1960/12/274%81 City Hall: Anahe:m~ California - COUNCIL MINUTES - December 279 1960~ 3:00 PoMo The ,City Council of the Czty of Anaheim met in adjourned regular sess].of~ ~ PRESENT: COUT~CILMEN: Chandler, Coons, Fry and $chutteo ABSENT: COUNCILMEN .. Thompson o PRESENI: ASSISIANI CIIY MANAGER: Robert Davis° CITY ATTORNEY: Preston Turner~ CiIY CLERK.' Dene Mo Williams° CITY ENGINEER: Thornton Piersallo SENIOR PLANNER.' Martin Kreidto Mayor Schutte called the meeting to order° REQUEST TC SOLICIT: Request of Western Missionary Army, Inco for permission to solicit within the City llmlts of Anaheim was submitted at the meeting of December 13, 1960, and referred to the City Attorney for fur%her reporto Mrs Turner reported on further ~nvestigation and report by the Anahelm Police Department regarding the nature and activities of the subject organiza'zion~ and compared their ac±.ivities with the provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code° Discussion was held by the City Council and it was determined that from the information before the City Council, the activities of this organizat!kon do not conform to the provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code~ and thereupon, Councilman Coons moved that the request of Western Missionary Army, Inco to solicit within the City of Anaheim, be denied° Councilman Fry seconded the motion° MOTION CARRIED. PLACEMENI OF OFFICE TRAILER: Request of Orange County Board of Supervisors for permission to place one office trailer on the east side of the American Legion Hall, 926 North Lemon Street, for use by Department 4 of the Anaheim- Fullerton Municipal Court, was submitted° Councilman Chandler moved that said request b~naZanted,av a however, the ~lacement., of the trailer shall be restricted to the ~ve~ portion that now exists on the easterly portion of the American Legion Hall lot; further, tha~ ?~aic permit shall expire at the same time as the permits previously grar:~ed for the placement of the two trailers on the Municipal Court parking lot (period of one year)° Councilman Coons seconded the motion° MOTION CARR [ E D, iNVITATiON - ANAHEIM CHAMBER OF COMMERCE: Communication dated December 20, 1960, from Anaheim Chamber of Commerce, George Eo Strachan, General Manager, extending an invitation to all members of the Council to attend their Board of Director's meeting, and requesting that a Council member be appol.~ted to act as the city's official representative to said monthly Board meetings, was submitted and read° It was moved by Councilman Chandler, seconded by Councilman Coons, that 'the City Council accept, with appreciation, the invitation to atter~.d ~_b.e monthly Board meetings, however, that an appointment of one Coun' i! Member to officiallyrepresent the City should not be made, inasmuch as no ir~dividual member has the authority to act for the entire Council° ~OT iON CARR RECLASSi~ICA]'ION NO. F-58-59-30 - FINAL INSPECTION: Request of Mr. Louis Montaleone for a 90-day extension of time to improvement bond posted in reclass~.[ication proceedings NCo F-58-59-30, was submitted° Nrc Montaleone addressed the Council and further explained his reques~ ~nd advised that he wished the utilities turned on, however~ could ~ot obtain final inspection because the~reet improvements were not compl, eted~ Councilman Chandler moved that a two weeks extension of time be granted to allow for the completion o£ the improvements, and that the Bu~iding Department be authorized to issue a final inspection so that the utilities can be connected° Councilman Fry seconded the motion° MOTION 4582 City M,~ll~ Anaheim, California .-. COUNCIL MINUTES - December 27~ 1960a 3:00 CARRTED~ Councilman Coons requested that the records show that he took no sart in the vote on thzs matter~ as he was a party of interesto DANCE PERMIT~ Application to conduct a public dance,, December 31, 1960 at the Carpenter's Hall, 608 ~'~ Vermont Avenue, was filed by the Anaheim Lulac Council NCo 3169 Sro!la Co Sandovai, President° Councilman Coons moved that said dance permit be granted~ subject to the requirements of the Anaheim Municipal Code and the recommendations of the Chief of Police, and further subject to the providing of two patrolmen for outside patrol in the parking lot and street° Councilman Chandler seconded the motion° MOT!ON CARRIED. CLAIM AGAINSI THE CITY: On motion by Councilman Chandler, seconded by Councilman Fr¥~ claim against the C~'ty f~led by Ho Ho and Martha ED Schwoob for injuries and damage~ received [..n accident on October 27, 1960, was denied by the City Council and the matter referred to the C~ty Attorney's o££ioe for appropriate action~ MOT[ON CARRIE~ FINAL MAP - TRACT NO. 3816: Subdivider, Sierra Downs #3, Inco Tract located between Euclid and Loara Streets (extension of Della Lane~ northerly) and contains six R,-.1 lots~ The City Engineer reported that an agreement has been prepared, fees paid and bonds posted~ and recommended approval of said final map, subjec~ to verif2cation ~nd substan~iati, on of the prices outlined in said agreement for the cost of .tmprovin9 Lot "A" and the westerly half of the street~ and further subject to the recordation of said agreement p~ior to recordati, on of the f~nal maD,, Councilman Coons moved that final map, Tract Nco 3816, be approved, subject to the recommendat. 2ons as outlined by the City Eng~neero Councilman Fry seconded the motion° MOTION CARRIED. EXTENSION OF TRUCK SHED BUILDING .~ ,JOB NO. 50'7: Upon report by Mr. Davis and Mr0 P[ersall~ Councilman Fry moved that authorization be granted for the purchase of the extensior: of' the Butler type truck shed building at Crescent and Brookhurst Avenues, in the amount of $17,459o28o Councilman Coons seconded the motion,~ MOTION CARRIED~ TRANSFER OF FUNDS: On motion by Councilman Chandler, seconded by Councilman Coons, transfer of funds in 'the amount of $49,262°50 from the General Func to the Bond and Intere:~:t Redemption Fund~ was au~horizedo MOTION CARFiED. RESOLUTION NO. 6562: Councilmt:~r Chandler offered Resolution NOG 6562 for pas:sage and adoption. Refer to Resolut:~on Book~ A RESOLUTION OF T. HE CITY ItOUNCiL OF THE CiTY OF ANAHEIM DECLARING ITS iNTENTION TO VACATE AND ABANDON AN EASEMENT. FOR ROAD AND PUBLIC UTILITY PURPOSES UPON ~ OVER ~ ACRO.S~ ~ ALONG AND IHROUGH THE HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED hEAl. PROPERTY; RESERVING AN EASEMENT FOR PUBLIC U]~ILIIY PURPOSES OVER, [JNDI]R AND ACROSS A PORT~'O~4 OF SA]'D PROPER'T'Yt FIXING A TIME AND PLACE FOR A HhARING '~HEREON: DiREC'f)-NG THE POSTING 0F NOTICES THEREOF AND IHE PUBL!CATJON OF tH~'S F. ESOLt~[ON. (Gum ~,oad - Tract Noo 3946 -- public hearing .!anuarv 1"~ 196i',) On roll call the foregoin9 Resolute_on was duly passed and :~dopted by 'the following vote.. AYES; COUN(LLMEN: Chandler.~ Coons~ Fry and Schutteo NOES: COUNC'[LMEN.. None~ ABSENT i COUNCILMEN: Thompson° The Mayor decIared Resolutior~ NOG 6562 duly passed and adopted. 4583 City Haii~ Anaheim~ California ,~, r;OUNC]iL MINUTES -, De(:ember~:L96__~O~_~13~O0 PoM_______~ RESOLUY]O[4 NCo 656.3.- Councilman Fry off~'-r'ed F~,':o'ut!ion Nco 8563 for passage and adoption° Refer 'to Resolut:,,_on Book~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CiTY COUNC!iL OF THE CiTY OF ANAHEIM AUTHORIZING THE JOINT PAYMENT TO TH]~ STATE OF CAL]i?ORN!A BY 7.'HE CITY OF ANAHEIM AND 'THE CITY OF FULLERTON OF THE MAINTENANCE, COSTS OF CERTAIN EXZS]TiNG TRAFFIC SIGNALS ON ORANGETHORPE AVEN~i AND A~HOR. IZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXEU~E AN AGREE~NT WITH THE CITY OF FULLERTON FOR THE .JOi~ PAYMENT ~ SAID COSTS. (Oran9e%horpe & Harvardi Oran9etho%pe & Ravmondi Orangethorpe & Cypress) On roll call the foregoing Re{,ol.ut.~,on was duly passed and adopted by t~e followzng vote: AYES.. COUNCILMEN: Chandler,, Coon::, Fry and Schutteo NOES: COUNCILMEN ~ None ~ ABSENT: COUNCILMEN .- T~,omps on ~ 'The Mayor declared Resoiu'tZon No, 6563 duly passed and adopted° ARTERIAL HIGHWAY FINANCING PROGRAM: Councilman Coons offered Resolution Nos° 6S6~ through 6571, both inclusive, and moved for the!r passage and adoption° Re[er to Resolut. l. on Book~, RESOLUTION NOo 6564: A RESOLUTION OF 7'HE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM REQUESTING THE COUNTY OF ORANGE T'O iNCLUDE WiTHiN THE ARTERIAL HIGHWAY FINANCING PROGRAM THE DEVELOPMENT OF LA PALMA AVENUE. RESOLUTION NO. 6565.' A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM REQUESTING Yt~ COUNYY OF ORANGE TO iNCLUDE WITHIN THE ARYERIAL HIGHWAY FINANCING PROGRAM THE DEVELOPMENT OF ORANGE"['HORPE AVENUE. RESOLUTION NO. 6566: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF 'THE CITY OF ANAHEIM REQUESTING THE COUNTY OF ORANGE TO L[NCLUDE W]fTHIN THE ARTERIAL HIGHWAY FINANCING PROGRAM THE DEVEL. OPMENT OF EUCLID AVENUE. RESOLUTION NO. 6567,~ A RESOLbIiON OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM REQUESTING THE COUNTY OF ORANGE ]70 "(NCLUDE W~TH~N THE ARTERIAL HIGHWAY FiNANCiNG PROGRAM THE DEVELOPMENT OF BALI. ROADo RESOLUTION NO, 6568; A RESOLUYION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM REQUESTING THE COUNTY' OF ORANGE TO iNCLUDE Wi'THIN THE ARTERIAL HIGh~AY FIN- ANCiNG PROGRAM THE DEVELOPMENT OF WALNU[ STREET, RESOLUI'iON NO, 6569: A RESOLUI~ION O~ FHE CiTY COUNCIL OF I'HE CITY OF ANAHEIM REQUEST TiNG THE COUNTY OF ORANGE TO .[iNCLUDE WiTHiN !~HE ARTERIAL HIGHWAY FiNANCiNG PROGRAM THE DEVELOPMENT OF KATELLA AVENUE~ RESOLUilON NCo 65'70: A RESOLUtiON OF THE CZ~Y COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM REQUESTING THE COUNTY OF ORANGE TO -NCLUDE W![HTN THE ARTERIAL HIGHWAY FiNANCiNG PROGRAM THE DEVELOPMENT OF SUNKIST SFREET~ RESOLJI'iON NO. 65'71: A RESOLffTION OF THE CIT? COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM REQUEST[[NG THE COUNTY OF ORANGE TO iNCLUDE Wi'THIN THE ARTERIAL HIGh~AY FINANCING PROGRAM THE DEVELOPMENT OF CERR'[T'OS AVENUE° On roll call the forego~_rg Resolution Nos~ 6564 to 6571, both inclus_.ve, were duly passed and adopted by the followinq vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Ch~naler, Coons, Fry' and Schutteo NOES .' COUNCILMEN: None ,, ABSENT: COUN(]]. LMEN: Thomp? or:, '[he Mayor declared Resoiut~.on No.~,, 6564 'to 6571~ both inclusive, duly oa~,~ed and adopted,, 4584 C!_ty Ha!l~ Anaheim, california £_GOUNC. IL__MI_NUYE$ .= D.ece_mber 27, 1960,...3~00. PoBo FINAL. G0~PLETION - JOB NO.__~lg0o· The C~t¥ Engineer certified that Leo Weiler Company, has completed %he South Street sewer improvement, from 500 feet west of Sunkist to 1400 feet east of Sunkist~ in accordance with plans and specifications., and recommended the work be officially acceptedo R~ESOL_UT. ION NO_._ 6572~ Councilman Chandler offered Resolution Noo 6572 for passage ,_and .:~doptiOno Refer to Re ~O~ution Book o A R£SOLUTION OF TH£ CIIY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINALLY ACCF-PTING THE CO~PLETiON AND THE. FURNISHING OF ALL PLANT ~ LABOR, SERVICES, MAT£RIALS AND £QUIPMENT AND ALL UTIL!IiES AND TRANSPORTATION INCLUDING POWER, FUEL AND WATER, AND PF. RFORMING ALL WORK NECESSARY TO CONSrRUC/ AND COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC i,~PROVEMENi, TO WIT: IH£ SOUTH STREF. T SEWER IMPROVE~NT, FROM APPROXIMATELY 1.29 FEET EAS"~ OF PEREGRINE S/REET TO APPROXIMATELY 1400 FEET EAST OF SUNKIS! STREET~ JOB NO° 1190o On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by t, he following vote: AYES~ COUNCILMEN; Chandler, Coons~ Fry and Schutteo NOES.. CO(~CILMENI Noneo ABS£NI; coUNcILMEN~ Thompson° The Mayor c~clared Resolution Noo 6572 duly passed and adopted° RESOLUT.IQN .... NQ ...... 6573' Councilman Coons offered Resolution No° 6573 for passage and ad optiono Refer to Resolution Book° A RESOLUIION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CiTY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY REQUIRE TH5 CONSTRUCTION AND COMPLF. TION OF A PUBLIC IMPROVEMF. NI~ TO WIT.- THE LINCOLN-STANTON (BEACH BLVDo) SEWER I~PROVEMENT~ IN TH5 CITY OF ANAHEIM~ JOB NOo 1192; AND APPROVING THE D£SIGN$, PLANS~ PROFIL£S, DRAWINGS AND SP£CtFICATIONS FOR THF. CONSTRUCTION THEREOF; AU/HOR!ZING THE CONSTRUC/ION OF SAID PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT IN ACCORDANCE WiTH SAID PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS~ ETC.; AND AIIfHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO PUBLISH A NOTICE INVITING SEALED PROPOSALS FOR THE CON$!RUCT!ON IHERF. OF. (bids to be opened January 19, 1961) On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the roi. lowing vo%e~ AYES: COUNCILMEN: Chandler~ Coons, Fry and Schut%eo NOES .- COUNCILMEN ~ None o ABSENT.- COL~CILMEN: Thompsono The Mayor declared Resolution Noo 6~73 duly passed and adopiedo ~C,ALL FOR BIDS: Councilman Chandler offered Resolution No° 6574, Resolution Noo 6575 and Resolution Noo 65'76 for pas$,~ge and adoption° Refer to Resolution Book° RESO.LUT...!O.N NO. 6.5.~..74~ A RESOLUTION OF THF. CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND D~£RMINING THAI PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY REQUIRE THE CONSTRUCTION AND COMPLETION OF A PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT, TO WIT~ THE WES!ERN AVENUE SEWER IMPROVF. MKN/, FROM APPROXIMATELY 42 FEE/ NORTH OF STONYBROOK DRIVE TO APPROXIMATELY 19 FEET NORTH OF TERANIN~AR DRIVE, IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, 30B NO. 1204, AND APPROVING THE DESIGNS, PLANS, PROFILES, DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION THEREOF; AUIHORIZING THE CONSIRUCrION OF SAID PUBLIC IMPROVEMKNI IN ACCORDANCE WITH SAID PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, FICo; AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING IHF_ CITY CLFRK TO PUBLISH A NOIiCF. INVIY~NG SEALED PROPOSALS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION THEREOF. (bids to be opened January 19, 1961) 4,585 City Hall.~ Anaheim., California -COUNCIL MINU/ES -December 27; 1960, 3500 PoMe i , , , , ,, i .... :' ~, , ' ~ " ' ' " RESOLUTION NO. 6575: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING Ahb" DETERMINING THAT PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY REQUIRE THE CONSTRUCTION AND COMPLETION OF ~ PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT, TO WIT~ TH5 GILBERT STREET SEWER IMPROVEMEN/, FROM ~ESCENT AVENUE TO APPROXIMATELY 600 FEET $OIIrH OF CRESCENT AVENUE, AND ~OM LINCOLN AVENUE TO APPROXIMATELY 1,344 FEET NORTH OF LINCOLN AVENUE, ~ THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, JOB NO. 1205, AND APPROVING THE DESIGNS, PLANS, ~OFILE$, DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION THEREOF; AIIIHORIZING THE CONSTRUCTION OF SAID PUBLIC IMPROVENtENT IN ACCORDANCE WITHSAID PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, ETC.; AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING TH~ CITY CLERK TO PUBLISH A NOTICE INVITING SEALED PROPOSALS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION THEREOF. (Bids to be opened January 19, 19619 2~00 PoMe) R£SOLUTION NO. 6576, A R£SOL~iON OF TH£ CITY COUNCIL OF TH£ CITY OF ANAH~-I~ 'FINDING AND. D£T5~INING THAT P~LIG GONV£NI£NC£ AND N£G£SSITY R£QUIR£ TH£ CONSTRUCTION AND GO~PL£TION OF A PUBLIC I~PROV£M£NT, TO WIT: TH£ LA PAL~A AV£NU~ S£W£R IMPROV£NtKNT, FROM APPROXINLA/£LY 2014 FF.5T £AST OF-DOWLING AV£NUE TO GROV£ STR££T IN TH~ CITY OF ANAH£IM, JOB NOo 1206, AND APPROVING TH~ D£SIGNS, PLANS, PROFIL£S, DRAWiNGs AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR TH£ CONSTRUCTION THER£OF~ AUTHORIZING TH£ CONSTRUCTION OF SAID PUBLIC IMPROV£M£NT IN AGGORDANG£ WITH SAID PLANS, SP£CIFICATION$~ £TG. ~ AND AUTHORIZING AND DIR5GTING THE CITY GL5RK TO PUBLISH A NOTIG£ iNVITING S£AL£D PROPOSALS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION THER£OF. (Bids to be opened January 19, 1961, 2500 PoMe) On roll call the foregoing Resolutions Nose 6574, 6575 and 6576 were duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Chandler, Coons, Fry and Schutteo NOES ~ COUNCILMt{N~ Noneo ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: Thompson. The Mayor declared Resolution Nos° 6574, 6575 and 6575 duly passed and adopted° R~E$OLUT.ION. NO. 657.7_~ Councilman Chandler offered Resolution Nee 6577 for passage and adoptiono Refer to Resolution Booko A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT THE PUBLIC INTEREST AND NECESSITY REQUIRE THE ACQUISITION, CONSTRUCTION AND COMPLETION OF A PUBLIC UTiLiTY EXTENSION AND PUBLIC IMPROVEN~NT CONSISTING OF ELECTRIC LIGH/, HEAI AND POWER LINES AND WORKS IN CERTAIN PORTIONS OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, AND THE ACQUISITION THEREFOR BY THE CITY OF ANAHEIM BY EMINENT DONLAIN PROCEEDINGS OF CERTAIN PROPERTY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY IN SAID CERTAIN PORTIONS OF SAID CITY. On roll call %he foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote~. AYES: COUNCILNtEN-. Chandler, Coons, Fry and Schutte. NOE$~ COUNCILMEN ~ None° ABSENT: COUNCILMEN-. Thompsono The Mayor declared Resolution Nee 6577 duly passed and adop%edo VARIANC£ NO. 1052: Communication received from Edward Ac Petro regarding ~ 'Var'{ance Nee 1052, was ordered held over for one weeko (January 3, 1961) !--~ CANCELLATION OF COUNTY IAXES~ On motion by Councilman Coons, seconded by Councilman t .......... Fr~, ~he orange Coun~yBoard of Supervisors was requested to cancel County taxes on property acquired by the City of Anaheim for municipal purposes, pursuant ~o Resolution Nee 6494, from Walter Fo Lindberg, and recorded December 6, 1960, Book 5536, Page 516, Document Nee 212280o MOTION CARRIED. SIGN A.PPL..!CA..IION - CASEY-BF. CKHAM.PONIIAC~. Application from Casey-Beckham Pontiac "requestin9 permission to movo existin§ si§n from 335 $Oo Los An§eles Street to 800 Soo Los Angeles Street' together with plan, was submittedo 4586 City Hail, Anaheim, CaliforOia - COUNCIL MINUTES - December 27, 1960, 3500 Plan was reviewed by the Council and discussion was held regarding the square footage of Councilman C~andler moved that said sign application be ~ran%ed for ~aiver of the squa~o footage requirements onl¥~ and that in all other respects, the si§n mus~ conform to the new sign s%andardso Councilman Coons seconded the mo%~.Ono gOTION CARRIED. SIGN ..... -GLACIER FALLS ICE sKA!IN.G RINK: Mro Agnew, representing Santa Ana Neon Company, addressed ~he~Council, explainin§ their request for the relocation of the Glacier Fall.:: ICe Skating Rink sign and presented plans,which were reviewed by the Council° Discussion w~s held by the City Council and it was determined that if said sign is %t be relocated, it must conform %o the present si~n standards or a new app%ication filed° CITY PLANNING COMMISSION IT~Sl. Actions taken by the City Planning Commission ..... ~ecember 19', 1960, 'per~ainin§ %o the followin9 applications, were submi~:~ed for Ci'ty Council infor~nation.o VAR I ANC5 NO o ,, _ Vfl,R. IANCE V_All I ANCE NO ,. VAR IANC£ NO,, ',VAR I'ANCE,,, NO. 1314 - Donald Fo Rea !316 - Forest We Alexander !317 - Richard and Lucy Anthony 131.8 - Florence Bonino 1321 - Gordon Co Savage No further a~tion was taken by the City Council on the above numbered variance applications° CONDIII. ONAL. ~..SE .. .P.E. R~ I/ NO. 94 and VARIANCE NO.: .... 1..32.0 - At the request of Councilman ~handler, %he City Clerk was instructed to schedule these applications for public hearing before the City Council° CORRESPONDENCE_.- Correspondence nor requiring action by the City Council was ordered received and f%led, on motion by Councilman Coons~ seconded by Councilman Chandlero MO/ION CARRIED° ac Ac Oo Mokler, Troop 16, Boy Scounts of America bo Anaheim Junior Chamber of Commerce co Distribution of local sales tax- fourth quarter, 1960o ORDINANCE NO.. 1538.o,. Councilman Fry offered Ordinance No° 1538 for first readingo Said :~rdinance was read in full o AN ORDINANCE OF THE CIty OF ANAHEIM AMENDING TITLE 14, CHAPTER 14o32~ SECTION 140320190 OF ~HE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE, RELATING TO PARKING. (Manchester Avenue, west side, area of Katella Avenue off-ramp) ORDINANCE NO~ 1539t Councilman Chandler offered Ordinance Nee 1539 for first readingo Said ordinance was read in fullo AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING TITLE 4, CHAPTER 4052 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE BY ADDING THERETO SECTION 4°520080, RELATING TO PEDDLERS AND SOLICITORS. (processing fee) ORDINANCE NO. 1540~ Councilman Coons offered Ordinance Nee 1540 for first ,,, _ ,, ,, , , , , , , , ~-. reading° Said ordinance was read in fullo AN ORDINANCE OF THE C~TY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING TITLE 14, CHAP/ER 14040 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE BY AMENDING SECTION 14o40o060 THEREOF AND BY ADDING THERETO A NEW SEC/ION TO BE NUMBERED 14o40o065o (Manchester Avenue - speed limit) ENCROA.CHMENT PERMIT - DISNiYLAND., .!NC...:: Communication received from Disneyland, Inco, Mr° Robert Po F~s%er, Secretary and Resident Counsel, advising of the proposed extension of the Monorail system now operating in Disneyland, and requesting an encroachment permit %o allow the overhead crossing on West Street, was submitted, and read by the Assistant City Mane§ere 4.587 Mall Anaheim: Cal~_fornia .- .OUNC_L MINUTES .-. December 2'?,~ 1960~ 3500 P Mo RESOLUTION NO~ 6578~ Coun~£t. man Chandler offered Resolution Nco 6578 for passage and adoption, author~.zing 'the encroachment permit as reque~ted~ subject ~o the ~ondition~ outlined i.n oommuni~ation dated December 27, 1960 from D~neyland, Inco, and further ~ubject 'to th~ recommendation~ of the City Attorney and City Engineer~ Refer to Re~olu't;on Book,. A RESOLUi Ol'd OY THE C~TY COUNC~]L O~ [HE CITY OF ANAHEIM GRANTING DISNEYLAND~ INC.~ A PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT AN OVERHEAD MONORAIL ACROSS WEST STREET IN THE CiTY OF ANAHEIM~ On roil call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the followin9 votel yT~ · A_,-.S- COUNCZLMENa Chandler, C..oons~ Fry and Schutteo NO~S.. COUNCTLMEN; None,, ABSENT': COUNCILMEN~ Thompson° '[he Mayor declared ResoL t:.i. on No~ 6578 duly passed and adoptedo T ¥ · MEETING -. PROMOIIONAL ADVERI~$.~NG STANDARDS- Mro Bob Davis advised that a joint, meeting has been scheduled to be held ]'anuary 1.0, 1961, 10:00 AoMo, with the Merchant's Div[$kor"~, Anaheim Chamber of Commerce, regarding promotional advertising standards~ URBAN REDEVELOP~IEIqT PROGRAM: Mr Turner, City Attorney, reported on a preliminary study made by him regards[nS the Urban Redevelopment Program~ and advised the Council %hat he was prep~rlng an extensive and complete report on this matter° ADJOURNMENT: Uounc[lman Chandler moved t.o adjourn~ Councilman Coons seconded the moti. on~ MOTION CARR[ED~ City Hall~ Anaheim~ California - COUNCIL MINUTES - December 27~ 1960~ 7:00 PoMo The City Council of the City of Anaheim met in regular session° PRESENT: COUNCILMEN: Chandler, Coons, Fry, Thompson and Schutte. ABSENT .. COUNCILMEN: None. PRESENI: ASSISIANT CIIY MANAGER: Robert Davis· CITY ATTORNEY: Preston Turner. CIIY CLERK: Dene M. Williams. CITY ENGINEER: Thornton Piersall. SENIOR PLANNER: Martin Kreidto Mayor Schutte called the meeting to order. MINUTES: Minutes of the adjourned regular meeting and regular meeting held December 20, 1960, were approved on motion by Councilman Coons, seconded by Councilman Chandler. MOTION CARRIED. RESOLUTION NO. 6579: Councilman Chandler offered Resolution No. 6579 and moved for its sassage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book. A RESOLbYION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM APPROVING AND DIRE~ING THE PAYMENT OF DEMANDS AGAINST THE CITY AS OF DECEMBER 27~ 1960o (Warrant~ No. 10021 to 10178, both inclusive, $307,716.54) On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: 4588 City Hall~ Anaheim~ California - COUNCIL MINg/Es - December 27, 1960, 7~00 AYES: NOES~ ABSENT~ COUNCII_J~Nt Chandler, Coons, Fry, Thompson and Schutte. COUNCILMEN: None. COUNCILMENt None. The Mayor declared Resolution No. 6579 duly passed and adopted° DOWLING-ORANGETHORP~ ANNEXATION - CANVASS OF ELECTION RETURN$~ Mayor $chutte appointed Councilman Fry, Inspector, and Councilmen Coons, Chandler and Thompson, Judges~ for the purpose of canvassing the returns of votes cast at the special election held December 20, 1960, for the annexation of territory to the City of Anaheim~ known and designated as the Dowling- Orangethorpe Annexation, and also for the purpose of canvassin9 the returns of absent voters ballots. Ihe Tally List and semi-official returns were compared by the Canvassing Board and found to have been reported correctly. The Canvassing Board then proceeded to canvass the absent voters ballots° The City Clerk reported that two absentee ballots had been issued° Prior to the date of election, the si9natures on the applications for absent voter's ballots had been checked and found to compare with the si9natures on the ori9inal affidavits of re9istration. The canvass proceeded accordinq to law, and at the conclusion thereof, Councilmay Fry, Inspector, announced that it was the findings of the Canvassing Board that a total of eighteen votes were cast at the special election, 12 in favor of the annexation, and 6 against the annexation. RESOLUTION NO. 6580: Councilman Coons offered Resolution No. 6580 and moved for its passage and adoption. Refer to Resolution Book. A RESOLI IT ION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CAUSING A RECORD OF CANVASS OF RETURNS OF SPECIAL ELEC/ION TO BE ENTERED UPON ITS MINUTES. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Anaheim has canvassed returns of a certain special annexation election held on the 20th day of December, 1960, in certain unincorporated territory sought to be annexed to said City of Anaheim, and WHEREAS, the City Council has caused a record to be made of the canvass of returns of said election, which record is entitled, "RECORD OF CANVASS OF RETURNS OF SPECIAL ANNEXATION ELEC/ION HELD DECEMBER 20, 1960#o NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Anaheim that said record of canvass of returns of said election bey and the same is hereby ordered, entered upon the minutes of said City Council° THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is signed and approved by me this 27th day of December, 1960o /s/ Ao Jo Schutte Attest: Mayor of the City of Anaheim /s/ Dene M. Williams City Clerk of the City of Anaheim On roll call the foregoing Reso~tion was duly passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Chandlery Coons~ Fry~ Thompson and $chutte. NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. ABSENT: COUNCILMEN ~ None. The Mayor declared Resolution No. 6580 duly passed and adoptedo ~589 City Hail~ Anah.e.im.~ California - COUNCIL MINUTES - December 27~ 1960~ 7:0.o..poMo RECORD OF CANVASS OF RETURNS OF SPECIAL ANNEXATION ELECTION HELD DECEMBER 20~ 1960 The City Council of the City of Anaheim hereby makes a record of canvass of returns of special annexation election. Said special annexation election was held on the 20th day of December, 1960, in the manner provided by law. That for said election, said City Council duly established one voting precinct, which was designated as the Dowling-Orangethorpe Annexation Voting Precinct° That the polling place for the Dowling-Orangethorpe Annexation Voting Precinct was established and maintained at the Soichiro Hori residence, 6872 Dowling Avenue, Placentia, Orange County, California° That saia ~olling place was located within the hereinafter described unincorporated territory° The description of the property proposed to be included in the annexation known as the DOWLING-ORANGETHORPE ANNEXATION is as follows: A parcel of land located in the County of Orange, State of California, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at an angle point in the existing City limits line of the City of Anaheim, as established by the Northeast Annexation Nco 2-A of the City of Anaheim, passed by Ordinance Nco 1269, on August 12, 1958, and filed with the Secretary of State on September 12, 1958, said angle point being the southeast corner of Lot 5 of Block 4 of the Golden State Tract as shown on a mac, filed in Book 4, Page 66, of Miscellaneous Maps in the office of the County Recorder, of said Orange County; thence, 1o Northerly along the existing City ].zmits line said line also being 'the easterly line of Lots 5, 3 and 1, of Block 4, of said Golden State Tract, to the southerly right of way line of Orangethorpe Avenue, 80 feet wide; thence, 2o Easterly, southerly and easterly along the existing City limits l~ne tc the point of intersection with the west llne of the Orange County Water District Annexation to the C~ty of Anaheim, passed by Ordinance No° 1360, or~ July 28, 1959~ and filed with the Secretary of State, August 28, 1950~ thence, 3o Following the last mentioned Annexation northerly and easterly to the ~oint of intersectzon with the east line of the west 77°28 acres of Lot one, Block K of the Kraemer Tract, as shown on a map filed in Book 12, Pages ~7 and 88 of Miscellaneous Maps~ Records of Los Angeles County, Cal~forn:La; thence, 4o Northerly along the last mentioned east line to the point of intersection with the southerly right of ~ay line of Orangethorpe Avenue, 8C Feet wide~ thence, 5~ Westerly along the last mentioned southerly right of way line to the ~olnt of intersection with the northerly line of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad right of may as conveyed to the Santa Fe Land Improvement Company by deed recorded March 31~ 1910~ flied in Book 177~ Page 392 of Deeds~ records of Orange County, California; thence, 6. Westerly, southerly and westerly following the last mentioned northerly lib:e, to the point of intersection with the northerly prolongation of the easterly line of the most northwesterly 6°89 acre parcel of land as showr, on a Record of Survey file in Book 7, Page 11 of Records of Survey, in the Office of the County Recorder of sa~d Orange County; thence, 7. Southerly along the last mentioned prolongation and easterly line tc the southeast corner of the last mentioned 6°89 acre parcel of land; thence, ~11, Anaheim. z_California _ COUNCIL MINUTES - December 27 19.~_~_60 7:00 8o Westerly along the south line of said 6.89 acre parcel of land to the northeast corner of the most westerly 5045 acre parcel of land as show on said Record of Survey; thence, 9o Southerly along the east line of the last mentioned parcel of land to the point of intersection with the northerly right of way line of Orangethorpe Avenue, 40 feet wide; thence, 10o Easterly along the last mentioned northerly right of way line an~ its easterly prolongation to the point of intersection with a line parallel with and 20 feet east of the center line of Dowlin9 Street, 40 feet wide; thence~ !1o Southerly along the last mentioned parallel line to the point of intersection with the southerly right of way line of Orangethorpe Avenue, 80 feet wide, said point being in the easterly right of way line of Dowlin9 Street~ 40 feet wide; thence, 12o Southerly along the easterly right of way line of said Dowling Street to the point of intersection with the easterly prolongation of the north line of Lot 3 of Block 5 of said Golden State Tract; thence, 13o Westerly along the last mentioned easterly prolongation and the north lines of Lots 3 and 4 of Block 5 of said Golden State Tract to the point of intersection with the east line of Lot 1 of Block 6 of said Golden State Tract; thence~ 14o Northerly along the east line of Lot 1 of Block 6 of the last mentioned Tract to the point of intersection with a line parallel with and 310 feet south of the southerly right of way line of said Orangethorpe Avenue, 40 feet wide; thence~ 15o Westerly along the last mentioned parallel line to the point of intersection with the east line of Lot 1 of Block 7 of said Golden State 'Tract; thence, 16o Southerly along the last mentioned east line to the north line of Lot 3 of said Block 7; thence, 17o Westerly along the last mentioned north line to the point of intersection with the west line of the east half of Lot 3 of said Block 7; thence~ 18o Southerly along the last mentioned west line to the northerly right of way line of LaJolla Street, 40 feet wide~ thence, 19o Easterly along the last mentioned northerly right of way line to the point of intersection with the northerly prolongation of the west line of Lot 6 Block 6 of the last mentioned Tract; thence, 20° Southerly along the last mentioned northerly prolongation and west line to the south line of the last mentioned Lot 6, said south line also being the existing City limits line of the City of Anaheim; thence, 21o Easterly along the existing City limits line as established by said Northeast Annexation NCo 2-A and the south lines of Lots 6 and 5 of Block 6 and Lots 6 and 5 of Block 5, and Lots 6 and 5 of Block 4 to the point of beginning° That the proposition submitted to the electors residing within said unincorporated territory was~ Shall DOWL!NG-ORANGETHORPE Annexation be annexed to the City of Anaheim, California, and the property in said DOWLING-ORANGETHORPH Annexation be, after such annexation, subject to taxation equally with the pro- YES City Hali~ Anaheim~ California - COUNCIL MINIffES - December 27~, ,1960~ 7:00 oerty within said City of Anahelm to pay Its pro rata oortion, based upon assessed valuation, of all bonded indebtedness of said City of Anaheim outstanding on Novem~pr, 2~th~ 1960: ,or thg~etof,~re authorized? NO That said City Council met at its regular meeting after the expiration of three days from and after the date of said election to canvass the returns o{ said election~ and at said regular meeting~ did make and complete its canvass of such returns° That from and by its canvass of such returns, said City Council finds~ 1~ That the whole number of votes cast at such election was 18o 2° That the number of votes cast at such election in favor of annexation was 10o 3. That the number of votes cast at such election against said annexation was 6o 4,, That the number of ballots received as absen'tee votes was 2o 5~ That the number o£ ballots received as absentee votes in favor of annexation ~as 20 6o That the number o£ ballots received as absentee votes against said annexation was Oo CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ORDINANCE NOo 1541: Councilman Chandler offered Ordinance Nco 1541 for first reading and moved for its passage and adoption° AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM APPROVING THE ANNEXATION TO SAID CITY OF ANAHEIM OF CERTAIN INHABITED TERRITORY KNOWN AS DOWLING-.ORANGETHORPE ANNEXAT ION. After hearing read in full the title of Ordinance Nco 1541 and having knowledge of the contents therein, Councilman Coons moved the reading in full of said ordznance be waived° Councilman Chandler seconded the motion~ MOTION UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED. MILEAGE: Councilman Chandler offered a Resolution amending the compensation resolution 'to increase the rate paid for mileage~ as follows~ ac within a ten mile radlus~ 15 cents per mile~ bo anything beyond the ten mile radius~ 10 cents per mileo Discussion was held by the Council, at the conclusion thereof, Counciimac Chandler moved to defer action on the resolution to the next meeting of the Council, pending the recommendations of the City Manager° Councilman Coons seconded the motion° MOTION CARRIED~ DYKE WATER SYSTEM~ Mro Turner briefed the City Council on the current option or offer to purchase Dyke Water System, as recently revised, and read portions thereof~ pertaining to payments and penalty clauses for payment in fulio ADJOURNMENT: Councilman Chandler moved to adjourn° Councilman Coons seconded the motion° MOTION CARRIED. ,: