Resolution-ZA 1998-05-~ `~~: ,~ . - ~ i CITY OF ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA Planning Department March 5, 1998 Bill Gero 383 South Batavia Street Orange, CA 92868 Re: Special Circumstances Waiver No. 98-01 -Approved On February 26, 1998, Artntka M. Santalahti, Zoning Administrator, considered your request for Special Circumstances Waiver No. 98-01 to permit issuance of a Special Event Permit for sales of clothing on Saturday, March 7, 1998 in the parking lot located at 1551 South Douglass Road. She made the following findings: 1. That a letter requesting this special circumstances waiver and describing the proposal was submitted on February 10, 1998 by Bili Gero; 2. That the subject property is zoned ML (Limited Industrial) and is developed with a parking lot in connection with Conditional Use Permit No. 3700; 3. That approval of special circumstances waivers {allowing modification and/or waiver of regulations pertaining to special events) is authorized by Subsection "Zoning Administrator Review (of Special Events Permits)" and Section 18.12.085 "Special Event Permit - Review" of the Anaheim Municipal Code; 4. That the requested waiver of the standards. established by the Section 18.02.055 "Special Event Permit -General" consists of permitting a special event in connection with a conditionally permitted use (parking lot) in the ML Zone; and 5. That approval of this special circumstances waiver serves the public interest and general welfare because this one-day event provides a controlled time, place and location for a charity clothing sale conducted in a small tent located on a parking lot during the ClFhigh school basketball play- offs at The Arrowhead Pond of Anaheim (located across Douglas Street) on March 7, ,1998; that clothing, mainly T shirts, will be sold from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.; that the primary customers will be spectators attending the sporting event at The Arrowhead Pond; and that the applicant states that this tent and the related clothing sale will occupy approximately 20 parking spaces and will not interfere with parking and vehicular circulation during the basketball venue. Under authority of Sections and Section 18.12.085, and as described in the petitioner's letter dated February 10, i 998 and the Staff Report dated February 26, 1998, the Zoning Administrator approved Special Circumstances Waiver No. 98-01 for the herein described special event to take place on March 7, 1998, subject to compliance with the following conditions: 1. That prior to March 7, 1998, the petitioner shall obtain a Special Event Permit from the Planning Department. 200 South Anaheim Boulevard P.O. Box 3222, Anaheim, California 92803 (714) 765-5139 www.anaheim.net • • 2. That this outdoor event and the various adivities associated with it shall comply with all the standards and requirements set forth in Section 18,02.055 Special Event Permit -General of the Anaheim Municipal Code unless otherwise specifically provided herein, including that the event shall not be conducted before 7 A.M. nor after 10 P.M., in compliance with Subsection This decision shall become final unless an appeal to the City Council, in writing, accompanied by an appeal fee, is filed with the City Clerk within ten (10) days of the date of this letter or unless members of the City Council request review of this decision within said 10 days. If you have any questions, please contact Kevin Bass, Associate Planner, Zoning Division, at 714-765-5139. Sincerely, 4 "~L2~P(r~- ,~~-Z Patricia Korat Word Processor ZAdecision~SCW98-01.DOC