Resolution-ZA 2000-17C7
701 Martinsville Road
P.O. Box 840
Liberty Comer, NJ 07938
AGENT: The Stellar Group
Attention: Bruce La Porte
7828 South Maple Avenue
Fresno, CA 93725
LOCATION: 1415 No h Raymond Avenue
HEARING DATE: April 6, 2000
OPPOSITION: No one indicated their presence at the public hearing in opposition to the proposal and
no correspondence in opposition was received.
REQUEST: Waiver of the following in connection with construction of a 114,657 sq.ft. industrial
building adjacent to an existing 88,530 sq.ft. industrial building:
Sections - Minimum landscaped setback adjacent to a freeway
and right-of--way.
10 feet required; 0-10 feet proposed)
Having been appointed Zoning Administrator by the Planning Director, pursuant to Anaheim Municipal
Code Section 18.12.040, to decide the above-referenced petition and a public hearing having been duly
noticed for and held on the date set forth above, I do hereby find:
That this waiver of minimum landscaped setback adjacent to a freeway is requested in connection
with redevelopment of the subject industrial property; that the redevelopment consists of replacing
the existing old metal building with a more up-to-date building, retaining the existing concrete tilt-
up building including certain exterior enhancements for visual compatibility with the new building,
modifying the parking lot including installation of landscaping, and replacing the existing pole sign
at Raymond Avenue with a monument sign which complies with current Code standards.
2. That the waiver pertains to the required landscaped setback at the bottom of the slope adjoining
the SR 91/Riverside freeway along the westerly 790 feet of the 1360-foot long south boundary of
the subject property; and that the easterly 570 feet will have a landscaped setback complying with
Code and ranging from 20 to 10 feet (east to west) with there being no landscaping along the
westerly 790 feet.
3. That there are special circumstances applicable to the property consisting of its topography, shape,
location and surroundings, which do not apply to other identically zoned properties in the vicinity
and, further, that strict application of the Zoning Code deprives the property of privileges enjoyed
by other properties under identical zoning Gasification in the vicinity due to the close proximity of
this industrial site to the steep slope along the SR 91/Riverside freeway; that this property has an
inorciinate amount of right-of--way frontage compared to other industrial properties in the vicinity
due to the irregular and nan'ow shape of the parcel; that the number of trees (including any
existing trees which can be retained) in the proposed landscaped setback along both Raymond
Avenue and the freeway will equal the number which are required for the entire south property line
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(i.e., 1360 feet divided by 1 tree for every 20 feet equals 68 trees); and that the new building will
be located on the easterly portion of the property where the landscaping is proposed.
reviewed the proposal for waiver of minimum landscaped setback adjacent to a freeway right-of--way in
connection with construction of a 114,657 sq.ft. industrial building adjacent to an existing 88,530 sq.ft.
industrial building on an irregularly-shaped 10-acre property having a frontage of 14 feet on the west side
of Raymond Avenue and a maximum depth of 1,244 feet, being located 230 feet south of the centerline
of Orangefair Lane, and further described as 1415 North Raymond Avenue; and that the Planning
Director or his authorized representative has determined that the proposed project is Categorically
Exempt, Class 2, under Section 15061(b)(3) of the State of California Environmental Quality Ad
Based on the evidence and testimony presented to me, I do hereby determine to approve Variance No.
4385, subject to the following conditions:
1. That plans shall be submitted to the City Traffic and Transportation Manager for review and approval
showing conformance with the most current versions of Engineering Standard Plan Nos. 436 and 602
pertaining to parking standarcis and driveway locations. Subject property shall thereupon be developed
and maintained in conformance with said plans.
2. A four (4) hour separation wall is required inside of the existing building in addition to the four (4) hour wall
between the new and the proposed structure. The architect shall provide a detail analysis to the Building
Division on the type of construction, occupancy and allowable floor areas for both existing and new
buildings in accordance with the 97 UBC.130.
3. That all lockable pedestrian and/or vehicular access gates shall be equipped with "knox box" devices, as
required and approved by the Fire Department.
4. That an automatic fire sprinkler system shall be designed, installed and maintained, as required by the
Fire Department.
5. That emergency vehicular access shall be provided and maintained in accordance with Fire Department
Specifications and Requirements.
6. That an all-weather access road shall be provided during construction, as approved by the Fire
7. That fire hydrants shall meet minimum Fire Department specifications and requirements for spacing,
distance to structure and available fire flow.
8. That any new above ground and/or underground storage tanks shall be approved and permitted by the
Environmental Protection section of the Anaheim Fire Department prior to installation.
9. That fire hydrants shall be installed and charged as required and approved by the Fire Department.
10. That gates shall not be installed across any driveway in a manner which may adversely affect vehicular
traffic in the adjacent public street. Installation of any gates shall conform to Engineering Standard Plan
No. 609 and shall be subject to the review and approval of the City Traffic and Transportation Manager
prior to issuance of a building permit.
11. That no compact parking spaces shall be permitted.
12. That plans shall be submitted to the City Traffic and Transportation Manger for review and approval to
show conformance with Engineer Engineering Standard No. 137 pertaining to sight distance visibility for
the sign location.
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13. That no required parking area shall be fenced or othervvise enclosed for outdoor storage uses.
14. That trash storage area(s) shall be provided and maintained in location(s) acceptable to the Public Works
Department, Streets and Sanitation Division, and in accorclance with approved plans on file with said
department. Said storage area(s) shall be designed, located and screened so as not to be readily
identifiable to adjacent streets or highways. The walls of the storage areas shall be protected from graffiti
opportunities by the use of plant materials such as minimum one (1) gallon sized clinging vines planted on
maximum three (3) foot centers, or tall shrubbery. Said information shall be specifically shown on the
plans submitted for building permits to the Planning Department and the Streets and Sanitation Division.
15. That a plan sheet for solid waste storage and collection and a plan for recycling shall be submitted to the
Streets and Sanitation Division for review and approval.
16. That an on-site trash truck tum-around area shall be provided in accordance with Engineering Standard
Detail No. 610 and maintained to the satisfaction of the Streets and Sanitation Division. Said tum-around
area shall be specifically shown on plans submitted for building permits.
17. That the property shall be served with underground utilities in accordance with the Electrical Rates, Rules,
and Regulations (the most current fees shall apply) and the City of Anaheim Underground Policy; and that
the fees shall be payable to the Electrical Engineering Division, in accordance with the Rates, Rules and
18. That the legal owner of the subject property shall provide the City of Anaheim with various public utilities
easement to be determined by the Electrical Engineering Division of the Public Utilities Department as
electrical design is completed.
19. That existing utility services shall be relocated at the developer's expense. Overhead electric utilities shall
be relocated underground. Easements shall be granted for any relocations. All relocations shall be at the
developer's expense.
20. That all backflow assemblies shall be located above-ground outside the street setback area in a manner
fully screened from all public streets and alleys. Any backflow assemblies currently installed in a vault
shall be brought up to current standards. Any other large water system equipment shall be installed to the
satisfaction of the Water Engineering Division in either underground vaults or outside the street setback
area in a manner fully screened from all public streets and alleys. Said information shall be specifically
shown on plans submitted to and approved by Water Engineering and Cross Connection Control Program
21. That a separate irrigation meter shall be installed in compliance with Chapter 10.19 `Landscape Water
Efficiency' of the Anaheim Municipal Code and Ordinance No. 5349 regarciing water conservation.
22. That prior to application for water meters or fire lines or prior to submitting the water improvement plans
for approval, the developer/owner shall submit to the Water Engineering Division of the Public Utilities
Department an estimate of the maximum fire flow rate and the average day, maximum day, and peak
hour water demands for the project. This information will be used to determine the adequacy of the
existing water system to provide the estimated water demands. Any off-site water system improvements
required to serve the project shall be completed in accordance with Rule No. 15A.6 of the Water Utility
Rate, Rules and Regulations.
23. That any roof-mounted equipment shall be subject to Anaheim Municipal Code Section
pertaining to the ML `Limited Industrial' Zone. Such information shall be specifically shown on the plans
submitted for building permits.
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24. That the parking lot serving the premises shall be equipped with lighting of sufficient power to
illuminate and make easily discernible the appearance and conduct of all persons on or about
the parking lot.
25. That any tree or other landscaping planted on-site shall be replaced in a timely manner in the
event that it is removed, damaged, diseased and/or dead.
26. That the on-site landscaping and irrigation system shall be provided and maintained in
compliance with City standarcis, except as otherwise approved in connection with this variance.
27. That a minimum of sixty eight (68) trees shall be planted in the landscaping planters immediately
adjacent to Raymond Avenue and the SR-91 freeway (i.e., 1360'/20' per tree = 68 trees); that at
least twenty eight (28) of those trees (i.e., 560/20 = 28 trees) shall be minimum fifteen (15) inch
box sized trees, in accorcdance with City standards. Said information, inctuding the species and
placement of the trees shall be specifically shown on plans submitted for Zoning Division
28. That three (3) foot high address numbers shall be displayed on the roof of the buildings in a color
which contrasts to the roof material. The numbers shall not be visible from the view from the
street or adjacent properties.
29. That the property owner shall be responsible for maintaining the premises free of litter at all
30. That the property shall be perrnanently maintained in an orderly fashion through the provision of
regular landscaping maintenance, removal of trash or debris, and removal of graffiti within
twenty four (24) hours from time of occurrence.
31. That a minimum of two hundred thirty nine (239) parking spaces, inGuding truck loading dock
spaces, shall be provided on-site.
32. (a) That elevation plans (or such other plans and/or specifications as may be satisfactory to
staff) shall be submitted to the Zoning Division for review and approval showing that the
exterior of the existing 88,530 sq.ft. concrete tilt-up building (which is being retained) will
be enhanced so that the two buildings will be visually compatible (particularly in terms of
colors and °accenY design elements) as viewed from the SR 91/Riverside freeway; and
(b) That the exterior enhancements to the existing concrete tilt-up building shall be completed
prior to issuance of occupancy permits for the new metal building.
33. That the subject property shall be developed substantially in accordance with plans and
specifications submitted to the City of Anaheim by the petitioner and which plans are on file with
the Planning Department marked Exhibit Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4, and as conditioned herein.
34. That prior to commencement of the activity authorized by this resolution, or prior to issuance of a
building permit for the new metal building, or within a period of one (1) year from the date of this
resolution, whichever occurs first, Condition Nos. 1, 2, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 22, 23 and 27,
above-mentioned, shall be complied with. Extensions for further time to complete said
conditions may be granted in accordance with Section 18.03.090 of the Anaheim Municipal
35. That prior to issuance of occupancy permits for the new metal building, Condition Nos. 3, 4, 5, 7,
8, 19, 21, 24, 26, 28 and 32, above-mentioned, shall be complied with.
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36. That approval of this application constitutes approval of the proposed request only to the extent
that it complies with the Anaheim Municipal Zoning Code and any other applicable City, State
and Federal regulations. Approval does not include any action or findings as to compliance or
approval of the request regarding any other applicable ordinance, regulation or requirement.
37. That the new 114,657 sq.ft. metal industrial building shall be properly maintained.
This decision is made, signed, and entered into the file this 13"' day of April, 2000.
Annika M. Santalahti
Zoning Administrator
NOTICE: This decision shall become final unless an appeal to the City Council, in writing, accompanied
by an appeal fee, is filed with the City Clerk within 15 days of the date of the signing of this decision or
unless members of the City Council shall request to review this decision within said 15 days.
DECLARATION OF SERVICE BY MAIL: I do hereby declare under penalty of perjury that on the date
set forth below, I did deposit, in the United States Mail, a copy of the decision to the applicant and did
forvvard a copy to the City Clerk.
DATE: APRIL 13, 2000 / `l~'L~ l ~i(J~-L ~~• C~ ~(,L-~
Danielle C. Masciel C~ „
Word Processing Operator
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Planning Department
April 27, 2000
Susan Lundgren
Orange County Transportation Organization
3472 Montair Avenue
Long Beach, CA 90808
Re: Special Circumstances Waiver No. 2000-02 -Approved
On April 20, 2000 Annika M. Santalahti, Zoning Administrator, considered your request for Special
Circumstances Waiver No. 2000-02 to permit issuance of a Special Event Permit for aone-day special
event permit for an automobile show at 1501-1551 South Douglass Road. She made the following
1. That a letter requesting this special circumstances waiver and describing the proposal was
submitted on March 17, 2000 by Susan Lundgren, Orange County Transportation Organization.
2. That approval of special circumstances waivers (allowing modification and/or waiver of
regulations pertaining to special events) is authorized by Subsection "Zoning
Administrator Review (of Special Events Permits)" and Section 18.12.085 "Special Event Permit -
Review" of the Anaheim Municipal Code.
3. That the subject property is zoned Limited Industrial (ML) and is designated for Business
Office/Service/Industrial land uses by the Anaheim General Plan Land Use Element; and that the
underlying parking lot was established in connection with Conditional Use Permit No. 3700.
4. That the specific request is for waiver of Subsection which allows special event
permits in any zone in conjunction with any use for which a conditional use permit has been
issued authorizing a use which is permitted as a matter of right in any commercial zone; but that
a parking lot is not a permitted rip mary use in any commercial zone and, therefore, this special
circumstances waiver was submitted.
5. That approval of this special circumstances waiver serves the public interest and general welfare,
as discussed in the Staff Report to the Zoning Administrator, dated April 20, 2000.
Under authority of Sections and Section 18.12.085, and as described in the petitioner's
letter dated March 17, 2000 and the Staff Report dated April 20, 2000, the Zoning Administrator
approved Special Circumstances Waiver No. 2000-02 for the herein described special event on
Saturday, June 10, 2000, subject to compliance with the following conditions:
That prior to (or not less than fourteen [14] days prior to the event), the petitioner shall obtain a
Special Event Permit from the Planning Department.
2. That this outdoor event and the various activities associated with it shall comply with all the
standards and requirements set forth in Section 18.02.055 Special Event Permit -General of the
Anaheim Municipal Code unless otherwise specifically provided herein, including that the event
shall not be conducted before 7 A.M. nor after 10 P.M., in compliance with Subsection
200 South Anaheim Boulevard
P.O. Box 3222, Anaheim, California 92803 (714) 765-5139
This decision shall become final unless an appeal to the City Council, in writing, accompanied by an
appeal fee, is filed with the City Clerk within ten (10) days from the date of this letter or unless members
of the City Council request review of this decision within said 10 days.
If you have any questions, please contact David See, Associate Planner, Zoning Division, at
anielle Ma iel
Word Processing Operator