Resolution-ZA 1992-07• • DECISION NO. ZA 92-7 OF THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR APPROVING TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 90-334 OWNER:. MILLER-LA PALMA LIMITED 5775 Polaris Avenue, Las Vegas, Nevada 89118 AGENT: ROBERT MC CLENDON 3158 Redhill Avenue #100, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 DATE OF PUBLIC .HEARING: January 23, 1992 LOCATION: 3401 and 3407 East La Palma Avenue CEQA STATUS: Negative Declaration OPPOSITION: No one indicated their presence at the public hearing in opposition; and no correspondence in opposition was received. REQUEST: Petitioner proposes to establish a 3-lot industrial subdivision under authority of Code Section Having been appointed Zoning .Administrator by the Planning Director, pursuant to Anaheim Municipal Code Section 18.12.040, to decide the above-referenced petition and a public hearing having been duly noticed for and held on the date set forth above, I do hereby find: 1. That the proposed map is consistent with the applicable General Plan; 2. That the design and/or improvement of the-proposed subdivision is consistent with applicable General Plan; 3. That .the design of the subdivision or the proposed improvements are not likely to cause substantial environmental damage or substantially and avoidably injure fish or wildlife or their .habitat; 4. That-the design o£ the subdivision-or the type of improvements is not likely to cause serious public health problems; and 5. That the design of the subdivision or the type of improvements will not conflict with easements, acquired by the public at large, for access through or use of property within the proposed subdivision. CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT FINDING: That the Zoning Administrator has reviewed the proposal for waiver of minimum number of parking spaces to establish a 3-lot industrial subdivision on a rectangularly shaped parcel of land consisting of approximately 1.58 acres located at the northeast corner of La-Palma Avenue and Miller Street, having approximate frontages of 280 feet on the north side of La Palma Avenue and 220 feet on the east side of Miller Street, and further described as 3401 and 3407 East La Palma Avenue and 1110 North Miller Street; and does hereby approve the Negative Declaration upon finding that she has considered the Negative Declaration together with any comments received during the public review process and further finding on the TP90-334 -1- ZA 92-7 • • Page 2 Tentative Parcel Map No. 90-334 basis of the initial study and any comments received that there is no substantial evidence that the project will have a significant effect on the environment. Based on the evidence and testimony presented to me, I do hereby determine to APPROVE Tentative Parcel Map No. 90-334, subject to the following conditions: 1. * That the approval of Tentative Parcel Map No. 90-334 is granted subject to the approval and finalization of Variance No. 4167. 2. That the legal owner of subject property shall prepare an unsubordinated restricted covenant providing for reciprocal access and parking, and trash service between the three (3) parcels. In addition, provision shall be made in the covenant to guarantee that the entire complex shall be managed and maintained as one (1) integral parcel for. purposes of parking, vehicular circulation, signage, maintenance, land usage and architectural control, and that the covenant shall be referenced in all deeds transferring any or all parts of the interest in the property. Prior to recordation with the Office of the Orange County Recorder, said covenant shall be reviewed and approved by the City Traffic and Transportation Manager and the Zoning Division, and by the City Attorney as to form. Said agreement shall be recorded concurrently with the final parcel map. A copy of the xecorded covenant shall then be submitted to the Zoning Division. 3. That prior to final parcel map approval, sidewalks shall be installed along La Palma Avenue in accordance with Standard Detail 110. 4. * That the legal owner of subject property shall provide the City of Anaheim with satisfactory evidence of an existing public utility easement along/across the parcels of subject parcel map {No. 90-334) before final parcel map approval. 5. That the legal property owner shall irrevocably offer to dedicate to the City of Anaheim a twelve (12) foot wide by twenty two (22) foot long public utility easement (PUE) in the southeast corner of Parcel No. 3 (12 feet along the east property line then west 22 feet adjacent to the La Palma Avenue right-of-way), as required by the Electrical Engineering Manager. The PUE shall be for the installation of pad mounted electrical facilities when the City removes the overhead electrical facilities and installs new underground facilities. TP90-3.34 -2- ZA 92-7 • • Page 3 Variance No. 4167 6. That subject property shall be developed substantially in accordance with plans and specifications submitted to the City of Anaheim by the petitioner and which plans are on file with the Planning Department marked Exhibit No. 1 through 4; and that each and every parking space (as authorized by Variance No. 4167) shall be specifically and accurately delineated on each parcel. The minimum number of spaces shall be: Parcel No. 1 42 spaces Parcel No. 2 23 spaces Parcel No. 3 28 spaces TOTAL 93 spaces Provided, however, that the number of spaces on Parcel No. 3 may be reduced by the public utility easement for pad-mounted electrical facilities, required by Condition No. 5, herein. 7. That prior to .final parcel map approval, Condition Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, above-mentioned, shall be complied with. 8. * That approval of this application constitutes approval of the proposed request only to the extent that it complies with the Anaheim Municipal Zoning Code and any other applicable City, State and Federal regulations. Approval does not include any action or findings as to compliance or approval of the request regarding any other applicable ordinance, regulation or requirement. Conditions marked with an asterisk (*) are required by established laws, codes, regulations and agreements and are, therefore, not subject to negotiation. Thi"s decision is made, signed, and entered into the file this thirtieth day of January, 1992. Annika M. Santalahti, Zoning Administrator NOTICE: This decision shall become final unless an appeal to the City Council, in writing, accompanied by an appeal fee, is filed with the City Clerk within 10 davs of the date of the signing of this decision or unless members of the City Council. shall request to review this decision within said 15 days. DECLARATION OF SERVICE BY MAIL: I do hereby declare under penalty of perjury that on the date set forth below, I did deposit, in the United States Mail, a copy of the decision to the applicant and did forward a copy to the City Clerk. DATED: January 30, 1992 ~ !IrY1.(~(~vl~ /~-~~ Pamela H. Starnes, Administrative Assistant TP90-334 -3- ZA 92-7