1950/11/03City Hal~l. ~.~~ ~.e._im. California- Nove~mber. 3,~ 1,950 - . ........... ~ , . 2: 00~ P.M. . .j ~ The City Council of the 0ity of Anaheim met in Adjourned Regular Se8sion. PRESENT: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Wisest, Neying, and Van Wagoner. ABSENT : COUNCILMEN: Boney. ACTING CITY ATTORNEY: Claude Owens, present. SALARY INCRF~SE: It was moved by Councilman tteying, seconded by, Councilman that all pay rates be increased $15.00 per month, except for the Administrative Officer, effective November 1, 1950. MGTION CARRIED. · Councilman Van Wagoner moved to adjourn. 0ou~xcilman Wisser seconded th~ motion. MOTION CARRIED. City Kall, Anaheim, California, November. 8, 1950 ?130 The City Commoil of the'City of Anaheim ~et for the purpose of hol&iag Pmblic ]leafing. PRESF~: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, ~is~er. Heylng, ]$eney CITY ATTO~ TU~: Absent. ADMINISTRATIVE 0FF!GEH: Xeith Murdooh, present. The meeting was calle~ to order by Mayor Pearson for the purpose of hearing before Council ef the new ~onimg map that has ~en werke~l cn for so long. The Mayor them t~ the meeting over te Mr. and ~ms. Gor~lon .~Whitnall. · Mr. Yhitmall'welcemed the gro~ and a~ked the AAmlnlatratlve Officer, Xeith. Murd~ch if ~he req~ireel notice ~ ~een pmblimt~eel ~ if tl~e records so Administr&tive Officer, Eeith ~doch adviaeA the requireA notice Hearimg had been publisheel a~ the records so ahoy. Mr. Whitmall explaineA it was require~ by law to hol~ three pmblie hearings, two before the City Planning Commission, which have been held and one before the City Council. Public Hearing to be hel~ for the preposeA a~epticn of Lamel Use Plan. or Zoning Ordinance te replace the one the city ham been operating u~er. The Ordinance consists of two parts; (1) text ~eeigna%iag parts of t~e city, (2) Map, me~lium emple~A ef establishing bemm~laries of the sever~ zones. There has met been many substantial changes in the map. It ia the purpoee =f the Hearing to convey to the people,, the property owners, of itc intent to &o,.amd wh~, amd te receive from the lmablie, the property owners, their own com~emt on the proposals expression cf ~esiree, an~ people's wisheA regarding changes. The present ~onimg map hms been in effect for many ye.ara. Mr. Whitmall explaime~ the maps amd the legions on it. Mr. Whltnall aakeA the AA~i~ ietrative Officer for cerresponclence re,tire to the Hearing. Actministrative Officer, reith Mur~och adviee~l petitions preach%eh to the City Council, as fellows: 6 property' owners along the Santa Fe Railr~, running east, South Claudina Street and East South street amd Santa Ann Street. SaiA petition te be entered into the ~ecords. Letter from Mr. Chas. J. Evans, owner of ranch propert~ along the' Santa Fe traCts, extends from Vermont Street north, we~t of Santa Fe tracts, property referred to shown on this map ~ew 1~-3, aeke~ to be shown am M-1. Letter from Xwikset Locks, regarding property bounded by Samta A~a Street, Olive S$reet ama Vermomt aaa ]~ast Streets, they request Industrial Zoning of tha~ property amel cite several reae~ms therefore. (Statement from aadience - Mr. Maurice Jones) That the part shown on the map was not correct. They have no objections to the read area, 150' depth on the north sidle of Sou%h Street l~e~ng not Light Industry, ~ut R-~. I think we ma~e that s~a~ement bt 'the last Hearing, and also set forth that fact in a letter. Kwikset has me objections to the proposed zoning area, howe~er a little bit of the area question doesn't belong to the Corporation. Ad~niaistrgt£ve officer, Keith MurAech alee preeente~ a letter from R. P. Allen. Alee presented was a pet4-tioa containing signatures of ~1 property owners covering property within a two block raAi~e of the intersection of Center and South East Streets. concerning property, lots 1 through ~, Tract ~o. 1120, Aireetly east of East Street. They consent a~ give approval to the granting of a variance tb allow co~ercial use of those ~ lots, and a changing of that zone from residential to co,crc iai · A. F. HABEN~, 217 E. ~ater Street. I speak for ~V wife and myself, a~l also speak for