Resolution-ZA 1989-74 ~ ~ DECISION OF THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR - ZA $9-74 PETITION: VARIANCE NO. 4010 CEQA STATUS: CATEGORICALLY EXEMPT, CLASS 5 DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING: December 28, 1989 OPPOSITION: One person indicated her presence in opposition at the public hearing, and no correspondence in opposition was received. OWNER: FRANK PEZZA 1219 North Ravenna Street Anaheim, CA 92801 LOCATION: 1219 North Ravenna Street REQUEST: .Petitioner requests waiver of the following under authority of Code Sections. and 18.12:060.050 to retain a 560 q.ft. room addition: (a) Section - Maximum rear yard coverage. (~ [525 sq.ft.] permitted; 37~ [560 sq.ft.]'existing) (b) Section - Minimum rear yard setback. (10 feet required; 5.5 feet existing) Having. been appointed Zoning Administrator by the Planning Director, pursuant to Anaheim Municipal Code Section 18.12.040, to.decide the above..-referenced petition and `a public hearing having been duly noticed for and held on the date .set forth above, I do hereby find: 1. That ,the petitioner indicated at the. public hearing-the 1-story room addition was constructed about 29 years ago and the reason for filing the variance is in order to sell the property; 2. That waiver (a) is minimal, amounting to a deviance of only 2'k, more than .the permitted. rear yard coverage, and that open space is available elsewhere on the property to replace the 35 sq.ft. lost to the excess building coverage; 3. That waiver_(b) is hereby approved on the basis that other-lots in the neighborhood have building additions which are located closer than 10 feet to the rear property lines, as shown on an aerial photograph of the area; 4. That there are special circumstances applicable to the property such as size, shape, topography, location or surroundings,. which do not apply to other identically zoned properties in the vicinity; and 5. That. strict application of the Zoning Code deprives the property of privileges enjoyed bg other properties in identical zoning classification in the. vicinity. 0412g 1 ZA $9-74 R v Page 2 Variance No. 4010 CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL.QUALITY ACT FINDING: That the Zoning Administrator has reviewed the proposal for waivers of rear yard coverage and rear yard setback to construct a room addition on a rectangularly-shaped parcel of land consisting of approximately 0.14 acre, having a frontage of approximately 60 feet-on the west side of Ravenna Street, having a maximum depth of approximately 100 feet., being located approximately 225 feet north of the centerline of Romneya Drive, and further described as 1219 North Ravenna Street; and that the Planning Director or his authorized representative has determined that the proposed project falls within the definition of Categorical Exemptions, Class 5, as defined in the State EIR Guidelines and is, therefore, categorically exempt from the requirement to prepare an EIR. Based on the evidence and testimony presented to me, I do hereby determine to approve Variance No. 4010, subject to the following conditions: 1. That subject property sh311 be developed substantially in accordance with plans and specifications submitted to the. City of Anaheim by the petitioner and which plans are 'on file with the Planning Department marked Exhibit Nos. 1 and 2; provided, however, that no portion of the addition including the roof eave shall be located closer than five (5) feet six (6) inches to the rear (west) property line. 2. That, regarding the five. (5} foot wide public-.utility easement. along the west property line,. the property owner shall either: (a) .Obtain approval of an encroachment permit for any portion of the room addition or eave which projects into said easement; or (b) Modify-the building in such a manner that no portion of the addition or eave projects into said easement. Such modification shall be specifically shown on the. plans submitted for building permits. 3. That plans shall be submitted to the Building Division to show compliance with the minimum standards of the City of Anaheim including the Uniform Building, Plumbing, Electrical, Housing, Mechanical and Fire Codes as adopted by the City.: The-dimensions shown on said plans shall accurately show the distance to the rear (west} property line, which distance shall be no less than five (5} feet six (6) inches to the 'rear property line. The appropriate permits shall be obtained. 4. That prior to #inal building and zoning inspections, Condition No. 1, 2 -and 3, above-mentioned, shall be complied with: 5. That .approval of this application constitutes approval of the proposed request only to the extent that it complies with the Anaheim Municipal Zoning Code and any other applicable City, State'and Federal regulations. Approval does not include any action or findings as to compliance or approval of the request regarding:-any other applicable ordinance, regulation or requirement. This. decision is made, signed, and entered into the. file this fourth da/y of January, 1990. ~/~ y,~ ~~• '~S//~~ _ A '1~ Annika M. Santalahti Zoning Administrator 04128 2 ZA 89-74 '~' • • Page 3 Variance No. 4010 NOTICE: This decision shall become final unless an appeal to the City Council, in writing, accompanied by an appeal fee, is filed with the City Clerk within 15 davs of the date of .the signing of this .decision or unless members of the City Council shall request to review this decision within said 15 days. DECLARATION OF SERVICE BY MAIL:. I do hereby declare under penalty of perjury that on the date set forth below, I did deposit, in the United States Mail, a copy of the decision to the applicant and did forward a copy to the City Clerk. DATED: January 4, 1990 Pamela_H. Starnes, Executive Secretary 0412g zA s9-~ 4