next meeting, (October 21, 1954) RESOLUTION NO. 2~38: Councilman Van Wagoner offered Resolution No. 2538 and for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolutio~ Book, page ~ ~ . A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY O0~IL OF THE CITY OF ANAEEIN'FINDING AND D~TER~INING THAT PUBLIC CONVENIENOE .AND NECESSITY R. EQUIltE THE CONSTRUCTION AND COMPLETION OF A PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT, TO WIT. INSTALI~TION OF AN 18" STEEL CYLINDER 00NCRETE WATER LINE ALONG ~ALL ~AD FR0~ S0U~ L~0N S~T TO OLIVE S~, WOrX ~RDFa NO. 1307, A~D APPR0VX~ T~E DESIGNS, PLA~S, PROFILES,I DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR T~ CONSTRUCTION ~0F: AUTHORIZING T~ 00NSTRUCTION ~ SAID PUBLIC IMPR0~ME~T IN A000RDA~CE~WIT~ SAID PLA~S, SP~CIFIOATIONS, ~T0.; AND AU~ ~ORIZING AND DIR~0TING T~ O I~ ~ TO PIIBLIS~ A NOTIO~ INVITING S]~IJ~D PROPO~ALS ~0~ T~ CO~S%~RUC~ION ~~1~. (.open bids 0otober 26, 195~) Om roll call the f~regoi~g resolution was d~ly.passed amd adopted by ~e followimg vote: AYES: COUNCIIAtENi Pearson, Fry, Schutte a~d Van Wagomer. ~ NOES: COUNCILM~: None. ABSENT: COUNCILM~: Wisser. The Mayor declared ~e f or'going r. esolution duly P ~assed and adopted~ Clt ~N-~Anaheim Califo i a October 1 1 4 - 8:00 P.M. REVISED TENTATIVE ~ TRACT NO. 2303~~ Lesser ~aterprises Ltd. - Location: North of Lincoln Avenue amd west of Magnolia A~snue - 186 Lots. City Planning. Commission vexed to approve the revised tentative map ~ subJect to: ' 1. Completion of Amnexatio~ 2. Lots under 60 feet in v: 3. Payment of $25.00 per 1, Sites. 4. Engileering Requirement, The City Council at their Se presentation of plans. On motion by ¢ the revised tenatative map of Tract Nc as outlined by the City Planning Oomm~ annexation proceedings. MOTION., CARRI~ Proceedings. [dth must be brought up to the Citers minimum. for the acquisition off Park and Recreation · ptember 28th meeting withheld action pending the lOuncilman Schutte, seconded the Councilman Fry, ,- 2303 was approved, subJect, to-recommemdations ~sion and further subject to the completion of REVISED TENTATIVE _MAP_ T~CT NO. 2381: Avenue, starting at Orange Avenue amd Avemue- 90 lots. Revised ten~ative map origin has been purchased by Griffith Bros. 0ity Planning Commission mcr to.' Griffith Bros. -:Location: East side of Euclid i. uaning south to a point 632 feet north of Crone ally submitted by Leon Friedman. Property now · d to approve the~revised tentative f map subject 1. Inclusion as lots of those parcels marked "NOT A PART OF THE SUBDIVISIONS, if possible. (2 on Loar~ St.) 2. The opening off a street amd alley to the south near Euclid Avenlle.~- 3- Payment of $25.00 per lo~ for the acquisition of Park and Recreation Sites. 4. Engineering Requirements, . The City Council at their meSting held September 28th withheld action on this map pending the presentation of plams.~' On,motion by Councilman Schutte, seconded by Councilman Fry, revised tentat- tire map of~ Tract No. 2381 was approve~ subject to the recommendations of the 0itu Plauning Commission and further subJeci to the minimum of 1225 sq. ft. houses. MOTION CARRIED. TE~TIVE MAP TRACT NO. 237~: E. P. J ~acobsen - Location: South of West La Palms Ave. Just east of Trae-~ ..... ~ o-~' -i5~7- ~d backs ~up to the C~bon C~yon C~nel. City Pl~i~ Co~i~sion vot~ to approved the tentative map subJec~ 1. Engineeri~ Requirements.~ 2. P~ent of $25.00 per lo~ for the ~quisition of Park ~d Recreation Si~s. Actiom by the City Co~cil ~s wit~eld pendi~ the ~option of ~ Ordim~e governi~ t~ mimim~ ~ea of houses. T~TATIVE ~ T~T NO. 2390: Viewcrest Eemes - Location: o~ the~west aide of Gilbert ~treet north of 0rescent Avenue ~d coz~ins 155 Lots. ~. The City Pl~ni~ Co~ission zoted to ap~ove the tentative map subject to: 1. ~ineeri~ Requirements. 2. Pa~ent of $25.00 per lot for the ~quisition of P~k ~d Recreation Sites. 3. Pa~ent of $300.00 per ~re ~ewer Ch~ges. Action by the 0ity Council wa~ TENTATIVE MAP T _RA0_~T NO. 2393~: Middlebr~ the southwest cormer of Broaclwa~ and withheld pending the presentation of plaus. ,Ok & ~erziger B,,tldi~g 0orp. Locatiom: At ,~ert Streets. 125 Lots. The City Planning Commission w,eted to approve the to.tire map subject to: 1. Lot now marked "NOT A PAR~# be imcluded in this Subdivision and improve- ments constructed. 2. Payment of $2~.00 per lot ~or the a~quisition of Park amd Recreation Sites. 3. Payment of $300.00 per ac~e Sewer Charges. 4. Opening of the street to ~ west. ' The City Council, :on motion b~ Councilman Van Wagoner, seconded by Councilman Schutte, approved said tentative map of ~ract No. 2393, Subject to recommemdations of City Plamming ~emmission. MOTION City Eall, .Anaheim.. !~al~f.0rnia, 0ct.char. 13, 195.4 r 8.:00. P.M. FINAL MAP TRACT NO. 2201: Phc of W. La Palms Ave. and Brook~ George 0elkers, Sups through the property in the Tx .qnix Construction Co. Location: at the northwest corner ~st St. 181 lots. ~iatendent of Light, Power aerator, requested an easement 'act to .serve people adjacent to this area. It wa~ noted that the easements were iwdics, ted on the proposed Final Map. On motion by .0ouncl~an Van Wagoner, seconded by Councilman Fry, Final Map of Tract No. 2201 was approve/~ .subject to. Engineering Requirements and further subject to the recording of easements ins shown on the map. MOTION CARRIED. SUBDIVISION BOND TRACT NO. 22q1: S~bdivlsion bond for the installation of improvements within Tract No. 2201 was ordered received and filed when approve, d by the City Attorney on motion by Councilman Sch~t~e, seconded by Councilman Fry. MOTION CARRIED. · VARIANCES: The Oity Council r~eviewed the following variances: · VARIANCE NO. 2~7: Submitted bY Orville Schmanz' for the erection of duplex dwellings on two lo. ts at 842-846 So. Olive St. The City Planning C_~mmission granted said Variance and the City Council sustained the action of the C~ty Pla~.ni. ng Commiss. ion. VARIANOE NO. 258: Submitted l~r Halbert H_ickma~_~for waiver of lot area in Tra. ct No. 2373 to 6,000 sq. ft. lots. The City Plamaimg Qqmmis~si. on. granted .the variance. The City Cquncil with- held action on this variance ~til the or. dinance establishim~.lot sizes in the general area can be adopted. VARIANC~ NO. 2~: ,0a~rl A. & ~bel Reeake submitted request for per~issiQn to allow a restaurant and ca~e businee~ ol the south side of Lincoln Ave, 1000 feet west cf Euclid Ave. The City Plamuimg Commission granted said Variance. The City Council with- held action until the next meeting. VARIANCE NQ. 2~0: Submitted ~ Joe P. Lemons requesting permission to erect a ~ 's~oo~ ~--~roperty whic_~ is~ ~rti~f Lot ~7, Anaheim Extension, starting at a point on Walnut Street 216..~6 feet south of West Broadwa,v and extending southerly a distance of approximately 118 feet. : The City Planning C~mmission granted the variance. The City Council sus- tained the action of the City ~lanning Commission. . VARIANC~ NO. 261: Submitted b~ William R. Winans requestimg waiver :of lot size in property described as a porti~n of Lot A - 7, of Anaheim Vineyard, starting at a point approximately 288 feet e~st of North West St. and extemiimg easterly from this point 60 feet. Property presently, zoned as R-0, Suburban-Residemtial. The City Planning OcCasion granted said Variance. The City Council sum- rained the action of the City Planning Commission. VARIANCE 'NO. 262: Submitted 1~ North Anaheim Construction Co. for waiver of front yard set-back in Tract No.. 16~, located at the wouthwest corner of-East .Santa Aaa St. and South Placentia Avenue. The City Planning COmmission granted the variance. Th~ City Council with- held action pending presentation of plav~. VARIANCE NO. 2~4: Submitted~ F. & P. Construction Co. requesting waiver of front yard set-b~Ck Lu Tract N~. 230~,-- ' ~e 01t~ Pl~i~ 0~lssion grated said V~l~ce. The 0ity 0o~cil ~S- ta~ed the ~tion of the City ~l~i~ Commission. VARIANCE NO. 265 : Submitted ~y Thomas J. Lawless, Jr. requestimg waiver of front yard set-back in Tract No. 23~. Property ~~ ~ned as R-l, Single ~amily Residential. The City Planning CC~ission gramted the variance. The City Council rained the action of the City Planning Commission. ORDINANCE NO. 933: Councilma~~ Van Wagoner offered Ordimamce No. 933 for second reading and moved for its pasa~ge amd adoptiom. Refer to Ordinance ~k. page _ ,. City,.. [a~!,..'l, An:_,uheim,... O.eJ_ifor AN ORDINANCE OF TEE CITY OF A)b~IX ~J MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO TEE ESTABL TNlW~IN REGULATING TEE USE 0F LAND, K A NAP SHOWING TNE BOUNDARIES OF SAID VIDING FOR ADJUSTMENT, AM~MENT AND TION AND REPEALING ALL SEGTIONS OR PA (F-54-55-2 - Res. 2520 - C.P.C. After hearing read in full Schutte moved ,aid reading in full Be Motion was unanimously adopted by the 0c ber 13, 1954- ,8:0,0, P.M, (EI~DING ARTICLE EX, OEAP~ 2 OF TEE £(~)(~ OF ZOlf~: IN TEE 0I~Y OF AIIAItEIM AIID ~IGHT OF BUILDINGS AND YARD SPACES: ADOPTING ~0NES; DEFINING TEE TERMS USED THEREIN; PRO- ~EFOR0~)4ENT; PRESCRIBING PENALTIES FOR VIOLA-' ITS OF SECTIONS IN CONFLIOT THEREWITH. les. 13 ~he title of Ordinance No. 933, Councilman Waived. Councilman lery seconded the motion. $ity Council. On roll call the foregoing Grdinance No. 93~ was duly passed and by the following vo~e: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pears~n, ~ry, Schut~e and Van Wagoner. NOES: COUNGILMEN: Nome. ABSENT: 00UNCILMEN: Wis The Ma~or declared ~he fore(icing Ordinance duly passed and adopted. 0 INA OE NO. 93 : --Rem. iZSZ - O.P.C Res The second reading of Ordinence No. 9.~4 was withheld pending fttrther invee- tigatiom. 0 tNANOE NO. 93 : be.i 2522- C.P.C. Re=. The eeco~i readiag of Ox~iim~e No. 935 was withheld pending completioa annexation proceedings. ' ORDINANOE NO. ~3g: Councilman Van l~ag~ner offered 0rdimance No. 93~ and .moved for its paaeage and adoption, i Refer to Ordinance Book, pa~s ' 0RDINAEE OF ~E~ CI~"~ OF A~AE~.IM APPROVING TEE A~TION TO ~ OI~ OF A~J~IM ~r~ -~RI~OR~ X~0Y~ A~D ~ESIGNA~ED $ PIA0~A AV~J~ NO. 2 A~__?XON. 0n roll call the foregoing 0rdim~ace No. 93~ was duly passe~ and adopted by ~be following vote= AYES: 00UNCILMEN: Pemreen, Fry, $chutte and Van Yagoner. NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: Wieser. After hear~n~ read in fu~l the t0itle of Ordinance No. 936, Councilmaa Fry moved to waive the reading in full of $he rdinance. Councilman Schutte seconded the motiem. Motio~ was unanimously carrieA by the Ooumcil. The Mayor declared the foreg?ing Ordinance duly pa~eed amd adopted. 0RDINANO~ NO. 93?: Councilman Sch~tte ieffered Ordinance No~ ))? an~ moved for its paseage amd adoption. Refer to Ordinance Book, Page AN ORDINANCE OF THE 0ITY OF A~AEIM A~OIFING ~ftE ANNEXATION ~0 THE 0I~I O) AIAEIM OF TEE TERRITORY KNOWN AND DESIGNATED &S PLAOENTIA AV~ NO. 3 AN~XATION- · After hearing read in i~lt t~ title of Ordinance No. 937, C°unoilmam Vas Wagoner moved to waive the readimg in ~ull of the Ordinance.. Councilman Fry seconded the motion. Motion was unanimously ca~ied .by the 0ouncil. · On roll call the foregoing Ordinance No. 937 was duly passed an& adopted by the following vote: AIRES: COIFNCILMEN: Pearson, Fry, Schutte and Van Wagoner. NOES: COUNO ILMNN: None. i ABSENT: COUNOILMEN: Wieaer.i The Mayor declared the foreg~ng Ordinance duly paseed and adopted. ORDINANCE NO. 938) NOTE: Second reading of Ordinance No. 938 was withheld pending completion of annexation proceedings, ?83 .. City ~all, .An~b~, Oalifornia, October 13. 1955 8..00 P.M. :~ = __ ~..- ~ - ~ ~ -.. , ~ - = :~ ~ ~ ,~ ~ ~ ~ = ~ ~ ,, ~, _ ~, ~, , ~,,, ,,, ~ , ~ ~ ,, O~I~O~ ~0. 9391 0o~ci~ Schu~te offere~ 0r~in~ce ~o 939 ~ moved for i~s pas~e ~ ~op~ion. ~ Refer to Or~i~c~ ~ook, P~e ~.. ~ ~ A POR~I0~ 0~ ~ ~OR~ S~, S~O~ ~0 ~ERVA~I0~ 0~' P~~Y~ RY~-O~ ~0~ ~ ~ P~LIOA~I0~ O~ ~HIS O~Y~OE. (~blic ~e~i~ November ~, 19~$) ~ ~er he~i~g re~ i~ f~l the ~i~le of Or~i~ce ~o. 939, 0o~cil~ V~ ~o~er mo~ ~o waive ~he ~i~ in f~l of the Ordinate. 0o~cilm~ ~r~ aeco~e~ ~he motion. Mo~io~ was ~imously c~rie~ by ~ ~cil. On roll call the foregoing Ordinance No. 939 was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILM~ Pearson, Fry, Schutte and Van Wagoner. NOES'. 00UNOILM~N~ None. .~ISE~T: COUNC I~. Wisaer. The Mayor declarei the foregoing Ord.inamce ~dul¥ passed and~adopte~. ORDINANCE NO. 940.' Oouncil~ Fry offered O~dinance ~o. 940 for first reading and moved, for its passage amd ~eption. V~, ACROSS ~ ~ONG T~ ~IN~R D~CRIB~ ~ PROP~{ YlXING A TI~ ~ ~_F~_A ~ING ~, ~. DI~CTING ~ POSTING O~ NOTIO~ ~~ ~ ~ P~LIOATION OF THIS O~]~CE. (~blic Ne~img November 9. 1955) ~ ~$er he~i~ re~ in f~l the title of Ordi~ce No. 9~ Oo~cil~ V~ W~oner mo~ to waive the{e~i~ in f~l of the Ord~ce. 0o~il~ ~c~t~e seco~ed the motion. Motion ~s ~~ou~ly c~ried by the Oo~cil. .ORDINANCE NO, 941:_ Counci~ Van Wagoner offered Ordinance No. 941: for first readimg and moved for its passage and adoption. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF MUNICIPAL CODE BT ADDING T~ 6290.17, INCLUSIVE, ESTABLI~ WHICH~ PRIVATE PATROL SYST,:~ FOR THE ISSUANCE OF PERMITS POSTING OF BONDS4 LICENSE'A~ TION 0]~ ~THE AREAS SUBJECT TO ANAHEIM AMENDING ARTICLE 1~I, CHAPTER 2 OF THE ANAHEIM ~ETO PART 8, AND. INCLUDING THER~ER SEOTIONS 6290 TO NING THE REG~TIONS, CONDITIONS k_ND LIMITATION~UNDER MAT OP~'i'~ WITHIN T~ 0ITY O) A~IN, AND PROVIDING PAYMENT OF FEES THEREFOR AND THE REVOCATION ~ FEE REQUIREMENTS; APPROVAL OF UNIFOP~S;~ AND DESISNA- PRIVATE PATROL. After hearing read in f,mll the title of Ordimance No. 941, Councilman Schutte moved to waive the reading in full of the Ordinance. 0ou~cilma~ Fry seconded ~he motion. Motiom Was unanimously carrie~ by the Council. ORDINANOE NO. 942: Council~ Schutte offered Ordinance No. 952 for firs~ reading and moved for its ps, sage a~ adoi~tion. ' ' AN 0RDI~ANOE OF THE CITY OF ~IM AM~ING ARTIC~ IX, CHAPTER 2, SEOTION 9200.10 OF TEE ANAEEIM MUNICIPAL CODE BY REMOVING AND D~.~ETING TEEREFRON PAR~RAPH "~. HEIGHT." ORDINANCE NO. 943: (¢hamge ?f Zone- Applica~'ion 3'~-5~5-6- Res.. 2~32- C.P.C. Res. 2532). First reading warn withheld pen~i~ i~co~orati~ of deed restrictions. O~I~C~ ~0. 9~I Co~cil~ Schutte offered Or~i~ce ~o. 9~ for firsg re.lng ~d moved for its p~ss~e ~~.~o~on. ' AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AME~ING ARTICLE IX, CHAPTER 2 OF TR~ ANA~IM MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO T~ ESTABLISHMENT OF ZONES IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM A/ID THEREIN REGULATING THE USE 0]~ LAND, H~IGHT OF BUILDINGS AND YARD SPAOES: ADOPTING 70I City _~Ha!l. :~-heim, C-lifor~Aa, October 13, 1924 - 8:00 .P.M. ........ -~ : .... ~ ....... ~T_~. ~ ......... , ...... ,, , .... ~.M~.._S_H?_WIN_O_T_NEBOUNDARIES O~ SAID $0NEsI DEFINING THE TNRMB USED TItEREIN; PRO- '~'~um ~D ~~ING ~L SECTIONS 0R B TS 0F ~CTION ..... ~__ ~TS . S IN OO~ICT ~I~. w~ s ove~ ~o wazve ~e ~Xn~n ~1 of ghe Or~Xn~oe. 0omllm~ ~ seoo~ed gho mo~Xon. MotXon ~s ~~mouslF c~rXe~ bF ~he ~OL~ION NO. Z519~ 0o~eilm~ Fr7 ~ered Resolu~Xon No. ~539 ~ moved for its paBs~e ~ ~op~ion. A RESOLUTION OF THE C~ITY 00UNOIL OF T~ 0ITY OF ANAHEIM AUTHORIZING TEE EXECUTION AND DELIVERY BY TEE CITY OF AN~NEIM 0~ A ~O~ENANT OF WARRANTY OF TI TL~ TO 0ERTAIN REAL PROPERTY SOLD AND CONVEYED BY T~1 CITY OF ANAHEIM TO JAMES-S. BEATTIE AND EMILY BEATTIE, R12SB~ AND Refer to Resolution Book, Page __ . On roll call the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Fry, Schutte and Van Wagoner. NOES: OOUNOILM~N: None' ~ ABSENT: COUNC ILM~: Wiseer~ The Mayor declared the foreg$ing resolution duly passed end adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 2540: Councilman Schutie offered Resolution No. 2540 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to ResolUtion Book, Pa~· __ . . ~ A RESOLUTION OF ~LE CITY COUNOIL OF T~ CITY OF AN~IM ACCEPTING A GRANT DEEn CONVEYING TO THE CITY OF AN~NEIM CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY FOR EASEMENTS FOR ROAD AND UTILITY PURPOSES (Joe- Pershing Lemon~'~ _and Catherine ' Nilda _~A~ele Lemons) On roll call the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: ~ ~ , AYES: COUNCILMEN: PearsoM, Fry, Schutte and Van Wagoner. NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: Wisser~ The Mayor declared ~he foregO, lng resolution duly passed amd a~opte~.' P/ESOLUTION NO. 2~$1: Councilman Van Wa~ner offered ~esolution No. 2551 amd moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, Pa~e _.___. ~__RES__0__L__U?I_0_N _OF- I'~__ CITY O~UNOIL OF TH~ C~TY OF ANAHEIM ACCEPTING A O]~NT I)~ V~V~"~ZNG TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CERTAI REAL PR ~ ~w.I~?,,, ~r.~,,~.... ,. .. ~ TAI~ 0PERTY FOR AN EASEMENT i~)R ROAD AND ~ ~-~ ~v~-,o. %a. ~. uox and Mary 0ox, husband _-nd wife). ~ - On roll call the foregoing resolution was duly passed sad adopted by the Fo'llowing vote: ~ AYES~ COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Fry, Schutte and Van Wagoner. NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. ABSENT:' COUNCILM~N: Wisaer. The Mayor declared the forego: ORDINANCE NO. 932: Councilman Van Wago~ ing and moved for its passage amd adopt~ Refer to Ordinance Book, Page AN ORDINANCE OF TEE CITY OF ANAHEIM APP! OF C~RTAIN INNABITED T~RITORY ENOWN AS lng resolution duly passed smd adopted. ~er offered Ordi~mce No. 932 for second read- Lo]a° [0VING THE ANNEXATION TO SAID 0ITY OF ANAWEIM ~.DISNEYLAND ANNEL%~_TI 0N". 785 City Ha~..1., Anahe.~ · California, October 13,, 1954, 8:00 P.M. After hearing teas in full the title of 0rdinaace Ne.. 932,C.ouncilman Fry moved t9 waive the reading Sn full of the Ordinance. Councilman Van ~;agomer seconded the motion. Motion was unanimously carried by the Council. On roll call the ~oregoing Ordinance No. 932 was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: . ,, , AYES: COUNCILM~N: Pearson, Fry, Schutte amd Van Wagoner. NOES: COUNCILM~N~' None. ABSENT: COUNC I~, Wisser Ma~or declare~ the foregoing e~dimamce duly passed amd adopted. The MILES RANCNO A~TION: T~e City Clerk submitted and read the following statement to the City Council: STATE OF CALIFORNIA) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) C IT~ OF ANAE~IM ) On th$ 28th of SePtember, 1954, the City Council of Anaheim received a petition requesting annexation of uninhabited territory to t~.~, City oflAmaheim, signed by seven property owners. . ~ The 0ity Council ,f th~"*~ity of Anaheim, September 28, 1954, received the Orange County Boundary Commissionts report dated September 13, 1954, finding and determining that the b~aries of said proposed annexation wore reasonable. ~ definige, and Whereupon, the Citt[ Council on September 28, 1954, pursnemt to a proper motion, referred said petition to the City Clerk for ex~mination of said petition and for ascertai~ing wheth~,r said petition was signed by not less than one-fourth of the land in the territor~ by area, and by assessed~ value as sh,wn on the last equalized assessment roll o~ the County of Orange. I, DENE M. WILLI , S, City Clerk of the 0ity Of Anaheim, in accordance with your instructions, beg to report as follows: I have examined the 1954-1955 County Assessment Rolls, amd find that said pe~tition requesting annexation is signed by the owners of no~ less than one-fourth of the land in the territory ~ area, and by assessed valUe~ as shown on the last equalized assessment roll of the County of Orange in which t~me territory is situated, amd TEAT the petitio~ requesting annexation does not represent one-hundred (100%) per cent of the ow~ship of the area. DENE M. WILLIAMS City' clerk of 'the. City of Amaheim, (SEAL) 0alifornta Councilman Van Wa~oner moved that the proponents obtain so&sent of the remaining property owners ~o assume bonded indebtedness. Seconded by Coumcilmau Schutte. MOTION CARRIED. RESOLUTION NO. 2543: CounCilman Fry offered Resolution No. 2543 and moved for its passage and adoption. A i{ESOLUTION OF THE CITY 0~UNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AOKNO~LNDGING EECEIPT OF COPY OF NOTICE OF INTENTION TO CIRCULATE A PETITION RELATING TO THE AN~TION OF TERRITORY ~0 TEE CITY OF A~AEEIM AND AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION THERF~F, AND~ APPROV- ING THE CIRCULATION OF SAID PETITION. (NUTWOOD~BALL ANNEXATION) Refer to ResolutiCn Book, Page ...___. On roll call the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL~: Pearson, Fry, Schutte, and Van Wagoner. NOES: OOUNC IL~'. None · ABSENT: COUNCIL~N:~- Wisser. The Mayor declared the foregoing resolution duly passed amd adopted. Cit Hall Anaheim, Oaliforni October 1 1 4- 8=00~P.M. COMPLETION OF W.O. 1275: George F. Oel~ers, Superintendent of Light, Power and ¥~ter Certified that the ~eerless Pump Diviei~n of Food Machinery and Chemical Corp. ha~' completed the installation-of Pu~ps and!E~gines in the new Reservoir Pumpimg Station in accordance with plans and specifications and r ...... ~-= ........ RESOLUTION N0. 2~44j Councilman Fry offered Resolution No. 25~ and moved for its passage amd adoption. Refer to Resolution Book, Pag~ ______, , A RESOLUTION OF TEE CITY COUNCIL OF TEE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINALLY ADCEPTING TEE COMPLETION AND TEE FURNISHING 0F ALL PLANT, LABOR, ~RVICES, MATERIALS AND ~QUIPMENT AND ALL UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION INCLUDING ~'0WER, FUEL AND WATER, AND PEP~01tNING ALL WORK NECESSARY TO CONSTRUCT AND COMPLETE THE ~OLLOWING PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT: NIIRNIS~ING AND INSTALLING 3 ELECTRICALLY DRIVEN, DEEP '~J~L, T_URSINE TYPE PUMP~G:UNITS~ AND 2 ENGINE DRIVEN, DEEP WELL, TUP~BI~ TYPE PUMPING UNIT'S,, W. 0. ~!275. -'" On roll call the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILNEN: Pearson, Fry, Sctmtte and Van l~a~oner. NOES: O0~0l~: None. ~ ~S~= CO~I~N= Wisser. The Mayor declared the foregoi~ resolution duly passed and adopted, ,..RECLASSIFICATION NO, ~-5~-55-10: Submi~ed by Claredge Corporation~ requesting rezoning of Tracts No. 2161 and No. 1597 from R-A to C-1. ' The City Council called Publici Nearing to be held on the matter on November 23. .~ motion by Councilman Van Wagoner!seconded by Councilman Fry, MOTION '~IED. - ~REC!ASSIFIOATION NO. ~-54-~-11: The Ci~¥ Council, on motion by Councilman Van Wagoner, seconded by Councilman Fry, set date of ~ublic Hearing to be held November 23, 1954. MOTION CARRIe. (East side So. L.A. Street from ~ermont Ave. So~th- from R-3 to Commercial) WAIVER OF FIRE ZONE R~__ULATIONS: R. L. ~ons, President, Rex Construction Co., requested waiver of fire zone regulations for the $enstruction of an automatic car washing build- ing amd service station to be loated on the S/W/C of the intersection of West 0enter St and So. Ohio St. ~ - 0o,~mcilman Schutte moved request of waiver of fire zone regulations be granted. Councilman Van Wagoner seconded the motiSn. MOTION 0ARRIED. PERSONNEL: The Administrative Officer recommended the employment of the following persons: May Belle E. Spencer- Steno C~erk I - $240.00 Month Laurie MwAaso, - Accounta.~. t * - $274.00 Month Earl T. Bouslog - A~p.Dra~tsmam - $274.00 Month Marjorie Eane Typist-C~ erk II- $210.00 Month Said appointments were ratifie~ by the Council On motion by Councilman Van Wag- oner, seconded by Councilman Fry. MOTIO~ 0ARRIED. CANCELLATION OF CITY TAXES: Cancellatio~ of City Taxes on propert~ purchased by the State of California for highway purposes and formerly assessed to the following named persons ~ was authorized on motion by Councilman KF~ seconded by Couacilma~ Schutte. MOTION d~P~I~. Edwin O, ! . Mr. and Mr~ George W. Eolbe .. PLUMB~.S BONDS Submitted by Robert Warson was ordered accepted and filed when s~proved by the City Attorme~. .Au~ uu s~x~ A~gn~ rexresnments an.~eo~-~zee during the coming Halloween celebrati Sales to.be, ~rom a mobile unit at v~ious ~l~es~ ~o~ the ~ar~e ro-+~ ~_~ ....... on; was gr~e~ Dy the City Co~cil, ~ --~, ~-~ reques~ REQUEST. FROM BETNEL BAPTIST CRT~CH: Com~ permission to operate a refreshment stand Center Street, was granted by the City Cou mication from the Bethel Baptist Church for in the arcade in the Medaris Building at 433 moil, _Otty. Eel. l, Anaheim,. Ca!tforala, October 13, 1954 ,8:00 COMMUNICATION: CommunicatiOn from the Anaheim Council of Parents and Teachers re- questing s ample ordinance g~verntng comic %-~-~s ~ ~-~f~-~r~ ~ ~ ~it-~ A--~or~ey. COMMUNICATION: Communicati~n from the Anaheim Chamber of 0ommerce forwarding their Retail Division Report of S~ptember 16,' 1954 was submitted amd read, SCHOOL SITES: The Administrative Officer reported the need of adjacent property near the Lincoln school of ~.4 acres. On motion by Councilman Schutte, Seconded by Oouncilman Fry, the Admimis$~ative Officer was authorized to obtain an appraisal said property for the proposed purchase thereof. MOTION CARRIED. of The Administrativ~ Officer reported the need of the Bch~ ol District to exercise their right of option to purchase that portion of city owned property formerly used as a dump gro~ds located on the South side of Vermont Ave. , · The Council m~tho~ized the Administrative Officer to obtain a~ appraisal on that portion of city owned property and further negotiate with the School District for a possible exchange of ~roperty. The proposed pu~wo~ase of 10.35 acres located on the North side of La Palms Avenue east of Brookhurst ~eet from the R. & W. Construction Co.,. at the 'cost of $49,15~. (appraisal made by IGoode & Goods) was submitted. The Administrative School District and the Cit$ bearing the cost of 5 acres On motion by Coum tive Officer was authorized the proposed purchase of th! Officer recommended that a joint offer between the of Anaheim be made for the purchase; the City of Anaheim ilman Schutte, seconded by Councilman Fry, the Administra-' ~o make. the joint offer with ~e School District for property as recommended. MOTION CARRIED. COMMUNICATION: .Communication from the Penn Constr,,_ction Co. for pa~vment of of that work that they felt not a part of the contract was submitted, read aad referred to the City Attorney on motion by Councilman Schutte, seconded by Council- ma~ Fry. MOTION 0ARRIED. RESOL~TION NO, 2542: Counc~ian Van Wagoner offered Resoluti. e~" ~· 2542,.aad moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolutidn Book, Page ._.__. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF ~ CITY OF ANAHEIM AUTHORiZeD AND DIRE~I~ THE ESTABLISHMENT OF ,BOULEV$ STOP SIGNS ON CERTAIN STREETS INTERSECTING STREET AND ON WEST STREET A~ THE INTERSECTION OF WEST AND SYCAMORE STREETS, IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, ! On roll call the ~oregoing resolution was duly pa~sed ama adopted the following vote: AYES: COUNCILM~: Pearson, Fry, Schutte and Van Wagoner. . NOES: COUNC ILM~N:. None. : ABSENT: COUNCIl, Wisser. The Mayor declar~ the foregoing resolution duly passed amd adopted. ; AN~TiON: ' Request of ~r. and Mrs. Robinson, East side of Placentia Avenue and south of Anaheim-Olive R~ad (5 acres), for aunexation of their property, was reported by the AdministratiVe Officer. The City Council felt that annexation of this single small piece of p~operty would not be ecomomical without adjacent properties being annexed at !the same time. Request from Nolli~ Mahr for annexation of property located at the North side of Orange Avenue, east ~f Magnolia (across from the Magnolia School), WaS reported by Mr. Murdoch. Mr~ Moeller, Secretary of the Anaheim Chamber of commerce, addressed the Council favori~hg the annexation of a larger area in that vicinity. Councilman Van Wag~er moved to Adjourn to October 1954 at Councilman Fry seconded the ~tion. MOTION CARRIED. · 21, 8:00 P,M, City Clerk APPROV]~ 9¸6 M~or