1950/09/1218 C. itY-~ Nall~ Anaheim,..California- Tuesday~. Sentember 5,_.!~50 of America a certified copy this Resolution and a certifieA cony of the Minutes showing its adoption. ~ ~ ~ ~ On roll call the foregoing ResOlution No. 1767 was duly passed and adopted by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COUNOILM~N: Pearson, Wisser, Boney and Van Wagoner. NOES: COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT: COUNCIl: Heying. The .W~yor declared Resolution ~'o. 1767 duly passed amd adopted. Councilman Van Wagoner moved t¢ MOTI ON CARRIED. ADJOI RNED. - ~ 0ity 01erk · ....................... City )[all, A~-%ei~, California- TaesAa~,i SeptemberlZ, 1~0 8~$0. P.Me The 0ity Council of the City tm et i re ~~IlT~ 00~CILK~ Pearson, Wisser, ~in~, ~emeF emma 1F~u Xagemer. ABSEBT : CO~CI~~ CITY ATT~ ~~ Present. adjourn. Councilman Boney seconded the motion. - The Mlmute~ ef the regalar meeting held~ A~gmet 22, 1950 aaa Special Meeting ~el~ $epteml~er ~, 19~0, ?t-.~$ P.M. were a~ove4. DEMAND$~ Cemmcil~ Van Yagemer reperte~ ~ema~de against the city ~o~ti~ te $g7,5~.1~. O~cil~ Heyi~ mev~ t~l r~ort ef F~ce Oo~tttee be mcc~teA, ~ ~t ~r~t, be ~~ ~p~ t~ Tr~re~ t~ ~ ~ ~~. ia accedes ~th repe~t. ~il~ B~ ~ece~ the m~tiom. M.C. .. Geweral Fmx~, $1&O'SA~5,$3, to~al general }SZ,g~3.92. Clerk's 'report cerreepemAeA. ,xtenAe~ wee~ charges em tax rcll~, $1,1?~.OO.- ~epartment &epoeiteA, $2,28~.g$, i,em, eA~ O0 - Li~rar~ balauce, $8,~85.~ - ~5 ~leetric ~its, feem, $3~0.75 - Parking Meter collections, F~OIAL & OPERATING RE~ORT$: ~rea~are~ acceeata, $31Z,791.82, tot~ ~! f~', ~ A~itor ~e~eit~. $32,~.10. - A~ito~ City Clerk deposlt~, $7~.~- $9 ~ilAimg pemite, ~~tiem, $638.769, LiSt ~iri~ Pe~itm, 2 Power Niring Pe~ $1,F00.00 - 0it~ 0~t depo~it~' $3.~0~$0 ~1~ ~gg ea~e~ of which ~3 were meter vielatioa~ - ~blic Se~ice D~t. $,560.~, [~ustrial Na~te ~cllectioa~, ~~ce due, $2,123.07 ~ CitF Pl~e receipts for A~t, $.315.21 Tet~ receipt~ for ~eaaom, $12,~7.39 '_~eimeae. ]icycle ~ Dog Licenses resale, $1,~1.65 - flow ef se~e, 36.~ or 7,,582,Z00 ~llem~ - ~ot~ e~enees ~iA, $5.~1.~ of ~~ ~i~ $1,539.g3 - New ~ter commeetions, total~ 13~- Li~t Ce-~ectioms, %7 - ~ter level 0it)~ella, September 1, l~8~eet, ~ ~c~a -Ac$ivxsxea ex $~e ~~ ~ ~mh D~t. ~ Police ~ Fire D~a~tm~tm. C~ci~ )easy m~ the f ore~i~ )imci~ ~ .~era$~ag ~eper$m me ~c~~ ~d f il~. 0~ci~ ~eyi~ meeondeA the aeries. M. 0. ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR SEWER PI~E; ~Jme City 01erk was imstructeA to aetvertise for bide for ~eeer pipe, after the 18th &a~r of sei)tember 1950 on motion by O~eil~ ~~, meco~ b~ Co~ci~ Bo~ey. M.C. Y.M.0.A. ~G )~: A~licatio~ to ~ b~er scream 0eater Street by the Y.M.C.A. ~m demi~. ' SCHOOL G~S ~Y ~ISE: School ~e ~~ co~emci~ $~tember 1, 19~0 for 7 ~~e rai~ to $70.~ per month. FI~ LI~ INS~TION AT ~IM 00~TY EO~IT~, DELI~~: Imat~latiem of Fire Lime at the ~e~ Ce~ity Ne~pit~, ~~ 28, 1~55 for which ~~t of m~e ia t~ ~~t ef $3~.00 ~ue to the city ~e r~rt~ ~elimqm~t. ~he City C~cil helA t~ ~tter over for f~ther et~. ~Q~ST FOB HOT D~ ~NCESSION, ~Low~, ~IC WING~: R~eet by Eric Wi~er for the A~IM IS~ WALTON ~G~ to ~erate ~et Dog St~ en t~ 1~ ef ~ch of the ~leween Par~e mt specific locations, ~at the ~ntr~cee of stores of property o~ere. This re~est ~a referr~ to the Police Co~ittee. City ~1. Anaheim, Oa!ifo_rn~a..-_ COUNCILM~ WISSER, CHAIRMAN OF THE LIGHT, P(~ER & WATER COMMITTEE: Mayor Pearson appointed 0ouncilman Wisser as Chairman of the Light, Power a~d Water Committee, and Councilman Van Wagoner moved the foregoing appointment Be ratifie~[. 0e,~an. ctlman Heying seconded the motion. M.C. NECESSITY 0F OTHER TAXATION ~ PROPOSITION NO. i CARRIED: Ma~or Pearson appointed the City Council, 0ity Attorney and 0ity 01erk as a Committee to recommen~ other means of imposing taxation in lieu of the Perso_r~___! Property Taxation in the event Proposition No. 1 carried on the ballot November ?. Proposition No. 1, Initiative 0onstitutional Ammendment, prohibits States and its political subdivisions from imposing taxes upon personal property, tangible or intangible. COMMUNICATION TO HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT, REQUESTING THEIR PARTICIPATION IN PAYMENT OF SCHOOL CROSSING GUARDS: The City 01erk notified the City 0ouncil that he had communicated with the Anaheim Union High School District, inviting their participation in payment of the School CroSsing G~u~s employed by the City. Mr. M. A, Gaaer, Superintendent, by letter, informed the 0ity of the adverse rmlL~g, ef the Orange 0ounty Council, and of the A~torney General, as to the payment of salaries for School Crossing Guards employed by a city in the safeguarding of childrew attending the schools. City Attorney Turner ruled, that in his opinion the payment of School Crossing Guards by the schools is a legal obligation. Opinion to the con- trary not withstanding. Councilman Van Wagoner moved that the Clerk write the Anaheim 12nien High School DiStrict insisting that the SchoolBoard pay 50% of the salaries of the School Crossing G~Lards employed by the City. CouncilmanHeying seconded the motion. M.O. _ PUBLIC HEARING: MORRIS A~~ TION: Pursuant to Resolution No. 1766, Public Hearing was held at 8:00 P.M. for the purpose of hearimg pretests, if'any, as to the annexation~ proceedings of subdivision to be k~own as Morris Annexation. No protests ~ere filed, and ~here were mo protests received at the meeting. ORDINANCE NO. ?65 was introduced by 0ouncilmam Bone]~ who moved for its passage and adoption. Councilman Van Wagoner seconded the motion. M.C. Said Ordinance was read in public for the first time. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ~IM APPROVING THE A]~qF, XATION TO'THE CITY 0~ ANAHEIM OF THE TERRITORY EN0~ AND D~SIGNATED AS MORRIS ANHF~ATION. Public Hearing being terminated, the Council proceded with ether business. FIRE tNSIIRANCE, PUBLIC LIBRARY, CONSOLIDATION: The City Clerk brought up the matter of consolidation of Fire Insurance for the Anaheim Public Library, said insurance to be a~ldecl to'and become a par~ off the ma~or bia~Wet Policy covering the city's properties, thus affecting the cheaper rate for the entire city. The Ci$~, Council approved this lm~oce&ure, ancl held over the m~tter o£ lmmymen% of the preml~ for further consideration. KEMOVAL OF LABOR C_A_~P REQUESTED: Deligatiom appeared before the City Council requesting that the Oity 0ouncil lend its aid in having the Labor 0amp on ~ast Vermont Avenue removed because of its proximaty to Amaheim residents i~ the ,,. area and because the camp has become a public nuisance. It is the'desire of the people of that portion of the city to have the camp removed as evidenced by petition~ and letters, containing 258 signatures, representing 296 adult persons. Mr. Roy Solomon addressed the Council and stated that he had, during the davy, addressed the Board of SuperVisors requestimg the removal of the labor camp, Mrs. Sell addressed the 0ouncil requesting removal of said ca~rp, and' requesting the cityls .aid in ~aid removal. Mr. Max Moody considered it a good idea to have the City meet with the 0itrus Growers Association to affect the removal of the camp at that location. The Oity Council took the matter uncler consideration. J.O.$. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING: The Minutes of the Executive Committee Meeting of the Joint Outfall Sewer held Augus~ 3, 1950 were approve& on mo~ion by 0ouncilman Boney, seconded by 0ouncilman Heying. M. 0, P.L. & P.D. POLICY, ANAHEIM UNION HIGH SCHOOL: Policy of P.L ancl P.D. for the use of La Palms Park by the Amaheim Union High School during the footfall season 1950, was approved by the City Attorney, and ordered filed on motion by Councilman Van Wagoner, seconde~ by Couacil~ Wisser. M. C. DIVISION OF HIGHWAY SERVICE AGREEMENT: Division of Highway Service Agreement X7359 was authorized and the Ns~vor was ~uthorized to sign the same on motion by Coumcilman Van Wagoner, secomied by Councilman Wisser. M.C. IMPROVEM~T OF LEMON STREET: CON.TRACT: 'Contract for the improvement of Lemon Street signed by R. J. Noble and City was approved and the Ma~or and Cit]r Clerk authorized to sign the same en motion b¥*0ouncilman Heying, seconded by ..... 0ouncilman Boney. M.C. 2O PUBLIC PLAN PROJECT NO. 4-P-1174 - ~GNOLIA TRUNK LINE: Public Plan Project No. ~- P-1175. The Hayer was authorized to mien Public Voucher, purser to Resolution No. 1767 and the 0ity Engineer wes instructe~ to &uthorize the Engineer On the Project to precede with the work on motion by ~cmncilmsm HeyinE, seconded by C~umcilman Boney. RENT DE-CONTROLi~ IN ANAHEIM: Officiml report by the Feeleral Housing F, xpediter, terminating rent control in the City of ~_~heim as of August 22, 1950 was ordered received and filed. GARBAGE CONTRACT: AEreament for the sale and disposition of Earl~e, N. N. J&cox, for two-year period ending Au~st 31, 19~2 w~s &pprove~ and the Namer ~ City Clerk authorized to sign the same on motion bY Councilman Van Wagoner, seconded by 0ouncil- · =~_n ¥isser. M.C. ORDINANC~ NO. 766: Ceuncil~ Van Wag~er offered Ordinance No. 766 am& movecl for its pasa~e ~ ~op~ion. C~cil~ ~ey seco~ the motion. N.O. Sai~ 0~i~ce ~s r~ in ~blic for the f~at t~e. ~ ~I~O~ OF ~ OITY O~ ~IN ~ING SECTI~ 20 OF ~I~CE ~~ 609. E~IT~ "~ ~I~~ ~~II~ ~I~0~ ~~ 511 ~ ~OVIDING F~ T~ ~TION IN ~ OI~ OF ~IM OF S~ (6) Z~, 0~SISTING OF V~IOUS DIS~IOTS ~ ~S: ~ U~ ~ SUCH ~UI~I~S ~ S~U~S, I~0~TS ~ ~I~S: ~ ~IGHTS ~ L0~TIONS OF B~INGS ~ ~ 0F L~ ~ ~: DEFIN~G ~~IN T~ US~ ~IN ~ ~S~ING T~ P~TY ~0R T~ VI0~TION 0F T~ ~0VISI~ BY ~DING ~ Z0~ ~2 A ~SEOTION T0 BE ~N ~ $~-SEOTION 29. ORDINANCE NO. 763: 'Councilman Boney offered Ordinance No. 763 and moved for its lmmSeage ama adoption. Coumcil~ Heytng seconde~ the-motion, M.C. AN G~I)iNANOE FIXING AND LEVYING A PROP~TY ~A~ ON ALL PROPERTY WITHIN TEE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF ANAHeiM FOR THE ]~I$OAL ~ 1950-1951. refer to ox~ltnance Boek, page 242-243 .... ' On roll call the foregoing Ordinance was duly pasaeA and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNOILMF~'. Pearson. Wiaser, Heylng, Boney and Van Wagoner. NO~S: OOUNOILMEN: None. A~SE~: COUNCIL~: None. The l~or decl.~mred Ordinance No. 76~ &~y p&ssed ~ adopte~. ORDINANCE NO. 764: GOla~Cllma~ ~$oney offers& Or~in~uce No. ?~4 am~ move& for its pmsma~e and a~option. 0ounoilmam Heyi~ seconded the motion. AN OEDI~GE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TE~ CITY OF ANAHEIM EEGUI~TING A~D TEE SOLICITATION FOR DONATIONS FOR CHARITY, THE ~EONOTION AND GONDUOTIN$ OF ~ OR F~IBITIONS FOR Ct~ITY, AND I~$CRLI~ING PENALTIES FO~ TEE VIOLATION ~~. refer to Ordinance Book, page ~ On roll call the foregoing Ordinance was duly passed aud adopts& by the followimg vote: AYES: COUNCIIREN: Pearson, Wiaaer, Heying, Boney smd Van Wagoner. NO~S: COUNCILMEN: None. A~S~: COUNCIL~: None. The Meyer declar~ed Or&im~nce No. ?64 d~y pressed mhd a&opted. RESOLUTION NO. 1768: Councilman Heying offered Resolution No. 1768 and moved for its pmsma~e a~d a~optton. Council~ ~ims®r seconded the motion. A RESOLUTION OF TEE CITY COUNCIL OF TtE~ CITY OF ANAHEIM ~CINDING RESOLUTION NO. l?~, BEING # A RESOLUTION OF TEE 5ITY COUNCIL OF TEE CITY OF ANAHEIM ]~LOYING H. SCHNELZ~ AS MANAGER OF THE VET--S PUBLIC HOUSING PROJECT OF TEE CITY OF refer to Resolution Book, page 497~. On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and adopted' by the followtn~ vote: AYES: COUN¢ILN~N: Pear,on, Wisher, H®ying, Boney and Van Wagoner. NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. A~ENT: COUNCIL~: None. The Hayer declared Resolution No. 1768 duly passed and adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 1769: Councilm~_n Heying 'offered Resolution No. 1769 amd move& for pase~e and adoption. Co~tucilmmn Van lgagoner seconded the motion. A I~SOLUTION OF TEE CITY 00UNCIL OF T~E CITY OF ANAHEIM AUTHORIZING TEE CITY OF ANAHEIM AS THE CONTRACTING AGF, NT FOR T~ CITIES ~F ANA~IN, I~TON AND ORANGE FOR THE BUENA PAP~, GALEN GROVE, LA t~RA AND PLACEI~TIA SANITY DISTRICTS TO ~ INTO A CONTACT ~~YI~ KOEBIG AND E~IG AS CONSULTING ENGINE,S TO NAXE SURFEYS AND PREPAP~E D~AILED DESIGNS, PLANS A~D SPECIFICATIONS: ESTIMATES OF QUANTITIES A~D COSTS OF LABOR AiID MATERIAL FOR TEE NAGNOLIA TRUNK LINE OF THE JOINT OBTFALL A~ TO RENDE~ 0~~ $~RV ICES. 21 City Hal_l,, .Anah. e ,ia,. O.ali, forn!a- ~esda~v. Sept, embe,r _12. 1950 ............. RESOLUTION NO~ 1769: refer to Resolution Book. page ~8 On roll call the foregoing Resolution was duly passed amd adopted By the followin~ vote.. , AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Wisser, Neying, Boney ami Van Wagone~. NOES: ~COUNCI~: None. ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None. ., The Mayor declared Resolution No. 1769 duly passed amd adopte~. RESOLb~ION NO. 1770: Counci]Jaa~ Boney offered Resolution No. 1770 amd moved for its passage amd adoption. C~cil~ He~i~ seco~ed the motion. ~SOL~ION A~ORIZING ~DITI0~ V~~ PIT BE~ ~ NO. 1 ~DITI~ TO CO~CT W~ ON ~ SI~ ~ T~ p~S~ SE~ ~T~ P~RT. refer to ~e~olutio~ ~ook. p~e ~8 ~ roll c~l the fo=egoi~ ReSolution ~s d~y ~ssed ~ :~opted By the follow i~ vote: A~S: O0~0IL~: Pe~son, Wisser, Heying, ~oney ~ V~ W~~r. N~S: O0~CI~: Nome. ~$~: ~0IL~: Nome. _ The ~or declared Re~ol~tion No. 1~70 d~y passed RESOLUTIOE NO. 1771: Council$~n Van Wagoner offered Resolution ,No. 1771 and moved for its passage amd aAo~tion. Councilman Wisser .seeo~ied 'the motion. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AUTHORIZING THE PURCEASE AND ACCEPTING CONVEYANCE OF B~ PROPERTY. refer to ~esolution Book, page __499 ........ On roll call the foregoing ReSolution was ~dul~ passed and adopted by the follow- ing vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN.. Pearson. Wiseer. Neying. Boney and Vas Wagoner. NOES: COUNOILHNN: None. A~S]~T: COUNCILMEN: Nome. ~ The Mayor declared Resolation No. 1771 duly passed amd adopted.~ RES~LUTION NO. 1772: Council~ Boney ~ffered Resolution No. 1772 and moved for its passage mad adoption. Councilmam Wisser seconded the motion. RESOLUTION CmRANTING A VARIANC]~ (~st Nabs, 22~ M~lls Drive, con~tructiow of Duplex) refer to t[esolutlon ~ook. page ~qq-~oo . 0m roll call the foregoing Re~olution wa~ duly pused-~m[ adopted By the follow- ing vote~ .AI"~$,.. 00UNCILMEN: Pearson. Wi~er. Heying. Boney and Van Wagoner. NO~$: OOUNOI~: None. ABS~: 00UNCILMEN: Nome. The Mayor declared Resolution No. 1772 duly passed and adopted. ?~ESOLUTION NO. 1773: Councilman Boney o~fered Resolution No. 1773 an~ moved for its l~Ssage mad adoption. Councilman Wisser seconded the motion. RESOLUTION GRA~ING A VARIANC~ (Paul Greening, use of buil~[ing at 12~ North Lemon Street for the manuffmcture amd storage of paints, varnishes, lacquers, enamels an~ allied products) refer to Resolution Book, page [ 500 ~ · On roll call the foregoing Resolution was ~uly pas~e~ ~ a~opted ~y the £ellew- inn vote: A~S: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Wisest, Iteying, Bone~ an~ Van Wagoner. NOES: OOUN¢IL~: Nome. A1~S~NT: OOUNOILM~: Nome. The Mayor declared Resol~tion No. 1773 duly passed mud adopted, · RESOLUTION NO.~ 177~.' 0ouncil~ Va~ Wagoner off'red~ Ree~lution No. 1775 and moved for its passage and~ adOPtion. Councilman Wisest seconded the motion. RESOLUTION GRANTING A VARIAN~ (California Hosiery 0o.) refer to Resolution B~ook, page 500-501 On roll call the foregoing Reeolution was duly passe~- and adopted b~ the follow- ing vote: ATES: 00L~NOILMEN: Pearson, Wisest, Heying, Boney ~_~_ Van Wagomer. NOES: ~ COUNCILMEN: No~e. ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: Nome. The Mayor declared Resolmtion No. 1774 duly passed and adopted. 0oumcilman Van Wagoner moved to adjourn to 8:00 P.M. September 19, 1950. Councilman wisser seCOnded the motion. ~otion carried. ADJOURNED.