1950/08/08. pit - Hall ~eim C~liforr, ia -T~m~a A "~m$ 1 1~ 0 ~ The Oi~ O~ncil of ~he Oi~ of ~eim me~ in ~o~ne~_Re~l~ Session. ~S~: . 00~0~~: None. OlTY ATTO~Y T~: Present.__ ~jour~ 2e~lar ~eeti~ h~ld for ~he ~urp;~ o~ ~i~cu~i~ ~o~ ~l~ctio~ ~~TISii~ FOR BIDS: I~RO~~T ~F NORTH ~F~0E S~ET: It was moved Haying, seceded by 0oucilm B~ney t~t ~ertisi~ of bids be m~e for the improve- ment of North Lemon Street, said work to be ~id for from the Co~ty's ~location of Gas T~ ~. M.O. CONSTRUCTION OF ~ P~ S~ER: It was moved by Co~cil~ B6ney, seco~ by O~cil- ~ He~ing t~t ~he contraction of ~ P~~ Sewer, east from ~st Street, 1100 feet be approve. M.C. i~OPOLiT~ WATER DIS~ICT S~BY C~GE of $60,00 per se&o~ foot was Brecht up by E. P. ~pgood, City ~gineer who [stated t~t the city now u~e~ more t~ its allocation, ~d consider~ the c~rge favorably for all member-cities of the district. No actio~ was t~en by the 0o~cil. PROPOSED BOULEVARD STOPS AS RECO~[END~ BY CHIEF OF POLICE:. Letter from the Chief of Police stating that $.raffic condi%ions on North East Street have been investigated, and due to new sa%bdivisions and mw homes on East Street, and in this district, the traffic was becoming very heavy, and that there should be a Boulevard Stop placed at North and East Streets, also at S~camore and East Streets, which will make a 4-waF stop at these intersections. At the present ti~e, East Street is open from 0enter Street to RaFmond Avenue at Orangethorpe, a ~istance of 1~ mile, and that the stop signs would reduce the speed and add to the safety of the locality. Recommendations were taken uz~ler aclvlsement. APPO!~T~NT OF ~fEi~fBER, OF THE CiTY PLANNING COmmISSION: was br~t Up and held over to later date. REFUND BUSINESS LI~F~.~SE: of $15'00 was authorized on the license issued to Al. Miller Auto Electric Shop. Mr. Miller w~s called into "active service" through the National Gtta~, and his shop will be close~. City Attorney states that "Bond Procedure" will be brought out mere fully at' the Regular Meeting to be ~eld August 8, 1950. Councilman tIeying moved to adjourn. Oouncilman Van Wagoner seconded the motion, SIGEED ~City Clerk The City Council of the City of Anaheim met in Regular Session. PRESE~T: COUNCII~: Pearson, Wisser, Heying, Boney and V~n Wagoner. ABSENT : COU~;CI L~[EN: None. CITY ATTORNEY TURNER: Present. The Minutes of the Regular 5See,ting held July 25, 1950 and Adjourned Regular Meeting held August 1, 1950 were approved. DE~S AGAINST THE CITY: Councilman Van Wagone'r reported demands against' the city amounting to $54,964.22. Councilman Boney moved that Report of ~inauce 0ommittee be accepted and that warrants be drawn upon the Treasurer to pay said demands in accordance with report. Councilman Wisser seconded the motion. M.C. ' FIN3[i~CIAL & OPEPJ~TING REPORTS: 0ity Treasurer, Balance in General Fund, July 1, 1950 $153 ,107. 56 , total receipts, $108,776.50, balance General Fund July 31, 1950, $163,391.2;%. Total General Accounts, $305,831.78, total all Funds, $345,067.43. The C.ity Clerk's report corresponded with that of Treasurer. - City Auditor deposited with Treasurer, $26]524.59. - CiSy Judge deposited with Treasurer, $3,586.00, handled 589 cases in the 0ity Court, of which 402 were Parking Meter Violations. - Public Service deposited with Treasurer, $70,227.02. - Parking Meter' Collection~ totaled, $2,200.00 - Activities of the Police Department, Fire Department, Shop and Garage, Garbage and Trash Oollections, - Library reported balance August 1, 1950, $11,661.~?, - City Clerk deposited with Treasurer, $2,~90.10, - Building Department issued 355 permits of which 202 were Building Permits, fees .collecte~ totaled, $4,286.63, - Olty Electrician issue~l total of 65 Light Wiring amd Powe~ Wiring Permits, £ees collected, $~3~.30, - Business, Bicycle amd Dog Licenses totaled, $25,9~6.00, -.Summary of work performed by Light, Power and Water, water pumped by ~.ity, 15,405,~00 gallons, water purchased from M.W;D, 104,801,532 gallons, water level, ,city wells, August 1, 1950, 157 feet, 6 inches. Cou~cllmam Van Wagoner moved that the foregoing Financial and Operating Reports be accepted and_ filed, Councilman Wisser seconded th~ motion. ~.. C. TI~NSFER OF FUNDS: "On motion by 0ouncil~an Boney, seconded by Councilman Van Wagoner, transfer by the City Treasurer of $10,000.00 from the General t~a~d te the Traffic Safety Fu~_ was authorizeA. M.C. ~ FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE BOND, PLUM~: Fir~manls Fun~ Indemaity Co. Bond in the ameumt ef $1,000.00, Kennedy Pipe & Supply Co. approved on motion by 0oun¢llmaa Yan Wagoner, eecomAed by Oouncilmam Heyi~ng. M. O, J.O.S. EXECUTIVE COM}IITTEE MEETING: Nin~tes, of meeting held July 30, 19~0 were submitted and read amd o~dered filed on motion l~y~euncilman Boney, seconded by Councilmam Wismer. N. NATIONAL SPASTI0 PARALYSIS FOUNDATION: r$quest for permission to come into Amaheim ama by telephone an~ personal eelieitatiom acquSre funds for crippled children. This request was turne~ over to 0bier of Police for further investigation and report. ANAHEIM DISASTF~R COUNCIL - LETTER TO OR~NIZATION$ requesting marne of their representative to serve ~n the Anaheim Disaster Councils was rea~ to the City Council. SET TAX RATE, NEXT MEETING, August 22, 1~50, the City 0ouncil will meet to set the Tax Rate, C. W. WISE, TENT REVIVAL MEETING: Petit{eh signed by adjacent property ownerm, req~estimg- that appll¢&tion of 0. W. Wise be deniedlat this location, was submi~te~ ~ rea~. Application for O. W. Wise flor con&ucting a Revival ~eeting on La Palms Street, west of Palm ~tree~ denied at this location on motion by 0ou~cilmam Boney, seconde~[ ~y 0ounciln~n Wisest. N. Motion opposed B~ Oouncilmam Van Wagoner, H. G. BCttMELZ~: UNDE~ CONTRACT: I~. G. ordered placed under contract basis wish immediat el~. $chmelzer, Manager of Federal Public Housing~ was the city in the operation of his duties, .effective EDWARD W. BOi~-KOSKY services in capacitor Sf Assessor ~o be terminated August 15, 1950. ORDINANCE NO. 760: was offered by Counc:~lman Heying who moved for its passage and a~option. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAFF.~IN ES~LISHING 0F~RTAIN EEGUI~TION$ GOVERNING TEE ERECTION, CONSTRUCTION AND ALTERATION OF 0ERTAIN BUILDINGS, STRUCTURES AND IMPROVEMENTS AND TO CER~IN USES OF LAND, PENDING THE ADOPTION BY TH~ CITY COUNCIL OF SAID CITY OF A NEW PRECISE AND OOMPR~SIVE ZONING PLAN ~01~ SAID CITY,~ AND PRESCRIBING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION OF ANY OF T~E PROVISIONS EEREOF, AND DECLARING THIS ORDINANCE AN URGENCY MEASURE TO TAKE EFFECT I. ~$~IA~ELY. ~ · refer to Ordinance ~ook, page ~38. ~ - following On roll call the foregoing Ordinance was~_duly passed and adopted by VOte[ AYES: COUNCII~W[EN: Pearson, Wisser, ~ying and Van Wagoner. NOES: COUNCILMEN: Boney. AB $~NT: OOUNCILMEN: None. The Mayor declared the foregoing Ordinam~e duly passed and adopted. PUBLIC HEARING: ROBERTS ANNEXATION: P~SoLuTION NO. 1758: Public Hearing pursuant to Re~olution No. 1758 ~ertaini~g_~ to the Roberts Anne~tion. Mrs. Roberts was present at the meeting.clerk in o~positionThere weretonOsaidobJection~annexation.,filec~, and no objections were received by the City ORDINANCE NO. 761: Councilman Boney offered Ordinance No. 761 and moved for its p~smage and adoption. Councilmam Heying seconde~ the motion. Said Ordinance was read in !~ublic for the first time, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF 'ANAHEI~ APPBOVING THE ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF ANAN~IN O~ TEE TERRITORY KNOWN AND D~$IGNATED AS ROBERTS ANNEXATION. Being no other business pertaining to t~is Hearing, the Hearing was ordered closed. PROPOSED ANNEXATION: ARV~L MGRRIS: Lette.r~.pertaining to annexation by Arval~Norris of 11.~2 acre~, situated on East Santa Ana~$treet. ~r. Morris addressed the Council pertaining to proposed a~nexation of his property ~hich was to be placed in R-O Suburban Zoning, with 32 lots~ o£ 10,000 sq. ft. Mr. Morris r~ceived= favorable response in regard to the ~_,~exation, and wac advised to present petition, properly drawn, for presentation to the City Council. .5. 8; O0 ?.~ PROPOS~ ANNEXATION: SO. OF VERMONT ST. & EAST OF PALM ST.: The Matter was brought u~ beffore the Council ae to the proposed annexation of a portion o£ the territory south of Vermont Street and East of Palm St~reet. The City Engineer advise~[ the interested ~arties to ~resent petition for action by the City Council. PETITION TO EXTEh~D BROADWAY, EAST: . The City Council received petition, which was read, from residents in. the East Anaheim Annexation requesting the ezte,,tiom of Broadway, Street beyond the City Limits to a point beyond the Lincoln School. This petitio~ was referred to the.Engineering Department~for study: .. .. BOND ELECTION: SEPTEMBER 18. 1950. Monday: RESOLUTION NO. 1762: Resolution No. 1762 was offered by Councilmam Van Wagoner who moved for its ps, sage and a~optiom. Sai~ Resolution was read in full. PESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA, DETERMINING' THAT TEE PUBLIC INTEREST AND NECESSITY DEMAND THE A.CQUISITION AND CONSTRUCTION OF A CERTAIN ~YNICIPAL IKPRO~~, AED WAKING FINDINGS RELATING THERETO. The City Council of~ the City of Anaheim, 0alifornia, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AND DETERMINE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That~ the public interest and necessity ~emand the acquisition and construction for the City of Anaheim~ of a certain munici~l improvement, to wit: additional sanitary sewers and sewage, disposal facilities, including (1) aclditions of main trunk, interceptor and lateral sewers to the sewer mystem of the., City of Anaheim~ (2) ~hat undivided part or share, which is to ~e owned and pai~ for by the ~it~ of Anaheim of (a) additions to an~ enlargements of the sewage treatment plant and chlorination plant Jointly owned by the City of Anaheim and other cities and sanitary districts, (1~) reconjtruc~tion and replacement of ~ortions of the jointly owned outfall sewer carrying sewage from ~said trea~tment plant, an~ (c) an additional main trumk sewer, with connecting lines, to car~y sewage to sai~ sewag'e treatment plant ~said reconstruction and replacement of portions of said outfall sewer, said additions to and enlargements of the ~sewage treatment plant ancl chlorination plant, an8 said a~ditional main trunk sewer, to be Jointly owne~ and paid for ~y the City of Anaheim and other public corporations). ~ That the estimated ~ost Of said municipal im'provemen$ is the sum of $~, o,o, o00. o0. Section 2. That sai'~ municioal improvement requires an expemditure greater than the amount allowed ~or it by the annual tax levy, Section 3. That sal~ municipal improvemen~ is necessary an~ convemlea~ to carry out the o~jects, purposes and powers of the City of Amaheim. On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly l~mssed and adopt'ed ~y the following vote: AYES: 00UNCILMEN: Pear,on, Wi~ser, Meying, Boney amd Van Wagoner. NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. ~ ABSENT: COUNOILMEN: None. The Nayor declared the foregoing Resolution duly passed and adopted. ORDII~ANCE ~O. 762: Councilmam Boney introduced Or~[lnance No. ?6£ an6 moved for ~ss~e ~ ~optlon. Oo~cil~ V~ W~oner seco~e~ ~he motion. Said'Oral--ce ~s re~ i~ ~blic a~ in f~l for the first time. ~ O~I~CE OF T~ CITY OF ~IM, ~LIFORNIA, O~ING, ~ING, PROVIDING ~OR GIVING NOTICE OF A SPECIAL E~0TION TO BE ~ IN T~ CITY O~ A~IM ON ~ DAY 0F S~T~~, 1950, FOR T~ P~OSE OF S~MITTING ~ T~ QUALI~I~ VOWS O~ ~ID CITY A ~OPOSITION TO IN~ BO~ I~~~SS BY ~ID CITY ~OR T~ AOQUISITION ~ CONSTRUCTION O~ A C~IN ~ICIP~ I~RO~T. TRACTS NOS. 1379 and 1245: FINAL MAP, ACCEPTED: On motion ~ Coumcilmam Vas Wagoner, seconded by 0ouncilmaa Wisest, ~inal ~ps of Tracts Nvm%era 1379 a~ 1255 were ordered accepted amd file~. N.C. Faithful Performance Boats aa~ Checks covering water mains were receive~. TP~ACT NO. 1326: FINAL MAP, ACCEPTED: On motion by Councilman Heying, seconded ~y Councilman Van Wagoner, ~inal Map of Tract Number 1326 was ordered accepted and filed. M.C. Faithful Performance Bond and Check covering water mains were received, PUBLIC HEARING: DECONTROL OF RENT: Public Nearing pursuant ~o Resolution No. 1761 was opened for the ~n~.rpose of determining wheather or not there exists such a short-ge in rental housing in the City of Anaheim as to require Rent 0ontrol.. .6. · Oit_~ t~a~.%, An.~...sim,.. 0&!ifornia- ~uesday! August 8, 1~50 ..... Presentation oF 'facts and evidl &v~Al~bility of rental housing accessorial the City of Anaheim should be deoontroled The Mayor explained whey new ties February survey there will be 1060. apprc which are now in various stages of comple anticipated in new subdivisions which are addition to those already st&riehl. The 0ity 01erk submitted certit 176t on July 25, 1950. a~d certified to and posted in three public places in the o£ July, 1950 he 6iA ,e~e u~a, the follc copy of 0ity of A ~eim Resolution ~o. ~id. at least ten (10)8~s prior to Office of the' Unite~ States Hot Regional Office of the United ~o&r& of Su_pervioors of Orange 0ity Oonncil of the 0ity of ~ City Oo~cil of the City of City Oo~il of t~ City of Oity 0o~ll of the 0ity of PI~ Cit~ Co~il of the Oity of 0ity 0o~ll of the 01ty of City Co~il off the 0ity off The ~im Re~ty Boa~ 0. D. Y~er, ~eim, Calif. ]~ERT ARNOLD appeared not as an wi~tness and was duly~ sworn in b7 the Oit~ o~her hearing, that there hash' t been and ! os recommen~ that we go on record previously did to the Governor. From and from the National Association of Rea] decontroled since we ha~ our hearing in cities and towns comprise now reaches million mark. Also. I have received cor~ h~ve ~een in the towns ~ cities that ha to five months. We fmu~i an increase in ,nco bearing upon the availability or non- .ions to determine wheather or not rents in ,ring must be held, and noted teat since the ximately, new homes at the end of this year, rich, and approximately 1717 new homes ~ in the process of being considered, in lc&tics aa to the passage of Resolution No. he fact the same h~d been duly published 0ity of Anaheim, amd that on the 2Stix wing persona, erg&sis&tics by depositing a 761 in the United States Mail, postage pre,-, hearing to be, held August 8, 19~0: ,sing ~xpediter, Washington, D. 0. tabes Housing ~xpedlter, Los Angeles, Oallf, ~ounty, Santa Ann, 0alif. age. lerton. ,centia. ~ Ila~ra. trier tin ia, 0alif. ~ Officer of the City, but in the nature of a Clerk. stated, "I feel that since we had the ~eat de~l of change in the number of ~ies, mi' make the report to Washington as we tietics I received from the State Association ~tF ~oards, max~ cities a~d towns have been 'ebruary. The number of unite .that threes ~ .end thousands, they will come nearer the ,espondence to the affect, as to what results ~[ decontrol, sifter their experience of three rents, however not excessive, from 1~ to 1~ It is my personal opinion tlu~t we should go ahead and decontrol rents in Anaheim. Q. What is the condition as t~ the availability, or non-availability of rental housing in the airy of Anaheim? A. ~hat, Mr. Turner, I ce~t&nlt giye you in so =a~y u~ite, or on a per.. centage, bec~x~,sd~ a recent mtrvey la~s not !been hasn't changed a gre~t ~eal · + Would you sa~ that there ate mcr or leos rentals available newt A. About the ~ same. Q. Are there rental housing a$com~odations avail&hie here in the City of ~eiRT I. Ye~. ~ are they i~ large n~er~? A. ~o, ~t I do ~OW t~y are. available. ~at ~ve you to 8ay with ~efe~nce to t~e rental ch~g~ or a~k~ on t~ ay&ii.cie h~sing acceptations? A. I wo~$ ~ they are comp~le Mrd to ,ay if they are higher or lower,~ from ~or~tion I ~ve, the~ are comps&hie. Q. Were they higher or lower A. I wo~d 8~ they ~e a trifle higher. A. I tht~ it ha~ %eon ~~. Ha!l, A ~n~eim, ca_.lifor$1&.~ ~-esday, Au~u~..st..8, 19~o ...... 8~;0o .P.M. Q. W~t are 'the recemt n~bers as compared to the~n~ber a~ sho~ here at the he~i~ ~ in Feb~ry 7, 1950~ A. I would say about Q. No appreciable chugs, rent charged tr asked? A.~ Not a great deal, ,probably slightly higher. COUNCILMAN EEYING REMAR~ AI~ ASKY~D: 52 m. ew eater connections mad8 this last July, wo'~ld that have any bearing on the housing rentals? A. I don't think so. I think these are people who have moved in from the out,ids. Probably a little bea~ing, not very much. 'These are people who have move~ in and-then probably bu~v, and have another rental already lined MAYOR PEARSON ASKED THE AUDIENOi if anyone would like to address the Council. , MRS. $CHULTZ, 202 No. Philadelphia St. (from audience") ThOse people who ha~e new houses charge any amount of rent they want, us people who have old houses can't _ raise our rents. I had a vacancy recently and took 15 days to fix it up before we could rent. But we can't raise our rents, we have to keep the same rent as in 1930. We are being discriminated against because we have a lovely house. $28.00 £or a ~- room house, we were getting $25,100 for it,~ with hardwood floors, Payne Furnance, new overhead garage doors and etc. and allowed me $3.00 more. $~R. ED. TORRANCE (from audience) I lout over $800.00 on rental on ]~aet C~rpress Street, and they tear it down as fast as we put it up. M~. JARVIS, 12292 Winston Road (from audience) I can't see how Anaheim is going to get awa~v from these um~avor, al~le conditions. I think there shoed Be ~ouetment8, how will we pay our taxe~ wither ~ increase In rents? ~2.50 for 5-room house for 8 Fears. I ~ve two rentals avsilable for the last six months. I ~ to repair them each case, took over two we~a. ~YOR P~BON BTAT~ ~t~t we were most interest~ in h~ber ~of rent, s available. W~ld someone give statement as %o the n~er o~ rent~ available, more or less, now wo~d be pertinent to the question. MR. WADE (from audience) 13 units, up ~o lately had waiting list, now have am empt~ unit and no torospects, and another probal~ly empt~ soon. I am a pain, er aroumel to~ ~ see quite a few e~tiea. Taxes doubled, e~en~e~ 1/3 higher tha~ when p~- c~sed. I don~t inte~ to raise the rent if we get decontrol, ~ houses are renting for pr~baBl~ all they are worth. ~S. ~ PIE~OE, ~0~ ~. Lemo~ St. (from a~ience) We ~ve ~ 3 or 4 vac~ciea in the co~t at 308 S. Lemon St. We ~ ~o ~ver~i~e, no one w~ted i~. $32.00, mo one ~~ i~, still vac~$, 13 da~s e~e, ~ omo $ da~s. ~i~lly we showed i$ ~e 3 or ~ people, quite a few re,uae your houee and go aomewhere elam. I request we reco~e~ decontrol o~ ren~s, if we ~ve ~o ~ higher ~es ~d all, I ~hl~ we are justified in getting a little mere rent. We ~on~t inten~ to go to extreme- MR. GRASKI (from audience) We rent this property in depression. When the people wa~ making more money, they didn't come and say we will give you more money. Rent during the depression wh~t we cou~ld get, didnJt ~xp. ect~it to sta~ that way forever. RAY LAW (from audience) Nave any of you people gone to the Boar~ $o see what you can do with your property? We bought this property in Anaheim, then we have to go to Santa Ama and ask them what we can do. MRS. FRANK PIETROK, presented paper clipping to the Council showing rental advert- isments. Anaheim Bulletin, Nay 3, 1950, 13 apartments available amd 7 houses available for rent. Anaheim Bulletin, July 28, 1950 shows 18 apartments available for rent and 3 houses on that date. MRS. PIETROE stated, "It runs Just about the same as they did in February when we had our other meeting. Varies back and forth just a little, I have watched that for the last year or mor~". MR. TURNER, Ci~ty Attorney stated.: Previous average number of apartments shown April, 1942, 5 apartments a~vertised for rent, prior to rent control of 1942, amd average number of houses were $. These figures brought out at the February Hearing. A. M. THOMAS, 117 No. Olive St. (from audience) I have tenants that are undesirable ami-there is ~no way to get them out. That is a situation that should be remove. -8. Oi_t_y .Nall, Anahe. i .m..L O~....i£orni. & - Tues~a~ ~ _August. 8,_19S0 .................. :... I MR. TtIRNER, City Attorney, check shows for April 1 to 15, 1952,' number of rentals llste~ in the Anaheim Bulletin, April 1, 3 rooms, 4 apartments and 5 houses, April no rooms, 5 apartments and 6 houses. April 3, no rooms, 5 apartments ancl 6 houses, April 4, 2 rooms, 5 houses and 5 apartme,~ts. .April 6, 3 rooms, 5 apartments and 2 houses. Same for April 7. April 8, 3 r~oms, 8 apartments and ? houses. April 9, 3 rooms, 8 apartments and 7 houses. Apr$l 10, 2 rooms, 8 apartments and 9.houses. April ll, £ rooms, ? apartments and l0 hSuses, April 13, I room, 6 apartments and 8 houses. April IA~, 1 room, ? apartmentS a~& 5 houeee. ~ ~r~l 15, 1 room, ments ~d 3 houses. Time when there was~no rent control ms compar~ to ~e, April in ~eim B~letin ~ of J~y 2~rd this y~ar. ~Y~ P~B~ mak~ if ~yone present wt~h~ to conti~e Control. No one present woic~ desire te centimue control Co~cil~ Eeyimg m~v~ t~t this B~y r~co~e~ to Naahi~ton t~t rents controled in the City of A~eim baaed u~on the facts preeent~ ~ thereb~ offer~ Resolutio~ No. 1763 ~ mow~ for its ~e~e ~d ~option. Co~ci~ Wiaaer aeco~ the metiem. ~SOLUTION NO. 1763: A RESOLUTION OF TEE CITY COUNCIL OF TEE THERE NO LONGER EXISTS IN TEE CITY OF DATiONS AS TO I~U~ I~ENT CONTROL IN DECONTRO~ IN THE CITY OF AEAHEIN PURS! OF THE HOUSING AND I~ENT ACT APPROVED IITY OF ANAEEIN FINDING AND DETERNINING TEAT ~IN SUOH A SHORTAGI~ OF RENTAL ROUSING CITY, ~ DETaINInG T~T ~S OF 23,- 9 o. - W~S, citizens and resident$of the City of Anaheim requested the 0ity Council to hold a public hearing to dmte~mine whether or not there exists such a short- age of rental housing accommodations as !~o require the continuation of rent control in the City of Anaheim; a~d ~lol~t Resolution No. 1761 fimdlng that the such a public hearing be had and conducted rental housing accommodations exists .in the .lic hearing be .had in the City of Anaheim hour of 8:00 o'clock P.M. in the City Council .f Anaheim, for the presentation of facts az~ · ~EEREAS, the City Council did public interest a~ud welfare required to determine whether or 'not a shortage o: 0ity of Anaheim, and directing that a upon the 8th day of August. 1950, at the Ohambgrs, in the 01fy Hall, in the 0ity evidence bearing upon the availability o non-availability of rental housing acCommo- dations in the City off And.helm, and for ~he purpose of determining whether or not rents should be decontrolled in said 0ity o£ A~aheim. and notifying all persons interested in ~aid matter to appear at the time and!place fixed ~o present any facts ~ud evidence they might have or wish t6 present to th~ 0ity Council relative to the question of whether ie City of Anaheim, and that said Resolution ~d public hearing %e given ~¥ tl{e Oity Olerk off said Resolution in three (3) public ~h was directed to ~e posted in the Oity Hall, to be published once in the A__~_beim Bulletin. shed and circulated in the City of Anaheim at ,i~ public hearing; and ~ or not rents should be decontrolled in t] directed that ten (10) da~s notice of esl o£ the City of Anaheim by postin~ a cop'. places in the City of Anaheim one of whi~ and By c.ausing.a cop~ off said Resolution a no,paper of general cir~ati6n, publ least ten (10) d~s.before the date off s~ WHERFAS, the 01ty Oouncil fSn~ that said notice was poste~l ~ published as directed by said Resolution No. 1761, WtIERFAS, said ~blic hearing ~a duly ~ ~ co~uct~ at the time ~ pl~e specified in said Resolution No. 1761, ~ ~t a large ~ber of persons were ia a~te~ce. T~t facts ~d evidence wets received by the City Co, oil b~rl~ upon the availability or non-availability of rent~ housing acco~odationm in the 0ity of ~eim, were called u on~ to preeent ~ facts ~ evidence they ~ to ~d all persons present ~ ~ ' ' the City C~cil relative to maid ~tter~ T~t all persons interested in said ~tter were given re~son~ble opport~it~ to Be heard; ~d the right to present ~ fact~ or evidence withim their possession upon tbs question of whether or not rents should Be decontroll~ in t~ City of ~eim. T~t facts ~d evidence were ~resented to the Oi~y Ooumcil ahowi~ ~t the~e ia no e~h ~hort~e of rental housi~ ~c0~atl0ns in the City of A~eim at the present t~e as to~ require the contin~tion of rent control in said city. T~t evidence Presented d~scloaes t~t the availability of rental houst~ acco~odation~ ia eq~ to,' or greater t~ the housi~ acco~ations available in ADril, 1942. T~t facts ~ evidence ~e present~ to the 0ity Co~cil, disclosing vsc~cies in housing ~co~ations are Occurring st the present time, ~d t~t some diffi~ty ~s been enco~tered by the ~ers in fillAng amid vac~cies, ~d t~t no persona ~pemr~ at said meeting ~o oppose the decontrol of rents. , , N~, T~FO~, T~ CI~ ~~IL OF T~ CITY OF ~IM DOES hereby fi~ ~ re~otve as follow~: T~t there no lo~r exists in the City of ~eim such a s~or~e of rental housing acco~ationa as to ~equire rent Control in said City, ~ t~t rents aho~d be decontroll~ in the Oit~ of ~eim, ~d t~t the Nation~ Housing e ~ ~Gi~ all, ~aaheim, Californi~.r Tuesd_a2~, ,Au~s~t_..Sr.1)50 8:00 P.~ Expediter be. and he' is here~¥ requested upon receipt of a certified copy of Shis Resolution ~o make an order decontrolling rents in,said City of Anaheim. ~ BE IT FURTHER RESOL~ that the City Clerk be, and he is hereby author- .izod and directed to transmit to the National Housing Expediter in Washington, D. C. a certified copy of thi~ Resolution together with aff£idavit~ of posting and publishing notice of the Calling of said public hearing. On roll call the foregoing ReSolution was duly passed and adopted by the following vote~ AYES: COUNCIL~N: Pearson, ¥isser, Heying, Boney and ~Van Wagoner. NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. ~ -A~SENT: COUNCILMEN: None. The Mayor ~eclared ~he foregoing Resolution duly palmed ~ a~opted. Councilman Van Wago~mer moved to adjourn to~8:00 o'clock P.M., August 15, 1950 for the pur$ose of acting upon Ordinance No. 762, relative to bond election procedure for the bond electie~ to be hel~ September 18, 1950. Councilman Heying seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED. . SIGNED Ci.~. _Hall,_ ~eim, C~If~qr~.ni~_- TAe~_~A~.,.AU ~gUst %_5__,_ _1_~_5_0_ ....... 8:00 P.M. The City Council of the City of Anaheim met in Adjourned Regular ~eaefen. The ~ose of the meeting wac to act upon Ordinance No. ?62, providing for,. an~ ~iving notice of a Special Election,to be held in the City of Anaheim the 18th d~y of September, 1950. , PRESF~;T$ 00UNOILM~: Pearsom, Wi. seer, Boney amd Van Wagoner. ABSENT : COUNOILMAN: Neying. $ITY ATTORNEY TURN~ Present. 0RDINANGE NO. 762: Oouncilman Vas Wagoner introduced Ordinance No. ?62 amcl ~ ~ scrods for its passage and adogtion. Ordinance No. ~62 wm~'rea~l in p~b. li¢, in full. 0ouncilmau Wi~ser seconded the motion, ! AN ORDINANCE OF ~EE 0ITY OF AJ~IM, GALIFORNLA, ORDI~RING, GALLING, PROVIDING FOR AND GIVING NOTICE OF A SP~0LAL ELECTION TO BE FJtLD IN TEE CITY 0ff ANA~IM ON TEE 18TN DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1950, FOR THE PURPOSE OF SUBMITTING TO TEE QUALIffI~D VOTERS OF SAID cITy A PROPOSI~ION TO INCUR BONDED INDEBTED!~SS'BY SAID 0ITT ~ TEE AOQUISITION AND CONSTRUCT~0N OF A CERTAIN MUNICIPAL IMPRO~, WEE~S, the City COuncil o£ the City o£ Anaheim, California, di~ on the 8th day of August, 1950, *y a vote of more ~han two-thirdm of the members of said City 0ouncil, adopt Resolution No. 1762, entitled "Resolution of the City Council of the Cl~y of Anal!elm, California, determining that the lma~lic inSere~ and necessity demaud the acquisition a~ construction of a certain ~ icipal improvement, and making findings rela~ing ~hereto, "which sai~ resolutio= was duly signed and approved ~y the Ma~vor of said City ~ attested and certifieel by the 0ity Clerk of said City; and ' WHEREAS, the City of.Anaheim an& other cities a~d sanitary districts own and use certain Joint outfall sewer facilities includimg main ~runh sewers leading to a sewage treatment ~lant, the treatment planS and an ou~fall sewer from said treatment plant, to and into the ocean: and ' ' WI~, said facilities have. become inadeq~te au~ it is necem,&ry that said treatment plant and the chlorination plant be enlarged, the outfall sewer replaced in part and an additional main trumk sewer leading to said treat- ment plant be constructed, such new facilities t~ be~ owned by the Citi.es of Anaheim and Fullerton and other ~.~ublic corporations, and the City of A~aheim pro,. posed to iseue bonds to raise moneys' to pay ~its part of the cost of said new fac- ilities and to pay the cost o~ constructing additional sanitary sewers for the City of Anaheim$ NOW, TEEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Anaheim DOES ORDAIN as follows: