1950/10/03~ity .~.l,. ~ei~,. Oa!iforni.~ APPOINTMF~T, ACTING CITY ENGI] as #Acting City E~gineer# elf, &ppoiaf~aeat be ratifle~, Ceu~ ze. · ER: Mayor Pearson, appointed George ,etive October 1, 1~0. Councilman ~oney morea the ~ll~a~ YaM Yagen~r ~econc~ecl the motion. NOTION ~IED. APPLICATION FOR STATE AID; I~ v&e m~ve(l by Oeuncil~a~ Boney, seconded by COU~ci~ Heyiag that the City Fmgiaeer Ibe~ authorized to prepare meceeeary papere to lecure State Aid of $~2,000.~9 for l~blic vorka. MOTION CARRIe. ~ Councilman Van Wagoner move~ .~o adjourn to October 3, 1~50, 7:~0 P.M. for 'the lmarpese of opening bide for t~e lrarchaee of concrete pipe lrara~ant to advertile~ewt for bid propoeale a~i other b~eiaeee that ~ be before the Oe~ucil. 0~mcil~aa Wieeer eeconded the motion, aO~IOl CARRIe. . SIGNED City HAll, ~mheim, CAlifor,Lt~ -- T~Leeday, October ~, I " ?=30 The City Council of t~e City PRE$]~T: ¢0I~dOII~: Wieeer, A~S]~IT : COUNCIIJ~: Peareo~ CITY ATT~Y TU~: Preeeat Oouncilm Van Wagozer vas eli 8econcle~ by Councilman Vieeer, ,f Anaheim met ia AAJourneA Regular~ Seeelen. , Heying, ]~oney ~ V~u Wagoner. ;e ~cte~ Mayor ~ro Tea ea motion by Ce~ncll~ MOTI ON ~IED. LICENSE BOED: E. M. GUINN: ~lte City Clerk preeenteA Licenae;BoX~l, ~rtferA, AcciAent and IndeBnity Con~pa~., E. X. 0~inn. Councilman Heying mo?ed that ~eBA be held over to meeting of October 10, 1950, for consiAeratiom an~ &eterminatioa if bond car be approved. ~ Councl!Ban ]~emey seconAed the motiom.. MOTION 0A]tRI~D. CANCELLATION PERSOI~ PROPERT~ ? Property Aeseeemeat No. 743~ t, canoed&el beeaaee aeaeeamemt Oounc!lBan-Keying, ~ ~ econde~ ~] LOADING ZONE: ~3RD ST. SOUTH: Loading.~Zone ~ Parking Stal~ f~r the Marco~ In~uetriea Co. A~SES~MEHT NO. 753, Mrs. Herbert Renan: Personal Mrs. lterbert Ream, ia t~e ~nt of $1,2g ~, o~er~ etag duplicate ~ pr~ioualy Oo~cl~ ~e~.' NOTION ~rco I~us~ries 0o,~ ~e Oi~y ~o~c$1 a~r~v~ ~a 3~ ~treet S~th ~ S~t~ Clemeati~e ~treet ia' reference to Auer-Plate-Ba~erial an~ ire ueel ca the Magnolia Sever Trunk Line ~reJect va~ eubm~tted a~d reaA. RESOLUTION NO. 17~8: 0oumci]~ ~SOL~ION ~SC~IN~ ~S0L~: ~S~ AOOO~ FOR C~IN · '~n ~oney offered Reeolution No. 1778 ~ moved for mcll~n Heying seconded the ONS NO.~ 1616 ~ 1~50. _ . ReBolutien Ne. 1616 "~O~ION ~TIN$ ~S ~PLI~~ TO ~ P~LIC HO~IN~ PR~OTN ~ION DESISTING T~ ~STIT~ SIG~TORY FOR T~ ~~S' ~LIC HOUSING ~", ~e here~ rescind. N~, T~~, ~E ~T ~SOL~, t~t ~ f~ ~athoriz~ to be wit~rl~ from the Veter~B~ ~Blic H~$i~ ~ 8~1 be wi t~~ up~a the Joi~t 8i~tarea of ~S. A. P~SON, ~or ~A 0~S E. GRIFFIn, City Clerk. ~ BE IT ~T~ ~OL~, t~t this resolution be retroactive to 3eptem~er 26, 29~0. On rell call the foregoing vote: AYES: 00U~CII~: Wieeer, NOES: COUnCILMEn: None ,~or V~ W~omer, Pro T~, ~optd. ~cl~tioa yam duly passed and adopted b~ the folloviRg Heying, ]~oaey an~ Van Wagoner. ~clareA the foregoing Reeel~tioa d~ly l~aeeed and ~_ity ~_~!.1, A~ei~, California, - TU.e..~, ...O. ct..o..ber 3. 1950. ...... ..... City ~11, Anaheim, Oallfornt&- Tees&ay:~ October 10, 19~0 ~ID$: SEWER PIPE: me City Clerk was instructed .to ,pea bids as per Legal Notice £~viting pr,pos&Is for furnishi~g liae~l re-inforced concrete pipe, as per or, er of City Council September 22, 19~0, 8=00 o~clock receiv~ ~ere fr~a the ~eric~ ~t~e ~d Conet~ctio~ Cema. Lo, ~ele,, U~it~ Concrete ~tpe Co~oratio=, ~dv!~ . O~cil~ ~oaey mov~ the ~i~l be relearn, to the E~iaeert~ De~rtme~t for report on 0ct=ber 10, !~0 at the n~t re~lar ~eeting of the CAty Ce~cil, ~yiag second~ the ~otion. M~ION ~~I~. O~ci~ Heyi~ ~ov~ t~ ~Jo~a. C~i~ Wieser ,eco~ the motion. ~ Old'Clerk -The-0tty 0o~aeit el-the-City ef-AaaJaeim-let-in regular session._ _ PtLESEBT: ¢0UNCILI4BNs Pearson, Wimmer, Jte¥ing, ]~eney and Van ~oaer, CI~Y ATOMY, ~STON ~I Absent. ~ ~ ~ 0~1 ~$, A~ING CITY l~~: Pre!ont. : Th~.. Minutes of the Regular MeeBing held September 26, 19~0 aaa AmlJo~rned ]legula~ Meeting held October 3, 19~0 wer~_ approveA on motion bZ Councilman Van IKa~oner seconded by Cou~cilmaA Wieser. MO~ION 0A~RIED. ~AYJ~$: $121,61g.83: 0o~mcilm Yam ~agoner reperte~ ~emds against the city ~outlng to $1Z1,~16,83, C~cllm ~e[$~ mov~.t~t report of Fi~ce Comities be a~rev~ ~ t~t watt, tm be ~ra~ ~en~ the tr~~er to ~y said d~a in acco~ce with r~or~, .Ooucilm ~one[ ,eco~e~ t~e motl~, .MOTION ~I~. FI~GIAL AND OPERATII~G REPOTS: Fla~uc~al a~ ~~t~ ~porta for the September, 19%0 were ~Baitt~ ~~ce~ ia ~er~ ~, $1~,3~.03, ~ot~ ~eaer~ Acco~ta, $2~2,88~.~. Tet~ f~e l~ T~a~F, $2~O,gl~.0g- 01fy Clerk's report correapc~ with t~t of Trea~rer~. -:~ Cit~ Clerk depeeit~, $1,~10,~1- Pl~e Report (A~t) A~st receipt~, ~,31~.~1. Gr~ Tot~ receipts for 3, - $37.X S.Z - Collector depemit~ $87~.30 - ~il~i~g D~tment im~ 2~ pe~itm of vhi~ were ~ildi~g Pe~lt~, v~~tlon $60~,1Z~.00, deposit~ with Tr~~er, ~,019.90 - Oit~ J~ge ~1~ ~21 case, in cit~ c~t of which ~2~ were ~rki~g meter violations, ~ouat collectS, $~,2~.00 - Parki~ M~er collections, $1,700.00 - Joist ~tf~l Sever, ~eX='s m~re, e~eamem, $1,2~3~6~, ~ein Fl,v, gS,~,100 or 32;~ ~ot~ ~aee, $~,137.28, ~otal fl,v, 2~,2~,~00 ~1o~ - Activitiem of~ Li~t, Power & Water Dep~tments, 30 Water Co~ections, 3~ Li~t 0o~ectionm, ~ Pove~ 0o~ectienm, Water ~~ by city, 11,7~,200 ~lon8' ~c~s~ fro~ M.W.D. 8~,~1,~ ~lonm, Water level in city wells, October 1, 1%~ feet ~ inches. - Actiyitiem of t~e Fire, Police, Shop & ~r~, ~ r~o~t of Garble ~d Trash collections - Recreati~ . . Q~terly ~ ~~ Report. 0o~cil~ V~ W~oner moved the foregoing reports be ~cepte~ ~ ordere~ ffit~. O~cilm Vimmer meco~ the ~oti0n. MOTION ~I~. REC~TIOE QU~~Y-A~AL ~0RTS: D~ Derr,, Recreation Director preeentd ~rteF17 ~ ~~1 Report of the Recreation Dep~tment ~ ~8 co~Jmtd on the co~letuem of the re~ort ~A him ~resentation tBeremf. C~cilm Heyi~ nov~ sai~ report be receiv~ ~d ffild. ~ci~ ~oney s~o~ the motion. M~I~ ~I~. PAINTING CO'~CIL C~~ - Held over: ~ceptnce of lev biA on the ~inting of the Co, oil C~ber ~m ~elA over for cheG~ into the i~revement of the ~8tiem in the C~cil 0~ber. T~~ O)-~ F~S: Tr~sfer by the Oit~ Treasurer of $20,000.00 from the ~leral ~ to the B~ltatlon ~ yam &pprov~ on notion ~b7 C~ci~ V~ WKoner, seco~ b7 0~cil~ Wiomer. MOTI~ ~I~. USE 0F ROOMS IE G~~ T~~- Sea ScoUts: Use of ~rt of the roo~ in the Gre~ Theatre by the Sea Scouts of t~e Lions ~ Retry CluBs vas referr~ to O. V, HeyS, Park Oo~issioner. ~IM C0~iTY C~ST, ~ ba~er: ~eim 0o~it7 Chest is permitt~ to b~er ~rous Center Street at Lemon StFeet t~~~ t~ month of Nov~ber~ 19~0 on notion b7 0~cilm Heyi~, second~ by 0o~cil~ V~ W~one~. ~TI0] ~I~.