1950/09/2626. The 0ity Council_ of the City of Anaheim met in regular session. PRESENT: OODNCIL~= Pearson, Wiss~r, Heying, Boney azui Vas Wagoner. ABSENT : COUNCILMEN: Nom~. CITY ATTORNEY TURNER: Present. ' ' The M.inu~es of the regular meeting held SeDtember 12, 19~0 az~~ ad~ournecl ~pecial meeting held Septembe~ 19, 19~0 were approved on motion By Councilmam Van Wagoner, se.coz~ ed by Couneilmam Boney. MOTION CARRIED. DEMA~S: Councilman Van Wagoner reported demands against t~e city amounting to $11g,06~.2%. Councilman Boney moved that report of ~inance Committee be approved amd accepted and that warrants be drawn upon the Treasurer to pa~r said Demands in accomiance with report. OoumCilmam Heying seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIe. GAYLE'S .MARKET: SQUARE DA~ICE; It was mow~. by Councilmam Heying, secoz~led by Conncilma~ ]~oney that Qayle m s Market, 405 No: Los Angeles Street be granted permission to hold a Square Dance' durimg the evening, for a two-hour period, September 30, !9~0 on parking area fronting their ln~siness. MOTION CARRIe. ORDI~~ NO. 76~: Councilman He~ing offere~ Ordinance No. 78~ and moved for its passage az~ aaoption. Councilman Boney second~i the motion. MOTION CARRIED. AN ORDINANCE OF TEE 0ITY OF AHA~IM APPROVING THE AN~TION TO THE CITY OF ANA~IM OF THE TERRIT~Y KNOWN AND DESIGNATED AS MORRIS ANNEXATION. refer to $rd,~nance Book, page 2 .~. 245L. On roll call ~he foregoing Orclinance ,No. 76~, was duly paSSe~ azui a~opted by the following vote,, AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Wisser, Heying, Boney and Vas Wagoner. NOES,: ¢OUN¢ILM~N: None. ' A~S~: COUNOILM~: None. The Mayor declared Ordinance No. 7~& duly passed ami mtopteA. ORDINANCE NO. 766: Councilman Boney offere~ Ordinance No. 766 az~ moves £er its passage and adoption. Comnci2mam Wiaser seccn~eel the re.orion, AW O~O~mANCm OF TE~ C~ OF A~~a AMmm~. SECe~O~ 2e O~ a~O~AW0Z F0~m~m to~, mN~I~Z~D 'AN a~oi~cm a~P~~ oRDImANoE ~~m ~ AmD PaO¥IDX~G FOR TE~ CRmAT~ON IN TEE 0ITY OF AWA~IM 0]~ SIX (~) ZONES, CONSISTING OF VARIOUS DI-S~RIOTS A~ PKESGRI]$ING FOR TK~ SEVERAL Zi~tE$, THE GLASSES OF ]~UILDING~, $TRUOTURES AND IM- FRO~B: TH~ US~ O~ SUCH BUILDINGS, STRUOT~S, IKPROVEM~NT~ AJ~D FREMISES: THE HEIG~S AKD LOOATIONS 'OJ~ BUILDINGS AND ARFA 0Y LOT COVERED TH~Y: D~FINING CER~IN TERMS USED HEREIN ~ PR~SORIBING TEE PEHAL~ ~0R THE VIOLATION PROFISIONS ~Ole", BY ADDING TO ZONE M-E A SI/B-SECTION TO BE XNOW~ AS SUB-SECTION ~9. refer to Ordinance Book, page .J~s--' . On roll call the foreEoing 01~lna~ce No. ?66 was duly p&ssed sad adopted by the following ve~e: AYES: COUNCLLMEN: ~ Pearson, Wlsser, Heying, Boney and Van Wagoner. NOES: ~ COUNCILMEN: None. ABSENT: COUN¢ILME~ None. The Mayor declare& Ordinance No. 766 ~auly passed and aao~eT~. ,. RESOLUTION NO. 177.6: 0ounotlman Van Wagoner offered Resolution No. 1~"~6 an~ mevecl for i~s Dassage and adoption. Councilman Wisser seconded :he mo~ion. MOTION CARRIED. ~ESOLUTION APPOINTING AUTHORI2~D A~ AHD lm~OJ~0T MANAGER ~ VETERAN~~ HOUSIN~ PROJECT. refer te 'Resolution Book, page . On roll call the £oregoi~g Reeo!ution ~o. 1776 w~s cl~y lma~,~ and. ~uiopted following vote: AYES: 00U~CILM~B: Pearson, .Wisser, Reyi~g, Boney e~i ?a~ Wagoner. ~0~$: ~ C0g~CI~: ~one. · A~P~: · COUNCZIJq~: ~one. ~e Mayor ~eclar~ed.~Resolu~ioa ~o. 1776 ~ul¥ passed a~ a~opted. RESOLUTION NO. 1777: Councilman Boney offered Resolution No. 1777 smd moved for its passage and a~option. Cg~cilman Faa Wagoner seconded the motion. M.C. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE OI~f OF AKAEEIM APPROFRLATING CERTAIN ~S FOR ADVERTISING AND PROMOTION OF TEE CITY OF AHAH~IM AKD AUTHORIZING A 00N- TRACT WITH THE AKAHEIM OHAM~EH OF COMMERCE FOR THE DOING' OF SAID ADVERTISING AND PROVIDING FOR COMPENSATION TOTHE CHAM~ER OF COMMEROE FOR SERVIOES TO BE TO THE CITY OF AHAHEIM. refer to Resolution Book, page ......... 27. 0ity ~all, Ama~eim, C&lif~rmi..a.., Tu.e~, Sep.tember_.Y&, 195e CiTY AUDITOR, VACATION: The City Auditor vas granted two-weeks vacation leave commencing October 9, 1950 on Lotion by Councilman Pearson, seconded by Ceumcil~ Wieeer. M.C. FINA~ MAP: TRACT NO, 1412: 1~ 10ts, L, B, Roquot, North of North Street om Citron Street, vest aide, previously approved by the 0ity Planning C_~mmission,~ On motion by Ooumcilmam Van Wagoner, seconded by Ceumcllman Heyi~g, Final Map of Tract No. 1412 vas approved aaa acceptecl. Also accepted vas Cashierls ~eck in the amount of $2,~0.00 for installati~a of water mains a~d other ~tilities, amd Subdivision Bond for f&ithfml perfor~ce in the amount of $10,73~,00 previously approved by the City Attorney. ~. C. FINAL MAP: TRACT NO. 1~52: ~al~livisiom of the property en South Les Amgelee ama East Veraemt Avenue, with letter from the cit~ Plamming Commission requeetimg-the Fimal Map be approved as preeenteel. The ~imal Map was not presented, amd the matter wan ordereA HELD OVER to October 10, 1950. REVISED TEI~TATIVE MAP OF TRACT NO. 1476: Revised ~entative Map of Tract No. 1576 em which the City Plaaming Cemmiseiom, September l~th, 1~50: approved the marne, am presentede This embelivisiom centains 23 iota situated at the extention of South Helena amd Somth Dickel Streets amd be termimated by a new street known se Eampehire Avemue with emtraace from South Pal~ Street. Ccmmcilmaa Ney~ morea that Temtative Map ef Tract Ne. 1576 be accepted. Councilman Bossy seconded the motion. M. ¢. TENTATIVE MAP OF TRACT 1460: Tentative Map of Tract No. 1~60 provides for the opening from North Street, ~st v~st from North West Street. Mr, Nedaris advises the equate footage of home construction to be 1200 gquare feet, lot8 to conrail 7,2~0 square foot, and hemes to cell for approximately $12 ,500 . 00 . The City Plmuming Commission moved that the ~entative Map be approved for lot a~d street ~esigm, subject to engineering roqmire- monte. The ]ngXneering Department of tho City ox].)resoed several objectionable features such ae requirements of case pools, with probable crsation of polutiom proble~l, that this ia due to the lack of sewage system in that portion of the 5ity, etc. I.t vas moveA by Councilmam Neying that the alrplicatie~ be referred to the E~gineering Department for further study amd report. MOTION CARRIe. VARIANCE N0. 131- held' over: Ae result of Public lleartng before the City Commission, appli~tion flor v~i~ce No. 131 te c~e the use of lets 1 te ~, Trot 1120 from R-1 to ~2 (~er~ ~siaess). Property location 1200-~ ~ast C~ter Street. It is prepos~ to erect a ~pe~ ~ket on l~ts 2 ~ 3 ~ the b~ce for ~rki~ s~ce. The City Plying 00~lsnlon gr~~ t~e VarI~ce ~ub3ect te revision, ~ the Cit[ C~cil on aotio~ ~70~nci~ ~7i~, teeo~ b70~eil~ ~bllc Heari~ to be held to consider t~e Miter October, lO, 1~0 &t ~00 ~~. ~LIO ~INQ, OCTOBG 10, 1950. NATIONAL BROTHERHOOD OF SERVICe. FOR THE BLIND, INC.: Application to conduct Amnu~ Brotherhood Da7 Drive, ~s hel~ over to ~Gesday, October 10, 1950. EMPLOYES, RETIRING: The following employees having qualified for retirement will terminate their services with the City ef A3aaheim September Joseph Franklin SMelts, ,~er&tor, Light and Power - - ~lemr7 Sasta.v Bchmelser, Vets. Homsing Project Manager - - MArry Stmart Jayme, City Assessor, ~ - Thomas Nemsley Hollimgworth, Laborer - - ~_gene Palmer Napgoed, City Emgineer.- - Andrew Clark ~eoper, Operator, Light aa~ Power - - Daniel DeramAo Clemmer, Laborer - - Aroma Bidile Camp, Reference Librarian - - Abel Frank Ballimger, Lawn Mover Operator. RUSSELL ~Y HAMLYN, PATROLMAN: Applieation from Russell E. Nmmlym, as Patrolmam aa~ report of physical exami~tion has been received. On motion by Ceuncilmam Yam Wagoner, seconded by Ceumci~ Vieser that the appointment of Russell E. Naml~a, by the Chief of Police be ratified. MO~ION CARRI]~D. WALTER W. FRE¥, Operator: Application from Walter ¥. Frey, ab Operator aaa report of ph~sicial ema~imation ham been received. It vas morea by Oeunci~ Boney,-iloondeA by 0emncilman Van Wagoner that the employment of Walter ¥. Fre7 be ratified. M. C, OTHER EMPLOY~T AFPOINTMENTS: The follevimg employees are nov working on a temporary basic, purauamt to the payroll r esoluti~m. Applications have beam received, however report of physical examinatloms have mot bees receiveA& Ralph Earl Livingston, Laborer, City Park$ Marley Bx-mce Nesee, Laborer, Light & Power Department$ ~oka C. Steinborm, .Laborer, Street Departmemt. PLUMBERS BOND: Frank H. Chapman: Formerly approved by City Attorney, Preston Turmer, was orAered received and filed ~n motiom by Comncilmam Van Wagoner, seconded by Ooumoil~ ma3m )one3r. ]~. C. ($3.,000. O0 -) 28. Glt2 Nell, Anaheim, California..- Tuee~_a7, September ~. 1950 .~=O0 ~.M. " ' ' '' '" "' ' ' " T '" ........ ' : .... ?'" , I ,Il r ,, ~ , ...... ,,,, __ APPOINTMENT, ACTING CITY ENGINEER: Mayor Pearson, appointed George E. Helyoke ' as "Acting City Emgineer# effective October l, 1~55. Ceun¢ilmam Boaey moved the appointment be ratified, Coun~lmam Van Wage, er ~econcted the motion. MOTION CARRIe. APPLICATION FOR STATE AID: I~ wa, m~veel by Councilman ]~omey, seconded by COUmcilmam Heyimg that the City Engineer be authorized to prepare aecee~ary papere to eecure State Aid of $~2,~00.$9 for lmblic worke. MOTION GARRIED. ~ 0~umcilma~ Van ~agoner moved ~o adjourn to October 3, 1~0, 7:~0 P.M, for the purpose of opening bide for the purchase of concrete pipe purer to advertieemeat for bid propoeala and other b~iae~ that ma~ be before the 0emncil. Ceumci.lmam Wileer eeconded the moti~m. MOTION CARRIED. .. City NAIl, Amaheim, Californi~- TiLeeelay, October 3, 1 ~he City Coumcil of the City 0f ~eim met i~ ~J~~ Re~~ See,ica. ~S~T: CO~CI~: Wi~ser, Heyimg, ~omey ~ V~ W~ner. ~$~ : C0~CI~: Pe~ne~. . · ~ Cl~ A~~Y T~: Preaemw. Co~cil~ V~ W~mer wa= elect~ ~er ~e ~ em motion by C~cil~ 3omen, seco~ by C~cil~ ~ieaer; MOTION ~I~. 7:39 P.M. LICENSE BOED: E. M. GUI]N: The City Clerk presented Licenae.Boad. ~artferA Acci&eat ama Indemnity Compaq, ]. M. Chainm. Cemmcilmam Heyimg mcneil that ~end be held over to ~eetimg of 0etcher 10. 19~0. for coneideration amd &etermimatioa if bond cam be approve~l. ~councilmam Boney secomXed the motion..MOTION OA~IND. CANCELLATION PERSONAL PROPERT~ ASSESSMF~NT NO. 743, Mrs. Herbert ~amm: Persomal Property A~se,ement No. 743~ te Mrs. Herbert Ream, i~ the amount of $1.Z~ ,4~I ordered camceddel b~cam, e am,em.merit being duplicate amd previoumly paid ~on m,~tion' ,by 0cmncilmam-Heying,' seconded b7 Coumcilmam ~ez.~ MOTION ~I~. L~I~ Z0~: ~ ST. S0~:; ~rco I~us~ries Co.: The Oi~y ~o~c$1 appr~v~ Lo~i~_Zene ~ Parki~ St~1 ca ~ ~treet S~th ~ S~t~ Cleaeatiae Street ~r the ~co ~VE-OF-ABSENCE~. CHARLES MESLOH: Om metiom by Comncilmam .Neyipg, eeco~nde~l by C~c~~ ~ome7, C~r~e8 MolOch ~8 gr~t~ ex~emtiem of ~0 ~myw lem~f-m~semee ffroa October ~. 1~0. MOTI0~ ~I~. C0~I~TION: ~~C~T~ C0~: Ce~icatioa from ~e~Co~t C~ to City Atte~ reference to ~e~late-~terial ~ its uBei ca the ~olia Sewer T~ L~e project vas ~bmttt~ ~ r~. ~SOL~ION N0. 1778: C~ci~ Boney offer~ Reaolution No. 1778 ~ mov~ for paaa~e ~d ~eptl~. O~cil~ Heyl~ seco~e~ the motiem. ~SOL~ION ~SC~ING ~SOL~tONS NO., 1~16 ~ 1~50. _ BE IT ~OL~, t~$ Reaolutiem Ne. 161~ ~SOL~ION ~TING ~~CT ~S~ AOOO~ FOR C~~IN ~S ~PLI~~ TO ~~ P~LIC HO~IN~ Reeolution No. 1750 ~$O~ION DE$IG~T~G T~ ~$TIT~E $IG~TORY FOR T~ WIT~W~ OF ~S ~OM T~ ~~S' ~LIC HOUSING ~~, ~e here~ reaci~. N~, T~~, BE IT ~SOL~, t~t ~ f~. ~mthoriz~ to be wit~ra~ ffre~ the Veter~e~ ~blic H~ai~ ~ ~1 ~e wit~ra~ up~m the Jeimt ~S. A. P~SON, ~or ~A C~S E. GRIFFIn, City Clerk. ~ BE IT ~T~ ~$0L~, t~t thio re~olutiom be retroactive to September ~95~. On rell call the foregoing ReSolution wa, duly pasaeel and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Vieser, Heying, ]Bone7 amd Van Wagoner. NOES: COUNCILM~N: None. A~SNNT: COUNCIl: Pears~ · ,Ma~or Vam ~agener, Pro Tea, A~ClareA the foregoing Reeelutiom ~uly paaaeA amd a~epteel. ~