1950/10/10 29. C_it~ Hal. l, .Auaheia, .¢alifo~,La, -,,Tue..eA~. October 3, 1950 ]~LDS: SEWER PIPE: The City Clerk was instructed ,to open bids as per Legal Notice Inviting propos&le for furnishing line~ re-inforce~ concrete pipe, &8 per or~ler of the City Council September 220 1950. 8:00 o'clock P.M.: ]~id8 receive~ were from the A~ericaa Pll~e and Construction Company, Los Angeles, United Concrete Pipe Corporation, Baldw~m Park. Councilman ]~onoy move~ 'the b~e be referee, to the Engineering Department for t&~lation~. ami report on October 10, 19~0 at the n~xt regular meeting of the City Council. ~ma Heying 8econde~ the motion. #0TI01 !CARRIED. Counci]umaa Heying moved to adjourn. ¢oUacilm~u Wisser seconded the notion. MOTION CARRIED. Au omum . ! Ci~Cl erk ~i~y Kall, Aza~,eim, Oaliforaia- October -The-City Co~neit of-the-City of-A~ahe~m-~et-in regular SeeliOn._ _ _ PRESENT: COUNCILMEN= Pearson, Wisser, Zeyi~, ~oney ~ V~ W~oner. ~~ ~ CO~CI~l; Nome. OI~Y A~~~, ~ST0~ ~= Abment. ~ . C~B ~~, A~ING CITY A~~; Pr~ent. . ' , Th~,-~nutem ~f the Re~lar Meeti~ bela September 26, 1950 Re.ar Meeti~ hel~ October 3, 1950 were appr~ ~a motio~ by O~ci~ meco~ed by 0oucll~ Wtmser. M~ION W~S: $121,616.83: 0~cllm F~ W~eaer repert~ ~e~m ~i~st the cit~ ~o~ting t~ $121,616.83. 0~cilm He ~i~ mov~.t~t report of Fimce 0omittee be a~rov~ ~ t~t ~rr~tm be ~ra~ · ~on~ the trea~er to ~y maid acco~ce with r~ort..0oucil~ 3on~ ~eco~e~ the motif..MOTION ~I~. FI~0I~ ~ ~~TING ~~TS; Fi~Cial ~ ~~ti~ ~portm for the ~o~th September, 1955 were ~ttt~: ~~ce i~ ~er~ ~, $1~,3~.03, Tot~ Geaer~ Accosts, $2~208~0~, To~ f~8 in T~s~F, $290,glg. Og- City Olerkl. report correopo~ with tht of ~rea~rertg. ' City Clerk d~osit~, $1,~10.~1 - Pl~e Report (A~st) A~st receipts, ~031~;21, Gr~ ~ot~ receipts for Libra~ bal~ee, ~t. 3. 19~, $~,30~.6~- 01ty A~ltor~d~oui~ $37,1~8,2~ - License Collector dep~git~ $87~030 - ~ilAing ~~tment io~ 2~ pe~its were ~il~ing Pe~it8, v~~tion $$07,12~.00, ~oposit~ with Tr~~er, 0ity J~ge ~1~ ~21 cases in city co~t of which ~2~ wore ~rking Rotor violations, ~o~t collected, $~,2~,e0 - Parki~ Meter collec~ion8, $1,700.00 - ~oint ~tf~l Sewer, ~oint8 s~re, e~eneeg. $1,2~.6~, ~elm Flow, 63,~,100 or 3~~ Tot~ ~eBee, $,,137.25, Total flow, 2~,25~,200 ~1o~- Activities off~ Light, Power Water Dep~tments, 30 Water Oo~ectiona' 3" Li~t 0o~ectiong, ~ Powe~ Oo~ectiong, Water ~~ by cityo 11,7~0200 ~llont, ~c~s~ froB M.W.D. 8~,~1,~ ~loas, Water level in city wells, October 1, 1~7 feet ~ inches. - ActiFities of tho Fire, Police, Shop & ~r~. ~ r~o~t of Ga~b~e ~d Trash collectiono- Recreati~ Q~terly ~ ~~1 Report. 0o~cil~ V~ W~oner Roved the foregoing reports ~cepte~ ~ ordereA fit~. 0~cilm Wioser seco~ the notion. MOTION ~I~. HEC~TIOE QU~~Y-A~AL ~ORTS: DOn Dorr,. Recreation Director prosent~ ~rterl2 ~ ~~1 R~ort of the Recreation Dep~tment ~ ~8 co~~td on the co~let~o~ of the report ~ hie presentation ther0of. 0~cilm Heyi~ Bov~ eai~ report be recelv~ ~ flld. ~uci~ ~oney seco~ the action. M~I~ PAINTING COi~CIL C~~ - Held over: Accept~ce of low biA on the ~iating of the Co, oil C~ber ~s he~ over for checki~ into the i~rovement of the ~sties in the O~cil ~ber. T~~ OF F~S: Tr~afer by the 0it~ Treasurer of $20,000.00 fr~a the General ~ to the ~ltatloa ~ ~as approves on action ~b~ C~ci~ V~ ~o~er, by C~cil~ ~iseer. MOTI~ ~I~. USE OF ROOMS IE G~~ T~~- Sea ScOUts: Use of ~rt of the roo~ ia the Gre~ Theatre by the Sea ~cout~ of the Lioa~ ~ Rot~[ Oluba wan referreA to O. Park 0o~iaeloner. ~ ~ ~ ~~IM C0~iTY C~ST, h~g ba~er: ~eim 0o~$ty Chest ia permitt~ to ~Ba.g b~er ~rose Center Street at L~on Street t~~~t the ac~th ~f Nov~ber~ 19~ on ~otton ~ 0~cil~ Heyi~, secon~ by Oo~cil~ V~ W~ene~. MOTION. ~I~. 30 ~ ~ 8.oo P M SEORGE 0EI]EERS Authorized to Sign Joint Pole Agreements:~ Ceu~cil~a~ ¥~n ~e~er aov~ ~ ~e,rge Oe~era ~e ~~ri~eA ~e ai~ ~1 ~i~t Pole ~ree~ea~a Authorizations acting for the ~ity off ~eia, effective ~ovenber 1, 19~0. C~cil' ~ Wleser' ~eco~ the mot~o~. MOTI~ ~I~. ~~I~TIO~, B~ OF S~ERVISORS, PROPOS~ ~STICE CO~T: the ~o~ off Supe~i~ere ~ ~bmitt~ i~ which the~ e~ree~ their a~re~latio~ of the offer of the Oity Oo~il to provide a lo~tioa tier the prepos~ ~uetice 0curt for A~eia To~ahip. ~he ~oa~ of ~upervieor~ r~ue~t~ iMor~tioa ~ to the ~t lecatioa ~ ~ize e~ the prepoe~ aite in e~er t~t whoa ~ ~c~itect ia ~le~ to pre~e plea ~ ~ecifi~tion~ he ~lll ~ve a ba~i~ work. The s~therly 70 fleet Sf the ~~ now us~ for ~king lot on t~e east side of South 01a~i~ Stree~ ~s reco~e~ by Judge Jo~ Shes because it ·how offf the ~il~i~ better ia t~t potties of the gr~.. ~he,~ter over flor' f~ther i~vestigatioa. R. ~OE, ~TI~ · ~CO~ATION:.. R. Nyboe eubmitt~ a letter e~reeai~ hi~ appreciation to the City ~~il for their ~t ce~tesiee duri~ the ~ar~ off hi~ ~plo~ent in the cavity as O~ef of the Fire De~rt~ent, ~ rece~e~ the preaotioa ef ~rd ~. St~i~er, ~r., aa Fire' Chief for the C~ty of Said rece~e~ation was t~e~ ~er conai~eratioa. L~V~OF-~SEN0~: ~. ~: ~~ ~eae, ~leyee off the Conet~ctioa De~rtm~t ~e ~t~ l~v~off-abeence ~ ~0 ~e fr~ October lg, 1~0 due to ~otion by O~cil~ ~oa~, s~co~ by 0e~cil~ Heyl~ on the reco~e~atl~a of ~or~ E. Holyoke. MOTi~ ~~I~. E. P. ~~D. ~~ OF CItY ~~IN$ CO~iISSION: Upea the reco~~atie~ off the Ci~[~ Pt~i~ Co~i~,ion, ~~ P~on appointS; E. P, ~go~ ~s a. aeaber ef the 0i-ty Plmi~ Co~isnien to r~laee Victor ~. L~ly who resi~ April 7, 1~0, te fill the ~e~ir~ te~ e~i~ Feb~ry 1~2, 0~cil~ ~oney aov~ the appeiataeat be rattfi~. O~i~ V~~oner ~ece~ the aeries. M~I~ ~I~. ~~~ ~TE: was ~iaiater~ to all ~embera off the City O~cil ~ the Acti~ City Attorney, Ola~e ~ene d~i~ the aeetiag. PL~~'5 LI0~SE ~0~: E. M. Qui~: License ~o~ preseat~ by ~. E. M, ~i~, ~e~ P~k, 0~ernia. ia t~ ~~t off $1,000.00 ~a ~ia bela over flor f~ther off the Oity Atto~ey, Prestos ~er, who was act available te cubit t~$ i~er- Co--ice, ion ffro~ O~Melve~ & ~ers enclosing six copie~-off a aeaer~~ coveri~ t~ee se~ate sch~ules of ~~ities for the seee~'~bo~s rece~tly~ vet~. ~is ~Yter was hel~ over for st~ to the. next aeeti~ of, t~ City. 0~il. POLIC~ · FI~ D~TM~.S TO ~OINT lO A~L~X ~~S: Police ~ Fire Departaents were iastmct~ to~ a~oint 10 ~ili~ ~e~B~rs for each for 0~vilin Defease ~oses ~ ~otion by ~oucilm ,Fn ~oaer seco~ Co~c~l~ ~isser. M~ION ~I~. ZION LU~ C~CH A~AL F~T~ff, ~STIV~: Applicatioa fro~ Zion Luther~ C~ck to coaduct ~~ F~i Festi~ by the Dorcas S~ciety ~s a~rev~ ea ~otiea O~ci~ ~eaey, seco~ by ~ci~ Heying. M~ION ~I~. ~TIOEAL BROT~OOD 0F S~VI~ F~ T~ BLIP, INC.: A~licatioa to co~ct ~~ ~rotherho~ D~ Drive ~ ~ei~, Noveaber $, 19~0 ~baitt~ b~ Gi~ S~ith, President, Natio~ H~~rters, Holl~o~, Oalifo~ia, ~e deni~ act ica by Co~ci~ V~ ~mr, second~ by Co~ci~ Heyi~. M~ION D~I~. ~ V.F.~. A~ILI~Y: ApplicatiO~ to solicit f~e by r~fli~ off ~ticle with process to be do~t~ to t~ ~cer Rose,ch ~s a~roveA on aeries by C~ci~ ~eyi~, seconded by C~cilm ~isser. MOTION LOIS PAST NOBLE GRANDS ASSOCI~ION; Applicatiom to solicit funds by eenductimg card parties October 18 and NeW'ember 15, 1950 and conducting a ceAar cheat and other prize ~rawing November ~, 19~0 with proceeds to apply on City, Couaty Tepee an~ ~ents on Lodge i~ebte~lness was approved on motiom by Oouncilmam geying, seconded by Ceumcil~ Vam Wagoner. MOTION CARRLED. IMPROVEMENT OF MILLS DRIVE:' By Blackteppi~g or removal oS e~ater imla~ wm., referreA to the Engineering Department for early action. J. R. LESTER BOYLE. CIVIL ENGINEER. . Request employment on Sewer Projects: Mr. McLai~ addresseel the City Council in comnection with communication from J. R. Looter Boyle, Civil ]~ngineer. Santa A~a, regar~ling the retention of their fir~ for the preparation of engineering design plans a~ specification of the proposed City of Aze~heim Tr~ Sewer Main and O~tfall co~ection to the ~clid Outfall. Mr. Boyle states that he is mew engaged ia similar Trunk Sewer Mains serving other nearby comauaitiel, and has a k~owleclge ef the overall sanitation requirements. ~his ~atter was taken ~aAer consideration awaiting further.reports ~ reco~,aen~ations from the City F~gineering Del~rtment. . BID, CONC~TE PIPE: Mr.-Van E~rea representing t~e American Pipe Coastr~ction Company was present aaa AiscusseA with the City Council the rotter oS ~plit awarA of bi~ ow which they were the Iow bi~er for the recently aAvertised proposal for Concrete Pipe for the Magnolia Sewer Project. RESOLUTION NO. 1779 was ~ubmitted a~ rosA. Said Resolution was bela over for correction. SaiA Resolution awarAed biA to the Americas Pipe Construction Ceapa~, ami is bela over to the meeting of% YriAa~, October 13, 19%0 at 2~00 o'clo~ P.M. ca notion by 0eu~cilm I~eyiag, seceded by Cee~cilm Van Wagoner. MO~ION CARRIED. ~R. ]~ILL HUTTON, Me, chester Feed & Milli~g 0ompa~ em ~~emter A,e~e r~e~t~ coo~rati~ from the City Oo~cil to me~e better a~r~chem ~o ~ir 8tor~~ ~~vsr to ~e~ ~ the highv~ co~mt~ctio~ work fre~t~ the stores in t~t mectio~ of t~ City ~ M~cheeter Av~e. T~ ~or ~m~ t~t the 0~cil ~A che~ ia t~ the sit,tics ~ see w~t m ~e ~oae. PUBLIC HFJkRING: VARIANCE NO. 131: l~blic Hear£ng, 8~00 P,M. en Variance Ne. submitte~l by ~eia ~eaa for the uae of iota 1 to ~ inclusive ia ~r~t N~. 1120 for the conet~ctiea efa ~het. ~ra. ~~e ~ a geatle~ ia the ~leace requestS' pomtpea~eat ~-ffurt~er mt~ ~ ~rt~er ~e~i~te i~o~ti~ aa te the t~e of ~ilAi~, iateri~ in t~i pre~itiea, al~e t~ consider the traffic ~z~ v~ch will be increas~ in t~t ~eighborhe~. O~ci~ Keyi~ mov~ t~t the ntter be bela ~er to November 8, 1~0. C~cilm Yn Wqener ~ece~d motion. M~ION ~I~. TE~IS 00URTS: Mr. George I~olyeke reperteel the te~ais courts in City Park were being reearfaced amel are sew reaAy for tt~ipiag ea or sweat October PROPOSED ZONINC~ ORDINANCE: Mr. Robert Mu~l$ representing the City Pla~uing Co~aission a~~ before t~e Ci~7 O~il, ~ ~bmitt~ to ~ch C~i~ ree~e ef ~1 ~tiomm, he~i~, pertaia~ to the ~vimM Zeli~ incl~ilg Revil~ Zoni~ ~p, ~ ce~ ef Re~ol~tioa No. 1, S~iea of 1~$, ~opted ~ the City PI~~ Oe~im~i~ at it~ ~J~r=~ Re~~ Meetl~ hel~ October ~, 1~0~ ~. ~1, allilt~ ~y ~. ~elyeke of the ~ineeri~ Debt- -eat requeat~ t~e Cit2 Co~cil te ~eet with ~. ~o~ ~it~l ~ Aal~eiattl P~i~ Cea~t~t~ o~ ~vember $. 1~ at 2=0Q 0~clo~ P.M.I= the C~cil ~ber~ ia t~e Citz ~1. ~he Cit~ Clerk was ialt~ct~ to ~vertit~a ~blie R~ri~ to be bela at 8~00 e'clo~ P.M., in the ~cll' 0~'era~cf the city~~ in the City of ~ela, November 8, 19~0 on =orion ~2 O~ci~ V~ W~oaer, aeco~ by C~il~ ~oaey. M~ION ~I~. The City Clerk ~a present~ the complete file on all ~~e~ of the ~tter :of accept~ce of the zoning 0rdi~ce ~ ~p fro= the City Plying Ceuncil~n Boney morea to adjo~r~ to 2;00 o~clock P.M. Frid~. 0etcher 13, 1~. Co~eil~ Heyi~ ~eco~ the 'motion. MOTION ~I~.