Resolution-ZA 1995-25• •
Planning Department
Ricardo and Graciela Novoa
2957 West Orange Avenue
Anaheim, CA 92804
RE: Notice of Decision -Approving Administrative Use Permit No. 95-06
(Large Family Day Care Home at 2957 West Orange Avenue, Anaheim, California)
Notice is hereby given that the Zoning Administrator for the City of Anaheim has APPROVED the above-
referenced permit application for a large family day care home at 2957 West Orange Avenue for a maximum
of 12 children.
The authority and criteria for the approval of the large family day care home permit is in Section 1597.46
of the California Health and Safety Codes and Section 18.04.140 of the Anaheim Municipal Code. According
to Section 1597.46, the City shall issue anon-discretionary permit if the large family day care standards set
forth are met. These standards have been adopted by the City of Anaheim and are set forth in Anaheim
Municipal Code Sections 18.01.070 and 18.04.140.
APPROVAL of the permit is based upon the following findings of fact:
That six people indicated their opposition to this proposal during the public notice period which
ended on July 17, 1995 and, therefore, a public hearing was scheduled;
2. That subject petition was duly noticed and a public hearing was conducted on September 14, 1995;
and that three people spoke in opposition and a petition containing 31 signatures in opposition to
the petition was submitted;
3. That the use and building comply with the applicable site development standards of the RS-7200
"Residential, Single-Family" Zone in which the property is located; and
4. That the use complies with all of the criteria and standards established for such use pursuant to
Section 1597.46 of the California Health and Safety Codes and to the applicable provisions of the
Anaheim Municipal Code.
Any person aggrieved by the decision of the Zoning Administrator may appeal such decision to the City
Council, tendering the applicable appeal fee to the City Clerk's Office within twenty-two (22) days following
the date of this decision. Said permit shall not be deemed final, and permittee shall not be authorized to
engage in the use granted by said permit, until the expiration of said twenty-two day appeal period.
If you have any questions concerning this, matter, please contact this office at (714) 254-5139.
September 21, 1995 Annika M. Santalahti, Zoning Administrator
AUP95-06.wp 200 South Anaheim Boulevard ZA 95-25
P.O. Box 3222, Anaheim, California 92803 (714) 254-5139
Planning Department
September 21, 1995
Ronna Kelly, President
Register Charities
625 N. Grand Avenue
Santa Ana, CA 92701
Re: Special Circumstances Waiver No. 95-05 - Ap roved
On September 14, 1995, Annika M. Santalahti, Zoning. Administrator, considered your request for
Special Circumstances Waiver No. 95-05 to permit issuance of a Special Event Permit for an antique and
collectible charity sale on Sunday, October 1, 1995, on property locatedat 1551 South Douglass Road.
She made the following findings:
1. That a letter requesting this special circumstance waiver was .submitted on August 19, 1995;
2. That approval of special circumstance waivers is authorized by Subsection
"Zoning Administrator Review (of Special Events Permits)" of the Anaheim Municipal. Code;
3. That any modifications (to the standards established by the Section 18.02.055 "Special Event
Permit -General) approved in connection with this special circumstances waiver, will serve the
public interest, safety and general welfare; and that extraordinary circumstances are present and
consist of this being cone-day only event, the event will take place on a Sunday, off-site pazking
will be procured on the nearby Arena property, and no sporting. or other event is taking place of
the Arena on the same date as this antique and collectibles show;
4. That, in addition to booths for the sale of antiques and collectibles, the petitioner testified that
this event will include food concessions, a hot air or similar display balloon, pennants `and
banners; and that professional parking, and pedestrian and vehiculaz traffic management will be
provided by the petitioner to control circulation on the subject property and in the surrounding
area; and
5. That this event is for one day only (Sunday), the set up will commence no earlier than noon one
day earlier (Saturday), and clean-up will be completed by midtight (Sunday).
Under authority of Sections and Section 18.12.085, and as described in the petitioner's
letter dated August 16, 1995 and the Staff Report dated September 14, 1995, the Zoning Administrator
approved Special. Circumstances Waiver No. 95-05 for the herein described special event on Sunday,
October 1,.1995, subject to compliance with the following conditions:
200 South Anaheim Boulevard
P.0. Box 3222, Anaheim, California 92803 (?14) 254-5139
1. ` That this event is approved for one (1) day only (Sunday, October 1, 1995); that set up shall
commence no earlier than noon on Saturday, .September 30, 1995 (except as otherwise
.specifically provided herein); and that clean-up of the subject property shall be completed by
midnight, Sunday, October 1, 1995.
2. That on-site advertising for this event shall be limited to:
(a) ;One (1) hot air or similar. display balloon (not to exceed fifty [50] feet in height as
measured from the finished grade of the pazking lot) which- may be displayed for no more
than one (1) week from Sunday, September 24, 1995, to Sunday, October 1, 1995;
(b) Pennants; and
(c) Banners-no lazger than three (3) feet by ten (10) feet.
3. That the property owner or petitioner shall be responsible for paying the full cost associated with
the use of Police Department and/or Traffic Management Center staff who may be needed for
traffic control. purposes.
4. ,That this permit is expressly conditioned .upon the petitioner's procuring a minimum of two
thousand five hundred (2,500) pazking spaces (and necessary pazking lot attendants) from the
Anaheim Arena during this event period; and that a copy of said agreement shall be provided
to the Planning Department, Zoning Division, prior to or in conjunction with obtaining a Special
Events Permit.
5. That this event is approved in connection with the petitioner's obtaining a Special Events Permit;
and that this event and the vazious activities associated with it shall comply with all the standards
and requirements set forth in Section 18.02.055 "Special Event Permit -General" of the Anaheim
Municipal Code unless otherwise specifically provided herein.
This decision shall become final unless an appeal to the City. Council, in writing, accompanied by an
appeal fee, is filed with the City Clerk within ten (10) days of the date of this letter or unless members
of the City Council request review of this decision within said 10 days.
If you have any questions, please contact Della Herrick, Associate Planner, Zoning Division, at
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Be P~ton
Senior Office Specialist
cc: Traffic Control Center
A. Yalda, Traffic Engineering
J. Poole, Code Enforcement