Resolution-ZA 1990-38c • DECISION OF THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR - ZA 90-38 VARIANCE N0. 4060 CEQA STATUS: CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION CLASS 1 PETITION: DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING: June 28, 1990 OPPOSITION: No one indicated their presence at the public hearing in opposition; and no correspondence in opposition was received. OWNER: RICK BUCCOLA 1045 Via De Rosa, Anaheim, CA 92807 AGENT: LEONARD HUNDLEY 6312. East Santa Ana Canyon Road #144, Anaheim, CA 92807 LOCATION: 1045 South Via De Rosa REQUEST: Petitioner requests waiver of the following under authority of Code Section 18.12.Ob0.050 to xetain an existing 100 sq.ft. room addition to an existing single=family residence: SECTION 18.26.063.A10 - Required Front Yard Setback. (Minimum 25 feet required; 14 feet existing) Having been appointed Zoning-Administrator by the Planning Director,.. pursuant to Anaheim Municipal Code Section 18.12.040, to decide the above-referenced. petition and a public hearing having been duly noticed .for and held on the date set forth above, I do hereby ,find: 1. That the addition (which consists of enclosing a balcony and which was done without a building permit) is on the second story above an existing garage, that the underlying house and garage .were built to then-existing Codes, and that the design is architecturally consistent with the .house; and 2. That there are special circumstances applicable to the property such as shape and location, .which do not apply to other identically zoned properties in the vicinity, because subject property is located on a large cul-de-sac and has a substantial amount of frontage (220 feet) along the adjacent street and cul-de-sac. CALLFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT FINDING:.. That the Zoning Administrator has reviewed the .proposal for waiver of required front yard setback to retain an 'existing 100 sq.ft. room addition to an existing single-family residence; and that the Planning. Director: or his authorized representative has determined that the proposed project falls .within. the definition of Categorical Exemptions, Class 1, as defined in the State EIR Guidelines and is, therefore, categorically exempt from the requirement to prepare. an EIR. 05098 -1- ZA90-38 ,~ ~-. • Page 2 Variance No. 4060 Based on the evidence and testimony presented to me, I do hereby determine to approve Variance No. 4060,. subject to the following conditions: 1. * That the existing structure shall comply with the minimum standards of the City of Anaheim, including the Uniform Building, .Plumbing, Electrical, Housing, Mechanical and Fire Codes as adopted by the City of Anaheim. 2., That subject property shall be developed substantially in accordance with plans and specifications submitted to, the City of Anaheim by the petitioner and which plans are on file. with the Planning Department .marked Exhibit Nos. 1, 2 and 3. 3. That prior to final building and zoning inspections or within a period of ninety (90) days from the date of .this decision, whichever occurs first, Condition-Nos., l and 2, above-mentioned, shall be`complied with. 4. * That approval of .this application constitutes approval of the proposed request 'only to the extent that it complies ..with the Anaheim Municipal 'Zoning Code and any other applicable .:City, State and Federal regulations. Approval does note include any action or findings as to compliance or approval of the 'request regarding any other applicable ordinance, regulation or requirement: Conditions marked with an asterisk (*) are required by established laws, codes, regulations and 'agreements andare, therefore, not subject-to negotiation.. This .decision is made, signed, and entered into the ;file this fifth .day of July, 1990., Annika M. Santalahti - Zoning Administrator NOTICE: This decision shall become final unless an appeal to the City Council, in writing, accompanied by an<appeal fee, is filed with. the City Clerk within 15 days of the date-of the signing of this decision or unless members of the City Council shall request to-review this decision within said 15 days..' DECLARATION OF SERVICE BY MAIL: I do hereby declare under~penalty of perjurylthat on the date set forth: below, I did deposit,-in the United States Mail, a copy of the decision tothe applicant and did -forward a copy to'the City Clerk. DATED: July 5, 1990 Margarita rez, Acting Secre y 05098 2 ZA 90-38