Resolution-PC 2008-87RESOLUTION NO. PC2008-87 A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM PLANNING COMMISSION ' APPROVING A CEQA NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND DETERMINING PUBLIC CONVENIENCE OR NECESSITY NO. 2008-00047 TO PERMIT THE EXCHANGE OF AN EXISTING TYPE 47 ABC LICENSE WITH A TYPE 48 PUBLIC PREMISES ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE LICBNSE FOR THE SALE OF ALCOHQLIC BEVERAGES FOR ON-PREMISES CONSUMPTION IN AN EXISTING NIGHTCLUB (735 NORTH ANAHEIM BOULEVARD) WHEREAS, on July ll, 1995, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 95R-134 establishii~g procedures and delegating certain responsibiliries to the Plamling Con~mission relating to the detemiination of "public convenience or necessity" on those certain appl~cations requiring that such determination be made by tlie local goveming body pursuant to applicable provisia~s oF tlie Business and Professions Code, and prior to the issuance of a license by the Department of Alcol~olic Beverage Control (ABC); a~id WHEREAS, Section 23958 of the Business nnd Professions Code provides tUat the ABC shall deny an application for a license if issuance of that license would tend to create a law enforcement problem, or if issuance would result in or add to an undue concentratioi~ of licenses, except wl~en an applicant ]~as demonstrated that public convenience or necessity would Ue served by tl~e issuance of a license; and WHEREAS, the Anaheim Planning Connnission did reeeive an application For a Deterniination of PuUlic Convenience or Necessity to permit tl~e exchange of an existi.ng Type 47 ABC license (On-Sale General - Eating Piace) to a Type 48 ABC license (On-Sale Genaral - Public Premises) for certain real property situated in the City of Analieim, County of Orange, StaYe of California, as more particularly described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated by this reference. WHEI2EAS, tl~e Planning Commissioa3 did l~old a public tiea~ing aC the Civic CenCar in the City of Anaheim on SepCember 3, 2008, at 2:30 p.m., noYice of said public laearing having been duly given as required by law and in accordance with the provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.60 "Proceclures", to hear and consider evidence for and against said proposed variance and to investigaCe and mal<e findings aud recommendations in coniaectiota therewitl~; and WHEREAS, said Plazlning Conunission, after due inspection, investigation and sYudy made by itself and in its behalf, and after due consideration of all evidence and reports offered at said hearing, does find and determine Yl~e following facts: 1. That the existing business is a non-conforniing use. "fl~e business was originally established in 1978 as a restauranY with accessory alcoholic beverage sales. b~ 1975, tlie Zoni~~g Code permiCYed restaurants wiGh coclctail lounges by right in tl~e CG zone. The b~jsiness has been operating with a Type 47 ABC license since 1978. Tl~e applicant requests approva3 to exhange a Type 47 ABC license for a Type 48 ABC license. This license would autlaorize the sale of beer, wine, and distilled spirits for consimiption on the license premises; food service would not be required; and minors would not be allowed on the premises. 1 _ PC2008-$7 2. That Califomia State Law requires a Detern~ination of Public Convenience or NecessiCy wl~en properCy is locaYed in a police reporCing district with a crime rate aUove tM~e city average; and that Section 23958 of the Business and Professions Code provides that the ABC sl~all ` deny an applicaCion for a license if issuance of 8~at license would tend Co create a law enforcement problem or if issuance would restilt in, or add to, an undue concentration of licenses, except when an applicant has demonstrated that public convenience or necessity would be served by issuai~ce of a Iicense. 3. That Resolution No. 95R-134 autharizes the City of Analieim Police Departn~enC to ma1:e reconm3endations related to tlie public ca~venience or necessity determinations; and tl~at said recommendaYions shall take the Porn~ oFconditioirs of approval to be imposed on Uie determination in order Yo ensure that the sale and consumption oF alcol~olic beverages does not adversely afPect any adjoining land use or the growth and development of the surroimding area. 4. Tl~at tl~e subject property is located within Reporting District 1524, which has a crin~e rate oF 107 percent above the CiCy average. This properCy is also located wiChin Ce~~sus TracY No. 865.01 whicl~ has a population of 4,748. This census tracC ailows for five on-sale licet7ses and (here are cunently four licenses in the tract. The owner proposes to exchange an existing Type 47 license for a new Type 48 license; tlierefore, there will not be a neC ii3crease in the number of oj~-sale ABC licenses within the Census TracY. Tliat there are no schools or puUlic parks adjacent to or within 500 feet of the subject srte. 6. That klie Detennination of Piiblic Convenience or Necessity can Ue made Uased on the fti~ding Yhat the licanse rec~uested is consistent wiCl~ tl~e Planning Commission guideline for suc6 detenninations. 7. Tliat alcoholic beverage sales for on-premises consumptioii is a compatiUle use wifhin an existing bar and niglitclub and will provide a convenience to patrons wlao are visiting the area to see live entertainment venues. The conditions of approvll contaiired herein relating to restrictions on alcoholic beverage sales, displays, signage, noise, parking, loitering, and properCy maintenance, ~vould ensure tllat the use would not be detrimental to the area. 8. Tllat the Anaheim Police Department does not oppose tlle proposed ABC License excliange and recommends conditions of approval as shown below to ensure that approval of this reqLiest will noY adversely affect any adjoining land ~ise ar the growth and developmei~t of t13e surroimding area. 9. That no one indicated tlieir presence at the piiblic hearing in opposition; and that no correspondence was received in opposition to tlie subject request. WHEREAS, the Analieii3i Planning Commission has reviewed the praposal and does hereby find tliat the Negative Declaration is adequate to serve as the required environmental documentation in connection with this reqnest. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED Chat the Anaheim Plam3ing Commission does hereby detennine that the public convenience or necessity will be served by the exchanging of the ABC license for the business from a Type 47 to a Type 48 license subject to tfie _2_ PC2008-87 conditaons of approva] described in Exhibit "B" attacl~ed hereto and incorporated by tlus reFerence which are l~ereby found to be a necessary prerequisite to tl~e proposed use of the subject property in order Co preserve tlie llealtl~, safety and general welfare of the citizens of Cl~e City of P.naheim. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Anaheim Planning Commission does hereby find and detern~ine tliat adoption of this Resolution is expressly predicated upon applicanYs ° compliance with eacl~ and aH of Yhe conditions hereinabove set forth. Sho~ild any such condition, or any part thereof, be declared invalid or unenforceable by the final judgmenY of ai~y court oP competentjurisdiction, then fliis Resoltition, and any approvals herein contained, shall be cleemed null and void. BE IT FUTHER RESOLVED that tlae applicant is responsible for paying all cl~arges related to the processing oF this discretionary case application within 15 days of the issuance of the final invoice. Failure to pay all charges shall result in tl~e revocation of the approval of this app3iaation, THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION was adopted at tlie Plamiing Comn3ission meeting of September 3, 2008. Said resolution is subject to tlte appeal provisions set Porth in Chapter 18.60 "Procedures" of tlie Analieim Municipal Code pertaining to appeal procedures and may be raplaced by a City Council Resoltition in the ent of an appeal. CHAIltMA , AN EIM PLANN G COMMISSION ATTES'F'~ SECR~TARY,AN STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COLJNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) PLANNING COMMI55ION I, Grace Medina, Senior Secretary of the Anaheim Planning Coinmission, do hereby certify that Che foregoiaig resolLition was passed and adopted at a meeYing of the Analieim Flanning Commission held on Saptember 3, 2008, by the following vote of t13e members Chereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: AGARWAL, BUFFA, EASTMAN, FAESSEL, KARAICI, RAMIREZ, ROMERO NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my haiid this IS`h day of Se~tember, 2008. G "\ ~-/~ ~ ~./ SECRETARY, ANAHEIM PLANNING COMMISSION -3- PC200S-87 EXHIBIT "A" PUBLIC CONVENIENCE OR NGCESSITY NO. 2008-00047 ,,, ~ ~ ~~___. `, \ ~ -~\, ~ ~~~' - - ~~ '~ ro / S ~~~ 4~~,~ N~ a n \ ~ _ ,~ ~~ r/ 4s~ / z ~~~~ L~ ~ y ~~ ~~ \ ~~\ ~ \ .i~-. ~ ~~~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~`~~~, ~`~ ~ ~, ~\ ; \\ ~ j ~y~,~ '~;~ ~. ~~ , .j ~~% ~ '` ~ ~ ; ~, ~ ~ ~/ p~B ~~ ~ ~~ '~ ~ ~~ `~r ' ~~ ~ Source- Racorded Tfact Niaps onA/or Clty GIS. Plensz note ~6e acamcy is +/- pyo to fve Icel. _4_ PC2008-87 EXHIBIT "B" PUBLIC CONVENIENCE OR NEC~SSITY NO. 2008-00047 Responsible for ~o, Conditions of Approval Monitorin GENERAL CONDITIONS 1 Tliat the rear door (west side ofb~iilding) shall rei~~ain Police, dosed after 8:00 p.m. daily and during any time wlren live Code Enforcen~ent entertaimnent is occurring, except during times of emergencies. The rear door shall also be fitted with an alam~ wliich soui3ds when tl~e door is opened. 2 That the permitCed event or activity sl~all not creaYe sound Police, levels whidi violate any ordina~ice oPthe City of Code Enforcemei~t Anahatim. 3 That between the hours of 8:00 p.m. and dosing any Police, Yin~e Che prenaises are providing enCertainment, the Code Enforcement applicanY shall provide at least tllree ianiform and licensed security personnel. Security measures sl~all Ue ~ provided to the satisfactio~l of the Anaheim Police Department to deter unlawfiil cond~ict an the part of employees or patrons, proniote the safe and orderly assembly and movement oPpersons and veliicles, ensure Yliat the off-siee parlcing spaces are being uYilized by ~ patrons in tl~e event tlie on-site parking loC is fiill, a~id to prevent disturbance to tl~e neighborhood by excessive noise created by patrons ei~tering or leaving tlie preinises. Tllere shall generally one guard stationed at tl~e front door of tlie establislmzenY, one to patrol tl~e parlcing lot, and one to monitor all areas, including the building interior and off site padcii~g loYs. 4 That the ~pplicant shall police tlae area under Cheir Police, control in an effort to prevent the loitering of persons Code EnForcement about tl~e premises. 5 That trash shall not be emptied into outside trasl~ Police, containers betweeai the l~ours of 10 p.m. to 7 a.m. daily. Code Enforcement 6 That any and all security officers provided shall comply Police, with all State and Local ordinances regulating their Code Ei~forcenient services, inchiding, wiYhout limitation, Chapter I 1.5 of Division 3 of the Califomia Business and Profession Code. _~_ PC2008-87 7 That the operation of any business under this permit shall Police, not be in violahion oF any provision of the Anaheim Code Enforcement Municipal Code, State or County ordinance. 8 That tlie n~unber of persons attending the evea~t shall not Fire, Police, exceed the maximlun occupancy load as detenni~~ed by Code Enforcement the Analieim Fire DeparimenY. Si~ns indicating tl~e occupant load shall Ue posted in a conspieuous place on an approved sign near the main exit from the room. 9 That all entertainers and employees sliall be clotlied in Police, such a way as to not expose "specified anatomical areas" Code Enforcement as described in Section 7,16.060 of the Anaheim Municipal Code. 10 That management shall e-mail a monthly ealendar of Police entertainmei3t/entertainers to the Vice Detail of the Polioe Department. 11 That all doors serving subjecC resYaurant shall confonn to Fire the requirements of the Unifom~ Fire Code and shall be I~ept closed at all times d~iring tl~e operaCion of the premisas excepY for ingress/egress, pennit deliveries and in cases oFemergency. 12 That trash storage areas shall be provided and Planning maintained in a locaYion acceptable to tlle Public Worlcs DeparhnenC and in accordance wit13 approved plans on file with said Department. Said stora~e areas shall be designed, located and screened so as not to be readily identifiable from adjacent streeYs or highways. The walls of the storage areas shall be protected from graffiti opportiulities by tl~e use of plant materials stich as minimum one-gallon size clinging viues planted on maximum tlu-ee-foot centers or tall shniUUe~y. l3 That adequate lighting shall be provided consisteilt witl~ Police, police deparhnenC guidelines far parlcia~g loCs, driveway, Code Enforcement circulation areas, aisles, passageways, recesses and ground cantiguous to buildings, shall be provided wiYh ligl~ting of sufficient waCtage consistent wiCh Police Deparhnent g~iidelines to provide adequat~e illumination to make clearly visible Yhe presence of any person on or about the premises during the hours of darla~ess v~d provide a safe, secure environment for all persons, property, and vehicles onsite. Par3cing lot liglitiiig shall Ue direcfed, positioned, and sliielded in such a maimer so as not to unreasonably illuminate tl~e windows of nearby residences. _~_ PC2008-57 14 That tl~ere shall be no live entertainment, unplified music Police, or dancing permitted on the premises at a~iytime witlio~it ~ode Enforce~nenr - issuance of proper pennits as required by Title 4 of the Anaheim Municipal Code. 15 That the biisiness shall not be operated in such a way as to Poliee, be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare. Code EnPorcemenf 16 That no one under Yhe age of 21 shall be allowed on the Police, preinises. Code Enforcement 17 ThaY the busiuess shall not employ or pennit any persons Police, to solicit or encourage oUiers, directly or indirectly, to Uuy Code Enforcement them drinlcs in the licensed premises mlder any commission, percentage, salary, or other profit-sharing plaii, scheme or conspiracy. 18 That a~ry violation of the application, or any attached Police, conditions, shall be sufficient goimds to revolce the Code Enforcement pennit. 19 That the sale of alcoholic beverages for consumption off Police, tlie premises shall not be pennitted. Code Enforcement 20 Tl~at thare shall be ~to exterior advertising or sign of aaiy Police, lcind or type, i~icluding advertising directed to tl~e Co~e Enforcement exterior fro»~ within, promoting or indicating the availaUility of alcoholic beverages. Interior displays of alcol~alic beverages or signs whici~ are clearly visible to the extei•ior shall constihiYe a violation of this conditio3i. ~ 21 That there shall be no requirement to purchase a Police, minimum number of drinl<s. Code Enforcement 22 That signs shall be posted at all exits of the premises oP Police, tiie prohiUitioil of alcol~olic beverages from leaving the Code Enforceme~3t confines of the establishment. 23 That alcoholic beverages shall not be included in the Police, price of admission. Code Enforcement 24 That patrons sl~all go in and out of the front doors aHer Police, 8:00 p.m. daily and the owner shall create a s~nol<ing Code Enforcement area in tl~e front eqt~ipped with ashtrays and a Yrash receptacle. _~_ PC?008-87 , 25 Tl~at hours for live entertainment shall ve limited as Police, follows: Code EirForcen~ent ' . Wednasday ui~til I1 p:m. ~~ o Thursday, Friday, and Saturday imtil 2 a.m. o Sunday until 11 p.m. o Wednesday or Sunday iuitil 3 a.m. when these days Fall on a federally recognized holiday or on the lisf of liolidays as shown in tl~e applicant's letter of operaYion. These additional holidays would include St. Patrick's Day, Halloween, Clnco De Mayo, Christmas Eve, and New Year's Eve. o Live entertainment is not permitted on Monday or Tuesday. 26 That the property sliall be permanently maintained in an Code EnforcemenC orderly fashion through Yhe provision of reg~ilar landscaping maintenance, removal of trash or debris, and remova] of a affiYi within tsvenCy-four (24) l~ours from the time of discovery. 27 ThaY approval af Yl~is application constituCes approval oF Planning the proposed rec~uest only to the exCent Yhat it coi~~plies with the Anaheim Municipal Zoning Code and any other applicable City, State and Federal regulations. Approval does not include any action or findings as to compliance or approval of the request regarding anyother applicable ordinance, regiilation or requirement. 28 That extensions For further time to complete condilions Planning of approval may be granted in accordance with Section 18.60.170 of the Anaheim Mimicipal Code. 29 That the owner shall maintaii~ the condirions of approval Police, at Yhe busiiiess premises and sl~all make said conditioias Code ~nPorcemenY available to personnel of the CiYy of Anaheim upon request during regular business liours. _g_ PC2008-87