Resolution-ZA 1999-34• i DECISION NO. ZA 99-34 A DECISION OF THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR GRANTING ADMINISTRATIVE ADJUSTMENT NO. 167 OWNERS: Walgreens Company 128 South State College Boulevarci Anaheim, CA 92806 Timothy J. and Daryldine Brunet 34205 Doheny Park Road Capistrano Beach, CA 92624 Greg R. Gerry and William J. Briggs 2107 East Lincoln Avenue Anaheim, CA 92806 AGENT: Tim O'Neil -Evergreen Development 1300 East Missouri, A-200 Phoenix, AR 85014 LOCATION: 128 South State College Boulevard. 2015-2107 East Lincoln Avenue. and 2104 Wand Terrace CEQA STATUS: Categorically Exempt, Section 15061(b)(3) DATE NOTICES MAILED: August 12, 1999 REQUEST: Waiver of the following to construct adrive-through pharmacy: Sections - Minimum number of parking spaces. 7(_9 required; 73 proposed) and DETERMINATION OF THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR Having been appointed Zoning Administrator by the Planning Director to decide the above-referenced Administrative Adjustment, and subject petition having been duly. noticed and no written objections having been received, I do hereby find, pursuant to Section 18.12.080: 1. That notice of this administrative adjustment was inadvertently advertised incorrectly, .but that the notice was corrected and re-advertised. 2. That Reclassification No. 99-00-03 is pending on this property to rezone portions from RS-7200 "Residential, Single Family" and CO "Commercial, Office and Professianal° to CL "Commeraal, Limited" so-thafthe entire site will be zoned CL before the proposed pharmacy is constructed. 3. That this request is hereby granted in accordance with Subsection of the Anaheim Municipal Code which permits waiver of the minimum number of parking spaces in connection with an administrative adjustment if the deviation from the Code requirement (79 spaces) does not. exceed 90%; .and that the proposed number of parking spaces (73) is 6 spaces, or 896, less than required by-Code. Adj-167.doc -1 of 2 - ZA 99-34 4. That no written opposition was ..received during the required 10-day notification period which ended on August 25, 1999 at 5:00, p.m. CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT FINDINGS: That the Planning Director or his authorized representative-has determined that the proposed project is Categorically Exempt, Section 15061 (b)(3), as defined in the State of California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines and is, therefore, categorically exempt from the requirement to prepare an Environmental Impact Report. Based on the evidence presented to me, I da hereby determine to grant Administrative Adjustment No. 167, subject to the following conditions: 1. That within a period of one (1) year from the date of this decision, subject property shall be developed substantially in accordance with plans and specifications submitted to the City of Anaheim by the petitioner and which plans are on file with the Planning Department marked Exhibit No. 1. Extensions for further time to complete this condition may be granted in accordance with Section 18.03.090 of the Anaheim Municipal Code. 2. That approval of this application constitutes approval of the proposed request only to the extent that it complies with the Anaheim Municipal Zoning Code and any other applicable City, State and Federal regulations. Approval does not include any action or findings as to compliance or approval of the request regarding any other applicable ordinance, regulation or requirement. This decision is made, signed, and entered into the file this 2nd. day of September 1999. Anni a . Santal hti, Zornn Administrator NOTICE:. This decision shall. become final unless an appeal to the City Councit, in writing, accompanied by an appeal fee, is filed with the City Clerk within 15 days of the date of the signing of#his decision or unless members ofthe City Council shah request to review this decision within said 15 days. DECLARATION OF SERVICE BY MAIL: I do hereby declare under. penalty of perjury that on the date set forth below, I did deposit, in the United State Mail, a copy of the decision to the applicant and did forwani a copy to the City Clerk. DATED: September 2, 1999 nielle Mas ie , W rd Processing Operator Adj-167.doc - 2 of 2 - ZA .99-34