Resolution-ZA 1997-25.~~
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OWNER: Michael Hittner
1020 Burlwood Drive
Anaheim, CA 92807
AGENT: Actec Engineering
1660 North Main Street
Orange, CA 92867
. Attention: C.M. Thomson
LOCATION: 341 South Ramsgate Drive
CEQA STATUS: Categorical Exemption, Class 5
HEARING DATE: November 20, 1997
OPPOSITION: No one indicated their presence at the public hearing in opposition to the proposal
and no correspondence in opposition was received.
REQUEST: Petitioner requests waiver of the following to construct a 5,790 sq.ft. single family
(a) Sections . - Minimum front yard setback.
and 25 feet required in the RS-HS-22,000[SC)
Zone; 11 feet proposed)
(b) Sections - Minimum side yard setback.
and 10 feet required; 5 feet .proposed)
Having been appointed Zoning Administrator by the Planning Director, pursuant to Anaheim Municipal
Code Section 18.12.040, to decide the above-referenced petition and a public hearing having been duly
noticed for and held on the date set forth above, I do hereby find:
1. That the applicant indicated at the public hearing that the setback waiver as it pertains to the
side yard can be eliminated because the house can be shifted to meet Code requirements on
both sides;
2. That this variance is hereby approved, in part, denying portion (b) of the waiver (minimum side
yard setback) and approving portion (a), in part, allowing the minimum front setback to the
southeast corner of the house to be 20 feet and requiring the setback to the northeast corner
(the garage) to be 25 feet, and allowing the covered portico to encroach into the front setback
substantially as shown on the site plan; and
3. That this variance, as approved, is minimal because the front setback will range from 20 to 25
feet fully landscaped; and that the north side yard, at 25 feet to accommodate the garage which
faces the side property line, is substantially wider than required by Code.
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Based on the evidence and testimony presented to me, I do hereby determine to approve Variance No.
4321, in part, subject to the following conditions:
1. That subject property shall be developed substantially in accordance with plans and
specifications submitted to the City of Anaheim by the petitioner and which plans are on file with
the Planning Department marked Exhibit Nos. 1 through 3; provided, however, that the
minimum side setback shall be ten (10) feet and that the front setback shall be a minimum of
twenty (20) feet from the southeast corner of the house and twenty five (25) feet from the
northeast corner (the attached garage); and that the plans submitted for building permits shall
2. That a building permit shall be obtained within a period of one (1) year from the date of this
decision and that the plans submitted for building permits shall comply with Condition Nos. 1
and 5, herein-mentioned. Extensions for further time to complete said conditions may be
granted in accordance with Section 18.03.090 of the Anaheim Municipal Code.
3. That prior to final building and zoning inspections, Condition Nos. 1 and 5, herein-mentioned,
shall be complied with..
4. That approval of this application constitutes approval of the proposed request only to the extent
that it complies with the Anaheim Municipal Zoning Code and any other app{icable C'~ty, State
and Federal regulations. Approval does not include any action or findings as to compliance or
approval of the request regarding any other applicable ordinance, regulation or requirement.
5. That the plans submitted for building permits shall show that the proposed building height
complies with Chapter 18.84 u(SC) Scenic Corridor Zone -Overlay."
This decision is :made, signed, and .entered into the file this 26th day of November 1997.
A nika M. antalahti
Zoning Administrator
NOTICE: This decision shall become final .unless an appeal to the City Council, in writing, accompanied
by an appeal fee, is filed with the City Clerk within 15 days of the date of the signing of this decision or
.unless members of the City Council shall request to review this decision within said 15 days.
DECLARATION OF SERVICE BY MAIL: I do hereby declare under penalty of perjury that on the date set
forth below, t did deposit, in the United States Mail, a copy of the decision to the applicant and did
forward a copy to the City Clerk.
DATE: November 26, 1997 P°~'`-'-'~-~~' ~""'
Patricia Koral
Word Processing Operator
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